30---~Automobiles for Scle G0 BOWR. 7 weskiv, 'ays Tole lovely) LAR {ent at Nicos' Motors, Whitby ---- 30---Automobiles for Sale 1965 WILDCAT 2 Wanted mai Sot wentworth mire, pet, red Interior, An ideal second car. Easy terms, Ses Brown motors Limite, Tele phone 72% 2 door hordtop. Fully equip- with 34.kutomobile Repair offers ex- ooo sulo electric service. ped, miles, Must be Coll seen. 728-3036, 10 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. SPEED N' SPORTS HEADQUARTERS -- NOW OPEN -- CUSTOM CAR EQUIPMENT ios tale STOCKS MONEY DOWN Tail Avenue Road, Toronto. KELLY DISNEY is tet, V4, rt RaOe Claaaie sairdeer, V4 Saal: Must sei. easy terms. Gus 'Brown Motors Lid., 725-6568. i997 THIER vice Toaroe "saian, ve automatic, by PR brakes. Gus Brov "prown I factors Lid 7378, Low down oes Breen: 'wesors Lid., Bive with matching inter' payment, Terms. 728-7375. ong Me body. Cusiom ri Ask- » wer fa was win accept trade. Py Alex 91-6086 atter S$ p.m. $106 DOWN, $70 weekly, buys 2 Pon- tiac, two-door hardtop V8. A real dream- boat for someone, Cash, pert and King Street West, 728-0817. ~ | TRANSMI: Specialists. Transmis- siofis are our only business. 1038 Simcoe North, Phone 726-7399. OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck- fs, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245, WANTED -- Cian 1958 + 1954 sianderd Ford or Metéor body, four-door. Prefer- ably with motor ne good. 126-3666. lg om 35--Lost and Found FOUND -- Poodié, Courtice vicinity. Phone 728-6589 after 6 p.m. cor Part 1 Persian ma male cat, black of Bleck bu: with patches of sand color. hy fail. te April 2 from Arthur Street. Reward, Telephone | cH VROLET Bel USED CAR LTD. 38--~Coming Events BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Early Bird Game FREE ADMISSION $1,250 in Prizes Jackpots 54 and 55 Children under 16 not allowed Specie! 7:30 bus from 4 Corners IN MEMORIAM HOBBS -- in sweet and loving memory of my dear husband, Thomas Henry {oy who left me so suddenly May 11, 1959. the day he This is the anniversary, Relieved of every burden, released from closed his every To. waken in the morning sunshine of the life beyond. Nobly did he rey. 7 part as father, husband and Happy, helpful, "en smiling, right until the end. He will be remembered tho' the passing years depart, For he inspired the sort of "Love" that fives on in my: heart. 'Good night dear Henry" just like we uséd to say ---~ agein in the morning At fhe dawn of ai beautiful Fs --Sadly missed and fevingly remembered by wife Lola, Donovan Collegiate Art Exhibition in the SCHOOL CAFETERIA "Good HOBBS -- in sweet memory of our dear "Pappy", Thomas Henry Hobbs who ieft us May 11, 1999. God gave us a wonderful 'Pappy', sedan V8 washers, discs, radio, Telephone 710-288. 1964 CHEVROLET red convertibie, V8, dual exhausts, rr low imileage, with condition. Telephone 6233150) 43-3150, 196) OLDSMOSILE Cg Pad low for 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY --- 668-5891 Cers bought and sold Liens poid off Trade up or down Always top qudlity ALL CASH For cleon cars or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid. uo Or ont oe 1959 CHEVROLET two-door hardtop, & cylinder auforriatiG radio, good condition. Telephone 725-305 trom | to _§ pm, 6 , standard, and motor, (Car not WHITBY feesen selling). T n NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED Sosa how, bork pel Ps me ge Whitby 668-3331 Best offer, Tel 1942 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, V8 auto- 1964 ~ CONVERTIB male leon a can omen" PAY: sort, fly eulpped. Red with whe te 728-7375, Low mileage. 725-9777. si DOWN, V5) weeny boys "Gi Piy-| 1954 METEOR Special, Nisgare, ws pac immaculate condition. Cash, ecb Seg wuier Fs rade. or rms at Nicols Motors, Whifby. Baaesabiet ws Ps nee }1960 AUSTIN Cambridge, black, * good 'Gh ChaWNGLEH 6a hiv imei: Five | condition. 323 Rosedale Drive, Whitby. with matching interior, Low down pay-|Pnore 668-4878. ment and easy. terms. Gus Brown Motors|@EAUTY! '58 Chevrolet, cor Ltd. 728-7375. lautomatic, $10 down, $10 weekly. Wh CHEVROLET Bei Air four-door Le oe ry Wey ee sédan, custom radio, one owner, original pra og Still under warranty. Telephon 7 Ave $200 ¢ on forced wagon, excellent sale. 1 condition, su- r-<deor 19% FORD convertible with new stat temtle ge snows and white 'walls, like néw. Low/|fully 728-7394, Gus Brown MO! 5 HON RE kB, POET EO EN afid transmission. Just payment. Terms. Ltd. 728-7375. 