Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 May 1965, p. 3

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te SABER SO NE UB tm seven. ee NBN WIFE, HUSBAND GUNNED Bloody Slaughter Ends Conciliation AMHERSTBURG, Ont. (CP)jlice he and his father had come here to talk to his mother about a legal separation, hoping to "take mother back to Farg." Police said Mrs. Shelton, who died at 4 a.m., more than six hours after the shooting, arrived about two months ago to vis't relatives after separating from her husband. Mr. his son arrived Wednesday. Richard Yeager, a waiter in the barroom, narrowly escaped being shot as he stood between husband and wife while serving A husband and wife are dead and another man is near death today after a marriage reconcil- iation bid that ended with a triple shooting in a bar. George Benton Shelton, 46, of Fargo, N.D., shot himself to death before 25 beer parlor customers Wednesday night af- ter his wife Glenna, 45, and her friend, William McFarlane 46, had been critically injured. Mrs. Shelton died early today. Police said McFarlane and Mrs. Shelton were shot from . close .range with a .357-calibre magnum pistol while they were together in a rear bar of the Lakeview Hotel, Amherstburg, 20 miles south of Windsor. Shelton apparently shot his wife three times and the other man twice before shooting him- said, ing, they said, the dead man's son walked into the bar and saw his father, mother and the|McFarlane's life. third man lying on the floor jearly today was drinks. he said, months, Mrs. Doctors night in When Mrs. here for an attempt to Shelton and Shelton saw the man with a gun in his hand, "She said in a low) voice, 'George, you fool.' She was shot immediately after" Police said McFarlane, living in a_ motel sonie was believed to have self through the heart, police|come from Sarnia. Shelton was raise Immediately after the shoot-| Amherstburg. worked through the|Canada, said ¢ save|new constitution embodying the His condition|Principle of full described as|tween the two Union Brief Backs Right Of Equality VANCOUVER (CP) -- Objec- tion from the membership forced a union to delete from its brief a section calling for equal representation for the French and. English "nations" in a central government of Can- ada. The United Fishermen and Al- lied Workers Union (Ind.) made the deletion when spokesmen appeared before the royal com- mission on biculturalism and bi- lingualism Wednesday. The union spokesmen also said there was strong objection within the union to the brief's support of the right of one of the "nations" to secede. | The brief, which agreed in d inthis with an earlier submission from the Communist Party of said Canada needs a equality be- "nations" in the country. There should be a By BEN WARD OTTAWA. (CP) -- There's a sort of David and Goliath atmosphere at the Bell Tele- phone Co. of Canada hear- ings now going on before the | board wi iransport commis- sioners, "David" is Lovell G. Car- roll of Montreal, the lone law- yer speaking for 105 Ontario and Quebec municipalities and four municipal associ- ations. These groups are opposing Bell's proposed formula for a higher level of permissive profit, claiming it will en- courage Bell to seek a tele- phone rate boost, "Goliath" is Bell, repre- sented by six lawyers work- ing in relay, a half - dozen vice - presidents, assorted other senior executives, a | bevy of hired experts and a three - member public rela- tions team, all backed by a clerical staff in a_ well- equipped office installed in a Chateau. Laurier suite across the street from the (board courtroom. | Mr. Carroll, a slim, balding a limited budget for the battle, the fourth Mr. Carroll has fought against Bell in 15 years. But Bell, a $2,300,000,000 corporation with an image to protect, can't afford such poverty. It's paying about $1,500 a week for hotel rooms alone, and that's one of the minor expense items. The first stage of the board-ordered hearings is be- ing taken up by the telephone | company's presentation of evidence on its financial oper- ations. It's a monumental, well - prepared mass of testi- mony in which the lawyers and witnesses have all their questions and answers neatly before them like a Hollywood / script, ' Mr. Carroll's cross - exam- ination is based on a few sheets of hastily - scribbled notes in a loose-leaf binder. As if his problems weren't enough, the opposition lawyer has also been plagued with hotel room troubles. For the first few nights he was in- stalled just above the cock- tail lounge, distracted by the organ music booming below. He moved to another floor THE GIANT, BELL TELEPHONE Police Step FACES 'DAVID'S' OPPOSITION Up