BOB THOMAS IN HOLLYWOOD _ Never Too Late Her Role, Story By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP)--"It was a good thing for me to learn that I could carry my own weight," said Maureen O'Sul- livan, here for the film version of the role she created but never expected to play. At Warner Brothers, Miss O'Sullivan and Paul Ford are doing a replay of their Broad- way smash, Never Too Late. For her it is a big step im the long road back from the shat- tering of her life with the death two years ago of her husband, director John Farrow, The actress was left with six children to support. Her eldest, Michael, had been killed in @ plane pom in 1958, io earned g' money during career, and so had she. But not enough remained to bring up her children the way she wanted, "Oh, I suppose we could have moved south of Olympic Boule- living without my going back to work," she said. "But I didn't want to do it that way. wanted the children to have al! the advantages I could provide for them, That meant I would have to provide some income," PLAYED WITH TARZAN She married Farrow in 1936, when she was starring for MGM as Jane to Johnny Weiss- muller's Tarzan, When her con- tract was up during the war, Farrow persuaded her to end her career, "He really didn't want me to) work," she said, "and it made sense because the children were TORONTO (CP) -- Finance Minister Walter Gordon said to- day the federal government must retain firm control over finance, trade, defence and ex- ternal affairs jurisdiction while decentralized government con- trol of welfare matters. "I feel certain we shall not make the most of our great po- tentialities in Canada unless we have a federal government that is strong and whose powers and responsibilities are universally accepted," he said in a lunck- eon speech to the Kiwanis Club. He said there must be no ero- sion of the federal government's powers over fiscal, monetary and trade policy. To these he added defence and external af- fairs and 'other well-recognized areas of federal jurisdiction,' But he added that in a huge Gordon Talks Loosening Of Welfare Jurisdictions d t home, | small and needed me a - country like Canada a consid- erable degree of decentraliza- tion is desirable and necessary in some fields to respond to hallenges and changes in a dy- namic world. CITES EXAMPLE of federal-provincial consulta- tion and flexibility will be shown in the forthcoming con- ference of premiers with the federal government to discuss introduction of a Canada Assis- tance Plan, as forecast in the Threne Speech at the opening of the current session of Parlia- ment, | "This program will provide for a more comprehensive par- ticipation by the federal gov- ernment in provincial programs of public assistance for reedy persons -- Thr unemployed, needy mothers, recipients of public assistance needing health care, as well as the blind and) the disabled. when John wasn't looking." | But through the years she) studied new styles of acting on) The only time I took a job was) MINING YOUR the screen and stored up ideas! « for future use. One ouch idea,| WAY THROUGH which she calls "the house-| wife's trot," drew laughs in) MARIETTA, Ga. (AP)-- vard (the less affluent section of Beverly Hills) and continued Never Too Late. Stars' Wives' Night Out At Share Boomtown Bash | By JAMES BACON HOLLYWOOD (AP)--Some of movieland's most important husbands now are seeing their wives around the house for the first time in three months. Which means that the 12th an- nual Share Boomtown party is history, And the wives of the men who run the industry no) longer are rehearsing for their annual roles as chorus girls. The share party is the year's swinger--and each year it tops) itself. The entertainers this year in-| eluded such names as Frank Sinatra, Andy Williams, Jack Benny, Lucille Ball, Wayne) Newton, Phil Silvers, Joe E. Lewis, John Wayne, Dean Mar- tin, Polly Bergen, Jo Stafford, Paul Weston, Henry Mancini. But it's always the share girls themselves who steal the show. For three months, they rehearse long hours and come up with routines that would make a) Ziegfeld proud. ARE MOSTLY WIVES Some of the girls in the group are pros like Larraine Day, Janet Leigh, Barbara Rush, Miss Bergen and Miss Stafford, but mostly they are the wives of Moiseyev Show Opens To 6,000 TORONTO: (CP)The Moise- yev Dance Company opened a three-night stand here Tuesday night with a performance that drew 6,000 spectators to Maple Leaf Gardens and got raves from the three Toronto daily newspapers. Not sharing the enthusiasm of the spectators for the Russian dance troups were 16 members of the Association for the Lib- eration of the Ukraine, Toronto branch. They picketed the Gardens as dance enthusiasts filed into the building. Their signs protested 'Russian occupation of the Uk- raine and attacked