Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 May 1965, p. 17

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13--Articles for Rent 17--Female Help Wanted Tobies, Choirs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glosses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formols, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 her Rd, §. 728-3338 Ald Rantalee 105 pentrice ha re pen ne etme CHAIRS, card snd Bite Bes see ox Call fables, church "Rents 412 14--Business * ceo SERVICE STATION locdtion 200,000 Potential. Present or + hla bag due to ill TELEPHONE 728-5617 zt AEPAIR SHOP -- Three-bay garage ond service garage showroom or independent with two self-contained apartments, semi- detached. Northeast end of down, balance. on easy terms, 778-9466, Steve Zurbs Resitor, 25 Bond West. RESTAURANT for Sale. Good business. Good location , Seonine 29. A real bargain. Phone 723-432 rick aaicorwe: three apartments, clus store, centrally located, 30 per cent on Invesiment, Act quickly if interested, Write Box 125, Oshawa Times. city, $8,000) } j j | A Firm in Oshawa has an opening for a female ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK Applicants must be exper- ienced in this work and be able to perform the whole function of ac- counts payable, with a minimum of direction. Good salary with fringe benefits and excellent working conditions Apply by letter to the box number below giving full particulars as to won history, age, marital stotus, All re- plies wil Ibe treated in confid- ence. Write BOX 317 OSHAWA. TIMES © WAITRESSES Required 1) am---2 p.m ond 11 p.m--7. a.m 15---Employment Wanted DAY CARE, Monday to Friday, for one! or two little girls, in my home. Close to hospite|. Telephone 723-5722 LAWNS MOWED, cleaned, basement floors jobs, Pho Phone 72: 725-6853. 17--Female ) Help | Wanted | | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ONTARIO HOSPTIAL WHITBY basements, garages Requires HOSPITAL AIDS Providing Practical Nursing and Personal Care to Ment- ally-ill Patients: QUALIFICATIONS: Comple- tion of Grade 10 in Ontario r an approved equivalent education. Training given on the job for further promotion. Starting salary $2760 40 hour week; 3 weeks one | nual vacation; pension plan | ond sick leave credits. Interested applicants should | apply to: | DIRECTOR OF NURSING. | ONTARIO HOSPITAL, WHITBY REGISTERED | NURSE $4,000 -- $5,000 per annum Apply SOUTH HAVEN NURSING HOME NEWCASTLE painted, odd; "~~ EXPERIENCHO teiloress. spe |Engiish, Familiar with both tadies' po jpennerven' 's alterations, Conditions and pay. Apply In person after | 1pm. to Len Pullan, 10 | Prince Street, full or parttime, Also PART- TIME DISH WASHER and SALAD BAR GIRL. y_ Mr. Campbell "SENOSHA HOTEL ENUMERATORS To canvess in Oshawa and Whitby, No election involved, " Neat writing essential. Apply in own writing stating age, address and phone number to BOX 407, OSHAWA TIMES LEGAL STENOGRAPHER For Oshawe solicitor Reply to Box 921 OSHAWA TIMES __ Mating qualifications INTERVIEWERS and SUPERVISORS Part time, for market research surveys. Write giving educa- tion, interviewing or . super- vising experience to Edsall Reseorch Ltd., 2045 Bishop St., Montreal 25, Write Bon 616 Oshowa Times. HAIR STYLIST WANTED Excellent wages, good working conditions Linda's FASHION STYLING Telephone 728- 7021 HOUSEKERPER | and baby. sitter, live-in, for working couple, two Fagan Wages, Divs room and board. jtelephone 728-7321 or 723-6183 after 7.30 |p.m, For appoinmtent | EXPERIENCED short order cook, [tunity ih advancement. Test Trading Post, RR 2, Orono, -| Must Good working | WAITRESS, 'til time, to 987-444) EXPERIENCED hairdrense mediately. ag Viste Good wages. ly in a at Weeker orive. Ask for Joe, - SELIADLE Woman tor oer "house work in cin Whitby, Telephone 668- once tue CLERK, zones -- enced. Hours 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Five- school, Apply Subway Traller Park, No.