Uni t Lay Pl ans art & prospective mem- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 29,1968 § ber, Por Luncheon Make-up Method ner gave a make-up| OPPOSES SKATEBOARDS |general, and especially their Demonstrated demonstration with Jenny KITCHENER (CP)--A safetyluse on sidewalks and road WHITBY -- St. Mark's United D'Angelo volunteering to actjofficers' workshop of the On-lways. The new sport was seen Church Women, Unit No. 1, met) WHITBY -- The Whitby as model. tario Traffic Conference, Mon-jas "leaving a trail of fractured Thursday afternoon with 13] Whittlers Tops Club held day passed a resolution de-jadolescents across the coun- members present. In the ab- its meeting with 23 mem- nouncing use of skateboards initry." sence of the leader, Mrs. Har-| bers present. Edna Moody | TV personality Steve Allen at- old Hare, Mrs, Earl Bond chair-| *00k the weigh-in. For two |tended 18 schools in his youth, " a nats hi more weeks the loss will |since his parents were travel- yet," H. Lynn Fair, agri- jed the meeting which opened he dieniged th ling vaudeville comedians ' cultural representative for |with a poem entitled 'Living'. Whitt) peas petit e ij A Ontario County, said Wed- | Twenty-two calls were report-| with git Fe Posy Pe nesday, ed made to sick or shut-ins.| Gary he He explained that farm |Final arrangements were made) Alice Boychyn presided and VLA th PP work is a couple of weeks (for pol ge pag yge ee behind compared with other (be he' ay 5 at the Unite | years, but this situation pre- |Church Assembly hall. Tickets | 125 Brock St. S. Whitby vails across the entire prov- |may be obtained from members | LISTINGS Ee Nn is ince. of the Units. Z "it ibe weather Baris up, Mrs. C. E, Broughion read a al Urgently ae : Our Prices Are Lower it may be possible to ge poem on "Brazi an rs, 4 | some seeding done next |C. L. Jorden and Mrs. W, F.| Needed finer oe ] Than Many Larger Plazas week," Mr. Fair said. MacCarl gave a paper on the : unsurpasse: 1 He explained that in Essex |people of Brazil mentioning comfort } and Kent Counties, where |their customs, education, way a W. Schaizmann MEN'S --_ SHOES Ladies, Quality early potatoes and vege- |living, soil conditions, etc. | Realtor ! NYLONS 3 . 1 00 tables are well started at Refreshments were served by | 4 "i " | Collins "Shoes i pr. s this time of year, they have |Mrs, Hare's group and a social 114 Brock St. N. ! just been planted. |half hour was spent WHITBY ! 119 BROCK ST. S. Ladies, Reg. 4.95 2? ih | This Sale Only ...... The May 25 meeting will be Ph. 668-3338 WHITBY | SWEATERS a joint meeting with Unit No. '| i Open Fri. till 9 P.M. ° 6 when pictures will be shown on Girl's Reg. 2.89 : g. 2. Diet Luncheon Bermuda and Trinidad. | | BULKY KNIT SWEATERS .. Special: 1 49 Winner Reward | WHITBY -- The whitby] 922M BATH | |) Boy's Tapered 3 98 Shrinking Violets Tops Club/ the vey fe relat | CASUAL PANTS .... Our Price .... . e held its meeting at the home| George' s Barbershop | | of Gloria. Ranger with 25 || tvery Dey trom 8 AM. to 9 P.M. | HARD | OI | Ws en's net paaat tesndey "Cadet Me 3PM... |! iy } DRESS PANTS ... A Bargain Only. Ae Barbara Hodgson, in charge) onday -- Closed All Day gypegig, tgret a it ee nme OPEN FOR RETAIL | Men's Luxury Reinweor WHITBY GUIDES PLAN COOKIE DAY encourage members to loose | SALES 8 A.M. to RAINSHIELDCOATS ..... weight th ill This Saturday a small client is treated to a smile ogy be png by = late with a violet ribbon. st-| FREEMAN'S 5 P.M. Mon. thru Little Girl' army of girls will descend and: "Aw, gee mister, Wise old owl are: Sani tached, For every five pounds P ttle Girl's Rycroft, 16, First, Whitby |,"Setne ose x small vost FORMAL RENTALS Fri. at Cold Storage | SUMMER DRESSES .. . ONLY upon Whitby carrying cook- they're only 40 cents, and Guides and Stephanie j | fes. The best sales tech- it's for a good cause." Two Whale, 10, First Whitby aed ing rage dbo easing ste aie til Clothes Plant » inte i niques in the world will be salesladies examine their' Brownies (right). i i ; | Ree used when a prospective _ Products under the Brownie --Oshawa Times Photo members were divided into twoll @ Tip Top Toilors Albert and Isabel Midgley invite their many friends S| groups for the next six weeks ROADSIDE MARKET with Crystal Wright and Ada -- WHITBY PER ONAL pra ier eeed elie panes WlSenke a hig