Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 May 1965, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, Mey 8,1965 3 Building Strike = Home Down Payments Cut } , Canada Wants Immigrants Lemay In Jail Threat Looms. DUI creer cetessne eeccxareenry Wee! Earopean Edacated | ites Ba 4 MAME, ia {AP )Georges lions of dollars could be closedjof agreement. 'Let's see wha i in the trade. department's fore-|chase price may be higher for . Ae een may, a Canadian for wi q OTTAWA (CP)--The govern- LONDON (CP) -- A drive to,cent above last year's figures. down Tuesday by a oer ee rg ge ee Geturday ment Paley sasotemes ae cast of private and public in-/builders ak gga *%ldouble the number of skilled|All told just under 30,000 ocrshagll gr 'au elton ele --. Dd Local a Bsc wef i" Paco ee es move to bolster construction ac- i yy ne ae, penses are higher. immigrants to Canada from|migrants left Britain for Cam-| syaiting 9 heating ious i Geet ae Gibawe padiiccoyinr agrocment exthved varity, in effect cutting Grasticd eee aut one tie y een te, Sout oflwestern Europe is beingjada in 1964. Papen , , against the Oshawa a year : ally the down payment required|Duilding. represents about one-\NHA mortgage that can be ob-\planned at a two - day confer-, | A special inquiry officer will District Construction Exchange.|Apr. 30. "I don't know how long| M7" on houses built with National|third of construction activity injtained. and the amount of thelence of Canadian immigration|HAD LOW YEAR 'decide whether Lemay, hunted Joseph Keleman, business|the new agreement will be, if) Hi 7/A\Housing Act loans. Canada, The chief ¢oncernidown payment necessary to in-lofficers here. | Isbister said the immigration|all over the world since a spee- representative for the local,negotiated," he said, "that is facing the industry now is @lvest, a house buyer can figure -- : iprogram is still recovering|tacular bank burglary in Mont- said today that both sides dis-one of the things that is thrash- Paya con seenameggeyhcd _-- possible shortage of skilled la-lon 'securing a mortgage to), Poesy bs Flap Perit 5 from 'the low point recorded in|real in 1961, is subject to de- agreed on monetary matters.jed out at the very last moment, Mga @B\dian Construction Association|>%. cover 95 per cent of the first|'§ Claude Isbister, deputy miyj\1961, when "the tap was turned' portation, "We will have a meeting to-/with money: 'urisdi and the National House-Build-| The announcement by Mr.1s13,000 plus 70 per cent of the) er 0) Immigration, we on off." Although Canadian officials morrow and maybe the ex-| The local has jurisdiction Nicholson said the change is ef-|remainder. Anything up to $18,-|PePorters Friday that a stream) In that year the number ofjhold burglary warrants for Le- io C : y viati currently at- ; that | } change will come up with some- srcaer of thane, go ag Bowe 'coling notes in Oltawa. fective immediately. House-pur-|999 can now be covered by anj! Gualified immigrants isi; migrants from Britain\may, police decided to charge thing a bit better then. , 4 j ; , f ded to meet Canada's tight 5 fckark ) 4 j -|chasers already in the process)nHA Joan. The difference be-|PC® dropped to 13,000. During thejhim with illegal entry so he "The local will meet Sunn ™"S cthamber a Count | Aaygrcren a ie chares 'ot the of buying a house will be ableltween the loan and the pur-\°™Ployment problem, 1950s' the level had been run-|could be sent back to Canada day to take a strike vote and, and . -- gy f Cavas federal government's housing|*© take advantage of it so long|chase price of the house is the!) The purpose of the confer-\ning at about 60,000 a year and|without going through extra- if it is passed, we are free to als ed Town ur " . sate program, announced the maxi-/45 final papers have not been) down payment required. ence, involving immigration of-)hit a peak of 112,000 in 1957. 'dition, <8 walk out on Tuesday, There are ge ngs gh arias tely 80 3. R, LEMIEUX mum loan that may. be bor-|signed. It applies to NHA loans! wr, Nicholson said one effectificials from offices throughout at least four schools in Oshawa Pract 3 'o oy rowed under NHA for all forms|eing made through all author-|o¢ the announcement should be|Europe, is to discuss measures we are working on, as well aS 8411 our men could be out on| % . of residential construction other|ized lenders such ook py ygh-ve to reduce the amount of second-|that can be taken to step up|} } Why Pay More... $1 million high school in Can- hope it emleux than apartments is raised to|imsurance and trust and loan|ary mortgage financing. Second|the