Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Apr 1965, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Apri 30, 1968 Split level -- 4. bedroom Homes with gorages and cor- 120--Reel Estate for Sale 23--Real Estete Wanted |26--Apartments for Rent 28--Room and Beard 20--Real Estate for Sale mea 4 Properties For Sale or Rent DOWNTOWN Sophisticated with $3,500, down. elevator service and intercom AND ANNAPOLIS: system. Model suite furnish- 29---Wanted to Rent 30--Automobiles fer Sale ST AND MOVE | OUTEKGEPING catios jacit 9 Sted = --=--_jld_boy, $10 week . oor nd aad alll eatienlmteand a --|. oO THe CHECKERBOARD Yh a wl rig, eis ape 'Adult Living 4 beard tor gent in ane ! Over 'A Quarter Century TASMOFL (icin itr") DO IT NOWL | oot oe econ at ase Metcalf | BOLAHOOD | Se your home wih us | CASA MANANA |i estes , sf your ome wi us come. SCHOFIELD-AKER TATE LTD B R @) T H F RS g a [ e 'al S COMMUTER'S FARM | ond get TOP DOLLAR, COURT Some foe oe Fle ek Ri i i LIMITED BFALES : --Reol Estote-- law ot _ Bs ord We have SPOT CASH and Spacious 1-2- and 3 bedroom cawrcenan BANK emploves Sag O U 40 King St. E. ---Insurance--~ SETTING THE 1% storey, 10 room frame Term Buyers. oa suites, featuring modern located, Telophone i WIiby keb-SESS "doy 723-2265 728-4678 --Mortgages--~ PACE FOR | house. Now ol Jumoce Per equipped kitchens, vanities |time, Ask for Peter Rabiraon, fi -- D ¥ SHAWA get ter ag ea tor FREE APPRAISAL eee Ce eee with or without 'board, gentleman 2 WOODLEA--JUST LISTE rene A Ameen 1e) 36 ft x 71 ft. Priced * rooms, private balconies, Soc i i tol H ave f See ee teen | HEATED ELECTRICALLY STEVENSON RO. N. auick sole, ot only $16,000 | 4. NO OBLIGATION |, broadioomed corridors, twin Fa, a | een nome, gay ind fully decorated, King Se Went, Sicko [OT ae d by Wilson's Furnit 00k ide Acres. ports al ing fe est. ric stor e y gon s urniture, Four A ADI LT! ri loomed throughout, except | paved street fully poid serv- | 16% 44 plus 20 foot. oddi- OPEN HOUSE GEorge S. Stone Call 723-2265 IMMEDIATE eon tf sporti i oy Oy Bedroom .. Beauty kitchen and 3 bathrooms ices, veo + fen au priced tion at reor. Zoned anol : Doily 2 - 5 p.m., or by, 9p Port Perry y pe 4789. ares Double attached gorage, ot $16, up. foom apartment overheo pointment. Homes with $500, Le hovenetie" Will care aoa Seabiece. Built in > with 3 bedrooms, Hot water winter works bonus. Follow 985-2632 OCCUPANC ont iy Ae Also =z Economy glans Grid court 0p shove, DON'T MISS OUT oil furnace Property suited Park Rd, S, to Phillip Murroy | Agents for H. Keith Ltd., Realtor 'SCHOFIELD- AKER Ca woe a6 'ad ot Taylor 728-3921, f 169 ' i late 5-room for any business. Priced at Ave. r nt THREE - BEDROC modern bungalow birch cupboords in the This very immaculate 5-r for any v CAKE SCUGG0 'erm 25. acres | cholce vies vd BEDROOM modern nu id uA Per ormance x 12' ktchen. This home bungalow has lovely dining only $32,00 with terms. Coll LIMITED Follow Park Rood North to JOSEPH BOSCO and hard water on tap, city conveniences, phone 728-0135. has everything you could room, finished rec: room large Mr. Jack Appleby at 728- two barns and hen house with hydro. and Anderson St., West on An- are : ask for end in o prestige attached garage, paved drive, 5123 or 723-3398. Phone 728.7377 aera ene Price $16,000, pert OVER A ig bye darter *0 Nipigon St oy Mey De wor" 'Sam one ...Price oreo Call us now for on beautifully landscaped, large, 5 ort Per BOSS CENTURY OF § aA ter viel seachicn 720-2645, deep lot with flagstone, fenc- HIGHLAND AVE, DAIRY FARM, in excellent condition, 200 ye set 2% 9 pin' daily MODERN three-bedroom house wanked in| -eppointment to view, SPECIAL acres of good land. Large barns, chicken e INCOME HOME | vicinity of north General Motors. Posses-| 72 ed, patio at rear. Located on house, implement shed; good bush and e tefl a a ' ' FINUCANE STREET Hortop street, asking ' only 4 Bedroom home ond new |siream. Well appointed sight-room home,| | "HAVE genuine "CASH" buyer for GUIDE {sion June 1. Veleonone Then? | You'll Find. It At H, 3 home thot is DIF- 14,900.00 with your low Immaculate 614% room mod- ' "i four-piece bath, all decorated, Priced to|three-bedroom older house in Oshawa.