unas ners 3 = aCe ON RR PEN TNR ----------= 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Mey 15, 1965 2 IN A PRETTY white and pink wedding Carole Lynne Ball became the bride of Douglas J. Gibbs last Sat- urday. The bride's parents WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times. office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and & picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the éocial editor either before or the day after the wedding. Gibbs - Ball King Street United agrees shantung on sheath lines was the setting for the mar-|The powder blue skirt was top- fiage Saturday iast of Carole|ped with a bodice of white are Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Ball and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Walter R. Gibbs, all of Oshawa. --Photo by Hornsby Lynne, datighter of Mr. and| Swiss embroidered lace and 4) Mrs. Frank E. Ball, to Douglas| matching ei ving A matching blue hat, white ac- Joseph Gibbs, son of Mr. and| vessories and a corsage of pink Mrs. Walter R. Gibbs, all Of Sweetheart roses completed her Oshawa. jensemble The bridegroom's The officiating ; t was the Reverend L. Wesley|dress of Nile green chiffon Herbert and the soloist was Mr, jOver taffeta featuring a match- Fred Densham, who sang "The|ifig lace bodice and floating side Lord's Prayer," 'The Wedding Prayer" and during the signing of the register, "O Perfect re accompanied by Mr.|yellow hyddid Williams. | Given in marriage by fathér, the bride wore a formal gown of pute silk faille with a scoop feckiine, lily-point)/™® sleeves and a controlled front|White accessories and a corsage akift, The bodice was trimmed of white carnations and rose- with trailing, pearl - trimmed] buds. appliques of guipure lace in a|' Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs are mak- @rape design. The back waist|ing their home in Oshawa. as enhanced by a scifi bow é and the bouffant back skirt ' flowed into a chapel train. A double crown of crystal and) pearls held her tiered veil of| ¢ilk illusion and she carried a) formal cascade bouquet of) pink Sensation roses. with clus-| ters of stephanotis. | The maid of honor was Miss) Judith Cutler, the bridesmaid, Miss Irene Frobel, and Miss Joan Dewell, junior bridesmaid They dressed alike in pink peau dé so0ie formal gowns. The sléeveless bodices featured round neclines and the skirts fell in graceful folds. The jack- ets were of matching lace tied in the backs with tiny self bows. Their veils of matching silk illusion were held in place) § by Tom Jones bows of pink! 4 peau de soie and they carried) garland cascades of pale pink! carnations, centred with Hap pinéss roses. Mr. James Lang was the best man and the ushers were) John Gibbs and Stephen Ball Récéiving the guests in the Centennial Hall of the church the bride's mother wore a Sweetheart roses. her|ginia, the bride donned a pétal |pink ensemble of brocade satin including a sheath dréss and matching full-length coat with Guest speaker at the pot- luck supper being sponsor- ed by the Westmount Unit- ed Church Women on Tues- MARKET 18 OPEN day evening, will be Mrs. MONTREAL (CP)--Gail La- R. D. H. Heard, whose marche, whose batik prints on| topic will be "Love A Dyn- fabric have sold for $900 in the) gmic Force." international market, thinks icicciadeat 4 ithe bridal linen, c | 2 t y sc g 7 yi a igre . _ / 4 lchina, Mrs. Lloyd Scott and/Mrs. William Pierson, Gibbons | yoy ahdtild have an ehtire year|OFedit, drew oa: tinny yeate 0 ts Wilk aaieals, tad cee clergyman|mother chose a street-length| For their wedding trip to Vir-| | jlike a boy I had a crush on injever young. | I high school, it's almost as if Ijnever made a mistake in his|about characters who drop in,|Oct. 18th. jhad turned the clock back 30|whole life. Tea, Showers, Presentations Honor Richards - Scott Nuptials Mrs. Clarence E. Scott en-; A presentation of an heirloom tertained recently at a bridaljbedspread, luncheon set and 2 tea for her daughter, Miss Marti-|pantry shelf showet was held lyt Scott, assisted by the ptos-lat the home of Mrs. F. pective bridegroom's mother,|Peirce, Law street, who was Mrs. Ross E. Richards, Bow-\assisted by Mrs. G. B. Atters- manyille, ley and Mrs. W. G. MacDonald. Priring tea in the afternoon, A community miscellaneous were Miss Myrtle Blakely, shower was held in Westminster Brooklin, aunt of the bride, Mrs.