Probe In Cobalt Theft DELORO, Ont. (CP) '--Pro- vincial police and department of defence production officials are conducting an intensive in- vestigation into the theft from a warehouse of $650,000 worth lof refined cobalt, | Insp. Albert Duguid of the criminal investigation branch of the provincial police in Tor- onto discounted reports that po- lice are baffled by the theft. "After we've had a chance to look into the matter to see where we stand we'll be able to say whether we're baffled or not,"' he said. The cobalt was owned by the federal government and stored under contract by the Deloro Mining and Reduction Co, Ltd. Industry Minister Drury told the Commons Wednesday the company was_ responsible ' for the cobalt, used in steel harden- ing and in production of certain paints. It had been stockpiled sinc 1958. The theft was discovered more than a week ago, but word } } |way tinue | pension. | If the prime minister needs a to reward political support- Mr. Cameron suggested, he THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, May 13, 1965 Senate Under Fire Again; Abolition One Suggestion -- By PAUL DUNN OTTAWA (CP)--For the Sen- ate, it was another rough day in the Commons, There were suggestions that the upper chamber, where members have been appointed for life, be abolished. And a New Democratic Party said that if some kind of haven must be kept for loyal servants who no longer have political usefulness, then copy the French Legion of Honor or the French Academy. The proposal for the French substitute for the Senate iput forward Wednesday by Colin Cameron naimo - Cowichan - The Islands- while the Commons debated a government bill to set a retire-|. ment age of 75 for future Sen- ate appointees -- they now are appointed for life -- and estab- lish an $8,000 annual pension for any retired senator. | Current senators could con- to serve or retire with the Labor Congress) should be ap-/Thompson would be a "worth- pointed to the Senate." Dr. For-|while' member of the red sey had been "spurned again) chamber. and again" at the polls. Mr. Cameron took issue with When Social Credit Leader)mMr. Regan's suggestion that Robert Thompson tried to en-) ter the debate Mr. Regan won-NDP spears ee motivated dered "if he would accept aby "envy and jealousy" be- Senate seat if he were offered|cause none of them "have been one? Methinks thou dost protest|or are likely to be appointed to too much." But he added Mr.\the Senate." =the was (NDP -- Na- OSHAWA'S FOREMOST FINE CLOTHIER George Shelton Jr. 19, told po-|"very critical." Dominica Business Jolted From 'Profits To Politics' What do the people out in the provinces of the Domini- can Republic think about the revolt in Santo Domingo? AP correspondent William L. Ryan is touring the interior to find out. By WILLIAM L. RYAN PUERTO PLATA (AP) -- Dominican businessmen usually devote their undivided attention to profits and regard. politics only as a means to that end. But they have been rudely jolted by the revolution that threw Santo Domingo into tur- moil. The capital had been far away from the breadbasket provinces. The businessmen were accus- tomed to violent changes of government, swiftly executed man with a disarmingly mild | manner, operates out of a : did not Jeak out until Jast Mon-|&!S> and the plumbing promptly |q,\ ast MOM should set up some other body, battered brief case. He has | went out of kilter. |a sort of Legion of Honor with no assistant, no office staff| The Bell team has been ; a handsome pension attached to and no office other than his | snoozing peacefully on a quiet was stored in 268 barrels, Of|it to which persons considered file-crammed hotel room. | upper floor that it has prac- which only 23 remained Un-| <iitable could be retired." His municipal clients have | tically taken over. touched, police said. Gerald A. Ri L -- Hali- m Mr. Drury said the ec tapherete irre 'a ie pany. sends the sovacinaes val oan gg % ry ite quarterly inventory statements| povernments 'yi paca ye on the material held in storage.|senators who had served in The April 1 statement showed! political life. --_ --. The theft had) He said one NDP speaker had een iscovered, \the "audacity to suggest that a Deloro is 30 miles north ofjman like Eugene Forsey (re- |Belleville. 