194 CORVAIR Monza Spider, with Steee interior. Four-speed t sion. Ti 728-7806. 1948 PONTIAC Laurentian coach, def, standard shift. Very ciean, payment, Easy terms. Gus tors Lid. 728-7375 198 CHE black interior. 5,000 original miles. Gus Brown Motors Lid, 728-7375. os Sow town '97 PONTIAC Laurentian four - door sédan, 34,000 guaranteed original miles: 9 cash, Gus Brown Motors Ld. '57 MERCEDES diesel engine, 2 miles! per gallon. Excellent condition. payment, Terms. Gus Brown Motors LU 728-6568. WHT CHEVROLET statron wagon, Vé! " ideal family car. Basy automatic, Motors Limited. Tele terms, phone Pte jvenante ee Nicots Motors, Whitby 668-3331. }OLET Supér Sport, red with 1 '60 Pontiac automatic f down. $59 monthly. Ask for "Stan" at 44) CHEVROLET Bel Air two-door hard- ret standard radio, whitewalls, white fed trim. One owner. Terris. Gus Brows Motors Lid. |1955 PONTIAC sedan, g00d body, }running order, radia. Reasonable. phone 723-7101, ole OLOSMOBILE Soper 0%, twod jhardtop, one owner, spotless. Fully pow ared. No down payment, Easy terms. Gus Brown Motors Lid, 725-6568. sa CHEVROLET Biscayne four-door, V ve | standard, radio. Excellent mechanica' " n Gus Brown Motors Lid, 725-6568. | \62 VALIANT Deluxe, two-door, new tires, | | automatic, radio, whitewalls, custom red) jirim. One local owner. Terms. Gus) [orown Motors Ltd. 725-6568, \57 PONTIAC Laurentian, high oo v4 haré- im FULL PRICE buys hardtop. Cash, een or férms af Meots Motors, » Whitby 6 668-3331. "@ FORD Stariiner, + hardtop, spotless. Ay sag terms te sult.) jotors Lid. 7 le 616 DOWN, 510 7 ety og ae ee sporfation. cash, Vitae or oh erin Motors, Whitby. 666-3331. trans, oli car parts. Courtice) Telephone 723-5841 or omicai terms at jOTORS, Wises. '$7 Buick, four-| beige, |brown trim. No down t. Terms to suit, Gus Brown Motors Lid. 725-6568. [1964 PARISIENNE convertible, dash, tinted windshi |motor. st brakes, |dows, seat and aerial. 800 white walls. unt original miles, $3295. 728-656) after padded automatic, 327 win- Power '63 BUICK La Sabre two-door hardtop, fully powered, local déctor's car, 30,000 vel Easy terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 725-6568. |1962 CHEVRY Tt wee é cylinder, stan | \dard down payment 4 by ng LET impeia convertibie, w pg soe seats, aa Ledy owned. | trim. Gus Brown Motors' Ct Ue 7 m. DODGE 4 A ay eccepted. Bloor efter 4, $15 DOWN, #16 Sng hd | 'eo Lavrentian V8 pit ail acces sores. Motor: Hinder automatic, it motor. Trade) last mornings or Cash, trade or terms at Nicois| %, Whitby. 668-2331, USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make -- trailers, also used tires. 509 Bloor Street | ast after 4, 723-2281. 1%2 CHEVROLET impale converiibie,| white with red interior, automatic, power) brakes and steering, ---- cond! 73,000 seiiee, $2,000. p.m, 725-6709 W961 PONTIAC convertible, V-8, saute) matic, good condition. Make offer. Bow-| manville 623-3415. 8 cay ROLET impaia convertibie, | 40400 Original miles, avtomatic, power brakes, power steering: radio; spotless. | One owner. Gus Brown Moters Ltd.,/ 725-6568. "4 FORD Fairiane, two-door hardtop V8 automatic, radio, no down payment Terms to sult you. Gus Brown Motors Lid., 725-6568. s8 DOWN, $9 weekly buy: tec Convertible super sport, two-door,| V6, fldor shift. Cash, trade or terms at Nicols Motors, Whitby. 668-333) ') CHEVROLET impala two-door hard top, black réd trim, V8 automatic, power brakes, power steering, radio, Brown Motors Lita. 725-6508 aa Pen | ------ ~--_ } '%) CHEVROLET impala two-door hard top &¢ylinder automatic, radio, console, super sport trim. No down payment Ter Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 725-6568 PRICE, buys '58 Plymouth wagon. Cash, trade or terms at) Nicols. At Motors, Whitby. 668-333) 61 CHEVROLET Biscayne four-door, 6 standard. Excellent condition. No down payment. te terms. Gus Brown Motors Motors \ 725-6568. 19 PONTIAC station wagon miles, automatic, Whitewalh tires, shield washers, back-up lights, floor mats seat beits. Telephone 725-7267. 