THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 14, 1965 @ worth of equipment fromilawyer for 105 Ontario and Northern last year, 53 per cent!Q uebeec municipalities, crit-, of total Northern sales. licized Northern's retained earn- The hearing, which opened ings of $55,700,000. It was pos- May 4, was ordered by the/sible that Bell could "spin off" board as a review of Bell's|Northern shares to Bell stock- permissive leel of earnings,| holders and give them this unchanged since 1950 although}money without any benefit te Nothing Could Impede Rise Exchange Prepares Code | Bell's Northem Electric Control | On Rumors: Mrs. MacMillan For Members, Officials Under Transport Dept. Scrutiny OTTAWA (CP) -- The Bell; Mr. Smith said his informa- TORONTO (CP) -- The Tor-|client's stock to a floor trader|/@lephone Co. of Canada's own-|tion was that. these factors had| jonto Stock Exchange announcedjof another firm and buys it) TORONTO (CP)--Mrs. Viola, plied she was not sure whether,not recall anything the direc- ership of Northern Electric! siready been discounted. that it is preparing|back immediately at a slightly} lan, rt promoter of\she could answer that fairly|tors ever vetoed, ' weeatell Gils' and "ines 'Ltd.,|now because her state of mind) Mrs. MacMillan was ques-| Thursday Co., a manufacturing sideline c e a : with sales topping $300,000,000 a| MUST MATCH | " ; a written code of ethics for|higher price. lg | ¢ i day that once the|"'was so different then. jtioned closely by Mr. Hartt pice idan : oe Deaint esate started Mr, Justice Kelly, who notedjabout her acquaintance with members and officials. | It has been suggested that year, came under close scru-| U t .N "on-| " ¢ : y last ' ski \Claude Taylor, a mining public) The exchange is described as|'rading of this type may i'l of 'transport commissioners. ! -- phone utility has been exceed-, He also wondered w orth- Raga ai oven waa 'cata res ok ape a4 relations man. and his connec-|having an unwritten code of\the interest of the firm's em- One lawyer appeared io take| Bell must be at or under theling the permissive level for sixiern was not able to produre py them . ee ond sti aettean anjtion with Windfall. He received] ethics, but these have never|Ployee before that of the client. price Northern charges non-| years, figures to show the rate of- The star witness before the'"'l don't know," suggested drily|a cheque for $1,100 Jan. 20 from, ern spelled out on paper. ISSUES NOTE a Bell witness off guard by sug- Bell i | ' r i customers. The telephone| Lovell Carroll of Montreal,|profit it makes on sales to Bell. ; i : | Windfall | The announcement that a Ene 'ealdent gesting that Northern won @f\company bought $167,000,000|--------------____ Windfall royal commission said)such a statement wouldn't have! . ; i at Howard D, Graham, presiden overseas contract by quoting a) ee eee i the market was in the greatestiaccelerated the market any/pip WORK code is to be written followed) of the exchange, issued a note|price lower than the one it state of excitement at that time/more. She said Mr. Taylor had done) testiniony given Monday by one|tg members on behalf of the! charges Bell. that she had seen in her 38) ee a some public relations work for! the exchange's senior officials) hoard of governors saying: R, A. Smith of Toronto, rep- years of mining experience and|COULDN'T BE SLOWED the Prospectors and Developers at the royal commission inves-| Jj appears to the board andjresenting Industrial Wire and| nothing was going to halt the. Mrs. MacMillan replied that Association while she was pres-| 'gating the trading on the ex-|t9 counsel for the exchange that| Cable Co., said in a recent sale, spectacular rise. in her opinion -- "and I could\igent of that body, but she\Change of Windfall Oils and/such a practice, depending onjof electrical cable to the United| UNothing'" ghe repeated |be wrong"'--nothing would have ian recall any work he had|Mines Ltd. and other com-ithe facts, would conflict with Machinery Co, at Bangkok,| tegeoag a , slowed