Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 May 1965, p. 28

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"28 «THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 13, 1965 20--Real Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate for Sale '20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20----Real Estate for Sale Jones AND Dougan REALTORS 668-8841 WHITBY BEST BUY 2,000.00 down will give the eae of this fine 5 roomed bungalow priced to sell at only $12,500.00. This is an exceptional buy so YOU be sure to inspect BEFORE you buy. Call Roe R. Jones, WHITBY CENTRAL $14,500-00. Five roomed brick bungalow located in on excellent lecatior. on a good lot. Hollywood style kitchen. tiled bothroom and 3 DANDY bedrooms, and an 18 foot liv- ing room. 668-8841. BROOKLIN $1,500. DOWN Cozy brick bungalow of 5 rooms and all good sized rooms, recreation room in basement, large lot, reason- able taxes. You can't go wrong on this home. WHITBY $1,400.00 down and this home does spell comfort all the way through. Five rooms in all, 'Large living room, modernistic kitchen, 3 bed- rooms with plenty of closet space, 668-8841. 10 ACRES THICKSON RD. AREA $5,000.00 full price, terms if desired, choice land, choice location and ONLY ONE LEFT JONES and DOUGAN REALTORS 20--Real Estate for Sale PAUL ISTOW EALTOR 187 KING ST. E. 728-9474 FOUR BEDROOMS Yes, and two four piece bath- rooms. Located in popular Grandview Gardens (North of King St.) You'll find the room sizes surprising and the walk- out basement ideal for active family convenience, A real pleaser at $21,500, gorage included. BERNARD CRESCENT You'll never believe it! A beautiful brick bungalow with attached garage, complete in every detail including com- fortable electric heating and fireplace for cool evenings with a professionally installed patio for warm sunny days. Inspection by appointment, BOOKSIDE DRIVE Custom built centre hall bun- galow with attached garage. Six well planned rooms with a floor area of 1377 sq. ft. Pro- fessionally landscaped and mony extras. We would be pleased to show this home to you FOR AS LITTLE AS $2,000 down you can own this five room brick bungalow in Oshawa's Harmony area. Complete with garage. Easy terms and immediate possess- ion. Investigate NOW. STORES FOR RENT Three up and coming loca- tions in' rapidly expanding residential oreas. Adjoining apartment accommodation if desired. After 5 Call Vern Morton 655-3482 Earl Salter 723-3052 Tom Huzer 728-5422 Eh Metcalf REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. East 728-4678 HORTOP STREET 9-year old brick bungalow, consisting of 3 large bed- rooms, large living room sep- erate dining room, also a large finished recreation room ond situated on a deep lot, for more information call us today. COMMERCIAL Garden centre, doing a real good business, consists of a large 6-room brick a bungalow, lot sized | fully equipped. Call fo; ther information, NEW BUNGALOWS King St. East, under construc- tion. 2 months possession and priced at $14,995. with $1,- 569.76 down, where can you do better? WHITBY Only $3,000. down for this brick ond stone bungalow, with paved drive ond garage, large landscoped lot, finished rec, room many extras, 2 washrooms. ELECTRIC HEATED Only 3 homes left at the price of $17,495. 3 good siz- ed bedrooms, paved streets, full services prepoid LISTING WANTED! Call us today for listing your home. Free appraisals. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Dial 728-4678 Bob Johnston Joe Maga Jack Osborne Dick Barriage Ken Hann Member O.D.R.E.B. JOHN F. DeWith REALTOR BOWMANVILLE, 14 Frank Street Phone 623-3950 Peterborough area, 100 acres - with old log house. 2 Springs. Asking $7,500. Terms, Peterborough. orea, 50 acres with barn, spring. Priced ot $5,000. Terms. 200 acre farm with good barn, large drive shed, 10 roomed home. River on pro- perty. Asking price $40,000. Terms: 250 acre farm with good buildings, Home with all mod- ern conveniences. Excellent soil for tobacco, Asking $29,- 000. Terms. 135 acre farm with 8 roomed home, 2 barns; hen house, stream. Asking $35,000. Terms, DAIRY FARM, 236 acres, os a going concern with 55 head of Holstein cattle. Full line of new machinery. Excellent buildings. Priced at. $65,000. Terms DAIRY FARM, 150 acres as a going concern with 50 head of Holstein cattle, Machinery. Good buildings. Asking $48,- 000. Terms. DAIRY FARM, 150 acres with 60 head of Holstein cattle, Machinery. Highway location. Price $40,000. Terms. DAIRY FARM, 185 acres os a going concern with 70 head of Guernsey cattle. Machin- ery. Good buildings. Asking $62,000. Terms. 