1962 OLDSMOBILE Bynamic two-door hardtop, silver grey with matching In- terior. Low down agi id eon Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. 968 Mi ind Comat tps cylinder, automatic, fully equipped, Low down payment and easy terms. Gus Brown Motors Lid. 728-7375 6174 FULL PRICE buys 'S§ Chevrolet tw6-door 6 cylinder, Cash, trade or terms at t Nicols Motors, Whifby. 668-3331 MOTORS, trans, Auto Wreckers. nights 725-4404 1963 PONTIAC: four-door hardtop, one owner, guaranteed 38,000 original Elgg | Gus Browf Motors Limited, 778-7 '62 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible V8 automatic, double power, radio. Brown, | matching trim. Trade considered, terms Wo aiiable. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., ioe PONTIAC Laurentian, alx elyinder, | automatic Mery poy one, four new tires Condit' st. Ask- ing $725. Telephone 72 An Miner 4 p.m! 'ONTIAC Parisienne hardtop, auto- matic, two-door, goed condition. $775 Télephone 725-4327 after 6 p.m. car parts, lephone Spurtice 723-354) | & DAN'S | Your authorized DATSUN AND/OR Gus} | offer. Telephone 72 6 with real easy ferme Gus Brown Mo fors Lid. 728-7375. eg a ae Parisienne two-door herd- payment. Terms. Motors "tt Ltd. POE IIT. i957 OLDSMOBILE four-door he hardtop, very easy terms, low down payment and @asy terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. Gus Brown Pontiac, 728-7375. \$10 DOWN, $7 weekly, buys this 'i Aus- fin with very low miléa In excel- |lent all around condition. Cash, trade or ferms at Nicols Motors, Whitby. 666-3331. |31--Compact Cars for Sale| ZOLTAN NICK | t F ALER Volkswagen Service 160 Simcoe South Oshawa 728-0051 * VOLVO & PEUGEOT * MERCEDES BENZ JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repoir and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Rd. South _ Oshawa 728-0921. SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service New ond Used Cars 334 Ritson Rd. S, 723-3461 Open Evenings four-door. | | 1962 BLUE Envoy THT King Street et East, Oshawa. 1964 Vi VAUXHALL \ Viva, de dark. bive, | four | feat belts, snow fires, new paint job, 12- 000. miles, remaining warranty. Apply 342| Frontenac. |1963 CORVAIR converti four-speed, excellent condition mae" 'ona, Best | 196 | AUSTIN rae sie in good con | Sofft and hardtop, good tires) ns 3186 "rer 5.30, 1958 TRIUMPH TR3 Sportscar, 900d "cone | dition, overdrive, wire wheels, $600 or| best offer. Telephone 725-3675 or apply at 48) Ritson Road South after § p.m. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN 45,000 miles, one owner, radio, two snow tires, roof rack, | excellent mechanical 'condition. Bowman-| ville | 623-2618 after 6 p.m. week days on "WILLMAN, running 'Good, 1965 Ii be v ia PLYMOUTH, good mechanicaily. a, some body work. L490 or best offer, 1962 CHEVROLET radio. A ig car. phone Alex 9 vis oa weekly, buys "61 Chevy! sedan, A real @conomy car! one ie >| ea. terms at Nicols Motors, sedan, a ajommatic | Priced right ae ae 1 convertibie, automatic, | custom radio, whitewalls. Excellent con- dition. No down payment. Easy terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 725-6568: 815 DOWN, 813 weekly buys 59 Ch Chevy | p. convertible. Cash, trade or terms at Nitots Nitots Motors, Whitby 668-3331. 193 BUICK Wildcat, four-door hardiop, fully equipped, like new. Low down pay- ment and easy terms, Gus Brown Mo tors Lid. 728-7375. hited 194 OLDSMOBILE Your-doar hardtop, Vi, automatic with power steer Gus brakes. A very clean automobile. Brown Motors Lid, 72-7375. oe DOWN, & weekly, buys 1958 Ford Fore Fe ogy engi pl and V-#. Cash, rade, terms a icols. Motors, Whitb: saan. Ait ye CHEVROLET four-door ha hard cylinder; standard shift. Low dewn pa ps a A vehies Gus Brown Motors ence. Can sten at $34 Masson |1965 CORVAIR MONZA convertib Matic, 110 hp, 2,000 miles. GM w. 5029. |ESTATE sale 1959 a op 'excellent @on- dition, low mileage. Priced te sell. Tele- |32--Trucks for Sale |i90 GMC % ton, top condition, one ewn- 1948 CHEVROLET Ye-ton truck. Vi condition. Apply 509 Bloor Street Mie inn Ih Ah {1955 CHEVROLET 1-ton truek with | ole lapeed transmission, An ideal tow truck. 