Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 May 1965, p. 3

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| HIGNLIGHTS OF BANK CHANGES OTTAWA (CP)--Highlights of Bank Act changes pro- Liberals Uneasy Over Informality | By STEWART MacLEOD Liberal members argue that) OTTAWA (CP)--A_ growing!the formula usually allows them| number of Liberal backbench-jiess than the 33 per cent be-| ers are raising protests against|cause the initial round of speak-| the informal formula whichjers from all parties is often ex-| governs the list of speakers in| cluded. | Commons debates, | Because these arrangements) They claim the arrangement!are worked out on an informal posed in the Commons Thurs- day by Finance Minister Gor- don: Provision for the chartered banks to enter the mortgage loan field. Maintenance of the six-per- cent interest rate on all loans doesn't give the government|basis, they will not be affected except those in the mortgage THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 7,1965 3 Jury Deadlocked In Verdict women... is this the kind of bravery our forefathers showed?" Of Murder-Charged KKKer | HAYNEVILLE, Ala. (AP)--A |deadlocked jury was called| \back into court today to tryiproud to be a white man. I'mione with the temperament of jagain for a verdict in the civil|for white supremacy." this defendant will kill you rights murder trial of a Ku Klux! «The Communists and the|when he sees you taking your Klansman. jnigger have taken us over," he|maid home or your wife taking The 12 white male jurors de-jcharged. "Some of them have|the maid home." At one point, he shouted: "I'm;grounds to justify murder," proud of my heritage. I'm/the day may come when "some- RELAX with a nightcap \liberated four hours and 20 min-|even infiltrated this courtroom) Mrs. Liuzzo was accompanied side a fair opportunity to pre-|by the proposed changes in) gieiq. sent its case. At the root of the problem is, this: Should the Commons, for speaking purposes, be divided down the middle with the gov- ernment on one side and the Opposition on the other? Or should it consist of five parties? If the first argument were ac- cepted, government and Oppo- sition spokesmen could be ex- pected to alternate. And if the second proposition were ac- cepted in full, government spokesmen would get every fifth turn to speak. In an altempt to strike a bal- Commons rules. Party officials) say it's doubtful whether there! will be a major change during the present Parliament. While the Commons Speaker) can recdgnie any member in} the chamber as the next speech-| maker in a debate, it is custom-) ary for him to follow the plan} arrived at by the House lead- ers. : Soviet Boss Reduction to seven per cent from eight in cash reserves the banks must keep in ratio to their loans, freeing more money. for lending. Twenty-five-per-cent limit | on foreign ownership of shares in any bank. Ten-per-cent limit on own- ership by one person of any bank's shares. Prohibition against pur- chase by federal or provincial governments or their agents tment necessary to conv ct |Wilkins Jr. of Fairfield, Ala., } utes Thursday night before Cir- cuit Judge T. Werth Thagard ordered them locked up for the night. | The jurors resumed their de-| \liberations at 9 a.m. in hope of reaching the unanimous agree-| or} lacquit 21-year-old Collie Leroy of the nightrider slaying of Mrs. iViola Liuzzo, a white civil irights worker from Detroit. | Thagard handed the first-de- gree murder case to the jury lat 3:40 p.m. Thursday and 75 minutes later the jurors asked |whether they could convict the by a young Negro when she was ra while using her car to lawyer admonished the jury;|Shuttle demonstrators back to "Never, gentlemen, never. We|Selma the night of March 25 fol- shall die before we will lay|!owing the civil righst march to down and let them take over) Montgomery. here." li one er ipl a ; rea \heritage, too, but asked: 'Is Racial et ay aa! cee what our ancestors fought every moral law God everifor? Is this, the cowardly act wrote, The backers of the civil) ; | viutite seavensbat aud the Sev of striking down defenceless to watch this trial.' The tall, greying Birmingham JORDAN BRANVIN Sherr y CHILL IF DESIRED ers that be in Washington are violating God's law and God will destroy them." DENOUNCES WITNESS The Kian lawyer denounced) Your Money Earns More At CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION = ance, the House leaders of the Assails U.S. parties generally accept a for- | mula that brings up speakers in On Viet Nam this order: Liberal, Conserva- tive, New Democrat; Liberc!, Conservative, Social Credit;| pasp BERLIN (Reuters)--| ey fangs ag pied Russian Premier Alexie Kosy-| iste; then back to Liberal, Con-| 7:1 today accused the United| servative, New Democrat. States of having gone over to| |_ This arrangement only 8P-)\raw violence" in Viet Nam. | plies, of course, when all Pat-| 'Kosygin, speaking at a cere-| ties have speakers to field. yoniat meeting on the 20th an-| Through most of the flag de- niversary of the German