Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 May 1965, p. 11

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PLAYED EVERY GAME > Baseball Scores And Standings | ori] Listings In =" By THE CANADIAN PRESS Cleveland (Tiant 0-0) at Howard Winstone, Wales; 2. é e F Boston (Wilson 2-0) (N) W ] d' B * Raul Rojas, San Pedro, Calif.; Goalie Roger Crozier A og ne JWorld's Boxing _ | titutin 'tia odo ge j Shines 44 ced Pike "Ta TORONTO (CP) --Two new|pion, Jose Torres, New York.|Eder Jofre, Brazil. 1. Fighting mael La-\l, Wayne Thornton, Fresno,|Harada, Japan; 2. Jose Medel, N N H L All-Star Houe-os : _---- ork hampions. sod Saivatore|Calif 2, Mauro Mina, Peru; 3'|Mexico; 3. Bernando Carabello,|baseball club in about a week. poke 5290 | chicago (John 1-0) at Minne-\Burruni of Italy, Wednesday|Willle Pastrano, Miami Beach. some 2 a. 66, suffered the attack : e : Champio) a-jat the Tigers MONTREAL (CP) -- Roger,Trophy, taken by Johnny Bower| Here is a list of all playersiSan Fran. ; sota (Stigman 0-0) (N) a ee a we te B- Middleweights: C ham p ion, ane' Beton italy, ca Suvoyeki Tteride ana ots ix ten Crozier, rookie instrumental in|of Toronto Maple Leafs, by only|who received points, with points) Philadelphia leet ae Vy 4 Boxing Association. Joey Giardello, Cherry Hill, Ebihara, Japan; 2. Alacramleral weeks. leading Detroit Red Wings to a|two goals. for the two half-seasons and the|st, Louis 910. %|\Detroit (Sparma 0-1) at th are N.J. 1. Joey Archer, New York; \7 0. 'wovico: $. Pone King: first-place finish in the season| He was the only goaltender to|total in brackets: New York 7. Baltimore (McNally 0-1) (N) Laguna won the lightweight/? nick Tiger, Nigeria; 3, Flor- tch 'Thailand: just ended, is the National|compete in all 70 games. Be-} Goal: Crozier (67-90 -- 157); | Pittsburgh 7 14 333 sissies ida roy gag eo yin -- entino Fernandez, Miami. os: poms fo § jo By ot Be Hockey League's No. 1 all-starjcause he played only portions|Hodge (72-7--79); Bower (0-27-- ; *! 'Junior middlewelghts: Cham- goaltender. of two of those games, his off-|27); Glenn Hall, Chicago (5-22-- Thursday's Results WL Pet. GBL|run! ousted Fone Kingpetch for) i's nary pe Tialy.| y WL VISIT TORONTO | Toronto. Others on H : Pittsburgh 3 Chicago 5 the flyweight title in Rome * J WELLINGTON, New Zelandjbe John Davies, Ol} le is one of two Red Wings|cial record lists 694 games. |27); Terry Sawchuk, Toronto Atlanta 16 5 .762 -- lan 93 1, Nino Benvenuti, Italy; 2. Hur- (AP\ok throsaman New Zee-luata: brossé 'snedatict mm the first of two all-star) Crozier --like all the other|(10-13--23); Ed Johnston, Bos-|Los Angeles 4 Cincinnati 3 Conimbus 13.7 650 2 Pp * : ae ,|ticane Kid, Honolulu; 3. Bruno ot ma ae ieee ee rereere teal Comedies Cree leiee cooks "The 'socondttam ton (0-395; Denis, Dedondy,|,,, Probable Pitchers Teday -- |Toronto M1 8 579 4, | cavalo of Toronto,-with his re-|sintin, Ttaly. Olympic champion Peter Sneil|star. All three are scheduled to . " pon ged pred ease ati * a Nine wa is DeJordy,| Houston (Johnson 1-0, or Giusti| Jacksonville : P = ri cent knockout victory over Bill| Welterweights: Champion,|will leave late this month for alrace in Toronto June 10. each copped the four other first-|ers who were named to the first| Defence: Piloie (55-7~133);|*) ®t Chicago (Burdette .6-1)|Byracuse 444° WAlNielsen, is rated third in the|Emile Griffith, New York, 1. lee oS Me © id. f i : 84-26--110); Gadsby Rochester 72 heavyweight listings. Manuel Gonzales, Odessa, Tex.; "Vike Tooms iil dao fing also get #800 each| (48-44-02); Brewer (32-28--60);|Milwaukee (Lemaster 1-2) at/Toledo 7 12 38 8 i he only other Canadian|> Luis Rodrigues, Miami; 3, of pod geo ape Seadives td tine the pbs oun Pronovost (1-55 -- 56); Harry New York (Fisher 0-3) (N) |Buffalo a mm ranked rd Joey Durelle, for-|Jose Stable, New York; 4, Willie bracketed, are: for either half-season get $250.