"31@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundoy, Mey 13, 1965 Matching Ideas A Bonus ' Of Leftover Wallpaper By ELEANOR ROSS When ordering wallpaper for|©an also be covered. enhance the object. s al to order too much rather|ysed smartly in other rooms,| packages. than too little. The main reason} .i.5 Closet walls and shelves, for this, of course, is to have some on hand in case of dam- age. i i he titl e of "things"| Mirror and picture frames can/for the title. oBgelgg 4 geste Hesergg be wallpaper-covered. ro. instance, the plastic-|With wallpaper scraps. You canja help. coated papers that you have put up in kitchens and baths can also be used handsomely to line shelves and drawers. Papers can be kept clean in these areas by just wiping with a damp sponge. There is great eye appeal in having drawers and shelves match the paper on the walls. In a small kitchen, where it is nice to have as many things match as possible, you can also cover coffee cans, spice cans and match boxes to hold any- thing from matches and tooth- picks to cookies and crackers. Matching walls and contain- ers take away the clutter look that can spoil the appearance of a small kitchen. In a bathroom, you can cover a not-too-new hamper and a waste basket to match the wall- paper. Accessories, such as fa- hi At ry READY-MADE DRAPES © DRAPERY HARDWARE Custom Made Drapes © BEDSPREADS eSLIPCOVERS QUALIFIED DECORATING SERVICE 3 rl 725-4151 ee WARD'S "*-- take almost any kind of a box and cover it for many different uses -- cigarette boxes, jewel boxes, keepsake boxes, pencil boxes, hat boxes, toy chests, shoe boxes, and anything else where color and design would cial tissue boxes or curler boxes| We've used attractive wall- D paper-cover to cover gift boxes. room in your home, it's| Leftover wallpaper can be They make real 'conversation' Wallpaper can also pee bureau drawer liners, colorfulj)worn books or the paperback But there's a bonus, too, bookcase backings, screens,jones. A space can be cut out Many of these hypo make your . with left-over wall-| When you get to accessories,|nice gifts, too, and cost prac- _ you can really have fun working|tically nothing--which is always Reifmany Just see these MIX-MATE "MUSTS" for every Gal's Casual Life 80 Lively, Dashing, simply Oozing with Chick ee and Topped with REITMAN'S _ Famous Value. Sets eee ai mw em RRM" ont CREE Baked oer cs dle ie ie oe @ oy ARE iene y, ai asema gil' oor 2 a) TS @we sa Roda a) Neuen b Nem: N@mt wt 3 429544" 4s% S|, tg f <%) ~ Se piiracad 4189 Ht betas st: Stt209 ga? -- +e OF wei es we ss) 4 Vth 4 fy Jeaestess uM ~ a se ee paeeany! tax gata" caeertt * ny Pit eee © Vi, ae 48 pore ent -% ae q ane oe teat in@eeaae veal if 2 ee. Le ! i ' " * OER REAR EAE SE ES SEPSIS Ne AIRE Ae aia RANE: Bom, Gedy BRN GOI a A eM OE RON PRAM om mm Me TE me nt, ae a x 2.8 Pack « soltcase full of Reitmon's coordinates and hood for the hills... the sea... or any spot thet calls for the coolest ceseals -- you couldn't look, feel, or be more dashing. 'A. Stretch denim slims with fly front ond removable boot strep. Mevy. Sires 8-18. 4.98. B. Seoppy ginghom sleoveless 'wibticklor. Red checks. Stee 10-18. 2.98. C. Witty deck ponts of cotton duck with rope belt. White, plak, blve ond royal, «Sizes 1-18. 2.98, D. Squall jocksts, 100% nylon, styled with hood, plastic cufts, rip front ond kongoroo pockets. Weter- proot, windproat end 100% washoble-- won' skrink. Sizes SML. 3.98. £. Knoe-knockets in cotton denim with fy freat 2ip and 2 trout end beck pockets. Navy only. Sires 10-16. 2.98. F. Ginghom tellored cotton shirts with roll-op sleeves and button down caller. Red checks, Stres 10-16. 2.98, Also evolleble with long sleeves. 3.98. G, Madras shirts Wh rel-vp slooves and button down coller. Asct'd. colors in medres plold. Sires 10-18, 3.98.°H, White bocked doniai founs styled in cotton denim with 2 double stitch pockets. Novy. Stes &-18. 2.98, 29 Simcoe Street South ' - i I a Oshawa Shopping Centre Men's DRILL PANTS! Sanforized shrunk, in black, olive and khaki. Available in sizes 30 to 40. Regular to ee eas * and stout builds. SALE ENDS SATURDAY, MAY 15 Men! Dress Up For Spring And Summer Spend LESS at DUNN'S! ! Spring shape-retaining suits, and here 'you're sure to find just the perfect fit you're after. See the New Season three- button and some two-button stylings for men end teenage men, all are expertly tailored. Take your pick of yarn-dyed wool worsteds in distinguished stripes, checks, neithead weaves. Vibrant new shades of Grey, Blue, Brown and Olive, All sizes available from 35 te 52, for reguler, tall, short MEN'S SUMMER SUITS MEN ! You'll take pride in weering one of DUNN'S New Priced From 49.9 With The Purchase of Any Suit Priced From 49.50 Sore OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT No Money Down--No Carrying Charges (On Sele at Downtown Store Only) Look! Men's DRESS SHOES We have a large selection of Men's Shoes to choose from. Straight Lest, Blucher and Mocas- sin Vamp styles, also slip-ons, in colors of black or brown. Priced from 6.88 Cam Men's GOLF JACKETS ony 7.95 Oshawa Shopping Centre Open Thurs, & Friday To 9 p.m. ALL THAT'S NEW IN BO BOYS' Continental EXTRA SPECIAL! BOYS' TOP- COAT Every Boy NEEDS one of these hand- some Topcoats for Spring. They're ex- |] pertly tellored of fine poplin for per- fect fit. Colors of Black and Beige. Sizes 12 te 18. (At Shopping Centre Only) Now Only COM. ci cgcedes . SUITS Smeartly sults thet he'll be proud te weer, . Centre vents or two side vents, In Char- coal, Grey, Brown, Olive and Blue. Sizes 8 to 18. A REAL buy from .. 14.88 Shopping Centre Store Only Style tailored YS" WEA BOYS' SPORT JACKETS Come in and ste our new spring stock of Boys' Sport Jackets and Blazers in Chev- lots and Saxon Tweeds. Two button and Three Button Style. All are handsomely _ tailored. Sizes 8 to 18. Priced Hk Soca (Shopping Centre Store Only) YOUTH'S Golf Jackets "Just Like Dead's'. Zipper front fastening, eollor and cuffs, Now ON Ge Kae 5.99 (Available et Shopping Centre Store Only) R AT DUNN'S Downtown 36 KING E. 'otha Open Fridays To 9 p.m. BOYS' PANTS Mothers! "Dress Him up for Spring and Summer. We have @ wonderful selection in Continental end Ivy styles in Cotton, worsteds and flannels. sizes 12 to 18. (Avail- able at Shopping Centre Store only). NOW ONLY 5.95 BOXER SHORTS Your choice in plain In stripes. Regular 1.39, Sizes S. M. L. iw. 1.00 3 for 2.89 Men's ond Ivy stripes, in Maize Blue, Grey and White, Sizes 12 to 18. (At Shop- ping Centre Store Only). BOYS' DRESS SHIRTS button down coller 9.99