The Hometown Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Bowmanville, Pickering and neighboring centres, VOL, 94--NO, 112 80e She Oshawa Gunes per Wiesk "Home Belivered OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1965 we end for payment Weather Report Sunny and cool today. Cloudiness over- - Outhatiaad 9 Second Class Mell Pebt Office Department of Postage in Cash, night, warmer tomorrow. Low tonight, 45. High Friday, 68. THIRTY-TWO PAGES 'FOREIGN MINISTERS' INDICATES END OF HOLD-OUT Rebels Hint From AP-Reuters SANTO DOMINGO (CP)--A spokesman for the Dominican rebels indicated Wednesday that a settlement with the rival mil- itary - civilian junta may be near. But he held out for dis- missal of some leading mili- tary men backing the junta. "There's every reason to hope we are near a settlement,"' said rebel 'foreign minister' Jottin Cury. He spoke after a confer- ence between Col. Francisco Caamano Deno, the rebel leader, and two members of the peace commission of the Organ- ization of American States, Ri- cardo C. Colombo of Argentina and Carlos Garcia Bauer of Guatemala. * Cury added that a peaceful solution depends on the dismis- sal of some key officers back- ing the junta. The rebels' chief target is Brig.-Gen. Elias Wes- sin y Wessin, who led the re- - sistance to the revolt. Latin American diplomatic circles in Washington reported a broadly based interim govern- ment embracing both govern- ment and rebel leaders may be in sight. But Cury, peppers Re phy | ee Rosario, HAS NO SUPPORT | an appointee of the Domini- ' pa said or junta ang no} can Republic rebel govern- eg: or popular support "ex-| i cept that extended by the U.S. ment headed by Col. Fran At Armistice He added that he would ac- cept the establishment of an in- ter-American police force in the Dominican Republic--a key ele- ment in moving toward a solu- tion. In Paris. Information Minister Alain Peyrefitte, speaking Wed- nesday after a cabinet meeting headed by President de Gaulle, said the French ambassador in the Dominican Republic "has made contact with Col. Caa- mano without waiting for a government to be formed." REPLIES TO NOTE (Reuters news 'agency sald that de Gaulle, who also ex- pressed for the second time in a week his disapproval of U.S. armed intervention in the Do- minican Republic, tacitly recog- nized the Caamano regime by replying to a note from Caa- mano, according to observers.) Caamano has written about 30 governments requesting rec- ognition of his government. According to Red Cross esti- mates, more than 500 persons have been killed and more than 1,000 wounded since the revolt broke out April 24. The dead included 15 U.S, servicemen. In New York, the UN Secur- ity Council sought a comprom- lise as the council neared a de- cision on a Soviet complaint of U.S. armed interference in the |Dominican Republic. But it ap- says entitles him to be the rebels' designated ambassa- dor to the Organization of | American States, said he sees no possibility that the Six-year-old Carol Taylor, IT WILL BE BACK IN SHAPE FOR OSHAWA KIDS International Shrine Circus. All Oshawa will have the Simcoe st. Friday. The cir-- cus, with all its glamor, WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres- ident Johnson said today the aim of China "is to erode and discredit" the ability of the U.S, to help to prevent Chinese domination over all of Asia, but "in this they shall never suc- ceed." Johnson threw down the gauntlet to the Chinese in a television - radio address on American efforts in Viet Nam, Repeating his offer to engage in unconditional discussions de- signed to end the Viet Nam war, Johnson said this would "clearly be in the interest of North Viet Nam." But he said 'Communist FOR ASIA AIM limited patience with unlimited resources in pursuit of an un- wavering purpose." The president summed up his determination by saying, "We will not abandon our commit- ment to South Viet Nam." The second face of the war, he said, is the quest for a polit- ical solution. "'We know, as our adversaries should also know, there fs no purely military solution in sight for either side. 'We are ready for unconditional discussions." "The third face of war in Viet Nam, is, at once, the most tragic and the most hopeful." It represents human need and itary"? | cisco Casmano, holds a rebel forces will negotiate ared that a majority could not) °f Moose Jaw, was all agog i ires thi ti u olan meanwhile, told a| News conference today in -- with the civilian - military |e mustered for any definite) When she recently met Gene ai te aie siaioce af wae vod nae at to war' to Coatiame' Viptorer the Visteasion penne meer press conference he would ask| ' Washington. Rosario, hold- = junta regime in the Domin- |action by the council. Randow, a star clown of the circus when it parades down _ town. cost to their allies." He went| "People must fight for some- OAS permission to establish al ing a statement which he corridor through the U.S. lines) surrounding the rebel strong- Caamano said he would go to|silo overlooking downtown ican Republic. | |news agency 100,000 Chinese demonstrated in The Communist New China said more than on: "Their target is not merely South Viet Nam, It is Asia. thing," he said. 