THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 3, 1965 BRIDGE Sy 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masten' go Chempionsbia Play) South dealer. North-South vulnerable, ; TT u 1% GOING TO LEARN THAT Hi® MAIN OPPONENT IM THIS ELECTION WiLL NOT BE ME...BUT HIS Zeeee i 3 Opening lead -- five of spades. If a defender illegally exposes a card, it becomes a penalty card which must be played af the first legal opportunity. This hand occurred during the nationals in Phoenix, Ariz., in 1962. At one table the bid- ding went as shown, West's four notrump bid was conven- tional and asked partner to bid clubs or spades. East obliged with five spades, which West raised to six. When this bid came around to South, he decided to chance seven dia- monds, : g b, f At this point West was think- nt : : _- - ing of sacrificing at seven ( £'M GONNA RULE, oh ) spades, but he had not gotten 'ei JRON FIGT/ far in his thoughts when East neice ie improperly doubled out of turn / and furthermore showed the ace of trumps to confirm the sound- ness of his doublet. Naturally, the tournament di- rector was called. He ruled, among other things, that West was barred from bidding, that North-South could still bid if they wanted to, and that the ace of diamonds was a penalty card. South therupon bid seven no- trump. He realized he was dead at seven diamonds and thought he might have a chance in seven notrump with the aid of an exposed card. West led a spade, Declarer finessed the jack, led the nine of hearts, which held, and continued with the queen, East covered and South cashed the A-J-10. Declarer was hopin © ELAN CLARK STARTS TO EMPTY A - FIRE BUCKET - +: LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY GROW UP, WHO'S GOING TO BE THE 80567 Tees wae vee Sng Fomere Spvdnarn, ion SECRET AGENT X93 "TELEVISION LOG | Channel 2---Buttalo 11:28 PM, Channel 3--Barrie | fodeLate Show Channel 4--Buffale | @-Night Matro Channel 4--Toronte | 130 PA Channel 7--Buffaio | tin Channel &--Rochester | ')--Wvre He Channel 9--Toronto ga hich ndcgbas Channel 1i--Hamilton 4--Night Cap DONALD DUCK 130 Pm --Four of @ King | #4--The Doctors ?--Day in Court 4~Loretta Young 4--House Party 3--Super Bingo PARDON ME, SiIR= AY 1 RENT ; PL. WRONESDAY Sve. 5:00 PM. 3--Movie THURSDAY 1:08 A.M. | 3:00 P.M. %--Peopie in Contlica §-2--Another World against hope that East woul: show out of hearts so that he could compel East to discard 7--Genere! Hospite) |¢3--The Moment of Truth 4--To Tell The Truth 3:30 6M Funny Company 9--\t's Your Move $2--You Don't Say Girl Talk | IeThe Young Marriede r lI 4--Mikes Carnival | ci tone Oy 9 0! 6:06 PM, | 2--Mickey Mouse Club i eh gry pe 7--News Central i, ie Am |11--Dennis The Menace ' J je Ed Allen | 9--Mickey Mouse Club 4 ' |6----Musical Interlude. &--The Match Game ote et ly 4Leave It To Beaver | 7--Rocketship 7 Flim Feature | 2-Ann Southern Show 63--As The World Turns &--Today, 1965 | 10:00 A.M. | 4--Secret Storm l}1--Super Bingo | %-Rocky and Hie | #4--Truth or | Friends Consequences a Pom | Woody Woodpecker | %--Sea Hunt 7~--Early Show 63--Raztie Daztie 4--The 4Thirty Show the ace of diamonds, but he had no such luck. South now played a club to the king and cashed the A-K of spades, East continuing to follow suit, Finally, in desperation, South played a club to the ace, ready to concede the rest of the tricks for down four, but it developed that East was now out of clubs. East had no choice but to dis- card