Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 May 1965, p. 5

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Brooklin Signs Star Goalie By CLIFF GORDON The Brooklin Senior Lacrosse Club continues to work out at the Whitby Arena as it makes ready for the schedule opener in St, Catharines, two weeks from last night. The club opens its schedule at home Saturday night, May 22, against Peterbor- ough. The first. three home| games of the schedule will be) played at the Whitby Arena as) the floor in Brooklin will not be! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 6, 1965 5 { ers to its camp and has signed) Ken Ruttan, a big strapping Ue-| fenceman, who played last year with Brodklin. However, Ruttan| lives in Orono and is closer to) Brooklin than he is to Peterbor- ough and thus is Brooklin's property on a residence ruling. | However, it will be up to: the Ontario Lacrosse Association to! rule on where he is to play. | The Brooklin Club thought it) owned players from the Peter-| borough area last year and) were on the short end when the OLA handed down the final LISTINGS Urgently Needed W. Schaizmann Realtor 114 Brock St. N. WHITBY Ph. 668-3338 ALL SPRING ung Moderns COATS ready until early in June, 'rulings. Manager Bob Vesey has been) ------------ CEES busy signing players and trying) to sign others. He landed what could be one of the key players for the club this year in Pat, f Baker; the big goalie of. the Mann Cup finalists last year. ORCHARDS Peterborough was also making) a strong bid for the big fellow's services. Others to ink contracts so far{|§ OPEN FOR RETAIL SALES are: Glen Lotton, Elmer Tran, WEEKDAYS AT COLD STORAGE PLANT. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AT ROADSIDE MARKET. PLAN IODE ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE proposed Antique Show and ing plans for the forthcom- Sale to held Sept. 1 ing event are: Mrs, Jack and 2. The four ladies seated Morgan, co-convener; Mrs, at a "round table" discuss- John Harvie, co-convener; Mrs. John Davies, Regent; and Mrs. John Wall, co- convener, --Oshawa Times Photo "Four of a kind" in any "i Don Craggs, Tom Cullen, Doug opinion this was the first time|Vipond, Don Bruce and Bob a survey of this kind had been!Hanna. made. First a close study of| peterborough has been going every facet of town planning) aij out in an effort to lure play-| and administration was made j Tremendous values in beautiful coats Girls, Infants to pre-teen. Boys to 6X. ung Moderns 135 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY 38 KING ST. E, OSHAWA © Controlled Atmosphere Mcintosh © Cold Storoge Spys @ Fresh Cider @ New Crop Mople Syrup 22 Miles West of Whitby on Hwy, No. 2 At The BIG RED APPLES BEAVER LUMBER FENCING FENCE 'N' DECK STRETCH YOUR HOME OUTDOORS 1965 Chrysler Dodge Valiant Ready Now for IMMEDIATE | FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTALS | Mrs. Linton and William Brown, Next euchre to be held May 17. At the close of a most enjoy- able evening light refreshments |were served. | David Fraser, Cornwall, was ja recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mal Femia, Dove- dale dr. Mrs, Reginald Donnithorne, 328 Dovedale dr., is confined to her home under the doctor's care, Patsy Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jacobs, is cele- brating her fourth birthday to- hand is good but in' the * and then the class switched at- Survey Results Given were studied with proposals regional planning for both the|,i,, in the area over the past|growth of the community popu-/ferent students took over the! nesday night in the Whitby|into the municipal administra-|volved in a study of municipal/final reports of both Town of ings were designed in terms of|of speakers' addresses the Plans are well underway for|Mrs, Bessie Beckley, Mrs. Jean|syryey, it was suggested. brought forward which centred| Couples Club. General convener| ®rizes were won by: planning consultant, Depart- door plants, Mrs. Ralph Craw- Anne C. Worthington,/QC, assisted by E. J. Clark,| Murray Beadle, candy table, at 1.30 p.m. at the Whitby Com- assisted by members of his com- by donating furniture, dishes, Gene will be picked up. weekend with her parents, Mr. hout and daughters in Toronto. day evening. The general con- House of Windsor Chapter, tention to Ontario County. All WHITBY (Staff) -- New con-|which featured University of trial, residential and commer-|made by the class in regard to Town of Whitby and the Coun-| year, lation, speaker's rostrum presenting! Town council chambers. Thejtion of the community, town|planning, and was completed in|}Whitby and Ontario County possible adoption by the town|meeting was thrown open to the forthcoming auction sale|King, Mrs. Lil Connors, Mrs.