'The people of South Viet Nam must know that after the long, brutal jour- e e hold in downtown Santo Do- ; |streets. |Peking today for the second) Hi h Wd [ ll 1r Their objective is not the ful-lney through the dark tunnel of mingo, \ee er wih eens - ey He also called on the OAS to|straight day to "condemn U.S.) filment of Vietnamese national-|conflict there breaks the light U.S. marines and paratroop-/P2ratroopers were sniping yore an urgent on-the-spot in-|imperialism for its armed ag- ism. It is to erode and discreditlof a happier life. Only if this ers encircled the downtown area|from vantage points across the Jast week, and many armed|Ozama River. He said one rebels were cut off in northern|sharpshooter killed 22 Domini- sections of the city. cans from a perch atop a grain |vestigation to prove or disprove|gression against the Dominican /U.S. charges that Communists|Republic and to give strongest have control or major influence|support" to the Dominican peo- lover his movement. | ple. Favreau Keeps Silent On Spy-Case Queries Wednes-| through him, to Mr. Pearson. Mr. Favreau replied only that was advised "in the normal course in . re gard to such security investiga- tions." He did not elaborate. Soviet Ambassador OTTAWA (CP)--Justice Min-|mation on to Mr. Favreau and, their discovery of perv Soviet + Bore Nazi Attempt To Kill Jews STOCKHOLM (Reuters)--Se- curity police Wednesday ar- rested five alleged Nazis and seized hundreds of weapons re- ported to have been intended for use in the mass extermination were disclosed Saturday in an externa] affairs announcement. The prime minister turned down a suggestion by Paul Martineau (PC -- Pontiac- Temiscamingue) for a special in-camera Commons sit! to situation. But he TORONTO (CP)--A report to the Ontario legislature Wednes- day indicated a startling in- crease in traffic accidents, deaths and damage in the first three months of 1965 compared with the same period last year. the department of transport, the accident, death and damage figures were all records, as were the percentage increases. There were 272 traffic fatal- ities in the first three months of this year, compared with 261 in the same period of 1964, 246 in 1963, 222 in 1962 and 215 in Toward All-Time High Police Break pedestrians. In the same period in 1964, 62 pedestrians were killed. Total number of accidents were eight deaths in 1,415 acci- dents, The statistics show that driy- ers aged 16 to 24 are involved was 31,668 compared with 25,- 575, and property damage was $16,200,000 compared to $10,- The worst accident centres were the urban areas of Ot- tawa, Windsor, London, Kit- chener, Waterloo, Hamilton and Toronto. For its size, Sudbury had the worst fatality record, with 16 deaths resulting from 802 acci- dents. Peel County's record was Tiahediel tds otter dation was called in by the go over the renewed his own idea that of Sweden's Jews. 1961. 15 deaths in 818 accidents while in a compratively greater per- centage of accidents than driy- ers in other age groups. institutions, introduced a bill to enable two or more adjacent counties to build joint jails, The provincial government will pay 50 per cent of the cost of a regional jail where two or more counties take part in its construction. Mr. Grossman said that dur- ing the next year he expects to America's ability to prevent Chinese domination over all of Asia, "In this they shall never suc- ceed." Johnson began by saying "the war in Viet Nam has many faces"--the first being the face of armed conflict, terror and gunfire. In this connection, he said: "The Communists in Viet is so can they be expected to sustain the enduring will for continued strife," - Emphasizing that phase of his thinking, Johnson devoted the bulk of his address to pres- ent projects and future propos- als for helping South Viet Nam develop its economy and care for its people. Once again the president sug- gested that the United. States to believe; That we combine un- 4s io: Pacifists Circle Pentagon To Protest U.S. Bombings it Leader Douglas, Mr. Favreau said he would want to check into it "in the minutest detail" and then decide whether it is in the public interest to disclose the information. Mr. Douglas wanted to know what "'time lapse' there had been between a naturalized Ca- nadian informing the RCMP of Russian approaches to him and external affairs department and informed that commercial at- tache A. E. Bytchkov and clerk V. N. Poluchkin had been de- clared "persona non grata." HAVE LEFT The pair left Canada Friday. Their abortive espionage