Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 May 1965, p. 13

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Jo's JOURNAL BY JO ALDWINCKLE Women's Editor of The Times THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturduy, Mey 15, 1965 43 'SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department t a heart-warming sight it was last Friday night to a Honorary Colonel with the Colonel's Lady on his arm, step out to lead the Grand March at the Regi- mental Ball. Straight-backed in his red mess jacket, firm of tread and 93 years young, Colonel R. 8. McLaughlin won the ladies' hearts and was the toast of the evening. Everyone wanted to have a little chat with him and to hear him list his activities in one week would floor any junior executive. He mentioned banquets, testimonial din- ners, several board meetings, sometimes two a day, cover- ing national business between. New York and. Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pirie, Rossland road west, have re- Mr. and Mrs. Hendrik Akker- man, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bil-| 4 sky, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dy], 'My secretary makes all the arrangements," he said, - ] Z = , jturned from a prolonged holiday "and my nurse sees that I get to bed on time," and he took a handsome, slim gold watch from his pocket, and shook his head. Before he left the company he told me about his favorite car. The one he keeps in Bermuda is a Vauxhall station wagon, designed for him by Sir Charles Bartlett, former head of the Vauxhall division, and custom built with especially designed ease of entry and exit and ma- hogany 'panelling. Here's the surprise: Colonel McLaughlin has had it on the road for 12 years. in Hollywood Beach, Florida Following an automobile acci- dent, Mr. Pirie underwent heart surgery and the couple stayed on for his convalescence, He has made a complete recovery and was able to drive the entire journey home. During _ their. anxious moments, Mr. and Mrs. Pirie were comforted in the nearness of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Glecoff, Mr. and Mrs. Vince Tremblay and Mrs. Julia Monczewski, all of Oshawa, flew to San Juan, Puerto Rico last week to take part in an IGA conference and advance study of food market operations. The Oshawa deal- ers were among more than 300 delegates and their wives who had been selected to participate PLAN SUMMER WEDDING Miss Lynda E. M. Meyer will be united in marriage to Robert Furber Benson, on Saturday, July 3, according to an announcement made today by the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam J. Meyer. The prospec- tive bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Ben- son, all of Oshawa. The ceremony will take place at 12.00 p.m. ip St, Gregory's Church, Oshawa. , ; jin the conference because of| coo, eee ee |their outstanding record of cus- and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. lt pH d tional > |Bailey, Masson street, who were omer vere and operationa efficiency. vacationing in the vicinity. Mrs. J. £. B. Shortt,. Bess- borough drive, who is convening! Evening Dress and Decorum There is ho doubt that the Regimental Ball ts the most formal social event in Oshawa and the return of the full- length evening gown compliments the occasion To many of the present generation, this is something quite new and takes some getting used to. A long gown, especially a slim one demands a ladylike walk; a certain technique in ascending and descending stairs and know-how in get- ting in and out of an automobile. It demands a gentle poise or else the whole charming picture is spoiled. Watch it ladies ... Step on the hem and you'll look as if you are doubled up with cramps. Miss a stair and you might | Mrs. Ronald Snowden, Windsor avenue, assisted by Mrs, Dun- ; - Love, was hostess at aj the Home Baking Sale for St.