Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 May 1965, p. 2

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Mount Forest .. . . 55 Wingham ... ... ...55 Hamilton ... ... ...55 PM OFFERS HOPE WEATHER FORECAST Trouble May End! Sunny And Milder Today, xi: § jo ere Trenton ... eee 50 In Uranium Area' Cool Along Lake Ontario "= "* _* \Hall that Canadians too often) TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts, Niagara, southern Georgian ONTARIO DISTRICT By FRASER MacDOUGALL : € : i lwere pessimistic about the fu-|issued by the weather. office at/Bay, Lake Ontario, Haliburton, BLIND RIVER, Ont. (CP)--\ture of their country. 15:30 a.m.: Killaloe, Toronto, Hamilton: Prime Minister Pearson) «we should look on the| Synopsis: Cold air moving Mostly sunny and warmer to- ded a message of hope Fri-prjghter side. We have alsouthward across Northern On-|day except continuing cool in SUNDAY, MAY 16th day for the depressed uranium|,reater destiny ahead of usjtario has met in a head-on|localities immediately adjacent mining area of his Algoma Eastithan any country in the world|clash with warm air from the|to the north shore of Lake On- constituency, providing we all work as Cana-|south along a line just north of|tario. Cloudy with scattered 7:30 P.M. King Street United Church, Oshawa. Assemble in Centennial Hall 7 to 7:15 P.M. Masonic Clothing. Muskoka woo ++. «+55 North Bay ... .o. 55 Sudbury ... s+ oe. 59 Earlton ... .++ oo 59 Sault Ste. Marie ...5| Kapuskasing ... . 45 White River ... ... 45 Moosonee ... see » 35 Timmins ... ... «+30 Today he headed into Elliot\qians to achieve that destiny."| Lake Superior. The result is an|Showers and thunderstorms late Lake, centre of the uranium lextensive area of rain over up-|tonight and Sunday. Winds field, where the atomic - age|CROWNS QUEEN per lakes districts and snow in southeast 15. j mineral seems certain to Com-| From the public meeting, he extreme Northern Ontario. Northern Georgian Bay, Tim-) mand most attention. ._...jheaded for Blind. River high) warmer more humid air is|agami, Algoma, southern White| "1 think the dark, dim, aged school's. annual spring .PrOM)hejnc moved northward from|River, Sudbury, North Bay: days of what you might call thelwhere Mrs. Pearson crowned the 'Mississippi Valley and|Variable cloudiness with a few gepression. in Elliot Lake arejthe newly-elected prom queen,|showers or thunderstorms willllight showers today. Cloudy ust about over, he told 41g - year - old Dawn Wilson, @'develop tonight and Sunday in|with scattered showers and meeting in this lumber towniGrade 13 student. most lower lakes regions. thunderstorms Sunday. Winds 100 miles east of Sault Ste.) wr Pearson danced with e St. Clair. Lake Erie,|Southerly near 15. | Marie Friday night. Dawn, a blue - eyed blonde.| Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Ri Cou Earlier in the day, he told alyrs pearson danced with|-@ke Huron, Windsor, London:): Northern White River, Coch Sault Ste. Marie luncheon in his Dawn's boyfriend, 19- ear-old|Clouding over this afternoon.jrane: Overcast with rain and t although the uran- 4 A lShowers or scattered thunder-jnot so.warm today. Cloudy and artist a oy experienced pat ee storms tonight and Sunday.|cooler with rain and scattered heartbreak the "tide is-chang-) 'The dance wound up a day of Warmer and more sepa thunderstorms Sunday, Winds ing." folksy activity for the Pearsons|Sutheast winds near 15 be-|pecoming southeast 15 later to- Forecast Temperatures: Low tonight and high Sunday: Windsor ... ... «+» 60 80 St. Thomas .. . +. 58 77 London ... ses oes 50 80 | the|Kitchener ... oes o0s00 80 | Members Families and visitors welcome. W.L. PIERSON DDGM Ontario Dist. N. A. RAE District Sec. CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION | AND ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION SEALED TENDERS Plainly marked as to con- tent and addressed to the undersigned will be received up to 2:00 p.m. E.D.S.T., Tuesday, June 8th, 1965, for the following work -- CON- STRUCTION OF 18 SEMI- DETACHED HOUSING UNITS Bed ' INCLUDING LANDSCAPING goma East Riding. There his'tion by the Jaycees judges. AT FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL party and townsfolk had tea; The lucky