| WANTED TO RENT, 'age, in the lere isa P : 250 sq. ft. office with par sell, only $31,500. Terms. Call W. Craw-|Call Charlie Rankine at 728-5157 or | Oshawa Shopping Centre ares, to store FERENT. 9 yeor old 5!2 down payment if necessary. ern brick 1% storey home ing. Excellent condition, suit- |ford, Blackstock 64869. H, Keith Ltd,|728- '1682, Active Realty Lid. la boat, Telephone 723-1279, : x 9 0 . be sure and see this lovely with private drive and gor- Realtor. | OFFICE manager urgently requires three, room bungolow with goroge able for profesional suites or nt Sala ear ee 24--Stores, 1, Offices, Storage| 7044 121 'bedroom house in Whitby for June 15! Seaway located on a landscoped lot home today. age. Contoins 4 good size |. business and home combined Soe 60' x 146', Very privote D CRESC bedrooms, spacious living room larse private yord, Zoned 22--Lots for Sale oie _ - -| Sees" wir dase asta acetyhe back yord with renee ond BERNHARD C ae with oe 4 ag i C-1. Box No, 131, Oshawa OFFICE SPACE GOVERNOR MANSIONS | ranm with house and "barn, 90 peres| pio "Cthatral cating in| Large Acadroom, 2 stsrey | mie edboth wih vanity, | ina TROUT STREAM 2 Bedroom Suite arm eine ori, Se * living room ond beautiful stone fireplace. Newly fin- room, Vender closets in oll 3 bedrooms: This home has mony other extras, Call today for ap- home with gorage ond large family room at ground floor schools. Ideal east end loca- tion. Only $15,900.00 with reasonoble down payment divided basement with lovely recreation room, plus many more extras. Asking only 1 Bedroom Suite ADULTS ONLY PRIVATE SALE TWO 10 ACRE LOTS AVAILABLE | Stone front, Hollywood kitchen, mahogany trim and cupboards throughout, divided basement. Close to shopping, al! schools, {churches and buses. Full price $15,500 $4500 each AJAX 942-0703 |TWO-BEDROOM apartment, _refrigera-| | ine Beant | BUNGALOW" |finf*tuieghtb insane" | for, stove, private bathroom, private en-| france, laundry facilities, parking. Avail- CUSTOM SPORT Times WANTED -- adulf family" requires | two} apariment. house by May 15, "eae Convertible, full radio. automatic, 1957 METEOR ished rec level. This is a brand new , being transferred only rea- electrically heated home by $16,200,00 with good terms. 3 i -- heey woll ONE 15 ACRE LOT ise TELEPHONE 725-9976 between 12 noon and 10 p.m, FORDOR SEDAN son for selling, Coll to- Blok Construction Ltd, now See this one now to inspect broadioom. Finished _ recre- $800 Per A In Times Building 723-1712 728-2911 A FULLY furnished cabin treiler for one night, to-morrow may be neorly completed with. all the and make an offer. Call Mr, ae digalth sta oer er Acre 6 ek week, Telephone 723-7984, Economical 6 cylinder engine : | Jim Brady ot 728-5123 .0 lose to all schools rice "W ime. or Appointment RERUNS EM ARG ond radio, Low mileage on too lote | lotest features, Call now for 7938 Gaba r $16,900. Apply 495 Fairleigh or will discuss terms. CONTACT ~ APARTMENT 30--Automobiles for Sale this rebuilt motor. erations SUTHERLAND AVENUE sik covpateh tem agape Ave. Contact af L WILSON | Northend location be | low cost summer transporto- Ideal for retired couple, 5 | GRANDVIEW GARDENS | VACANT 728-2413 BILL 'MILLAR | . . Ti | bedrooms, $115 up. June BUY SELL 1 oe oes a law a Pe se A delightful ranch bungolow | MUST BE SOLD 2 725-1186 At the imes | possession n | 1962 FORD quiet street. Garage ond just ee et Look, only $9,900 full price FOUR BEDROOM BUSINESS LOCATION 728-9466 | GALAXIE FORDOR SEDAN poved drivewcy, 2 bed- | fee room, : Ml for this 7 room 114 storey | 2 STOREY BRICK W. T. LAMSON.. STEVE ZURBA, Realtor OR TRADE a " rooms, living room and in ber, bui Ay vty oF ne home, with garage, Owner will | REAL ESTATE LTD 222 BOND ST, WEST 25 Bond West Chestnut finish with match- separate dining room, Ask- e ----, tg pier sie consider low down payment | Treed Lot 85' x 170' ; bate 2 : 1500 or 900 sq. ft, suitable | THREE - ROOM unfurnished basement) Terms Availoble. All Cors | (no interior, 352 V-8 "-- ing $13,500. Call for fur- ; or | and one mortgage for bol Neor School and Shoppin | ; : artment. Private bath and entrance.