| The meeting or. presentationion many aspects of the . plan-| for the bazaar is Mrs. Johnizillian Wilson, Mrs. Mrs, ment of Architecture, Univer- ford, children's table, Mrs. Jim Mrs. Jack Wallis, bake table, munity Arena. President of the mittee. Auctioneer will be Allen lamps, pictures, books, toys, bi- Mr. and Mrs, Keith Osterhout and Mrs. J. A. Osterhour. They Royal Canadian Legion La- vener, Mrs, Phyllis Norris, was day. Shawn, son of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Courtney, celebrated his sixth birthday May 5. Guests attending his party were: Shir- ley LeBlanc, John Snowdon, Lloyd Connor, Barry Short, Terry Derier, Terry Stevenson, Shaw's sisters Carlyn and Dan- elle. Brock Street North Penlk stal Church Couples Club met last Saturday and spent a most enjoyable evening of bowling. The group gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wood IODE it spells success for a jaspects of both town and coun- cepts and a fresh approach to| Toronto students who compiled!cial expansion and development,|both sections of the course, ty of Ontario in general, were) One report dealt strictly with Although the survey was con- the part each of their individ-) occasion was a public meeting planning in regard to indus-jthe true sense of a study for) Planning. fathers. Considerable good work|questions from the floor, Num-| and bazaar sponsored by St. Marion Sturgess, Mrs. Alice | was opened by Dr. A. J. Dakin, ning in both town and county. Beattie, assisted by the follow-|parion, Mrs. Ann Phyllis}sity of Toronto. Chairman for White, gift items, Mrs. Harold Mrs. Tom Farndale. 4 W's, William Hay, is chairman Curtis. eycle, tricycle etc. could tele- 668-4944 and children, Richard, Stephen all spent Saturday dinner hour dies' Auxiliary held its euchre assisted by Mrs, Alice MacCarl, where lunch was served and a social. hour spent. Evenings Shows at7 and 9 p.m. land surveyor. In opening the meeting, Dr.| Dakin explained the program) or survey was conducted for the purpose of teaching young planning students the mysteries of development of the master plan and numerous other facets) of town and area planning. He! suggested the survey had a double purpose; not only the | Made to Measure Clothes | | DELIVERY Your Choice of Model Color and Equipment @ House of Hobberlin @ Tip Top Tailors a RUSS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. $., Whitby instruction of students but also, 6% a means of focusing attention| of the general public on the| need of intensive planning. Dr. Dakin stated that in his} Youth Groups Rid In Service WHITBY -- Representatives of several of the youth groups of St. Mark's United Church) joined the congregation in a) service of dedication to Mission) on Sunday morning under. the leadership of the Deaconess,| Miss Ila Newton. | The minister's theme was| "St, Mark's Mission." The} choir, with Vernon Williams singing the solo parts, sang an arrangement of the hymn "Breath on Me Breath of God." Ve sonal wear HARTT finer leathers |) unsurpassed | comfort | MEN'S FINE SHOES | --Qt-- Collins Shoes | } | 119 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY iF YOU QUALIFY WHITBY Open Fri, till 9 P.M. BANK RATE TERMS High Trade-In Values "Be on the Safe Side Deal With Northside". NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER-DODGE | 918 BROCK ST. NORTH ORTSMAN SEV. Le VAG YU -.» THIS WEEKEND There are more than 24 fence designs te choose from et Beaver Lumber . . . all pre-planned to save time end money. Delivered complete with building instructions . . . no guess- work ! Simply measure your lot, choose « design then phone ease WN se ==. sary Service. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 om PLYP RTE BEAVER FENCING a PRIVACY FENCING Vertical Louver 149 @ ft, Horizonte! Louver 1.47 @ ft. Regi egional Planning ity administration and operation itwo extensive reports on plan-|plus a prediction on the future| During the evening nine dif- presented to the public Wed-|the Town of Whitby, delving/ducted strictly by students in-|ual committees played in the) class purposes only, the find-| Following the termination WHITBY PERSONALS could possibly come from the/erous pertinent questions were} Mark's United Church 4 W's Bradley. director of town and regional) ing conveners: House and out-|yr¢. Stanlick,/the evening was G. A. Nash,| Grylls, white elephant, Mrs, The event will be held May 8 of the auction sale and will be Anyone wishing to contribute and these ar- and Leslie, Belleville, spent last with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oster- evening at the Legion Hall Mon- BROCK | The senior choir travelled to) |King City Sunday