Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 May 1965, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 15, 1965 GARDEN GUIDE Harmony Key For Window Boxes By A .R. BOUCKLEY Plant Research Institute The art of planitng a window box lies in the selection of plants that harmonize both among themselves and with the color of your home. By careful selection you can produce an agreeable color effect by using varieties of either one kind of plant or a few district kinds. You can also get diversities of foliage texture and color that will blend together. From a multitude of plants you can also select types that will suit every aspect your win- dow box is likely to be given. Right now, when plants are available in large quantities and in great assortment, is the time to plant your window box, The average garden soil is just not good enough for plants growing in confined areas such as boxes or pots. If it is on the heavy side it becomes sog- gy and is easily compacted; if it is sandy it dries out quickby and contains little nutritious substance. You should, then, make up a compost of one part of loamy garden soil to one part of peat moss and one part of builder's sand. If your soil is sandy you should include two parts of soil to one of peat and one of sand. To one bushel of either mixture add a level tablespoonful of a complete fer- tilizer. DRAINAGE . Before putting in the soil mix- ture place a 2-inch layer of broken bricks, crocks or stones at the bottom for drainage. On top of this put some partly de- ecayed leaves, straw or rough peat moss, and then put the soil in the box to within about two inches of the top. A box 10 inches wide may have three rows of plants: tall kinds 12 to 15 inches high at the back, medium ones not over 8 to 12 inches high for planting in the middle, and overhang- ing or drooping plants such as cascade petunias or the trailing jobelias, which will conceal the box itself, in the front You must also consider the color of your house, A 'white frame house, for instance, will» be enhanced by the bright blue of ageratum and lobelia, the yellow and orange of dwarf marigolds and white alyssum trailing over the edge. Red brick walls are particularly hard to harmonize. Here white or light-colored flowers and those that have massive green foliage are good Beofre ordering plants look at a garden catalogue and work out the combination for your- self by making careful notes of colors and heights of the an- nuals, You might like these selections: salmon geraniums for the back, silver santolinas for the middie and dark-blue balcony or cascade petunias as the overhanging plant; white geraniums, scarlet annual phiox, and. white balcony or cascade pentunias at the front; orange marigolds, blue agera- tum and yariegated periwinkle, and blue lobelia drooping down over the front of the box; Blue Magic or Capri petunia, Har- mony marigolds and blue bal- cony petunia in the front. FOR THAT HOT SPOT For a very hot sunny posi- tion you may well use succu- lent plants such as cactus, aloes, trailing ceropegias, and little pickles (Othonna). For shady locations the tub- erous begonias or ever-bloom- ing fibrous begonias will grow very well. So will the new Jewel varieties of patience plant, which are more dwart and extremely floriferous. In the. shade, too, plant foliage plants such as bright coleus or dark purple perilla with varie- gated ivy as the trailing plant. The cascade petunias can be had in red, white, and pink. They make splendid window box plants when either one color or a mixture is used. The new Bijou dwarf sweet peas will grow very well and flower all summer in a window box facing southwest. The mix- ed packets of seeds contain three or four colors in pastel hues. Supplementary to the window box it is interesting to have small trellises on each side, An- nual vines such as the cup-and- saucer vine, morning glory, climbing nasturtium or black- eyed Susan vine may be used, It isn't necessary, of course, to use flowers at all, For those who like salads and vegetables, such plants as tomatoes, dwarf beans, chives, swiss chard and parsley might be grown. Good vines to go with these are the scarlet runner bean and the tall-growing tomato. 