Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 May 1965, p. 21

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MUGGS AND SKEETER YM RICH ENOUGH NOW ) TO BUY A GENUINE. -~ INDIAN CURIO FOR, LILORPHAN ANTELOPE!' 1 SELL INDIAN CURIOS, MADE. IN JAPAN, TO PALEFACE. SUCKERS" MYSELF // NAMELY JULIET JONES ELA ST CANADIAN F TO EVER LEAD THE GOVERNMENT FROM THE COMMONS , AND NOT WALT MEDAYTERIY LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY GOLLY, NIGHT PORT COURSE, IT DON'T BELIEVE IN 6HOST6-- BUT YOU NEVER CAN TELL~ CEPT FOR THE SOUND OF THE WIND AN' THE SURF ITS TERRIBLE QUIET | STOP ALL CONTACTS WITH THIS BASE UNTIL THE SITUATION 16 CLEAREO ZERO--I NEVER SPENT A IN A GEN-U-WINE PIRATES' DARRELL MICLURE As-t WOULD YOU MIND REMOVING YOUR i Cam. (> lane |_ Avndtmmetncne BUZ SAWYER BUT, GENERAL, THAT |S TO WHAT THE AMERICANS. CALL THE *BOONDOCKS' I MET WITH THEM | ORDERS TRANSFERRING ONLY TO TRAP { YOU TO FORT INDIO, ee . am, \ /\ TL WAVE HERE \/"THAT'S A CONFOUNDED | 1} arcporr, sir, \ Lie AND You KNOW | i} EXPLAINING HOW | IT! HERE ARE YOUR Syndicate, ime, 1965. Workd BETTER ; THAN BEING ap \ a ASA MICKEY MOUSE JANE ARDEN GRANDMA EASY, RUSTY/ THIS IS NO TIME TO GAME DPALEG! 7- r Web Die ey Pred Waold Raku Rana" Paserved OH, THAT'S NOTHING MIND IF I JOIN YA P ) To €R'Y¥ ABOUT, JOEH. eases IT'S JUST SOME { HE 9 > \| ICE CREAM / tie -- CHAS KURN- oe 7 +1 IVE GOTA BADLY "\ 7] SWOLLEN DRESSER. } i Wigs occa [s- TM CONFINED 4 T THE HOUSE! | '7, Wy ae } 1 THE SENATE, a a 20 THE OSHAWA Timms, Seturdey, Mey 1, 1965 NG THE CONFIDENCE T, ME WAS DOOMED IT HAN HE UT WHO F WHERE WAS CANADA 7C FIND THe G/ANT WHO WOULD TAMPER WITH POLITICAL £, WHO COULD ONCE AND FOR ALL DEFLIGE 'E MANITOBA SCHOOL QUESTION ...7 WOULD TAKE Wp BOOKS TO READ /, | 'COLONY TO NATION'? Mi, ARTHUR LOWER, j LONGMANS 5 YY) "MR. PRIME MINISTER', BRUCE HUTCHISON, LONGMANS , THE LONE RANGER 7 GET YOUR MEDDLING PAWS OFF MY RIFLE/ HOLD HIM, TONTO! BUT IT MAY ALREADY BE TOO LATE TO KEEP THE FIRE FRO/4 SPREADING/ TONTO HAVE RIFLE / 4 SECRET AGENT X9 i 4 WHAT A CINCH! THROUGH CUSTOMS WITHOUT A HITCH Channel 2~--Buftalo Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buffalo Channel 6--Toronto Channel 7--Buffalo Channel 8--Rochester Channel 9%--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton rs SATURDAY EVE 6:00 PLM. 1l--Championship Bowling %~--Mr. Magoo T--The Big Show ef the Week 6--Countrytime 4--Wrestling 3--$hanno &-Man From UNCLE 6:30 PLM, 1}---Star Route 9--Voyage to Bottom of The Sea é--Film From Europe 3--Ripcoro 4:45 POM. 9-6-4-3--News) Weather) Sports 1:0 PM Ciub 11 Dar | 6-3--Beverly Hillb 4--UB Round [ad 2--Have Gun Will Travel 130 PLM, %--Johnny Quest | 0-2--Flipper | 83--Mr 7--The King Family é--The Saint 4--Jackie Gieaton Show 3--Take a Chance 8:00 P.M %--Academy Performance 0-2--Kentucky Jones 63--Staniey Cup Final 5:30 P.M, Magoo T--Lawrence Welk 4--Gilligan's Island Comedy 9:00 PLM, Show | NZ Cars | | $-2--Movie 4--Secrel Agent 9:20 PM. J--Hollywood Palace 10:00 P.M. i--Polka Party %~--Burke's Law 4--Gunsmoke 10:15 PLM, 6-3--Juliette 10:30 PLM, Biockbuster 7--World's Fair 10:45 PLM, 63--Sports Unlimited 11:00 P.M | P87 -6-4-3-2----Newn) 1i--Biock } 11--OHA Weather: Sports 11S PLM. Buster Con tinued %--Metro Final Night Metro 8-2--Saturday Night af The Movies 11:20 PM, 7-43--Late Show 4--Sporls 0 PLM 9--Answering Service 4--Feature Showcase SUNDAY 7:00 A.M Cathedral Chimes 7-Merald of Truth 2--B'wana Don ¥:30 A.M \}.