Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Apr 1965, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 30, 1965 RADIANT BRIDES, HAPPY BRIDEGROOMS IN SPRING WEDDINGS ANN LANDERS Not Everyone Owns Sweet Tooth Dear Ann Landers; I'm a nice looking, middle - aged woman who is slightly over- weight. I love good food and I am not going to starve to death to squeeze into a size 14. I see no point in trying to be a carbon copy of those emaciated, con- sumptive women who call themselves models, A friend of mine is as skinny as a rat. She passes up desserts and never touches candy, ice cream or sodas, (She says she doesn't care for them,) How can anyone not care for hot fudge sauce, whipped cream cake and lemon meringue pie? my middie twenties and the mother of three children. Their father was killed in the service last year. Several months ago J fell in love with a musician who works odd jobs part-time and is now unemployed. Virgil is divorced jand his ex-wife has remarried. |She has their two children, | I invited Virgil to move in because he was over here all the time anyway. Besides, it was too hard on me to. drive him to his rooming house every night, sometimes as late as \4 o'clock in the morning. Peter Dimoff, and Mrs. Michael Toronto. --Photos by Ireland | =e statist ------------ | | of Jeanne Olive Emily, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Smith, Oshawa, to 'Shoppers String Bag Is Clue To Farmers' Market Location women out shopping often seem to be in the market for just} about anything that's going--| ishe counts herself ahead by| vi 8 sition. | ; | having staked out a position. | Once 'when 1 was busing Ap _ Moscow's central market is!pies the woman selling apples indoors but many of the stall) next door wasn't busy so she re- market are open-air. Most Of] moved two rotten apples I had jthe goods on sale are state| missed. I have no doubt the |produce but, particularly in the} man selling me the apples had open-air markets, you find "en-|, few words with her after-| trepreneurs"' selling goods from| wards. their private plots. These gen-| Wrapping is casual or non-ex- erally are higher in both pricelictent. If you don't bring your and quality. own carton or bag you will get This winter at the centrall your blueberries in a bit of| market the variety of Vege-\newspaper folded into a cone.| |tables for sale included potat-| 'phey have barrels. of whole oes, carrots, onions, beets and) qin) pickles which are scooped| cabbages. In January we dis-\on to the scales." If you don't| covered a few turnips and en-| nny a carton the wet pickles joyed the variety in our diet.| are dumped into your string bag Winter radishes were also avail- vith the other vegetables able. . : ; |. Sauerkraut and smetana--an Sometimes you can find) eycelent sour cream--are sold squash or cauliflower for sale in bulk so you must supply your| but the prices put them in the)... jars. luxury class. Cauliflower has| --- ' been the equivalent of $4.20 a) THE STARS SAY kilogram--2 1-5 pounds. Once By ESTRELLITA we bought a winter squash for 36. CUCUMBERS POPULAR FOR TOMORROW During the summer months) For the fifth day in a row, the open market stalls are busy.|stellar influences are extremely Last June we started buying at| generous, happily affecting both our local market and it was fun| personal and business interests, to watch the new fruits and veg-| Especially favored: contract ne- etables appear. gotiations, organizational mat- In June, cucumbers -- very\ters, property deals, financial popular here--began to show.|transactions, the development Radishes and small green on-|of new friendships. Just one ad-| Piccadilly R 1 the Hotell ions were also for sale but to-|monition: The te of the} on is Dikeue" 'ppg | Piecadilly Room. of the Hotell string bag matoes were in the luxury class| New Moon in the p.m. warns Eee on SA gud and "'The/Genosha, where the bride's! One of the first Russian words until July. I was with a friend! against over-emotionalism, pang 7 mother received, wearing pale|{ learned was rinok (ree'-nok),'who bought three: average-size ; Given in marriage by her\pink silk organza over taffeta! meaning market place tomatoes for $3. FOR THE BIRTHDAY father, the bride wore a formal|with a lace bodice, a matching, Besides learning the market-, July, August and September If tomorrow is your birthday, imported French peau de soi€ hat and accessories. The bride-| intelligence value of string bags|were good market months for|YoUr horoscope indicates that, gown with a neckline scooped in| groq9m's mother chose a pale|] also quickly learned all about/ fruit, Blueberries, raspberries, |#* of last week, you entered the French Guipure lace and seed/bjue twoxpiece lace dress and|queue-joining. strawberries, plums, pears and|second of an excellent 12-year pearls which also adorned the| white accessories and both wore Re excellent melons were on sale.