'search director of the Canadian --|yoluntary union, with each hav- ing the right to secede, BACKS MULTI-LINGUALISM In another brief, the Van- |couver branch of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee said Can-| ada should be recognized as a ; ' ; multi-lingual and multi-cultural! Businessmen in the cities uel codairyce theme of several of having difficulty. meeting pay-|the briefs presented to the com- rolls and for a week many|mission during its two days businesses in Santiago and other here, cities were closed. Gasoline be-| yy tri i Mrs. Agnes Kripps, branch torch eben the price/yresident, also said English ition "Geko * gallon, a situ-| should be recognized as the lan- abe' nly gradually being! oyage of communication outside anaes Quebec and French should not The cobalt, in pelletized form, Jamie May Spend Summer In Court Detention Home . TORONTO (CP)--Jamie, anday that Jamie be sent to a All this has raised tension\be imposed on the people eight-year-old boy who is deaf|residential school for the deaf that will grow as people be- Outside of Quebec, people and emotionally disturbed, mayjat Milton, Ont. come hungrier, businessmen) could be encouraged to learn|spend the summer in the juven-) But the department of educa- acknowledge. Young, extremist! second language, but not necs|ile and family court detention|tion said in a statement Wed- elements of the left are ready tolacsarily be French. It could be|home where he has been for @lnesday the school will recess in pitalize on all this. the language of an individual's|month, it was learned Wednes-| mid-June and it may not be ap- ACHE FOR WEAPONS own ethnic group. day. : propriate to admit. a child so "Why die ice The former lieutenant-gover-, His mother brought him be-close to the summer recess. slowly? snorted ; fore tt . 1 13 as i one young man, aching for|Nor.of Saskatchewan said con-|fore ag Apri d as 'a A department spokesman said weapons to add his own contri-stitutional amendments th a t incorel Ne one aie ame be-l/ater it may be necessary| ee ee Se enacnie te Trade | calse she was expecting an-|!0 find a foster home for Jamie) blow for democracy by the|™ db ree by Pit " other child this month. juntil the school reopens in the! and accomplished in hours. |"ebels in Santo Domingo. idiot ahah eg So aan tye @ fall. Your Money Earns More At CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION i SEEN IN THE BEST CIRCLES You can readily identity the man who wears Glenwood ~ Canada's top quality slacks. He looks and feels his on Savings Accounts. Paid guished best wherever rd compounded quart- his leisure hours take him, . te lenwood SLACKS on Chequing Accounts from the dey the account is opened. Paid Quarter- ly on minimum monthly balance. No charge for cheques written, 'eggre ' , ' j 6s i i A committee appointed by This time it is different. The Young men are cyni bout) 'There is no such thing as @ n , 'coup d'etat of April 24 Png Po her Demian Re-|Partnership between nations or|the court recommended Tues: Bae ner se +e the Belonias eoned into a situation that|public. They say they no longer|Provinces, Frank L. [School for the Deaf if his appli-| threatened to tear this little|believe politicians. They are told the commission. N Z cation is accepted, as do other Caribbean peo sears. 3 ee a 4 grab what they|yoIn IN BRIEF ew @a an such children from Metropol- LOOMED IN ENGLAND cost many lives. It has brought/think they deserve. vidlencarnereacae ' | litan Toronto. | a massive intervention of U.S.| Such attitudes tvnicat | eee eCUaaIng & brief sub- S ts U S i . troops, It has brought Domini-|of all the ti rea 'out pag mgt eon ee Pca es uppor _-- lates eine at the Pobeaing Hos! ry + 2 ae , re SUC! bow ' 7 S~ | o pone pg et -- pe bat ran generated by the de-icaskatchewan Court of Appeal. WELLINGTON (Reuters) --)Pital.for Children, a treatment! |teriorating economic situation! ,, prief said in part that no|Prime Minister Keith Holyoakejcentre for emotionally dis- ( said today the New Zealand|turbed children, at Thistletown.| of firing on their brethren. : and the chaos in the capital Canadian familiar with the his has generated havoc in an al-\continues to grow, they are| tory of Confederation aan the|government fully supports and|He was released last December| ) was felt nothing) ready ailing economy. |likely to attract more allies fi roe ; , |British North Ameri can|4pproves of U.S. action in South|because it ping yoann eva onl Orn Despite the U.S. landings in ter Pee c iat enone Viet Nam but has not yet de-|more could be done for him. and over in the northern part of Santo Domingo, North Ameri-|petween the founding races.. |ided how it could best help the -- : this little country one hears|cr ins vo popular among many' nis partnership "is a recent|Scuth Vietnamese, people "dn leaders of the middle class say- ha gah: me caged sgmentongend presiatha 4 the hope of their trafic plight,' | SEU Genes Ok tr ec leec erin ta vese" ilshahling more special prive| 17 8. olcy, Gptement, Holy | tive part in politics. [Santiago and in La Vega. lleges f nc oreneh languece,"(oake, said: "'Let ime declare ; or | "We like Norte Americanos," | ©8°S 'OF te rench language. Progress Brand laileid years, Authorized Trustee investments, Redeemable on death, when invested in our Guaranteed Investment Certificates for 6 to 10 Special Weekly Message But there are those who ack-|.iq one, "but we don't need| The brief, one of the most clearly and unequivecally, that To Members of nowledge this will not be easy.