5 During the summer, feed the window box every two wedks with a 20-20-20 soluble fertil- izer. Keep all weeds from the boxes and pick off each faded bloom so as to prolong the flowering season. Those who would like to con- tinue to use their window box after the first frost should plant outdoor chrysanthemums in a vacant place in the garden, Dig these up when they're in bud and plant them in the window box to replace the annuals that have then become rather strag- gly. BHS Wins Sports Cup COURTICE -- Bowmanville High School won the. over-all) championship in the inter-school! track and field meet at Cour- tice High School this week. Bowmanville scored 273 points) (boys 180, girls 93) to win the trophy. Clarke District High School, was in second place with 194) points. Courtice High School was third with 170 points and) Millbrook High School fourth! with 71 points, There was keen competition gram provided excitement for both participants and the large, audience, Bernadette Duham, Cour-| tice' High School, was the win- ner of the Junior Girls' Cham-| pionship. She won three events for a total of 15 points, Virginia Slemon, Bowmanville! High School, won the ra mediate Girls' Championship, also with 15 points. The Senior Girls' Champion- ship was won by Nancy Simp- son, Clarke High School, Gord Allin, Clarke High) School, was the winner of the! Boys' Junior Championship. Don McMurter, Bowmanville |High School, was the winner 'of the Boys' Intermediate {Championship JUVENILES TRIED BY PEERS IN UNIQUE ARKANSAS COURT. By BILL SIMMONS HOT SPRINGS, Ark. (AP) The judge requests the ver- dict. The jury foreman says: "You honor, we, the jury, find the defendant guilty. We rec- ommend..." The key word is '"recom- mend," for this is an unusual judge and an unusual jury. Presiding is former base- ball pitching great Lon War- neke, the Garland County (Hot Springs) judge. The jury is six teen-agers. The defend- in all the events and the pro- ant is a juvenile, A farce? 'I think it's the finest thing that can happen to a juvenile court anywhere," Warneke said. "I can tell you one thing, it has reduced juvenile crime in this county," The jurors are. volunteers from the three high schools here. To qualify for juny duty they must (1) be a _ high school student, (2) make passing grades, and (3) have a driver's licence. Arkansas law requires that jurors be of voting age, which is 21 in this state, so the teen- age jury's power fs limited to recommending a verdict and a punishment, The judge has not failed--in four months-- to go along with the jury's |Mercer Escapes Any Real Blast TORONTO (CP) -- A York | County grand jury reported finding and recommendation. |Friday it has no serious crit- Hot Springs, which got its |icism of conditions at Mercer idea for the teen-age juvenile jreformatory after a recent in- jspection of the 84 - year - old jury from similar situations | women's institution. at Fort Worth, Tex., and | 'The jury was the first to com- Jacksonville, Fla., was wor- |ment on the reformatory since ried at first about the effee- last November, when another tiveness of such a system. But (grand jury made a_ scathing they have put their doubts |report on the provincial institu- away. 'tion, "Ninety-nine times out of | Friday's report said the only 100, 1 would have handed (criticism that could be made down the same sentences |concerned the building's age those teen-agers did,' War- |and condition. neke said. Because of fire hazard at And, he said, there are ad- Mercer, the building should be vantages to the system they replaced without delay, the jury never suspected. For in- added. stance, it gets the judges off A government-appointed com- the hook. mittee investigated conditions "If the jury recommends a at Mercer after last Novem- punishment and I deliver it, jber's grand jury report. Dr. A. then it. works out with the |1,, MacKinnon has been acting parents," Warneke said, "But |superintendent since March 1, replacing former superinten- * if it hadn't been the. jury's sentence, I'd have been in a |dent Mrs, Jean Burrows. fight with the parents as soon | : as the court was over." Although the defendant can ask not to be heard by the teen-agers, none has so far, The names of juveniles charged or convicted of crimes cannot be published in Arkansas, according to state law, but the teen-age jury, in its own way, spreads the word Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President *@ DICK YOUNG Vice-President @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Treos. 