|Chureh where friends and nei: Peirce and Mrs. Harvey Moyer,|with many atttactive and use- all of Oshawa. Serving were! ful gifts. Mts. Robert Brimbecom, Mrs.| Neighbors and friends of the Allen Crook, Mrs. Anthony) Thornton road area met at the Smyth, of Oshawa, Mrs. David/home of Mrs. Douglas Lander Cox, of Whitby and Mrs, Fred-|for the presentation of a card erick Rapley of Halifax. Dining|table and chair set and covers Room hostess was Mrs, George!ag well as a paper shower of Lofthouse. many uséful articles, Mrs. Lan- In the evening those pouring|der was assisted by Mrs, Wil- tea were Mrs. Douglas Lander, /frid Hafris, Mrs. Robert Sully Mrs. Harold Pierson of Oshawa'and Mrs. Herbert Schuermani and Mrs. Lorne Blakely of; A kitchen shower was held at Greéfibank and serving the/the home of Mrs. Maurice Rich- guests were Miss Lynda Pier-\ards, Bowmanville, assisted by son, Miss Sharon Parish and' yrs, Gary McCullough. Mrs. William Carrigan. 3 A paper shower and presenta- Dinitig room hostess in the tion of a rotisserie broiler and evening was Mrs. Edgar Wil-\auytomatie can opener was held gon and Mrs. Jack Hoskin. Also! at the home of Mrs. Harold KE. assisting were Mrs. Harold Ac-|pjerson, Hortop street. The ton, Whitby and Mrs. Hughinostess was assisted by her |Scott, Mrs. Everett Coedy: and) daughter Lynda, and friends jand Mrs. Jack Westlake, Of/ of the bowling club. | Oshawa Mrs. Lawrence Allen, Mrs Mrs. Maurice Richards and|Gordon White and Mrs, Harold Miss Hazel Richards exhibited| Pascoe assisted at a bathroom stal andishower held at the home of \Mrs. Georg Scott looked after) street. Those attending were lthe wedding and shower gifts.|the bridge playing friends of the IMiss Gayle Blakely and Miss|bride's mother. \Linda Richards kept the guest) The bride-to-be was present- book. ed with a chrome cannister set The bride was wearing a pink from the girls of the Product lace shift dress with corsage! of/ Service Dept, and from the ipink and white chrysanthe- staff a step-stool waffle Imums. The bride's mother re- Jron : lceived in blue crepe and lace The prospective bridegroom § jwith a pink corsage and the co-workers, in the Payroll Dept. |bridegroom's mother wore navy G.M.,- presented him with an lblue and white with a white/electric frying pan, and friends | corsage presented him with a wallet of money at the Bowmanville Golf SHOWERS and Country Club recently in A miscellaneous shower at-/honor of his approaching ma:- \tended by co-workers of the) riage ; lpridet-o-be in the Product S»r-| Following the rehearsal Fri- vice Dept. of General Motors|day and evening the bridal party was held at the home of Miss|wiil be entertained at the home| round good day! Generous stars tenai work if thdla | Linda Barrett, Whitby, assisted/of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. by Mrs, Fern Munns and Miss/and Mrs. Ross Richard's, Bow- |Almira Coverley. manville. ANN LANDERS _ Penny Grew Up | Before Her Mother Dear Ann Landers: Myjgirl, 16, and don't know where panels of chiffon, She wore a daughter is 17, and very beauti-jelse to go with this problem, so, white straw pillbox hat, white|ful. I'm not saying this just be-\like many others, I am turning accessoties and a corsage ofcause I'm her mother. Others|to you. have said it. | There are three kids in our Penny has been going steady|family. I am the oldest. My) with a fine young fellow who/brother is 15 and my sisters are wants to be a doctor. Kenneth/twins, age 13. is 18, extremely handsome,| When Dad's_ business isn't well-manhered, comes from ajgood (which is like most of the wonderful family and he's justitime) he yells at us kids an the kind of person I would likejcriticizes everything we do. It Penhy to marry. He is so much|is hard to years. Please don't suggest that This morning