flow of educated and nington. cree, but 4) Sate (bees aabs $18,000, companies, and includes Cen-| mortgages almost invariably\trained immigrants, gal. "We could shut down millKeleman apglegtoy The ceiling previously was|'tal Mortgage and Housing| o9s+ premium rates of interest! Britain is the largest source| AVE!! lions of dollars worth of con-| 'The: dispute d t involvel : $14,900 on a three - bedroom|©°rP- ee a ee, because of the additional risk|country for Canadian immié-| an A pme ogee ny nye : h The previous distinction be-\jnvolved for the lender, leant 4 th lioations! ee eee ee eae, e_ member companies Olsen tom oe drooms, [tween three- and four-bedroom|""y Hess tage id|from Britons is tunnige 25-pec,| ON PREMIUM QUALITY thumberland counties," he said,|in the 50-strong Oshawa and with four or more bedrooms. Aebieiy ie adibeninine dhe hand nee Mine Uae see from Britons is running 25-per-| r IL " i ith t Co ion Exc' The effect of the announce- ursday on introduc' PG | coer waciarreesieoraces the other side' tomorrow "can Mr Go xe cua test cee Ot OTTAWA (CP) -- Joseph| ment is to cut the amount re-|mum amount of a loan has been|pany Act revision that letting COSENS & MARTI oo avert that." the Y pps nanies involved are|Rudolphe Lemieux, who waslayired for down payments, |dtopped. NHA loans now are toline chartered banks go into the RTIN Phone 668-3341 i ki, of Mel-Ron C . eee schools. "but oth- born and grew up in a police PAYMENT IS LOWER be calculated solely on the basis mortgage-lending field should dituvuiee | Mel Goreski, of Mel-Ron Con-\constructing schools, 1 vojects|Station and rose to the second- Per example: a four-bedspor|oc. renee value of thel.aa an additional element of ; | - struction Ltd., chairman of thejers are on commercial projects highest rank in the Royal Ca-| For example, a f e house, competition, 'This might well re-| 67 King St. E., Oshawa committee bargaining for 12jas well," he said, "this would) 04.0 wounted Police, h house with a lending value of eae : lofsint ie tea ak companies in the exchange,|mean that a lot of money would|"&@l@n Mounted f olice, has res), 900 may now be purchased|COMES CLOSE |duce the current level of inter-{ AU tine o 728-7515 : i agreed that wage rates arelbe tied up by a strike." herbs halide bid with a down payment of $3,000,. In most cases the lendingjest on conventional Joans--7 to eee 525-2802 or 725-7413 | Serving Oshawa and District ---------------<----| Retirement of Deputylijctead of $5,400, on an NHA|value comes close to the pur-'74 per cent. : jCommissioner Lemieux, who mortgage at its current rate of|------ - _ s 4 4 4 crowned his 35 years as a p0-\gy per cent interest. u Ing nions ign ac jliceman by heading the biggest) "4 'three-bedroom house with] jan d most successful security|, "lending value of $20,000 may| e |job in the country's histony-- now be purchased with a down nt ontr TOY | 2t<cte the Queen in last payment of $2,750 instead of year's Royal Visit -- was an- $5,100 |nounced Friday by Commis-\" GB. Campbell of Hamilton, Construction unions in Osh-|147-suite apartment building is|!oner G. B. McClellan. president of the National House- awa made a breakthrough when|a project of the Noren Construc-; On retirement at age 61, he Builders Association, said the a contract was signed by their'tion Company, of Toronto. jwas the senior of the force's|announcement, coming on top representatives and the builder} ponaid Urquhart, business|'¥° deputy commissioners and|of Thursday's introduction of of a north Oshawa apartment! agent for Local 397, United Bro-\W@5 in charge of operations, |jegislation allowing the char- building. |therhood of Carpenters and Joi _|which includes all investiga-|tered banks to move into the The agreement cleared thelers of America, and one of the|'ios relating to criminal mat-| mortgage-lending field, "makes way for Curvations Friday anlaiguatories of the .agreement,|*eTS,and the internal security'this quite a successful week." the site of the 12-storey puild-|said today: "This is our first|of Canada | The move will » a ing which will rise on Stevenson|venture in the apartment field) CITES INGREDIENTS to builders edge e = hie rd., north of Rossland rd. The|-- we have tried to break into) gon of the late Wilfrid Le- and vu vag og nes un- i a ye it for a long time -- now we mieux, police chief of Valley-| More peop e , : i s at the 6%-per- have been successful, field, Que., for 35 years, he was| der Neh ne ¢ A of S ort Show ee perceny pore on the: second floor of that | orn ge pone per cent p union contracts in the past,"|town's police