| Are fully reconditioned and | and standard transmission. basement. Call now for your | | 9 for any kind of business, Con- | parking avaliable. Near tH ' i i ther porticulars:, ; once. Tn inspect and make | FOR SALE y 9 avaliable ar South General uarenied | One locel owner with low appointment to inspect this | en Stee wale far Mr Rov Yeo | Oil Heat, Fireplace ee hoice building lots ona main | tact Mr, Ermon at 725-2066 fg shal One child welcome, Telephone! 9 | mileage, A-} throughout, MOVE IN AND START lovely executive home. ot 728-5123 or 725-2217, | $2.500. DOWN | travelled road, Two available or 725-1367 ONE-BEOROOM opariinent "with 7g" | FOR THE SPORTS $ | with stream. Apply Mrs. S. = $s| 1961 METEOR LIVING IN THIS BEAUTY | with stream. Apply 5: >: STORE FOR RENT. Suitable for any|slove. Available now. Adults only. $75 MINDED | Sie licet ne belek MELROSE STREET BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD, $12,900. FULL PRICE | A. Hamilton, R.R. No, 2, type of business. Siation Plage. Phone| monthly, Telephone 725-3756 | TUDOR SEDAN bungalow in _immoculate 5% room rench, large kitchen . | 101 Simcoe Street North CALL COLLECT | Qrono, Ont. or Phone 1R16, | 728-4113 |ONE-BEDROOM apartment. Furnishea 1964 PONTIAC fe] GAG Wilh londe OF euaboares Cian Evan tani -OLL Orono lor -- unfurnished Telephone 468-4408, PARISIENNE Tutone black and white con- condition. Large living : h a ig edtckieks J PORT PERRY 985-7310 | 25------Houses for Rent | Whitby trasting interior, Economical soa: week iearade, ong peat g bulge algae ultowe |FURNISHED room for two gentiemen,| Convertible, automatic, radio, 6 cylinder engine and radio. t kitche i ,4 thr , el single beds. Good home, ne th Gen- Somer windows, 4'pc.beth- | sited bedrooms, partial ree, Wereattanete aga, som, kom! TWO CHOICE LOTS outst ANDING _ [tri uaor: Teononhtsan"™"" 2") 2,way power, werranty in | Low down peyment handles room has vanity and pure room, paved street, and with- 124m Keith Peters Realtor, Lid in residential oreo, excellent SUNSET GARDENCOURT --~ Simcoe eee . 5 u COOK AT THIS! B brick b 3 z pe treet orth. Two-bedroom apartment, vinyl tile. floor. Double in walking distonce to low being bull on Stevenson Rost ieten,| location, 94 foot frontage, s,'s130,, 1963 PONTIAC 1962 FAIRLANE 500 TUDOR SEDAN Sunlight yellow, finish, auto 1. ower ' t intment to see, with $2,100 down, Will be ready for sum 4 bedroom, large living room Ae eee eos, a R "af ' matic transmission, radio and 6 WYCHWOOD AVENUE ; | k BA mer occupancy, Act now. This is the only 15 ACRES with ever flowing trout stream, . with broodloom extra large -- J25°7759. sions ee ree 1963 MERCURY COMET whitewalls, 26,000 original INVESTMENT Very delightful 5' room eo dhe Shectit at SHOR Rane ea i Bin' se vonten Tie an es ee kitchen 15 x 24, extra 2 pe ONE-BEDROOM apartment, four rooms, miles. Guaranteed A-1, odern finished brick bun- Estate Lid.,, 728-6286 fond, Galt Bill Swarbeice 738-6206 washroom and many extras, refrigerator, stove, in apartment build. Convertible, automatic, radio, : modern REALTOR Hyman, Reai Estate Lid ing, Available May 1. Apply 68 Wayne Sharp! Good investment for the selow on lot mde omen for $1,000, OWN: Full Brice only $11,000 BEAUTIFUL buliding lots, 100 11, x 150, Off Hormony Rd. N Street, Apartment 9, bbe a 1963 FORD clert buyer with about atta gorage, 3 bedrooms, ed in the Northwest, Call 7286786 $p,|{t., Cash OF terms, $1,100, MeGill Real MODERN apartments available, large