22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 7, 1965 BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER (Top dhold: in M ara' individuel Championship Play) TEST YOUR PLAY 1. You are declarer with the West hand at Six Hearts. North leads the ten of spades and Dummy's jack wins the trick, How would you play the hand? p 4 if - OAK52 ---- 9163 tia - ¥Q3 WALKUM 1. ) KINDA KILLIN'S raison, TBA COLD SPRING IN 189, BUT CHARLES | [BUT TO NO AVAIL. WHEN BALLOT $ Ti IS AS nhs 9876532 | : IN oF TUPPER CONDUCTS ONE OF THE HOTTEST | 'ARE COUNTEO,/T'6 A BIG WIN FOR j a. PACES --TURN- AH LIKESS! FAIR age ELECTION CAMPAIGNS IN CANADIAN HISTORY.| LAURIER, BVEN /N QUEBEC LEADERSHIP OF THE COUNTRY TO LAURIER AND H/6 WISH S WOULDN' ASK QUESTIONS LIKE THAT WHEN SHE'S ON HER WA) TO GO SHOPPING -- Sl ee JULIET JONES © King Fentere Spedinnin ben, 1968, World ghee reemrwed, ove WAR WHOOP AN'SQUARE ONES! LiL RED eng Es LIBERALS i = wk bos hs tee ee "i : M est hand at Three Notrump. CHARGE = ae heen uP A GOOD agit wy Ro neon of arte { ITLL BRING YOU | 3 y 7 on whic! uth plays the seven. PROSPERITY, 3 ; h oe You duck and North leads the : ibe Y eight of hearts, South's king forcing the ace. When you play the king of clubs, both oppo- nents follow suit, but when you continue with the eight, North discards a spade. How would you now play the hand? @AKO 463 . j WAS N 19642 yw i - ee @Asiog |W El 9753 . ~<¥t/ THERE'S ONLY BIRDS AN' EVERYPLACE YOU GO YOU 'W WELL, ALMOST EMPT'Y--T CAN : &K876 8 hAQSIS WHEN YA COME RIGHT POWN AN' A FEW LIZARDS BL COME RIGHT BACK TO THE BIG, | GEE A SAIL. WAY OUT THERE ~ 5 js AS THE ANGRY TOWNSMEN SURGE TOWARD MY DEPUTIES WILL ESCORT THESE YOUNG UNS ARENT FO LOOK AT-- lie PTY OCEAN 116 GOIN' By, AN' THAT MAKES ; 3 BLIVA FLWAH TO THE COOLER, A: TAKIN' WAM IN TOW / 1. Obviously, if the trumps are es 5 CLEAR OFA/ divided 3-2, the contract is sure to make, so the assumption is made that they are divided 4-1. Similarly, if the spades are 3-3, there is no problem, so the assumption is made that they are divided 4-2 or 5-1; with North having the Q-10-9 and one or two others. The problem is to protect against both a 4-1 trump break and a bad spade division. The way to do this is to cash the queen of hearts at trick two and then lead a spade. If Sf South ey i ruffs, you are sure of making / d HOLLOW! IT's THe SECRET COMPARTMENT ALL WHAT the contract, so assume that ONT RE: aes --_-- MUCH ALONE ON THI ISLAND~ «y Y "th SF 963. Wel mahee 4 4 aS ) eS DARRELL MGC LURE >t Ee ' eel, 33 THE LONE RANGER #3} vii itl 4 7 GHPTIED AND NEATLY REPLACED / H-% --tr |South either follows suit or dis- Wty cards somethin DA at B: : You then enter dummy with a es club and repeat the spade play. Again you are sure of the con- \.& +9 CO) Re tract regardless of what South CQ you ruff the fourth spade in Now! \ six hearts, South presumably Channel 4--Buttalo 4--The Jetsons 6--Sports ning the eight of clubs with the NOW, WAN'T THAT 60 YOU SEE" IF Z ® BEAUTIFUL STORY, WERE TO K166 YOu» (4 ns ( a VERY f § ~ ' % INTERESTING, se ))) INDBB?,' ( . | an SECRET AGENT X9 has or does. This method of play is equally ---" dummy and lose only a trump << -- trick. 