| @ay week. Apply 22 Albert Sireat. Telephone 'Club, Mr, Dick Lee. 655-4952 Thunderdi rd Bo wanted im-| WANTED -- middle-age "housekeeper for| Beauty Sejon, two adults, to live in, Telephone TSAN9, '98 EXPERIENCED Wallrestes. Apply In| person to Tow and Country Restaurant, 15 Bond Street Gast, RELIABLE PERSON fo care "Yor three | children while mother works, two In| 7, after 6 p.m, OSHAWA TIM PRETTY POCKETS | By ALICE BROOKS | Add a decorator touch with) crochet -- string for terry tow-| els, No. 30 for linen . Pretty and practical! Crochet swan or shell pockets to hold wash cloths, Delightful shower) gifts. Pattern 7407: directions; 2 pockets; 2 edgings. Thirty-five cents (coins) for) each pattern (no stamps, lease) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needle-| craft Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Ontario) residents add 1 cents sales tax/ Print plainly PATTERN NUM-| BER, NAME, ADDRESS. 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CATA-| ALOG 200 designs, 3 free patterns | Newest knit, crochet) fashions, embroidery. 25 cents \whistle-slim sheath takes 3 yds. jcare ES PATTERNS 4800 SIZES 10~18 WHISTLE-SLIM! By ANNE ADAMS Leave coats behind, swing into sunny days that wonderful things for your ure. Plastron-effect front, cess seams add new dash. Printed Pattern 4800; Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 39-in, * FORTY CENTS (40 cents) in 'coins (no stamps, please) for each pattern. Ontario residents 'add 1 cent sales tax, Print plain- jly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS,} STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE of The and in a ADAMS, Oshawa Times, o Bshawe does} fig-| prin-| Seeley, Westes_ 18--Maele Help Wanted . Estate for Sale 20----Real Estate for Sole 20---Real Estote for Sele THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 8, 1965 47 EXPERIENCED SALESLADY APPLY FOX'S 7 SIMCOE SOUTH GIRL FRIDAY WANTED Part time - possibly full time later on. Must be experienced. in typing ond all round office routine. AJAX 942-1010 SUMMER COTTAGE High school girl os mother's helper for July and August. Swimming, boating, Telephone Port Hope 885-6274 sy WAIRDRESSER with Sisntes Appiy in person. The Vogue {Beauty Salon, 0 | Simcoe Street | North, | WOMAN WHO "CAN orive -- Ww you |would enjoy working three or four hours \@ day calling regularly each month on @ (group of Studio Girl Cosmetic clients on route to be estebilshed in and sround Whitby and are willing to make light deliveries, etc, write Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dept. SA 037, 840 La Fleur Ave., Montreal 32. Route will pay up to} $5.00 per hou: EXPERIENCED GIRL required for posi-| fon as secretary, |H-G, DESIGNS LTD. "The Steel Co, of Canada ASSEMBLERS and INSTALLERS Manufacturer of kitchen ceb- inets and sashless windows require permonent and sum- mer help for work in plant and field, Preference given to senior men with cabinet or carpentry experience for permanent positions Apply STATION ROAD PICKERING, ONT, 942-3791 Limited. SWANSEA WORKS Requires An ELECTRICAL ENGINEER TECHNICIAN Must be able to take! dictation by shorthand Telephone | |for appointment | HELP WANTED FEMALE -- Local print-| ling firm requires services of experienced) accounts payable clerk, interesting work in modern office. Minimum education re-| quirement Grade 12 |for appointment Telephone 723-2233 SALESGIAL to manage Ladies' Ready-to-| Wear Store. High salary, State experi-| lence, All repiles strictly confidential. Write Box 622, Oshawa Times. |FEEN-AGE girl required for month of August to live in and care for two pre school children. |cluded Telephorie | 28-4280, | WAITRESS, "ho experience A Must have transportation | Restaurant 401, Newoas necessary |WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- housekeep | ler for motheriess home, middle-aged pre| 5 7 days Telephone| | |ferred, to live in, | 726-1737, 18--Male Help Wanted ADJUSTERS We would like to receive ap plications from experienced adjusters and trainees, Train- ees opplying should have a minimum of senior matricula tion and be under the age of 26 | Compony benefits include lite and health insurance, pension with incentive pay allowances Applicants should write UNDERWRITERS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU LTD 32 Front Street. West Tore nto | pam Career Well = established Oshawa Branch Office for a large National Firm desires