720-7915, |1962 FORD haitton pick up, new tires,| |nearest offer. Phone 72: |1963 CHEVROLET, &% ton piel piek- | 1964. Phone 720-449) after 6 p.m. |1963 GME truck % ton wiih ne body. | WANTS rs for wae | 770-4549, Robert Nichols. Or best offer. Apply 131 Park Road North. Telephone 725-0312. Street, Telephone 725-6765. | Telephone 725- |phone 723-3224 @r. Reasonable. Telephone 725-4555. Mornings or after 4 p.m. at Eas |Easy terms. Gus Brown Motors, Limited, | | radio, 35,000 miles. A-1 condition. $1275 or S-4805 2 5 jduty, oversize tires, 8 ft. body, new in| Reason. Telephone 7 1962 FORD haif-ton fair condition, $200 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used cor to "Ted" Talk "Cash' 'to the New 6 Cor Dealer and "Save". if weekly buya "61 Pontiac corvertibie V8 ickshiff. Cash, trade or ferms at uRy _Mators, Whitey. 668-333) | 194 ME matic, V-8, pol One owner, Private. 943-1085, TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 - SEWER CONTRACTORS ONTARIO HOSPITAL SEALED TENDERS will be re« ceived by the undersigned, until 3:00 p.m. (E.0-T.) 'on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1965 for the Installation of a Storm Sewer System at the Ontario Hospitel, Whitby, Ontorio. Specifications and Tender Documents may be obtained from, or. viewed at Room T704 (Tower), Department of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Guildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, (Telephone No. 365-1079), or viewed ot the Builders Exchange, Oshawa and Toronto, Ontario. A $3,000.00 Bid Bond, e 100% Performance Bond and 0 50% Payment Bond will be required os specified. Tenders will not be consider- ed unless made on forms sup- plied by the Deportment. A Deposit of $25.00 MONEY ORDER, OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE mode payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be required per sev of tender documents, which will be re- funded if documents are re+ turned in geod condition within thirty days of obove closing date, otherwise for- feited. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. D, MILLAR, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario. TENDERS OR THE INSTALLATION IMPROVEMENT |OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS ON _|CITY OF OSHAWA ROADS Sealed Tenders addressed to Chairman, Public Works Com- mittee, c/o City Clerk and endorsed "Tender for Instal- lation and/or Improvement of Traffic Signals, Contract 65- 15" will be received until 12:00 O'clock Noon, D.S.T., Friday, May 21st, 1965,. for the installation of traffic sign- als at the intersection of Park Road South and John Street and the improvement of ex- isting traffic signals at. six- teen intersections. Plans and specifications may be obtoined from the office of the undersigned upon de- posit of a certified cheque in the amount of $25.00 ofter 12:00 O'clock Noon, Wed- nesday, Moy 12th, 1965. Tenders will be opened at 12:00 O'clock Noon, D.S.T. Friday, May 21st, 1965 at the City Hall, 50 Centre Street, Oshawo. Lowest or any tender necessorily accepted F. E. Crome, P. Eng., City Engineer, Oshawa, Ontario. not 38--Coming Events" OSHAWA LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 in cash prizes Jackpot Nos. 54 and 54 JUBILEE PAVILION 50¢ ADMISSION Entitles you to 1 Free Card, plus « chance on a TV to be drawn Moy . 26th BINGO TUES., MAY 11th 7:30 P.M. 20 regulor games $8 and $10 Shore the Wealth $150 Jackpot 58 Nos. $20 Consolation FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor Street and Edith EASTVIEW Park Euchre Boys' Club. very Monday night @ p.m. shai High monthly score $5, lunch and prizes. cents. | RUMMAGE sale Wednesday, May -- 12,° jORC _ Building, 100 Gibb street, a? 1.15 parts for seis. " Street East, 725-2911, ¥ @o-door hardtop, ute SHAW Auto "Wrecking Co. Cars | bought, | RUMMAGE: Sale Harmony Chureh + Hai) Iron and metais wag. Wednesde: Gothing ee 9.30 a.m. Good us (Corner King 'and Harmeny) His memory will never grow old. He fashioned his smile out of sunshine, He movided his heart of pure gold. He needed 8 new star in Heaven, A beautiful light to shine, A out of this world of sorrow chose that dear Pappy of mine. =Lovingly remembered vianococh his grandchil- dren, Randy and Ricky » Chris Debby and Gery Hobbs. Friday - May 14th 7 P.M. 2. and 3 dimensional work Demonstrations, art movie HOBBS -- In loving memory of our B dear