capit-| bate, for instance, the speakers |) ation, 'warned that sooner or fe predominantly Conserva-|iater Washington would have to : bear. in mind that the "Viet-| Liberal backbenchers, and|namese people have friends} some Conservatives too, argue|who will not let them down." that the unofficial formula dis-; Delegations from other Com- criminates in favor of the\munist countries, including t 1@./ smaller parties on the basis of|China, were also at the cere-| : |He said Lemay had wanted him) representation in the House. |mony in a big indoor sports po sg te eed ce sig a oe ayph a While the Liberals hold 48 per/hall. si ae ; After a three - day sta a s seats Cosygin's speech followed that a : the world since the spectaculat/and careful checking with peel Serrats area taeer that alee met Gecmer Prime Minis-| Uniform Oct. 31 financial burglary of a Montreal bank/nie at the marina, police closed cent of the speakers. The Con-|ter Willi Stoph who praised year end for all banks. four years ago G ros servatives have just over 35 per|French President de Gaulle for gg ppncagenes ay oa '11, Lemay, bare - chested and/cent of the seats, and they alsojrecent statements on German fidetat us eal Peet Laud" earing tennis shoes, was'field one-third of the speakers. |and opposition to intervention in| aah : s q|calm. When the dockmaster| jcountries like Viet Nam and the erdale police officers stopped). -16q him to settle his account,, HAS LARGEST PERCENTAGE |pominican Republic. eager hast Bo rey Pye Lemay peeled off a few $100, The New Democratic Party fe ' ; USE l bills from a fat roll and said:|holds 6.8 per cent of the seats,|ican policy in the Congo and -- __________ ee ee sha Eo y y with my/|the Creditiste party 4.9 per cent,|said the U.S, had sent troops to Lauderdale Thursday. I'm paying you with my} 5 gg ie | edie ile 4 ay & idom make mis-/money. The money these people|and the Social Credit 3.4 per the Dominican Republic '"'ignor- I ty bey ; . Rob| (the police) are interested in is cent. Under the formula they!ine the elementary standards of takes, ne told p+ gpdinsggpe lsomewhere else." jeach make about 11 per cent ofjinternational law to suppress Smith. How 700 DROR He was b ht to Miami for the speeches. This means that|the sovereign rights of the Do- catch me? b ee shel oe Fi nenein |the NDP, with twice the seats|minican people in order to force Rog sbes 8, boat repairmania S. commissioner § hearing. \¢ social Credit, has the same|their puppets upon them," recognized a mug shot from|Smith said authorities decided Say of sneaber: ink dabate| He added: Strom mass ter Canada displayed by an RCMPjto charge him with illegal en- number of sp ' ics P ange: ss inspector on the inauguraljtry because, if found guilty, he Early Bird satellite television| could be carried back to the Ca- program Sunday, Lemay wasinadian border immediately incredulous. without having to go through! "Ig that your word of honor," extradition. ple yr Peg Assured it 8?) BALKS AT HANDCUFFS >| y, Lemay sai . " a: "Well. isn't that something.| Lemay, described by Smith as It took a satellite to catch Sophisticated and amiable, me." balked only when officers hand- cuffed him. WIFE DISAPPEARED "The Canadian people have Police have had an interest\described me as dangerous,"| in Lemay for 14 years since his|Lemay said. "Actually, I'm aj beautiful blonde wife, the|very easy going sort of person. former Huguette Daotist of|I never do anything to hurt the) Montreal, mysteriously dis-jother fellow." appeared while fishing from a| Lemay was convicted of sev- bridge on the Overseas High-eral minor legal infractions in| way in the Florida keys Canada before being accused of On Dominion Day in 1961, aithe Montreal bank robbery. gang of thieves smashed) However, none of the persons through the concrete reinforced|found guilty in connection with) floor of a branch of the Bank|the theft linked Leay with the of Nova Scotia and rifled 377|robbery in court. safe deposit boxes. The bank is); located on St. Catharine Street FUR in the heart of Montreal's shop- ping area. Pick-up & Delivery the state's chief witness, Gary) ipaunchy, crewcut defendant of/Thomas Rowe Jr., an FBI paid! ja lesser offence than first-de-jinformer in the Klan, who testi- gree murder, fied it was Wilkins who killed) The judge, repeating his ear-/Mrs. Liuzzo with gunfire from) hadia passing car. | He called Rowe "a liar and a} of bank shares. Banks may not own more | than 10 per cent of any one | ' corporation. ilier charge, explained they a choice of first-degree murder, second - degree murder, man-|perjurer ... treacherous as a slaughter, or acquittal. rattlesnake." He said the FBI) | The jurors. retired with t he|informer violated the Klan oath) lease after listening to the mili-jof secrecy. tant plea for white supremacy! County solicitor (prosecutor) | ifrom Klan lawyer Matt H.