Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Apr 1965, p. 6

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HIGHWAYS, EXPRESSWAYS, TUNNEL UNDER WELLAND CANAL Ontario Announces $159 Million Program Chapleau west to. Highway 17. Some paving also is provided for in the total expenditure of $1,700,000, said work on other highways and secondary roads will cost about $35,500,000. The work is mainly for reconstruction of two - lane roadways, accident- prone stretches and for re placement of narrow or un- sound structures, 6 THE COHAWA Times, Fridey, April 30, 1965 Martin Likes 'U. Of World' At Expo Site OTTAWA (CP)--External Af- fairs Minister Paul Martin said Thursday he approves "in prin- ciple" a proposal to build a world university on the site of the world's fair in Montreal. between Brockville and thejbegin in the spring. Three new Quebec border. grading contracts will be Contracts valued at $3,000,000 awarded for the sections be- will be awarded for the start of construction on another|'ween Ear Falls and Highway seven miles of the new four-|17 at Vermillion Bay. Cost of lane divided highway to replace|the new work will be $2,800,000, Sixty - three miles of High- jthe 25-mile, two-lane road be- tween Gananoque and Brock-|way 17 in northwestern Ontario ville. will be brought up to Trans- Paving of 17 miles of two-lane|\C anada Highway standards. road between Brockville and|Contracts let this year will total the border will open the stretch| $5,200,000, for grading and pav- ing of 31 miles, paving of 16). to four-lane traffic. A two-lane jstretch of the freeway east to|miles, grading of three miles year on the tunnel under the Welland Canal at Thorold is $13,800,000. The tunnel will form the new route of Highway 58 from north of Highway 20 to TORONTO (CP)--A $158,797,- 000 highways construction pro- gram for 1965-66, including the start of work on the Kitchener- Waterloo expressway and a tun- nel under the Welland Canal at)Highway 406. Thorold, was made public! Eventually, three tunnels are Thursday by Highways Minister|to be built under the Welland) Charles MacNaughton. Canal, which is to be twinned! Other major constructionjby the St. Lawrence Seaway work will be undertaken on the|Authority. The highways de- Macdonald - Cartier Freeway,|partment says many canal the Ottawa Queensway, high-|crossing structures have be- ways 17, 11, 101 and 105. injcome inadequate because of in- Northern Ontario, the Sudbury-|creased canal ship traffic. But he added the government would have to study the pro- posal carefully before making) any commitment. \e Timmins highway, Highway 403) New contracts valued at $2,-\Chatham also is to be widened|and construction of four bridges through Hamilton, and the 100,000 will be let for work on Brantford bypass. jthe 1.4-mile gap in the 10-mile Contracts for about $2,500,000 Ottawa Queensway. The con- will be awarded for the start of|trolled - access freeway through this year, completing the free- way as a four-lane route from) Windsor through to Gananoque. Widening the freeway to 12 and overpasses, j On the Sudbury - Timmins' highway new contracts will be LITTLE THEATRE --~presents--- let for 24.8 miles of grading and| granular base in three sections: Eight miles south of Highway) 101; 7.8 miles south of a point Mr. Martin told a delegation from the 300,000-member Cana-) dian Home and School and Par-) ent-Teacher Federation which met with him for 25 minutes) that the practical aspects of the) project need a great deal of 7 careful research. In a brief, the federation said, it had polled 25 Canadian uni- versity presidents on the desira- bility of Canada sponsoring a world university 'devoted to the arts of peace." if Of the 25, four were not pre- pared to express an opinion at that time, eight were opposed . and 13 expressed a mixture of iy. / Z | er eee i. iG a favorable and unfavorable re- d ' --The Cana-|tiser to advertise in specific) , actions. ' ' y |dian section of the Common-|newspapers on the same terms|... Northern Ontarid, a 34 rf i , i 4 ; dé jwealth Press Union Thursday j Ses jmile section of the Atikokan- tir mig re at (a8 he does in others." to-Fort Frances extension of world university with full intel- paisluting|Highiray 1 will ba paved Wt 4 i Historically, the Bey tems terechinl we catiient says, government influence on cost of $600,000. The 88 - mile jlanes across the top of Metro- |politan Toronto will continue with the award of a contract for a 4,5-mile section east of/16 miles south of 101; and nine) Yonge Street and a 2.1-mile!miles south of a point 24 miles| section east of Islington'sout of 101. | ane Hamil Construction. of an additional fe n < e ms Se in 1 Con-\18.5 miles of Highway 101 from, struction will start in 1965 ON) Foleyet to Wawa will begin in| ja further 2,2-mile section of | 1965. The section extends from| Highway 403 west of Aberdeen) Avenue to Mohawk Road. About| CLEAN @ SILENT @ EFFICIENT AMELESS construction on the 14-mile Kit-|the city of Ottawa will be com- chener - Waterloo freeway.