1Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 15, 1965 Steelworkers Add ith Major Strike By JOHN LeBLANC leussion except for some com-| Power Fund | } impetus to strike, President Half Of Teens Quit Weeds, Or Cut Down After Parley By BRENDA LARGE | Several! delegates stressed) that everyone attending this) OTTAWA (CP)--Nearly half\yeok's conference had a_ re-| unanimously and with little dis-jthat a big fund might be &n/of the teen-age smokers wh0| sponsibility to report to their| attended this week's Canadian|rejiow students back home, and TORONTO (CP)--The Cana-|pjaints from the floor that there|John Farris of Algoma Steei's|youth conference on smoking|tg write articles for their school dian section of the United Steel-|has not been enough pro-NDP| workers of America moved Fri-|actiyity within the union. day to strengthen its hand in| provision of the strike fund--| future negotiations with a ma- which will require authorization) jor strike fund. jof the international officers in| The 110,000-member branch--|the United States--will be an-| Canada's largest union -- NOWjother major departure if it goes has only a voluntary "welfare" through. Steel's general. policy| fund from which disbursements yp to now has been that a fund) are made on the basis of need)from which benefits would be| to striking members of con-| paid to strikers as of right now} tributing locals only, Current) would not be practicable be- policy was described as leav-\cguse of the enormous drain ing locals afraid of risking 4)that would be involved in a strike. big strike. In another move at its Cana-) The existing "welfare fund" dian policy conference, thejin Canada now amounts to| union took a further step to\g939 900. During the past year) bolster its close association)j, was tapped for only $60,000 with the New Democratic Party) in five small strikes. by authorizing National Direc- The proposed fund would he tor William Mahoney to set 4P| much larger, though no specific] a department of political action| figure has been mentioned. A' to "solidify support" for the)resolution adopted at the clos-| NDP among local unions. ling session of the two-day con-| The USWA has been one of ference said only that it should! the NDP's most enthusiastic)phe adequate to meet strike wel- union supporters but up to NOW/fare needs, It probably would its main assistance--apart from|he raised by a special levy on dues assigned by individual|the Canadian membership until members--has been to provide|it reached a designated levei organizers to work with the! The top Canadian officers were party. The new move will give|instructed to meet soon with in- the union .a political structure|ternational officers to work out of its own. |procedure, ARE UNANIMOUS In response to some sugges- The proposal was adopted!tions from individual memoers big Sault Ste. Marie local said] "strike-happy."' "But adequate funds are nec-! essary to a long strike," added. | Oshawa locals also said, in a resolution that brought the mat-) ter to the floor, that USWA pol-| icy now is "completely out-; dated" by comparison with other unions. National Director Mahoney! also said in his annual report Thursday that he favored some) form of strengthening of the union's war chest. The conference heard echoes} of the February international) officers' elections, which saw the overthrow of the regime of international president David J. McDonald, whose supporters are still accusing the winners of foul play "It was an honest election-- we gave the lie to those who say unions are run by tyrants and can't get rid. of leaders," International Vice - President- Elect Joseph Molony said in a speech to the delegates. He urged the Canadian _ section, which gave the new slate a majority, to unite behind the new leadership. held spread factual about the relationship between smoking and lung cancer, and health said Friday they|ne@wspapers on what they) |there was no intention of going|plan to quit smoking or Cut|\earned, down, Delegates approved seven As the three-day conference] recommendations including one smokers in theh group of 74 ad'turers should be required - by already stopped. _. . law to place a warning of pos- Health department officials) <ipie damage to health on cig- said the conference had been)arotte packages, j called to present an objective) view of the facts about health ENDORSE REGULATION hazards of smoking, not neces-) They also endorsed either sarily to convince the teen-jregulation or outright prohibi- agers attending that theyjtion of cigarette advertising and supported a program of should quit. "Of course we definitely hope|counter. - advertising designed) many of them will decide tojto make the public health haz- give up this unhealthy habit," |ards of cigarette smoking more} fully known | said one doctor. Health Minister Judy La-| But they defeated