youngsters will also PROJECT 2/64, OSHAWA, ss eaceeeaiiaa NOTICE TO ALL EX-SERVICE MEN WOMEN and DEPENDENTS All ex-service personnel and their dependents are invited to take advantage of a FREE LEGION SERVICE W. R. BUCK Assistant Secretary, Service Bureau, Toronto LEGION HALL, BRANCH NO, 43 In a stop at Thessalon on hislin the adjoining ridings of Al-\coming southwest 20 Sunday. |qay and northeast 20 Sunday. auto trip to Blind River, he/goma East and Algoma West ; said, "I hope that in the next)" at gault Ste. Marie, in Al- Jaycees Run to you." : stone of a new YMCA family 2 In his speech here, the prime|puiiding and disclosed that his Bike Ro eos ; = minister cited two reasons for|first paying job was pinboy in EVERYBODY GOT INTO THE ART ACT tention to introduce legislation) cents a game. when bicycle rodeos were held| : : : ; sludi dispanstbt |to continue tax incentives for At the luncheon, he was pre-|at two city schools. One of the interesting old Valerie Usher, a Grade cluding empty dispensible jestablishment of industries in|sented with a steel plaque from Votewaters tron sil over Ont: was the "Community Col- her bit to add to the mural. show displaying the artistic | je expressed disappointmentifrjendly clasp of 'Algoma re- cq - r lage" public participation When completed, it had lit- talents of students of art |that a prospective pulp mill for|inforced steel more than I do ke TI gee ch mural. Here, pretty 19-year- erally everything on it, in- director James J. Kraemer. (gig River didn't materialize/the brass knuckles of Ottawa." plications were given to the chil- e hoped the extension would) At Bruce Mines, a former hinge thei refl . mil Tt N u |prove fruitful copper mining centre in Algoma|Picycle crests and. reflector) Vy ul His optimistic forecast about|West, he was obviously moved) tape. Four semi-finalists chosen | x /in both rodeos will go to a mass 2 ; . it might not be immediate "Thank you. Remember Can- : Full-Time In Count ¥. Walker Before many years, heh said,ada is a wonderful country and, The semi-finalists were each| "te world will need all thelit's going to be an even better|presented with a __ transistor) TORONTO (Special) -- Therejestimates of the attorney-gen-,ments in this area of admini fs a real need for a full-time ju-jeral's department, he urged At-|tration". : ETN bongs anti "Bist sen | vénile and family court pF re dele hog A. A Wishart tol tre pointed out that while the it might not be this year orjada. condition of their cycles. Skill in Ontario County, Albert V.|"give serious consideration to te > the'the next but it could '"'come) Thessalon, a town of about 1,-/in driving over a small course "Osh , , attorney - general's department) nore quickly than we might 700, was the first stop in his Al-|was also taken into considera- Speaking in the debate on the/responsibility of the appoint-\court judge, the municipality is\I§ HOPEFUL SIGN tea" Goten aandbichie" ni ; mea Sarai. responsible for the entire salary) the second hopeful sign waS|cake--mixed in with friendly by hopared Sik} Beye eee p ; '4 a - * oe c of n: h payment. a new process for nuclear power! casual chats with scores of peo- ecneig sory neu ss A 20cm Font ol Venter car be end tained only at the dddress shown below, and-are avail- few months we will have sOme/coma West, he officiated at the| announcement of some interest/formal laying of the corner-| optimism for the area's future.|the Peterborough YMCA bowl-/ Oshawa Jaycees set One was his government's iN-ling alley, He was paid five,wheels spinning this morning|=-- corners at last night's art 12 student at DCI, armed coffee cups. 