| Planetary period where job and front of the full-length skirt, the) corsages of deep pink roses. Mr., EVERYONE QUEUES By September the seasonal|financial interests are con: sheath sleeves and bordered the|Harry Williams, Oshawa, acted| Russians have a great weak-)). i}. Jone Jargely gone but the/cemed. This cycle will encom- cathedral train, A crown Oflas master of ceremonies and|ness for lineups, When a Shop-| 12115 were full of apples. pass one of the most salutary| cnystals and pearls held _her}Canon F, G. Ongley of Oshawa) per sees one she gets into it and At our market a large area is periods in your life -- if you shoulder-length veil of bouffant! asked the blessing then finds out what She 1s! et aside for flower stalls. We make the most of it! As for French illusion and she carried) Before the couple left for a/queueing for. If it doesn't inter-| 2) 8 i, Moscow at lilac time! 1965, specifically, you can look a cascade of deep pink roses honeymoon in the United States,/est her she drops out of line.| 114 enjoyed buying the variety;{orward to an especially pro- amid stephanotis. the bride changed into a three- But if it does--and Russian of flowers as they blossomed|stessive uptrend in monetary Miss Irene Thaczuk was thejpiece maize ensemble of wool ~-- mayen er ry, . interests after September 1st-- maid of honor and the brides-|and mohair with fox-trimmed|>inths accented with Flowers are extremely popu-, 9¢ which will last throughout maids were Miss Karen Barnes,|stroller coat and matching two-' green, \lar and most shoppers leave the| 1966 and for outstanding Miss Linda Greeley, junior | piece sheath dress, beige hat The best man was Mr, Johnimarket place with string bags| 2chievement in career matters bridesmaid, and Miss Leslie An-|and accessories, with a cluster Grey, Toronto and the ushers)fyj| of fruit and vegetables in in mid-August, throughout Sep- derson, flower girl, all of Osh-jof yellow roses attached to her were Mr. Jack Christie and Mr./ one hand and a bouquet of flow- tember and the first half of awa. They were gowned alike beige clutch bag Scott Lee, both of Toronto. lers in the other. November, though the entire in fuchsia pink full length Mr, and Mrs. Woodman will The reception was held at the year will be generally excellent French peau de soie, toppedjreturn to make their home atiFlying Dutchman, Bowmanville, PRICES MISSING If you happen to be engaged with waist - length Guipure|607 Tennyson avenue, Oshawa. |where the bride's mother receiv-| Mushrooms are another pop-\in creative work, you, too, will jackets to match. The head-, Guests attended from P ock-|ed, wearing a pink silk suit with\ular item at the market. They) have a generous year, with out- dresses of the two senior brides-|ville, Pontiac, Michigan, Lon-|q matching chiffon blouse, a/are not only sold fresh, in sea-| standing periods of accomplish- maids were self petals and veil-'don, Ontario, Hamilton, Toronto.|pink petal hat and a corsage of|son, but dried and sold on Jong) ment indicated within the next) pink sweetheart roses. \strings during the winter, The|two wecks, in late June, late . . As the couple left on their)/man or woman selling them dis-| -- Dimott 7 Smith honeymoon to Antigua and Bar-| plays them by letting the mush- bados in the West Indies, the|room-laden strings dangle over| Northminster United Church|jaokets with deep V necklines|bride was wearing a deep pink|the shoulder. They cost $1.20 al was the setting fon the mar-jand long sleeves, Their head-|wool suit, matching hat and|string--for about 15 dried mush-| riage recently of Jeanne Oliveldresses were self bows worn atiblack patent accessories. On!rooms. | Emily, daughter of Mr, andithe backs of their heads andjtheir return, Mr. and Mrs. Dim-| Except for a few home-mad Mrs. Oscar Smith, Oshawa, to'they carried spray cascades ofjoff will make their home at 20|signs there are no price tags op) Peter Dimoff, Scarborough, son| Fiji chrysanthemums and hya-|Greencrest circuit, Toronto. lfruit and vegetable trays. The! of Mr, and Mrs. Michael Dimoff, ne - : Baas Bed sia = Hold it. This NORTHMINSTER Unit- ed Church was the setting recently for the marriage Dimoff, | shopper just has to inquire. Dpuble scales with weights | are} used for weighing pur-| |chages. The good shopper takes |care to see that only good prod- uce gets on the scales. On two occasions women in th. lineup behind me _ have obligingly plucked bad tomat- oes out of the lot weighed for me, scowled at by the salesman. The shopper's string bag is the clue to what you can buy in Moscow's fruit and vegetable markets, In this story, Joan Best, wife of Canadian Press correspond- ent John Best, tells what it's like to shop in the city's market places. ARLENE MARJORIE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sargant, became the bride of William Eric Wood- man, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Woodman, all of Osh- awa, The double ring cere- mony took place in St George's Memorial Church. WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by. The Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Woodman - Sargant St. George's Memorial Church, jing. The junior bridesmaid ~ j vas the setting on Sat-|flower girl wore self vetals and| pr ea rh esttoring *istreamers. The three brides- Arlene 7 (ae : .