16 SIMCOE ST. $., OSHAWA PHONE 723-1121 | There was a tie for the Boys' Senior Championship as both |John Kilpatrick, Bowmanville| High School, and Idso Wiersma, | Clarke High School, won 15 points each. Speers, principal of Work In Parks Popo High School, wel comed the contestants BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Two Heads Cost | More Than One AJAX (Staff) -- "The driver, The accused had his licence} appeared to have two heads",|suspended in 1959 because of a said Constable Paul Stephenson|civil judgment. Schnob told the of the Ajax Department in Ajax'court that he was married and/ Magistrate Curt Thursday. had a family of five children to! Stephenson was referring to a support. Magistrate Jermyn. re- ear driven by Gary Eymann,/manded him for one week. 282 Frontenac avenue, Oshawa, on April 16 on Harwood avenue. An 18-year-old Ajax -youth The constable said the accused|pleaded guilty to two charges THE HOME WORKSHOP DISK CROaUETanoTwo At Neck Level : SIDEWALK SLABS A CRADLE OTHER GAMES 'Uswwnus (as Bridge FOR BABY parrenn 4114 FROM ¢ ' ". ye | That, according to Herb 4 JE " . ¥ i \e eats tectan ser" |Glub Scores | | Brooklin Concrete Products Ltd. Oa | ) Preparing baseball diamonds) The winners and high scores and cutting grass -- which has in the games' played this week shot up during the past week-- by the members of the Oshawa) along with general clean-up Duplicate Bridge Club were: worn in parks, has the 30-man ptier and oe Pe, ba , ae : ; immins and L. Peel, 195; | pares Crew. Hopping Wilde and ©. Keith, 18814; Mrs, And, next week, Mr. Bathe'R Morris and -Mrs. R. Drew. Says he pesca to start plant- 178: Mrs. W. H. Barker and D. _beds. McCuaig, 169; Mrs, M, R Clarke and J. Miller, 168. East and West -- Mrs. Wil Now you may rock the baby) Outdoors or indoors here are;' is Hower and no harm done say the best|three games that will give end-|!"8 In Tlower , authorities. Perhaps you alwaysiless fun. All three are easy to was sharing the driver's seat|of break-enter and theft and one/2U'ne . a : i y with an unidentified female pas- of possession of stolen goods.|Knew that. And perhaps you/make from scraps of material : Mrs. senger Charles Wilfred Belanger, 33"4Ve an antique cradle in your|Pattern 411, which gives actual- The South African Navy re-|liam Heron and Miss G. Wilson "Magistrate Harry Jermyn)Cedar st., pleaded guilty oa << attic. If net, this copy of one/size guides and complete li- cently started recruiting Colo- 19414; Mr. and Mrs. FE. Jeffery, |i : i : alt zed : may be made with Pattern 467/ rections, is 50 cents. This pat- 171; Toutant and Robertson. ' st ; 4 Ge aiburt wast ued Hit toe co peggy 11 . The which is 50 cents. You also may tern also is in. the Indoor and reds (people of mixed blood).|179i,. Mrs. i. H. Webster andiit speeding that initially caughtlring, valued at $29.95 was stolen|® interested in the Children's Outdoor Game Packet No. 14, They will be trained separately Mrs, V. A. Silgailis, 166; Dr | stage ; : : Heh ng Furniture Pattern Packet No. which contains directions and'from white sailors Ferrier and R. Niglis, 16514 the constable's eye. from Galbraith Jewellers in the , : |12, and the Tiny Tot's Toy Pack-| cutting guides for a wide variety} -- A night watchman, a doctor Ajax Plaza after the plate glass <eagy : ms £ vate and three nurses were required|front window was smashed. Bel-/°t No. 52, which are $1.75 each. of other games -- all for $1.75. to hold William Beckstead onan anger admitted receiving the|P0stage stamps not acceptable. Postage stamps not acceptable operating table when he was\ring knowing it was stolen. Building Editor, The Oshawa Building Editor, The Oshawa admitted to the emergency ward) On April 22 during the night| !imes Times. of the Ajax and Pickering Gen-|the accused admitted nag yg al Hospital on Feb. 13, Con-|Readyfit Lumber on Dowty Rd.,/ M4 . stable Donald Robinson of thel by vee a sliding door. Four! Seven Seeking | Whites Answer Negro Plight Ajax Police said. desks were ransacked and $7) ee Beckstead, 17, of Fairport/was stolen from a soft drink Roads Position ORONO -- Seven applications OXFORD, Ala. (AP) -- The white citizens of Anniston, Ala,,| Beach, was admitted to the hos-|machine as well as two saws pital at 2.15 a.m, for treatment/and two drills. : of head bruises after he had) Ajax Textiles was also broken|for the position of road clerk been involved in a fight. Con- into by Belanger on the night of have been received by the Town stable Robson said the accused April 22 and $75 in cash WAS shin of Clarke. Council intends responded to the news that a smelled strongly of alcohol. stolen as well as 20 sweaters, 36), seats th id small Negro church in a nearby Defence Attorney W. H. J. pairs of cotton socks and 216 \° S®Parale the road department - unity had been bombed by Thompson, QC, said that al- pairs of nylon socks. from the remainder of the town- quickly contributing $2,000 to though the accused, who was| Ajax Police Sergeant Tom Ship administration ward its re-building charged with consuming as a/Chambers said the accused had) Those who have applied are:| The money poured in from in minor, smelled of alcohol there/heen very co-operative and all/P. Rottine, Whitby; K. C. Mark, dividuals, industries and the An was no evidence that he had!the items had been- recovered.