2. It is highly likely that North DON*T BOTHER ME , I/LL PAY YOU NEXT WEEK! [ y.sT0Ne | Gaeiansuimsancee acme -- would have played the king at ena oe | TE LEVISION LOG trick one in order to unblock the uaaiaa | | | / effective if North has the heart a \ = : yi ; 4 ; R ; -- Fa = | ] a } . started with four or five hearts, suit. CHISELER Once this is granted, the con- and spade length. In that case, rather than six. If he had had ee sche } dow oa Macon owe ene tract can be guaranteed by win- <-- AND TO MAKE SURE Channel é~Toronto 2--~African Patrol | 7 ha : Channel 7--Buttalo Sorury scAnnwete tevin IWOLI DON'T SNEAK OLIT TO) | | queen and continuing with a Chamme) Sn eenener 12:00 NOON é--Feature Showcase 'M LOCKING UP < | {Fh YS: heart and discarding the six of Channe! 9--Toronto LI CLOTHES! |) clubs. The club discard unblocks He ast l1--The Sonins te ry A i Channel 1--Hamiiten itn vou Were Here Bal ah . that suit and permits declarer 8-2--Top Cat 11--Cathedral Chimes ' \ ie TRE | Il five of his 5:00 P.M Robi 2--B'wana Don z os ; = 11 h Pe 7 {1----Family Theatre 4--Evrope 20 Years . i V; lee \ } far superior to shifting the 6 Se fae ee ee ~ ; : tot +30 AM. | hy Cems | ecoumey sty (Italian. Journal NS attack to diamonds when the é--The Kings Outlew 1 a, sande eva Che Up > ai} club block is discovered at trick salioye. thax Le eae oe oe ' : : < ¥ four, The somewhat unusual . Latted aie me mpi Paterily, s00eee 10:00 A.M, 4 heart play at trick five is 100 } &--Lenve it to Beaver 4---My Friend Flicke ee Aniuers : vaear | |per cent sure to make the con- enue tage F-hitieman 7--Rocket Ship 7 '| |tract if neither opponent was 6:00 00 PLM, 4--Lamp Unto My Feet i S. &--Meet The Press 1--Wrestling 2--Church Invitation beaanidhaall sch Altea --« ToNews | Central 9--Movie 10:30 A.M PRINTING FOR CHILDREN \ th 4-2--Thea Movies 11--OHA Junior A Hockey | 000 4--News, Sports. w 7--New American Red Wings Vs ----orss -- Cup RER Russia printed 200,000,000 cop- s--Today, "i968" Bandstand St, Catharines Vc) Disney Productions t -- ies of 3,000 children's books last oday, 1965 4-3---Wrestling $:-Mele 'World Rights Reserved £ iS e » ; Atri and j 30 PLM 4--Rural Review 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 57 ICE =) year, many in African | 11---Family Theatre No.2 1:90 PM. 2--Insight R fi Asian languages. 9-4-3---News; Weather; 7--Jalopy Races from 00 2M Spor > > avait ae Hollywood &--This Is The Life eT é) "i +2 oat Brinkley 4--New 7--Holy Mass 2 1 SALLY $ SALLIES Cheyenne 700 PM. : Be hcl - pinloee - ee ~ a --Camera M é--Across Canada Hewennet and Horse 2--Frontiers of Faith 7:00 P.M 7e-Major League 11:30 AM The Flintstones Baseball! 