|Howell, New York (40-13-53);/4) 1 ouis (Gibson (4-0) at| Thursday's Results merly of Baie Ste. Anne, N.B., aoe Aa ig fe ee 'a abae fue sae ie te Bean (e338). Tier, Horton,| Philadelphia (Short 4-1) (N) ee --_ Ren Gee 'role | ward, Philadelphia; 7. Gabe lote, Chicago (133), and |second-half voting. Others who/Toronto (13-12--25); Leo Boivin, Los Angeles (Osteen 2-2) at|Rochester 3 Columbus 10 10th among the welterweights, Siecy tales ae ay Pl Jacques Lapersiere, 'Mont- |wil get $5" for leading the sec Boston (5-11), J... Trem|ety Francisco (Sanford. 24)|Spracuse at Toledo pod | Durelle was stripped of Nisha Sniwe ames Japan if Ullman, Detroit (159): left |Pronovost of Detroit Red Wings Vasko, Chicago (10-0--10); Doug N) Today's Games recently when he palied out of Joey Durelle, Trois - Rivieres, wing: Bobby Hull, Chicago |on defence, Ullman, Mahovlich|Barkley, Detroit yer ay Cincinnati (Ellis 4-0) at| Toledo at Toronto la championship fight with vet- Que. co eet ae igerow ge pero peor nl taae Pear d re 7 Pittsburgh (Friend 2-2) (N) Henssconaged y > aggamal jee Armand Savoie of Mont- Perigo yg torn - li cond "gg eee Char- |second team and winners of $250 "tai oe our ak it American League Atlanta at Syracuse | Peter Schmidt of Toronto,|zuela. i nee ems Rd le e, ontreal (79); ,G i .|bert Langlois, Detr: +11); é --|Durelle's 1 t, the|cago; 2. Mario , Colom- defence: Bill Gadsby, De- ete pve it cosh Mig Jean-Guy Talbot, Montreal (1-0) WL Pet. GBL lerown Tuesday Bight 'elena rr "4 3. Sandro Lopopolo, Italy: troit (92), and Carl Brewer, |Mikita, leftwinger Johnny Bu-|--1); Rod Seiling, New York/Chicago ; ; a en SIGN COLLEGEMEN jround split decision over Savole.! yigntweights: Champion, Is- Ri EXPORTE Makita. Ching ee ee eens ame Pre path aliens eg mama 12 '600 2 | ehdigpegg on Fon The ratings: mae] Laguna, Panama. 1 "Jose » Chicago (105); left | vost. ' | Alouettes of the Eastern Foot-| : ; ma. 1. wing: Frank Mahovlich oe Ullman and Provost,| Centre: Ullman (75-84--159); |Cleveland 8s 8 ball Conference announced| Heavyweights: Champion, Er-|Napoles, Mexico; 2. Bunny Toronto (71); right wing: |the three pl h ived|Mikita (52-53--105); Henri Ri-|Baltimore 10 526 314| mn osday night the signing of two|nie Terrell, Chicago. 1. Floyd|Grant, Jamaica; 3. Carlos Ortiz, Gordie Howe, Detroit ( 109). mest points are on te aletar chard, Montreal (16-5 -- 21); |Detroit Pay ltormer" United States college|Patterson, New York; 2. Zora|New York. Crozier's name is the only one|team for the first time. It is|Alex Delvecchio, Detroit (0-14--|New York 10 centres. They are Carl Wood-|Folley, Chandler, Ariz; 3.| Junior lightweights; Cham- y team for the fi me y 8 that did net appear on the first|Howe's 16th all-star selection, a nH an peste igre rae i A ; 3 po : een Texas Southern, and Rich-|George Chuvalo, Toronto; 4.|pion, Flash Elorde, Philippines. 110); Phi sito, cago 'ee team selected at the midway|record. fs 8 4 Cit 13 235 HAR Slobodnik, Southern Illinois|Eddie a achen, Portland; 5.|1, Teruo Kosaka, Japan; 2. Se- ot <A oe ae. Hodge i eo Gea Pl Gone Hee Kansas City . | University. BA ova Mildenberger, West Ger- "pokingy Bs gy Brazil; 3. MONTHLY PAYMENTS e leader then. . : 5 , I aa SRS TEL . ove Allotey, Ghana. i ' | Thursday's Results | A native of Bracebridge, Ont.,| The all-stars are selected by|York, (0-1-1); Dave Keon, Tor-| 5 itinore § Minnesota 1 = =| wy, DECIDE CHAMPS | Light - heavyweights: Cham-' Featherwelghts: Ch a m pion, 2 Years who at 23 is young for NHLjsports writers and broadcasters|onto, (1-0--1). City 4 Los Angeles 5 goaltenders, Crozier had a 2.46\in the six NHL cities. Points| Left wing: Hull (90-33--123); peg 8 at Cleveland ppd,|. CALGARY (CP)--Champions $2,000 $93.17 goals-against average in leading|are tabulated on the basis of|Mahovlich (3-68--71); Bucyk a, vidal tes "lin 10 classes will be decided at ' J the Red Wings to their first sea-jfive for a first-place choice,|(0-39--39); Camille Henry, New| 7#!? the Canadian amateur boxing son atop the league since 1957.