|°2" en George's Guild next week, held shower when co-workers of the} ps a meeting of her committee at|{oTmer Miss Carole Ball met to) } her home on Tuesday morning|Present her with a portable GE} | and plans were made to include | Mixer and kitchen accessories| 7 'in honor of her marriage to Mr. READY-MADE DRAPES © DRAPERY HARDWARE © Custom Made Drapes @ BEDSPREADS @SLIPCOVERS QUALIFIED DECORATING SERVICE = WARD'S "*" } Phone q » R. Sharrard, Mrs. N. E. Gif- ford and Mrs. S. J. Walker Missing is Mrs. Horace Vet- zal seated in front: Mrs. R. R. Boneham, Mrs. D. A. Fear, president; and Miss Virginia Fish, Regent, District No. 16; in the rear are Mrs, E Photo Oshawa Times Simcoe South ed Chureh The new executive in- aes ae 4 a tea-room and garden grove. Douglas Gibbs. Mrs. Jack Dew- annual pot-luck supper re- ye af Pal gover Pome rg 6 y ) 4 the left ing the Gibbs-Ball wedding in-|a ise 8 . Mrs. ee org ga eae as the dancers ee cluded Mrs. Cecil Apps, West | ieee ee on the fee i 1 9 a.m, The oehera played 4 Se | eh wa Chanter Sweet Adelines SOCIAL NOTICES 'arse inne sitet |rect 'Amati Mr." Perry ee es ei Oe eee 5 awa ap er wee e nes 'Mrs. Lawrence Leaman and| were Mrs. Ross Duncanson ard pon igs v9 bone: -- ru oe eae ENGAGEMENT Master Billy Leaman, ali of/Mrs. Harold Anderson. -- Bm ene the cecorskon! pam sor ; 1 'he engagement is announced Bowmanville; Mr, and Mrs.|bors of the bride on Kingsdale attire 'one also weats formal manners; no sweaters, 0 Installs Executive For 1965-66 Be May en Oe Harold Schroeder, Brockville;|avenue met at Mrs. Leslie ee : daughter of Mrs. Erna Thiessen,| Mrs. J. T. Morphy, Willowdale; | Blair's home where a presenta- On Saturday night, the Polish Veterans and the Polonia The Oshawa Chapter Sweet)Gifford; secretary, Mrs. Bruce|winnineg. to Mr. Nicholas Wil-\Mr. and Mrs. Forbes McEwen,|tion was made of pieces of the Soccer Club organized the first dance to be held in the |Adelines held its annual pot-|Sharrard; junior council memM-\jjam Phillips, son of Mr. and|Miss Greta Howitt, all of Whit-\bride's dinnerware and pantry) Civic Auditorium. Two orchestras, one from Chicago, pro- jluck supper and installation of|ber, Mrs. Horace Vitzal Mrs. William Phillips (formerly|by; Mr. and Mrs, Ronald|shelf items. Former schoolmates vided the dance music for hundreds of couples. Maybe I |the 1965-66 executive recently) Miss Fish gave a brief talk| pijipec), Oshawa. The wedding Thompson, Courtice; Mrs, Fred|and friends _gathered at the was tired. I found the floor hard and the amplified sound . at the ORC building on the new Region 16 Northern.|i. t9 take place on Saturday, Turley, Mr. Cameron O'Reilly, | home of Miss Irene Frobel, overwhelming but I enjoyed the hospitality and Polish | Members and guests received) Mrs Boneham was presented July 24. 1965. in Robertson Unit.|Miss Constance Kenney. Mr |Elgin street, for a kitchen and refreshments and I'm sure the acoustics can and will be ja personalized corsage. Mrs, with the Sweet Adeline of the Edmonton, Alberta, |Roy Shaw, Mr. Donatd Ball, all pantry shelf shower. Miss bars corrected so that other musical events may be presented |Robert Boneham, a past-presi-| Year trophy, which is award) : .,, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie|Cutler was co-hostess. Mrs. John large scale in the arena in the off-ice season. é dent, introduced the specialjed to the member who has con- FORTHC OMING MARRIAGE Willson, St. C atharines; Mr. Gibbs, Simcoe street south, was oe \guest for the. evening, Miss|tributed most to the chapters., Mr, and Mrs. George Barrettland Mrs. Richard Gibbs,|hostess at a miscellaneous show- lVirginia Fish, Regent of Re-|The evening's entertainment/wish to announce the forthcom-| Niagara Falls and Envoy Frankler at which friends and rela- Dots and Dashes gion 16 Northern and a mem-j\consisted of a quartet 'Thejing marriage of their daughter,|/phelps and Master Randyj|tives of the bridegroom were ber of the Toronto chapter. Merry Metros" from Toronto; |Marilyn Cecilia, to Mr. William) phelps, Peterborough. present. A I stand corrected. A week or so ago I mentioned some- Miss Fish installed the newjcolored slides of the Regional|Donaid Holden, son of Mr, and| -- thing about the decimal system and