'More than 150 areas of high unemployment|the Algoma Steel Corp. and he :| - ' n' : sont ed the | ' ' sigs ot . awa attended the safety rodeos| show at Donevan Collegiate with a stapling gun, does persons attended the art janq low income. jcommented: "I prefer the| a King Street Senior Public| --Oshawa Times Photo |hecause of uncertainty that the ; "8 ' Sessa ae "Jincentives would continue He|LIKES SINGING dren to attend the safety check. All those attending were given} the future for uranium WaS|by the singing of O Canada by) : : tempered with a warning thatthe children. He told them: rally to be held sometime next month at Sault Ste. Marie s- uranium that Elliot Lake canicountry when you grow up. radio by the Jaycees today as produce." Thank you for singing 0 Can-' reward for the good driving Walker, MPP for Oshawa, told/the possibility of his department/anpoints and sets salary for the " the Ontario Legislature. accepting the full and complete|tyijtime juvenile eee family have expected. "The large increase in salary|development to be used in the/ple. presents somewhat of a deter-|recently-announced reactor for, A red carpet awaited him in -- HERE and THERE Joe Serge, chairman of the Oshawa Times Unit, To- ronto Newspaper Guild Local 87 was elected dele- gate to the American News- » paper Guild Convention to be held July 12-16 in Detroit, Mich. : More than 200 girls be- tween the ages of seven and «12 were expected to attend the annual Junior Auxiliary «rally for the deanery today at St. Mark's Anglican Church. Eight Anglican * churches and 20 leaders are participating. Mrs. J. A. Wormald, diocesan secre- tary, of Toronto, was to ad- dress the girls. Fernhill Park Neighbor- ; hood Association, at a re- cent meeting, set June 5 .as opening date. Volunteers *will canvass the park area "between now and opening eday to give all residents an opportunity to become mem- «bers. Opening day activi- 'ties are now in full swing, but there is still time to regi- ster children for these activi- ties such as baseball and soc- 'cer. A monthly park dance 'is planned for May 15. Mankind's quest for im- mortality will be presented at the Christian Science Church on Colborne st. e., this Sunday, through the story of John the Baptist and his relationship to Christ Jesus Oshawa's. Police Commis- sion Friday approved the stationing of adult school crossing guard at the inter- section of Masson st. and Rossland rd, The move was made on a recommendation of the police department. The commission also tion made by Police Chief Herbert Flintoff that traffic sergeant Norman Smythe be promoted to the rank of traffic inspector Chief Flintoff said that the promotion was merited in view of Sgt. Smythe's work. June 1 was set as the effec- tive date of the promotion. United Auto Workers members set a voting record today as more than 8,000 cast ballots in the biennial Local 222 elections for 54 executive and administra- tive posts. First results are expected by the middle of next week. L. F. R. Butt, Bowman- ville and D. R. Scott, Osh- awa, will receive their Bachelor of Science of Agri- culture degrees from the University of Guelph May 21. K. Packness, consul and trade commissioner for the Royal Danish Consulate in Toronto, will be the speaker at Monday's luncheon of the Rotary Club of Oshawa. East . Whitby Township Council, at its Thursday meeting, gave its approval to the installation of street lighting in the Pine Crest subdivision. Among the students re- ceiving their Bachelor of Science degrees from the University of Waterloo will be C. P. Newman of. Osh- awa, Miss C, E. N. Hoag of Osh- awa will be among the grad- uates of Macdonald Institute receiving her Bachelor of Household Science degree from the University of Guelph May 21. John McGuirk, RR 3 Bow- manville, won the Junior High division, in the Royal Canadian Legion, Ontario Provincial Command, Pub- lic Speaking Contest, held in Toronto last night. City Council has set a poliey that all new subdivi- sions shall have under- ground wiring. The costs re- ferred to in recent news stories dealt only with the cost of placing street light- ing wires underground. J. B. Annand, Public Utilities Commission manager, says there are additional costs for placing main electric street cables and_ service cables to individual homes underground. Last year the cost of placing the main cables underground amount- ed to $3.25 per. foot of lot frontage. Placing service cables to individual homes underground last year cost $1.45 per foot. Mr. Annand said the rates will have to be adjusted to 1965 material and labor costs City council meets Mon- day at 7:30 p.m. in the fifth floor council chamber at city hall Up to date, condensed copies of .Oshawa's zoning bylaw are now available from the city's planning de- partment for $2 per copy. Last year about 300 copies were sold, KJELD PAKNESS, Dan- ish consul