F $5000 CASH, Five rooms hollywood = kitchen, dining SMALL FARM Rumen, Maal eile ia as, § Estate Broker, 728-4285 $125 Monthly two and three-bedroom suites. Refrigera FOR EVERYONE 'ORDOR gat 44 in aoch unit and two bath- erea ond rec. rem partially 6 miles from Oshawa, 114 | SIX-ROOM brick bungalow, hot water|teevfe sostaiin" Norn east location. Tele tors and stoves. swimming pool. 728-3465) 1965 METEOR SEDAN ee Vian = cag romatie i finish Onh 14,900.00 q 2 'heating, finished basement. apart : THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, erior, V-8 engine, automati: rooms, Good location in wey ed fas pie nt | storey 6 room home, large send Taal Arde ace rtant Taresernity SCUGOG POINT, summer lot for sale, centrally located. Adults only, Available. Avtomotic, 2-way power ra- transmission, Sold new and west port of city. One unit with your low gown payme born, This property includes (renting at $120 per month. Call John 66' x 100', close to water and store, $500 728-7096 May |. Apply 213 Albert Street dio. Full warranty serviced by us. has finished rec, room, you can move immediately Rosnik 728-9466, Steve Zurba Realtor, for quick sale, Port Perry 985-7076 s 5 ITBY 4 ! h h 24 acres good level land _ me AJAX -- Brand new three-bedroom brick| WHIT One and two-bedroom apart Both in immaculate con- Call us right now---this one | 4000 down Balance on $1,750 DOWN buys this three-bedroom! CHOICE wooded ravine lots, vavallabie in bungalow, split entrance, paved drive ments, new building, all modern: conven 1963 DODGE SEDAN 1964 GALAXIE 500 AL dition. Coll tonight for | won't last | easy terms, Call 728-.9466, | bungalow with divided basement, fenced|!wo different areas of the city. Call S. D. quia landscaped, Built-in stove. imme. (ences: Telephone Whitby 668-8560 "I 4 | a y e : lot and private drive, located close tojHyman Real Estate Limited, 728- 'ne diate possession. $125 monthly, 942-2313, ONE-BEDROOM apartment, private en standard shift, Warranty still | more information. E : 'Til N schools and bus, Full price only $14,200. = trance, laundry facilities r in effect | R Open Evening 'Til Nine CHADBURN STREET For more information ask tor Les Halil 23-----Real Estate Wanted TWO - bedroom apariment in new apari-|ment outce, avaiable: Mav t" Bron sot | Daffodil yellow and black EXCELLENT BUY ° { at S$, D. Hyman Real Estate, Limited. ment building, stove and refrigerator. 952, . 90 V-8 ye 4 Dial 728-4678 | 5 room brick bungalow, spot- 728-6286 Available June 1. Apply between | and)" 196] PONTIAC vinyl top, 3 0° "6 engine, For the person wanting te lee ehmiton Cloak ia alt tk "aOR -- 5 p.m. 822 Glen Street, Apt, 303. BOWMANVILLE Three-room apart | 4 speed transmission, power sender' G real aaed older : j s i . Close a EPAIR SHOP Including three-bay ga ment, private bathroom, second floor, un 2-door, 6 cylinder, automatic Pe i die; buck F 9 Ken Hann Jack Osborne schools, low taxes. Asking |rage and showroom, and operated as in THREE-BEDROOM - house, near South| turnished, heated, available immediate! A id buy! renee WORRRee Cort umes 4 home into @ duplex. Ideal ; : | " dependent service garage with two self General Motors, close to school and bus. f ; " GOCd Duy et seats, 6,000 original miles 4 r ; ; ; location end ecod park Bob Johnston Dick Borriage 3,000. down. Call 728-9466, contained apartments, semi-detached. | $115 monthly, Phone 725-9591 $65, monthly. Telephone Bowmanville 623 pe , 6, ; 9 Brow erring. Joe Mago cated in northeast end of the city. $8,000 -- ee i 1961 MORRIS OXFORD eal toy eA TWO-, AND THREE-BEDROOM LISTINGS Listed only $19,400. and d 8 s 728-9466, 6---~ ONE., Gud uae a ae a MEMBER O.D.REB : SHARBOT STREET down, Balance on easy terms 466 2 Apartments for Rent apartments, available immediately, re-| Sedan. Clean: Mechanically 1962 FORD GALAXIE goed deal more. Located Clean 6 room brick bungalow | ig "aces. Ritson Road, nerth of "elly nen Ca ponte