100 acre farm with house, barn, hen house etc. Excel- lent view. Asking $18,000. with $3,000 down. 100 acre farm with good buildings. Commuting dis- tance to Oshawa, Asking $25,000. Terms TAUNTON ROAD, with brick home, barn. Ap- prox: 2000 feet road front- tage. Asking $42,000. Terms. 150 acres with house, barn, stream, Asking $11,- 50 acres Bowman And Gibson REALTORS and INSURANCE 145 Brock St. South Whitby Phone 668-5823 * WHITBY INCOME HOME Eleven room home with four room self-contained. apart- ment. Large landscaped lot 78 ft. x 121 ft. Double gar- age. Close to downtown and schools. Completely redecora- ted, Total income $230 per month, LIST PRICE $18,300. SOUTH WEST Six room bungalow, attached garage. Three bedrooms, 4 piece tile bath plus 2 piece bath, Large livingroom with fireplace, dining room, Broadioom throughout home. Completed recreation room of "Notty Pine'. Large well landscaped lot 90 ft. x 175ft. LIST PRICE $27,000. $3,000 DOWN Beautiful five room bungalow, 4 piece tile bath. Three large bedrooms with double closets. Hollywood kitchen. Partial recreation room. Asphalt driveway. Cement patio. Large landscaped lot. OPEN TO OFFERS LIVERPOOL Country. living with city con- veniences. Five room brick bungalow on large landscaped lot 84 ft. x 356 ft, Three bedrooms, 4 piece tile bath, Fireplace, storms and screens, Many other extras, too num- erous to mention, CALL TONIGHT FOR INSPECTION * | BILL LUNDMARK | DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED REALTOR 333 King Street West 723-1168 INCOME HOME Two family dwelling with paved drive. Centrally locat- ed to downtown' Oshawa. Home has separate kitchens and baths, down payment only $3,000. Ideal for those wishing an income home or a large family dwelling. FIVE ROOM brick bungalow on well landscaped lot with @ paved drive and back yard fenced, Home has three nice size bedrooms with a very modern kitchen, Complete with alu- minum storms apd screens throughout including base- ment. Priced at $14,500. ATTRACTIVE AND APPEAL- ING SPLIT LEVEL HOME-- with attached gasage in' the North West area, Home is nicely decorated with a large family size Hollywood kit- chen with. separate dining orea. Many extros--must be seen, John Howson Bob Hobbs Member of the O.D.R.E.B. $15,500 Six room bungalow. Large dining room and living room, Spacious kitchen, tiled bath with vanity, Located in quiet court, north west area. 6% mortgage. Telephone 266- Al 19 Scarborough. REALTOR 728-7377 833 Simcoe Street South SNACK BAR and SERVICE STATION With living quarters in thriv- ing village 20 minutes from Oshawa. Large turnover show- ing good income profit and 20e--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent DRIFT IN CAMP On south bay of Lake Nipissing, fully equipped house-keeping cottages, hot and cold water, in- side conveniences, safe sandy beach, excellent fishing, recreation facili- ties. Reserve now for May 24 weekend and summer vacation. Phone 725-4465 FOR BROCHURES ----__ ~ PINE TREE LODGE and. HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES PIGEON LAKE Good fishing and swimming. Reasonable rates, Family re- sort. 90 min. from Oshowa. G.M. openings still availoble- Buckhorn OL7-8541 or Hampton 263-2365 Ask for GORDON BROWN or FRED WATSON FUN For All The ,Family At HOSPITALITY INN Heated Pool, Beach Dancing, Tournaments, Skiing and Fishing At HOSPITALITY INN Kiddies Playground With Train, Merry-go-Round, Cars Plus A Fabulous Bonus Before July 17 Or After Aug. 14. Rates $48 to $79 with Meals Phone 535 or Write Dept. "A" HOSPITALITY INN, MINDEN, ONT. BEL-AIR RESORT LAKE BAPTISTE NEW insulated house- keeping cottages, city conven- iences, screened perches, good swimming, boating and fish- ing. Boats, motors $65 week- ly Telephone 728-7454 Oshawa or write MR, MUELLER Baptiste, , Ontario, POW-WOW POINT @ Year-round Resort - Pen Lake @ Planned Recreation, Dances @ Finest Foods, Oven-fresh Baking Luxury lakefront suites, bun- galows, rooms, $56-$70 weekly, American Plan. Write Box 387, Huntsville or call 705- 789-4951 ~ PRIVATE SA SALE = 23--Real Estate Wanted 26.