|North American troops, What|strongly-worded to be presented|fully supports and approves the' CHAMBERS The po peg merging we need is food and clothing to the commission, said: jaction taken by the United -- -- gt liga g Paes and money in our pockets." "We believe, with many|States at the request of the FOOD CLUB oe ch © eit a has|;,.2ne danger today appears to others, that a small minority|government of South Viet Nam| 168-- 42 284--- 51 ack into the ange bl on (Pe much more economic than|group of French nationalistsjand more recently the support) 230---~ 46 229---~ 68 not been ager © gamble 8) ,oJitical, Much of the Domini-|have now pressed much too farjannoufced by the Australian| Ss 46 SO ee his country's future. can Republic is a powderkeg.|in demanding equality for the/government," mo G Wt THEY'RE FRIGHTENED It would not take much more French language with the Eng-| (Australia has announced it) 269 -- 48 549 95 Dozens of businessmen here lish language in nine provinces|will send about 1,000 combat) 279 -- 68 639 -- 166 than what is going on in Santo and in other cities of the north! Domingo to ignite the fuse outside Quebec." jtroops to South Viet Nam.) seem frightened. { The stalemate in Santo Doms | Zz *Yeorly Rate MEN'S WEAR mal 4 S535 2) eer | te 939399924, r t _, REE SAVING HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 9 to 6 Friday 9to9 Saturdey 9to 5 Head Office: 19 Simeoe St. N. } Oshawa Tel. 723-5221 74 Simeem North cme | Friday 1 See rom STARTS TOMORROW 6 P.M. ENDS 6 P.M. SATURDAY Here's your opportunity to Get in On the Season's Biggest Clean-up .. . 720 Minutes of Spectacular Savings! Cherney's buyers have checked the stock on all floors, in all stores . . . Combed all the hidden corners of their huge warehouse and offer you spectacular savings! One of a kind items . . Discontinued styles, fabrics . . Shop soiled, damaged items . . Odds and ends... Sale "leftovers" . . . surplus stock. Plan now to get a fast start for furniture, Appliances, television stereo, broadloom, drapery bargains . . . Everyone a winner! FOUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE L2RHOWR ingo between the forces who call themselves constitu-| tionalists and those who call themselves loyalists is threaten- ing slow economic paralysis. The 'businessmen as a rule) are thankful that U.S, troops! landed, since that seems insur-| ance against a Castro-like revo- lution. But money is running short in the banks because of the paralysis in the capital. The to- bacco industry in the agrarian, north has been hit hard, and 15,000 workers face idleness be- cause of lack of credit. More External Scope Sought OTTAWA (CP) -- Senator Grattan O'Leary (PC--Ontario) said Wednesday the Senate ex- ternal relations committee should not restrict its planned study to Canada's relationships with the Commonwealth, He said better subjects for the committee' study would be the Cyprus situation, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the war in Viet Nam or the United Nations Special attention should be given to the qualifications for membership in the Common- wealth. Due to discrimination and stifling of democratic processes in such countries as Ghana, Rhodesia and Kenya, Senator O'Leary said, there is a declin- ing respect for the Common- wealth. Waldo Monteith Replaces Starr OTTAWA (CP) -- J. Waldo Monteith, Progressive Conserv- ative member of Parliament for Perth, and a former minis-| ter of national health and wel-) fare, was elected Wednesday| as chairman of the party cau- cus He succeeds Michael Starr (PC--Ontario), a former labor) minister recently named Con-| servative House leader in the Commons. Theogene Picard (PC -- St Hyacinthe - Bagot) was elected to the new post of caucus vice- ehairman. | 12 r oS CHROME ~ SUITE ws 18-65 i Cesh and Carry \ iy Hostess cd ~ Scandinavian style CHAIRS 9.65 " Cash and Carry ~ ROLLAWAY coTs 9 with spring tilled 3 mattress. 7.65 Al 87.65 . / 6 \ / "SEE CHERNEY'S FULL PAGE AD IN TOMORROW'S HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS PRICED TO SAVE YOU MONEY !! ~ Davenport 9 SUITE 2 PC. MODERN - 94.65 ; 2 6 PAPER" 9 3 7 Cash and Carry Limit te @ customer 6 x od

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