-Itallan Journa 7.~Tannessea Tuxeds 4--Uncle Jerry's Club ~The Anawer 0:00 A.M. 1--Carasello &--The Bibie Answers 7.-Rocket Shin 7 4--Lamp Unto My 2--Church invitation 10:30 AM junior A Hotkey Feet $--Itallan Felix 7--Discovery '65 ~Sunday Schou 4--News; Weather Sports Album TV Cat | #-Bishop Sheen 12:18 PM, 4 Congress 12:30 PM Meehan 4--Face 3..Film 3--Family Piayhouse ' The Nation | é--Stingray 4--Twent 1:00 P.M. Continental Miniature 9---Spectrum 7-Mind Over Myth | 63--Early Bird Program | 4--Ted Mack Amateur | Hou 0 PLM The Hil Bowiing 63--Country Calendar 4--Bowling 2:00 P.M Club Dance Party Theatre 6--French 3--Dr, K For Love dare 2:30 PM Heritage Doctors At Work 3:0 PLM, §-- Rowling 6-3 20-20 4--Playhouse 4:00 PM The Menace Cha , @3.-Early Bird 4:20 P.M. Tiny Talent Time 9--Bilko 7FOR 6-2--Wild Kingdom $:00 PM. Family Theatre %--Afier Four #2--Wild Kingdom 63--Show on Shows 4--Zoorama 3:30 PM. ogress Report >.E, College Bowl ve OF Your ife lane Earth Hiican's isiand 0100 P.M, me | 9--Flipper 7--Polka Time eth Century ~The Saint 2 -Meet The Press 4:30 PLM. 9--Walt Disney Pres 8-2--Profiles in Courage é--Some Of Those Days 4--World War | 7:00 PLM, * Duke Show ?-Show of The Week 4---Lassie 1:30 PLM, %--Mr. Novak &-2--Disney"s World of Color 6-2--Flashback 4--My Favorite Martian £:00 PLM. 443~--Ed Sulliven Show $:30 #M Special Movie 9--Man From U.N.C.L.E 8-2. Branded 7---Broadside ?.00 P.M. 82-4.2-Ronanza 7-Movie 4-- For the People 0 PLM Peyton Place 10:00 FM Musical Showcase $-2--The Rogues #3--This Hour Hee Seven Days 4~--Candid Camera {0:0 PLM, %--Zero One 4--wnal's My Line 1.00 PLM. 193-2 N@WED Weather. Sports 11:20 PLM, 7-43---Late Show dAward Theatre %--Metro Final 0 PM %--Dougias Fisher 6--alfred Hit Travelle MONDAY $:00 A.M. Sehnitze House Captain Kangaroe 0:30 AM News: 'Miss 9:00 AM Romper Roow Dialing tor Dollars Girl Talk Mike's Carnival Mickey Mouse Club 3 AM, Allen Helen td o--Mata $o-Musica 4-Lan 10:00 A.M H-Buper Bingo #3--Canadian Schooie 1) TELEVISION LOG 9--Playtime With Bobby 4--News $-2--Truth or Consequences 10:30 A.M, Father Knows Best 8-2--What's: This Song 7---Trallmaster 63--Across Canada + Love Lucy 11:00 A.M, Albert J. Steed %--Dear Charlotte s Concentration 63--Friendiy Giant 4~Andy of Mayberry 18 AM %--Does Mother Know Rest nez Helene 11: AM, %-Toconto Today 4-2.-Jeopardy 7-Prica is Right 63--Rutlernut Square 4--The McCoys 12:00 NOON &2.