--Apartments for Rent List your home with us and get TOP DOLLAR. We have SPOT CASH and Term Buyers. SCHOFIELD-AKER DO IT NOW! we FREE APPRAISAL % NO OBLIGATION Call 723-2265 LIMITED OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE "WE WILL PAY CASH FOR _ JOHN F. DeWITH WANTED! LISTINGS Sisay's Real Estate Ltd. 728-7576 YOUR HOUSE. CALL REALTOR Bowmanville 623-3950 Sophisticated Adult Living ot CASA MANANA COURT Spacious 1-2- and 3-bedroom suites, featuring modern equipped kitchens, vanities with large mirrors in bathe rooms, private balconies, broadloomed corridors, twin. elevator service and intercom system. Model suite furnish- ed by Wilson's Furniture. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Call Rental Office at 723-6361 Follow Park Road North te Anderson St., West on An- derson to Nipigon St. Open for your inspection from 2 to 9 p.m. daily GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-1121 LUSANNE VILLA SPANISH PROVINCIAL DECOR Electric Heating, Controlled Entrances, Laundry on each floor, Broadloom Corridors, Elevator Service, Dinette, Dining Room, Ceramic Tile Both, Vanity, Well maintain- 330 GIBB ST. | need several homes for anxious buyers in the North West Area. | If you are considering making a change of any kind call me. Maible Boudreau of Schofield-Aker Ltd. at 723-2265 or 728-2233 anytime. | NEED OLDER TYPE HOME NOW ! For Cash Buyer Coll BILL JOHNSTON GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite 3. Bedroom Suite ADULTS ONLY TELEPHONE 723-1712 728-2911 oe For Appointment AVAILABLE JUNE Ist Two bedroom apartment -- frig, and stove, laundry facile ities, ADULTS ONLY 723-6944 after 6 p.m. THREE-ROOM .apartment with garage, Children welcome. Apply 30 Harmony Road North after 6 p.m. TWO-BEDROOM unfurnished apa: priv bathroom, private entra: Schofield-Aker Ltd, 728-1066 |FARM | WANTED to rent near Oshawa, with house ana barn, suitable for hors Write Box 522 Oshawa Times. newer home. Available June 1. Apply 46 | Cromwell | Avenue, WORKING M MOTHER and Infant te share Swebeotvom furnished apartment with . me. Day care included. Buena Viste | area. Telephone 723-5892. or unfurnishea apartment; REALTOR $1,500 DOWN Close to downtown, large 7 room, suitable for renting rooms, low taxes, low heating. Immediate possession, Try your offer tonight, Call 728- WHITBY PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 668-8841 KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD -- 728-7328 103 KING ST, EAST $9,000. Two bedroom bungalow on the south east comer of Park Road and Gibb St. good con- dition, forced air oil furnace, excellent future value because of location. Call 725-7782 ask for Earle Allen. OWNER MUST SELL THIS THRIVING RESTAURANT BUSINESS, operotes five and a half days o week, near Motors and large apartment buildings, business can be in- creased, smal! quarters for residence, rent $250. a month on lease. For further particul- ors and profit and loss state- ment. Call Will Irvine 728- 2868 garage, 500. Terms. OSHAWA HOMES-- Almost new brick bungalow with fireplace in rec. room. Wall to wall broadioom floor- covering. Built-in stove and oven Asking $16,500. Terms Iso single rooms. Weekly or monthly. |waNTED To BUY -- Three or four-|% bear home in area of Mary, Col- ee Kingston Road West, Pickering. borne, Division, Adelaide streets, Osh-| COSY four-room apartment, newly decor |awa, $2,000 down. Telephone 668-8640. | ated, seontate entrance, all conveniences, ---- |hot and cold water, parking facilities. ime THREE-BEDROOM brick home, 150 ft.;mediate possession. PAduits. 1 165 Verdun ee af larger on Main Road, within| Road. mile radius of Oshawa, Large down FIVE-ROOM apartment, central location, Permian: _|seniene. ieee heat and hydro included. Abstainers. Tele- 24--Stores, Offices, Storage |%°* 7°. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE apartment. Elgin Street LY $1 monthly incives By services. Available In Times Building CONTACT T. L. WILSON TWO-BEDROOM pamecnt for rent. Im- mediate possession. Telephone 728-4485 At the Times STORE FOR RENT. Suitable after 6 p.m. |OREW STREET, 472, 'three-room base type of business, Station Plaza, 728-4113. |ment apartment, kitchen and bedroor', 25--Houses for Rent loss statement to interested party. Call us today! Members of °O D. R. E. B APPLE Hit... ON QUIET BUS ROUTE Beautifully kept five year old ranch bungalow. Huge holly- wood kitchen, three bed- rooms, walkout. mahogany rec. room and den with brick down to foundation. Thermo- pane and double-glass, con- cealed fluorescent lighting, brand new T.V. tower and motor, artistic lamp post and potio, Gloriously landscaped. Wonderful view. Neor ALL schools. Approximately $8,- 000 cash required to 6% N.H-A. Mortgage, Full