quoted Sir Winston officers for the coming year:|Competition in Cleveland. Aj|Mrs. Donald Holden, all of Osh- Churchill as saying that he 'never knew what to do with |president, Mrs. Donald Fear;|sing song led by Mr. Williamjawa. The wedding is to take the d---d dot'. A well-read friend tells me that it was /yice-president, Mrs. James Knight, director of the Oshawa!place on Saturday, June 5, 1965 Sir Winston's father, Lord Randolph Churchill who made 11.00 a.m., in St. Gregory's the remark. It was an easy mistake because they were both unashamedly outspoken men. Lord Randolph vigor- ously opposed an Act of Parliament that would permit peeresses to sit in the House of Lords. When asked for the reason for his opposition, he said 'They would want to use the ger.tlemen's lavatories." Sir Winston could be just as terse and when he match- ed wits with George Bernard Shaw the atmosphere crackled. Shaw invited Sir Winston to the opening night of one of his plays with a note: "Am enclosing two tickets for opening night, one for you and one for a friend, if you have one." Sir Winston replied: "Thank you for the invita- tion. Sorry I cannot attend the first night but will come the second, if there is one'. Miss Margaret Ness, who gave an enlightening talk on fashion at the Lyceum Club luncheon this week, related a charming anecdote about Queen Victoria, who in her younger days vied in fashion with the Empress Eugenie whom she invited on a state visit Regality and protocol filled the Opera House for the command performance and all eyes were on the royal box. Eugenie was extravagantly gowned and jewelled while Victoria wore superb fabric without ostentation, Who was the real queen? According to an observer who left a diary, there was no doubt as to who was the queen born and bred. While Eugenie fluttered, Victoria sat down without glancing to see if the chair were there, so confi- dent was she of her footmen, Truly royal behaviour! Walker; treasurer, Mrs. N. E.jchorus at Your Recipes Can Win 'Prizes For Your Club An opportunity to share their favorite recipes and at the same time provide extra funds for their organizations is open to clubwomen. The Oshawa Times is making plans to publish its annual cookbook and is inviting contribu- tions from clubwomen in the city, Whitby, Bowmanville and the district Two deadlines for 'entries June 7 and June 21. First, second and third. prizes will be awarded for recipes received by ,each date, Entries will be judged on promptness, neatness, number of recipes in- cluded and variety The edition is planned to include recipes for jams and jellies, pickles and relishes, cakes and cookies, desserts, meats, national dishes -- all phases of the culinary art Each recipe will carry the name of the contributor and the organization to which she belongs To qualify, recipes must be submitted one to a sheet of paper, written only on one side of the paper. Type- written entries are preferred, The name of the contributor and her organization must be included on each recipe Complete cooking or baking instructions are required. For the June 7 contest prizes are $15, $10 and $5. For have been set FORTHCOMING |Meyer wish to Roman Catholic Church William J. announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Lynda Elizabeth Mae, to Robert Furber Benson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Benson, all of Oshawa. The wedding will take place on Saturday, July 3, 1965 at 12 o'clock noon, in St Gregory the Great Church, Oshawa Mr. and Mrs FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage is announced of Christian J Coutts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Coutts, Perth, Scot- land, to William EF. Petre, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Petre, Oshawa. The ceremony will take place on Saturday, June 5, 1965, at 2:30 p.m. in Knox Presby- terian Church, Oshawa. Why Feel Weak, Run-down, Tired, Nervous or Old? Many older folks, when deficient im iron, MARRIAGE | Ry O'KEEFE CENTRE OPENS MONDAY! ONE WEEK ONLY The Original Production Direct from 2 Years