' 'CUNNINGLY-DISGUISED RAID ON THEU.S. MARKET' Pact Criticized As Canadian Piracy By ARCH MacKENZIE market growth will absorb,cartel setup' the|more parts - making compett- WASHINGTON (CP) -- The much of the increase planned|car makers. ltion. from the auto - making \Canadian - United States auto-\for Canadian plants. It is held) The Automotive Service In-/giants, It said it will be hard imotive agreement was crit-|that the U.S. industry--at leastidustry Association, which op-|to police effectively to ensure licized Wednesday as Canadian\over the longer haul--can ex-|posed both the previous Cana-\that Canadian parts don't slip 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 29, 1968 WEATHER FORECAST benefitting {7 Sunn Nn 11d, e b Soaring @) os "piracy" of American produc-|pect to preserve or expand itsidian. export scheme and the into illegal use and that the ition and jobs. slice of the Canadian market current one, said it has 5,006\Canadian expansion of produe- : : pi Pp H Canadian efforts to boast out- and continue to enjoy a hefty independent parts firms and it} tion will siphon off more gold TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts|Friday. Winds light today, west put in its auto industry -- one-|trading surplus which has been/fears the new, agreement forjand dollars at a bad time issued by the weather office at'to southwest near 25 Friday. twenty-fifth of that in the U.S. |running in excess of $500,000,000 ------ -- : - -- 5:30 a.m.: Northern Georgian Bay, Al- i. % ; b, \--constitutes a "cunningly dis-| annually, . Synopsis: A complex low\goma, Southern White River, : : J iy % £ lguised raid on the U.S, market!§EE PRODUCTION: INCREASE 4 fe ¥° pressure system crossing ie m as mi, ag vr ear hy, j s he a! to "4 i ggnn meer by ey oy Under side agreements with a) son Bay this morning will|Bay: Sunny today, Mos iment of undeniably unfairthe four main Canadian aut "a & is, sweep warm air into northern|cloudy and turning cooler with means," Washington lawyer makers, Canadian output sis yey O Be | ' i sections of the province today|a few showers Friday. West- | Alfred R. McCauley told the/a three-year period ending in| ji ; i} f. | and temperatures are expectesierly winds -- a 4 bi een --s committee 0f/1968 is to increase beyond the READY-MADE DRAPES to soar into the 70s at many ay, coming northwes , \the House o epresentatives.|1964, level by $260,000,000 in a localities above the upper lakes |20 Friday. ¢ w , y 'il "Canada is after U.S. pro-|Canadian funds. This is beyond ee It will be somewhat cooler in| Northern White River, Coch-| | Li j Z + 1 |duction and does not care how normal market expansion. © DR/PERY HARDWARE © southern Ontario but a fine) rane: Sunny and very warm to-| , A ithis piracy is accomplished, McCauley contended Wednes- spring day nonetheless. \day except near Lake -- 4 ing a aed ie day that the Canadian govern- Custom Made Drapes On Friday some localities in| Cloudy and turning much cooler, e » suggested, under ment in effect is continuing an © BEDSPREADS eSLIPCOVERS the lower lakes regions have alwith showers Friday. West P| + samen id Republican John illegal export subsidy by drop- QUALIFIED DECORATING SERVICE chance of hitting 75 to 80 figures| winds 25 today, north winds 20 7, \Byrnes of Wisconsin, that Can-|ping its tariff for the manufac- recorded Wednesday in the Friday. f ; ada is so bound by the General'turers. He said this runs at a 2 31 t 725-4151 West but the Great Lakes will Forecast temperatures iy J g 4 A greement on Tariffs and rate of $50,000,000 annually -- Picks temper these values. consider-) Low tonight, high Friday: j j j g \Trade that in effect it would He also assumed that every Sout , ably for, localities lying just)Windsor ........-. 42 7 have to five with its big auto cent of the required $260,000,000 east of Lake Huron and Geor-|st Thomas .. trade deficit with the U.S. if increase in production will be seeveee ca. Ajax and Choir IDEAL FISH & CHIPS 17 Athol St. West "Home of Golden Deep Fried Fish and Chips" WE'RE SCRRY We're sorry to ha orders of Fish you moy hove 7. °* @ ve hod you woit o little longer for your Chips, Scallops ond Shrimps . even though phoned in odvonce Your response potronage. has been terrific and We Thank You for your We trust it is freshly cooked worth five minutes product PHONE IN YOUR ORDER ond we will do our best to have it ready for pick-up. LUNCHEON SPECIAL Sere . 