price $17,950 725-8734 Income Property 668-5497 po HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-6286 DOUBLE GARAGE Paved drive, recreation room, T.V, tower are but a few of the features in this five room brick bungalow located in the east end. property is sub- ject to an existing mortgage with interest at 6%- For fur- ther particulars call Bill Swarbrick. NEW HOMES Located in.a choice residential area with prices starting as low as $16,740 all N.H.A. financed with 6%4% mort- gages. Hurry on these by coll- ing Bob Stevenson. MODERN COTTAGE, furnish- ed, Lake Weslemkoon, 3 bed- rooms, bath, kitchen, living, insulated, electric heat, good fishing and hunting, 2 years old. Priced to sell. Write Box 381 Madoc |STURGEON LAKE cottages, all conven- Jiences. Telephone ¢ 623-2262, DISNEY Real Estate -- Insurance 82 Simcoe St. S. 723-2333 DUPLEX very centrally locat- 9466. ed, kitchen and sink com- plete in upper and lower BESSBOROUGH DRIVE 5 roomed brick bungalow flats, 11 rooms, paved drive with attached garage. Well and garage, exceptionally 6 room brick with ott. garage kept and very clean. Asking good value at $14,900 with | ond double paved drive, large $16,500. Terms $3,000 down. ; stately trees, with good sized ' : lot, Inspect this one today. $6,000---$1,000 down 5 Call 728-9466. room clapboard home, oil heat, carries at $75.00 per FRESH AIR month centrally located 5 room bungalow with double attached garage. Between Oshawa and Whitby. Excep- tional value; many extras. in- cluding finished rec. room Asking only $3,000 down Call 728-9466. Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. John (Steve) Rosnik Steve Zurba 25 Bond Street West 728-9466 |BALSAM LAKE, four-bedroom furnished | cottage. All conveniences. Available May | 24 to July 3; July 17 to August 14, $75 per jweek, Also smaller cottage, equipped, | $140 per month. Brooklin 655-4978. |LAKE SIMCOE housekeeping cottage: !for rent. Conveniences, sand. beach, sea- son or weekly, between Barrie and Orillia, Line 7 Oro Station. 487-2143. |LAKE SCUGOG furnished three-bedroom | lakefront cottage, safe beach, all conven- liences. $55 weekly rent. $6900 sale. Tele- Phone 655-3738 bungalow with self-contained and rented basement opt. Excellent in- come property. Only $2,000 down Large brick furnished. Suit iad ng couple. Apply be + p.m. tween 12 and NEW spacious | apartment, refrigeraor, pth 'aunt te earl | By monthly. Apply ™ Stevensons aad South, Apartment 1, TWO - bedruom aria In new apart- ment building, stove ae orn a een June 1. Apply between 1 and 5 . 822 Glen shoo Apt. a tor. any|37 "aRAaY -- Three-room apartment, Phone| available immediately. Unfurni ited in quiet home, private bath. Widow or spin- ster preferred. After one o'clock tele johns 725-3760 Beautiful 5 roomed brick bungalow in excellent loca- tion. Only $3,000 down. BOWMANVILLE HOMES: 6 roomed home with. oil fur- nace and bathroom: Asking $9,800 with $1500 down Cottage at Scugog Lake---5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, running water, septic tank, spoce heater, stove, frig. etc., double garage, $5,000--$2,- 000 down. LAND FOR SALE 16 acres commercial land on No. 2 Highway easi of Osh- owa jail Conveniences. For rent August "and September. Adults only. Telephone | 668-4661 Whitby, ~ | LAKEFRONT coltage, Haliburton district, new, modern, with all conveniences, boat included, sandy beach, $60 per week. lephone Whitby 668-5447. LUMBUS United Church Manse, eight- |room, two-storey brick, modern kitchen, |two stairways. Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457 Keith | Peters Realty Ltd. |PIGEON LAKE: TWo-end three-bedroom cott 'ecrea- $360 monthly income. Also extra | acre lot on highway No: 2. $6000 down. Full price $26,000, For appointment 'ages. r 728- 7680 | tion facilities, Write The Lone Maple, Box | 28, Bobcaygeon | UNFINISHED house surrounded by ever- |\wRIGHT's 7 RESORT on Wilson Lake In |greens, on over acre of land, with stream,|the Pickerel Chain; Lodge, modern cot. 20 miles east of Oshawa. III health forces|tages, sandy beach, vices pike, bass sale. For information call _725-4390, fishing. Box 81, Ajax, 668-8967. ATTRACTIVE "large quiet/ ALLENDALE, Lake Cecebe, housekee 1 - g ping treed lot in Whitby, $29,900. Two two-bed-| cottages, all conveniences, terrific swim- rocm apartments with dining, kitchen and ming and fishing, aquatic trampoline. bath; one one-bedroom apartment with| ideal for summer vacation: Pickerel sea- laa faciities, gio