|three for a second and one for|York-Chicago (35-0--35); Dean| probable Pitchers Today |championships, scheduled for 500 $116.44 He missed winning the Vezinala third. Prentice, Boston (16-0--16);/New York (Downing 2-2 and|May 15-16 here. The champion- $2, f a sa --|Dave Balon, Montreal (14-0-- 0-0) at Washington|ships are sanctioned by the 4 14); Doug Mohns, Chicago (0-13 acersie e and Green 0-0)|Amateur Athletic Union of Can- 39.75 $9 : --13); Alex Delvecchio, Detroit ada. 00 5 8,09 Robin Roberts (0-44); Gilles Tremblay,|2 Some) 2AM bens * and Montreal (3-0--3); Vic Hadfield, $4,000 $186.33 $130.78 ef gee Sar Beac¢ | 35 i ew York (0-2--2); John Fer- COUNTRY SOCCER n e bd hd guson, Montreal (0-1--1); Don tl INNING Marshall, New York (0-1--1); Poe Ron Murphy, Detroit (0-1--1); Old Country Soccer |Scunhtorpe |Reg Fleming, Boston (1-0--1). LONDON « (Reuers)~conpiete Biotin Pavol , Right wing: Provost (80-54--/Iish and os : Luton Town By MIKE RATHET Only one other game was . : . Ings after Thursday night's gamesy/5oy vai Associated Press Sports Writer|played in the American League,|1°4):; Howe (23-86--109); Rod|wnicn leogue Colchester (MERCURY) Right - hander Robin Roberts{Los Angeles Angels running|@iibett, New York (32.1749); ENOLISH LEAGUE weg Sian el Te s ALE When you shop for a new car, take 2 this chart with you. See if posted the 275th victory of his|their winning streak to four as|®0n Ellis, Toronto (11-213); (Absolutely Lowest Prices) anyone else offers you a 5.9%* $5,000 $282.92 $163.47 Eric Nesterenko, Chicago (8-0-- 18-year career Thursday by|Bobby Knoop drove in four|.' | Manchester United pe be le Minnesota Twins on/runs with a triple and a homer |®); Ken Wharram, Chicago (4-3 | eas United four hits to give Baltimore|in a 5-4 victory over Kansas adds teae ee Ko opacoad Orioles a 5-1 victory. iCity. The New York - Cleveland : 2 4 Chico Maki, Chicago) ofingham Forest : i 1-4--1). t It was Roberts' fourth win|same was rained out ites wine without a loss this season and| Roberts allowed the Twins | Sheffield Wednesday Doncaster 2) | Chesterfield 70 42) Notts County 45 39| Wrexham meek deme * Only $5.90 per $100 per year! ia a7|New Compare anywhere...then-call 35 idershot ch 64 35|Soumnport ladder hands in the fifth inning, driv-) By THE CANADIAN PRESS |sheffielo United as A Financing Pen Por Bvory Mood , in the lead run with a| Ever hear of a baseball woivernamoton 89 201 EeM cy 58 99 28 Furniture and Appliance ASSOCIATES e following a walk tojplayer wanting to go to the!Birminghem City 96 27| Galina. Town Johnny Orsino and Jerry|majors because things might Division Stockport County 723-3343 491 Ritson S. list, So. f th Adair's single. be easier? |eaceat United ya SCOTTISH LEAGUE si Wakeiies ceetains." | tar RR Aatain tae tha oacaaltasory oeee't held teas for 24| Sr 3 Blame "Bee a BB vein deed Coll Mr. G. E. Sloggett 2 é BS B ud} ampton Heart . GE. . So does Robin Roberts. Helinning and then built the lead|Connolly. Noach chy 87 47 Dunfermline $7 83 368 19% Gindes Seer teu Phone 725-6537 proved it again against the|to 4-1 with a two-run homer in| Connolly registered 73 strike-|Coystai Palace 45, Hibernian i eas Twins, as he joined another|the fourth inning. The decisive|outs in 81 innings with Boston|Hudderstield Town Si 44) 8% 63 40 Yankee reject, Ralph Terry ofjrun, however, came across in|Red Sox of the America n|Seroy, Couly " | Cleveland, as the leading win-|the sixth inning on Jim|League last season, but the 26-|Manchester City $2 41) 55 ner in the American League|Fregosi's triple and a single by|year - old southpaw found the|Presten .. 