-|maids carried cascade bouquets Marjorie Sargant was united in of chrysanthemums tinted pink marriage to William Eric Wood-!nhe flower girl carried a white man in a double-ring ceremony. |nasket with baby chrysanthe- The bride is the daughter of Mr. mums tinted Sink @ith white and Mrs. Arthur Sargant and) comors falling from the her bridegroom is the son ofl andle -- Mr. and Mrs. John Woodman,) all of Oshawa Canon F, G, Ongley officiated By JOAN BEST MOSCOW (CP)--The secret of shopping for vegetables and) fruit in Moscow is to learn to 'follow the string bag." Instead of scanning newspa- per advertisements for bargains --you'll find neither produce ads nor bargains here -- the shopper must keep a sharp eye peeled for purchases carried by others who've already been to |the market. In that way, before you ar- rive at the market place, you have a good idea of what is on sale that_day and don't have to, spend! so™guch time looking) around. \ When we arrived in Moscow last June I set out to find the local open-air market. I had been told the general vicinity and, by following the route traced by people carrying pota- toes in string bags, was able to! locate the market During the summer months when many fresh fruits and vegetables were on sale I was often stopped on the street and asked where I'd bought toma-| The reception was held in the|toes or other purchases in my The best man was Mr. Wayne St. John and the ushers were he " inwed Ws Mr. Lloyd Woodman, brother of at the ceremony followed DyY\the bridegroom, and Mr, Wayne communion. Mr, F. A. Reesor! carcant, brother of the bride, all played the wedding music and " of Oshawa, accompanied Mrs. F. J f who sang "O Perfect Love', emerald Continental STEAM BATH and MASSAGE 6A Ontario St. 60 725-2109 officiated and the soloist, Mr.) Ross Cotton, Oshawa sang} Wedding Prayer'. and 'The Lord's Prayer' accompanied by son of Mr, |dying inside? I say she is, What When my relatives and friends asked when we got mar- ried | was ashamed to tell them the truth so I made up a date, Virgil has not mentioned mar- riage but I think he would marry me if I asked him to. To be honest I don't want to get married because I would lose, the government cheque that I've gotten every since my hus- band was killed, Please give me some practical advice.--Dilly Dear Dilly; Any man who would move in and allow a Is 't possible that she just says she doesn't like these things and that she is really do you say? -The whole club wants to know, -- Pleasingly Plump Dear Plump: I hope I don't ruin your day, Doll, but it is entirely possible that the skinny| rat has no interest in pies, cakes, fudge sauce and other] calorie-laden foods. Some people have a perpetual sweet tooth., Others just don't whi i eave tidh {ode ana can live| Widow and her children to sup- dahl et port him can't be much, Give very nicely without them. this parasite the heave-ho and (P. S. I enjoy desserts, candy,|find yourself a decent man who fudge sauce and the works--|wants to be a husband and a and I've been a size 10 for 27\father. years. So now you can hate both of use.) SPRING For the spring bride, here is a beautiful wedding gown that combines the new with the traditional. The dress is made of white Swiss organza embroidered with clusters of sweetheart roses. It is fash- ioned with a fitted bodice, a | Krtist-In-Wool | 'Hooks' Crosby POINT CROSS, N.S. Dear Ann Landers: I know _ you aren't a doctor, but can you Dear Ann Landers: I am in tell me (and millions of other oe "--iwomen) what to do about feet SAVORY APPLES that hurt all the time? Looking for something dif- ferent to serve with poultry?|look well from.9 to 5. My legs) Fill cored Ontario cooking/are @ bit on the heavy side and apples with well-seasoned poul-|high heels are a must for m try dressing and bake at 350) I tried attractive flats to see| ; degrees F until tender, aboutjif my feet felt better and ended|"° him personally, 40 minutes. Northery Spyjup with terrible pains in my| The artist-in-wool apples are good for baking and|ca give an attractive red color toheels and my feet are killing in platters of chicken or turkey, |me. "ho spent Phoenix, Ariz., RENEW YOUTH SERVICE | Are aching feet part of a/* smu woman's lot? If you say so I'll) The Lutheran Church of| j in America decided at a recent\naer' 2 ae Ae Barbies) meeting to reorganize its youth) Dear Dogs: service completely 1 the 1940s "--~|dogs: Massage your feet with|years she September and throughout No-\cream (any kind) every night|Portaits for such vember. Despite the promising|before going to bed; buy larger outlook, however, all Taureans shoes even if it means going up should avoid extravagance be-\a whole size. | tween June and September--| Some women but especially in August Personal. _ relationships also be under excellent ences for the next 11 years but,ja shoe that fits properly. STAR'S CURIOS SHOWN don't quired on location. (CP)-- whe |Elizabeth LeFort, whose tapes- I am a receptionist and mustitry "portraits" of famous peo- ple hang in many parts of the e.