Sp ene peepee Wemen 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 11, 1965 SOCIAL & Jo Aldwinckie, Mrs. Wesley J. Salter Ge a tea last Wednesday at Adelaide House in honor of Miss Beverly Salter, a bride-elect of August. Miss Salter is a granddaughter of the late Mr. W. J. Salter. Re- ceiving with the hostess and the guest of honor was her mother, Mrs, J. Henry Salter of Trail, B.C., who was visiting her daughter in Oshawa last week. Other members of the family present were Mis. Wilson A. Salter and her daughter, Miss -- Salter, of Vineland, On- tario. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Yesenak, Albert street were the surprised guests at a party at their home, recently, on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary, at- tended by members of their family and close friends. Mrs. Yesenak, the former Mary Mazura and Steven Yesenak were united in marriage in Velka Poloma, Slovakia, in 1925. Mr. Yesenak came to Canada shortly after the wedding and his bride followed about two years later. They made their home in Oshawa, where Mr. Yesenak has been employed with Ontario Malleable Iron for over 35 years. The couple were presented with a large plate glass wall mirror, a linen table cloth, and many other gifts. Re- freshments, including an anni- versary cake were served. Out- Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department PERSONAL Women's Editor About 250 women 'teachers, members of the Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario met in Oshawa on Saturday for the annual region- al assembly. The meeting took place in the McLaughlin Col- legiate and Vocational Institute, with lunch at the Genosha Hotel. Miss Melba Woolley of Ottawa, provincial second vice-president, presided, and other directors who attended were Mrs. Alice Hogeboom, Kingston; Miss Mar- ion Weatherhead, Cornwall; Mrs. Olive Nixon, Norwood; Mrs. Ruth Gray, Ajax; and Miss Mary Huff, Boomfield. New Directors selected for the region were Mrs. Ruth Camp- bell, Ottawa, and Mrs. Alice M. Mcllroy, Kingston, Miss Audrey Witty of Ottawa was elected regional convener of the Status Committee. Prior to the Regimental Ball a number of the officers and guests held cocktail. parties in their homes. The Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel W. C. Paynter and Mrs, Payn- ter entertained Mr. and Mrs. A. C, Clifford, Lt. Colonel H. T. Tye of the Governor General's Horse Guards and Mrs. Tye; Major and Mrs. A. E. Hebb and Captain and Mrs. M. E. Maid- ow. Also hosting were Captain and Mrs. Nicholas Hall and Mr. and Mrs. T, H. Coppin. Mr. and Mrs, Steven Dulny, Olive avenue, recently cele, brated their twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary with a sur- prise banquet held in_ their honor by friends at the Polish National Hall CELEBRATE SILVER WEDDING Surprise Party Honors Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dulny --Mary's Studio ly the many friends from King- ston, Brantford, Toronto, and Pickering. The attend of Large Stores. Gain In Paris By PEGGY MASSIN PARIS (Reuters)--The aver- age Parisian housewife says she dislikes shopping in a depart- ment store. She insists the large stores are crowded and overheated, there is nowhere to park a car, and too great a temptation to spend more money than origin- ally intended. ing by an average of 10 per cent each year. One store doubled its gross sales in the pr years between 1958 and A director of this store said the majority of housewives spend at least one-half day each week in a major department store. They buy small miscel- laneous items locally, but ma- jor purchases are carefully cal- culated and usually made dur- ing the weekly visit to the de- partment store. Thursday and Saturday after- noons, when French schools are closed, account for the largest turnover. Mothers Like This ick Way to Relieve Diarrhea it's natural for Mother to worry when annoying Diarrhea upsets someone ia the family. Ail is well again when she-- or perhaps Grandma --r le Fowler's Extract of Wild brings such quick, soothing reli Gentle, pleasant to take, reliably for children or adults, prevaie: denly with nausea, cra upsets, That's why Dr. Fowler's Extrect of Wild Strawberry should be in your home, ready to give quick relief. a7 the assembly amounted to 250 guests with the main body con- sisting of citizens from Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Dulny individu- ally thanked their guests by ap- proaching them separately in their respective rows and par- ticularly the Polish women who cooked, in earnest, in the kitch- en under the