Soviet spy- ing in Canada. Of the performance, Ralph Hicklin of the Globe and Mail said: "From the opening moments there was splendid dancing in view--especially in Igor Moise- yev's splendid idea of showing how a Moiseyey dancer is trained." Ron Evans of The Telegram said this third appearance of the Moiseyev troupe in Toronto is better than ever. | "All the usual energy and vi- | tality are still there, plus the extra ingredient of wit, charm) and novelty in new dances from China, an American Virginia reel and some Broadway cho-) reography." / However, The Star's Hector | MacFadyen said the dancers | were a cut below their best. SHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE 14-4972 Oo * -- show business executives or stars like Mrs, John Wayne,) Mrs. Dean Martin, Mrs. Martin) Rackin, Mrs. John Meredyth Lucas, Mrs. William Wilder, Mrs. Andy Williams, Mrs. How-) ard Keel and Mrs. Henry Man-) eini. | Share was founded 12 years) ago to help mentally retarded children. In the 12 years, the) girls have raised more than} $1,000,000 and built a clinic and) guidance centre at the Excep-| tional Childrens Foundation. It's the only facility of its kind| in the western half of the United' States and so far has treated 45,000 mentally retarded chil-| dren. | The most-recent party raised $250,000, enough to operate the clinic for a year, Twenty-year-old Steve Deak- ins is going back to Alaska Thursday--to work a_ gold- mining claim he hopes will yield enough to put him | through college. Deakins is joint owner of the claim, near Anchorage, with Ed Bowers, a geologist and licenced prospector and friend of the Deakins family. "We travelled around Alaska and the Yukon before staking the claim," he ex- plained. "The United States and Canada have an agree- ment that allows Americans to file claims in the Yukon and Canadians to prospect on American soil," Bowers. previously had a claim but last year's earth- quake destroyed it, He re- turned with Deakins to start work from the beginning. The result: Their joint claim. Deakins says he will be in Alaska about 4% months this year, He and Bowers hope to build a cabin as well work their claim, PRED CHS RR THONY PRINS YEA LES CA GO ~ INT (Gm area ADULT ENTERTAINMENT on the same program "BLOOD AND ROSES" with MEL FERRER @ LAST DAY PAUL NEWMAN "THE OUTRAGE" (RESTRICTED) RESERVED SEATS NOW ON SALE Regents CLAY-LISTON FIGHT TUESDAY MAY 25th IN Technicolor ELSA MARTINELLA SEE THE STRANGE AN TREHWICOLOR = PARAVISION Presented by WARNER BADS Box office opens 8:00 P.M. Show starts ot 8:30 P.M. SUBJECT MATTER quences ore sters" deals with the s absolute adult motion picture, hidden gad strange desires. TODAY! = MARKS DUE TO THE UNUSUAL THE MOLESTERS We must clossity it unsuitoble for youth os many se id and daring and might i offensive to minors of igoenehatable countered sented entirely from a woman's point of view. You will see scenes never before shown, os "The Molesters" is an D EVIL SIDE OF LIFE! AND THEME OF "=5e { "The Mole- side of life ond is pre- dealing with many of life's Aa Aristocrat Filme, ine. Releam @ ADDED HIT e "WE JOINED THE NAVY" > > > > > 4 CLEANS IN COLOR "It is proposed that such as- sistance in future will be based on the real need of such people, | instead of being related solely! and in a rough mechanical way) to their income." The federal government hopes te work with the provinces in| improving administration of) public assistance and to link it closely with vocational training jand job placement programs. Along with improved assis- tance programs, a comprehen-| sive plan of health insurance or! medicare "is bound to come| labout," the finance minister jadded. But more doctors and! jnurses, hospital facilities, medi-| jeal schools, and research must be trained and built first, | Mr. Gordon's remarks were) contained in a text given to re-| |porters in advance of. delivery. ee LAWN-BOY EMTS FINGER-TIP START Makes Lawn-Boy's engine the world's easiesttostart. VACUUM AS YOU CUT Exclusive, clog-proof | grasscatcner. | REI, QUIETEST MOWER f STUDENTS SCREAM 'LIAR' AT EXPLANATION OF GOALS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 13, 1965 25 Heckled Harriman Defends Policy ITHACA, N.Y. (AP)--W. Av- erall Harriman, in a tal inter- rupted by hecklers and fol- lowed by a sit-in, Tuesday night said that Russia is working in Latin America to outdo China's efforts in the Far East. The U.S. ambassador - at- large heard repeated shouts of 'liar' as he discussed Ameri- can policies and goals in Viet Nam and the Dominican Re- public in a 90-minute speech at Cornell University, In the speech, Harriman said the rift between the Communist powers had increased the dan- ger to the free world of subver- sion and aggression as Moscow and Peking "'struggle for lead- ership of the international Com- munist movement." President Johnson's roving trouble - shooter, who returned last. week from a mission to South America, said Moscow was at work to "convince Com- munist parties in Latin Amer- iea and elsewhere that it is vig- orous in its support of revolu- tion." His talk was marred by hisse,s giggles, boos and shouts from about 200 of the more than ; BOTH & 7 ye «BOTH | --IN-- --IN-- COLOR! COLOR! 