ol parcine eren, oe Ss Bente Teen TER: builldi in Whitby sag iy meen satan, " r BOY TAD aE a TT Ey : ing in y. Hollywood . lots of storage. Monthly income $310 with|BIRCH VILLA LODGE, with "The" beach} 1600 Dufferin St., Whitby. Stove, 'refrigerator, 'balcony, large. tiving small overhead. For appointment phone|of Haliburton County, cot-| TWO. with large|room, ample parking. Early June posses- Jowner 668-2786 Whitby. tages Twa 60 Ie Oe Bed rGerric bow, deere on lakefront, drapes, broadioom,|sion. Telephone 668-2785. | LOVELY executive home in Whifby, fourltemint' recert, Taldere' vintuttorce, 'Guijstove and refrigerator included. Avall-\xin@ STREET EAST, 72 = Threstoom llarge bright bedrooms ,12 x 18 living | tario, able June 1, $120 monthly. Telephone /s5artment, main floor. Private entrance | room and 12 x 30 family room, both with aoeninineeperiniccens, |TAPAIES, and parking, Phone 728-2391, |natural stone fireplaces; dining room, kit- FURNISHED cotfage for sale on Canal Lake, two bedrooms, livingroom, kitchen |chen and two bathrooms; utility room poi AR de inside: conveniences jand loads of storage space and closets; |®! beo-shly » good Neng nd de-|sized lot. Telephone 723-3625, |'hot water heating; large treed lot and de-|5!#€0 '0!. Telep FOUR-ROOM on ) Sturgeon Lake, tached garage. $19,900. Phone owner, 668-2786, Whitby, for an n_appointment. heavy duty stove and frig. Telephone 723-7974, EXCELLENT 2% storey, eight-room brick | 723-79 home and garage on Athol Street East at/TO RENT -- Fully equipped four-bed- Highland Avenue. Contains three-room|room cottage on Bass Lake by week or apartment on second floor, Just listed at) month. , Apply 668-4625 13,500, See thi pont $13,500, See this one by calling Jack Kerr HOUSEKEEPING cotta at 723-1133; evenings 723-2926. a ay 3; 9S 723-2926. Carl Olson flag, boots; fablon, sein immi Cottages, RR 3, Burks Falls or 725-2909, 21--Farms for Sale 100 ACRE FARM, 50 workable clay, loam 50 acres pasture with spring creek; good eight-room house, fairly good barn, Nestleton district. $11,000. Call Marvin Nestleton 986-4894, T. Murphy, new two-bedroom apartment, electrically heated, $125 month art sere vices paid for. 577 Lansdowne Dr. Tele- phone 725-9886, THREE-ROOM, fifth floor apartment, with balcony, stove and refrigerator. 308 Grenfell. Call after 5. Telephone 723-6243. TWO-BEDROOM apartment in new bulid- 6 roomed bungalow with: all modern conveniences, brick Barbeque in back yard, Ask- ing $11,400. Terms, PORT PERRY-- 8 roomed home with all mod- BUILDER OFFERS ves hag ie : Sag " $14,100 lear > ski é Centre hall brand new bungo- HOG: Tenis, af : | | be the full price for this ee ee | new five room dwelling ofter ences, ooms, sunfillec hi kitchen with built-in range nies ae and oven. Very deep lot near vt $2500 gener one mort- schools, shopping. Beoutiful any Ask for Doug Gower West location 15 minutes sdcsal 4 : from South plant RAVINE LOTS PHONE BUILDER 839-3461 Fully serviced and N,H.A: or 364-3115 fenced landscaped lot, close approved, these !ots are lo- DETACHED $860 DOWN to dil schools, shopping plaza cated in different areas of 3 bedroom bungalow, with | . Full price $12,500 or offer, the City and can be pur- huge carport, hollywood kitch- $94 per month, chased on builders terms. en, with built-in color-co-or- principal and taxes. Phone Glen MacKinnon dinated range and oven, Brand new. Full price $15,- CLOSE TO HOSPITAL 495 and Gov't Bonus Guar- h anteed. Close to schools Excellent four bedroom home ; gs ' located on Simcoe Street ideal location in beautiful loca on Si : Re 1 West suburb, 15 minutes from North close to the O.C.V.I. South Plant idea! for a growing family, present owners are moving and will consider any reason- TRAD E YOUR PHONE BUILDER 839-3461 oble down navment. Ask for 364-3115 ket HOME, LOT OR CAR | carn; market. $49,000 with good fral Alax, large lot, $10,350, one mortgage, ON - "NEW! | AL 3 BEDROOM terms award \kaCabe down payment $2000, for quick sale. Own- Nesbitt BUNGALOW $679 DOWN , er must move. Telephone 942-4354 after Broker: rr o 30 / Can carry for $98 montt DUPLEX 200 ACRE farm, iwo houses, all conven- "MIDGLEY HOME" IN 1 N.HLA. m rtgage, i t, Foor rick oF ik euew eal 18 jiences, barn with hydro and water, 100 askina price only $1 HARMONY. VILLAGE principal and taxe ki | level, large landscaped lot, acres workable, balance in bush and SON eishiect to a mortoaae of Only 4 of Executive's home split-level type, built-in garage, 3 bed- rooms, large living and dining rooms, bathroom with shower, also 2 piece washroom, stove and fridge, TV tower, paved Ing with Sroadineres drapes ne Me driveway, various other feat- rig, Washing @ parking sao ures too numerous to men- pe a eee ee tion. Must be seen to be ap- % preciated. 