SRE RL TE MET NETTIE 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, 8, 1965 1 urVv: more informal nature, taking)mation about the church and|whose memory reached into thelthe church, is still an active hd and aa Special 5 ey da he form of an old fashioned|congregation were: Mrs. Silas}past and enabled him to de- member of church organiza- Rev. A. G. Rice, BA, minister) Ids, Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey,|scribe vividly many happy in- r g-song of well known hymns.|Reynolds, Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey,|scribe ly man 130 Choirs Participated To Be Taken + Anniversary of the church, conducted the} the devotional was in charge of mm 5. B. io u . ae Mrs. one of!tions, ' 7 tario service. Rev. Dr. M. C. Mac-|Mr, Rice. In place of a sermon|Frank Hastings, Wentwor ra alice - ah ve ion C The| Donald, secretary of the Boardja dialogue concerning the his-|Watson and Gordon Reesor. In County Music Festival sige ig se gon ea ee ee bf Home Missions, Unite djtory of the congregation and a) The highlights of the history and the Eastern Ontario De-|celebration of the 79th anniver-|Gnyrch of Canada, was the spe-|diseussion of its future was held. of the church were brougnt to 7 i velopment region will be thelsary of Port Perry Unite djcial speaker. } ha Soh hea ad Pye ypc hye sige Soo ~ -- Oshawa, Mrs. M. scenes of test surveys aimed at/Chureh on May 2 drew a Jarge| A reception was Ey - the 'Annual Ontario County and a 3, Unison chorus: Lord/¢xamining industrial health of 70! congregation. Floral tributes|Sunday School Hall following | grac ui servi t whith the United} District Music Festival held atipyrham, Ajax, Miss P. Wiggins.|urban centres. graced the chancel. the service at w 'Ajax and sponsored by: the Ajax The choir, directed by Mrs.|Church Women served lunch. ' Saturday, May 8th Rotary Club during the past Class 24, Two-part chorus:| The test research programin.oiy Hastings, presented sev-|Mrs. Roy Cornish and Mrs. Sam- Meadowcrest Brooklin, Mrs. D.|will be conducted by the depart-\eraj selections among which|uel Cawker received the guests, : "the judi rome iment of economics and develop-| were "Glory, Glory Hallelu-|The lunch arrangements were wae chairs were adiniicated) Class 25, Two-part chorus:|ment and will commence within) igh" and 'Now Let Everyjin charge of Mrs. Norman by Lioyd G. Queen, omy a Lincoln Pickering, Mrs. Duncan.|the next few weeks. Tongue Adore Thee". Miss\Heayn and her committee, Pecaan or Chitin sae Class 34, Boys' triple. trio: Joseph oe paged erga F -- eon | 3 This year 130 choirs represent- Reach Central No. 2, Green-|partment told a meeting | | i yid Lewis. jmunity planners Tuesday t hat} ie ing almost every Ontario Coun- re oe n chorus: (Professor H. D. Hodge of Ryer-| Want To Try Your Hand , an ty memacipelity tok, part fa the Institute of Technology nae | SHOW STARTS AT DUSK | Unionville, Mrs. E. St. John. |son nanan Cae ae rentral Hotel The Delightful comedy hit, festival. Here are the winners:|~ (),.. 22, Unison chorus: Mea-|would head a group to rigs y at Class 7, two-part chorus:|dowcrest, Brooklin, Mrs. E.|a model research study of the} d Parkside Ajax, leader Mrs. H.|pird, jtwo areas and would measure ; Whelan, | Class 23, Unison chorus: Lin-|70 urban centres on the basis Le A T i N G ? Class 4, Primary choir: Lord|coln Pickering, George Brown. |60 known indicators of industrial) e spveriiet Osawa "JOHN GOLDFARB KIN = We, PLEASE COME HOME" 4 with SHIRLEY MacLAINE -- PETER USTINOV mt - eats Clas 33, Girls' triple trio: Dun-|this, the department hopes to be Oshawa Little Theatre Class 39, School choir SSA: parton, Harry Brindza. able to plan recovery of com- on MSO Green River, Locust Hill, Jack Cjass 26 Section B: Brooklin munities showing signs of indus-| : Sherpard. senior, Mrs. R. Kight. trial sickness, Casting of Class 42, Two-part chorus: $S choir: _Meadowcrest Brooklin, i safety No. 5, Whitby, Mrs. M. East--Mrs. E. Bird. ON MAY 10th 1965 YOU ARE ASSURED A WARM WELCOME Y 2x HLECTRICAL é ey Class 37, Two-part song: Brock iZ Z A M . 