|pleted in 1966. When completed it will ring the) Major construction on the core of the twin cities. Later|Macdonald - Cartier Freeway the controlled - access highwayjoutside of Toronto will be un- is to be linked with the Mac-/dertaken on the replacement 4\donald - Cartier Freeway. 'highway between Gananoque Value of work to begin thisiand Brockville and on paving) "Fashion" TONITE 8:30 P.M. McLoughlin Library Theatre TICKETS at the DOOR $2,400,000 has been set aside for this. of $1,200,000 for) Press Union Not Ecstatic Over Tie-In Of Tax, Presson" 2m: |Brantford bypass will be let) \this year. jexpressed grave concern at the application to newspapers of itaxation provisions, announced |Monday in the federal budget, ldesigned tq forestall foreign ownership of Canadian news- papers and periodicals. | In a resolution 2dopted at a special meeting the Canadian section said the stipulation-- that advertising costs are not deductible for. income tax pur- poses if the money is being spent in a newspaper controlled by other than Canadians-- -'creates a dangerous precedent This method of forestalling foreign control, the resolution says, might lead "'to direct in- jterference with the freedom of the press." "It could also discriminate against the right of an adver- CANADA'S F." sT ALL-E'"* fRIC ----- HOME HEAT SYSTEM ---- Go Modern... Call 723-9363 or 723-1863 For ALTERATIONS REPAIRS ELECTRIC SYSTEMS RENTAL TANKS & EASY MONTHLY TERMS ARMSTRONG ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS 52 Fernhill Blvd. poses of money spent on adver-|ington Redskins of the National| tising space in a non-Canadian| league. | THE OSHAWA BUSINESS DIRECTORY newspaper or periodical dated after Dec, 31, (1965, if the ad- vertisement is directed primar- ily to a market in Canada. Ansus-(;RAYDON CARPET COMPANY © BROADLOOM @ TILE © CORLON © RUG CLEANING 282 King Street West, Oshawa 728-6254 @ SAFE @ CLEAN Installed First in Oshawa by.. @ DEPENDABLE LEARN TO DRIVE 725-6553 RUTHERFORD 'S School Of Safe Driving 14 Albert St. -- Oshewe For the finest in service and top quality workmonship visit or call the following business. You will find they have the finest in mer- chandise at prices yeu can afford. Oshawa Stenography Service RETARIL Modern Dry Cleaners & Shirt Launderers Oshawa, Ltd, "For the ultimate in Dry Cleaning GO MODERN" 725-7193 321 OLIVE AVE., OSHAWA | The Most Dependable Nome In ELECTRIC HEAT Total or Supplementary Units 726-4611 ' \ © Typing, Mimeographing © Club Bulletins, ete. "If ite office work... We can do it!" 130 KING ST. E. 723-1157 STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. SALES LiLicttdis SERVICE "We Sharpen Almost Everythirig"' (Give Us a Call) 723-3224 223 KING W., OSHAWA < press freedom through taxation|road itself is not expected to istic pressures, has 'the best techniques "went on far longer, be completed until summer. chance of providing the con- and more insidiously, in Great) Paving of 12 miles of High- cepts, the personnel, to bring) < in n international rule of.law aD OL ANN. : oad panes on earth," =f brief HELMET SHOT HE KEPT HIS HEAD Finance Minister Walter Gor- SIGNED FOR TRYOUT said 4 - , don in his budget speech an} EDMONTON (CP)--Ken eee er "| ford holds his ventilated A bullet tore a jagged hole platoon was on patrol out- Income Tax Act concerning the|and defensive specialist from " | stec| helmet, right, and hel- in the helmet but only side the perimeter of the expenditures of a taxpayer for|Colorado State University, has| Gordon Lifts met liner after an encounter grazed his head during a 30- vital Da Nang airbase advertising space ina '"non-|been signed to a tryout. oma: | as by radio from Saigon ical." of the Western Football Confer-| ' } The new section forbids de-|@nce- The six-foot-one back had| om freeze Commission Needn't Justify rss a moe somo ae ies te Nati OTTAWA (CP) Finance e e e Thursday that by the end. of It R d t b t P l uy the Mint win have tied HLS ALOCAISTFIDUTION FrOPOSAIs orders for 2,000,000 sets of 1965 ther orders from coin collectors. jature's committee on priv- report any submissions fromthe three - man commission, Six million sets had been or-jjleges and elections rejected politicians or public groups thatisaid he will appear before the dered in January, before it was|Thursday a proposal to make/form the basis for 'further committee to give reasons for time to fill 2,000,000 of them.|bution commission justify in! Conservative and Libera liaries. Orders for 4,000,000 were re-ipart any further changes it/members, however, said this) Mr. Lewis said the commis- turned and a freeze placed on makes in electoral boundaries.| would tend to tie the commis-|sion's report will be ready 'not Mr. Gordon told the Commons commission to - reconsider its : sae ; that the mint has been working/recommendation that the num-|Was rejected. sion," which normally would three shifts.a day, six days ajber of seats in the legislature Roderick Lewis, clerk of theibegin in January, 1966. 