801 Athol St., Wn 98 mony aul oa Guat Whitby, 'available June Ist. [894 Comfortable, Phone 668-2786. For further details inquire |LARGE three-bedroom 40 acres land on the north outskirts of Whitby. Neat and clean br. 6 room home with large lot on Church St., very central, ask- ing $14,500. triplex on Guy LeBlanc Lorn C. Duff Ross Davidson Donald Mountjoy Idso Wiersma Inge Jorgensen Large 9 room house. with 3% acres of garden soil, 245' frontage on Wilson Rd., 17 fruit trees, good investment prop., asking $25,000 with VY down. $12,900 Brick bungalow centrally ated, home in very good con- dition $75. per month carries, , heating and 'cooking cost '\'$150. per year. Call A' Don aldson 725-9882 or 728- 7328. AJAX 3 bedroom. brick detached bungalow, best location, large loc- Folders. ST. THERESE, Quebec (25 minute drive)|GNE., TWO. AND THREE-BEDROOM custom-built split-level brick, attached Bee ain SiOTDIL Keeani re- teeted garage, three bedrooms, plus frigerator and stove included. Adult tiv- He ving» mist oan, hee conan ing. Call Rental Office at 723-6361 from ming, skling and curling facilities, 45|2)¢%).5, or °F Guide Realty Limited, large minutes to Montreal. a 942-6677, even- ings West Hill 262-3525. hegre Le bipen by ge i wo and thr room suites, ae S1X-ROOM house in ae, suis wren Available June 1. Telephone Ajax 942-0274| "snd stoves. swimming pool. 720-3468, Facii.|after 5.30 p.m TYRONE DISTRICT -- five-room house, 725-6028 Nearly new 5 room bungalow with fireplace, built in book shelves, attached garage and tool shed on large lot in beau- tiful country setting, $4,000 down Carries for interest, $15,750. For this 3 bedroom bungalow with a completely finished recreation room, nice- ly landscaped both back and front. With a substantial down payment take advant age of a 542% mortgage. Located in Bowmonville. Call John Kuipers 723-6590 TAUNTON Ranch bungalow with att ed garage; four bedrooms, notural stone fireplace. This is a new brick home with about 1500 sq. ft, 2 both rooms, full basement. For a OSHAWA 8 miles, 42 acres, stream, modern stone bungalow, horse barn, 'overnight log cabins, stock trout ponds, natural lake, beaver dam, 75000 hand planted trees ready for Salesmen-- John Merrithew John Sandy spotless WHITBY -- One and jroom apert- conven- 728-2664 725-8010 $1,000 DOWN, m-room farm house and 10 acres of good land, Oshawa district. W. McAuley Realtor, 28 Prince Street, 723-2512 or _Whitby 668-5765, PRIVATE sale, four-bedroom house, cen- Couple only $65 monthly. 723-6309 after 6 p.m, -ROOM self-contained apartment. 728-9938, Apply. 108 Olive Av- $10 monthly. 17 Te BEAUTY SALON, six-dryer parlor, fully equipped, including stock, Going concern, modern split cunied buy and let if Jarl Sharift WALKOUT BASFMENT. Ie fust ore of the many fen- itself these well-built tures in this new five room bunaclow located on a ravine lot. also included are storms and screens, double sink, ex- houst fon, decevatine and braadinom throuchout. Owner also consider a trade. Hall FULL price for this new five-room an after the winterfe wnrk bane has been applied dawn payment oniv <7600 with one mortaace. Call Davie Gower at 778-6286. $. D. Hyman Real Es- tate Limited. é PRESTIGE HOME, North area. Reautiful ranch bunaalow with natural fireolace Lovely recreation room. Well kent orounds, Very reasonable $7,500 dawn Contact A 'Weinberger, Reat Estate Broker. 725-8851. x EAUP-RENROOM hinaalow. north will ee far Lae 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, , Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD: N. $199 OWN buys this fiveroom brick bungalow witn one mortgage for the bal- ance, For further particulars. contact Les Hall at 728-6286. S. D. Hyman Real Es- tate Limited. SIX-ROOM ranch bungalow. Finished basement. le car port. One acre lot. WOULD YOU... Like to know the value of your home on today's market? Are you interested in cash? We have buyers for homes up to $20,000 cash. 