Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Apr 1965, p. 14

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YOUNG DONEVAN COLLEGIANS BLOW UP THE SWEETEST MUSIC THIS SIDE OF HARMONY CREEK DURING REHEARSALS, Three charmers who are Institute's Spring Festival lor, oe ---- and : tg up a : musical soon; Chris Pinto on the big pe plage -- be -- Priel yrtenes oon Pgaad poke in the ae rend Figg ontrumpet and Nancy bound to fiddle their way : Wide Susan Peacoc ey are storm at a pre-performance "s - ed by Allan Reesor, head o side of Harmony Creek -- orium are, from left to ; into the hearts of those who of Music this Friday night members of the school's sen- rehearsal are from left to trombone and David Hare the Collegiate's music de- sounding a B flat in re- right, Gary Holmes on Wicks on flute. ior orchestra. right, Jack Gillespie on bas- on the booming double bass. partment. hearsal for the Music Fes- French Horn; Bruce Smith, --Oshawa Times Photos attend Donevan Collegiate are left to right, Maria Tay- ing. Fire 725-6574 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1965 Second Section Emergency Numbers City and district features, | "4 yu 0G T Hospital 723-2211 social and classified advertis- 4 Police 725-1183 Land Prices Go Up-Up A record $155,000 has been|the site were zoned for du paid by a Toronto development|plexes. The remaining two and, company for a 13.5 acre site at|a half acres were zoned for the corner of Nonquon rd. and/high rise apartments. Ritson rd. n. "Assuming that the apart The deal was clinched this,ment block would be the maxi week by city land speculators|)mum 10 stories high .the de- and real estate agents, Her-|velopers could perhaps fit 170) man Goldstein and Johniapartments into the building," | Pensicka. jhe said. | The massive price tag for) Whe high price paid for the the land works out at around site -highlights the desperate) "$11,500-an acre. ' |shortage of good building land "T think I am safe in say-jin the city. ing," said Mr. Goldstein, "that) "Good land is drying out so this is the highest price per|fast it's not even funny,"' Mr.| acre ever paid in the city for|Goldstein said. "There is just) housing land." no large blocks of apartment Interviewed by The Timesjland left. What land there is this morning Mr. Goldstein/fetches a huge price. declined to identify the Toronto) "A few years ago land in buyers of the site. the north end of the town was Explaining the deal, however, fetching around $2,500. Now it he pointed out that 11 acres of'goes for $7,000." As a woman, she was outnumbered 100 to 1. | Berating and ridiculing every- thing and everyone political isa But that didn't stop Oshaw als Ald. Margaret Shaw favorite public pastime, says fr throw the al Ontario "Tr ; Conterenc |Albert.V. Walker, Oshawa rid- ron rowing the annual ntario Traffic Conference at ling member of the Ontario Leg- Kitchener into a furor yesterday lislature , | Speaking on "ethics on poli- She objected to a cul-and-dried list of directors by the lien'? tort alate at Rinaweuy Col nominating committee; was supported by the retiring pres- |lege, Mr. Walker said one of ident and many of the 300 delegates; and nominations |the barriers that prevents many capable men and women from seeking public office is that once Ald. Shaw nominated Oshawa traffic Sgt. Norman they become politicians, they are 'open game for criticism by Ss ee , nw , i | myth but he declined. Two other persons were nomi everyone near and far, no mat- nated from the floor and one was elected. |ter what may be their back- | av - |ground or how well or ill-inform- | It was boisterous," she chuckled, relating the incident led they may be". to The Times today. "I learned a tremendous amount at | He said because news media the conference, enjoyed every minute of it -- and they cer- devotes considerable space and were accepted from the floor, f A eg é j 'ite Bi. bon is . Li & & iy sn. be ee % : | ENSY PICKINGS FOR BIRD AND PLAYERS? Eye Thermos Equipment | This large robin~ didn't the more than 300 ladies robin was painted in three 'Were Berated, Ridiculed As Politicians: Walker SHAW SWINGS OUT AGAINST | Treatment Scares Away 100-1 