| Port Hope; Dave Roughley, niston Star in the northeast| been drinking in the Province} Belanger was remanded in/Orono; S. Simpson, Bowman-\Alahama city which was. the! of Ontario or that he had been|cystody for one week to get a ville) A. P. Crain, Oshawa; A.\site last Sunday of a Ku Klux| drinking on Feb. 13 as charged.|pre-sentence report. A. Munnele, Orono and Henry! Klan rally and parade | Magistrate Harry Jermyn| -------- ea | DeWith, Bowmanville. The fund was started ak soon commended Mr. Thompson on The township will erect a new as jit became known that the his defence but found the ac- Clown Too Slow, township garage on the county 29-member Pine Christian Meth cused guilty and remanded him road north of Orono, The level- odist Episcopal Church in - in custody for one week to ob Car Smashes Him ling of the property started re- friendship community near here tain a pre-sentence report. ' : | cently had been destroyed by a dyna A Bay Ridges man was re- NRW YORK (AP) A car) Following a discussion- with mite bomb . one hore down on Canadian clown) school officials, regarding the manded in custody for week for a pre-sentence report) Rij; Williams, as it has hun-'sale of old school houses, coun- asked that consideration | \ after he pleaded guilty to four dreds of times before during his| cil charges. > act-as an auto-show clown at be given to the turning over of JAM ES Donald Edward Schnob, 550 the New York World's Fair. such buildings to the township § ] Douglas drive, was stopped on'fach time he managed to twist rather than selling them for a Base Line road on February 24/out of the way at the last sec- few hundred dollars. I O'MALLEY'! and charged with driving while! onq Thursday he twisted too . Consideration was also given ! under suspension, illegal posses- jate by council to the union school | : } sion of a permit and illegal pos-- {he car, racing down the sections of the public schools Construction Ltd. session of a driver's licence. asphalt track in the Hell Driv-' with the possibility of arriving | The accused put up $500 baillers' Show at 40 miles an hour,/at an agreement with Darling 7 2 3 Y | | 2 2 but failed to appear in court OM struck Williams head-on before ton Township to disband these f " } April 22 and was charged with some 800 spectators. He was units oe skipping bail. He was recently|removed unconscious to hospi- The clerk informed council the § @ Homes @ Additions '] discovered at a construction site'ta} where he was reported to winter works program will not in Oshawa by the Oshawa Po-\have suffered a broken right be extended for the installation § lice Department and produced)shoulder, other possible frac- of the Orono water system the identity of 'Massey'. When tures, internal injuries and cuts told that Pickering Township Po- and bruises. lice Constable Donald Martin Williams, 32, of London, Ont., was coming to identify him he was listed in fair condition to- das 655-3311 BROOKLIN NAVY TAKES COLOREDS Oceans of Hot Water @ Offices @ Remodeling is teianle, 5° 4, G RY YP Today, there's no reason to de- prive yourself of all the hot water you want, when you want it! With gas water heating you don't have to stint or "schedule" baths, laundry, or dishwashing. Gas gives Yet many suffer with an inefficient home heating you "Oceans of Hot Water.' system! Why not investigate custom-designed elec- . You'll always have plenty on tap, tric heat comfort. e Ask about our 6 Month Deferred Payment Plen CANADA'S E, L, '4 f. = aa FINEST Go @ SAFE @ CLEAN Modern With @ ECONOMICAL @ DEPENDABLE --CALL-- 728-4611 50 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA for whatever purpose and in whatever amount you need. There's nothing more enjoyable --or more useful than "instant" hot water. There's nothing more annoying than to run "short" and have to postpone or delay baths, dishwashing or laundry. Buy a new gas water heater and have "Oceans of Hot Water," or rent for as little as $1.75 a month on your gas bill, Save money. Take advantage of the low gas rates now in effect. Enjoy all the pleasure of modern living with gas. Use SOLIGNUM to bring out the best in all outdoor wood, A long-tasting, beautiful wood stain, neither blisters nor peels. Protects from weather, mildew and in- fea sects. Available in a wide range of colours. SRaRRRERUEAay sors tone mimi For information and personal service, call Consumers' Gas, 728-7363 Consumers' 'las 29 CELINA STREE OSHAWA & Building Supplies Ltd. 1279 Simcoe North 728-6291 Open Deily 7 A.M. till 6 P.M. Friday Hil 9 PLM,

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