on Broadway LIONEL BART'S OLIVER! Star ROBIN RAMSAY ring MAURA K. WEDGE Box Office 11 a.m., Eves. 8:30, Mats. Wed. and Set. 2 p.m. may regain their old-time energy and younger feeling with Ostrex Tonic. weak, tired, nervous, low in energy, try Ostrex today. Helps regain your younger, | energetic feeling, 8-day "get-acquainted" size costs little At all druq stores. Stratford Festival STRATFORD, ONTARIO, CANADA e 13th SEASON e JUNE 14-OCT. 2, 1965 The Stratford Festival Opera Company in Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro The North American Premiere of Weill-Brecht's Mahagonny Director: Jean Gascon Musical Directors: Louis Applebaum, Mario Bernardi IN THE AVON THEATRE the June 2ist, they are $12, $8 and $4. The grand prize of $20 will be awarded to the best entry from both groups. Entries must be addressed to The Cook Book Editor, The Oshawa Times. To Purchase Painting At the same luncheon the Lyceum Club honored a charter member, Mrs. C, Ewart McLaughlin, the artist | Alexandra Luke, whose painting both in oil: and water- | - color has won recognition across Canada and in the United ' | naaied rer th Nove States. As a tangible expression of admiration, the club Consumers Assoc. errcsin ie tha tl A aly * Other resolutions being stud- To Investigate voted to purchase a Lake painting to be hung in a public ied seek more practical wrap- Luminous Plates building in Oshawa The club's objective is to foster the arts and it gives pings for bread; lightening of| margarine color, prohibition of GUELPH (CP)--The Ontario the sale of inflammable fab- branch of the Consumers' Asso-|'ics, and air pollution research numerous scholarship prizes to high school students and ciation of Canada was urged and control. medals and prizes to music students. In the past it has sponsored plays and theatrical entertainments and is to be |Wednesday to investigate the eure r F. K. Pemberton of introduction into Canada of li-|0ndon, Ont., said the associa- congratulated for this handsome gesture toward visual art and to make us all aware of this talented artist in our cence plates that can be seen| tion executive has been directed in the dark. to make a province-wide survey midst, Mrs. R. E. Pemberton of of the meat industry, make ap- This is 'Retarded Children's Week' and besides turn- ing our. thoughts to the retarded children of Oshawa and London, Ont.. association pres-|Plication to the provincial gov- ident, said such plates now are | crnment for an increased grant, district who are being helped at Glenholme School and Adult Training Centre, we can brighten the lives of many used in the United States, | [aNd request a provincial con- She was speaking to the asso-|SUmer department. in Ontario Hospital Schools A worthy project being carried on through the "Resi- ciation's annual meeting. o She said the organization HOUSEHOLD HINT dential Care Committee of Oshawa and District Associa- tion for Relarded Children" is finding sponsors for many hopes to study consumer prob- Three or four terrycloth bath Jems and take action to correct towels sewed together make a retardates in Orillia Hospital School who have no longer any connection with parents or relatives. In Oshawa and surrounding districts there are over 50 such sponsors. : Minh ba eke beh The following letter was received from the Volunteer Co- i sats baietedataae sores ht aa ences tata i ordinator of Orillia Hospital School and gives a true ex- New branch organizations BDIECIO pression of thanks to all who are participating in this. were formed during the year at "May 1 ask you to extend to the sponsors who sent |Woodbridge and Oakville, she Kaster gifts to their 'adopted' child the sincere thanks of |said. Membership now totals' both the patients and staff. Parcels make a red-letter day /8.236, an increase of 358 com- for these patients and because of their happiness there is (pared with last year STARTS STUDY The association began study, ON A WHITE EMPRESS TO EUROPE IT'S ALWAYS FUN-WEATHER Sail White Empress where fun Is a way of travel. Splash around In the