the matket action "that) i... for her personally--| Panes. ithe agent's duty to-his principal) Thailand, was substantially un- Earlier, she testified lene Pil eal that week or the next "though it now may appear) W. Mansell Ketchen, vice-jand... could be considered . + der the cost to Bell. excitement--which drove " week, so." |president in charge of admin-|inconsistent with just and equit-| Alex G, Lester, Bell's engin-| fall shares to $5.60 from In other questioning, Mr. She testified she was not sure/|istration at the exchange, told! able principles of trade and det- eering vice - president, said he) cents, before the stock Col} artt led Mrs, MacMillan what Mr Taylor did to earn his|the commission that the ex-/rimental to the interests of the| didn't know of the case but sug-| lapsed overnight to id as through 52 different accounts in| windfall fee--"I'm not sure of\change last February restored exchange." : lgested any price difference! ge ler ee i rng thing|"aroys Hames at several brok-the scope of public relations|Bunker Hill. Extension Mines He said the board will inquire) may have been due to exchange) ee ee can tTnee bellees, work" -- but he had talked to|Lid, to the active trading list] further into the subject. lrates or the ll-per-cent federal] about the poten i neal until, _Pausing several times to look people about the company and) after Pasquale Giardine, a stock) The royal commission WAS)sales tax which doesn't apply) ket: interest in an 4 bled Closely at some of the accounts,| was very interested in it. 'promoter, acquired control of}told of one such transaction'to foreign purchases, I ao: te aes oak dollar, including some in the names of, "I beg that this question be/ the firm despite an adverse) April 28 when Harold dco a, --------_--____--__--__---- the 62 - year old woman whajcompames Oe T ettiy-oe ox i poly ng tg de Mr: MacMillan! credit -- be Mr. bs pigg np led Fgh = -- | once was called the Queen Bee Touee, she s apne st P ial Ruksd "abont ate Tavinwe Mr. Ketchen also told the Roicht 16.000 shares of Windlalll { Mining testified she was furi- most of them for other people, Aske abou Mr, 'aylor's commission that on Jan. 6 he ght 15, f ai 4 2 the s dden activity at their request and had di- earlier testimony in which he|sold shares 'of Jacola Mines|from Cecil Lecour, floor trader wsoticted tsi "* lrected the trading in most of quoted her as saying the Wind-|1td., another company of which|for T. A. Richardson and Co., WANTED PRODUCER them. fall' core contained mineraliza-'Mr, Giardine is president, to|at $1.01 a few minutes after the She said the only interest she, emphasizing that she person-|tion, she' replied she could not Mr. Giardine at the price at| exchange opened last July 6 and or her husband George, Wind- ajiy made no money out of any recall details of the _conversa-| which he had originally bought! resold them immediately to Mr fall president, had was to trYlof the accounts, she described tion July 6 but admitted she the shares on a tip. from Mr. Lecour at $1.02 to find a producingproperty--|the account holders as all good might have said it Giardine. The price of the stock, This was described as an ac- not to run the market on & citizens, many friends of long ence ol there arco a ci had failed to rise as Mr. Giar- rete ges ase the oot page stock. standing. discussion over what mineral-|dine had predicted it would. tender since it was agains e Wearing a rose-colored wool) «¢ 4 have done something ization means. Mrs, MacMillan See ee company's rules for an em suit, big white beads and alwrong I assure you I won't insisted she used the word to VOTE CONFIDENCE ployee to "cross stock against 8 man's gold wrist watch, Mrs. again." she said at one point,.mean a rock structure that) The exchange's board of goy- client's order," that is, buy] MacMillan fenced briefly with pn all, the five-foot Mrs, Mac- Could contain ore. ernors later gave Mr. Ketchen stock being sold by a client of Mr. Justice Arthur Kelly of the yjjjjan testified for more than SHE WAS CAREFUI