OHien a ne fe Al. hist north of Kinet St en with walk out basement, |iimits. Potential sub-dividing land. Close ARE "10 © p.m, or Guide Neaity, Limited, COUNTRY SEDAN Pork Rd, North large back yord, ténced in, [1p School, Asking saaiaee, Far full' pare THE CAVALIER ada, 1960 CORVAIR SEDAN Corinthian white with red in- : io ' C A with full grown trees. Inspect |jgiin Realtor ee i MODERN APARTMENTS, 'relrigeraior,| Radio, Economical: Shorp! terior, Economical -- family q SOMERVILLE STREET this tonight. Call 728-9466. | speciaui modern levenfoom' brick BEING The Most Modern Pi ee Pall rl pega tt transportation with 6 cylins 4 BEDROOM HOME REALTOR bungalow with five reoms and Ue ree preferred, Apply Superintendent, 32] Mar- 8, Medium Rental 1958 PONTIAC SEDAN der engine, Guaranteed A-1, seen | |room rented basement apartm: land Avenue. 723-436 j $21,900.00 || We have one, two and | |cellent whitby location. only 517.0 with uw "ul es a Clean, safe transportation. Junt 3 years old end too. | 519 Brock St: South || three bedroom apart. (stage meonr Rew rm388, "PURCHASED Apartments Tae ate tegeer PRLS 67' conn 1959 CHEVROLET ed with extras such os WHITBY, ONTARIO ments now renting for | SiX-ROOM ranch" bungalow. Finished in Oshawa ere Te Te ENE -AUsee. ' BEL AIR built-in stove and oven, rec. | Jal . wianuisin . | |basement. Double car port, One acre lot e | FEATURING aaaunem BOOK iwarbeareont weit | . ie, automatic, radio, TUDOR HARDTOP ; $ : 'i | iT " | wo-bedroom apar i 4 , SS ee Whitby 668-5868 pai 7 $115. up. 'Coll | sation siteat or Ake st. Phone | EATURIN ment, refrigerator and range. Controlled gGnd: Ruy Red with eeatehiewn Seer, A rre | . . B le 623-2413, j entrance, Inter-com., laundry facilities : . | qui enly censon for selling. Toronto 925-2965 728-9466 loamanvilie 4 re 1G) @ Exclusive decorating. i Mand Aves. Abh 16k OF sae. Get your free Glassware! | ng with \e yg on } | Claremont 649-2109 : | etronna nt atiteeaonerene Tce tenes | @ Electrie heating with fin- phone 728-9094 with purchase of Fine Products, | adie, reenecu late tl eughe BROOKSIDE ACRES large kitchen, two extra Mis ana SELL < gertip control, in each MODERN 'two-bedroom apartment, range Apical BA * to 7 PM out, 'Low n payment, Levely 6 room ranch bun- | bath in basement, $16,900. 111 Wilson room at no extra cost, a retrigerator, swimming Gor ney. 10 icensed mechanic on duty y . } LARGE FAMILY? j 10 ACRE LOTS Road South. Close to King Street. 725-4263. & Conveniont.te shopping General Motors. Telephone 725-5557 full-time, 1964 FORD golow with attached gar- Only 6 miles from Oshawa on ATTRACTIVE heated collage for rent. SUNSET GARDEN COURT, Simcoe 5 ' ! age. Large corner lot 80' x pee s ay pone re youl paved road. Have your home Lake Ontario, nine miles east of Osh YOUR HOME and bus Street North Two-bedroom apartment CUSTOM FORDOR SEDAN 155' professionally land- : een enreen 16% 1s)" | baile On any Oda Bt thane. 10 awe) two bedcoomty city Conveniences, @ Plenty of free parking Wilh paglo. aha ail conveniences, Adult liv Hackne Motors Caspian: bus Wik indiahion scoped. This attractive as been built into this well neengy /Diig hte he: ay-October le Box ) Oshawa Prof 1 full D ' ion Vel , acre lots or fu intorma- Times rofessiono! full time man- FURNISHED two - 'bedroom apartment, interior, V-8 engine, autome- home. is only 4 years old end offers mony desirable maintained semi - detached brick home in Whitby. Rec.- tion call 728-9466, ° CALL | agement, that cores for your comfort, FOUR-BEDROOM bungaiow, north-east,' y. For in: adjacent to public school, kitchen-dinette | formation, telephone 723-5892 1180 Simcoe North | | tic transmission and aque lock rear end, Police cruiser room; -water softener; paved ' i "i iti Se ate, cree | Geist solidly bat, compoct |. 