30 of your time to wait for @ NEED... FUEL OIL ? PERRY Dey or Night 723-3443 LIEUT. COL. LYELL RADER Travelling Evangelist FROM NEW YORK U.S.A, Will Head a Revival Campaign Wed. April 28th to Sun. May 2nd Evenings 8:00 P.M. Sunday 11:00 A.M, and 7:00 P.M. THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL -- 133 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Hot meat pie, chips and gravy .... Extra Treat --- Chips and Gravy .... PHONE 725-4812 Shaw, executive HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Edward Charlies Leslie was this week elected presi- dent of the Bowmanville Lions Club for the: ensuing year. Mr. Leslie has been a director of the club for five years and vice-president for three years. Other officers are: George White, first vice-president; Ralph Ames, second vice-president; and Bill Burks, third vice-presi- dent, site of Sells and Greys 'Three-Ring Circus which will be coming to Bowmanville on August 2, will be Memorial Park in Bowmanville. The circus is being sponsored by: the Bow- manville Police Association with all proceeds going to aid minor hockey fh the town, Tickets can be pur- chased by writing Circus, Box 501, Bowmanville The Hank" Tambl by appointment please Moire "Hank" Tamblyn of Lindsay, has been elect- PHONE 728-6007 ed deputy district governor of Region 10, District A-3, Lions International. A na- tive of Bowmanville, Mr. Tamblyn was president of the Lindsay Club in 1956-57. EXCLUSIVE HAIR STYLING FOR MEN gian Bay. At the same time it) London : , Sl My a eae , = Z jthere were no U.S. - Canada' sold in the U.S, with serious zg 5 iL ies | Sel hike nt r appears likely that northern! Kitchener ..-++++» jagreemen disruption resulting off just as rapidly Friday as' Wingham AJAX ORCHESTRA TUNES UP FOR CONCERT jada to raise its tariffs or other-\the fact the U.S. is removing they are expected to warm to-| Hamilton The fourth annual wise 'make it more difficult forjits tariffs too, which would give . formance of the ing for their ambitious pro- 'Turn Back, Oh Man," ' : $ * St. Clair, Lake Frie,|Toronto ......+- gram are Ruth Houghton Hayden's "Nelson Mass," (Make Canada liable to U.S.'dian cars and parts ie i r Southern Peterborough . N . Lake Huron, Southe a and orchestra, under the di- program includes _ soloists Priest" and "Last Words of |Said owiier ness for the opposition in the Haliburton, Killaloe, Windsor,|Kingston . rection of David Karry, will Mrs. Elsie Drygala and David' by Thompson, as SPEAKS FOR CITY study of the agreement begun ' 'Toronto, Hamilton: |Killaloe .. London, Toronto at the Ajax High School Au- The Friday night perform- --Oshawa Times Photo |behalf of the Industrial Com-\uled to end today. Witnes cloudy intervals and warmer North Bay . mittee of Paducah, Ky., which|will include the United Auto o- - _ ere : ' ° 7 . cerned with the industrial wel-'the workers in the auto indus K ll C F it Bid: 1 age ] e xpan Ee fare of the community, He said tries of each country. The UAW no uts urnl ure 1 Ll the Canada - U.S. agreement, In other testimony Wednes the manufacturer level for most|the four main Canadian car North American motor vehicles;|makers -- General Motors TORONTO (CP)--Knoll Inter-jrespectively and the T, Eaton TORONTO (CP) -- Boys' Vil-|Village in suburban Downsview, | facilities and a consultant serv-- These included a threat seen|Motors -- each endorsed the ional ( A entre of/Co, Ltd., entered a bid national Canada Ltd., centre here for emotionally disturbed| discover how and where emo- said future plans call for more|Manufacturing Co., third Jarg-|superior alternative to the pos- for Toronto's new $31,000,000' Knoll was selected by the children, will be vastly ex-|tionally disturbed children can|than the present 35 boys to be est plant in the Kentucky town, |sibility that Canada might turn llr * i " s-\furnishings committee on - city hall, reduced its bid 'Thurs . at a cost of about $500,000, On- Gordon Fisher, past president facilities for research. Emotion- ators, forced U.S. | coiling a number of council members ee a Louis ne -- of Pa coigesig 7 ally ng tad tay ae oe re-iscrutiny Jast year of the previ- Republican Congressman 1 = Me ' varding the contract "&° sai P sday oys illage, said e present ceive treatment, he said. ous Canadian auto - manufac-|Thomas Curtis, Missouri, called 4 letter submitted to the opposed awarding in an: interview. 