BRA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tucnday, Moy It, 1068 COMPARATIVE FINANCIAL OPERATING STATEMENT 1961 1962 1963 1964 Patient reverse so. 0 oe obo ck ss 3,009,793 3,661,842 4,422,317 4,703,767 Misc., including cafeteria ......... 115,100 134,257 1559,927 164,287 3,124,893 3,816,099 4,578,244 4,868,044 Salaries and employee benefits .... 2,198,683 2,672,504 3,243,100 3,462,022 Expenses including depreciation .... 929,724 1,163,679 1,309,587 1,385,168 3,128,407 3,836,183 4552,687 4,847,190 Operating expenses or (deficit) ... \ @,514) (20,084) 25,557 20,854 Surplus adjustments ............5.4, 6,975 16,372 (2,286) (2,361) Net change in revenue fund ....... 3,461 -13,712 23,271 18,493 4 REPORT OF THE MEDICAL STAFF - YEAR 1964 : : The past year has seen an increase in the utilization of the hospital and its services over the preceding year. Admissions for the year were 20,166 compared to 19,517 in 1963, an increase of 541] patients. Surgical procedures carried out in the main operating room increased by 484 procedures, from 8,209 to 8,693. All this has been accomplished without an accompanying increase in hospital beds, operating theatres, or nursing staff in the operating room. f It is interesting to note that in 1959 the number of operations perform- ed was 5,000. In just five years, the volume in the operating room has in- : creased approximately 74%. ie ve We are rapidly approaching the saturation point in this service due to gs the limitation of beds and available treatment space. During the past year instrument counts were instituted in all major abdominal cases. This has created an additional work load for the opera- ting room staff but they have been most willing to accept this as a precaut- lonary measure contributing to patient safety. In 1964 the Coronary Unit was established as a further development. of the Intensive Care Unit. Its purpose is to care for the extremely ill heart patient who requires 24 hour monitoring. | am sure that in the short time that is has been functioning, it has more than justified its existence. D. J. McLean, M.D, President, Medical Staff, 1964,