ODDS AT CONFERENCE Capable People, He Says ALBERT WALKER "... we're open game" sinic knew Ochawa w. » {time to politics . . . "this makes p t d T H it ] | seem to have too much ane attended the Catholic 4 mens to ns ACh Jim | '@inly knew Oshawa was on the map by the time it ended." Joven the most casual reader or ae gutting a omen's League card raemer, head o e art ute bi ore listener politically conscious -- resen e 0 OSpl a } ae kes party at St. Gertrude's department at Donevan Col- - Cephas Gay es 5 ong: engineer Robert Rich- |hyt, unfortunately, in the major- ie 3 ; : : ze yas prob- Roman Catholic Church last legiate | ardson, @ past president of the traffic council, who was lity of cases olitically ill-in- Oshawa General Hospital to-|ally performed within 24 hours : ' on : ' ity ses, Pp! ly day was equipped with two eyelof receiving the eyes. ee ee ee | Cairn of the Cochnicg) Ronee ae CAR ® BtER ee discussion this year, also attended the three-day confer- | Another factor is that, being enka human, the public, in order toler bad, that we demand and de- ? cover up their own shortcom-|serve," he said. ings, seek to ease their con- science and rationalize their jown inadequacies by searching the Lions Club. jdisfigure the body in: any way , 3 The units were presented this,and only a medical doctor is E 6 h lk afternoon by Harold. Phillips,/allowed by law to remove them xpoO 7 T eme T O T @ | < bank thermos units, a gift from; Removal of the eye does not é | | | chairman of the Oshawa Lions'|It is not necessary to touch | blind committee, to William) the eyelids at all and no special e eme.s N Bi hg apres a Holland, hospital administrator.|instruments are required for the t Th d | s -- .and who is David Hatton, field secretary ot| removal process. At the mo- Given U tilities Deleg« ites 0-one l e an fae umelient te oh fron ae | -- the ele rep- the Canadian National Institute} ment, there are no religious ob- | aaa : for the Blind in this district,)stacles. Se : ver j : resentative, he said, | was also on hand for the presen-| Age is no barrier for donating The progress in construction|ment of the exhibition site werejlined some of the construction a eS e ee e |ETHICS ON DECLINE | tation. an eye. It does not matter ifof the 1967 World ExhibitionJoutlined by Mr. Lord who said/and communication develop- | on Walker said statements} "that the ethics in politics are The eve bank was established the patient is short-sighted,|site in Montreal was outlined|that more than 50 million tons;ments at the St. Helen's Island i ' janie nee t in Toronto in 1956 and is a long-sighted, or has had. catar-|Wednesday at a luncheon meet-|of fill were used to create and/exhibition grounds. Not one child screamed, hol-, "We start off by wiping somejon the decline" are on the in- lered, fainted, or bit the hand/serum onto the forearm and|crease, possibly because of re- joint project between the Uni-|acts removed so long as the eye ing of the Eastern Ontario asso-|expand an island site in the! "We will have closed circuit that held the needle yesterday|force it 'under the skin by a th i in Ott the! yes ) : Y &lcent happenings in Ottawa, the] ciation of Municipal Electrical/St. Lawrence river. 'The whole television surveying the site versity of Toronto and theis still clear thing is an enormous under- constantly," he said. "Alarm CNIB. Laboratory facilities and) Should a person in Oshawa Utilities Mr. Walker said democracy means a form of government for free and upright people who take pride in governing them- selves and who do govern them- selves, "We must believe in democ- racy, for what is the alterna- tive?" he asked. "We can live happily together in today's world only if we are zealous in protecting our own liberty and solicitous for the liberty of during tuberculosis tests made/six-needie punch. The young-|porion inquiry and the "fa nee "a | y ¢ ntas- at Dr. S. J. Phillips Public|/sters are so wrapped up in|tie" jail Grace at Lucien ivand| lame ne else. "We have a choice in this Can- storage space for the eye bank|wish to donate his or her eyes) R. 1. Lord, an engineer with|taking,"" he said, "and will/protection for pavillions, and|c,, Paria