'outside M » Caliec committee by the company in- ceeded the city's ceiling rer Hines Us present sie the existing agree-) ' f ) 1 Ihe centre now provides res- ally by a straight grant under}ment before achieved by changes of mater: Knoll April 12 after an alder-| Project will be started at Boys' \idential treatment, day - school|ihe Children's Institutions Act./study was completed but the! jals. council chamber unaware of rector of Boys' Village, said a filed a complaint against the Knoll originally submitted ¢ ¢ : bid of $1,015,030 that was later|will reconsider today its decis- McCauley's) case disputed reduced by negotiation to $962,-|ion on a motion by another 1 Pi and recreation unit will follow/Previous assertions by U.S , soon. The present residential Itd., and Mitchell Houghton|the absentee had been mis- Coroner S Jury Decides E auto makers that. Canada's maintained, - - KIRKLAND LAKE, Ont. (CP) they believed they had an extra care system will be established HERE 1 TI I i "RE found a_ misinterpreted orderjhour before the eastbound jn the fall for the long-term an Railway trains into a head-on, 'The jury also found a contri- : a 'ni collision three miles east of| e jury also found @ contri- gences with married couples i annual meeting 0} a tthe @ & . of the work train to communi en 1 ' ; pagyt tat * cate with the freight. It recom- ric > held Sunday in St. Joseph's Carl Hueston, 54, and Allan . com:| A homemaker service, where Auditorium, Bo wmanville, : i . workers will dem : ; ment be kept in proper working neat Othat olficeck 30 miles south of here, died) order. cag i bah |when the snowplow they . were I adin handle emotionally disturbed are: Vice-president, Bert , the radio Hild ri in i9es : ; . spit e ' - ; ae bound work train collided with\¢duipment aboard the freight /¢ ade Sila tha chair ata hd egan, treasurer, F an eastbound freight. ; Newman; marshals, Ewald the accident, also be established J {the work train crew to clear the' The jury further' recom-|~ and John Killeen, tracks for a westhound freight followed an ear-\sider providing a quicker lier order to clear for an east-;means of escape from snow- |"west" was missed by the train'the rear of the unit. 725-6553 364WILSON ADs. RUTHERFORD 'S parts of the province will cool)/Mount Forest ...+. Any unilateral action by Can-, He attributed this theory to} ditorium, Seen here rehears- ance' will _ include Moltz' Paps lore da St 'Catharines «i+ the U.S. fo sell in Canada might entry to the higher-cost Cana District Communily and Barbara Brooks. The Handel's "Zadok the |¢laims for compensation, he McCauley was the first wit Georgian Bay, Lake Ontario, Trenton be held this Friday at 8 p.m. Larry Marshall of Oshawa well as two Mozart arias McCauley was testifying on) Tuesday. The hearing is sched Sunny today. Sunny with a few| Muskoka he said is an organization con-|Workers, which has most of it opposes on various grounds supports the agreement Back In 'City Hall Battle' For Em tional Child C the manufacturer level for mathe' four main Canadian "car ac y and their original parts Chrysler, Ford and American of 'age, a small treatment centre The project is designed tojice for families, Mr. Fisherto the future of the Modine|agreement. They said it is a far controversy about furnishings $1,049,000. the panded into a research centre best be treated admitted, as well as the added') Modine, which turns out radi-|to more restrictions to increase ity' si erit. However, overnment!her production. dav to meet the city's $850,000) basis of design mer tario Welfare Minister ; en " city's furnishings selectionj|to Knoll because its bid ex- the structure will be expanded to 10 Mr, Cecile said. the project|turing plan. This plan was 're-|the agreement a "neat little | poring soo 'e confirmed ogi will be financed at least initi-|placed by on dicated the cut would be Council voted 10-9 in favor of port that a five-year research the government| J eration wil de|man who was opposed left the es e .