and trade com- missioner, based in Toronto, will be guest speaker Mon- day at the Oshawa Rotary Club's luncheon meeting. James Williams, city indus- trial commissioner, is ar- ranging meetings with in- dustrialists for Mr. Pak- ness. Photo & Copying Service Save Time & Money AVOID ERRORS For Certified copies of documents, Statements etc. have it done on our XEROX COPY MACHINE, Fast Efficient Service 184 Bond St. West 725-0397 rent," he said. "Also there is a|Quebec which, if successful,) strong feeling that the Attorney-|would mean a great and wider) general's department should be|market for Canadian uranium. fully responsible for this mat-. Moreover, '"'we are doing our ter. best to negotiate an arrange-| "I feel we have reached the|ment with the French govern- point in many areas of the prov-|ment--and it's not easy"--for a - ince where the juvenile and fam-|uranium sale which would help lily court judge becomes equally/fill the gap. ; as important as other facets of} His reference was to negotia- our justice administration." pe to welt potossgad pounds He said that in Ontario County|° Uranium to France. |'we have part-time juvenile and) iy gy his yeaa po family court judges who can de-|40 #t a meeting in the Bh lvote only two half-days and|River Royal Canadian Legion penn oe Vb aN: week to these courts. . | Because of this part-time suti- BBG Will Act ation, there is a considerable! backlog of cases 'and the impor-| jtant counselling and advice, so 0 Ad Ch g } necessary in this juvenile field n an e€ of first offenders, must of neces- OTTAWA (CP) -- The Board| sity be very brief. of Broadcast Governors an-} "The time allotment militates|nounced Friday a June 15 hear- against lengthy deliberations|ing on proposed changes in the| and extensive problem analysis.|Broadcasting Act revising rules| The present judges are commit-|on advertising. ted to other duties connected; The main proposed change} with: their fulltime occupations | would mean an end to the} and don't have time to engage) counting of commercial mess- in research." ages. The total amount of time He argued that a fulltimejallowed for commercials would) judge could hold court more fre-/remain the same -- 12 minutes quently, could spend more time/out of any. hour of broadcasting. on background details andj Both the stations and the "could acquaint himself with the|board have experienced dif- counsel and information intro-|ficulty under the present regu- duced by modern authorities', |Jations in keeping tabs on the "Recently our county judge;2Umber of commercials used emphasized to. me the impor-\9uring a broadcast. The flat tance of proper counselling dur- time limit is simplifying pro- ing the juvenile's first appear- cedure. The present regulation ance in court," Mr, Walker said,|alls for not more than 16 com- "Proper counselling would go a mercial messages totalling 12 long way towards eliminating minutes during 60 minutes of further trouble in later healt here scheme is proposed He pointed out that "unlikely yo for , the civil and criminal courts so gga -- yi nape os where cases may be disposed of fag Began AB ph ean wend bad tne coult cae cia Slowed Wares ~ iit | require careful and painstaking under me yomee pool ae consideration a scale adopted that would set) a limits for programs of various In the juvenile court there is\jength up to a total of 12 adver- freat concern for the proper|tising minutes in 90 minutes of development of the immature) programming. personality in family court.) The schedule for beer and the decision of the judge noljwine advertising would allow jonly affects the lives of the mar-\99 seconds of commercials in a riage partners involved but their|10-minute program, two min-} children as well, and the right|Utes in 15 minutes, four. acon decision is extremely important| Wes In 8 hat erat tainted it fo a society where the familylan hour and 12 minutes for a unit is the hallowed institution."'190-minute program BACKHOE OPERATOR Bantam 2 Cubic Yard Capacity Permanent position following probationary period. Approx. $103.00 per week increasing to Approx. $106.00 after six months. Must have Hoisting Engineer's papers in good stand- ing, knowledge of drum and cable and hydraulic- ally operated backhoes and