io en i ' : , Ak are in the Banting Institute at so that another will be able tothe Crown Corporation de-/bring us prestige . . . and dol-/other safety aH cal which will School, : pare: pel sont aie hg "I firmly believe that political/ada of ours -- a choice inherit- the U. of T. The donor system see, they could contact a mem-jveloping the exhibition, spoke lars," be monitored by a safety sen- More than 550 youngsters went cai tis 2 fl pr --< morals and devotion to the pub-|ed from our forefathers who for the bank is operated by the ber of the Oshawa Lions Clubjto the association at a local} He stated that the theme of/sor have to be installed. home with punctured arms after} W et ee a ee 'cs jlic cause are at the highest level/fought and died for this heri- CNIB and sign a pledge card. 'hotel where its convention was|the exhibition will be the life "Other problems of communi- the tests were made by Ontario) _"T look after these clinics|ever," he said. ltage -- a choice to be governed Eves must be removed from -- Since the Ontario division ofjunder way and activities of man cations include control of foun- Department of Health nurses, |five days a week, year after Mr, Walker said if there isbhy men who are governed by } "This Expo '67 will draw visi-\<2 . Oun-| The pupils -- from Grade 2 to 8|year,"" said Miss Moodie, "and|corruptness, inefficiency, or a God, or ruled by tyrants,' he the donor within eight hours the Eye Bank of Canada began Mr. Lord said that more than after death. They are then putin 1956, 1,719 eyes have been!59 countries and more than 100|tors from all over the world,' foe s hae vd : into an ice-filled compartment|donated; 817 transplants havejindustries will participate in|he said, 'and as George Hees aut colored fountains Cll\bhy the Ontario County TB andjset -- but not at Dr. S. J.|politics, "I submit it is But a! in the thermos and sent tojbeen performed using the facili-|the massive exposition -- thejhas pointed out -- we will reap| une the island. Health Association, Phillips." jreflection of what must be much Toronto where they are steril- ties of the bank, and 22,066/first world exhibition held injmore than two billion dollars Financing of the exhibition' fyvelyn Moodie, a Health De-| "Some of the boys and girls|worse in the area outside the persons have signed donor|the Western Hemisphere. "We/from visitors in 1967 and the\has been done firstly by the| partment official supervising the|look really sick before they go|political boundaries. will celebrate Canada's 100th/following three or four years--|city of Montreal, said Mr,|Clinic, said: 'These kids are alljinto the clinic," said Laurence) "Furthermore, I feel that each| ized A transplant operation is usu-'pledge cards eccrine eae ' birthday in 1967---and play host/on an investment of $45 miley ig then py Sain seared to begin with but the/Savery, school principal, "but/candidate is but a reflection of to the world at the same time,"'|lion." ord, then by the Province Of/ whole thing is over so quickly|there has never been a com-(the political morality and char: DIABETIC ASSOCIATION jsaid Mr. Lord Mr.- Lord, project engineer in| Quebec, and by the Federal/that they don't know they have plaint. Maybe its because they|acter of the majority of the resi- The organization and develop-'charge of communications, out-!Government been tested. don't get time." jdents in the riding." ee sah Sa aes In a democracy, the Oshawa e By ¥ aan arb Food Fun W ith ENSIGN HAS TWO MORE DAYS sen, feguediens ft ts muse i ' politics, 'holds office'; every one is in a position of responsi- No Slow Suicide | Brine Tossed On "Old Salts?" Fite: Members of the Oshawa and! He urged diabetics that : [ et laa wees ain ie ae and we will get the kind of District Diabetic Associa tion|they want to live, there is more sities 'seatlectiis, Uk toons te bth cL Obneala ' : : 'one , tain boats vessels spouting] __ were part of a survey made/some of the kids get really up-jlack of sincerity and integrity in|said. | "Tt is your choice -- yours and mine. I urge you to remember this in order that government and politicians may be kept in the true and proper perspective, that