to con- tact a local mon 25 to 45 years old for sales position Soles but not necessary, Excellent starting salary with opportun- ity for advancement. Group benefit including hospitalize | tion, Life Insurance ond Pen- sion experience desirable } All inquiries in strictest confidence. Reply to Box 838 Oshewe Times, giving quoli- fications MAN WANTED FOR RETAIL LUMBER YARD Lumber experience desirable but not essential, good wages to right man, 44 hour week Must be steady ond reliable. Write Box 430 PICKERING, ONTARIO ~ CARPENTER. FOREMAN | Able to handle complete | job. Pay commensurate | with qualifications Phone 725-3516 Light housekeeping In- ely Ve Voyager | |be active salesman with good reputation. |Car necessary Personal \be arranged. Write Including phone num |MEN OR WOMEN for pickin Full employment for six months, Apply Live Bait Company, |corner of Wolfe Street, No calls |HAIRDRESSERS, \3UMMER WLP wanted, children's dude help, form. dial iL, 2737. "FOR FAST for plant engineering depart- ment Applicants must have enperi- ence in plant maintenonce and equipment installation Salary commensurate with ability, Excellent employee benefits, Reply in writing only to the EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Windermere Ave., Toronto 3, Fully Licensed MECHANIC For General Repairs Engine Tune-Ups Apply in person only. GARY'S ESSO SERVICE 89 Simcoe St, South [CALENDAR and Specialty _ Salesman. e Company with wide variety and sh Tews lines In the country will l|increase Your earnings, Special financial arrangement for out of town travel, Must Interview will jber to Box 323, Oshawa qn o, 19--Male or Female Help Wanted "worms, In person from | p.m, to @ p.m, Oshawa 659 Nelson Street, | WHITBY BANK "requires experienced \clerks Telephone 666-5825 between 9-5, experienced, immedi: | | ate! y. Phone 723-9053. "Iuly, Avguat, | ranch, Cook, kitchen registered nurse, swim instructor, craft counsellor, tive in, For appileation! 20--Real Estate 'for Sale | PRIVATE SALE | 3 bedroom brick bungalow, North west section, Finished basement, aluminum storms, screens, 5% N.H-A. mort+ gage. Close to schools, shop- ping etc, Phone until 6 p.m. 725-7951, 7160 | | after 6 p.m. 725- 7RCTION" LIST WITH "AGTIVE REALTY LTD 728-5157 PRIVATE--Coniral, two-storey, alx-room| |house, Early possession, For particulars, | voune MAN with experience for Bow-| manvilie retail store. to handle stock control, display, and sell-; jing of sporting goods and other tines, ust be prepared) Box 1500, Bowmanville, stating age) jand r references. ONE TORCH CUTTER, experienced cuit-| ing cars for scrap, Apply Shaw Auto Wreckers, » ? Bloor ast If you are economically dis- turbed. and would like to break into the life insurance field in this city, a nationally known company offers an opportunity to two earnest | men between 25 und 45, Our plan includes o salary, weekly advances, plus commissions, bonuses, group life and hos | pitalization insurance and pension plan, Sales back- ground would be helpful al- though it is not essential. Opening in outlying districts also, Write Box 837, Oshowa Times | | re | | PAINTERS with experience, brush and| roller work, required immediately summer work. Telephone Whitby 668-5862. TRUCKS Wanted for hire, for} | tor, hauling! beow ane. gravel, with drivers. aT telephone 728-2295 | VARIETY STORE with living quariers,| all on one floor, Hot water heat, garage,| quite central, Very good location, Asking $12,900, Including bulldings: and equip» ment Terms For particulars call Eimer Fredin, 728-5103, W. O. Martin, Realtor 20--Real Estate for Sole FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church Street BOWMANVILLE Call 623-3393 Oshawo and District Estate Board Member Real 200 acre stock and grein farm. Large brick home, good barn, excellent soil, Located ' Balliboro, Health forces sa $43,500 - terms. 92 acres with 9 room home Barns 32' x 80', 45' x 80'. Next to Golf course, 1% miles from Bowmanville $35,- 000 ~ $10,000 down 100 acre Dairy farm, 8 room . home, large painted barn. 6 miles from Oshawa, Excellent soil, $49,000 - terms 93 acre Christmas tree farm near Millbrook. 