259.BOND ST. WEST [Sir Sed Preston Gath. tnaed reores 728-9474 | @ Numerous other features. |27--Rooms for Rent 728-0031 is aie pac aia as , vailabl , " , 0 . ms ror Ker a ie iutaaticl pertics brick storage shed; aluminum 728-9466 Sieg AP ater lt laine al a ieee lala MODEL SUITE FURNISHED é . | 1963 FALCO storms - ond screens. Nicely ' BRICK DUPLEX consisting of two four by Reliable Furniture ATTRACTIVELY KELLY NEY | 1963 LCON JUST. LISTED landscaped lot. Only 5 tan Wen eee ee oe NOW ? : LLY DISNE : om ap: y » good FURNISHED ROOMS | FORDOR SEDAN a Siac A hisbenin hide minutes walk to school. Ask income property pislentone Les Hall at | Open from 2 p.m | S » | USED CAR LTD. Gleaming block with éen | yman Real Estate Limited, . , ' i on a lovely ravine lot, at shea fing tobd isis id | |e. cas e till 9 p.m, daily Avoilable in private home, | 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST trasting interior, Economeial 7 tractively decoreted and you' through é | |six. ROOM home on Gibbons Street,! Call between 5 and 7 p.m, | WHITBY --- 668-5891 6 cylinder engine with radie ' broadloomed = throughout. | | Im lot, low taxes, close to all achools, PAUL At 400 Grenfell Street 2 PAR D : | \ and rear seat speaker, Low Hl The Wat ae bela | | bus 'at door. No agents please. Priced ai : | Cars bought and sold il in Al | electric heots finished ree, pen ite ree, rae | af ane 6 Core ave 728-867 | | Liens peid of condition Pei : That's all it takes to carry : | (off Park Rd, §.) Wrath : room, walk-out basement e orry Si clhecsaa Properties | ISTOW LTD CLEAN furnished sing! Trade up or down 5 bedrooms for q and o built-in garage. Kit- this 3-hedroom brick bun | ° 5. e a ntl vprival hone. Central. Ph Al t lit end 0 built-in gorage: Kit gow situated oft 34 For Sale or Rent 725-9934 - 728 4283 _gertionen rai Doe. SAT. Phe ee ol) 19S9 ape cupboards and a lovely wm quie itby residen- EALTOR WIDOW with comfortable home offers FORDO! DA view over the ravine, Only tial area. Priced at only $14,- POW-WOW POINT NOW RENTING housekeeping rooms to middie + aged Smart tutone red and white ; 000. Call Noel Edey to ins- @ Year-round Resort - et RU ad oa for companionship. Poid for, Good clean cars. tinleh, "-qutematie "tvanenss | 2 years old, Give us a call to-night pect | REALTOR--728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST Pen Loke @ Planned Recreation, Dances 187 King St. E. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM -- Sul! two will- ing to share,.single beds. Close to north NONQUON Trode up or down, Liens paid off, sion and radio, $16,900. RANCHER SMARTLY PLANNED . ine Foods, Oven-fresh ' | General Motors. Parking. Telephone DODD MOTOR SALES * Keewatin Street--~close to 3-bedroom, 5 year old brick tells WOULD YOU... | tll | 314 PARK RD. SOUTH ; bunoalow t th of H, Luxury lakefront suites, bun | TWO unfurnished rooms, Must be abstain. new public school now un- 9 just north of Henry galows. rooms, $56-$70 Like to know the value of ers, Parking, No children, Telephone 723 9421 MANY OTHER A-] ; dad ean tion, hand St. High School in Whitby. ' > 723-4525, -- -- --~ t construction, handy to Th SATURDAY 2 TO7 PM weekly, American Plan, Write your home on today's market 39-4525 Beas ; Grandview Golf Course. L is home has attached brick . Box 387, Huntsville or call | Are you interested in cash? bd SINGLE ROOM for rent, central location. | G shaped living ond dining garage, large combined kit- P 2 705-789-4951 Wa have buyers for homes Closa to bus, Telephone atter 6 p.m., BUYING OR SELLIN USED CARS } room, very modern kitchen chen ond dining area, good | Drive south from No. -| up to $20,000 cash, No obli- |Rents starting at $115 SSPE | : with built-in range and size living room and 4-pc highway on Thickson's PRIVATE SALE gation 2 7 ole en atthe hoya aient| TED CAMPIN TO CHOOSE FROM pact 3 bidreoine i6t dize coloured tile bath, F.A, oil id to fmt stract and MODERN COTTAGE, furnish- AL | @ Featuring 1, 2 & 3 bed- home, near' south General Motors, 'Also| i 50 x 140'. Too value at heat. On lot 52 x 143. Car- : ed, Lake Weslemkoon, 