|Paducah committee has also No alteration will be ma Robert di in design, it said rT ; Council s : . : athe impending vote, Counc S d k new residence will be built this) "®W asreemen ung Ing au e Trac up, summer as a start and a school 000. The Robert Simpson Co.jalderman who said he believed government witnesses and the t : treatment centre would be Ltd. bid at $848,310 and $849,500'informed or misled. nad crew in the second order and Mr. Shaw said a group home- A coroner's jury Wednesday sent two Ontario Northland/freight was due : care of children in small resi ; jbuting factor was the inability . here Feb. 26 that killed two 4 j. hired to look after children, the Holy Name Society, mended that all radi - 0 Webster, 50, both of Englehart, radio equip child - care Joe Cuddahee was elected onstrate to parents how to riding at the head of a west- Pvidence was that Haas; secretary, John ) f was not. working at the time*of Specialized foster homes would A The jury found an order to j Wihlidal, Stephen Liptay mended that the railroad con- after 4 p.m. \bound after 3 p.m. The word|plows. The only exist was at ss School Of Safe Driving Russell Best, of Hampton, was elected president of the Canadian Club of West Durham at its meeting this week Also 8 BARBER ARTISTS OSHAWA - ONTARIO Oshawa Fire Department spent a busy 24 hours an- swering six fire calls, four Volunteer canvassers, who who visited homes in Bow- manville Monday night col- lected a total of $1,963.22, Rev. DeCourcy H. Rayner, editor of The Presbyterian Record, will be the special speaker when St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Bow- manville, observes its 127th anniversary this Sunday. THE CURRENT ISSUE of The Ontario Gazette carries the information that letters patent of incorporation have been granted to two Osh- awa district firms. They are: Old Sport Express Lim- ited, with head office in Pickering Township and Paul-Dor Hotels Limited, Newcastle. Ajax, Pickering and Whit- by artists will have an exhi- bition of their work in the McLaughlin Public Library on May 3 at 8 p.m. Winners from this area at the baton twirling con- test in Kitchener during the weekend _ included: Diana Alsop, Bay Ridges; Joy Samanski, Whitby; Nan- cy Hatfield, Pickering and Patsy Blake, Bowmanville. * mission isi FH of which were grass fires, A clothes dryer in the Ritson rd, s. home of B. Thompson caught fire doing $300 dam- age. Last of the calls was a false alarm, City ambu- lance answered three rou- tine calls. Ontario Trade and Indus- try officials are scheduled to visit Oshawa May 6 and the Danish Consul (trade commission) on May 10, Oshawa's Industrial Com- learned last night Williams, industrial commissioner, said he is planning tours and inter- views for both visits to the city, FOR ALL YQUR DRUG STORE NEEDS Phone 723-2245 FREE-CITY-WIDE-DELIVERY JURY AND LOVELL THE CANADIAN. MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION Needs a million members: A million voices to speak for the needs of the mentally ill. MENTAL HEALTH WEEK May Ist to May 7th Support your local branch of the CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION Oshawa, Ontario, County Branch 187 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontearie 14 Albert St. -- Oshawe Government Licenced -- Personalized Service CITY OF OSHAWA BUSINESS TAX Due Friday - April 30th 1965 Business Tax bills were mailed on April 14th and PAYABLE IN FULL on or before the above due date. ., Any person in business who has not received a Business Tax bill is advised to contact the City Tax Department. Civic Administration Bldg. Cor. Centre & Athol Sts., Telephone 725-1153 Cc. L. Cox, Tex Collector. Canada Outdoor Supply Co. Are Now Renting The Canadian Camp Trailer Make Your Reservation NOW ! CANADA aay uncsie OUTDOOK SUFPLY Co. 728.1558 FOR THE 74 Celina Street FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shades and Fobrics... see... Mé& DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY .INSTALLED 723-7827 FOR A PLACE TO GROW Mss SAVE ON ALUMINUM DOORS Now $07 => MILLWORK & Building Supplies Ltd. 1279 Simcoe North Cpen Daily 7 A.M immediate facilities the Oshawa ore including downtown area ond the mosphere of Broemor ond see it insee Only Complete oat 728-6291 tit 6 P.M Friday til 9 P.M, Your youngsters hove room aplenty te play in (worry free) and five modern schools to learn in, For the shopper in the family .. . there for you See It Wes BRAEMOR GARDENS Broemor Gardens has the answer. Shopping Centre (just down Stevenson Rd, only moments away thanks to on ex- cellent transportation system. Dod . after a hard day's work you will enjoy the unique relaxing ot- Yes dream is a reality drop out todoy your raemor gardens Stephenson Rd. N. ot Annapolis