PIYAH CHAPTER, A snip of the ribbon and ities given by the Hadassah the bazaar is 'open. The and of its continuing help to Piyah Chapter of Hadassah Youth Aliyah in Israel. held a successful bazaar and ~~ Pouring tea were Mrs. Mén- bake sale on Tuesday after- achem Kutziner, Mrs. noon. In opening the event, Joseph Schwartz, Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Jo Aldwinckle spoke of dred Stemeroff and Mrs. the assistance to local char- Leo Kahn. In charge of the SOCIAL & PERSONA Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department | Bier (6 her marrage to Me Mrs. Darcy Smith, Adelaide} Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Howard, Brian pod the -- ie Vv west, was the hostess|Montrave avenue, celebrated|Mary ower was re : on to a number of friends their 45th wedding Anniver ary eee edward showers given by hrs A 7 " : *|Wednesday, quietly at home. |Mrs. Edward Power, Oshawa; and neighbors honoring Miss! st ere Adrian Ahern, Toronto; New. Mr. Patrick Hammil and Mr.|Mrs. R. H. Manning, Oshawa, i A inca gon Bp John Mackstay, both of New-land the staff at the Royal Bank USA ~ i Smith extended a|c2stle, County Down, Northern|of Canada. wae inne to Miss Wheeler Ireland, paid a surprise visit to 7 : koipaine the ae d Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Campbell,|_ Toronto guests attending the on behalf of the -- Ps Ritson road south on Monday|Belfry - Power wedding included gifts of fine china the 'a ver evening. Mr. Campbell and his|Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore and were presented ms a -- Irish guests were neighbors and|$on, Gary; Mr. and Mrs. Adrian poicaeli # agi a Peg Jack. Ww | friends in former days in Bel-|Aherne, Mr. G. M. Sinclair, Mr. Germond, Oshawa | faut jand Mrs. Donald Champion, Richard and Rosalie; from Wil- A Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jackson|lowdale were Mr. and Mrs. W. ie en rs ed Raritan of Lindsay were among the|H. Gatehouse, Mr. and Mrs, R. sags rag Rapley's par.|suests at the Jackson Miller/H. Gatehouse, Mr. and Mrs. a and ue Mechert wedding recently. |David McConnell and daughter, Ann; from Scarborough, Mr. Schuermann, Woodlea crescent.| irs' Roy Hill of Montreal,\, } : . jand Mrs. W. H. Gatehouse Jr.,) Twenty-three French - Cana-\the former Miss Florencejand daughter, Lynne; Miss dian couples wil] be attending| Horton, is visiting her mother, |Nancy Sutton, Mr. and Mrs.| the contest for the coronation|Mrs. James Horton, Burk/Ryssell Hooper and daughters, of Mile. Canadienne Francaise Street, with her son, Roger. [Patricia and Karen; from neat- of Southern Ontario at the by centres were Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth Curling Club in| Among the guests from out Of/Ceorge Gatehouse and son, Hamilton on Saturday, May 15,|!own attending the Belfry-Power/Richard, Downsview; Mr. and A reception, banquet and|Wedding last Saturday were Mr.iyjrs 4. Agnew, Etobicoke. dance will be held. Miss Helen|and Mrs. Joseph Eschenberg,| Lambert will be representing| Clayton, New York; Mr. and) many stalls were Mrs. Abra- ham Waisglass, Mrs, Irving Hyman, Mrs. Arthur Wein- berger, Mrs. Jake Sklar, Mrs. George Haas, Mrs. Jack Sneider and Mrs. Peter Levine, Mrs. Morris Fogal, Mrs. Sidney Topp and Mrs. house, RCN, Halifax; Mr. and Mrs. George Pollard, Judy and Janice, Cobourg and Mr, Theo- dore Romhanyi, Peterborough. Oshawa guests attending the HADASSAH BAZAAR IS OFFICIALLY OPENED | | lton, Ontario; Mr. Ian Gate- Norman Levine. Seen in the opening ceremony are, left to right; Mrs. Sydney Topp, Mrs. Jack Appleby, Mrs. Arnold Green, Mrs, Jo Ald- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Frid 14 jay, May 14, 1965 Weamen SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. Anthony Vesters, Whitby Evangelist Church, Whitby. Street United Church, entertained at a. number of| showers and parties. | Mrs. Alex McDonald and, Mrs. Douglas Smith entertain- Miss A. Malski, Mrs. Victor) Bolotin and Mrs. J. V, Thomp-| son. Guest speakers at the con- vention were Mr. Arnold Edin- borough, Editor and Publisher of Saturday Night and fre- quently seen on both