3 bed- CALL rooms garage or parking. Gentleman preferred, | MOTORS : Gs ada | ree for, $103. monthly. ink then : es to = jastha wah, cichae lena DON STRADESKI @ Reinforced Concrete Sound --_|nspection invited, Telephone 7282014, | * : | cluding taxes. Call Noel east. Split levels an lnvoleted: electric hace a REALTOR Proot $10 SHARED MOTEL accommodation: | { sulated, , goo 5 14 single units; i : ~ THREE LOVELY HOMES Edey. ranch bungalows all fishing and' hunting, 2 years 728-1275 e Electrical Heating, Pouca. NIGMIY F¥iou $44ne 41. Teleprene| SO RING ST. o> OSHAWA LOW, LOW DOWN ' IN BEAU VALLEY 6.8 ACRES with attached garages. old. Priced to sell . 4 te po System ice 4 i . (Just East of Wilson Road) 4 } i -C + cle hed 8, bed : ALL. DIFFERENT ko eoed bic a ae Write Box 381 Madoc WE WILL PAY CASH FOR @ Hi-Fi Radio in apariment, Vicinity. Simcoe and. toe 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 PAYMENTS i Now available for the biilter ie Gan ee HOME WITH A VIEW STURGEON LAKE -- Two cottages a! YOUR HOUSE. CALL © Balconies bec Streels.. Sultable for responsible lady, | ' ' { Spring Buyer requiring e peace, | s soom brick home in excel~ _|frarteni Pant lect Govt tr @ Underground Parking. | faigphone_ abe - ~--------|_ FINANCE'UP TO | : § All h | quiet and privacy of the i) ' e x trigerators, alt furnished, only four years CHURCH "STREET, "174 Single rooms | a early possession. All homes { country. From this lot you | lent condition with bathroom, |old. Asking $3,000 and $3,500, Now is the JOHN F DeWITH | for rent. Gentlemen preferred, abstain-| THE HOME OF : comatately decorated ond | have an unobstructed view of | broadioom in living and din- time mo ue Be mise | Reserve Now ers. Apply above addrass atier 4 p.m. | GOOD USED CARS 30 MONTHS | se vale A ved countryside, you can see Lake ing room, spacious rooms -- {Peters Realtor Ltd e REALTOR | FURNISHED rooms, ar gentlemen, will) H , | i ; i " ¥ $27 250. 1 Og | Ontario clearly. For details | throughout, double garage LAKE SCUGOG -- Three-bedroom, beach | Phone 728-9466 ce to south om. After 5.15 telephone! Before You Buy | ,250;. one with d- contact Noel Edey and workshop, good barn, | front cottage, on treed lot. Robert S. Mc Bowmanville 623-3950 725-8645, give Bill o try' * H rooms; all hove a built-in : | 191% acres mostly workable, | Callum Realtor, dial 725-6402 728-40] 4 |SINGLE rooms and board. Apply 25 Divi-| | i goroge, Trades accepted. | COMMERCIAL ACREAGE This property is only nine | COTTAGES FOR SALE -- 1, Located on | NEED sion Street, BILL WHITTICK { Don't delay till May -- | TROUT STREAMS miles from Oshawa in @ top --inour'trom Oshews, Fully erica tee [TWO "adloining rooms. refrigerator a / coll to-night FARMS LOTS | location with shade trees and | bedroom cottage --- OR -- 2. Just two) OLDER' TYPE HOME STEVE ZURBA jflove. Share bath. Close to North General] MOTORS LTD i Free, easy, safe parking | RESIDEN ; | country atmosphere but walk- [hours from Oshawa on beautiful. Horse Motors, Telephone 728-9257 1250 D DAS EAST 1 For full particulars call | es TIAL BUSINESS | ing distance to shopping, Cillsht leks frentense Cort lhtorrnchon 'or | Now ! | REALTOR |SURNIGKED Room mt ne Tr 668 Say 72 i! : | Open till 9 p.m church and school, Inspect appointment to see either of these cot-| | ROOMS for rent, single and double. Tel - -- j ah 65 : this new listing without obli- | |t#ges call 725-7610 between 5 p.m. and| For Cash Buyer Call 25 BOND ST. WEST ro ee jouble, Tele-|_ - . MOTORS 6.15, phone 728-2722 gation. | ; -- $ ALL CASH $ THREE-BEDROOM, | |FURNISHED room in quiet home, walk-| $17,900.00 ote eer ate actan| BILL JOHNSTON PARK LANE APTS, _ |ing,iistance from south GM. Gentleman) For clean cars or trucks. we ' / 1] SUITE ,900. [wiring inside "conveniences," boat, motor | Schotield-Aker Ltd. F v, ; + |preferred. Telephone 723-2408 deal up or down, Liens paid, | Near .Simeta. St. 