a_ resolu- Marsh, who quit smoking twojtion calling for the use of tax- years ago, told the students at/ation to raise the price of cig-| a luncheon that the conferencejarettes in order to discourage smoking. had been a 'magnificent. exper- The recommendations -were iment." oo introduced at the meeting by a SUGGE student who took the outline final conference discus-\from a list of proposals pub- sions, Harry Allen of White-|i;cheq in 1963 by. the Consumers horse, Y.T., suggested that pro-itinion of the United States in vincial conferences should be jt. report on smoking and the across the country for public interest. teen-agers on the health haz Among other resolutions was ards of smoking. He said they S$ CONFERENCES would help to a ." the sale of cigarettes to minors information should be more strictly en- forced The teen-agers also thought a Another high school student, 4 8 | reading PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS FRIDAY, May, 14, 1965 The Commons gave second to amendments to the National Housing Act and the Bank of Canada Act. The NHA amendments in- crease lending authority under the Central Mortgage and Housing Corp. The bank amendments helended, at least two of the 15\.aying that cigarette manufac-| would give the government |the final word in any mone-| tary policy dispute with the bank governor. The Commons then turned | back to further consideration of a bill to retire senators at age 75. Frank Howard (NDP-- Skeena) proposed that the bill be shelved for six months and a yote is to be taken on this later. MONDAY, May 17 The Commons meets at 2:30 p.m. EDT to continue con- sideration of the NHA amend- ments. The Senate stands ad- journed until May 18. Lamontagne Will Retain Fisher OTTAWA (CP) -- State Sec one which said laws prohibiting!ye tary Lamontagne declared himself ready Friday to do hi: best to keep centennial com missioner John Fisher at $24,000-a-year job of his planning new .charges Friday Georges Lemay of Montreal in him to Canada, Joseph A. Thurman, acting government trial attorney, broke up Friday's first. session of a deportation hearing by in- troducing the new charges, A defence move for an ad journment to study the charges and prepare a defence against them was granted by Milton Milich, special inquiry officer for the immigration depart- ment. 'The new charges against the 40-year-old Lemay, accused Canada of masterminding the burglary of $500,000.to $4,000,- 000 from a Bank of Nova Scotia branch at Montreal in 1961, were; 1, That at the time of his last entry into the' United States, he entered fraudulently by using the alias Joseph Rene | Roy, 2. That he intended to temain indefinitely in the United States without benefit of a visa or re- entry permit. 3. That his conviction in Tor 'onto in 1943 on a breaking and entering charge precluded him from admission to the United States CAPTURED ON YACHT Lemay was captured. May 6 on his yacht Triana at Fort Lauderdale after his "wanted"' against ri a continuing effort to deport) in i Lemay Held On 3 Charges Centered On Illegal Entry _ MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--The U.S. Mrs, Lemay was convicted injtenced only to the five months immigration service filed three|1962 of complicity in the Mont-|she had spent in jatl before her eal bank theft but was sen-ltrial, % CALL US... for Prompt PRESCRIPTION jt "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" program of anti - smoking edu cation should be aimed at elementary, high school and college students, and that a sys- tem of clinics and other thera- peutic aids to help individual smokers to stop smoking should) be set up J They recommended federal government international contest teen-agers for the smoking campaign first step in an youth program ing the 100th birthday party of Con poster, beamed around the federation, -- world by the Early Bird com-| "If Mr. Fisher has it in mind munications satellite, was rec-| to leave the commission, I will ggnized by a Fort Lauderdale do the best I can to change his) man who turned him in mind," Mr, Lamontagne said in) an interview 'portation hearing for Lisa Le- "t would hope he has nO mieux Lemay, who claims to thought of leaving for he is do-\pe the defendant's wife, Her ing an absolutely excellent job.