indoor pool, stroll the spacious deck area and enjoy the ocean breeze. Take free dancing lessons from an expert dance team, enjoy movies, masquerades, activities organized by the social hostess, and excep- tional cuisine, Majestic White Empresses, largest ships on the scenic St. Lawrence route, are air-conditioned and stabilized for your comfort. See your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office. Also inquire about Union Castle sailings from Southampton to South and East Africa, '255 The Stratford Festival Company in Shakespeare's Henry IV (Henry IV, Part 1) Falstaff (Henry IV, Part 2) Julius Caesar It Takes 13 SECONDS To Call 725-3555 the fastest, most efficient cleaning in Osh- awa, That's GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard Directors: Stuart Burge, Douglas Campbell, John Hirsch | Director: Oscar Shumsky IN THE FESTIVAL THEATRE IN THE FESTIVAL THEATRE For complete brochure, write to the Publicity Department, Festival Theatre, Stratford, Ontario Festival Concerts MONTREAL-GREENOCK-LIVERPOOL Tourist Summer fare from Information and reservations; RA, 3-2224 2 TRAVEL h G2 cific Best Selection In Town @ CARRIAGES @ STROLLERS | @ CRIBS @ HI-CHAIRS a reflection from it to the staff. It is wonderful to see how pleased they are with something 'that really belongs to them. No matter how small or insignificant it might seem to us, it brings much pleasure to the recipient. Mabel L. Langstaff, secretary-treasurer."' The Residential Care Committee would appreciate hearing from anyone who would help by sponsoring a child. This actually entails only writing postcards or send- ing small gifts; just someone to take an interest, Mrs. Herbert Schuermann (728-5525) will gladly give further jof a resolution which seeks re- moval of the federal tax on prescription drugs and medical jdevices. The Ontario Pharma-| jcists Association is campaign: | ing for public support to obtain} a repeal for the tax, and the Ontario branch. of the consum- 20 WILSON'S PLAYPENS FURNITURE CHURCH ST. 723-3211 TRAINS / TRUCKS / SHIPS / PLANES / HOTELS / TELECOMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM For Reservation and Information -- Call particulars. My Bends the Frirds Despite the vagaries of a wanton spring, the birds are back. The gulls never leave us, but at this time of the year they engage in a new-found sport. They hover high over the clothes-line while I am "pegging out" and the minute my back is turned start their target practice on "the smalls". A radio announcer ers' association is lending its support, - Delegates expressed shock,} |however, when told that the pharmacists are recommending a flag charge of $2 for each DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE Oshawa -- Whitby -- Brooklin 300 DUNDAS EAST WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES For Travel Information Call or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 57 KING ST. E. 728-6201 For All Your Ke Sar Tae "Bridal Shoes" : : , bi in the latest Shades (Tinted Free) Or 2 WE Three-toed Wood Chopper, the Hairy-Chested Barbecue Burner and the Ruby-Throated Morning Gargler, Have CHOOSE you seen anything rarer? DANCEY'S ; au i ie -- DRY GOODS \ WANT AUTOMATS BANNED |and soft drinks be cleared out of | MONTREAL (CP) -- Quebec'public and high schools. The & DRAPERIES dietitians have sent the provin-|brief added that the teaching of DRAPERY TRACKS cial department of health a good nutrition is "definitely in- saat elt ayn brief suggesting automatic dis-| adequate at elementary and sec- 723-7827 pensers of cakes, chocolate bars'ondary school levels," \ Now at has said that bird watchers ad recording rare species. He mentioned among others the are Call Meadows Travel Service 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 723-9441 é Now For Complete Travel Arrangements DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 10% DISCOUNT IF YOU BRING THIS AD 36 King East Downtown Oshawa 723-7611 Oshawa Shopping Centre 723-1371 74 Celina Street

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