auspices of Mrs. Upon arriving at the Polish Hall they were greeted with a corsage and boutonniere by the matron of honor, Mrs. Joseph Solarski, the former Kay Arezaroski, of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Smelko and fam- ily, Cornwall; and Mr, and Mrs. Terrence Lainson and family, Fort Erie. In conjunction with Mental Health Week held May 2 to 8, the White Cross Centre, 187 Sim- coe street south, Oshawa, held "We're ret By When the Crippled Chil- dren's School held open house recently, about 70 vis- itors toured the school, watching children at work OPEN HOUSE AT CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S SCHOOL and: receiving treatment. physio - therapist at the Many service clubs in the school, introducing Lisa area were _ represented. Hooper, 3, a pupil attend- Shown here from the left ing the school, to Mrs. B. G. are: Miss Lynn Avery, Curry, a member of the MRS. VICTOR HULATT (Retiring Mrs. George D. Ellis Is New President Dr. Cannon H & S The Dr. C. F. Cannon Home and School Association held its regular meeting at the school recently with Mrs. Victor Hulatt presiding. Following the reports read by the chairmen of the year's activities, Mrs. G. M. Peters presented the association with the 1965-66 slate of officers. The following are to be in- stalled at the next meeting: president, Mrs. George D. Ellis; 1st vice-president, Mrs. John Fortin; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Enrest Shepperdson; recording secretary, Mrs. Roy Clowes; treasurer, Mrs. George Bra- bin; executive, Mrs. Ralph Imeson, Mrs. Norbert Key, Mrs. Leo Ginstl, Mrs. Alex Tocher, Mrs. Phillip Pitcher and Mrs. Harold Messerschmitt. Mrs. Peters announced that the South Ontario Tuberculosis MRS. GEORGE D. ELLIS (Incoming) Daffodil Tea Is To St. Joseph's A gala daffodil tea climaxed student elections at St. Joseph's High School Thursday after- noon, The girls treated their parents and friends to delici- ous refreshments, served in a gaily decorated hall and enter- tained them with several chor- al pieces under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Cor- nish, Gerry, Mary and Wendy, Tyrone, were Mother's Day guests at the home of Mr. Cornish's mother, Mrs. F. G. Cornish, Oshawa. United Church Women, one of the many visitors. --Oshawa Times Photo Simcoe Street | Miss Eileen Ewart, president of the Oshawa Association ok the Federatoin of Women Teacher's, welcomed the delegates attending the annual Climax Elections regional assembly on Sat- urday, and thanked the Oshawa Marie, St. Raymond, Raphael|teachers who had organized the and Claudette from Willowdale.|meeting. These included Mrs. Winner of the box of home-|Jeanne Frolick, Miss Margaret made candy was Monica Kelle-| Patterson, Miss Sandra Gas- her, The winner of the car|kell, Miss Gina VanDeuren, Mrs. raffle will be announced June/Sonia Wills, Miss Rachel Coop- 18. Winners in the ticket-sell-jer, Miss Lois Cullis, Miss Diane ing contest are Don Berry and)/Yeaman, Miss Frances McLeod, Diane Coulter of Grade Nine. |Miss Florence Hart, Miss Joan Mr, Herbert Gentry. Newly elected head boy, Peter Bobris, was master of ceremonies. Pouring tea were) Carol Coulter, Anne Byrne,| Bonnie Chisholm, Christine Shaw and Barbara Gibbs. Newly elected head girl, Anne Ivanco, met the guests as they entered and _intro- duced them to the five girls chosen by the student body to compete for the title, Queen of Daffodils, 1965. At 4.15 each guest was asked to vote for) the girl of her choice and the| aration and the Health Associa- tion was once again. making its request for volunteers and co- operation of all citizens to attend the clinic in their area at the designated time and place. Under the direction of Mrs. Gunnar Liepins, the junior choir sang and the following pupils played. selections on the piano in preparation for their exam- ination at the Royal Conserva- tory of Music: Grade 1, Peter Zednik; Grade 2, Rhonda Cir- ona; Grade 2, Fred Tot; Grade 3, Barbara Jose; and Grade 4, Sandra Tocher. Colorful slides of a two-month rip through Canada, and down the U.S. west coast to Mexico, back to Canada were shown by Mr. A. G. Korry. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Norbert Mass Survey was now in prep- Key and Mrs. Roy Clowes. Big Wedding Party Tradition Combatted By Village Brides By VINCENT BUIST WARSAW (Reuters) -- Vil- lage brides in today's Poland would often rather sneak off on a cheap honeymoon trip than spend their dowries on one riot- ous wedding party. But their parents, adhering to the traditions of another age, are usually hard to persuade. Often the family's fear of social disapproval outweights common sense. Here and there a few strong- willed bridal couples impose their own ideas and go off to Krakow, Warsaw or Gdansk for But they are fighting old- established ways and when they return they sometimes meet re- actions ranging from contempt to downright hostility. Government authorities, how- wedding parties. Buses now can be chartered through the Grand Canyon and ever, are trying to help young couples shake off the burden of elaborate and costly ceremonial by organizing whole groups of jnew Queen, Anne Bathe, was! crowned by last year's queen,| Anne Ivanco. | A beautiful cake and many other gifts were presented to} the new Queen. Other students elected to the Council include Mary Ellen Duquette and Omer Dupuis, Special guests to the tea were Monsignor Paul Dwyer, the Reverend Norbert Gignec, the Reverend Joseph Borge, the Reverend A. G. Quesnelle and Sisters St. Brigid, Rose The idea seems to be based upon the belief that when it comes to fighting regional prej- udice there is safety in num- bers. Péies in the countryside cling more ardently to the tradition of the big wedding party than families in the cities. Lavish marriage receptions in the cities with champagne, rich food, toasts and dancing all night are still frequent, but more and more young people are content with a party at home after a church wedding. Although registry office wed- dings are all that the Polish state requires, most young Po- lish couples have a second wed- ding in a Roman Catholic church. Aware that young couples in civil marriages miss the color, ceremonial and music of a church wedding, the Polish au- thorities have been trying to in- ject more color into the civil pro- cedure. Forsythe, Miss Carol Stallibrass SOCIAL NOTICES |"! <=" "se: ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. James Walker, North Bay, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Catherine Linda, to Mr, Wayne George Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson, Osh- awa, The wedding is to take place on Saturday, May 22, 1965 at 4.00 p.m. in First Baptist Church, Oshawa. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William R. Mc- Minn, Cobourg, wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Carol Anne, to Mr. John H. Augustus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Augustus, Whitby. The wedding will take place on Saturday, June 19, 1965, at 2.00 jp.m. at St. Andrew's Presby- jterian. Church, Cobourg. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLean, Oshawa, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Sandra Anne, to Mr. Angus William Mertin, Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mertin, River John, Nova Scotia. The wedding is to take place on Sat- urday, June 5, 1965 at 3.00 p.m. in First Baptist Church, Osh- awa. | HOSTESS Earle Dingman is Mrs, the social convener of a luncheon and art exhibit and sale taking place in North- minster Church Hall tomor- row. The event is being sponsored by the 5th Oshawa Scout Auxillary and three local artists whose oil paint- ings will be displayed will be in attendance. Mrs. Wal- ter Branch will perform the opening ceremonies. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eder, Oshawa, wish to announce the engagement of their only daugh- ter, Margaret Edith, to Mr. open house on Friday, May 7. On display were oil paintings, sculptures and handicrafts done by the members. Refreshments were served during the after- noon and evening. Mr. and Mrs, Dulny presided at a table centered with a two- tier wedding cake, highlighted by a sterling silver cross with two wedding bands attached to it. Mr, Peter Soltys, master. of Mrs. Ralph Boneham, Fron-|ceremonies, introduced the Rev- tenac avenue, held a_pantryjerend Anthony Bagsik who said shower at her home in honor of|grace. Mr. John Forma, usher, Miss Bernice Elizabeth Wil-|toasted the couple for a long life, liams, prior to her marriage last|with the assembly singing the Saturday, to Mr. Wallace|traditional Sto Lat. George Seeley. Guests were) During the banquet, members and friends of Miss|sons Mr. J. S. Dulny and Mr. Williams' family. Miss Betty/Ted Dulny thanked the guests| Lamb, Toronto, opened herifor their attendance; particular- home for a shower attended by the bride-elect's co-workers at George McLeod Publishing Company, Toronto. | their Mrs. I. H. Perigoe, Port Credit, will be the guest speaker at the annual convention of the Ontario County Women's Chris- tian Temperance Union, being held tomorrow in Simcoe Street United Church. Her topic will be "Glimpses of the Past, Pres- ent and Future WCTU". Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Jackson, Cardiff, Ontario, formerly of Oshawa, have returned from a three-week motor-trip to Swift Current, Saskatchewan, where they were guests of their son, Corporal R. C. Jackson, RCMP) and Mrs, Jackson, and their grandson, Todd Jeffery, | Head table guests at the an-| nual dinner meeting of the) Mothers' Group of the Oshawa Branch of the Diabetic Associ- ation, being held in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, tomor- row, will be: Mrs. Uriah Jones, president of thé Oshawa) Branch; as Rebet tae .|guest speaker, from the Hospi- hg feo gg = Bd tal for Sick Children, Toronto; ard Walker, Sr., have returned|Mr. and Mrs. John Stokes, Mrs. from a three-week vacation at|Harry King, Mr. and Mrs. Hollywood Beach, Florida,|Jules Ethier, Mr. and Mrs.) While there they visited Day- Maurice Proctor and the Rev-| tona Beach, Miami, Key West, erend Walter Jackson. The French Conversation Group of the University Wom- en's Club met at the home of Mrs. Barnard Lewis, Somerville street, last night. Adam Lubach. The couple also expressed their sincere thanks for the major gift, a chester- field, plus many other minor gifts. On Sunday morning at &t. Hedwig's Church the couple re- newed their marriage vows and later mass was offered for them. Afternoon dinner was held at the Polish Hall where close friends were in attendance, HOUSEHOLD HINT Company-good cake or pie topping: fold one-half cup crush- ed after-dinner mints into whip- ped cream. seeing the country by car thanks to a It Takes 13 SECONDS To Call 725-3559 For. the fastest, most efficient cleaning in Osh- owo. That's... GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. St. Petersburg, Clearwater, and Leeside Acres, near the Gulf of Mexico, and called on Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Goodall, for-) merly of Oshawa and Mr. and} Mrs, Kenneth Glide, formerly of Newcastle. For All Your \'Bridal Shoes"' (Tinted Free) | CHOOSE | DANCEY'S in DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 10% DISCOUNT IF YOU BRING THIS AD Robert Paul Bridgeman, son of Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Bridgman \of Toronto, The wedding is to jtake place in the fall. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs, James Albert Wood, Oshawa, wish to announce ithe forthcoming marriage of itheir eldest daughter, Beatrice |Marlene, to Mr, Leonard Whiley Shay, Oshawa, son of Mr, and Mrs, Richard Shay, Amherst, Nova Scotia. The ceremony will take place on Friday/ May 28, }1965 at 7.00 p.m. in Kedron {United Church, | © BROADLOOM @ CUSTOM DRAPERIES @ FINE FURNITURE and bridal couples picked up on one afternoon throughout a whole rural area and taken to the capital where they spend a honeymoon at an inexpensive good, so | cried like a glad later! They brought literally pranced with "Free Pick-Up They Had Me Crying The men from Ross Mills came in and gently removed the rugs from the floor. It wasn't the men's fault, | thought our rugs had gone for so fresh, clean and room brightening right | gone? To the famous Baker Cleaning plant for their annual cleaning, You try Baker Cleaning today, you'll see what | mean. "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" baby. But was | ever our rugs back looking joy. Where had they and Delivery" "Every trip we make in our car is a lot more fun because we know our Trans Canada Credit Man made it possible for us to get our car repaired and made safe for travelling. He was the one who suggested a "Special Occasion" Loantopay for the repairs. With the help of a "Special Occasion" Loan we have our cer in perfect shape and we can finance the repairs from our income." Whatever your reason for needing money your Trans Canada Credit Man would like to help you with your special occasion. See him soon about your financial needs. He can arrange loans from $100 to $2500 or more. "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKER CARPET a honeymoon trip. hotel. READY-MADE DRAPES @ DRAPERY HARDWARE e Custom Made Drapes Best Selection In Town @ CARRIAGES pig seu PA 4 a @ CRIBS) @ HI-CHAIRS ¢ " " TRANS CANADACREDIT @ PLAYPENS Pe 725-4131 For "BAKER mag ag call your local COMPORATION Lye. Personal Home 40 King Street Wat Ww ILSON'S Decorating Service ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. Telephone 728-4628 8 FURNITURE OPEN THURS. & FRI. TILL 9 P.M. cad 20 CHURCH ST. 723-3211 \ NINETY-SIX KING ST. EAST 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218