a bare gg na petting the firm. i -om- ing a CARREUL on his honesty and _ integrity. Sees "ol the Vcatiaatins * are ea. Bh vill per se She said that during that pe-|The vote was endorsed at the sioner stigation was adjourned, She will resume vigg she was being extremely : el ar ethane studying the trading of Wind-itestitying when the sitting con- annual meeting xchang f AT THE ae oo" : Killex kills more lawn weeds than any other lawn treatment Completely Instolled Kidney Shaped 34' x 19 x 8 i 2875 RELIABLE POOLS 725-3974 or 725-9991 We guarantee it. AUTOMATIC. DRIVE (exclusive from Wheel Horse, of course) 1 ; 25 bo : careful about what she told members Reg "wy caer site. -- anyone about the property, In addition, the exchange has ment. ASKS ABOUT CONTROL Mrs. MacMillan started' her issued an immediate warning 'o Commission Counsel Patrick! Mr. Hartt asked her whether|testimony by answering ques-\ ohors that their floor. trad- Hartt asked Mrs, MacMillanishe and her hushand shared|tions put-to her by her counsel,' ... must stop using a practice about the relationship betweeneffective control of Windfall. Joseph Sedgwick, called floor accommodation in an exploratory diamond drill, She replied she thought they She reviewed her long mining) } naling orders from clients. core sunk on Windfall's prop-jdid, but she did not consider/°areer, bein ng " 1922 when she "1, most circumstances trad- erty near Timmins and the|the directors -- who included a|Visited Cobalt, Ont., and oul ors are not allowed to buy stock market activity. shares from their own firmss farmer who: helped work on the lined pom . ---- ; ied! Millans' . . mines she has developed. After Mrs. MacMillan replied|MacMillans' property near Tor jiat & iene Gatch fer ead and 'base - metal properties,|® she said, she started prospect-| ing for uranium in the Lake/difficult to get broker to take Cinch, Sask., area in 1953 be-a deal and handle it properly cause "in the annals of history) "We weren't interested in just I wanted to have something to making a market play .. . it she could not pinpoint the re-lonto -- were merely nominees lationship, Mr. Justice Kelly in-| They were people she and her terposed and asked what wouldjhusband had invited to sit on save happened if the company|the board, but she hoped they had issued a statement sayingjfelt free to disagree with any go ore was visible in the core.|MacMillan decision. After a long pause, she re- She said, however, she could 4 clients. To get around this rule trader sometimes sells the o with the atomic age." looks that way, but I assure you or we will refund the full purchase price. @ No shifting gears! e Full power at any speed! Used as directed, Green Cross Killex guarantees resulte= We can make this guarantee because Killex contains a triple combination of components which kill more hard-to-kill lawn weeds than any other lawn treatment. Even where famous 2,4-D has failed, Killex has provided outstanding control over such problem lawn weeds as: Chickweed,- Clover, Bedstraw, Black Medick, Heal-all, Ground Ivy, @ Select any of an infinite number of speeds -- forward or reverse! After selling that successful/it isn't that way property, she and her husband "We just wanted to find a {went into semi-retirement 'but mine." I could never leave mining and ~~~ I never really wanted to." BOUGHT CONTROL Canada's favourite Knotweed, Shepherd's Purse, and of course Dandelions and Plaintains, Killex is economical, too. One ounce of Killexto one gallon of water weed-treats 250 sq. ft. of lawn, Yet for all its effectiveness, Killex is safe for all lawn grasses. Even the best weed killers can fail sometimes. Killex is an exception, Now, do those yard, garden or snow removal jobs in less time, with less energy! Get a 4-neason horse (Wheel Horse, of course) ... with all-new Wheel-a-Matic Drive! Enjoy in- stant automatic apeed changes, select an infinite number of speeds -- up to 6 mph forward; up to 8 mph reverse! Nothing to shift! Clutchless speed selection offers greater efficiency, greater capacity. Wheel-a-Matic is an smooth as the fully automatic drive of an automobile -- try it today! F HOME OF THE Famers Satie Conventions & Banquets HENRY HUDSON HOTEL 353 West 57th St., New York City COtembes 5-61 60 SOSEPH A. STINGO, General Manager Oe me me om Oy ON Oe OR OE oe we me we Oe om om 30m Courteny Core emtiting ove te special rates we Oe Randall Sees New Boom In 1965 Home-Building -- «xr cov, ,.,. TORONTO (CP)--Stanley J.