father, Thomas ney Hobbs, who }passed away May 11, 1959. BURNETT --Jack and Helen wish to, A silent thought, @ secret tear, announce the arrival of their chosen son, Keeps his memory ever dea ype 6 A wee brother for Wendy! Time takes away the edge of grief, and y. But memory turns back every leaf. : Lovingly ri by son Art and COOLIDGE Alan and Sylvia are happy fo announce the bi Lp sg 'emembered } daughter-in-law Pearl and family, Wayne Andrew, on Saturday, 8, 1965, at Oshawa General Hospital ms ou 2 o1s., A brother for Paul and Glen. WELSH -- In loving memory of a dear ioiord and grandfather, Garfield K. Welsh, who pa away May Il, 1964. Dear Dad, you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more ~ Still in memory. you are with us As you @lways were before. GAVEL --- Alvin and Ellen are pleased te announce the birth of their son, Jean Richard, 9 Ibs. 9 ozs., Tuesday, May 4, 1965, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for five sisters. Thanks to Dr. Rundie and 4th floor staff. JSEWELL -- Wayne and Sally wish to jannounce the arrival of their son, Chris- ltopher Wayne, 8 Ibs, 3 ozs., on Wednes- jay. May 5, 1965, at Oshawa Gen | Hospital. A brother for Josh and T | ROLLAND -- Todd and Stacey would |!ike fo announce the arrival of their baby brother, Scott Timothy, Friday, May 'ed by Dor: een, son-in-law Vern and grandchildren, } WELSH -- In loving memory of a dear husband and dad, Garfield (Dick) Welsh who passed away suddenly May 11, 1964. | You wished no one a fast farewell Or even said bye, You were gone fore we knew it And only God knows why. --Always remembered by wife, Marguer- Ife and daughter Joan. lable ancient objects that lie WELSH - In loving memory of a dear! father and grandfather, Garfield K. Welsh, who passed away May 11, 1964. A silent thought, a secret tear Keeps his memory ever dear. Time fakes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf. --Lovingly remembered by daughter Helen, John and grandchildren. Special thanks to Or. Guthrie Grant nurses on the fourth floor of the Oshawa Genera! Hospital. WALLIS -- George and Mary Ann (nee, Murphy) are very proud to announce the safe arrival of Lorna June, 8 Ibs. 1 ozs. en Sunday, May 9, 1965, at the Oshaw General Hospital. First grandchild for) iMr. and Mr: asil Murphy. WELSH -- In loving memory of a | jfather and grandfather, Garfield Wels, | "wr pessed away May 11, 1964. DEATHS We who loved you Sadly miss you, BATEMAN, H. Milton | Entered Into rest at the family residenc Osha' As it dawns another year 74) Clarke Str we, on Tuesd in our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of you are siways near, --Loevingly remembered by daughter, May 11, 1965, 7 Bateman, beloved | ae ail nrc husband of the fete Ethel Lanora Munns, father of Mrs. Albert Crowell (uitan}| weEVERLASTING | P. Biaske and family Leona, son-in-law Dan and family. and Hérold of Oshawa; brother of Cly: Florida; in Bd gn yoer. Resting 8 ats is almost possible with the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osha funeral service in the chapel Thursday.) MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER May 13. Interment Oshawa Union Ceme-| thot we supply and install. fory. | Please call BOUNFALL -- Annie at Memoria! Hos-| MOUNT LAWN pital, Bowmenville, on Monday, May 10,| MEMORIAL PARK | 1965, Annie Cox, widow of the late ml 723-2633 | Bounfall, in her 89th year, beloved ther of Mrs. H. L. Goddard (Nell) Bowmanville. Resting at the TMG and Smith Funeral Home. Funéral ser-| CARD OF THANKS vice 2.30 @'clock Wednesday afternoon. interment Bowmanville Cemetery. | : BLASKO -- We wish to express our sin- | FOSTER, Thomas (Tom) Smith cere thanks and appreciation to relatives, Suddenly, on Monday, May 10, 1965 neighbors and friends for kindness and Thomas (Tom) Smith Foster, aged isisympathy shown in our recent bereave- years, (0.C. 87500 R.C.A.F. Ottawa)/ment in the loss of @ dearly beloved | (Queen's Scout) (Member of the Achilles|husband and father, Peter. Especially our Rover Crew, Alax), dearly beloved son| thanks go out to Doctors J. E. Rundle, of Mrs. Jean Foster and the late John | H. R. Rowsell, R. A, Gill and D. Me A. Foster, 137 Tulloch Dr., Ajax; dear) Lean, also Reverend John Jacenty, Arm- grandson of