'No obli- gation. OPEN HOUSE Doily 2 - 5 p.m., or by ap- pointment. Homes with $500. winter works bonus. Follow Park Rd. S. to Phillip Murroy Ave. vard, recreation room, patio and beauti- -- out, 22 foot living room has "spNOW,, in your utes from South plant 30 A ACRES or 100 acres, with stream. Full price $11,000 Balance cheaper than 1 storey home, good location, struction. Call 728-5157 for |ares, $3,000 down. Call L. $. Snelgrove! ; comfortable living room, four-piece bath] district, Private sale. Telephone 725-8342) @ Ajax -- 942-5077 three kitchens, two bathrooms, fridges Real Estate Board Member doors, patio, paved drive; knotty pine} gage. Close to schools, shop- . Two-year-old five - room |f00%™ oats supplied. Call _125-2909' or TRADES ACCEPTED REAL ESTATE LIMITED A June 728-6286 Invely '|FHREE-ROOM apartment, available im- WHITBY -- Threebedroom brick semi Se T brick , new. T \y decorated, $122 ey: Vacant Now. | enue. nished, quiet couple, no eet cee NOW RENTING bath. Telephone 728-0451 after 7 p.m. 723-9810. jor, laun- 514 % RE grove Co. Ltd. 723-9810. ors ae be care proviaes, Available June real value ot $13,495. and $109. This includes taxes room brick bungalow. 395° Fernhill Boule: . NONQUON cata : re $ : ; your bonus, guaranteed. Bea- carry Call linge me modern apartments, reasonab! 728-0617. down. Balance up to 36 months. McGill WHITBY -- Three rooms and bathroom, cliffe 655-4457 WHY RENT! $1200 down buys three-bed-| Rea! Estate Broker, 728-4285. electric stove and refrigerator, Over off the list price if "SOLD" tros, transferred---must sell. South, HANDYMAN SPECIAL n May. Also two new four CARGE ranch bungalow, six rooms, load. | front and rear access. One private park- th i : with extras, attached garage, 'paved! A, i LePAGE BEAU VALLEY -- Charming five-room corner of Fernhill and| Featuring 1, 2 & 3 bede |S ger Jn Tear, One year. lees at bungalow with large built-in garage, fea- Ridgeway. Telephone 28-2048. ig |, 15 ACRES with trout aa ig preferred. Telephone collect 447-8189 Te nig ge, Modern five-! room $0) | wngalow, plus two ex- low taxes. Rolande Tierney to Inspect contact George Koornneef of Electrical Heating. For in 725-5207. Shofield-Aker Limited at 723-2265 or 723- Broadioem, . _ |formation, telephone 723-5892, Auley Realtor, 723-2512 or Whitby 668 5765.| North west section, Finished REALTY LIMITED _ |private.Aiax, sixcroom brick, excei:| basement, aluminum storms, Balconies, j Underground Parking- 48 Simcoe Street South a" ul 7160 A C 1 | V E Siobens 7259750 Zh. loapect call Jim res Bowmanville $23- no Ab nc Ss loseph Bosco Realtor, USEKEEPING "cottages, ins inside fac facil- REALTY LTD, 8-737. TO SELL 728-4014 DON STRADESKI STEVE ZURBA all details contact Murray Boyle 723-4270. Natural fireplace in living room, hedged |iion ronm In walk-out basement, $16,990 REALTOR ing to share, single bed, accommodation, JOSEPH BOSCO cee eee. wenrioes TORU lot, double garage, $3000 down. Tele-lIrach t. 6 nar rent NHA mortgage close to south GM, After 5.15 telephone Realtor cation. Tw 'o0 three-piece baths. Ideal in. PRIVATE fi brick hone come home. C i four vedroom bric! ON DUTCH rege pee 'ame house and $17,265. on Wilson Road onvenient terms. Contact|THREE-BEDROOM brick bungalow, rec- Whitby, landscaped, paved drive. Close few acres land. "@Genvine". Call 25 BOND ST. WEST oe ee atlas reiene North ehj 71. bungalow in spotless condition. Larse| sRivaTE 3 SALE Spacious tnreeseg.|A180.8 cottage in Bobca: tn rine, ier aun ets Limited, APARTMENTS stone fireplace. Bow window in living- heme, Storey end one-half, Dining formation, apply 495 Fairleigh. 'Telephone re eggy oo URGENT. Widow with two children needs session. Apply 28 Prince Street or tele- scaped lot, close to schools and shopping.T Wo washrooms, Finished rec don, or | AJAX <r ReaUTOTWSCESUSOR Tamee|Vears 014) close tn bus, All beautifully Sinai bouee Heer Pare end ewe a Coe phone 723-2512. 1 e -- Beautitul, i i sking $17,900. with $4,000 down. For fur- lone bedroom. 'Tastefully decorated. Onilow, paved pti Moi 9 dye bunga-ldecorated and sootiessiv clean. Contains USE THE 728-5157. Active Realty Limited. possession ' 3 . 'oom | and 728-9466 sponsible girls; twin beds; near hospital, - i ; 4 - Immediate|ten tell hethe Attached marans, condition, close to public school, on west ws toe ane Bead Sonventences. | RABCAN six-room ranch bungalow with garage. Paved drive. Central location.|accupancy? Call Mr. Preece, 942-4261. or lot. For particulars call irene Brown of side or Whitby. Would consider trade on Times, : 25 Bond Weat 728-6927, Two-bedroom:|iences, T Whitby 668-8! Whitby 668-5040. 