000. Up to Wednesday, orders Many provincial politicians for 1,100,000 sets had been filled| were upset at the alterations to at a price of $4.00 a set. riding boundaries suggested in ance of these 2,000,000 sets will, Reg Gisborn (NDP -- Went- be produced and shipped out/Worth East) said the commis-| before the end of July," Mr. "Consequently by the end of LONDON (CP) Islington July . . . the mint can begin tojbank clerk Robert Platten, 40, produce sets to meet the re-|is getting set for his third cross- ders had to be returned earlierjsummer -- in a 15 - foot craft on in the year, and of any|shaped like a whisky bottle. His others who are entitled to pur-jearlier voyages have been in a about international understand- Britain than did direct censor- way 105 south of Ear Falls will Be Sk Marine Cpl. Robert Craw- at An Suk, South Viet Nam. Springfield, Mo., Marine's nounced a new section to the|Hines, 22, a 212-pound fullback with communist Viet Cong minute fire fight. The --AP Wirephoto Canadian newspaper or period: |tract with Edmonton Bekimos| Minister Gordon announced coins. He lifted a freeze on fur-- TORONTO (CP) -- The legis-,sion should include in its next,legislature and a member of decided to work the mint over-|Ontario's independent redistri-\changes in electoral boundaries.|changes made in riding bound- en accent vonty a The committee has asked the sion's hands and the proposal later than the next regular ses- week to fill the orders for 2,000,-\be increased to 117 from 108,\; "It is expected that the bal- the commission's report. Gordon said. | PIONEER TRAVELS AGAIN quirements of those whose or-jing of the English Channel this chase sets." barrel and a powered bedstead. | FOR FULL INFORMATION CALL 50 PRINCE ST. Go t Lie d--P lized Servie vernmen' ence ersonalized Service OSHAWA CAPITAL T.V. SERVICE Operated by Oxford T.V. Enterprise Ltd. Radio and T.V. Service and Repair "Specializing in one-year contract service" STATION PLAZA 728-9481 Business of the Week OSHAWA QUALITY FUELS Oshawa Quality Fuels stresses its quality products and 24-hour free service. The business, with many new and satisfied customers being serviced, was estab- lished three years ago. There are now five employ- ed by this progressive firm. Proprietor Steve Kisil has been in Oshawa since 1951. He is married, has three children, one 242, one 14 and the other 16. Mr, Kisil is an ardent hockey fan, and enjoys hunting and fishing. He is a member of the Ukrainian Business Club. The company spon- sors a team in the baseball league and has a team in the town and country hoc- key league. For that "must" in fuel service -- the best and most efficient --call Oshawa Quality Fuels at 728-0762 or drop into the office at 30 Bloor St. E. RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL PAINTING & DECORATING "40 years experience to serve you" DELUXE PAINTERS 216 MeNAUGHTON 728-1373 3 ~) BILL'S SERVICE ROSE| STATION 2,Licensed Mechanics General Repairs L. ELDON NELSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIFE le AUTO FIRE q MORTGAGE INSURANCE @ Wheel Balancing 723-3584 352 WILSON S. 53 HILLCROFT, OSHAWA 723-4812 electric heating brings you room-by-room comfort control Only with flameless electric heating can you control the tem- perature in every room. Electric heating is completely even heating . . . no cold spots, no rushing blasts of heat, no chilly drafts. For more information, talk to your qualified electric heating contractor, or ask... Oshawa Quality Fuels STEVE KISIL, Prop. "We Stress the Quality Products and 24-Hr. Free Service" BLOOR E, 728-0762 30 MCKEEN'S Used Furniture & Appliances New and Used Furniture "The Prices are KEEN ot McKEEN'S" 426 SIMCOE S. 725-5181 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. COMPLETE & BUILDING SUPPLIES Builders' Hardware 728-1611 BOX 368, OSHAWA your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY This Ad is worth $20.00 off any water system, softener, or 3-piece remodelling job --- one per customer - March 1 to July 31, 1965, We sell, install and repair plumbing foucets, fixtures, water sys- tems, softeners, rental water heaters, disposals. DO IT NOW! 725-8563 JIM HURVID PLUMBING & HEATING LEWINGTON'S WESTERN FLOWERS ELECTRIC Wire Service RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL through F.T.D. - U.LF.C. WIRING ELECTRIC HEATING "Flowers speak for all Occasions" SPECIALISTS Connections For Dryers, Heavy 24 KING E. 728-6211 OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 -- InCo-operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ..... . . . TELEPHONE 668-5878 AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION ...... . . . TELEPHONE 942-0500 PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ... .. . TELEPHONE 942-2930 Aluminum Products Free Estimates ond Gueranteed Workmanship @ Siding @ Awnings @ Doors @ Windows @ Railing 160 Wilson S. 723.2619 J dh ral Duty Ranges, Hot woter Tanks, Ete. A OSHAWA -- 725-0842 _

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