the ace of clubs, and the result was that South made seven notrump! --Sehnitzel House 4--Captain Kangarce | 5: AM | 9--News: Miss Helen | N--family Theatre --~ 9--Five O'Clock Movie @--Supermen @3----Doctor Who Lloyd Thaxton 9:06 A.M o:30 Pm #--Romper Roorr t--Leave it To Benver |7--Dialing For Dollere é--Music Hop 3--National Velvet 1: PLM li--Family Theatre 9-43--News; Weather and Sports | 63--Canadian Schools 0-2--Huntley-Brinkiey | 4--News News | 10:30 A.M. 7--Cheyenne li--Father Knows Beat 4--Across Canade #-2--What's This Song |7--Trallmaster a--Huckleberry Hound | | &}--Across Canade | | 41 Love Lucy THURSDAY Sve | 11:00 ALM | 5:00 Pm fll--Albert J, Steed | A--Family Theatre @-Richard Diamond | - T-6--N Weather | M "] Sports %--Dear Charlotte %--Five O'clock Metinee | WE/LL SOON BE IN RIFLE RANGE, €2--Concentratio | 's--Superman | | INSURANCE EXCEEDS GAS American Automobile Associa- tion calculations show that 54 per cent of the cost of operating a new car is depreciation, 13 per cent is insurance, 12 per cent gasoline and 21 per cent maint and li fees, SALLY'S SALLIES 7:00 PLM, li--Gilligens island 9--Farmer's Daughter f Peanwnire TIME FOR YOU TO GO INTO YOUIZ ae Ly TE pA eet 3-12 O'Clock High 6-3--Friendiy Glant é---Magilia The Gorlile SOME ROUGH COUNTRY JUST DANCE, PATCHES. 3-Desth Valley Days | s--Andy of Mayberry {s"vopl" Bear AHEAD... A FELLOW COULD SET is bn | hs AM, a--Lloyd Thaxton UP AN AMBUSH RIGHT QUICK, 11--Valentine's Day $---Does Mother Know sins baa %--Sports Hot Seat |, O88 | t--Leave It Te Beaver &2--Virginian $3--Chez Helene Music Hop 7--Orzie and Harriet 11:30 A.M, | 3---Maverick é--Nation's Business | Toronto Todey | 4--Mister Ed 8-2-~Jeopardy 6100 PM 17--Price is Right 7--News Central 1:08 PIA | @3--Butternut Square &--Donna Reed Mr, Fixit | f-The McCoys 4---News, Sporte with | 4:00 PAM 12:00 NOON PA ea ol | Vi--Special Movie | &2--Call My Bluff ' | %--My Favorite Martien |7~Donna Reed 6:30 PM. | CROSSWORD YT ICT Mes TATE) (ATRIATR MEO IAINIET FT TEIRIV MATL ITTAIR IAININTE MEAIRICTATOIE) RIETETFIEIRIS MME ILIA) RIOT MES [UIE IO) HIOIPIEIS MESIATSISTY} AIC TRIE MIAN] HT ICTE ME YIAIRIDIAIRIM) IRTUP/P EIS MEBIRIT TE! ISIPIAU IL MEAT INIT) UIRIATL BEAIGIETS| TIEINISMEUISIUIET ACROSS 6. Monkey: 1, Bavolr- So. Am. faire 7, Type of 5. Pierce pilaster 9, Fitzgerald &, Four- 10, Prong winged 11, Feasted insects 12, Weasel 11, Ade- 14, Article quate 15, Narcotic 18, Harvests 16,Filaments 15, Strange 18,Music note 17, Roman 19, Sparks money 30. English 4~Guiding Light | 20. Stair 20. Evasive psycholo- Guiding Ligh | Sports | 22, Bye- 21. Toward aint 22, Speak 31, Bake 23. De- scribe vividly | 7--Patty Duke Show | @Blwood Glover |}t~---Famlly Theatre No, 2 @3--Red River Jamboree) 4--Noon News | 9-43--N i} Weather 4--My Living Doil | 3Popeye and Pale | and Sports 12:13 PM #-2---Huntley-Brinkley aker of the Hay: | o-ton 12:0 PM, sa | 7--Highway Patrol | @--Across Canede | i | 7:00 PLM. |7--Father Knows Best %--The Munsters | #-Search for Tomorrow | @--Littiest Hobo | Ta-M-Squad é--News, Weathe erry Meson 4--Beverly Hilibililes 0 PLM O3--Movie | ow| 2-Noonday Report 4--Dick Van Dyke Show! 12:45 PM. Yesterdsy's Answer 34, Percolate 85. Scheme AN ARTIFICIAL. BUTTERFLY! 8 FM, 7--Burke's Law ' | @-Bal Masterson 63--Fastiva! 1:00 PM. | 3--Caln's Hundred glasses 38. Winter 4--Our Private World |2~-Bachelor Father colloq. 