'North' 6 and trailer, $6,300, Telenhone 723-9815. | uture acancies MAN to share large double room with | LIMITED | APARTMENTS sors Milek hcnaciaw citi &. RRGANUMEC OK ak pane bic, 728-106€ : ; single beds, central and tree parking. NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED ' a m to9 m mor [or ' aa WN jLake, roads, etc, $750. Free list, Ross CONTACT | Telephone 728-1816 146 BROCK ST. NORTH ahs p. ° $15,000 DOWN neha "i ' bi aha ond Sek ee Cant Ne Arden DON HOWE FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for Felined) -- --ACrase from Royal Hotel ' on extra room. bateeel br miles north east of Belle gentleman, Phone 728-6387 ~ "y, Authorized Deal. Morgaret Holl 723-1358 | home has an attached garage = |¥1'* on Highway 7 WANTED! | REAL ESTATE pee ss | Whitby 668-3331 For Ford's on ' Guorga Koornneet 723.2889 6% FIRST MORTGAGE and should be seen, sig ob RESORT on Wilson Lake in LISTINGS | 725 7732 28--Room and Board aaa Eg e Of Fine Products | 63 ie Pickere! ain; ioe lern col . - | Neil Campbel! 725-1015 $7.900.00 - jtages, sandy beach, gickerel, pike, bass ae ae : ACCOMMOBATION with "board for. three 1965 WILDCAT 1 Maible Boudreou 728.2233 Location off Park Rd., North, ; itishing Box 81, Ajax, 668-8967 S | B B Y ' S FURNISHED Bedroom and Kitchen on Rental ih. Watiby: Calennene sieacien 2 DOOR HARDTOP 200 Dundas St W. : rc thir feo) witabi wi ing 'Ou _ ' - . 4 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 | fully leased. For more ins $50.00 PER MONTH if pha Bl Lene rh ivate scattans en No laundry facilities, $60 monthly, Apply ROOM and board for gentleman. Apply; Loaded with extras. Only Whitby Margaret Lee 723-2894 | doninetion coll Bill Millar 725+ 14 cre lot; 8 room house (eta two bedrooms, 'sleeps sights 12 too! | Real Estate Ltd, 61 Kenneth of phone 728-6594, at 901 Walnut Street, Whitby after "5. 3300 miles... $4150 Ed Drumm 725-9345 | 1186 or 725-2557. with bathroom, small barn. \j aluminum row boat, $50 weekly or $95 for 728-7576 FOUR - ROOM apartment, private en-|ROOM and board or room only tor gen-| Four Courteous Salesmen Allon Thompson 728-2870 About 20 miles from Oshawa, | Weeks. Write Box 305 Oshawa Times trance and bath. Telephone Bowmanville tleman only. Shift' workers welcome! TELEPHONE 728-3036 To Serve You Steve Macko 728-5868 W. T. LAMSON | BUCENORN CARS = Cetteges tor yent,|" NEED bungalow in Cadillac, Highland, ree ial nie aot nea SOOM ea esd Sentiemeny home| between 11 aim. and 5 pm : : ping and trailer sites; boat d }| LaSalle area cash bi Call Bob! TWO rooms and kitchen, heat, hydro sup- am F gentleman, | Bs yl etd REAL ESTATE LTD. A REAL BUY ere ane conwanlancea, excellent fishing, Johnston at 728-5157. Reig Reciny Lim. plied ion now. Apply LT Ra cooking, 'lunches enced Shift workers PRIVATE oats =" 1964 Pontiac Parl 668-5893 ¥ t CB. 34% ACRES with 2 creeks, each. Open May |. Whithy 468-8332 ited Street between 6 and 9 evenings. welcome, 723-6257 2 sienne custom Sport convertible, complete 5 Reg. Aker 725-0201 RAGLAN -- Elghi-room insul-brick, two: qnod cedar bush, building |@OR SALE -- Large airy; fully furnished | THREN to lourbadrosm house aa hall'1o KING STREET EAST CS Comotelely (uc: ROOM "and" board "Tor Wwe Geritiaren | YeasuL aU Melons. New car caneiiian: NG} OPEN DAILY i Bill McFeeters 725-1726 lua can ae J rs : er informa ite. with ao view ter iviles Psa on 45 x ee iol, Lake Scugoo. twoacre lot ae »#" IN Good condition. mished Dachelor apartment 'in' private home cooked meals, parking glo jon ~cuRVROLAT. one » 123 ai a esthuber: venue er eat rs sher Wo! leigh Bivd., To Not f fr ty . Not 4 i Bus | tive-d k GM men preferred, + good t jon. 360 King St West [telephone "725-1900. . | Priced et $7300. with terme, rented HOG lattenne whine sankian: NOt more: then oh earner, Teeabane Tab des alee ¢ pan.lte aeuth' plant, Telephone 2304086, I Telephone Zabvien" renaperie 9 A.M. to 9 P.M,

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