-Call My Bluét Donna Reed +6--Elwood Glover + News anc Weather 3--Popeye and Pais 2218 PM 4----Speaxer ef the House 12:08 PLM | Love Lucy Vil Bet 7--Father Knows Rest | 4 Search for Tomorrow 3--Noonday Report 12:45 P.M 4--Cruiding Light 1:00 P.M. Four Just Men %--December Brice | 8--Matinee 7--Atiernoon Show 6-3--Movie 4--Viel Nam Crisis 2--Mike Douglas ae PM Mid Day Matinee %~Millionaira 4~As The World Turns 2:00 PLM, *--Abracadabra 7--Fiame in The 4--Password 2--Moment of Truth 2:30 P.M 63 ' 8-2 Wind re 9Four of A Kind $-2---The Doctors 7--Day in Court é--Loretia Young 4--House Party 3--Super Bingo 3:00 PM %People in Conflict §-2--Another World 7--Genera) riospital 63--Moment of Truth 4--To Teli The Truth 2:30 PLM, Funny Company %--It's Your Move a2 Don't Say 7--The Young @3--Take Thirty 4--Edge ot Nignt 4:00° P.M. Lloyd "Thaxton 9--Mickey Mouse Club $--The Match Game 7-Rocketship 7 o3--As The World Turns 4--Secret Storm 2--Rocky and His Friends | aw Sea Hunt t--The Early Show &3----Razzie Darzie 4--The 4. Show 2---Yog! Bear MONDAY 5:00 P.M, | Family Theatre | %--Five O'Clock Matinee $--Superman 6--World of Nature 3--Movie 2--Lioyd Thaxton 3) PM, Leave no To Music Hop 6:00 PMA, 7--News Cehtral 6~--Generation 4--News, Sports with Chuck Healy 2--Today, 1965 o0 PLM Theatre PM. eVENING | 8 s Family Weathor Sports $-2--Huntley-Brinkley News 7--Cheyenne @-Across Canede 200 PM Rawhide %--The Addams Family 48-2--Movie +~News, W 4--Phil Stivers 3--No Time For Sergeants nye PM. e icy § Voyage ot The Sen 43--Don Messer's er, Sports Show oy Bottom jubilee ' 4--Te Tell the Truth Show | Marriede | Beaver | DONALD DUCK nae | "© 1965 ] NW'al Disney 'and fl CROSSWORD. ACROSS 1, Millpond 4. Chinese silk 7. Ball-rope 2. missile . Injure A mean hut Blackened 13, Norway coin . Raise Japanese drama 7. Pronoun : Faction Father of gods: Babyl, . Ship's officer . Nisan month . Chatters; 8) 41, Stain DOWN 1, Bird of peace . Malt beverage . Parts of croquet set To change . Search for . Noah's house-boat , Caliber 9, Roy Emerson's . To coin money . Dry . Hews . Dwell- ings . Crystal- lized into sugar §. Acquire Toss. to and fro, as words 9, Shock 30, Over: poet, Yesterday's Anewer 2. Plane's fixed route . Measure of land . Mail: India 7, Negative vole undecided . Skater's milieu ae 4 iS 4 "7 ALA BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER d-hold: M (Top in Individue! Chempionsbip Pley) South dealer, Both sides vulnerabie. The bidding: South West North East 1@ Pass 2@ Pass 3NT Opening lead -- ten of hearts, There are many play situa- tions covered in the textbooks where declarer is advised to dea! with a particular combina- tion of cards in a certain spect- fied manner One learns to deal with these combinations mechanically, whether the type of play involy- ed is a certain kind of finesse or a certain kind of safety play. The trouble with playing me- chanically, however, is that too often what appears to be a stock situation sometimes turns out to be not so stock, and the slight variation from the Standard setup changes the standard treatment that should be accorded it What this points up is that it is dangerous to follow rules blindly, Each hand should stand on its own feet and not rest on a generality. In the deal shown, it is easy for declarer to go wrong if he relies