22, Enemy month: 10:00 PLM. 10 PLM, 25. Luster scout abbr, | li--Four Just Men %--December Bride Matinee | H--Steve Allen Show 7--Atternoon Show t--My Three Sone 4--Danny Kaye,Show | &}--Movle 4-2---Daniel Boone 26, Small horse 4 Y 5 | 4--Meet the Millers 7--Johnny Quest 27. Japanese YW) Y 10190 PM | Mike Douglas Show [6~Candid Camera fist Country Music Halt | 2 tt j fish : Day 'ia gery | Se "7 : COLBORNE 7--M-Squad | |l-Mid Day Matinee i 2:00 PM. 29. Breakfast i Colborne St. et Church $e. 6-3---Mademoiselle H eg (eRe ca twee |EeMemens | Hood mest , 728-6341 OPEN ------, DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. 11:68 PM, 7--Donne Reed Show 1187-44 2:00 PM. | dior toate | seoabracedsbte or Saner Evie ot ideal perfection Seven Deys © Week © Fresh Fruits Weather § ne ea | 7--Flame in The Wind | "Perry Mason 36. Fall @ Vegetobles © Meete FREE DELIVERY MICKEY MOUSE 8:30 PLM ¢--Viewpoint | 3--Dr. Kildare YOUR HEALTH : | Congestive Heari 34 _ Ae "| Failure Symptoms | Metro Final Moment of Truth «WHERE LITTLE LEROY ) { ji. ROY MADE A BIG / COULD REACH IT / MISTAKE WHEN HE | GHAVED THIS MORNING, : GRANDMA HE LEFT HiG CAN OF SHAVING CREAM... GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD * Dear Dr. Molner: What is congestive heart failure and how serious would it be in a woman of 65 who has not had a heart attack as yet and hopes to avoid one?--Mrs. M.B. In brief, a heart attack means that the organ's muscle is dam- aged by some of the circulation to it being cut off by a clot or ewobsteuction. It is the le which suffers--and nat- Ongestive heart failure is a different thing. Instead of bLe-| ing the result of a sudden at-| tack, it develops gradually, and| from more than one possible jcause | A typical condition involves damage to 'one of the valves, in the heart. While the heart) beats ag strongly' as ever, the! y that' is° serious jealled methotrexate has done function as effectively. So the faulty valve does not let it heart has to work harder to ac- complish the same amount of blood circulation. The heart gradually tires fro: ithe strain. The ser de- pends on the degree of conges: tion--and how the patient takes care of the problem, Dear Dr. Molner: You wrote there is no cure for psoriasis, but I have read that a drug so. Have you heard of this?- - B.C, Yes, I have, Methotrexate has helped (but not cured) some patients who have been plagued by severe psoriasis over large parts of their bodies It is a very powerful drug, has to be used with great re- spect, and isn't--at the present state of knowledge about it--to,;son with psoriasis is to have a be considered for use when (asjdoctor or skin specialist pre- so often is the case) a patient/scribe something to subdue the has only some smal! patches of/scaliness and itching (when it psoriasis. jbecomes bothersome) and Psoriasis is a nuisance butjtherwise to ignore it and hope : it that it will subside spontan- ' 5 times not dangerous. Sometime: eously some day. goes away for no apparent rea- son, Sometimes it subsides when one or another of the various) qraitic Jaws in India and Ma treatments is ries used -- atl lava require that if a motorist which point the patient MAY nits a pedestrian, he must driv think that he knows the cure! for psoriasis. to the nearest police statior My advice to the average per-| without stopping. t MUST DRIVE ON ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! More Houses Are Sold Daily Through mieals MULTIPLE LISTING SERVIC Consult @ member of the OSH"WA & DISTRICT. REAL ESTATE BOARD t