|world, has finished one of Bing Crosby and hopes to present it a Ives. Now I am back on high|busy time at her winter home} plying her} ok" at the rate of 55 stitches When Carrol Baker attended realize|the premiere of her new film their feet get larger as time|Mister Moses in Houston, Tex., willimarches on. They continue. tojthe theatre displayed the collec- influ-|ask for the same size instead of|tion of African carvings she ac- WEDDING » self-fabric belt and a floor- length belled skirt. A full, cathedral train is detachable and a half-crown of sweet- heart rosebuds and a white tulle veil form the head- dress. --By Tracy Adrian |Queen Elizabeth, Popes Paul, John and Pius XII, Presidents 'Eisenhower, Kennedy and John- ison, Lord Beaverbrook, John \Diefenbaker and Arthur God- ifrey. "Just one al She got into tapestry portraits | (OW after her famous) 04 pe Breton hooked rugs at-| You can do Datel Paget -- of -- ht ithings t i ing her ol ome here. Over the gs to quiet those barking Wag. Kookie tapestry| notables as Loan took care of all where 1965 is especially con- COLD cerned, look for happy develop- ments in sentimental matters! ON THE PREMISES eeeeennnenecrcee within the next three weeks,| from mid - June through mid- Repairs & Remodelling By Expert Furriers No Notice Required when coat July, in late August, late Sep- tember and-or late November; desired --- immediate service. 725-6312 MORRISON FUR CO. on domestic harmony for most! of the year, and on stimulating, 48 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA eel @ FREE PICK-UP @ BONDED DRIVER @ FREE ESTIMATES our debts,' LIEUT. COL. LYELL RADER September and November-De- Travelling Evangelist cember weeks. Most propitious) period for travel: from Septem! FROM NEW YORK U.S.A, Will Head a ber 15th to October 18th Revival Campaign A child born on this day will be endowed with the talents needed to succeed as an artist, Wed. April 28th to Sun. May 2nd Evenings 8:00 P.M. Sunday 11:00 A.M. and-7:00 P.M. THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL 133 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Mr. Ross Brown, Toronto "Without realizing it we hed | accumulated alotoflittledebts | with different people. Ourtotal Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an Auto mon ribbed-silk gown styled on) \ lines and featuring an invert-| ed front pleat The bodice had a scoop neck- ine with a V insert and bell shaped sleeves, accented with seed pearls. A full court train fell softly from the waist to a deeply pearled hemline. Her dome shaped headdress was of self material accented with rows of pearls holding an elbow length veil of tulle illusion and carried a feather shaped cascade of white spray orchids and stephanotis The maid of honor was. Miss Margaret. Smith, and the other attendants were Miss Patricia Kerr and Mrs. Donald Lound, all of Oshawa. They were dressed alike in Valdor emerald green slim-fitting gowns topped with doesn't feel like she Our old bottle is no more. Remember the one with the friendly sloping shoulders? You could tell its shape anywhere. Most important, it was the bottle that contained Gooderham's Bonded Stock Whisky. One of the most popular ryes ever to see the inside of any bottle. Well our whisky's still the same (our blenders know a good thing when they taste it) but we felt it was time for a new bottle. Happily enough, most people like our new container very much. It's tall and refined-looking (in fact, someone said, it's a classic already), However, to the few people who are still having a little trouble adjusting, may we offer this one suggestion. Remember, new bottle or not, it's still Bonded Stock Whisky. So try not to let your emotions run away with your sense of good taste. Gooderham's have been distilling fine whiskies since 1832 it sS Goadorkamns Bonded Stock Conadian HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Ss Your Choice } VYYYV VY) ; WAVY With Ay : vans Plastic Pail Plastic Laundry Hamper 7 Gallon Purchase of Gasoline THIS WEEKEND ONLY! At The Following Spur Service Stations @ 78 BOND ST. W., OSHAWA @ KING ST. E. AT THE TOWN LINE @ HIGHWAY 115 NEWCASTLE | payments had reached the stage where we just couldn't manage. Then we heard about Trans Canada Credit's"Special Occasion" Loans. Our Trans Canada Credit Man pointed out | that we could pay off all our debts with just one "Special Occasion" Loan. Now we can comfortably meet our oblige- tions with just one payment @ month to Trans Canade Credit." Whatever your reason for needing | money your Trans Canada Credit Man would like to help | you with your special occasion. | See him soon about your financial needs. He can arrange loans from $100 to $2500 or more, | TRANSCANADACREDIT CORPORATION LTD, 48 King Street West OSHAWA Telephone 728-4628 scones

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