Mr. and Mrs. $, Spiers and|strong Funeral Home and General Mo Mr. Thomas &. Foster of Scotland, and'tors of Canada. dear friend of Anne Ingram, Alex, ar --Mrs, tario. Resting at the Wm. E. Sher Funeral Home, No. 2 Highway, Bikar | CHURCHILL Words cannot express ling (just east of Harwood Ave, N. Aljax),|Our sincere thanks to our friends, neigh-| from 7 p.m. Tuesday evening. Complete bors and relatives for their cards, flow-| service and committal in the chapel oniers and many acts of kindness during! May 13, at 2 p.m. Crema-|the loss of a dear husband and father. A) . James Crematorium. special thanks to the Reverend Butler for| his comforting words. Also the Mcin- micro Gordon Gilbert oo phd Funeral Home for their out Entered into rest, suddenly, at Hill *f@nding service jcroft Hospital, Bobcaygeon, on 'inn Mrs. Fred Churchill end family |May 9%, 1965, G. Glibert Gordon, By is 86th year, the beloved husband Rieth t tae take this oppor: | late Minnie Christina Gilroy, and Samee| M our many friends and neighbors for their great kindness at the a ae dee won tnd Doneld, and |Bassing of my dear husband Especially! len Gordon yi lev. Mr. Méliow for his consoling words,| | Harold, predeceased, and brother of Wil! me pallbearers, Mr. Armstrong -- for his| liam R. Gordon, Rochester N.Y., efficient work -- for cards received, trice (Atrs, William Gillman, Lakefiels,|pmegen! Wor etc., Pythian Sisters and jOntarlo and Mary, Mrs. Jack Blewett, o&s Chapter Eastern Star and Sunshine West Summeriand, B.C. Resting at, IN@| Rebekah Lodge. | thank you ell. for Nisbett Funeral Home, Bobcaygeon, from) var kindness with # full heart. 7.30 p.m. May 10 for service on Wednes- J day, May 12, at 2.30 p.m. Interment at las Lakefield Cemetery LANTHIER -- In the midst of sorrow Ni wish to thank our rélafives, all the! | HALLARAN, Peter Pau! many friends and neighbors for kind-| At Smith's Falls on Sunday, May 9, 1965,|ness and sympathy shown us in the re Peter Paul Hallaran beloved husband of|cent iliness and death of a beloved hus- Mary Gertrude Sheridan (predeceased | band; also Dr. Kowalshy and Dr, Rowzell by former wife, Margaret McAdam); Jang nursing staff at Oshawa General| |father of Mrs. Ray Hetfernnan (Mary), | Hospital. Betty Lanthier. | Smiths Falis; Martin, Niagara Falis; Jo- | seph, Toronto; Patrick and the lete Jack! Hallaran of Belleville. Resting at Amyjrelatives and friends [Funeral Home, Smiths Falls. Requiem|fiowers and visits whil Mass St. Francis De Sales Church, Smiths|in the Oshawa General Hasp' | Falls, Wednesday, May 12 at 9 a.m. In-/Rev. Butler (Cedardale United terment $1. Gregory's Cemetery, Oshawa, |and Rev. Brett (Knox Presbyterian| on arrival of motors, approximately Wed-/Churth) for their many visits. Special nesday 1.30 p.m thanks also to Drs Z Rundle, Sproule, | | MécLean, Picker | HOULIHAN, Mrs. Mary Ann ee ae curnee 4F and intensive care | Entered Into rest in the Oshawa General _ Katie wn Lavender Hospital on Monday, May 10, 1965, Mary)" Ann Tobin, widow of Dennis Houlihan OBITUARIES a jand mother of Mrs. Kenneth Hamm | (Jean), Mrs, Mui Powell (Ruth) en Dennis $. Houlihan, al! of Oshawa, In 79th year. Resting at the Armstrens| Funeral Home with Requiem High Mass BRAD JOHNS in Holy Cross Chureh Wednesday, May T 12 at 9 am. Interment $t, Gregory's The funeral service for Brad Johns, who died in the Oshawa __.|General Hospital Apr. 30, was jheld in Bowmanville. Rev. R. J. ' |Buchanan, of the Free Metho- Within reach of all. jdist Church, Oshawa, conducted | GERROW gee and interment was| IFUNERAL CHAPEL lin orn' Cemetery, Brook 390 KING STREET WEST | He was aged two and-and- half| jyears and had been ill sin __TELEPHONE 728- 6226 _|birth. The child was the pn | Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Johns, LOCKE'S FLORISTS 247 Edward ay., RR 3, Oshawa. Funeral ararngements and Surviving : A floral arrdnigements for all Surviving relatives include his éenaslons parents, three sisters, Brenda, Shelly and Cindy. Grandmothe OSHAWA SHOPPING Mrs, Isobel! Johns, and a grand: father, Ronald Johnson and 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 Goyne | --Mrs. wish fo thank my for Cards le | was LAVENDER t Kindness beyond Price, yet great - grandparents, Mr. and |\Mrs. Alfred Bickell. THOMAS G. FOSTER The death of Thomas (Tom) Smith Foster occurred sudden- ly in Whitby Township Monday in his 19th year. He resided at Scholars Protest Traffic In Art 137 Tulloch dr., Ajax. ATHENS (Reuters)--Greece| He was an RCAF officer cadet, has declared war on the steal-|@ Queen's Scout and a member STOCK MARKET bia 9g M4 nN AM. geese The Canédian Pi viru Stock Nn (Quotations in cents uniess marked $. z , X--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- cd xwodExewarrents, Net change is from previous board-lot closing sai¢.) 