solely on past experience. It setms perfectly natural to win the heart lead in dummy and play a low diamond and finesse the ten. When a-heart is then returned and a diamond is played to the ace, declarer suddenly discovers that he must go down one The fact is that South can as- sure nine tricks regardless of how the opponents' cards are distributed. Whether the dia- monds are divided 5-0, 4-1, or 3-2, or where the king and queen jreside, are matters of only minor concern, Declarer starts with eight tricks and is looking for a ninth. Obviously, the best source is in diamonds. All that South has to do to assure the extra trick is to lead a diamond to the ace, foregoing ihe finesse. He happens to catch the king in this dea] and his worries are over. But in any hand that may exist he is bound to be suc- cessful. Regardless of what West plays, declarer continues with a low diamond towards the jack. If either opponent has the K-Q-x-x- or the K-Q-x-x-x, the situation shows up and establish- ing another diamond trick takes care of itself, If the diamond honors are divided or the suit breaks 3-2, the task is that much easier, CONSERVATION TAUGHT Officials of the Ontario depart- ment of lands and forests gave 2,972 talks on conservation to schools and other groups in 1964. SLOPES ARE FAST While average speeds in ski- ing races at Sun Valley, Idaho, are about 60 m.p.h., the winners reach 80 m.p.h. at some points. "| SWEDES TAKE THE AIR Sweden had 599 light aircraft lregistered at the end 'of 1964, nearly 50 per cent more than in 1961 SALLY'S SALLIES an "~ ey cane SE eg tte ee eentemet _ "why can't you take my word for it? Everyone else does," 5. Blow, 'e a horn . Remain in readiness 7. Gone . Tie . Thus . After- thought: abbr . Territory . Devoured 34, Type of automobile Bring down upon oneself Beach material Merit : Part of MA, 47 Yi, a lock / A 36. 38. 39. 40, PULP LAYS OUT CASH The pulp and paper industry, Canada's largest, now is plan- ning 30 developments worth more than $500,000,000 BEARS DECREASE | Paper Route To Pay For Trip LONDON (CP)--John Cripps, {15 - year - old Essex schoolboy, |will fly to Canada for a three- There now are about 10,000 week holiday in July on the polar bears, and their numbers money he has saved from his have been decreasing steadily newspaper route for several decades John will Vand at Toronto {o| three years ago and now earns stay with uncle and aunt,/30. shilling ($4.50) a week. The \Mr. and fs. Stanley return fare to Canada cost him who plan to take him on a mo- £112 ($386) and he wil have tor tour of the United States. £50 ($150) left over for spend- He started delivering papers'i7g money, Cripn: COLBORNE GROCETERIA Colborne St. at Church St. 728-6341 ger OPEN ----= DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days «e Week @ Groceries @ Fresh Fruits @ Vegetables © Meats FREE DELIVERY ERNIE CAY her WALLBOARD and PLYWOODS FREE DELIVERY "It it's LUMBER, call our NUMBER" | PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST. |

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