9--Bud Sherman 3- r A : Football Cup 7 eulwione Show ina 4--The Fisher Family | anpespie Are Funny | "HOw ine Clossle 12:00 NOON . - i us PLM, = I NEVER IN MY LIFE SAW THAT FOOL HORSE DARTS OFF sere te p--Hitine sree theca LIKE THAT/ ONE WA™"....THEN BACK ANOTHER : 7:30 P.M, 2:8 PLM, | 7--Discovery '65 sere STOPS 0, STARTS 00. CHANGES | | li--Jamboree 9--Wrestling + Sunday schoo DIRECTION 0... JUST LIKE A #-2--Inlernational Show 4:00 P.M Nowa: Weelter CUTTIN' HORSE...... EXCEPT FOR Time 11--Outaoors Unlimited Sports ONE THING.....HE KEEPS ON A 7--The Flintstones @--Movie 2--Bishop Sheen COMIN' THIS WAY 7 6--Wendy and Me 4--Bowling (2:15 PM, 4 4--Rawhide 3--Teen Time 4--Congress ome mole Barby aaah CROSSWORD 11--Combat 2--Roller Derby 11--Father Meehan 9--Double Your Money 4:30 PLM, | 8=--Mr. Wizard 7--Farmer's Daughter l--This Space Age | 7--Challenge 63--Country Hoedown 9--World of Sports 6--Live and Learn c is 4:0 PM 4--Basebal! 4--Face The Nation AOROSS . Porch . Fars A le's 3Film aint raid i) $--~McHale's Navy 1, Painted . Hawaiian met's 8-2--Bob Hope £08. OM Family Playhouse eevee abd nlant. _(SWISIJEl I "He married her just' to get J--Addams Family 1L--Wrestling 1:00 PLM, INting s x } A fa oy his money back. $3--The Fugitive J----Joev Reynolds Show (|1--Continental Miniature Creole . Shut in ing 4--Cara Williams Show 63--Forest: Rangers 8--Spectrum Hilt of . Southern . Long 4..World Is One 7---Dialogue ' SBD. ® _ 2---Checkmate | &3--Great Show Musi¢ a knife constella- handles Aa Sele Dick Van' Dyke akan | 'Ted Mack Amateur . Ecclesiase tion . Flut- RIMMER IAF MEH COLB ntini i oh | our . Mimicked tered SiUIRIF MMAIV IAI Valentines Day 43--Bugs Bunny * tical 6. Mimic i © --Our Private. World SATURDAY EVE. Spotlight Gusree : Paare lover) i GROCETERIA 40 PLM 4:00 PM %--House On The Hill . nes ee 'olborne St. at Church St. N---Ne lene. tor ,eraeente 1--Champlonship Bowling Goan Aly Stars battlefield . Lockjaw shoes WIAIORENIAIN) C 2: 6341 Friday Mov $--Mr. Magoo country Calender Garret . Wagon 7,Court Yesterday's Answer 8 b2--Jack Ben a i +--Bowili : , «Co = 7Battle Line, ie re ee me wat tes we 3. Demise . Cry out . Wal- 7 63--Telescope $--Countrytime N--Club 11 Dance Party Estuary Bullfight dorf- 31, Smell gees OPEN == | 4--Oomer Fyle 4--Wrestling 9--Theatre Nobleman cry Astoria 33, Medi« 3---Shannon 7--T Sti Hi wy a wage gees: ajacsteve Atlin hone t--Man From UNCLE) GoFrench For vove™ » Land Scorch . Marked, eval TIL 10 P.M. 0-2--Jack Paar a0 PM, Dr. Kildare measure Arabic a story Seven Days « Week 712 O'Clock High Star Route. 2:30 PLM . As faras letter with 84. Dip 6-B Cas %--Voyage to Bottom ef 7. I EY "3 ' . en Casey World of Sports . Missile . Female month 26. Before © Groceries © Fresh Fruits 4--Slatterys People The Sea 6---The Valiant Years , hor: : orse and day 38, Tear | 9-77 Sunset Strip é--The Roy Petty Show 4--Family Theatre weapon nh ' . | 4--Ripcore 2--Doctors at Work . Blackbird © Vegetables © Meats 1:08 P.M 6:43 PLM, 4:00 PLM. 21, Ponder Y 1 5 7 1 ZY FREE DELIVERY AT'S THE WHY, YES! THATS eared BEST I CAN DO FOR ; EXACTLY WHAT SHE>ER.. BUZ'S ROOM, BUT y , fa TT STILL LOOKS SORTA DRAB, © King Fentaree Syndicate, Lan, 1965. Wovkd rights reserved. MICKEY MOUSE 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2---News? ; Weather Sports Yo4e3---News) Weather) 6-3--Heritage 22, Hint /} a Sports 2--Doctors At Work A portion 9 Y HN - _ a 1:15 PAM ee PM . | 9--Metro Final N--Clud . Dance Party 4p oy hae . Sharp YA; é--Viewpoint 6-3--Baverly Hillbillies tad Cornucopia fie Y IF Y U ARE 4-UB Round fable Panel 4--Playh . Threads Y 1:20 PLM, house kectole Show 3--Have Gun Will Travel 4:00 PM that cross ia 16 . aa iy GRANDMA YOU'S | [-1F you couLD WA x heel eule Slane oe ion ny: A THINKING ABOUT ? | pele CHAMPION... KNOCK DOWN AS | |} | tachane anos 1-2-F lipper 63-Four British Castles pdatgs | LIFE INSURANCE | ce" | MANY PINS BOWLING. it $--The Avengers | - ute at Family 4:0 8M ri gay z #-2--Tonight Show | sain 1-T t 2, Circle 1 + 4--Jackle Gleason Show |!