Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 May 1965, p. 24

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2 «6TH OSHAWA btn Theredey, Mey 6, 1968 | AD INDUSTRY CANNOT COMMUNICATE, SATIRIST JIBES Freberg Chides Favorite Subjects | TORONTO (CP) -- Satirist;necessarily have to be dull, in Stan Freberg, now devoting sipid, nauseating or irritating {most of his time to producingjin order to communicate and \off-beat advertisements, told a'thus sell the product." igroup of fellow ad men Wed-| Somewhere along the line, nesday it would be hard to find My -Freberg said, people were another industry that' under-\renamed consumers by adver- stands less about the art of/tising men and had to be con- Mr, Freberg conceded that| hard ~ sell supporters can pro- duce consumer research . re ports to show that when people need a laxitive or have a cold they are interested in a televis- that, Not even, I'll wager, gall- stone sufferers. "If that kind of client feels obliged to be so unsubtle about! his advertising, let him choose another medium -- like news- SPORTSWEAR Lid. ion commercial that proclaims papers or magazines, where |communicating. vinced their mission in life was a cure eople may be selective and He told the closing session of to consume. "Assuming this has its roots ia en a a oes a _-- "To accomplish this hercul-of truin, why drag 30,000,000 flip right by it, if they so de-| | Association of Can ean task, the volume of adver- other viewers along with them?/Sire. Viewers don't like to be jtisers the thing that got him) tising obviously had to be in- 'That's like you're at the the- trapped in their ir living rooms." into the business after @ SUC-|.eaceq and the disciples ofl aire, and pa dt Ce eee cessful entertainment © 4 ¢©r|hard sell along Madison Avenue|act intermission a. woman ROCKETS TO CARRY MAIL dally that advertising does not | ya to the challenge and-or stands up in the first row and British scientists are experi- : -- the billing in a ioud, shrill voice begins to menting. with a _ recoverable OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TOMORROW & SATURDAY n their voracious zeal to tell the audience about her gall- rocket which may be used to \sell, sell, sell, they began to stone operation carry mail from islands to the ee Lferitate, irritate, irritate." _"'Nobody wants to hear about mainland. Standard "SAV I BEST FOR MOTHERS DAY || \NITH A LOVING GIFT OTTAWA (CP) -- Leonard j FROM HER FAVORITE STORE ..- from REED'S Florists (Red) McLaughlin, president of the Seafarers' International Union of Canada (Ind.), met Mother will glow when she sees the bouquet you've picked for her Mother's Day gift. Our flowers speak the special language of love a 'Transport Minister Pickersgil! Ga Wednesday to request federal regulations to reduce accidents in inland shipping Mr. McLaughlin said later in an interview that he was "very impressed' with Mr. Pickers- gill"s reaction to the union pres- entation He said the minister had agreed to put a department committee to work on sugges- tions advanced by the SIL :; M McLaughlin urged that ¢ regulations be passed under the 4 Canada Shipping Act to estab- = ish standards for the manning of vessels and the competence lof crews. He pressed for a pro- vision that helmsmen be re- lieved every two hours. They now work four Ihe SIU chief said that in less than a month six SIU province and this experience members had been killed and Or t \F r it I Attracts. gave Ontario manufacturers a/five seriously injured in. ship- n ario u nl u e lead in many phases of hospital ping mishaps equipping and furnishing There now were no federal Hedi state of some British "ules on manning vessels, min- Anti uit -Oriented Britons hospit eceived wide pub- imum crew standards of com- city recently after. two emin- petency or working hours ; ae London surgeons refused to Mr. McLaughlin said he also By ROD CURRIE tario exhibition ends July 16 work in London's Charing Cross Ut8ed the opening of transport LONDON (CP)--A_ glittering 8 FP Armstrong, 'agent Hospital because, they claimed, "¢Pariment offices at the Lake- exhibition. of modern. hospital;genera for Ontario, said at &jthe operat ng theatre was not head, Welland Canal, Georgian furniture and. equipment from|P ress conference Wednesday) canita Bay area and Toronto to he "a 7 | > n inatt as sha nite . a ' ' ond White Ontario is attracting wide at-|many public institutions in Brit-) a. oynibition includes a *avable for sailors' com MIXED corti PLANTS. (Petunios in Brit \ ain -- schools, prisons and hos : plaints and enforcement of any ole tention in Britain, where many/®! ; atti b qvariety of hospital sanitary f ; that vs ve * tay - s y § ty regulations old hospitals are notoriously out) Pitals are fa ng benin equipment, lighting and other nev safe egulations a 3. 00, 4. 00, 5. 00, 6. 