The 'oie OPEN SATURDAY and customers to drop in and take advantage of S Ss ithe wedding reception held at| team will entertain the win-| RUSS & SUNDAY these special prices. | Commwall Royal Hotel. ners at a diet luncheon. | EEVE | | Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cour-|tion was made to Mrs, Albert] The winner of the draw was| | s : chesne, Doreen and Donna,|Cooper who for the past eight] Kathryn, daughter of Mr. and|Dorothy Martin. The next meet-| MEN'S SHOP | 2 Miles West of Whitby on Hwy. No. 2 Whitby; Mr. and Mrs, Carlton|years was Leader of Brooklin ing will be held at the home | Bullock, Toronto, spent the Eas--Home Making Club, Mrs. Mrs. Clifford Godwin, is cele-\o¢° Gioria Ranger, 930 Crocus 129 Brock St. S., Whitby At The BIG RED APPLES ter holidays in Cowansville,|Cooper was presented with a|brating her 10th birthday today. |cr, \-- ! Que., guests of Mr. and Mrs./hostess chair and utility table.| an sl ' Se Essie nsncemmne Edward Adams where they at-|The Cooper family is leaving Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Jordison} i j Scott, re-| tended a family reunion. They|Brooklin shortly to establish|@4 sons, Steven and ' ti ined eer an ens renenc nce, ie rejuny owes ReneS When It Comes To VALUE! in Glen Sutton Que., with thelgrets that the 4-H Club mem.|suests of Mrs. Thelma "eney 5 Courchesne relatives arranging|bers see Mrs. Cooper moving|4"4 family. a family gathering. away as she had done so much | re ECONOMY ' PERFORMANCE | ais and tes Matein Wood for their Club and activities. At [INCOME TAX e e the close of the evening lunch| and two children, Sandra and ee STYLING! and HANDLING! 'Que., with her parents, Mr. and au, RETURNS e e Mrs. Howes, They were also) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ravary ests of her aunt and -- [attended the double-wedding of| COMPLETED ataceae ina -- |Mr. Ravary's two nieces, Donal ' land Darlene Ravary. The double} Mrs. Martin Hoogsteen, 68\eremony was held at St.| Phone 668- 8252. ing street, Brooklin, opened Columbus RC Church at Corn-' her home to members of the amen ; 4H Club. A surprise presenta-| > vel BROCK Evening Shows At 7 & 9 P.M, OA 'A Whitby -- SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 4 4 " Believe It ' Or Not| AgZ, || GETS the VOTE! FREE Loan of spreader with any purchase of 4 Wk a a ' 4 7 AMERICA'S Gross Seed or Fertilizer + & % \Sen| "Canada's Own" -- Car ! 1 er % Sportsman's = || ne ae STL , % MOST POPULAR BOATS on oo Heel | || Ce | A Gh MARINE STORAGE oe | | eee AN SUPPLY LID. STOREWIDE | --=_ my | oe CLEARANCE SALE | INO SEED PLANTED iach sa ae aS BUY and REALLY SAVE DURING | '°W-C°* > MIC | . somos Mitchet 300 4 SLEEPING BAGS MILLS SUCCESS CAR INSURANCE | "a ie ne CELEBRATION a | oit'Phice.... 18.07 finer... 6.87 BAIT CANTEEN | RUBBER RAINCOATS |] Metal bound, double lock cor- f full length perfect for boet, 00 | tow-rate |) si SoS ee err tow GMAC cierto OT geen 487 TERMS HEAVY DUTY FRESH PICKED INCLUDING: Gasoline, Licence . . . and ready for the road! HIP WADERS DEW WORMS with knee harness and steel pec! in moss Here's Why VIVA Otfers So Much ! - st fe eg, 60" T7° Conadion Styling Accented: Beauty @ Carefully Planned Controls For Floating Simplicity | PLANET SENIOR k Top Perfo A Husky 50 hp. for Top Performance Gssis' Saad Spstucinaah teas tee Spin Cast Reel FISH KNIFE Revolutionary "Roll-Contral" Suspension Hamathelly Raey 46 Gat In end Out ] Complete tine fully guaron- Reg. ° 98e 59° teed. Reg. 5:95 gat for 4 Adults to Relax in OUR PRICE... 4,97 Other Reels up to $62.50 Eosy to Pork with Finger-tip Steering Tightest Turning Circle in its Closs wT Heavy Canvas FISHING RODS |, HAVERSACKS FOR | et specie! savings from Suitable for Creel BIG CAR PERFORMANCE at TRUE | swwrpiaTEe | 1,95°" 37.85 j= WORLD FAMOUS SMALL CAR ECONOMY! | REELS AND =| "RAPALA" NO. It DELIVERY ROD REPAIRS Jou," 225 | done on premises PRICE Large 10:7 eu. ft. of Useable Trunk Spoce ' Goes 30,000 Miles Between Grease jobs Ready Now 45 Miles per Gallon Economy --Oil Change Why Not See Your Mills Man Today! 216 MARY ST. E. "|| The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS | Q oo rnen 668-3483 STOLE Pe | 266 KING ST. WEST, DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PH. 723-4634 103 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY einblincihia er oo ¥ SN |