evening | where it provided special music for the United Church Anniver- A wonderful have Coffee . place to - + Spring, Summer and Fall! . Believe It CORNER | | : 103 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY | DEBORAH KERR HAYLEY MILLS JOHN MILLS Or Not | é The Finest PICKEREL LURE in fast water. The Original Maribou JIG FLY Reg. 60c. OUR PRICE World Famous, Original Pickerel Plug BENO Reg. 1.75. OUR PRICE All colors in stock iC ) sewer oat WCE RAM nn == A porch patio is @ simple post and beam deck which can replace the normally tiny stoop on most homes with a raised foundation, Bulld- Mya eee ae fee in one pra Ab leg mye the convenience of both porch and patio just outsi your ic joor' w ROSS*HUNTER'S proovenon : Iz a! ry 12 x 14 ff, PACKAGE DELIVER- Porch Patle ED ComPLETE WITH PLANS . . In Cedar EASIL ADAPTED TO SUIT Y Corner oun shecket W 'The Cua.k Gi \RDEN HOME EXACTLY, | 6' Heavy Gouge HG Panel .... mm TECHNICOLOR® mum || 103 Byron St. S. Whitby RR ALUMINUM | (== ese Voblef Reg. 4-95. "High Boy... 54 DECKING rey OUR PRICE Panel Rall Made in France. 57 Reg. 85c. OUR PRICE Patio Squares of Wood 3' x 3! Fast, Easy Way To Build A Patio. FREE Loan of spreader |} with any purchase of | Grass Seed or Fertilizer Estate 12' » 14 with 6 Priveecy High Ponel Weave Sereen Sportsman'S Texon Rell .. sed or Lire cattteneneenr aten at SRR A OR PURE WEEE FREE DELIVERY Planning, help and estimates are ail part of Beaver Service, Phone or visit vn ee) f Iwa' come, TO SPEED THE JOB. to-day you're always weicom RENTAL woul ee FREE ESTIMATES -- Enjoy g~--safe, fun-filled summer with a new All ALUMINUM TWIN-ALUME FLAT-TO SLEEPING BAGS full 72" length batt filled, 100" zipper. Reg. 7.95. OUR PRICE . 5.97 Other models at similar sevings WORLD FAMOUS Spin Cast REEL son PLANET JR. UR PRICE In @ matter of hours you eon assemble wood squares with 2 x 4 in 3 ft. lengths to build @ patio deck the shape and size you wont, All you need is @ hammer, PRICED TO FIT YOUR BUDGET The Famous Mitchel! 300 SPINNING REEL our price... 18,97 BAIT CANTEEN Metal bound, double lock carrying handle, including buss bedding. Reg. 395. OUR PRICE . 1.97 HEAVY DUTY HIP WADERS with knee harness and steel arch. Reg, 14.95. OUR PRICE 9,97 PLANET SENIOR Spin Cast Reel Complete line fully guaren- teed. Reg. 9.95. OUR PRICE 3.97 Other Reels up to $62.50 SURF S BEAVER CADET FRESH PICKED packed in moss 50 FOR TT Floating FISH KNIFE Reg. 98c Glevonized Chein aa "ah 13 mesi juge 36" Height - it . $6.98 5 : 8 42" Height 50 ft CHAIN LINK FENCING Complete kit includes chain link fencing, line posts with drivi device, tubular top rails, bottom bracing wire and in- stallation instructions (end, corner and gate posts optional - extra). AS Low AS PER FOOT Faster... Lightweight and speed-orien- ted design give you all activ- ities desirable on the water, High speed, multiple water- skiing, smooth cruising even in choppy water, are few of the features of Twin-Alume. Any moior upto 100H.P. applicable. Safer... Safe-t-speed pontoons are packed with foam for maxi- mum safety even if you should encounter a submerged ob- ject, Sturdy, durable 12 gauge special alloy aluminum pro- tects you, The safest and smoothest ride possible. See the newest thing in the world of water sport -- Twin-Alume Flat-Top! MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. @ OPEN EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS @ -- Ph, 655-3641 - Lighter... The smartly designed Twin- Alume Fiat-Top is all aluminum except for the spacious deck of special plywood. Twin-Alume cuts through the water smartly, is speedy, easier to handle and requires no maintenance, i CAR and HALF A lot of gorage with plenty of storage space - enough for a workshop! A big 16° x 20' size this Cadet also has a con venient front access door. Complete ma- terials include all steel door and plons. Rafters and studs ore pre-cut to speed the job. 12's 20 vine .... 269,00 549.00 529,00 48" Height 50 ft. Green Vinyl Chain Link Rolls 2" mesh 2" meh... Wer ll gouge in 36", 42" and 48" height. Galvanized or green plastic coated chain link in kit pack- age. Heavy Canvas HAVERSACKS Complete with shoulder straps. Suitable for 9T* Creel. OUR PRICE . WORLD FAMOUS "RAPALA" NO, {1 Reg. 2.25 FISHING RODS at special sevings from 1,95 *° 37.95 REELS AND ROD REPAIRS done on premises Dependable Friendly Service BEAVER LUMBER Whitby 419 Dundes St. ' 668-5818 With winters like we have been having, o garage is almost a must Other Beaver Codets--12' x 20° size . . . $269.00. Two Cer 22' x 22' size $549.00. Portio 1.67 Twe Cor 22" x 22° size Portio garage with attached cer port OUR PRICE BROOKLIN ONTARIO

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