\Carlton Perdue, speaking first Murphy Jr., the defence coun-\to the jury, anticipated isel, and a warning against pre-|Murphy's argument. He re- |judice from three states' attor-|minded the 12 men that they, jneys. |too, took an oath--to "form) Murphy, himself a Klan mem-|your conclusion from the evi-| ber as well as legal counsel for|dence on that stand' and not the United Klans of America,jon prejudice. |punctuated his 70-minute speech; An assistant state attorney-| to the jury with frequent re-|general, Joe Breck Gantt,| minders of the civil rights}warned the jury that if racial struggle going on in Alabama.iprejudice can _ be RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH $5.00 PER DAY-- sutact cua MILEAGE CHARGE 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa on Sevings Accounts. Pald and compounded quart- New procedure for charter- erly, ing a bank, giving the Com- mons annulment power over a charter but eliminating the need for obtaining a charter by a parliamentary bill. GEORGES LEMAY: THE CRUISE IS POSTPONED 'Early Bird Gets Robbery Suspect | MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -- The space - age police technique of satellite television led to the on Chequing Accounts from the day the account is opened. Paid Querter- ly on minimum monthly balance. No charge for cheques written, Value of bank stock, now frozen at $10 a share, to be freed between $1 and $10, opening the way for stock splits. "I'm sure that's the guy I saw on TY last night," he said. Revenue and expenses to be declared in annual financial statements. years. Authorized Trustee investments. Redeemable on death. when invested in our Guaranteed investment Certificates for 6 to 10 ror and murder and killing in South Viet Nam they have gone lover to barbaric bomb attacks on the democratic republic of Kosygin also attacked Amer-|(North) Viet Nam." "Yearly Rete > D3392 44 : <>) 2 ROC NEED,,. FUEL OIL ? PERRY Day er Night 723-3443 IGSSES9S82002 SAVING HOURS: Mon.-Thurs, 9 to 6 Friday 9to9 Seturday 9 to 5 FOUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE Heed Office: 19 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Tel. 723-5221 FURNITURE ww oOo RL D STOREWIDE SAVINGS . LAKE TROUT SMALL MOUTH BASS Westinghouse Big 22.07 cu. ft. Chest Freezer Big capacity! Big Value! Ideal for the ardent fisherman . . « perfect for rural areas, , . the favour- ite with large families. Come in to- night, order your home freezer. With the first sign of rhubarb, get set for "in-Season'"' savings. Equipped with 2 storage baskets 2 removable dividers, pie rack, interior light, counter bal- anced sealtite lid. 3-year food spoilage warranty. They escaped with $500,000 to $4,000,000 although the exact amount was never determined because of depositors' reluct- ance to talk. The chief witness at the trial where four others were convicted of the theft said that Lemay was the master- mind. Circulars with Lemay's pic- ture and description were sent all over the world. But it wasn't until Sunday, and the first Early Bird TV broadcast, that police closed in The program showed the RCMP _ inspector - describing wanted men while FBI agents in Washington and Scotland Yard officials in London wat ched. The program was shown on networks in Western Europe, some Iron Curtain countries and Canada and the United States. GOES TO POLICE The Fort Lauderdale man who asked that his name not be used, went to police the next day. WALLEYE PIKE ATTENTION FISHERMEN THIS CHEST FREEZER HAS A 772 LB. CAPACITY Storage Cleaning Repairs Fur Cleaning SHINERIZING Fast Service 723-3012 OSHAWA FUR AND COLD STORAGE LTD. Budget Terms Quickly Arranged | Westinghouse @ 2-Cycle Heavy-Duty Laundromat 2 WASH CYCLES -- Regular and delicate com- bined with multi-speed tumble action, spray rinse, 2 deep rinses assures cleaner whiter clothes. SELF CLEANING TUB -- The Laundromat auto- matic washer cleans itself automatically! Always "White Glove" clean. AUTOMATIC SELF CLEANING LINT EJECTOR No traps, no filters to clean. . . ever! '2S AND YOUR OLD WASHER MATCHING HIGH-SPEED DRYER... $149 Don't let the weather tell you when to wash! Don't be tied down with an outdoor clothesline! With a Westinghouse automatic dryer your clothes are dried the modern way with balanced air flow system -- no hot spots, You get balanced drying for all fabrics. Smooth surface porce- lain drum won't rust or corrode . . . won't snag garments. 2 cycles provide a choice of 2 heats plus air fluff. Bring Dad in. Let us deliver yours for Mother's Day. 5-Pce, Oval Dinette Suite .. 119.88 36' x 48" arborite top oval table e-x-t-en--d-s to 60". 4 matching bronzetone tubular chairs with deep box seats, handle back, easy-to-clean vinyl! fabric. TRUE-TRIMBEEF (5.229) 12 KING E.--723-3633 Friday Night and Saturday Specials Lean Blade and Lean BLADE ROAST | STEAKS ib. AQc) 2 ins.5] .00 Chicken Wings 3 lhs. 1.00 HINDQUARTERS o BEEF ». 53. CUT AND WRAPPED FREE NEWEST STYLE 5-PCE, PEDESTAL SUITE .. 119.88 Walnut grained 42" round arborite top table with pro- tective rubber edging. 4 foam padded swivel chairs. Se ES A SHOP CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD TONIGHT -- OPEN TILL 9 P.M. ... SALE OVER SATURDAY 6 P.M.

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