26 Apartments for Rent able immediately, self-contained, unfur- close | emit almreNe Go ENdy lere.e00 with alt cash. Cal Lick: Snel cony. Fireplace. Stove, refrig and old fashioned pantry. A ' N.H.A. carries for this investment building cluding Catholic High. No agents please.|100 x 150, Full price only $1,100. ston pond must be seen. Phone Bi!! Rat- oO. fr soys "SELL" with $1000.00 wner will include many ex- or 364. 3115 hot water heating, entrance hall, with ee ee 986-4492. Northern Location LOT 50° x 125' corn after 5.30 p.m. Couple bis no children ncipal and interest, HOME AND INCOME -- 7 $60. principo i jest Gee at thi Oca" Hor Proof. FURNISHED two bedroom apartment, 23--Real Estate Wanted down, balance from the rent. W bedroom brick bungalow. Hi - Fi Radio LIST WITH after 5. | 9 | | 725-7951, after 6 p.m. 725- ed garage, wall to wall broadioom, finish cession Street, Asking $18,000. Phone Phone 728-9466 CALL Many extras with low down payment. For brick, four rooms down and two Up.lraur and two-nlece bath, finished FURNISHED rooms, for gentlemen, will- TWO STOREY frame home. Excelient io-|p/0"? , aad oem Conatruction starting: ot asrgregse in (oOo 5 me HOUSEKEEPING ROOM -- Suit two wilk ONE - YEAR - OLD, : brich ee EAR - OLD, three-bedroom brick|tor, 728-7377. =-laise. 8 near Stevenson tr earth ment and take over Limited. HOUSEKEEPING room, immediate pos- bedrooms. $115 up. connie furnished room for two Lake Ontario, nine miles east of Osh.|722°1358 Schofield-Aker Ltd Storms ani screen'. Fireplace. Large down to responsible buyer, 'eitehien, with Wilthin: dtewe 'anit Aven pad MARKET BASKET WANTED -- Three-bedroom home in good desired, near shopping centre, Tel led garage. Brooklin 655-2089, please write Bex 127, Oshawe -- ind two-bedre ments, new building, all modern latter part of June, Te Call Don Stradeski Realtor, 728-1275. me THREE-ROOM apartment upstairs, avall- chen central location, reasonable rent. Asking pelerh wilt evar: Fawn i Askin THREE-| ROOM apartment. has built-in range and oven, close to schools, all services. $19,500 Sh. Call Leck. sek $12.9N0 both onartment oc- room brick bungalow, 595 Fernhill Boule- -- Lot 3 for Sal Tastefully decorated through- fully landscaped, Close to all schools in| INVES in apartment" bullaing. Telephone "ale ana out late ot joan. this utiful West location 15 min- ° : ully ta apt jose to all schools in- homes left end the builder pen fireplace, raised hearth, PHONE BUILDER 839.3461 , or i 24 room brick bungalow, Newly painted. store (apt. 3) 104 Br |Some bush. Apply Norman Maires, RR rent. Don Stradeski Realtor, 728-1275, e '1 n. Te Call on this 4 bedroom 11% bedroom homes under con- |arive, well landscaped jot, north west $75 per month. May be seen , day low monthly payments of information Co, Ltd. 723-9810. | LID, REALTOR rauuig ithe, pm Rieniece" beth stream, Tyrone Reinf dc te Si d | infor on % with vanity, all this, tor_ only i950, | catict,, Private sale. 1 e cel crete Soun ratte following eacton only. cellent three- room basement ti U bi "----FE eCAIC me fins PRIVATE SALE and stoves. Good Whitby location. $4, 3 2859 anytime. | C Bon 9 AM tO PM nter - Com. System, "FOR y FAST "KCTION" lent condition; storms, screens, shower screens. 5% N.H-A.. mort- rec.-room. Carries for $84. Ajax 942- -0685 | ping etc. Phone until 6 p.m. Reserve Now LARGE five-room bungalow with attach One mile east of Bowmanville on Con- ities, good fishing, swimming, 1-2-3 bed- 728-5157 jusT-t +a 728-867 | rick bungalow, finished recreation room. PRIVATE sale Six-room, 1¥4 storey] adiacent ta public schnol, kitchen-d FRESH FRUITS 728-1275 on four new homes by Hogen 728-5902 or 78 Cadillac Avenuelwrite Rox @48, Oshawa Times : REALTOR 725-8645. Phone 728-7377 Joe Crawford 723-102) All ca joe yr 21. Joseph Bosco Real-ireation room, garage, close to alilte public school. Substantial down pay- Chas, Rankine at ress. Active. Realty 728-29. Ss. D. HYMAN ala room. Many other extras. Nicely land-lcom, large kitchen and living roomé| 722413 NORTH -- Large seven room t Northend location 1, | Will, move right, in. Call Bob Johnston, RETAACTIVE hauled college tor recs.| 06, wrormmation. coll Margaret Hall,! ita. comer lot, Medged and lendecaped (mony ether eelega. ait ia ee aed tenn living Town, senanate Mates one a BEDROOM for woman, light cooking if modern conveniences and: double aa n seen by appointment. Walley | ee rane evenings, Manderhill Real Estatelschotield-Aker Limited 725-3867 or 723 well kept Income property. If interested STEVE ZURBA, Realtor elephone 8. Times,

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