activ- ities, involving the spending of "thousands of dollars" in a bid to buy defence and industrial other party leaders might be given confidential briefings as the still - active investigation into the current case pro- gresses. Opposition. Leader Diefen- baker protested that the prime minister could convey such in- formation only to members of the Privy Council, who had taken the official oath of se- The newspaper Expres- sen said it had turned over to police a document from a secret Nazi organization in Sweden de- tailing plans for the anti-Jewish joperation, | 'Acting on the information, po- lice arrested Bjoern Lundahl, |described as the leader of the |Carl Ernfrid Carlbergs Founda- jticn, and four other men. Of the 272 killed, 97 were in Kitchener + Waterloo, there|see work start on three such 'Soft Landing Luna Smashes Into Moon, jails, involving co-operation among nine or 10 counties. Agriculture Minister William Stewart introduced a bill grant- ing officials of farm products marketing boards protection from any legal proceedings against them arising out of, actions taken in good faith by the boards. Try Failed WASHINGTON '(AP)--A "'sl- lent vigil," begun in bright sun- shine at the Pentagon by nearly 1,000 to protest U.S. bombings in Viet Nam, ended in the rain and in a row. The squabble pitted assistant defence secretary Arthur Syl- vester and Edward Snyder, a spokesman for Wednesday's re- ligiously-led demonstrators. cordant ending, the demonstra- tion had gone off without a hitch, STAND SILENTLY The demonstrators, estimated at 800 to 1,000, marched 3% miles from a church in Wash- ington and across the Potomac River to stand silently for more than six hours on three sides of the Pentagon. Some people the RCMP passing this infor-isecrets through two Canadians,|crecy. Only Mr. Diefenbak By FRED W. COLEMAN _|atory commented: "We suspect, : , ; : : among the ope SP merger' The foundation's existence; yoscow (AP). -- The Soviet|and it is nothing more than sus- The bill would exempt board) Snyder at day's end made aj joined along the route. leaders is a privy councillor, |W88 disclosed by Expressen| 4 .o; Luna V hit the moon|Picion at the moment, that the|members, officers, clerks orjreport to the demonstrators}. They carried placards and Fiery Mothers Halt Traffic In Protest Of Child's Death WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Com-; 'Both my son and the girl batants in curlers and kerchiefs|were killed within 10 feet of that jammed traffic in the battle ofjsign,"' she said, indicating the Grand Marais Road Wednesday|sign she had had erected. 'I've night--but the forces of law andjseen three children killed and order won the day. jone crippled for life along this Mr. Pearson replied he is not|!vesday. Police said the group sure this is correct, He recalled| WS believed to be plotting to that previous prime ministers|°Verthrow the Swedish govern- had given such briefings to op-|™nt. position leaders who were not| In forests north of Stockholm Privy Councillors. "At no time when I prime minister did I ever con-|grenades, gas containers, deton- sult a private member on such ators and many documents. A matters," said Mr. Diefen-|search for other arms dumps baker. continues throughout Sweden. SUGGESTS BRIEFINGS Police said they have begun jpolice found, in addition to! was Weapons, a store of ammunition, | spacecraft Wednesday night but apparen- tly failed to make the expected |soft Janding that would have put Russia several months ahead of; lthe United States in the lunar} |race, | | Tass news agency announced that the 3,250-pound spaceship \landed in the area of the Sea lof Clouds at 3:10 p.m, EDT, ending its three-day flight five minutes ahead of schedule. retro - rockets in the Russian oon rocket may have failed to ire." fi Western observers suggested that that Tass reference to ob- taining information for "the fur-| Dil which would in effect pre- | ther elaboration" of a soft land- ing system meant the Russians! had discovered what went wrong and hoped to avoid the|the bill will die on the order} trouble next time. | The Soviet Union's last two) employees from personal liabil- ity in connection with actions of the boards. James Renwick (NDP -- Tor- onto Riverdale) introduced a vent judges from issuing ex- parte injunctions in labor dis- putes but observers expect that paper without being called for! debate. about a meeting earlier in the day between the group's lead- ers and Defence Secretary Rob- ert McNamara, Sylvester claimed Snyder broke a confidence by making the report, that it was '"'one- sided, slanted," and he said, "only church people would do what you are doing." Snyder, who represents the Friends Committee, said his re- port was accurate and the dem- held signs, saying: "Negotiate don't escalate" and 'Bombs are no way to parley." Three. faiths -- Protestant, Roman Catholic and Jewish-- were represented. . McNamara met with the group's delegation for 75 min- utes, Bishop Daniel Corrigan, di- rector of the home department of the Episcopal (Anglican) Church, New York, told report- This was no lighthearted en-|section of the highway." Social Credit Leader Thomp-|Westioning more than 100 per-| i he|manned spaceships returned to/ wants NOTICE i : | E ; i ;..