cranes, 1965 Chauf- feur's licence in good standing, speak and write English, pass Department of Transport Driver ex- amination. Applications close ~- Wednesday, May 19th, at 5:00 p.m, PERSONNEL OFFICER, City Hall Oshawa, Ontario Blind River, laid right to his WORK LASTS LONG motel room door. Four army 'The French Academy's com- and air force cadets served as 'ids "ta the Pearsons' baggage-bearers, prehensive dictionary of French marching smartly into the room|now has reached the letter C, with their burden after starting work in 1937. Diefenbaker Figures PM Will Call An Election Soon SUDBURY (CP)--Opposition; Pearson's Leader Diefenbaker day he is in an mood" for introduction in the said Fri-'Commons of a Canadian flag "expectant| was only the first step towards Prime Ministervdissociating Canada from the Pearson to call. an_ election' Queen soon, He said the government has He told reporters Mr. Pear- called for tenders for security son's visit this weekend to his| registration cards that .will bear} riding of Algoma East "seems|the red maple leaf flag and not! to indicate an election is not! in. Canadian coat-of-arms far removed." % F Mr. Diefenbaker said the Lib- 'The government is negoti+ eral government would like|ating to abolish even that ves- nothing better than to be de-|tige of the past," he said feated in the Commons so that - EIN oo responsibility for calling an election would be placed on the Opposition Asked how he felt about Pro- gressive Conservative strength| in Quebec, Mr. Diefenbaker re-| plied the Conservatives '"have} more supporters in Quebec to-| day than we have had in that| province until I became leader." GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-Noon to 2 P.M. DINNER 5:30 to 8 P.M. FULLY LICENSED DINING ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER 27 King St. W., Oshawe | | | | able for inspection at this office and the Toronto Con- struction Association and the CMHC Office, Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, Oshawa. A deposit of $100.00 in the form of a cheque payable to Central Mortgage and Hous- ing Corporation is required for each set of plans, specifi- cations and documents. Fhis deposit is forfeited if all lans, speciticdtions ond do- cuments are not received in this office intact and in good condition on or before the tenth day following Contract Award Each tender must be accom- panied by ao 10% Bid Bond or by a Security Deposit of 10% of the Total Tender Price. Such a security deposit shal| be retained by Central Mortgage and Housing Cor- poration to ensure due per- formance of the 'Contract. A certified cheque, beorer or negotiable Dominion of Can- ada Bond will be accepted as Security Deposit, All cheques must be made payable to the order of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted H. J. Petursson, P.Eng Branch Engineer, Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 650 Lawrence Ave., W.,, Toronto 19, Ont Telephone 781-2451 Mr. Diefenbaker said Mr.| And BROADLOOM FERRIS TEXTILES It Pays To Drive To Ajox To See Ferris Textile's Selec- tion of Drapery and Broadloom, Colours... QUIREMENTS SUPERVISION TO ASSURE YOU THE VERY WORKMANSHIP. Our. decorators will be pleased to display nples in your home ore as close as your Telephone coll for free estimates HANDSOME CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES Finest sateen lined, tailored to drape beautifully, gracefully. Wide, wide widths to make a picture of your window. Dramatizes your room to give a wonderfully luxurious look at prices to fit your budget. magnificent patterns to blend with any decor. DRAPES ARE CUSTOM MADE TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL RE- IN OUR WORKROOM UNDER EXPERT FERRIS TEXTILES SHOPPING CENTRE... AJAX... 942-6051 New fashion BEST IN Veteran's Allowance (Burnt Out Wednesday, May 19th From 3 to Completion of Business To give skilled advice on Veteran's Benefits. Any- one with questions on was disability pension, War Pension) ... Treatment or Hospital Care is urged to call or write to MR. C. A. BRISEBOIS, Business Manager of Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43, 90 Centre Street, Oshawa, who will arrange an appointment. 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