station-in the days) Bo 'or houses built under he stated, "but this is the first\when police chiefs in small|° avshie 1 mortgages jresidential property signed up|centres had their living quar- Pirhe increased maximum NHA n 0 ay Iby the Oshawa and District!ters in the station Han means that more people Construction Trades Council." He was only the second an afford the down payments The construction trades coun-|French - speaking officer to at-|"* uired. When the down pay- There's still time to attend|.j) acts for the carpenters and|tain the rank of deputy com- 'ney were higher they were Oshaws's Sportsmen's Show of|tocal 597, International Hod missioner in the RCMP, the forced into buying houses un- the Children's Arena, Carriers, Building and Common|°ther being Josephat Brunct,|¢.." conventional mortgages be- Sponsored by the Union Rod|Laborers Union; Local 721, Iron-|now director - general of the| -ois¢ the financiers were will- and Gun Club the one-week show|workers Union; and Local 793,/Quebec provincial police. i. nat offer the more expensive winds up tonight with an old-jInternational Association a : mortgages at lower down pay- time square dance. Bridge, Structural and Orna-| h ments. Donna Monty, Canadian andjmental Iron Workers Union. | UAW, Cocks ut HAILS ANNOUNCEMENT American outdoor bait casting ? A t Winni- LOWER WAGES Neville R. Williams o: il it on a y sy deme tc ann conrct wi rn tr xe ALV@Tt Walkout ci, tecor™ ciotauon' ate few tips on how to hook the ig ee ee alate ween hailed the announcement say- pero bs och Seats Roce Aceh th Stel RAN ERORS:. (CED = Em-|ing it leaves more elbow room Sporting goods are on display|"8¥e been established at a rate|ployees at two separate Brant-|/"8 i id for expansion of the construc- from retailers in Oshawa and|°! 0 percent below those paid|ford plants, who had voted tol i) "industry generally. ; on commercial, industrial and/strike Monday if-contract settle-|'"°" Toronto. There's Fhe ag a institutional projects, | ments sen reached, were) borate we oe it -- trailers, rifles, shotguns,|, 2% @verages out at $2.73/saved the trouble Friday. his cntncaeal stee--aic Bs equipment for golf, hockey, ten-|OUtly for the carpenters," said) Negotiators for Local 458 of ais, and camping. . psd bi ni gore 04 the United Auto Workers (CLC) [igen 5 4 s jthe ironworkers, an ; orjand Cockshutt Farm Equipment ee = -- Cup, symbolic ofthe hoisting engineers." Id. announced they bad FUEL OIL ? or or pecan yp ore S| "We are happy with the agree-|reached agreement on a 1965 Call oe J in om oo tes Gaus ment," said John R. Kahn, alcontract. George Burt, Cana- po hand te 7 a : it aH eae signatory for the company. "Weldian director of the union, said PERRY xpiain its history.|helieve that we can work wellidetails will be spelled out at a Day or Night 723-3443 | Proceeds from the show will|together under this contract and|membership meeting Sunday. | be used to finance recreation|both management and labor will) About 850 employees had been| buildings on the gun club's 126-|benefit from co-operation. |seeking a contract similar to| acre property north of New-| 'We hope to continue building 2 one already signed by workers ) castle. jin Oshawa, if the need calls|at Massey-Ferguson Limited. | GOOD FOOD 9 The 2300 member club plans|for our work, and under the} At about the same time, about} BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH rs. a er fy ra es e e to have trap, skeet, rifle and| year-long contract we should/170 hourly-rated workers at! 12 Noon to 2 P.M. pistol shooting areas and stock-\operate well with the Construc-|York Farms Ltd. voted to ac: piNNER 5:30 te 8 P.M. ed ponds for angling. jtion Trades Council," Mr. Kahn|cept the company's proposal Pirpenng eth Suen Riuto Safety cabinet stopp 2secceskozinn| wore unctsr dramatic story of clean electric heating Mee ee ce |469 of the United Packinghouse 27 King St. W., Oshewe Workers (CLC). Check 0 ns De ath S entence i cw ee gh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker.livein an cleaning. I doubt very much that we would _--_Electric heating is one of the many features electrically heated home in Stayner. _ have been able to keep everything so clean of the famous Medallion all-electric homes. aguiar Wc anne MALE ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT The Walkers are one of the many fam- _ with any other heating system." For full information, consult a qualified eleo- Oshawa Safety League and the), 9.8.04 on 'John Charles] --HILLSDALE MANOR HOME FOR AGED Outarke to discover thels petecea' 1. cama, taney sm slatale besling.,. "OMEN Cle ner Oshawa Police Department are|BY™eS, 24, of Toronto was an- Ontario to discover their personal again sponsoring the ci nounced Friday by Solicitor- opinions of electric heating. Here are si : oe euutas the police station | General Watson MacNaught. OSHAWA pl * a 8 Families all over Ontario echo the The lane will run from Mon.