Penny told me Mom she and Kenneth agreed break up because they were self. He yells at her, too, I think getting too. serious. noticed the tears I pretended to|What can we do to keeps our have something in my. eye. I\dad from ruining our csptood? didn't want Penny to know how|--Yelled At Four upset I was. Dear Yelled at Four: Your tt Kenneth and Penny 'don'tichildhood is just about behind get back together 1 will belyou. It's time you started to brokenhearted, She will never/think in terms of your adult meet a boy as fine and attrac-|/hood--and part of adulthood is tive as Kenneth. It worries me understanding that I am taking this so hard You aren't going to change Is it wrong to want the best for your dad's disposition, so try to one's daughter?--Lower Than figure out why he yells Usually Low people who shout at others are Dear Lower That: This is|unhappy with themselves. Their more than 'wanting the best'|nerves are not in very good for your daughter. The past is|shape and the least little thing revisiting you, Mother, and you!corks them off are attempting to relive your) Why don't you kids start to- girlhood days. morrow to be especially nice to GUEST SPEAKER [stonal hep. If you can't dissociate your-\your dad? I'll bet his disposi- sélt from Penny's social life, Ilion improves and that he yells \suggest that you get profes-|less. | Dear Ann Landers: You have Deat Anh Landers: I am aiprinted rules for gum-chewers, MOORE'S LATEX HOUSE PAINT ¢eommercial copies of good Ca nadian batiks could easily com péeté with Danish and Swedish prints for upholstery. Batiks are not suitable for fashion wear shé said, because originals take 66 long to make and would Decide To Danes? LEARN ALL THE NEW STEPS Brush up an the éld favaurited ARTHUR MURRAY franchised studios 11 Simede §. 728-1618 raise the price of clothing. INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 PAINT SALE *BUY FOUR GALLONS OR QUARTS OF MOORGARD GET ONE EXTRA CAN... pi al EDGAR'S ct CENTRE (The Do-It-Yourself Store) 34 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA PHONE 723-7351 THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Generous planetary influences on Sunday stimulate all worth- while activities, whether con- cerned with homé or business.| 7 1 Social and sentimental interests) / 'lare especially favored and out-| 7 door activities should prove es- pecially pleasing. |FOR THE BIRTHDAY | If tomorrow is your birthday, your stars indicate that you are) 'an excellent 12-year planetary cycle which should prove ex- traordinarily beneficent in all lyour affairs, whether business ioe personal, In job and- or busi jness matters, the next 12 ingly progressive, with best pe-| jmoriths should prove outstand-| © William Pierson, Mrs. James|bors presented the bride-to-be|presently in the second year of; w Ee t jriods of achievement oecurring) © lin mid-August, all through Sep-| tember, the first half of Novem-| |ber and next February. For the jcreative worker, too--and many |Taureans fit into this category --it will also be a fine year,| with gratifying recognition indi-| jcated in late June, late Septem-| *™ ber, all of November and next January. Where monetary matters are concerned, the next fotir months jmay be somewhat on- the \'quiet"" side, but make plans for expanding on Sept. ° Ist 'Gains achieved diiring the lat- ter part of that month and in late October will be but a pre- view of what's in store for 1966 when, beginning in January, of financial successes. Stellar blessing is also given your personal life, with empha- sis On happy marital relation- ships and, for the single possi- bilities of new romance within the next week, between June 15th and July 15th, in late Au-| gust -or late November. Most! propitious weeks for marriage Late Juné, late September; for jtravel: Between Sept. 15th and Oct. 18th. A child born on this day will be endowed with great versa tility in artistic and- or scien- tifie fields. DAY AFTER TOMORROW Monday should be an all 'smile on business and financial transactions and job interests; also promise happiness in ro- mance, travel and family af- ifairs. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Monday is your birthday, jyour horoscope indicates that you have just entered a period} in which it would be well to! formulate constructive plans for later action along both job and financial lines, As of three weeks ago, you entered the sec- ond phase of the beneficial 12- year planetary cycle which be- gan in 1964. To maké the most jof this phase, however, plan in this manner: In financial mat- ijters, operate conservatively and \look for little in the way of \gain before September. Late that month, however, you ishould receive gratifying -- re- jwards for efforts designed to jimprove your monetary status; also in late October ase j } a} : tober. And these, | .smance during the next week,|set up safety research commit- believe that he was/cigar smokers and drinkers.| August and late November; on|tional Union of Canada (Ind.) is To listen to him he|Now will you say something|travel: Between Sept. 15th and| Pauline Letendre, who was for uninvited and unexpected? Do you suppose it is a coin- talk to him for us. She|cidence that the people I would/a fine musician, especially as|sailors in her attempt to find |! tolcan't even talk to him for her-like very much to see never a | drop in on me. Only the bores. When she/|she is scared of him like we are,|Please say something frank and to the point on this subject.--+ Trapped Too Often Dear Trapped |plenty on this ject--and I jintend to say m' because it} is a recurring problem and a bothersome oné to busy people It may surprise you to learn ithat not everybody feels as you and I do about dropper-intiers.} Whenever I print a letter knock- ing the practice, dozens of folks write in to say they love unex- pected company. It flatters them that someone thought to drop in. I say the pleasure is all theirs I've TOMATO said] guest speaker; and Mrs, Howard Brown, president- elect. --Oshawa Times Photo Whitby, recording secfé- tary; Mrs, Charles Lafg- field, président; Mrs. I, H. Perigoeé, Port Credit, the Ontario County Convention held recently, are from the left; Mrs. H. W. Quantrill, DISCUSSING THE events the Women's Christian Union anntal of Temperance Mrs. I. H. Perigoe Reviews 'Lone Male Attends| WCTU At County Convention | Med. Convention (rr isan TORONTO (CP)--Among 568! As a medical secretary, he is women at the Ontario Medical/a combination "nurse, recep- abninE 4 FUREY dhniniadl Secretaries Association convén- tionist, janitor and financier." belgie ahd wi PU including) ation to further the redemption| ; When a nurse is away, star- six years as National President ; ition Wednesday was a lonely tr : when she addressed the Ontario|®! alcoholics. Miss Millicent) | a1. snooker ae i oe oe County WCTU Convention on|Luke brought greetings from the) pi, gas ort : Pree iimduue 8 them for the "Gh s of a6 Senen shaw " y tari Inite , ' , " 3 and Pac, iB ast, Present|Oshawa Presb y terial United has been a médical sécretary\u picarts J Church Women and Mrs. R. V.\for four years, He is business] Bay in to a ee ny ay Sheffield spoke on behalf of Sim-|administrator for three Strat-| rese e 4 siaer ' . y rsici ed some 90 years 'aye (8 organ-|Lee replied on behalf of | Ya -- § wv years $ nin bare LOT im, ize a fight against alcoholic be y-| HE mbers of WCTI | fF . érages, the movement expanded| 'The president, Mrs. Charles), "Our years ago, 'Mr. Severt to include educational work with|Langfield, 'opened 'the conven- fractured a spinal disk and was Street United|incapacitated for his job as a children, young people. andjtion in Simcoe rou adults as well as. remedial and| Church and Mrs, Harold Parrott)COUNUng Salesman. preventative work. The move-| Welcomed the delegates, Miss| : e ment is now world-wide in 70/M. M. Cameron, Whitby, pre- HOUSEHOLD HINT countries with alcohol-free res-|sented a devotional period on) Tie a plastic dry cleaner's taurants in Germany, temper-|\'Beauty and the Home" Mrs.