1 => IN-CAR wrasse 32, Boy's choir, twoitoad: RR 1, Pickering, George AT THE ODEON DRIVE-INS [SIM cares Andrew's, Ajax, Mrs. E. Pike.. Class 4, School choir; Locust a a Class 10, Three-part: St. An-|Hill, Mrs. D. Mann, SATURDAY DRIVE OUT JOHN And ERNIE drew's, Ajax, Mrs. M. Harman. Class 43, Junior choir, two NIGHT ; | AYNE CAPUCINE ACS Clas Hove' choles S$ parts: Atha, RR 2, Claremont, * TONIGHT * } 'lass 13, Boys' choir: St. An- STEWART part: St. Andrew's, Ajax, Mrs. Class 6, Junior Choir: Lord El- RUDY Joseph E Levine presents % f M. Harman. gin Ajax, Ivan Goodhand. 4 ; i ee, a Class 72, Church and Sunday VELTRI _ es k= t = . Adult Entertainment A Ch h M : ks Gloria Hastings was at the) The evening service was of a| Among those providing anal wh fore by R. B. Smailman,|the longest regular members of peeeeeeternennens? PS@SSCSSSSSSCCE SC STARTING SUNDAY! Class 1, Unison chorus: Park- Pickering, George Brown. | Purpose of the study will be to . : ; ; th FABIAN ee let one cat] 5. Seema ema 3 ONE-ACT STUDIO PLAYS (bath Jo. Soha Bruce Walker, PA a ge Bg ol aoa 728-0192 Each Evening from 7:30 (Including Sunday) Sonal Class 14, Girls' triple trio: St. sunday School: St. Bernadette's, i , Mrs. C, Robbins. Class 28, Junior School choir:|determine what factors appear oe ! een deckc: vs pn, Meadowcrest Brooklin, Mrs..M.'responsible for industrial growth, HERE'S YOUR CHANCE dette's, Ajax, Pier DePaola. |White. or decline in a given area. From ar Class 35, Primary room uni-| {mproyed cutting knives make Class 41, Unison chorus: SS son ag od gpd RR 1 Pick-| jt possible to slice sheets of wal- 990900086 686O880S8688086 0% No. 5, Whitby, Mrs. M. East-jering, Mrs. M. Outram. nut veneer 1-28th of an inch H H H wood. ; Class 29, Intermediate school' thick McLaughlin Public Library Class 45, Triple trio: SS No.| Class 17, Senior choir four EPI'S Newcomers Particularly Welcome 7 Ashburn, Mrs. B. Bland. parts: St. Andrew's, Ajax, Mrs Class 8, Two-part Chorus: St.|Z. Holliday. Andrew's, Ajax, Mrs. Z. Holi-| ajay 'Sister Mary Claidette, OLD TIME and LAST TIMES Loma BES NT BOX OFFICE 8:00 day. Class 9, Intermediate Choir: MODERN SHO Class 16, Senior choir, three- St. Andrew's Ajax, Mrs. E. Pike Dance to Durham, Ajax, Miss P wiggins.| Class 27, Section B: Lincoln health. Class 40, Triple trio: Green) Class 31, School Choir SSA: "HOUND DOG MAN" part: Brooklin Senior, Brooklin,|Sollard. telephone 7:30 P.M... SHARP At no oxtra cost! drew's, Ajax, A. Leeder. beg 1 Nagi ea DANCE ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! School choirs: Dunbarton Unit- _ A. McKay. : -- | . ACTION mp a 'auue choir; Bow- TAKE MOM and his : | ALASKA 20. y HIT! LOUISE THOMSON manville Chorla Society, Hugh OUT TO DINE NEW TORNADOS 5 rare = : | "Direct from the ROYAL YORK Class 15, Boys' triple trio: St. : vHE ION" Andrew's, Ajax, Mrs. M. Har- ot the Jreronte's nn geaeataee CAMERON WAYNE "J and the CONSTELLAT 2 SABRE Restaurant }} "ots Sr Tecwmmuma --(FE-LALREN | a, COM FF : " <n ae maken | Oshawa Shopping Centre 8 RN Adult TUR s ~- Colony ston Commencing Monday, May 10th Class 5, Unison Chorus: Park-| Open 11 a.m, to 9 p.m, t conan WHITMAN : : --& , ' "LN Torch Singer" - ABE, i aan -- . TH E aon Ht a: ea i . PPy " tat Aas, MEE Hickey | un awOvOW ba +/ BASS -F ° "LAST TIME TODAY" ¢ Re 2 hn chore. PE 5 PLUNGES YOU HEADLONG INTO A WORLD | sunpay CARDINAL | Baa p> DRX > ia Se ANDY BLUMAUER Clarke Forms ; a ae pr ARVIN oe alle elllatiimae King of - ena : | | . fe: d hi New Committee | . | OSHAWA - EW; fl "36 HOURS" ALPINE POLKA FOUR ofnane <i emean com) 'Je 3 | DRIVE-IN: c ADULT ENTERTAINMENT | @ Entertainment Nighily at 9 P.M. @ sane. | a Townshi| aw , \si be phere ---- sarwow CLAY-LISTON FIGHT ALLAN MACMILLAN--Manager " ! will be to } | TUESDAY MAY 25th hear and recommend changes in| aie | ' zoning and other general appli-| rested by ROMOLO MARCELLINI- A SOL-REY PICTURES INC.REL EASE Everybody in j cations for adjustment. - oo : Es Y OSHAWA will soon be aut og eee committee mem- FEATURES p P _pomirtance || ers are Klauss Shoenmaker,| AT: Bw (je conmeg | Earl Walkey and Richard Love-| $'ss--3:20 A ume me || a Ss SU NDAY in, 9:45 PLM. oom In other council business ten- oS ders will be opened Friday for| construction of a new machine! shed, north of Orono. The building cost is estimated i ® | » | ' - at approximately $45,000, | ; Deeds are being processed for T | ! the purchase of some 11 acres AKE MOM OU O of land for the township's cen- | 2 tennial project. Ten acres have already been obtained. Denariment of hisiways ap- ff THIS WEEK - AS USUAL A 2 | DINNER At The Proval has been obtained for purchase of a new maintenance 50c Members @ 75¢ Non-Members truck and snow plow unit. The truck will cost about DRESS:--Shirt and Tie $10,000 , Tentative approval has been May 15th... THESPARTANS... |: =e i ads q obtained from the department of highways for the township's sec- Canada's answer to the BEATLES... | i ond municipal winter works pro- r ; ee East On Highway 401 at gram : y t i ae: 'Him i Bowmanville Interchange 75 000 in road improvements. Final approval is expected in two pace 4 TURNER ~ é | || Make Your Reservations Now! ---- | PHONE BOWMANVILLE 623-3373 ee CLIFF . HUGH 4 . ae mb ONIGHT | ROBERTSON-0 BRIAN -- a 4 " . a = eeeereret - -- Jerry Rei Has | eek pads love | MAY 72! Consomme with Sherry Chicken Soup cee orale. Celery Hearts Assorted Relish Tid Bits Ripe and Green Olives JERI JAE JORDAN COUPLES ONLY Dancing 9 till 12 *SHPULCO COLOR Dill Pickles padeg ee ADULT ENTERTAINMENT iv} 723-214 ; 3 ; | e S LECTIONS Ld Be ipa || Extra nee, "Hey There, It's Yogi Bear" | Fabulous . ei as ROAST YOUNG TOM TURKEY cos onan | MULT A eZine | ~=MILDRED |! paxep HONEY CURED HAM = mown |core eran rae someg|| «=6| MOREY i roast PRIME RIBS OF BEEF £.0°%2.5013" "" i" : -- Creamy Horseradish SATURDAY, MAY 15th TODAY and ATRACON COLOR > 2:30 and 8:15 P.M. Ge ania Bh STARTS SUNDAY! for One Week Only || GRILLED WHITE FISH FILLET Wine Sauce Corn Relish 300 Reserve seats $2.00 Nights Only. GOES WHERE NO SHE WALKED THE : Seats on sale at ire Tl | = |} Candied Yams Baked Potatoes Whipped Potatoes Sas 46: bene SW No Roekneee MOTION PICTURE THIN'LINE BETWEEN | & Wviay | 0 to ] 5 ¢ spar a HAS EVER DARED ILICIT LOVE AND Cauliflower Gratinee Sour Cream and Chives Green Peas HRINE GO _-- DISASTER! 2 Crisp Green Salad Choice of Dressing Assorted Rolls and Butter WHERE "WALK A | Outstanding ag eee Lic a we | ; ello an i ream CIRCUS:| "ove as rie eine | zat cet Ptiy | | GONE" fj TIGHTROPE" ~~ eee Produced By panne A ROSE 3 CKLB Parisian Hot Apple Pie and Cheese ey Holiday mee # | In COLOR with BLUE HORSE | for Pumpkin Pie ee PO EE wcas avwanp DAN DURYEA 3 i Win on Expense Paid Tan Wem Yer past a BETTE DAVIS PATRICIA OWENS we Na EVERY wy te 2 ve foe Chocolate Mint Pa:fait | Cheese and Crackers, Fresh Fruit of the WORLD'S TOP BEST TALENT : 2 kn orms 101--PERFORMERS--101 MICHELE CONNORS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT a MOTHER ! pissed At 24--ACTS--24 CLOWNS--ELEPHANTS Wild end Domestic Trained Animals Flying DOORS BILTMORE 49 A. iat i iE Dutchman if | | { Tea Coffee Milk Chocolate Milk wil ts tae ee | 630 Pa rHONE 725-5833 1307.3 Hoiel Lancaster Othewe oC, Was SPECIAL CHILDREN'S PRICES