CBC and CTV networks; Dr. George Scott, Medical Director of the Institute of Psychotherapy and Consultant Psychiatrist to the Department of Justice for the Penitentiaries in the Kingston winckle, Mrs. Abraham Waisglass, Mrs. Richard | Erman and Mrs. Jake Sklar. | Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. Alex) Moore, Muirkirk, Ontario; Miss! Penny Spence, Windsor, On-| tario; Miss Carla Earl, Hunts-| ville; Mr. and Mrs, Alistair| Welsh, St. Catharines; Mrs. Dryus Springer, and Mr. Wayne Robertson, Toronto; Mr. Don- ald Pearson, Napanee; Mr. William Bennett and Mr. Thom- as Conlin, Huntsville; Mr. and Mrs, Donald Beecher and Mr.| and Mrs. Roy Marquart, Sna-/ born, New York. | | Mrs. James McCansh, Mrs.| H. E. Kerr, Mrs. T. Eric Suth- erland and Mrs. Harry Finer will. receive at the Membership tea sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary of the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital at the Piccadilly room in the Hotel Genosha, Wednesday. Pouring tea will be Mrs. E. G, Storie, Mrs. D. J. McLean, Mrs. C. D. Russell, Mrs. S. A. Heney, Mrs, Harry) Taylor and Mrs. Colin Ashton.} Oshawa women attending the! annual convention of the On-} tario Medical Secretaries' Asso-| ciation in the King Edward Sheraton Hotel, Toronto, Tues-| day and Wednesday of ert Payne, Mrs. iMrs. Henry Shulz and son,|Edwards - Pearson wedding in poten en ee Peter, Windsor, Ontario; Mr.|Trinity United Church, Grims- ' land Mrs. Clifford Kennedy,)by, Ontario, were Mrs. Ronald Mrs. Walter Bestwick, presi-|Glenn and Julia, and Miss Joan)Worsley, Mrs. Harvey Gabona,| dent of the Soroptimist Club of|Magee, all of Peterborough; Mr.|Mrs. Violet Allan, Miss Jean Oshawa, along with Mrs. Wil-jand Mrs. §. W. Clark, Agin-|Tripp, Miss Joan Shier, Miss liam Taylor, Miss Grace Win-|court; Mrs. Arlington Tomp-|Lois Bagley, and Mr. and Mrs. nell, Miss Mary A. Moran, Miss|kins, Arleen and Jack, Galt;|William Merritt. Other guests| Madeline Kelly, and Mrs.|Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ham-|from a distance attending the Edythe Hughes will attend the| mond, Claremont; Mrs. en eee were: Miss Kar] 33rd annual conference of the|Brown, Keswick; Mr: and Mrs.|Spence, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Eastern Canada Region of|Eric Horst, Uxbridge; Mr. and|William Johnson, Bradenton, | Soroptimist Clubs in Montreal, /Mrs, Leslie Deering, Ajax, and/Florda; Mayor Larry Dunlop May 21 to 23. 'AC2 Jack Tompkins, RCAF Clin-|and Mrs. Dunlop, Ridgetown,| DUNN'S walk short special cozens ot styles PRICED FROM ee Hurry In early! The assortment is huge -- from denim and Dacrori-cottons to seersucker and "India" plaids -- but the values will go fast, Real Value! OPEN ACHARGE ACCOUNT No Money Down No Carrying Charges OSHAWA | SHOPPING CENTRE Open to 9 pm., Thurs, & Fri. DOWNTOWN 36 KING EAST Open to 9 p.m., Friday "CHARGE-IT" Toronto. | }were Mr. and Mrs. lan Beaton, this|ard Brown will be in Kitchener, week were: Mrs. Sylvia Zedic,|May 18, 19 and 20, attending Mrs. B, D. Hitchens, Mrs. Rob-|the Provincial Convention of the! Marble statues owe their lus-|place on Saturday, July 10, 1965 Temper-jtre to light being reflected from at 6.00 p.m. crystals beneath the surface. |Anglican Church, Ajax. Douglas| Women's Pearce, Miss Mary Znuazdski,|ance Union, area, including the Prison for Women; Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut, Senior Rabbi at Holy a Blossom Temple, Toronto; and é 1 Following the rehearsal to-jplace on Saturday, June 19, Dr. W. W. Wigle, President of night, the prospective bride-|1965, at 11.00 a.m., in Holy the Pharmaceutical Manufac-|roqm's parents, Mr. and|Cross Roman Catholic Church, turers' Association of Canada. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Brew- er, Gibbons street, were in To- ronto, Monday, attending the graduation of their daughter, Patricia, from St. Michael's Hospital School. of Nursing, held in Convocation Hall, Uni- versity of Toronto. Accompany- ing them were Mrs. Norman Michael, and daughters, Cathe- rine, Susan, and Margaret Mary, Mrs, Thomas Simmons, Mrs. Claude dePratt, and son Peter, Miss Laurie Gail Sim- mons, all of Oshawa and Sister Mary Carmel, Sister Frances and Mr. Michael Doran, all of st Montreal guests attending the Hewak - Zurba wedding last Friday evening in the chapel of King Street United Church, were Mr. Maurice Malo, Miss Carol Todd and Mr. Melville Reed, Other out-of-town guests Brooklin. la Mrs. Charles Langfield, Mrs. Fred Williams, and Mrs. How- Christian bri to-be, Mrs. George Thexton, Hancherow, president; ; 7 London, honorary treasurer;|coming marriage of and Violet Bailey, Ottawa, hon-|daughter, Heather Hanson, to or Evoy, Sudbury; June Thompson, ; membership, Margot Harding,| Memorial Kingston; publicity and public|Oshawa. relations, Catharines; constitution and by-| wr, and Mrs. Claude L. Row- laws, Dorothy McBrayne, Wel-ijand, Showers and Parties Honor Bride-Elect Sandra Clarke Prior to her marriage to'Mr.jed at a kitchen shower, where John Ross Thexton in Simcoe/a place setting of dishes as well Miss/as. many other gifts were pre-| Sandra Evelyn Clarke has been sented. Mrs. David Young gave a personal shower. | The maid of honor, Mrs. ©. E. Dawson, entertained at rospective Penny Van paid and Mrs. Courte, Mrs, Donald miscellaneous shower. reet, TORONTO Association at Other officers elected: ary. secretary. Standing committees Ursula Gerbes, nd. Other 'sessions were held in/their daughter, Joan Marlynn, private. GLOWS WITH TIME Miss Carole Hutchison, Mrs. Robert Starr and Mrs. Ralph MacCarl gave a miscellaneous shower, a Mrs.|Wesley David Lowell, son of Gary Morgan and Mrs. Donald Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lowell, McClennan bathroom shower. uglas Sutton, sister of! bridegroom, a ; Graham White gave a kitchen shower. The sister-in-law of the bride-|ward Beatty wish to announce Clarke,|the engagement of their daugh- gave a miscellaneous shower. Mrs. Wayne Routly and Mrs. Robert Eagleson entertained at}and Mrs. Raymond Adair, all of Albert! Oshawa, will entertain the wed- ding party. Med. Secretaries Elect President (CP) -- Marion| Brooks, Watt Tuesday was elected pres-|mony is to take place on Satur- ident of the Ontario Medical/day, June 5, 1965, at 3.00 p.m. Secretaries annual meeting here. its Celia) FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Brantford, vice-) Margaret Wackett,|Oshawa, announce the - forth- chosen|Mr.. and Mrs. H, J, Bowyer, included: education, Gerie Mc-|Whitby. The wedding will take insurance,|Place on Oshawa; |1965 at St ENGAGEMENT {wish to announce the engage ment of their daughter, Elsie |Elaine, to Mr, Thomas Richard and Mrs. Thomas D. Seton, all of Osh- awa. The marriage is to take |Seton, son of Mr. place on Saturday, June 26, 1965 at 2.00 p.m. in St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs; 'W, Edward Jollow wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Carol Diane, to Mr. jall of Cannington. The mar- jriage is to take place on Sat- urday, June 12, 1965, at 3.00 at Cannington United odist Church, Cannington. ENGAGEMENT and Mrs, Lyman Ed- [p.m Meth Mr. ter, Emily Barbara, to Albert Frederick Adair, son of Mr. |Oshawa. The wedding is to take FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage is lannounced of Merete Lojstrup |Jacobsen, daughter of Mr. and iMrs. Carl Jacobsen of Whitby, and Mr. David Wayne Brooks, son of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew G. Brooklin. The cere- s\in Claremont Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simpson, their Mr. Gary H. Bowyer, son of May 22, in Christ Anglican, Saturday, 2.30 p.m. Church, '| FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Ajax, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of jto James Stewart Kirk, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Kirk, Osh- jawa. The ceremony is to take in Holy Trinity Kenneth T. |Smith, Ajax, wish to announce jthe engagement of their daugh- iter, Carol Ann, to Mr. Anthony |\Peter Vesters, son of Mr. and The ceremony will take place jon Saturday, June 26, 1965 at |12 o'clock noon in St. John the Mr, and Mrs. Donald George Claremont Baptist Church will be the setting for the wedding of Miss Merete L. | Jacobsen