they have so rightly earned through our democratic pro- cesses." Mr. Walker said criticism of political beliefs of the individual or his party are to be excepted and accepted but "no man or his party should be held up to public ridicule" 'Many men in our lifetime -- President Kennedy, for example -- have paid the supreme sacri- fice for the right to express themselves in a free society," he said. last night sat down to a roast reason than ever now for them The Oshawa Naval Veterans' m™ the White Ensign, with all its Royal Canadian Navy. "That (itsacitnintoa ata. turkey dinner with all the trim-'to see a physician Association will mark the end | tradition, taken down, but the man Pearson (Prime Minister mings to celebrate the 10th an "Physicians are getting bet of a chapler of naval history new flag will earn its own tradi- Lester Pearson) just forced it niversary of their organization, |i,, > je said, "but if diabetics Sunday -- and the beginning of tions in time."' down our throats to get sup- en a uns eve e Dr, A. M. Fisher, assistant di-|) 41; to commit slow suicide,|2 2&¥ -- when the new colors James Reid, 92 Brock st.: port -- but he sure.won't get rector of Connaught Laborator- they only have to stay: away." of the. Royal Canadian Navy "The new flag is nothing but my support,"' said Mr. Fry. | " jes in Toronto, guest speaker, are hoisted a surrender to Quebec. This Another of the younger vet emphasized He said the family tree re- The RCN's official flag for , political Quebec flag is an. ex- erans, James Elrick, 85 Church-| n 0 a y Irs wen y "Diabetics don't need special search cy ergs could, in future over 50 years, the White En-} pyown comes Ensign... {ample of a minority in Canada . +s in favor of Maple __|ill av., took more philosophical food -- they only need specific/yeats, predict whether a childisign, will be paraded in the| showing the majority what to look at the new flag. "In many| Oshawa competitor Martinjmoved his car into 17th place amounts of normal food will have diabetes before it is/cjty for the last time before it) Luke White, 312 Leslie st. w.: do William Fry, 16 Brock st. e.,|ways I regret seeing the old/chenhall continues to do well in| with a total of 568 points "Diabetics can enjoy a good born, lis retired at the ONVA head-}"'If this is progress we have got. "The White Ensign waSididn't mince any words: "Tiflag go -- but we should move} . : ok | He and his team-mates in an- meal," he said. The speaker said researchers|quarters. The emblem will bejto live with it. I think the gov-jaround for a long time and did gon't like the mdarned flag --|With the times and have our|the gruelling Canada 4000 Rally other Chevelle moved into see. Dr. Fisher. said researeh is hope someday to find out how/replaced by the new Maple Leaf'ernment has brought in the flagja lot of good, We should have| . 8 ~ own banner. which entered its sixth dayjond place in the team stands changing the picture of dia- diabetes is passed on "atinational a to try to bring all-the different/kept it.' Mr. Reid served with the other one was the flag I "Tradition is just fine -- but)today. jings behind the Volvo: squad. betics throughout the worl the moment we don't know,' The change has spurred some people in the country together./the Imperial Navy in the Medi-/fought. under when I served in'a}) flags thad to have a start} Driving his big red -Chevelle! The rally finishes in Van kj. Fisher said diabetes, but a majority of the cases are/bitter comments by navy vet-\lt is worth it- if it works terranean and Far Bast during the Great War somewhere -- and I am surejat incredibly fast speeds over couver tomorrow after one of since the discovery of insulin, is-now near the bottom of the list\erans and: some welcomes! "As one who served during/the First World War Mr. Fry served with the Im-jthat the Navy will get to like/the rally's rough special sec-| of the causes of death, jhereditary, 'from ethers, ithe last war I am sorry to see] Another old salt, 8l-year-oldiperial Navy and later with the|the new flag." ~|tions yesterday Mr. Chenhalli the most gruelling 4000's on ree cord, faa

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