4 3 ELVIS MOST DARING ) ADVENTURE THAT 1,500 persons in the audience, One critic was Jose Postigo- Villanova, a graduate business student. at Cornell and son of Julio D. Pistigo, a member of the five-man loyalist junta in Sante Domingo. Postigo - Villa- nova, during a question-answer| period, accused the United States of keeping a "'popular democratic government from Other antagonisms came from members of the Ad Hoc Com- chairman, Paul Epstein of New York. City. Epstein, who com- mandeered the microphone lafter Harriman concluded his speech, began a discussion on Viet Nam and led about 150 of his supporters in a sit-in that mittee on Viet Nam and its|} being established." continued long after custodians had turned off the lights in the auditorium. . cai A DONEVAN COLLEGIATE ANNUAL Art Exhibition Students Work (Gredes 9-13) FRIDAY, May (4 7:00 PMA. in the Cofeterie © A Movie © Sculpture @ Paintings @ © Community Collage Seeman you survive. . $300 A MONTH FOR FROM AGE 65 Here is @ plan to provide for your family if yeu should die, or for your retirement pre stg : . You make reguler payments to the Sun Life of Canada, then et oge/65, you stert receiving $300 « month for life, or if vou prefer, $44,150 in cash, Both of these amounts cen be increased by leaving your dividends on deposit. Should you not survive te @ge 65, a minimum of $30,000 will be paid immediately to your family, LIFE By completing the enquiry form below, yeu can obtain details suitable to your personel PRESLEY EVER SWEPT ACROSS THE SEVEN SEAS! eee. "THE SON OF 4 Restless -- CAPTAIN 4a nousTABouT jm 8LOOD" in COLOR with L Barbara Stanwyck SEAN FLYNN Joan Freeman ANN TODD 4 poons BILTMOR ERA. 8 6:30 P.M. PHONE 725-5833 1:30 P.M, ¢ TIMES: 1 as ee WALLAMS WINISOR 7:45 9:80 RNARD HARLES . CHBBINS COMPLETE NS AWIREY sHOW LAST DAY "DEAR HEART" ADULT OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM FRIDAY MAY 14th 4 and 8:15 p.m. SATURDAY MAY 15th 2:30 and 8:15 p.m. OF ALL | Lawn-Boy has the largesi | mutflerofany power mowe! = $107-50! |\without grasscatcher 93.50) 18-200.85 PARTS DISTRIBUTORS SERVICE SPECIALISTS | OSHAWA | YACHTHAVEN Ltd. |Herber Rd. 723-1901 | OFF Simeoe St. $ ' POPULAR FAMILY PRICES Children 75¢ © Adults 1.50 FRIDAY & SATURDAY NITES ONLY 500 Advanced Reserve Seats $2.00 Seats on sale ot the DOMINION TIRE STORE--48 Bond St. W. ----Ne Reserve Seats in the afternoon. ACTS -24 101 Performers 101 Pick of Cireus en- tertainers from the for reaches of the situation, Plans con be orranged te provide various amounts maturing et age 60 er 65. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Oshawe Shopping Centre ROGER WOLFE Home 723-2883 Unit Manager Business 725-4563 NAME | Exect Date Of Birth ..... eererevcetenees | a ssi, MERE EERIE ER EE Cee rT eee . OCCUPATION ..ncseneroveveveveeeeoas The Flying Dutchman Will Be Open Until... 12: 0'clock Midnight All Summer Long! Now you can top off that evening's entertainment in the relaxed atmosphere of the Flying Dutchman, It's the perfect place to go to start or finish a perfect evening, After the thea- tre, remember the Flying Dutchman---there's no other place like it! Treat yourself to something new... ... The "DUTCH BOY" Special We've come up with this one for those special Summer Evenings. The "DUTCH BOY" SPECIAL is a long crispy French stick crammed with everything that's good; ham lettuce, cheese, tomato, assorted relishes etc. Don't miss this taste tempter and fellow it up witha... ... "TULIP" Sundae } While you're here, don't miss our other a la carte selections. The Flying Dutchman takes pride in it's extra features; for example, we have an . indoor garden display . , . just to make it more pleasant for you. ... Make it a point to come out one evening this week 7 hway 401 at East On Hi Tabanan 75 Bowmanville Treat The Family TONITE! ... With McMURRAY'S Succulent, Deep Browned Style entire world, @ Jugglers - Gymnasts - lines @ Unicycles - Perch CLOWNS! ELEPHANTS! @ Wild and domestic trained and performing an- imals! @ Chimps - ponies - horses @ Dangerous Alaskan Huskies @ Performing Bears - Camels @ Captain Osa Barada's Wild Lions and Tigers @ Ethel Jenniers Trained Seals @ Tight and Slack Wire Walkers @ Trapeze Artists high in the air Greatest Family Entertainment. Rolling Globes - Trampo- Acts @ The Circus is the -- OR -- FISH 'n CHIPS English Style McMURRAY'S DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT SIMCOE ST. NORTH AT TAUNTON ROAD