| "During the flight and the , .| s AUR onstrators were entitled to know/ers after the meeting: -- aeneer. al As ine evening rush-hour ap-|son suggested the government |*05 4 fairs in the confis lapproach of the station to the fe ean, a aa por Mr. Renwick's proposal is|what their leaders learned. "He levelled with us and we e pe ery eee ee the women blocked sine tg = ee tan Com- Several documents: detailed moon a great deal of informa-|srachutes, dian" fond retro-|(nat in oe hag Tg ge Until the rain-drenched, dis-'levelled with him. and carrying signs, were pro-| Angry drivers hurled taunts at iat done in Britain. ehmaves plans for the murder of Swedish|tion was obtained which ts Hee|rockets. laixthoust' andice at an epelite: testing the traffic deaths of two|the women as they were forced children on a stretch of the|to stop. But the honking of road in adjacent Sandwich East|horns didn't move the pickets. Township. As soon as the children from Spokesman for the mothers,a nearby school had passed was Mrs: Henry Soulliere, whojalong the roadway, the women organized the demonstration, allowed traffic through in a sin- Jews and the burning of their bodies 'tin the same way as in Hitlerite Germany," Senate Ousts | Mr. Pearson said this ques- tion is being considéred: Under current regulations, departmen- tal deputy ministers are re- sponsible for advising any civil servant with access to classi- fied information of 'the dan- essary for the further elabora-| tion of a system for soft land- jing on the moon's surface," \Tass concluded, | Tass earlier had said that jLuna V would test for the first ltime elements of a soft landing system. This was taken to in- Violent Crash | Kills 4 People six} hours' notice of an applica-| tion to a court for an injunc-| tion. | An ex-parte injunction is one granted after hearing only one side in a dispute, Ontario unions have protested the granting of ex-parte injunctions NEWS Admitted U.S. Spy 'HIGHLIGHTS Gets 30 Years NEW YORK (AP) -- Robert Glenn Thompson, former Where the mothers massed. gle lane on the 11-foot-widelgers and duties' inherent in dicate that the Russians) SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont,|to management prevent ing : i r ' ik Y f é a "| 8& § of 4 b a é . . -) sed to spying for Mrs, Soulliere had had erected | road |his position D h P n ] planne spacecraft|(CP)--Three Sault Ste, Marie|picketing or limiting the num- US. A Moves: oullated. man Who, Comes a large sign at the roadside. It THREATEN ARREST 1 eat ena ty olanned "te. sane. tee spacenest {+E} 's & Russia for six years, was sentenced today to 30 years in | The prime minster told intact and that it would then} area residents and a man from has? of pickets. prison, The 30-year-old Long Island fuel oil dealer and read; "Danger. Sandwich East} Police threatened the women/Eldon Woolliams (PC -- Bow, ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- Thelradio back information from the) Windsor were killed early today| Mr. Renwick also suggested ; ii | ALB: eae | ; so sugges ; : $ says roads cost too much. But with arrest for obstruction of|/River) that Poluchkin, as an/state Senate voted overwhelm-|moon's surface. |when two cars collided head-on|that Attorney - General Arthur service age ng Byes y Ernie Fengniao ag what are children worth? Deadjtraffic, and they left the roadjembassy clerk, did not enjoy|ingly Wednesday to abolish cap-| By saying information wasjon Highway 17 just north of the|\Wishart consider legislation] ©¥¢S Wien ne hear 8 --one seven-year-old boy, 1948;/to gather at the nearby Soul- full diplomatic status and im- munity from ¢riminal charges.|State, except when a police of- one five-year-old girl, May 10, licre home 1965." Tass indicated that the space- ital punishment in New Yorkjsent back only in the approach, |Sault. Two Sault Ste. Marie resi- giving magistrates or judges the power to order the destruc- sentence. Jordan Severs Ties With Germans LBJ RIPS | neementetiee ¥ > e ts rams i In the report, prepared by the| 650,000, In other; business, Allan i gb pears Bs bind ae bes Ro pa i accident statistics division of/ARE WORST Grossman} minister of reform gues any ie Ai nabs ae i - Priel oo, bes ownaee However, he was given "'the/ficer is killed or when a life-|craft had failed to lowemitselfidents, Delmer. Bovington, 31,) tion of fingerprint records in e sign was adorned with a officials had explained that they|same kind of treatment we term convicts commits a mur-'gently on to the moon. and his wife Joyce