5 a0|M with four victories. |Bob Rodgers. jgoing a bit tougher in his Inter-| Rotherham 69 40) pera wheels: 's new Fymo just like the famous military features a fast starting 2% : national League debut hast, [era 6 38 jon No I Toros ~~ » 7 ' P lday night. | Wiaslesbreugh 7 handles like no other mower 4 hovercraft. engine. A POSEY BLOW He allowed two hits, fve runs|Chariion, Rue 2 35| Falkirk 110 14 B 7 It's as safe and easy to use on FLOATS ON AIR. A whi > (Leyton O "& can because it and four walks before leaving| portsmouth 12.10 20 $6 77 34) Fh Lanark 2 9 7) ee hills and terraces as it is on impeller spins a ring of air that the mound in the second inning |Swindon Town "Usn G 3 I J k ' as Jacksonville Suns went on to | attrting Atbion Ph 44 3189) f level lawns. supports the new Flymo only arry CGACKSON § _ £03 victory over nis toront "eiomase eons 137 os - Unlike earthbound rotary %° off the ground. Floats so low Roberts; who came to that matched one by the Ori- Bu: niey Orioles in 1962 after getting his\1es' Brooks Robinson in the! Wests West Brom Albion second inning off Jim Katt. Sunderland rae rom New Yor an svi ie sont nee et LS Lesson jz% about his climb up the victory|&r's took things in his own Leicester City F Ld 8 f o 71 87 omnis puna 7 5 67 S7 55 @ lowered his earned - run aver-/only one run on Harmon Kille-| [West Ham | United Sy jp agiSrewe, Alexandra Continues loan and up to 36 months to repay. age to 2.37, /brew's fourth - inning homer! onno. Y ies city 1 ous orquay | 1 "0 70 64 57 47 ro ra r) 9 ro} ; jing "I noticed it most when I\cingy went past Bob Feller and Red) Ruffing on the all-time victory| Swansea Town WI 4 32 Division floats on air. Maple Leafs |Carlisie United 25.1011 53 | Queen of the South ~ . r uuln 55 59) 's Park 1 7 41 . F e t R a: Elsewhere, Atlanta ¢ rackers \ Mansfield "Town MNT 9s 61 37| East" siting 4 90 , mowers, Flymo has no discharge | that it gfides right under shrubs, efeated Buffalo Bisons 6-3, Co-| Hull City 2 Stranraer OY cm y . i Home ; 24.913 83 55 57\Arbroath 56 51 39 es eS chute. Debris and grass clippings | bu: even some fences. Ss un lumbus Jets walloped Roches-|Brentiors 20.15 11 2 58 55|\Berwick. Rangers 73 7039 ome gr ing: shes, ter Red Wings 10-3, and a game|cillingnam 7 914 70 5055\East Fife 78 77:37 goes where you want drop safely to the ground Height of cut is easily adjusted By HAL BOCK League game Thursday, Los|between Syracuse Chiefs and|Peterborovsh i ee. 1 3) Adee Altveric a OVS ; ; Cs a tal ag Ps nl ane | wattors 17 1613 71 64 30) Albion Rovers 56 60 33 it to go. Back and forth. beneath the housing. for %, 1 and 1% inches. Associated Press Sports Writer/ Angeles beat Cincinnati 4-3. |Toledo Mud Hens was rained|Grimsty Town 161713 67 49| Cowdenbeath $5 62.32 ; : ; i Larry Jackson is ready to| YIELDED THREE HOMERS |out. | Bournemouth 11.17 72 63: 47| Raith Rovers : 54 61 32 Side to side. Straight ahead. Flymo weighs just.30 pounds, collect on an 11-year-old prom-| Jackson, who evened his rec-| Fritz Ackley earned the win|Soumend 19 819 78 71 46/Dumbarton 55 67 32 : | D 16 14.16 70 70 46| Stenhousemu! 4 7430 The most revolutio idea i ise from a Boise, Idaho man|ord at 2-2, yielded three homelfor Jacksonville and helped his|aueers. Park 11217 72. 80 46|Montrose 1 80 9129 any light enough to hang on a wall ri Ht . erry be . 