\bag around hanging light fix-) ance hotels in Australia and na-|L. W. Muldrew gave a reading,|tures to protect from drips and "Keep the Windows Open". Mrs |spatters while painting the ceil- vq} Fred Williams placed white car-| ing. 4 nations in memory of Mrs, Jes-| sie Choate and Miss Una Ritson) in the memorial service. | Reports of County superinten: by the Commingle group, greet-| dents and committee convencrs| i yere receiv Mrs. C. B.| ings were brought by the Rey-|Were received and érend J. K. Moffat who spoke|Killens, Whitby, gave the cvur-| 4 " vitesy re 4 on 'Image and Communication i! report. ; CLEANING ; and emphasized the Christian) Mrs Fred Cooke read the slate) é In Your Homé. . . or Our Plant of officers who were installed by| love 1 concern' the WCTU bedi dtad nie enh ---'!Mrs, Perigoe as: past-president, | PHONE 725-9961 3 oe Mrs. Charles Langfield; presi-| you should know, are but a fore- dent, Mrs. Howard Brown, Osh-| C) a HAW, 4 BRUCE STREET Li EANE; runner to still greater strides awa: ist vice-president, Mrs, H which you will make throughout ae ea he rig' yee M, Crawforth, Whitby; 2nd vice- pes "T spent $0 much time in hos- pital | came up. with the idea Mrs. 1. H. Perigoe, Port|shows for young people, for peo- ELECTROLYSIS Unwanted hair permanently ré- moved from face, arms and legs. Medically Approved Me- thod. Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the GENOSHA HOTEL May 17, 18, 19 PHONE 723-4641 For appointment on these dates Miss Leah. Garrow Sang, Saw the Risen Saviour', ac-) companied by Mrs. A. C. Potter) who was organist for the day. At the noon luncheon, served RUG & UPHOLSTERY DIVISION OF Aw CLEANING CONTRACTORS OSHAWA > FG 1966 ; : : et , president, Mrs. H, W. Quantrill, | Best period for job progress Ab boat spender apap | and recognition: Mid-August, al] Whitby hice : gee grea of September, the first half of ivsaauter, Mis Orlin Lint Oth.| November and next February; | aren one dad ie lhe a "1, )awa; and assistant treasurer, for the creative workér: Late L. W. Muldrew, Oshawa. | June, late September, all should| Mrs M have a generally good year, | however RIGHT WOMAN FOR JOB |" Personal interests are also) MONTREAL (CP)--The spe- star-blessed, with emphasis on/¢jal investigator for the AgwIy:| ~ from mid-June to mid-July, late|tee of the Seafarers' intern | lseveral years a cook on a Mont-| A child bora on this day couldjreal harbor tugboat. She says excel in the art world, or make|she will visit all incapacitated) ~~~ stringed instru-jout why accidents on Canadian | lships are so frequent. i| player of ments This Summer make it a GREAT ONTARIO ADVENTURE VACATION | haute coiffure... Modolla Hair. Stylist international coiffures 71 celina st. oshawa, ont. § european stylists 725-4531 Discover the unexpected in (Ontario's exciting Northeast! -- Northeast in your Oritario is a land of adventure... a family vacationland filled with history, natural wonders and unparalleled beauty. See the mammoth Sault Ste. Marie locks that give ocean vessels entrancé to Lake Superior. Relax amid the splendour of Manitoulin Island . . . Indian country, and a sportsman's paradise of hunting and fishing. Then visit Nofth Bay, gateway to the unspoiled beauty of Ontario's great forth. Visit Cobalt, Timmins and Kirkland Laké, built on hidden tréasures Of precious minerals. See the mines in Operation. Then 6n past the "Arctic Watershed" beyond which all waters flaw to the Arctic Ocean, to Cochtane where Ontario Northland Railway's "Polar Bear Express" takes you on a day-l6ng excursion Inge HEINZ TOMATO to Moosoneé on the James Bay frontier. Here you return to the eorliest days of the fur trade and visit Moose Factory, dn outpost of the Hudson's Bay Company since 1673. We'd like to.hélp you plan o rewarding Adveénturé Vacatio in Ontario's exciting Northeast. Send us . Ms this coupon and we'll mail you our Great | é 'LEAN, MEATY Sfoubaer, KETCHUP.IQ Northeast Ontario Adventure Vacation booklet (24 pages in full col6url. pee Province of Ontaria, Dapt. of Tourism & Information, | Parliament Buildings, Room 000, | Toronto 2, Ontario. | Pladse sand ma complete information on Great Northeast Ontario | Adventure Vacations. | | | | | | L Nome Address City 4