were in one|cases where a suspect has been i large skull and crossbones had. had trouble in getting prop- same positions in Moscow to der. Earlier moon shots by Rus-\car with Mrs, Bovington's|arrested and fingerprinted but| _ AMMAN (Reuters) -- Jordan planned to sever diploma- tic relations with West Germany today in retaliation for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Bonn government and Israel. A similar move to sever The dead boy referred to Mrs. erty owners along a one-mile|receive" and permitted to leave \ Soulliere's own son, Gerald,|stretch of the highway to do-|would expect Canadians in the killed on the busy highway 17 nate enough land for the town- later has been found innocent. Mr. Wishart said he believes The measure was sent to anjsia and the United States have|brother, Craig M. Archibald, 22, uncertain fate in the Assembly. either crashed into the moon orjof Windsor. Their vehicle col- years ago. The girl was killed ship to construct a 66-foot right- last Monday. of-way. the country, This was the "con- ventional' method of iwith such cases. Governor Nelson Rockefeller dealing) has not indicated whether he would sign such legislation. |passed by it, lided with one driven by Henry | Sir Bernard Lovell of Brit-| Montague, 37, of nearby Batche- lain's Jodrell Bank radio observ-|wana Bay. that fingerprint records are sometimes returned to an ac- quitted person upon request, ANTI-CIGARETTE CAMPAIGNER 20 YEARS CONDEMNS "THE WEED" Smoking: The World's Most Perilous Habit Republic. day the establishment of dipl two countries became effecti relations with Bonn was expected by the United Arab Bonn Establishes Ties With Israel BONN (AP) -- West Germany officially announced to- omatic relations with Israel. Chief government spokesman Karl Guenther von Hase told a press conference diplomatic relations between the ve Wednesday. Fee rea LARGE rere on x he pe and health Using colored. slides -- one Out of every 100 persons who industry was resorting to "mis- tobacco industry is making * AW! ) -- Cigarette at Carleton University showing a vivid photograph get lung cancer from smoking leading propaganda" to sell cig- every attempt to hide its di & smoking was branded as the He gave his audience of * sii at jodiesal rR - cigarettes, only five will be arettes, losses," Sil In THE TIMES to AY wo. world's major health hazard young smokers, ex-smokers and . eee § -- cured. The rest will die He showed slides of maga- Today the students were to Wednesday as 75 Canadian teen- non-smokers a survey of the cerous lung--and a wide assort- The death rate for smokers is zine ads for leading cigarette get their chance to discuss the 170 bong brawhes ena Hee ith a us agers were confronted with a reasons why they should not ment of medical statistics, Dr. 30 to 50 times higher than that brands which he said tended to smoking problem and what Bay Ridges Ratepayers Protest Water Payment Plan -- doctor's blunt argument about take up the habit, or should Delarue lectured the teen-agers of non-smokers, glorify smoking as a socially- should be done about it. The Flyer Swoop Back With Vengence -- P, 8 the relationship between lung quit immediately, for nearly two hours. Here are If they continue their present acceptable habit. conference session was to be en- S Ann' Land 16 Obits --- 30 cancer and smoking. He challenged them to carry some of his facts he urged them smoking habits, 1,000,000 North The slides showed handsome tirely taken up by 'the young . ahd hesighsctah dL cee eee 8.29, 10571 Dr. Norman C. Delarue, as- the facts about smoking and to consider: American teen - agers will die men and beautiful women in people, except for one speech B City) Newsy 18 Television -- 31 - sistant professor of surgery at lung cancer back home to their More people die in North before age 70, bathing suits smoking, or party from Mr. Emerson Douyon, ) Classified -- 26, 27, 28, 29 Theatre --- 25 the University of Toronto who parents America every year from Although Dr Delfrue said he and beach scenes at which chief psychologist of the Mont- Comics --- 31 Whitby News -- 5, 6 § has been accumulating evidence hey may have. started noking than in traffic acci did not believe restrictive legis- everyone was smoking. real Association for Retarded Editorial --- 4 Worren's --- 14, 15, 1617.4 against cigarettes for almost 20 smoking when the dangers of dents. Doctors believe as many lation governing the sale and Dr. Delarue also. charged that children education and research Financial -- 30 Weather -- 2 years, spoke at the opening ses- cigarettes were not known. It as 250,000 people may be dying advertisement of cigarettes is while cigarette smoking has de- centre, on "The psychology of sion of the Canadian youth con- ds bard for them to stop now," every year from lung cancer. mecessary, he said the tobacco creased in North America "'the the smoker." \ y