J DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. Eight members of Bathe Park|Harold Bateman and Mrs, H the business meeting. The devo- C 4 ed V ] tional period dealt with the Eas UIT] Ca ter message with Miss Margar-| : ; et Mountenay, Mrs. Russell) and activities of | Mapes and Mrs. Jackson Wray! | taking part. Mrs. Ivan Morrison was pianist for the evening. | The fall project, scheduled for|add Ontario veal to your shop-| BATHE PARK LADIES AUX. |Connell; drawing a horse, Mr.| wednesday, Sesteacver 2%, willlping list. Veal is the meat of at feature a speaker on such time-| young dairy or beef calves he- pepper te taste | Y% cup fat 12 cups sliced onions \1 A Spicy Treat , tablespoon chopped green pepper teaspoon curry powder 1 heef-bouilion cube cup boiling water % cup stewed tomatoes or tomato juice For a spring flavor treat,) Ladies Auxiliary met at thejold Withett lucky chele, Mise ly topics as food planning,|tween. the ages of \three and| Combine flour, salt and pep- Lansdowne Restaurant and en- ho we _ i gor Aba party planning hints and cakel19 months. It is light grayish-| per; roll veal in mixture until| me Bg Ragen opened sie doing SicDonoush aad Coe gorge agree: ange Peon ped in color and has . - each piece is coated. In skillet! 5 e we lalaly made of the Ardent Workers'|cate taste. Because veal has ta | with Mrs, William Haight pre- Mrs, Arthur A eae H rome juncheon, May 5 at which Mrs.\little fat and plenty of connec containing two 'tablespoons hot! siding. There were 11 membersithe -- mee er ay 0" walter Branch would be theltive tissue, it must be cooked| fat, brown veal well on all sides. | -- S agg .: haga Davie e Mr "Harold busoan. guest speaker slowly in moist heat to make it}Add remaining fat, onions, aden gave the bingo repor led FON |" Refreshments were served by|tender and more flavorful. Good] preen pepper; saute until onions The business consisted mainly ies Bi Beige 2 ae members of Mrs. Fred Bidgood! quality veal has fine, velvety- aie transaid. Sodukle with of final arrangements for Pee Mrs Howard Ello ae rop ihe) and Mrs. Stanley Gomme'sitextured meat, firm, white fat s } Wee Ber' Hocker bennett Sirs Ada' Mebon #08? and reddish, porous bones [ca gente. Cover and st ame winners were Mrs.\& ; meee . * ; j eal c nd w. COV. ' ' Cyril Shrigley, Mrs, Cleve Me-jough QUEEN MARY LOBA Pig geet yg on eo mer 1% hours, until veal is Mann, Mrs. Stanley Butland Refreshments were served Worthy Mistress Florence) roods 'Department at Macdon- fender. Add tomatoes or juice Alexiby Lionettes Mrs, John Ander-/ . Wilfred Ogden, Mrs pts an Edwin Wellman. | Peleshok and Mrs, William|son and Mrs, Haight. , , Light refreshments were| _ VICTORIA LTBL No. 55 wg 8 Ned Temple. ; the veal. fe escola! ASN served to end an enjoyable eve- The regular meeting of Vic- ast Mistress June Goodman... ae 4 ning. , ltoria Loyal True Blue Lodgejas acting chaplain led in the VEAL CURRY SEWING MACHINE SALE No. 55 was held recently with/devotional period 1 pound shoulder or breat KING STREET UCW 9 Worshipful Mistress Mabel Strank presided at meeting of Queen Mary Lodge! adds a subtle taste difference to The flags. were presented by and heat. Serve on hot buttered rice or fluffy, mashed potatoes Makes four servings. the. Apriliaid Institute, Guelph. Curry veal, cut into %-inch cubes New 'utomatic Comniete The Loyal Workers, Unit 9, of| Blow presiding assisted by|Lillian Olmstead and Margaret|! tablespoon flour King Street United Church/peputy Mistress Phyllis Baragar. 1 teaspoon salt * Women held its April meeting) Arbourne |. Plans were made for the " es eagpeng, Soiggeees with the president, Mrs, Leslie pPevotional exercises were fifty-fourth birthday banquet tojinitiation at the May 5 meet-|] orative Stitches Hall, presiding. ak performed by chaplain Vernalbe held in the Orange Temple ing Your Eine Dealer It was reported that 33 home) Mitchell Several members|May 19 at 6.30 p.m. The offi- Lodge closed in ritual form calls and 23 hospital calls had|were reported sick with thejcers were asked to wear theirjand refreshments were served OSHAWA SEWING CENTRE been made. 'flu formal white dresses for aniby the committee. 