00, may be developed 7.50 and up country -- doctors, nurses and hospitals were going ahead and/figor plans showing some of the hospital administrators -- since|"'we feel that designers andipect features of six modern bitions } year round. _The On ihospitals have been built in the iia? n_ Britain and others are ontrol approved plans Wed sounding out' the tential COnro hg + ee nesday for the St. Lawrence Special for Mother's Day Beautiful BOX of FLOWERS 4,00, 5.00, 6.00 and up ke GRIEF CONSUMES EARTHQUAKE SURVIVORS during earthquake which rocked the area --AP Wirephoto Mother Will LOVE "Roses from REEDS' " Red, Pink, Yellow Beautiful ROSES Special Box 6.00 7.50 10,00 DOZEN POTTED PLANTS -- able HYDRANGEAS, pore 'MUMS wreckage of a house in San Salvador in which two boys aged 5 and 8, were _killed Grief - stricken relatives and friends stand outside PULLOVERS & CARDIGANS 6.98 up Bow! Arrangements of Cut Flowers | "To Suit YOUR Mother"-- 6.00, 7.50, 10.00 and up BLOUSES and SHIRTS "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" from... R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS LTD. 728-7386 of date modern standards fixtures. massage units, ele "We've had thousands of vis- But it was encouraging to trica)y operated adjust itors from many parts of the note that broad plans for neWlapie 'beds photographs and Board Buys the exhibition opened April 20," manufacturers in Ontario can Canadian hospitals said a spokesman for the hos- be of valuable assistance" in Arist Ab ah st a ak pital centre, where there is a these projects riaveranten of Moa path ba ans r S en re continuing series of medical ex-- In the last 10 years 23 new we eal hi pei ad : etl hil Nii a ak et TORONTO: (CP). Board Gf rket here. "3 Rirlines Seek Curtailment "or eiticcsss, noiea vy Sette, tte Ars Toronto's Drive-In Shop 163 Bloor West ; ; ! Downtown Charles W. A. Stager, export) The plans, submitted by the Simcoe and Bond . ® manager for a Galt firm, is that/Toronto Arts Foundation, in- Fl tE t rt Tinser hospitals, nationalized'ojyde a 750-seat concert. hall nh- 1g : n e alnmen under the National Health Serv- and an 850-seat theatre across) -- ce, have 'a different ap- from the downtown O'Keefe MONTREAL (CP)--Some 24; New fare structures were proach" to buying Centre member airlines of the Inter- scheduled to come into effect 'In Canada we often assist Cost of the project is now national Air Transport Associ-|April 1, but unanimous agree- 'he hospital administrator inestimated at $10,190,000 ation have called on the United/ment was not reached becahise laying out and furnishing his up $575,000 from the original States Civil Aeronautics Boardjof the entertainment issue/ A entire hospital -- from nurses estimate te approve a ban on in-flight! new deadline for such a vruc residence to wards, cafeterias In addition, a parking lot for entertainment aboard interna-'ture has been set as June 9. and filing systems." he said. 1,500. cars will be' built for tional flights The airlines directly involved But in Britain separate firms $2,250,000. It will be paid for The request takes the form in the submission to the board Senerally supply equipment through parking .charges and eof a submission to the board, are American, Pan American, Particular to their own fields of not from tax funds which is: receiving statements Panagra and Trans-World Air- endeavor.' The report now goes to city on the matter from interested! lines Also, in Canada each hospital counci! and then to the Ontario parties up to May 13. The sub- Those concurring include Air "as its own board of directors Municipal Board, which has al mission was made by four U.S.\Canada and Canadian Pacific While here boards have perhaps\ready approved $1,200,000 for carriers with the concurrence Airlines dozens of hospitals ider theif land acquisition, $750,000 for of 20 other association mem- | The spokesmen said that if contro! and it is difficult to give restoring St. Lawrence Hall ber each of the 720 four engined 4 personal" servi each and $50,000 for preliminary de- At stake. said the airlines, is jet aircraft' presently operated) "0Spita signs and site planning the possibility of avoiding "aby IATA 'carriers equipped one eon chaotic situation' in. interna- with the latest type of visual in tional air fares flight entertainment, the initial KARN"S Entertainment consists of installation 'cost would be in ee movies and closed-circuit tele- the order of $36.000,000 and the . Suggests For... Fe cca men bald these ghata tine execs]: MOTHER'S DAY ... MAY 9th member airlines voted to bar The spokesman said the U.S such entertainment and that all board has indicated it will governments concerned. except)/make use of its prerogative of the United States, have ap- taking 60 days in which to con Proved the ban sider the matter ] \ : femmes KAY E'S mmm | 7 PHS PS 048 10 oven VISIT KAYE'S LARGE SIZE SHOP ... For That Mother's Day Gift She Is sure To Wont sda ts ARPEGE, CRES. CENDO, $8.00: MY SIN $7.50. Refills: $6.00, $5,50 at Burns Jewellers . . Spring & Summer SUITS 19.98° up featuring DIAMOND' RINGS A diamond is @ sound investment-- \ always worth what you pay for it--- so even if her first one is smaller than you would like, you can always turn it in et full foce volue on a larger oN one. Buy that diamond now, See our specially priced selection now. DRESSES & SHIFTS 8.98 up SLIMS.- TOPS - to match CO-ORDINATES - SKIRTS BATHING SUITS and Summer Togs of all kinds CRESCENDO, the new Eau de Lanvin, presented In an exqu site fluted flacon. 4 oz.---$9.00 eas REMEMBER MOTHER Sunday, May 9th WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST STOCK OF SPORTSWEAR IN OSHAWA! Kaye's have the largest selection of LARGE SIZE CLOTHES in the area. Beautifully The "LANVINETTE" new golden nee on with an inscribed Jewel Box esigned by Cartier. CRESCENDO, ARPEGE, RUMEUR $5.50, PRETEX- TE $5.00, MY SIN, SCANDAL $4.50 styled Blouses, Lingerie and house coats CLEARING ! Spring into Summer Stock UP Ye Price And Less! SEIGNEUR'S and many-more & modern poir, Se? with 7 sparkling diamonds BURNS JEWELLERS 20 Simcoe Nort! Open to 9 PM. Friday FRIENDLY TERMS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE BE SURE TO SHOP: | LARGE SIZE SHOP 4 KING ST., BOWMANVILLE ene | Six radiont diamonda® Ga tevelty hand- bs wrought settings. -¥ SHOPPING CENTRE 28 KING ST. EAST PHONE 723-4621

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