and Mr. David Wayne Brooks on Saturday, TO BE WED AT CLAREMONT. June 5. The bride-to-be is the Mrs daughter of Mr. and . Carl Jacobsen of Whit- by and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Brooks of Brooklin. The annual meeting of the Oshawa Branch, Canadian Asso- ciation of Consumers, was held recently with Mrs. Walter John- read by Mrs, Mansell A. Ger- row. There were 99 paid mem- bers, and 29 new members re- ceived during the year. The sec- retary's report was presented by Mrs. John Richardson. It was announced that the Provincial annual meeting of the CAC would be held May 12 and 13 at MacDonald Hall in Guelph. Mrs. Uriah Jones introduced the guest speaker, Miss Ruth Moyle, a graduate in Home Economics from MacDonald Col- lege, who now serves on the On- tario Food Council, a division of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Miss Moyle explained that the function of the Food Council was to bring together represen- tatives of the food industry -- the produce processors, the dis- tributors, the dairy producers, the food producers, and the Ca- nadian Association of Consum- ers. She urged the members to be consciencious shoppers, to re- member they have a responsib- ility to voice their opinion of the HOUSEHOLD HINT Envelopes of soup, sauce, salad dressing or drink mixes can be stored in a napkin holder to keep the cupboard neater. Annual Meeting Oshawa Branch Canadian Assoc. Consumers products offered for sale; that the consumer was casting a vote for the each time rang. son acting as chairman. Mrs. The treasurer's report was|ations item purchased the cash register Bruce McGregor, nomin- chairman, read the slate of officers for the coming year. Refreshments and a_ social hour followed the meeting. MORRISON'S FOR Maternity Fashions See all our New Spring Fabrics, Styles and sizes, quoes ory DRESSES PARTY DRESSES TOPS @ SLIMS SKIRTS @ SHORTS DECK PANTS GIRDLES & BRAS MORRISON'S Opposite the Armories 48 SIMCOE NORTH Downtewn Oshawe BIKES AND TRIKES FOR OUTDOOR FUN! SEE ZELLER'S LATEST MODELS! 20" SIDEWALK BIKE FOR BOYS AND GIRLS ZELLER'S OFFERS YOU THREE EASY CREDIT PLANS! PAY ONLY 1.25 WEEKLY! ECONOMY TRIKE > Safety-constructed for begin- ners! Features double adjust- able handlebar, extra-strong training wheels; twin head- lamps, chrome _ fenders. red for boys, electric blue for girls. white - walled tires, Fire-engine whi OTHER MODELS FROM 19.99 FOR JUNIORS Zeller's thrift-priced little model from Thistle's. Steel frame, natural finished 14' bearing bracket; rear wheels 4! Blue frame with yellow seat: USE A ZELLER'S NEW CREDIT PLAN wooden seat. Front wheel is 8', in ball 2", Rubber grip on handlebar. @ $1.25 WEEKLY BUYS UP TO $100 Up to 2 years to pay on all purchases "CHARGE T" Leader's NEW "FLASH" WAGON Another great playground popular! Carries a big load in 14" x 34" box, ralls smooth on double nylon bearings, Steelbuilt gear, disc wheels with 34"" tires and chrome hubcaps, Notural varn- ished, kiln dried birch box, green frame, yellow enamelled wheels, red design, ZELLER'S te, yellow, DELUXE TRI SMALL FRY'S FAVOURITE TRICYCLES For kids who "go places" this precision-built, sturdy tricycle is first choice, With heavy gauge tubular steel frame, large flange type fork, one-piece step-plate it stands up to long, hard wear. 12" front wheel has ball bearing, 8' rear wheel has sleeve--both with 1" semi-pneumatic tires. In attractive two-tone finish; dur- able red enamel with white wheels, seat and mudguard, Also ovailable in 16" ond 20" sizes at slightly higher prices. "TIKE TRIKE"--slightly smaller, with 10' solid front wheel, 64" rear disc wheels, 44" tires. In rich 3-tone finish; green, 9.99 "TOP OF THE CLASS" CYCLE Quality built 12" trike has everything and more... stee! tube con- struction with adjustable handlebars, spoke wheels, coil-springed saddle, plastic grips and knuckleguords, Super cushion whitewall tires; chrome crash rods, hub caps and handlebars, white tims and Flamboyant Maroon frame. Also available in 16 and 20" sizes at slightly higher prices, @ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE @ DOWNTOWN -- SIMCOE ST.S.