17:13:17 & 47| Forfa: 63 «89 25 sin wer 7 ' mjuckson, who won 24 gameslone to Tum Pagliaren en caus, it & double and alprrwry Tom HER a Siar ona SLE. rye emiene when seh: P wae ee a aad ; 0! ' % * 8 . rt ty in Clty , , for Chicago Cubs last Eg ta Withee cn tees a : Sane ymo ion of air way. a swath, an trotted out the first home run in his ll-year major league) career Thursday when he E thought about his friend back home in Boise. | "My good friend who prom- ' ised me a $100 present if I ever TAKE NOTICE THAT: | r 4 m VY hit a homer finally will have to} 1, The Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to gronular bese, asphalt p t, asphalt pavement eng on ed gg Herel \not wtih concrete curb and gutter, and g lar base and esphalt p. te curb and gutter, as « locel improvement s two - run sho ne 4 ie | with ae 68 vict Pitt and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work: | floats on Cubs to a 5-3 victory over Pitts- burgh. | : ESTIMATED COST Annual "He raises flowers, so Ij Owner's Cost Owner's might take it out in a hundred) Width Bose City's Per Ft. Rate Per bucks worth of poseys."' Name of Street From Te Total Shere Ftge. Ft. Ftge. In the only other National) GRANULAR BASE " Farewell St. Deon Ave. Chesterton Ave. 32' $33,715.00 $29,887.00 $3.30 $0.45 ASPHALT PAVEMENT Athebasce St. $. Limit Lot 29, 13.91' North of N, < Plan 745 Lt. of Mackenzie Ave. 16' East 1,654.00 1,503.40 1.50 Bizebeth S. S. Limit Lot 30, 33' North of S. Limit Plan 692 Lot 30, Plan 692 14's East 116.00 65.15 1.50 Northridge St. S. Limit Let 11, : Plan M-55 Orchard View Blvd. 28' 1,700.00 1,283.00 1.50 Orcherd View Blvd. W. Limit Lot 26, E. Limit Lot 23, Plan 28' 1,700.00 7,283.00 1.50 PlanM-SS M-55 Popler St. Olive Ave. N. Limit Lot 25, Plen M-34 28' 577.00 427.40 1.50 Oshewe Bivd. N, 19' South of N. Limit N. Limit Lot 7, Lot 8, Plan M-10 Plan M-10 is' East 322.00 224.50 1.50 ASPHALT PAVEMENT WITH CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER Oxford $. 465.38' South of S. Limit Melage Rd. Malaga Rd. a 7,835.00 6,629.25 3.30 Phillip Murrey Ave. Oxford St. Cedar St. 32° 40,324.00 33,164.42 3.30 GRANULAR BASE AND ASPHALT PAVEMENT WITH CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER Florion Court W. Limit Lot 177, Plan 671 Riverside Dr. N. 28° 2,053.00 1,841.53 6.60 0.90 Montrave Ave. Gibb St. Frontenac Ave. 14s East =: 2,307.00 1,779.00 6.60 0.90 Nipigon St. Anderson Ave. 36' North of S. Limit Lot 51, Sheet 13C (2) 14 East 2,091.00 1,932.60 6.60 0.90 Plan 357 Russett Ave. Somerville St. 360.23' East of E. Limit of Somervile St. 15' Nerth § 5.073.00 2,695.48 6.60 0.90 Somerville S¢. 11'0" South of S. Lt. Orchard View Bivd. Russett Ave. 30' 31,018.00 25,844.52 6.60 0.90 2. The estimated cost of the work is $134,362.00. The special assessment is te be paid in ten equal annuol instalments. ' ' : 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to The Onfario Municipal Beard for its app | of the undertaking of the said | , e PLAIN work and any owner may, within twenty-one days after the first publicetion of this notice, file with the City Clerk his dicts (See Flymo float on air at these Toro dealers!) or FILTER TIP te the said work being underteken. | CIGARETTES Gap abcess cae Gk Le tne ne Oe Peters Salty mh ep apeiet a tine cot me ie Radia Gn Gas John Swan Hardware Lid. G, $, White & Sons, Limited | i , 1015 King St. E., Oshawa Shopping Centre, King St. W., 1300 Simcoe Street North, (New FILTER KING 25s) DATED ot Oshawe this 7th day of May, 1965. L. R. BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshawe. Bais Gude Osliawe, Ontario Oshewe, Onterio

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