\case js being handled separ- "The last time I spoke with ately ! him, he seemed enthusiastic to nose continue with the job ahead and - BIGGEST DISCOUNTS in our HISTORY Gary Jollymore of Truro, N.S., suggested that delegates form groups of non-smokers in their schools when they return home. "As part of our health classes we could give the facts on smoking as we have heard them here." He thought dele gates should not try to preach about smoking as a health haz- ard but simply take the case objectively and let fellow stu dents decide for themselves. COULD USE FAIRS Some other suggestions at the conference's final meeting: --Delegates should use _ the science fairs to publicize the ill effects of smoking. --Surveys of the habits of teen - agers great many local should be conducted the country --Local student organizations should be set up to campaign) against smoking. | OPP Denied Cash To Expand: Paper TORONTO (CP)--The Globe and Mail says the Ontario cab- inet has denied the provincial U.S. Economy Burgeoning At Record Peacetime Clip NEW YORK (AP) -- Presi-jing back to the Second World| wanted this vear to strengthen dent Johnson's plans to cut ex-|War. Likely targets for futureline force's highway satrol and cise taxes drew renewed atten-|cuts would be the 10-per-cent ile "nian tion this week with record U.S,.|taxes on new automobiles and The sewspabe says the cab peacetime economic expansionjon telephone service. Together|inot decision appears to reverse well into its 5ist month these total about $3,000,000,000 alis. Jocition of last year. when By doing away with a num-jyear nak Lceant at ai er of thon taxes on products 2 At ADerev er "hi Jodi oe and services, the administra AUTOS BOOMING The he dah facta police tion hopes to keep Americans) Elsewhere, General Motors. sa Pyne se tas pies spending in the months ahead rolled its 2,000,000th car of the)'°P® aah ha "pas gta! Johnson's proposed $1,750,000,-| 1965 model off the assembly egy igh ald : 000 excise-tax cut, as well as line and Ford finished its 1,000,- future cuts, were major topics|900th 1965 automobile. at a meeting in Hot Springs, For the week, autumobile pro PES i a cals Va., last workaad of top gov-|duction was an estimated 207, FREE ADVICE GIVEN ernment officials and corpora-|304 cars, a 19-per-cent gain The Ontario department of tion executives. over the comparable week a !ands and forests gives farmers The meeting of the Business|year ago. free advice on how to manage) Council produced the usual op-! New-car sales for May 1-10 their woodlots. timism about the business out-|climbed 17 per cent to 227,171 look. But Gardner Ackley,/cars from 194,206-a year ago chairman of the president's put a moderate decline in au- Council of Economic Advisers,|tomobile sales in April was the warned that excise taxes would main reason for a slight drop have to be cut to get the econ-|in U.S, retail sales for that omy '"'through the year in good| month, said the commerce de- shape." | partment. The proposed cut would take' Steel production slipped last effect July 1. Items that would) week as buyers eased up on or- be freed of excise taxes undet| ders. this proposal have not been) 1.5, steel mills poured 2,170,- named, but Johnson is expected/o99 tons of ingot in the week to detail them for Congress| ended May 8. This was a de- soon. Last year the administra-| cline of 2.2 per cent from the tion suggested doing away with)» 779.900 tons poured the previ- taxes on retail sales of luggage,| ous week. jewelry, cosmetics and furs U.S. exports and imports, re- Eventually, say some observ- bounding from the late winter ers, the government mayidock strike, . set records - in| whittle away $5,000,000,000 in|March, said the commerce de- excise taxes, some of them dat-| partment. & Lovell "PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS" OSHAWA WHITBY BOWMANVILLE "WE SEND MEDICINE TO EUROPE" Milich also continued a de that the sponsor an among best anti poster a international against smok there was no hint of discontent or. dissatisfaction." Mr. Lamontagne, ter responsible to for the commission, plans to discuss reports. of internal troubles in the commission with the - minis- Parliament officers for latest GALLOPS TO DOOM CALEDON, Ont. (CP) -- The paths of a horse and a car crossed in the village of Caledon East--head on. The horse died, Mr. Fisher next week, The courts of law proved no Meanwhile, reports _ persist more merciful than'the laws ofjhere that Mr. Fisher is consid- physics, for police later said thelering quitting the post he was horse was galloping loose on the appointed to by the former Pro- highway and was itself in the/gressive Conservative adminis- wrong. tration. recent] and 508 civilians in the force at the end of 1964 smoking in a areas across | FREE TICKETS BROCK THEATRE | EACH WEEK 12 PEOPLE RECEIVE TICKETS FREE foch week for 26 weeks there will appear in the advertisements on this page the names end addresses of 12 lucky people in this oreo, If your nome should appear and you locete it, all you ore asked to do is clip the ad ond present it at the Oshawa Times Office in Whitby or Oshews. You will then receive your guest tickets to the Brock Theotre. TO SEE THESE POPULAR PICTURES AT THE l p.m. for Sale of FIREWORKS REG. 5.00 BOX PARTY DISPLAY 3.88 REG. 25.00 FAMILY DISPLAY 19.88 | JOE ROBINSON "Your B.P, Dealer" SERVICE STATION © TUNE-UPS e@ SERVICE CALLS @ GENERAL REPAIRS 668-4585 616 BROCK