1 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Abitibi 1200 $13 12% 1%---- Ackind 100 ou 410 ye Alta Gas 260 839% = "+ = "oes 8 Hof! ann on rae + " ita Gas Ve 1% Sas h.--" 5 ad +% "h-- " Sta+ 6 =" Ww 25a + Ve a bla+ Ve tim + ve » Bulolo B int Fin A Cal Pow Can ive Can Malt 125 on) Per rte 108) tie x» tite 10% % 04 1 $li% 1% a oe 335 (330 $15 15 50 $30 $71% 464 312% 12% 311% 11% 5 $23 22% $52 5% 209 $64%e 6434 64% $194 19% 19% $512 51% $49'% 49 $5 SMe $18% 18% uf at = Ve 1s Wn" 72 335 1§ » 1% 12% +% 20 =" 71% rione Col Cell Computing Con Bid Con M Con Paper Con Gas Corby vt Coronation 1355 225 1000 250 921% 21% $54 5% 7% ™% 225 $27% 27% 100 $7 7 7 275 $15%e 15% 214 455 455 (455 142 $6%4 6% 300 915% 154 1165 $40% 40% 919% B% $il'4 1% $29% me Cygnus A Cygnus B Dale-Ross Dist Seag & Bridge Dom Elect 'asco D Lime w D Magnes Dorn Stores Bom Tar Du Pont Falcon Fam Play Fed Grain Fleet Mig Ford Cda 150 260 $00 235 00 $16 jo "tou = % | 900 740 Sa ie fa = | 100 $52% 52% 57% -- 483 $100" 100% 100% + 14 / 200 $2634 26% 26% + Ve Re aes Smee 1000 75 75 78 25$157 157 157 "4 "4 +5 | Wood Woodwd A Acme Argosy A Arcadia All ¢ Belleterre Bethim Bevéon THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 11, 1965 19 Alex 125 20 25 ite Mh rh OILS : Ges 95625 50 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. Maid three and four-year-old fillies, foaled sn Ff Canade. 7 Furlongs. Hi Lynnie, Nash 116 Paim is, Gordon 116 Greek Tar, Walsh 116 ib, 16 Miss Tulip, Ferro X118 diveoli, No Boy 116 Queen's Crest, Leblanc 116 Music Festival, Harris X110 Doo Wacks bei? Tawes X11) Aldoo, Harris 116 Bive Xmas, Walsh ne Red Mpa ley 1 Also Eli : Tempel Sea Day, ng Boy, 116; Te) Boy, 125; Shining $un,. Fitzs' 146; | Super nshine Blond, Potts 116; Braes Lass Mott, "i. SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,100 7 en 10 ta four-year-oids and up, f+) ( BuEin, Harrison 108 Dark ag hegre gd 1s "4 160 we Sea, bined 1165 | Ni "Chia 'of Blue, NO Ebdon 1s j 800 310° 310 at -s 475 470 nd ae Aa "hu + " 500 ws we --s 40 «(410 155 -$ " -1 SIXTH Sheree, Servie Anes Gandio, Tawes X Talk, wie 18 ye 119 A ligibh sont Xi08 Boy, e: D rigiagiass, No' Boy, iter" Brecenine (2% Harris, A-x108. At C Morrisroe and R W Lée Entry. THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,200, Maiden, two-year-olds, foaled in Canada. 44 Fur- longs. Place Victoria, McComb 118 Quebec ie. No Boy 118 Victor's Best, irris X19 Wabush, Turcotte A- ay Crest Roja, No Boy 118 ee Rhythm, No Boy 8-118 Tondahar, Deroin P| | Dandi Sam's Path, No 8 Land Office, turcette AK | Those Who Wait, Borel, dag Merry Arctic, No Boy 1 '$ Battling Canada. 4000 4000 300 500 530 1000 Meson En ant orn -- Purse $2,700. Allow. ances. and ids. One SEVENTH RACE -- sot "Whimsical fillies and meres and EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 ( Claiming, P side ag and up, foa' GREENWOOD RACEWAY Hil Agrees 7 King end WT i Aasccgye 'evinbula eabahine RACE -- Purse at 4 Allows fou Mile, 10,000 add. nen yeercie Way, Walsh 110 )» i) Mi Cassis Miss, Elliott A-117 ach Bonnie ira, walsh nM |Mencheval, Nedeau 116 Blve Mischief, Joe The ig Simpson 116 Parker X112 500 x14 1000 75 200 $ 3400 Big Nama +1 Bounty Ex Brou! Reef Brunswk Bunker H Midway Bive, perris My Liege, No Boy ? Naverto, Harris Rn) Artista, Poel pier Orr iigibie: Money Mere More, Inouye. 116. A--W G Vy and Mrs H J Barks Entry. X--5 Ibs. AAC Post Time 2 p.m. | Second ee Shuk Ww } er oy : Har-Dan,. Walsh, B-118. |Acf A an and J B W Carmicheel Entry. 