61,000 prun- ed Scotch Pine planted from 1958 on, Good investment at only $12,000 - $5,000 down 50 acre Gentlemen's Retreat, Excellent brick home, large painted barn, Valuable high- way location near Newcastle, Excellent investment at $40,- 000 ~ terms. CALL 623-3393 After 9 p.m 623-3818 623-5055 623-3077 655-3853 Jack Whiteman Ken Hockin Pat Yeo Howard Forder GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 JUST LISTED--6 brick low with paved drive ond BASEMENT GARAGE, Oil heating. 4 piece tiled bath with lovely vanity, Built in stove and oven, Natural FIREPLACE in living room, Finished RECREA- TION room with electric heot. Excellent view of the City of Oshawa. Owner leaving the city. For full particulors call today-| e | il @ CHARACTER and chofm prevade throughout this delight- ful colonial style bungalow, situated on a SPACIOUS LOT. Lovely garden FENCED in, There is an attached GARAGE and paved drive, fully modern kit- chen with large dining area. A stone fireplace in the living toom with separate dining room A picture window overlooking the city. The sunroom or den on the main floor has a walkout) to patio, Finished RECREATION) room and laundry as well, 3) large size bedrooms with double| closets. This home is In imma-| culate condition throughout.' Coll us now to inspect ond see for yourself the many extras. It! is located close to shopping on) the west side ill @ RAGLAN--1% storey, | 3 bedroom home on LARGE} LOT. Stone ond aluminum sid-| ing with no painting problems.| The GARAGE goes with it at $13,900, Coll today for further porticulors. te room 1V @ LOVELY 3 BEDROOM brick home with attoched car+ port and nicely landscaped lot, located in a splendid NORTH WEST area off Rossland Rd, W 3 roomy bedrooms, lovely kit- chen and living room. Good dry basement ond oll heated for pervade throughout this delight- price is NOT $23,000. BUT ONLY $16,950 V @ THIS 3 BEDROOM bun-| gaiow is in excellent condition,| with large kitchen and better then average sized bedrooms, | a nice FENCED IN YARD ond] on @ quiet street makes this a} fine family home; close to schools, The good sized yard) mokes this a SAFE PLACE FOR| THE CHILDREN to play, Priced! at only $14,900. Call tonight Vi e@ WHY WAIT, put your building plans in motion for that dream home you have been waiting for, by letting us show you this property. This is o LARGE LOT 100 FT, x 214 FT and is priced at only $2,100.00 Vil @ LOTS ARE SCARCE but here are two lots which you ¢an secure for the total price of $2200,00 and is within easy) commuting distance of Oshawa) on Leke Scugog, neor Birch Island, You moy still buy aot LAST YEAR'S PRICES Vill @ MAY WE SHOW you on exceptionally well maintain ed home only steps from the Ukrainian Catholic School, 3 bedrooms, divided bosement, oi! heated with large living room and comfortable kitchen, full price $14,900, Open to good offer IX e MOTHER'S DELIGHT Yes we know that any Mother wil! be delighted with this step saving kitchen. The finished RECREATION room and the extra washroom down. A welll designed living room, 3 bed-| rooms and a GARAGE---Ail this for $14,900 and only STEPS FROM SCHOOLS and transporta tion. X @ CAPITALIZE < this Commercial zoned LARGE LOT ON SIMCOE ST. next to busi ness section, Unlimited. oppor- tunities for a $35,000 invest ment. Inquiries invited Xt @ THIS 3 BEDROOM BUN- GALOW wes plonned for the/ budget minded temily with its! ample living area and 4 pe. both. There is also a full base- ment which could be used for o future Recreation room, The} fenced back yard is ideal for| children, The monthly pay- ments of $112.00 include prin- cipal, interest and toxes. JUST} $1,600 DOWN and the full) price is only $12,800 | For Your Inspection This Weekend | From 1.00 p.m.--6.00 p.m Quality Built Homes by W. E. Roth | MULTIPLE OSHAWA and DISTRICT | |AJAX" -- eightroom home, GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 XIt @ 3 BEDROOM HOME lo- cated. in a residential area IN). WHITBY, this semi detached bungalow Was much to offer for your comfortable living. Imma- culately clean and tastefully de- corated throughout It features large living room, 4 pec. tiled bethroom, modern kitchen, pri- vate driveway, double garage. Low asking price and reasonable down payment Xlil_ @ LARGE MODERN BUN- GALOW near schools and bus service, Lovely lot, hedged ond well landscaped, .3 generous BEDROOMS with DOUBLE clo- sets, Large modern kitchen with dining. area, partially finished} Recreation room, 51% N,H.A.