N, Joe Beattie, The CORNER PIZZA SPECIAL/ZING IN... @ PIZZA ¢ SPAGHETTI e@ BAR-B-Q CHICKEN @ SPARERIBS HOME DELIVERY 668-8807 (Open 7 doys @ week) 107 COLBORNE ST, Ww. Edward Appleton, 304 Athol Whitby MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY One Complete Show -- Storting At 7:30 "THE THIRD SECRET" Adult Enter. with Stephen Boyd -- Jock Howkins Also 2nd Feature -- in Color "THE SECOND TIME AROUND" with -- Debbie Reynolds -- Steve Forrest WHITBY 715 Clorence Dr Whitby Agee) i ee FLOWERS by DEAN 668-3142 131 Brock S. Whitby FOR EVERY for Matchless Living... GO ELECTRIC eA THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Evening Shows At 7:00 9:00 P.M. "McHALE'S NAVY" in Color with -- Ernest Borgine -- Joe Flynn PHONE | MERCURY AUTO BODY coe 668-0522 @ COLLISION CUSTOM BODY WORK @ 24 HR. ROAD SERVICE @ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED REG. 1.00. BAG Assorted Bags FIREWORKS, 78 = Ph INDIVIDUAL FIREWORKS Super Jet METEOR Regulor 1.50 CRYSTAL BOUQUET Regular 2.00 erry es STAR MINE Regular 1.00 STORM KING Regular 7S¢ \F ALTERATIONS \4 & | REPAIRS THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE STARTS HERE Please send me information about the GRAY ROCKS Fun Week which | have checked below. TD FAMILY ECONOMY WEEKS [(] BUDGET GOLF WEEKS 2 children under six, FREE ([) HONEYMOON PACKAGE 1 LEARN TO GOLF WEEKS (2 ECONOMY WEEKS GAS ESTIMATES eA 668-4278 McTEAGUE (JIM) ELECTRIC LTD. Liddle, 931 Bayview, Whitby KONRAD CSER-~-OWNER 324 ASH ST., WHITBY . - - RES, PHONE 668-3208 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL -- INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES 515 BROCK S. -- 668-5853 Buying -- Renting -- Selling overs Me TIMES ACTION WANT ADS SCUGOG CLEANERS Province Mail to: GRAY ROCKS INN, St. Jovite, P.Q., Canada AND ENDS HERE aa aaulinacualicaaiias ie a VIC'S SPUR SERVICE STATION FIRST WITH THE NEWS IN OSHAWA & DISTRICT THE OSHAWA TIMES SHIRT LAUNDERERS MURPHY OIL CO, LIMITED 668-3644 501 Brock N. Jas L. Heard, ond STORAGE WHITBY OFFICE 130 Brock W, 668-4341 524 CROMWELL, OSHAWA Dorothy Myles, 403 Walnut W Whitby SUNWHEEL Regulor 50¢ FLEUR DE LIS Regular 35¢ NATIONAL COLORS Regular. 25¢ ROMAN CANDLES Regulor 25¢ Whitby 133 Mary East Whitby COPPING CARPET SERVICE @ COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS @ IN YOUR HOME OR IN OUR PLANT @ CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING @ GUARANTEED & INSURED, FREE ESTIMATES & y 942-0535 "WE OPERATE OUR OWN PLANT" BY nominee ; HANDS FAMILY DISPLAY RETAIL 2.50 PACKAGE "REGULAR 10c PACKAGE ao Oh WHERE ELSE TIGER ** SPARKLERS W. Ockenden, 212 Lee, Whitby FOR PRICE SAKE-- NO HARRY'S JANITOR SERVICE 668-8873 @ INDUSTRIAL © COMMERCIAL @ COMPLETE JANITORIAL SERVICE 668-8873 609 HARRIET What makes a vacation at-GRAY ROCKS INN such a delight? Is it golf, sailing, riding, or any of the other dozen and one activities? Is It barbecues on the beach, or dancing to an orchestra? Or is it the pti French-C. cuisine, the summer scenery or the con- vivial atmosphere? Few of our guests can agree on an explanation. But | then there must be some reason why they keep returning to GRAY ROCKS again and again. SPECIAL: low, low off-season rates! COMPLETE TRANSMISSION '+, WHITBY AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS 405 MARY ST. EAST A&T MOTORS @ 2 Licensed Mechanics @ Automatic Transmissions @ Complete Tune-ups 668-2893 701 Dundas E. Whitby Donald Walton, 96 Easthaven Oshawa See Our Display Of New '65 RAMBLERS - Quantity of Good Used Cars' ABNER'S ESSO SERVICE 668-5391 1003 Brock 3. 668-4932 - WHITBY Frank R. Varga, 514 Rogers Oshawa Whitby ALL SUMMER FAMILY PROGRAM Bring your children! Completely equipped playground, supervised beach, FREE swimming and tennis instruction, monitors and special dining hours. A bonus not only for the children, but also for you. WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS @ RE-CHROMING e@ GRILLES @ BUMPERS @ NEW AND USED PARTS @ NEW FIBRE GLASS FENDERS 'LATE MODEL WRECKS BOUGHT AND SOLD A. Comertord, 199 Gibb St 12 HWY.--) MILE N. OF WHITBY BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. "HOME IMPROVEMENT HEADQUARTERS" 668-5818 419 DUNDAS ST. &. Louis Zuly, 936 Simcoe North aret Wash OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 1038-KING ST, WEST AT GARRARD RD. if you want to know what you're missing at C GRAYROCKSINN -- ST. JOVITE, P.@, CANADA-- Tel. Area Code 819, 425-2771 'SALES & SERVICE' fil out the coupon, er telephone 668-3328 ae OVER 30 FEARS EXPERIENCE) x ~YEAR 'ORKMA 1p GUARANTEE - VICTORIA ST. E. -- WHITBY : R.R. NO. 1 PICKERING -- 942-0720 Gen Doyle, 20 Drew, Oshowa Russ Young, 234 College, Oshawa WHITBY Oshawa showa 668-3223 BUD'S ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS # CUSTOM WORK INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RAILINGS SUPERIOR PROPANE