| Byrnes had been scheduled to elr comments: haranaed 4 C ( SALARY RANGE 55830.00 to $7090.00 P.A. Walkers' comments. However, there is more ELECTRIC HEATING FOR YOUR PRESENT ROME day, May 10 through to May 91| be hanged in Toronto's Don Jail I would not change it for anything." excluding Saturdays and Sun-|"}, was convicted of slaying|| {unctions relating to established 300-bed home for elder citizens In our other home they had to be cleaned trically heated homes, insulated to Hydro if parts of your home are not properly The safety inspection unit will| 95. Applications close 5:00 p.m. May 2st, 1965. icaahe dag! ag ner , with other systems, Flameless electric hea extend your present heating system. Monday afternoon. lress, was on her way. to work Sinead bitin, Ohy Mek, were put up. I haven't touched them at all." ducting examinations of ve-|stabbed with an ice pick. roerencnerrenreecntenreemneret en vious home at least twice a year. All have trol, With all its advantages, no wonder so took office in April, 1963, There | CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS and that was about the extent of my spring _ they want in a heating system. lighting and tire. A. vote on abolition of the * ij i i i . : . :, next Wednesday. To assist in supervision and co-ordination of 'all institution managerial I notice a terrific difference in our drapes. to electric heating than cleanliness: Elec- If you are planning home extensions or ays. A a 3 Mature person, full High School. Previous experience in institutional + A . y: Mrs. Avis Slack, 43, last Sept. management most desirable, Available by June 15th, 1965 twice a year, but after a year in this house standards, cost no more to heat than homes -- On ae tee be officially opened at 3 p.m.| Mrs. Slack, a part-time wait-| pc A Ha eee ne tee Roce care: Severity they are as fresh and clean as the day they artes P : < ong he Personnel Office Thad age ing is quiet, safe and offers the convenience ce again department of|when a man grabbed at her 4 "I had to wash down walls in our pre- -by- a transport inspectors will be con-|purse. She resisted and was P of room by room or zone temperature con Mate lane ti BEM Eas a golly meget | done here is simply wipe off fingermarks." -- many people are turning to electric heating \ Pei ok Stik cenit 4 eae cued ~ pw wld pollens Your Money Earns More At "This year we had our carpet cleaned _for the comfort, convenience and economy ¥ } youl yi | @ from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. | mn Items on the safety check list|have been no executions in that are mufflers, brakes, steering, period. CORPORATION --\death penalty in Canada is to, } FLECTRIC HEATING Is THE SUPERIOR HEATING SYSTEM jtake place in the Commons dur- Official Locked jing the present session of Par- é | liament. re pllbemerped HEAT WITH OIL Sra compounded qe SEE MEDALLION ALL-ELECTRIC HOMES ON DISPLAY IN THESE COMMUNITIES oe ee DIXON'S & HARMONY VILLAGE DOWNSVIEW ROSSLYN HEIGHTS BEAU VALLEY BELLE VISTA ore tqutats Steel Board Walnut Court Adelaide Street East Norwich Street Oshawa Blvd. N. Melrose Street senting in the post office build- OIL | erm) North of Rossland Rd. W. ing. aq : Chequing Accounts He apologized to the board big . for beled an hour late. "The! 313 ALBERT ST, . from the day the cccount door was locked and the jani-| 24-HOUR SERVICE bor akinae oe ENJOY THE COMFORTS OF ELECTRIC HOME HEAT--PHONE TODAY tor refused to let me in be- bal . N hy fo: H Pee er LIMITED was the s architect." Mr. Saccoccio said it took| SERVING OSHAWA OVER him an hour to persuade the y 50 YEARS 723-2343 janitor to unlock the door. | 385 KING STREET EAST years. Authorized Trustee on death. | FOR ELECTRIC HEAT ESTIMATES -- CALL by appointment please | when invested in our PHONE 728-6007 Cenifceres for'é' te 10 fh oe | | M' 7 ee TH AGUE ELECTRIC LTD. EXCLUSIVE *Yeorly Rate ff] 415 Cochrane, Whitby ELECTRIC HEATING CONTRACTORS 668-4278 HAIR STYLING 364 WILSON ROS SAVING HOURS: diseenee » He For Complete Home Electric Heat Service Call:- ion.-Thurs. 9 te 6 19 Simcoe St. N. T me iar OSHAWA - ONTARIO "er feng FOUNTAINHEAD Tel 725-5221 Trull's W is 4 & ae fe & L EC ig é C 5 Oe ; OF SERVICE | Rd. South 725-0842

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