| mortgoge carries for $81.00 a month principal, interest ond taxes { | XIV @ THE OWNER OF this) 6 room attractive bungalow is} leaving the city, and is offering) his home for quick sole, Lovely} large bright living room and) dining room, These rooms broad-| loomed, spocious PANELLED|~ RECREATION ROOM, Carport! and paved drive. Nicely lond-| scaped lot. Immaculate home.) T.V. tower, aluminum storms! and screens are a few of the many extras included, Call 723-1121 for full porti-| culors Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.| After hours call Ross Bell Walter Mittler Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff Leon Manitius Ethel Love Ernest. Mueller Steve Englert Jean Peacock Doug Trivett George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young | | 1 | | 723-7623) 728-7083] 728-0768) 725-3454) 728-2754| 668-2402) 728-0208! 728-5581| 725-4330 723-7390 728-424) 723-2897| 725-4330 723-7183} Arranging for Mortgages is port! of our comprehensive Real Estate! Service ot Guide Realty Limited We list Exclusive and Photo M.L.S | 0,.D,R.E.8 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors Members of ACTIVE| Realty Limited | See! Any Of These | Exclusive Listings| Tonite Call 728-5157 $2500. WILL HANDLE COUNTRY LIVING listed," comfortable 6- bungalow only a few years old, Lots of room to move around, Owner hes purchased another home and will give easy terms, here on o "OPEN" mortgage, Call 728-5157 $1000 DOWN 6 ROOMS land> South-West ood older: 6 ull bath, oil heating, good hardwood flooring. Coll 728-5157, Good terms for balance NORTH OSHAWA Just room 2 ocre orea and a room house, j listed with two-car garage, "What @ buy", only $17,000.00 "No comparison anywhere'. Hurry, coll 728-5157 After 5 p.m. Saturday Call Guy Bell Elaine Lee 668-3068 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South 728-5157 _ ! | 728-1070 | } | OVER 100 HOMES AVAILABLE | IMMEDIATELY | THROUGH MLS | LISTING SERVICE | CONSULT A MEMBER OF THE | ONE - YEAR. OLD, three-bedroom brick jbungaiow in | stone fireplace. Bow window in livin room Nicely lane scaped lot, close to schools and shopping. Asking ther | 723-1358, Schotleld-Aker Ltd | roo! REAL ESTATE BOARD _ MODEL HOMES We have six homes left Winter -- bonus off the d BOSCO | Last of the Winter works 6-room brick shi COLUMBUS United Church Manse, eight- | two stairways. Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457 Keith esarent |Peters Realty Lid b : 20-----Reeal Estate tor Sale 20---Reol Estote for Sale That You Can SAVE $500 jown payment Split Levels or Ranch Bungalows Prices Start $14,900 "To view these lovely new homes Foliow Park Road South to Phillip Murray Ave ond you ore there: Open all weekend JOSEPH REALTOR 833 SIMCOE ST. S. 72-1377 JACK RICARD | REALTOR 71 King St. E., | Bowmanville 623-2503 | 110 ACRE FARM NEAR ORONO Large painted L-bern, almost new 7-room bungalow with fully modern conveniences Spring fed streom. This is an excellent buy ot $35,000. $12,000, down, Call now. OSHAWA 3 acres of land on Taunton Road at. Ritson, 2-bedroom brick bungalow included, $21, 000. terms If you ore considering the sale of your home or form in Whitby, Brooklin, Port Perry area coll Mr, Len Bissell at Whitby 668-8140, He will be pleased to discuss the motter with you without obligation, Estelle Leask 623-5919 | Wilfe Hawke, Orono IRI2 | Len Bissell, Whitby 668-8140 SOUTHWOOD PARK AJAX | | } | SAVE $500. Quality Built ARMSTRONG HOMES Priced From $14,995 Models open doily 9 A.M, to 9:30 P.M Phone 942-3310 or 723-6461 GRIFFIN REAL ESTA, & LTD. Heated with clean dependoble gos PRIVATE THREE BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW On ravine lot, Four piece tile bathroom, Rotor antenna. Fin- ished. recreation room, well landscaped. Paved drive. Close to schools, Substantial down payment Call 723-2911 ~ FOUR BEDROOM 2 STOREY BRICK Treed Lot 85' x 170° Near School and Shopping Oil Heat, Fireplace $2,500. DOWN $12,900. FULL PRICE PORT PERRY 985-7310 Spotiess condition, Large Many other extras, $17,900 with $4,000 down. For fur- information call Margaret Hall, 'oom, two-storey brick, modern klitchen,| "Just 15 Minutes : to the South Plant" LAST CALL FOR WINTER WORK BONUS HOMES & only a few homes left HURRY for FINAL CLEAR - OUT BY BUILDER OF PHASE 1 Huge 3 bedroom bungalow with colonial entrance on select large lots, Has en suite bath convenience to moster bedroom. Big sun-filled. kitchen hos custom-designed kitchen cabinets and built-in colour co-ordinated Tappan range and oven. Storms and screens are included. Full divided basement is ready for recreation room finishing. There are many other features in every part of your home such as colored tile bathroom, arborite kitchen counter, stippled ceiling, custom built vanity and mirror... and much more, FULL PRICE ONLY Chee CARRIES FOR $98 MONTHLY ON ONE NHA MORTGAGE INCLUDING INTEREST, PRINCIPAL AND TAXES @ See this big fully detached 3 Bedroom Bungalow with huge built-in carport, en suite bath conven- ~ ience, built-in range and oven, storms and screens, arborite kitchen counter, custom designed kitchen cabinets, L-shape living-dining room. One of our - most popular sellers. Only 4 left of this design FULL PRICE $15,895 Huge panoramic window dominates this fully de- tached 3 bedroam bungalow with built-in Carport. All regular features also included. Magnificent value. Only 6 left of this model. FULL PRICE $15,995 ® SPECIAL! All homes have the extra saving of being built before the tax increase --~ and possession dates can be arranged immediately on some and after June 30th on others. Down payments from $679. A number of mode! homes also for sale with finished recreation room, fireplace, fully sodded and land- scaped, custom finish interior -- special prices. INSPECT THIS WEEK-END OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. BAY SHORE Go west on Highway 401 to Liverpool Road (Inter- change 64). Turn south to the BP Service Station, turn right and follow the signs past the Dover Gates 100 yards to the Bay Shore Sales Office. = * cetemnmeetin na five rooms,:tWo bathrooms, garege, near all| THREE-YEAR-OLD six room ranch bun- |schools, centrally located, $15,900, prk|galow with attached garage on good lot NE STREET pool Telephone 942-1363. att ht of Oshawa's better developed divisions, All nicely decorated and ast A APPEARING from the outside to be al) 1300 square feet of itving, extra! J jong low. colonial style bungalow with at aes and offers you almost 1200 e-bedroom bungalaw, aluminum tached garage. this amazing home from F4. ti, of iiving area. Lovely kitchen. phi se further details and appointment to Pillows wall hangings, cur-jpon for ONE FREE PATTERN! jnea 25 yoars or older. Apoly! So" onyweod ki \ iN sw saith ' 9 eet Gas a tlor slor f Cc Malbl be a Ur a ned ga nae 'orr »pletely landscaped. Locator OS$!0) < v 4 footage e call ( aiple P sy of Sct sa 4 tains, appliques, more' 60 cents.| iE verything you need for the life : Many ot tour models 's choose} Glencairn, Nort! Glencairn| this home 4 below replacement - ------ * n Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --lyou lead -- 350 design ideas! | YouTH for stable and ground mainte-|from, $300 'wins works Bonus aval! te Jone and left t to Model Home cost and invites an enquiry. Contact Irene al N le 16 omplete patterns. 60 cents.|Send 50 cents now. i wae. in, Apply Buckeree Ranch, | abie et Eg Manderhill Real on Phagttp of Schotleld-Aker Limited, 725-3867 aaw rary MEL] Ee: Now! Send for elegant, new|Pattern Dept., 60 Front street 94 "Decorate with Needlecraft!" |west, Toronto 1, Ontario, 5 beautiful room settings, 25) COMPLETE FASHION RE- treiye excelient working conditions. Call! complete patterns for decora-/PORT in our new Spring-Sum-/Don Shields. 725-6561 ' tive accessories in one book! jmer Pattern Catalog plus cou- PULL TIME hives' Wiehe 723-5787 623-3393 PHONE 364-3115 or 839-346] Consolidated Building Corporation "Canada's Largest Builders" i 59 --Real Estate for Sole (Continued on Page 18) Joe Barnoski ee mechanic required im immed-| Herb_ Cooper

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