329 Simcoe St. South 728-2391 Mrs. Harry McKee was in Items were discussed re-)~ --| garding future welfare of the lodge, Happy Birthday was) sung for William Short. Mem bers were asked to remember their long white dresses for) initiation next meeting, May 4.) charge of tne worship service. Mrs. Archie Britton, accompan- fed by Mrs. Ross Pooley, sang two solos. Mrs. Har! Luke gave a reading, 'Early Baster Morn ing' and Mrs. Henry McKee gave a short reading entitled "Good Friday", and a talk on Faster, taking as her theme "Christ Crucified and Risen", KING STREET UCW 4 A continuing study of the book "This is Trinidad' by Stephen A social half hour was en- J, Mathers was made by Mrs joyed Jackson Wray at the April a mp meeting of the Fellowship Unit ' CEDAR DALE UCH (4) King Street United Church) Cedar Dale United Church women. Women met for their regular) since 1962, when the flag of meeting in the lower hall of the prinidad waved for the first church on Wednesday afternoon.|time many dramatic changes Mrs. C. L. Gunter was in charge pave heen going on. Education of the devotional period, after which Mrs. Albert Singer, the president, conducted a_ short business session The members were informed they would cater for a mother and daughter banquet in May.| Mrs. A, M. Butler consented to be the guest speaker at the Mother's Day service, which the} UCW are arranging. The mem- bers offering to help at Hills- dale Manor were Mrs. Russell Worsley, Mrs. Albert Singer, Mrs, Frank Singer and Mrs, Wil- liam Henning. | The members of the Courtice! UCW were guests of the Cedar Dale group and conducted an enjoyable Easter program, with) Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, leader, tak-| ing as her topic the "Parable of| the Sower", Those taking part) were from the Courtice UCW.) is a major concern of the is land where 43 per cent of the population is under 15, To con- clude the study of Trinidad a film will be shown at the May meeting with Group 2 in charge. Mrs. Jack Perry presided for GET THE PRESTIGE GINGER ALE GET WILSON'S oe arnran) Mrs, William Essery sang an Easter solo, | The travelling shirt was judged by Mrs, Lloyd Courtice, the winner being Mrs, William Kuterick, who made the neatest patch. Light refreshments were served and the members and and guests enjoyed a social time together. HUMORESQUE CLUB The Humoresque Club of the Blind met in the ORA building, Thursday, April 22, 1965. Mrs, Guy Forest presided, The meet- ing was opened by the singing of the club song, followed by If you are a son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, father, grandfather, or if you know a sweet mother-type lady... Hostess give her Foamtreads on Mother's Day See the man who displays Foamtreads, He'll show you a wide range of styles and colours, All under $5.00 a pair. We've yet to find the. mother who doesn't love to slip her feet into 2 new pair of slippers, Especially Foamtread slippers. The famous Foamtread sole cushions the foot and gives it gentle support. Exclusive non-crushable heel-counters ensure the fit will stay for the life of the SLIPPERS FOR WOMEN slippers. And Foamtreads are washable. Kaufman Footwear Limited, Montreal Kitchener =e FOAMTREADS ARE AT THESE FINE STORES the reading of the verse for the blind. A short business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Guy Forest, then turned over to the social convener, Miss Vera Siblock. An evening of games was enjoyed by all BURNS SHOES 1 King Street West OSHAWA Phone 725-4611 Games and their winners were: pages of the book, Mr William Brown; pin the tail on the donkey, Mrs. James Getch ell; width of ribbon, Mrs. Guy Forest and Mrs. James M¢ DAVIDSON SHOE STORE (Oshawa) Ltd. --_ 31 Simcoe $t. North 725-3312 For The Perfect Fit COLLINS SHOES 119 Brock St. -- Coon Peden 18? P.M, { HOUSTON SHOES Wem Sy Tana 108 eek ST. E. | STYLE-LITE SHOES 109 Brock St. $. Whitby 668-4881 USE YOUR CREDIT : DANCEY'S A) 2 fee Downtown Oshawa 725-1833 vos fashion right for Mother's Day HANDBAGS ZELLER'S LTD. Oshawa Shopping Centre 723-2209 Extra quality, extra care in craftsmanship Tal" git for ker Hondeone choce |! AGMEW SURPASS SHOF STORE htt ald Whitby, Ont. ee 668.9412 BURNS = North . } JEWELLERS °°: AGNEW SURPASS SHOE STORES Oshawa Shopping Centre -- Downtown 723-7411 -- 725-6671 ZELLER'S Oshawa Shopping Centre 723-2209 Downtown Store Simcoe St. South 723-2294 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 29, 1965 5 NEVER BEFORE ZELLER'S FANTASTIC COAT It's The Biggest In Our History ! 100's OF COATS CLEARING AT FANTASTIC LOW PRICES !! Huge Manufacturer's Clearance enables Zeller's to bring you this fantastic Coat Sale! Your choice! Assorted wool boucle blends, tweeds, plains and knits. A fabric style, size and colour to suit almost every taste. Spring's latest fashions ... excellent quality ... beautiful selection of colours. Blue; Pink; Aqua; Beige; Off-White and Yellow/Gold, Sizes 8-20' 162-244. Not all styles available in all sizes. ' | ZELLEM S Navy; Fashion Shop and "Charge- It" | 3 Convenient Credit Plans.