--Tinv Talent Time 4--Premiere Theatre $--Teke @ Chenes ' Bilke a Y, SATURDAY 8:00 P.M " ron: sym. 2:00 AM. $--Acaaemy Pertormance &3--W!!d_ Kingdom Lamp black | 1te-Sehnitzel House 8-2--Kentucky Jones $100 P.M. 34, Youth e ef | @-Bowery Boys ¢3--Staniey Cup Final 11--Family Theatre "A delight } a i £20 PM, %--Afier Four eg PE Gg re 8.2--Mr. Magoo #-2--Wild Kingdom + Muse of | raw ae ten 7 Lawrence Welk Snow | 7--Polka Time poetry ee 3----Great Movies 6-3--Show on Shows Fabrice 7 --" PPE or sg j 00 AM. 4--Gilligan's Island 4--Zoorama a | " "----) A ea 1--Alber Comedy Kind of § * 20 PM duck YU, A $U ¢2 " 2 VS s 1 Z a . 2:00 PLM, %--Cartoon Playhouse Aa : ES: = 7 _A| oll | |e es fy |. 44 1--2 Cars §2-G.E College Bow! |. 41. Distribute, _GiaaK ~ a WELL, ITS ALL THIS [T on?.. MY DOCTOR HAS BETTER , 7--Hollywood Palace 9--Flipper DID YOU GAT TO SEE 'THE How " * 3 = = Hi-John oradshaw P 7--Big Sh NEW EXHIBIT AT THE ART watt) ae ane. Ca ee | STUFF ON HIS EYE CHARTS! Jo] | "+ Kiddo pene hey lectin | AUSEUM IN THE CrTy ? pan ; f " ilaatig wv ee =~ erdog 9--Burke"s Law 4--Twentieth Century j Z f ¥ f ts SI] i ° \ 2 vie 6--Time Of Your Lite as cards Europe % Years 4--Education " Later 3--Gillican's Island . yy GY | 4:30 PM . 10:00 ALM. o188 PLM, . Courtyard ' 4 Hercules ern i a « F--Heckle And Jeckie 4--Gunsmok 3-The Saint 14 > © 7 2 : ir Wuck wraw AcGraw . eg ae Fa fee as | LESS ORE SHIPPED CHANGE VALUE ' 10:30 AM $3--Julietie 4:30 PLM Iron ore shipments on; Shareholders of the Stude- ' 1--Outdoors Unlimited Movie \ 9--~Cartoon Friends : fe %--Walt Disney Presents rf Why Not Call isbn) iat ' She wa-cronies, in, Corse 'idropped 37 per cent meceire venvone Thursday to change TOM FARQUHARSON the Great Lakes last month) baker Corporation voted in Min- Popeye Show Migniy Mouse 4--World War | severe. ice conditions plagued/authorized common stock from Playhouse +3--Bports Unlimited : a seas ae 11:00 PM. . Boge i os yas Menge oa 23,000,000 shares of one dollar SUN LIFE 11-9-8-)-6-4-3-2--Newas atty Duke d ASS . . "Hobby Time With place rear yd ation re ported in Cleveland|P&? Value to 4,600,000 shares of Assurance Company a winch berter tn cis, More Thursday. April ore shipments|$> Par value. This means that of Canada heatre uster r vi 4 7 nig the ehees 'ai a> Olan worte @ amounted to 2,900,000 grossithe present 14,106,983 shares i j ei Me c ss "a tons, compared with 3,900,000) outstanding will be reduced to RESIDENCE: BUSINESS: Metro w phe carried in the similar 1964,%800,000 shares, providing a res 668-437) 725-4363 2--- Saturday Night at #-3-- Flashback : The Movies amy Favorite Martien | Period, iverse split of one for five. MUGGS AND SKEETER