| He noted that although the fall for $65,000. At that time, Randall, Ontario minister of eae tee, 8 alee abe sa, Ht consisted ofa ser: y oe year, -mant gold property and a eoonpinies and develop m ¢ nt, esr alities have requested sur- $08,000 tn Bas treasury. says housing starts in Canada| yevs to determine the need for' She reviewed stock underwrit- Se aes supe Sy at/rental housing and tenders have ings used to raise money for least 10 per cent last year's/been called for 2,500 units. the treasury, prompting Mr. pig ng ogni on fie- On public housing, he men-|Sedgwick to ask her why she ures toe Motrepaliten' 'Tercate tioned a target reported set by and her husband preferred to he said Thursday in a speech Ken Soble, chairman of the|handle the deals through com- to the Toronto. Real Estate Musing corporation, of 12,000 panies they controlled instead Board that investment in res-(units in the next three years--|of through stock brokers as us- idential constructio h 1d the number built in all Canada ually is done. -- ' aa ots in the last 15 years, Sheh replied it has always be reach $3,000,000,000 -- an in- Shiausie oi sierts RENT-A-CAR crease of $400,000,000 over 1964. He cited the federal govern- DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH $5.00 PER DAY -- antacr cus ment's proposed revisions of! MILEAGE CHARGE the Bank Act as a factor in the 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S into the mortgage lending field would enable home buyers to CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST. borrow at cheaper rates with Oshawa + It's Canadian... it's quality Division of THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO, OF CANADA LIMITED T.-M, REG'D, Test-ride a 4-season Horse (Wheel Horse, of course) -- try the smooth Wheel-a-Matic Drive! Select from our complete stable of winners. Models from 6 to 10 H.P.! 36 attaching tools available for added versatility! COME IN TODAY! PRODUCTS JORDAN \ BRANVIN Sherry ane A, W. Rundle Garden Centre 1015 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario Agere. EATON'S IN OSHAWA 725-7373 eines CHILL IF DESIRED reduced down payments For Metropolitan Toronto, | construction could total $2,400,- 000,000 with 35,000 housing units | being built and real estate sales totalling $750,000,000. Mr, Randall reports to the legislature for the Ontario Housing Corporation. LAAAAAAD +++ 4d Af OPEN HOUSE this WEEK-END Westview Heights NEWCASTLE Custom Built Aldwood Homes 15 MINUTES AWA why the Cascade 40 electric water heating appliance can guarantee you all the hot water you'll ever need 3 FROM OSH- CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES The Cascade 40 has two heating elements. The 1000 watt bottom element keeps 40 gallons of piping hot water on tap. The 3000 watt top element surges into action to replace any hot water used---and to replace it FAST. For more information ask your hydro PARK & SWIMMING POOL WITHIN ~ WALKING DIS. TANCE 3 MINUTES _ FROM ONTARIO LAKE MUNICIPAL WATER SUP- LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY One of the Many Exciting Designs at Westview Heights 2 VLA serviced lots available, including survey $2,000 & $3,000 ee, eee ALWOOD HOMES NEWCASTLE -- PHONE 987-4245 "WE ARE ALWAYS AVAILABLE ANI HOMES TO NHA SPECIFICATIONS PRICED FROM OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ..... . .. . TELEPHONE 668-5878 AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION . » TELEPHONE 942-0500 PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ..... . . . TELEPHONE 942-2930 AT YOUR SERVICE" Ae ee MM MM A A A Me tn te Be tn Mn