1 |BJ v 'Martin and H Johnson © --6 (CG C Frosted and | M Grabb & 3 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,300 (9000). Camflo 0 28: Camp Chib 3300 Ui 200 Claiming, three-year-olds. 7 Furiongs. rmine Sox, Gordon 110 +10 There Are Special 4 % 17% 11% 3% 134 134+ ) 7 64 ba~ Wo 190 65 «65 525 520 66 165 1% Wn a "a definite advantages 190 il you lease « new. 6 =! No insurance costes. . . Ne 520 +8 166 1" --" MILLS AUTO 'an He n+ " 40% ' He "4 FPE-Pion A FPE-Pion pr Frosst A Fruehauf Gen Bake 100 $14 25 $584 SB' 584+ Ve 110 $22 21% 2% 100 $10 10 10 + 100 $8% 8% 8% GMC xd z10$118 118 118 GS Wares 210 ly 13% 13% G Bahama 500 320 320 320 | GL Paper 1 32% 23% a -- w! Gr Weg G 19 19 Greyhnd $11% 11% 11% | 39 Ft $46 46+ 1560 115 118 118 j 830% Wie 30 -- ve 00 $6 6% Boe} $20% 20% $22% Paya on + vw 350 zis 350 313% a 13% | $1914 19% 19% $134 130 13% 745 740 745 $56%4 56% 5634 + Ve 14% 14 14% + Va 826% 26% 262 -- 14 $97 7 "7 253 280 250 +10 | Ws 25 14310 fAc 450 pr Ind Wire 100 Int Util Inter PL int $1! P Inv Grp A ITL Ind Jefferson 100 Bw Jockey € Kelly DA Kelly wts Kelsey Co Kelvinator Lafarge Lafarge A 410 $344 34% 34% --~ 65 $97% 97% a 610 495 1803 $13% 180 $14 + | 1414 -- Va! 1734 10% + Ve 4 th+% 200 170 =m Va) = Ve 3% War 44 17% 21 $}9% 19% Lav Levy Life Inv Fin 63w ed 7 ie 100 boli "UA yy a NN" 4e * 90 40 10 10 10% W%--~ Ve 16 % 34% 35 --20 We 10% + Ya} 8% i+ 18% 18a + ve 14% % nm" 16% Cry 15% 56 » 10% Ner Contain Nat Drug Noranda NO NGas Nor Phone Nor Tar Ch Ogilvie Oshawa A Pac Pete ec Pete W Pembina » V+ My 6% -- Val " Pow Corp QN Gas QN Gas sw Reichhold Revenue w R Little Rockowr pr Ronald F Rothman Rom 275 265 270 +10 | Royal Bank 982% 824 82% | $1 Maurice 2100 4 45 4 +) | $13% 13% 13% 355 340 + Va) z 220 $17 17% 17% 278 $26 26 (96 300 $16'e 16% 16% Shully's M5 Als Slater Stepl $00 $16% 1 Silat Steel pr $20% Slater Aw 550 $11% Southam $38 $t Radio Steel Can Suptest ord Texato 0 ex Pack 400 Thd CG In palo Tor-Dem Bk 40 20% 1% c ) 20 32% 21% 54a 350 1458 100 k! ef se5 Trans- Trans PPL Turnbull Un Carbide Well Fin TE WCoast Tr Weston A West A 'whe 6\ 365 $l4ve 14 $22 102 $13% jenefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN For personel use or for @ ACADIAN Company use there cs e PONTIAC @ BUICK maintenance costs. . . Fg bie Vow 'ene or' tive your Toone Heme» y PHONE 723-4634 LTD. 266 KING ST. WEST Other Models On Request One rate eae | Phone er come LEASE ing and smuggling of the lA the Achilles Rover Crew, jax. | The deceased is survived by his mother, Mrs. Jean Foster, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Spiers and Thomas S. Foster, of Scotland. He was pre- deceased by his father, John A. Foster. The remains are at the W. E.! Sherrin Funeral Home, King- ston rd., Pickering. The funeral service will be held in the chapel Thursday and cremation will be at St. James Cremator- ium, Toronto. CALLS MEAN QUEUES BEIRUT (AP)--The Lebanese} will keep a special watch on/|C@Pital was not exactly proud of jantique dealers, underworld re-jhaving only two telephone ceivers of stolen goods andibooths for a city of nearly ;pésudo-tourists tempted to take|1,000,000, but now the situation} away the physical objects of|is worse. One booth is still in| under practically every inch of | Greek soil. Prominent Greek scholars have protested at the traffic in unique pieces of centuries-old Greek art that secretly leave the country to end up in foreign museums or private collections. | Ioannis Kontis, director gen- eral of antiquities, says that to slow the flow the government has decided to appoint 500 spe- eis! guards to Greece's archeol- ogical sites and museums to watch over the country's classi- cal riches. Police and customs officials BIG SAVINGS SPECTACULAR TAMBLYN YOUR FAMILY'S HEALTH I$ OUR FIRST SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK TOOTH 1.49 C REST PASTE Value 1.09 NYLONS = 2° n 99: GOLF BALLS 3 21 1.75 Value BRECK SHAMPOO 23 HOME T0 NI 'PERMANENT 4d Modess 2: 4Qca's 09 1.85 Value COPPERTONE 0. 09 C 127 C 620 Cc 120 KODACOLOR FILMS 29 SKIN. 10-0z. CREAM Special NOXZEMA 23 HOUSE & GARDEN BUG KILLER 1.69 Value | RAID 1.33 SPECIAL SUMMER SPRAGRANCE EVENT MAX FACTOR SPRAY MIST BEAUTIQUE In Hpynotique, Primitif and Golden Woods dours. 2.00 OSH SHOPPIN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 723-3143 & 6 King Street East FREE ALL DAY MOTORIZED DELIVERY 728-5101 AWA iG CENTRE 4 Greece's heritage. juse but someone stole the other.