Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Apr 1965, p. 15

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GARDEN GUIDE r F By A. R. BUCKLEY Piant Research Institute Every year thousands of an- nuals are set out in the Orna- mental Grounds and Test Gar- dens of the Plant Research In- stitute at Ottawa. Included in the planting are many varieties that have already been tested, new and current introductions, and a large number that will be introduced to the trade in future years. These plants are rated on a basis of over-all garden value. Notes are made on resistance to disease, continuity and profu- sion of bloom, substance, adapt- ability, comparative uniformity in size, and habit of growth. Measurements of the size of the flowers and the height and spread of the plant are record- ed The following vatieties were outstanding in the 1964 trials: Ageratum -- For edging and carpeting, these annuals are un- surpassed, New this year are 'Blue Blazer' and 'Blue Mist', two exceptionally compact and uniform. varieties. 'Ping Pong' is an unusual kind with white flow- ers produced in abundance on perfect ball-like mounds. Cockscomb--'Fireball' proved to be far ahead of all other cockscombs because of its ease of growth and its large uniform heads of glowing scarlet flow- ers. Seeds germinate quickly and the plants grow faster than other cockscombs, so this var- Calendula -- The new much- heralded English variety 'Geisha Girl' has incurved blooms, like those of a minia- ture Japanese chrysanthemum, borne on very stiff stems. They are excellent for cutting. 'Geisha Girl' did not -row well during the hot weather of early August but improved later and gave an abundance of shapely flowers from late August to the end of September. The early flowers from June to late July were also of high calibre. Dianthus -- 'Baby Doll' pro- duced many large 24-inch single red, pink, and white flow- ers with a prominent zonal marking, The compact plants, 6 inches high and 8 inches wide, are perfect for the rock garden and borders where a neat plant is desired, Geranium -- 'Nittany Lion' is the first zonale pelargonium to come true to type from seeds, The plants grown in the Test Garden last year were strong and compact and_ produced an abundance of bright-red flow- ers, Germination took only five days and the first fully opened bloom came 100 days later in early July. Plants were still in full bloom when frost occurred in late September. Impatiens -- A new strain called 'Pan American', with separate colors of rose, white- apricot, and red, proved to be exceptionally good in shady places. Plants were dwarf, com- pact and extremely floriferous, Marigold -- The three new varieties that comprise a group known as the Gold Coin series were very good, 'Doubloons' produced large _ light-yellow flowers, 'Sovereign' deeper yel- low, and 'Double Eagle', light- orange. All three had large, uni- form, 5-inch blooms on plants 3 feet high, The most outstanding dwarf French types were 'Fire- flame', with a crested orange centre surrounded by a ring of large red-orange petals, and 'Sparky', with an almost unbe- lievable profusion~ of yellow orange flowers suffused with bronze, Both French varieties should be invaluable for edging and bedding. Nasturtium -- The Jewel mix- ed strain produced, on light soils particularly, an abundance of blooms on very compact moundlike plants. This strain promises to be a boon to those with problems of patio planting because seeds can be sown di- rectly outside and the plants will grow and flower very quickly, Petunia -- Of the thirty-five new varieties tested in 1964 the following rated very highly. 'Appleblossom' has very large single fringed pink flowers, 'Bingo Improved' bears huge blue and white bicolored flow- ers, larger than those of any other variety. 'Meteor' is a pro- fuse-flowering single bicolor with red and white 'flowers. ' abundantly - Annuals From Ageratum, To Snaps *'Moonglow' and 'Brass Band' come nearest to a yellow pe- tunia, They are very effective when planted with other colors, 'Red Desire', 'Rose Desire', 'Pink Desire', and 'White De- sire' varieties, all with striking fringed single flowers, are cellent bedding subjects. 'Sky Magic', a light blue and the best in thi color, is a good compact variety. 'Venus' is an effective, flowering, single pink, Snapdragons -- 'Floral Car- pet' is a sensational new dwarf snapdragon introduced for the first time Jast year in mixtures only. Now a series in separate colors, led by 'Floral Carpet Rose', is available, All varieties in this series have an abundance of blooms on very compact moundlike plants and they are useful for bedding. Last year they were in bloom from June until the killing frosts of the fall. Plants were a uniform height of not more than 12 inches, Sweet Peas -- A new strain called Royal Family, in separate colors of deep rose, cream pink, and cream, proved to be toler- ant of hot weather, Seeds sown outside in early April produced long - stemmed multiflorous bloom from July until killing frost at the end of September. Plants of another strain, the dwarf Bijou, grew to less than a foot high and produced large blooms of beautiful pastel colors, THE HOME and, you can make them yourself; by the simple method shown in Pattern 234, It also shows a way to make storm sash that is well within the capability of| the home craftsman with ordi- nary hand tools. Be ready for) summer or winter with this} pattern which is 50 cents, It) also is one of four patterns in| the Homestead Improvement Packet No. 29 for $1.75, (Post-| age stamps not acceptable.)) Building Editor, Oshawa Times.| iety should be sown later. -- WORKSHOP -- Whether Building, Remodelling! Nazi Camps. ~~] Sink's Focal Point For Kitchen Jiade Carol | Whether building a newjsink and other working areas | a | Hate Police |home or modernizing an oldican be installed at any level one, planning of the kitchen/|desired. |should take the sink as the) Careful thought also should focal point. According to the|be given to choosing the fau- | Canadian Institute of Plumb-\cet used with the modern. sink.) OAKVILLE (CP)--A woman| ing and Heating, in millions of'There are many types avail-|who says she spent three years} /homes over 15 years old, the'able -- almost all feature ajin Nazi concentration camps , kitchen, technologically speak-|swinging spout and aerator.|Where she learned to hate uni- PATTERN "Ailing, is still in the wood stove|Some have a_ single control,/forms, was acquitted Thursday | on a charge of impaired driv-| ing. Be era, It's the place where moth-|permitting one-handed flow and 468 | regula- jer works, and works harder|tion of both water a bi as\nan need be. temperature, Hexagonal houses for birds) while the old-fashioned kitch-;-------- Miss Jereb drove her car onto are simple to make with Pat-|,, at na ; probably has a sink, range, tern 468, So, show your skilll refrigerator and some cabinets, Bomb Blast a lawn trying to turn around on |Highway 2 March 19. When po-| urns alr lice arrived she first locked her-| § hate police," said Carol! Jereb, 38, of Toronto, '"They| have no hearts and they never) say please,"' | with either the one or the tWo-\it is not nearly as efficient or \self in and then twice tried to| storey model. Your neighbors! wejl.organized as it should be. run away. n Woman She told the court she became! |hysterical when she found she} will admire them and the birdsiang because the sink is the will love their comfortable neW| wor, centre of the kitchen, all NEW YORK (AP)--A drifter had left her driving licence at accused of hurling a fire bomb/home, | quarters. Price of pattern iSinjanning starts there. In view for $1.75. (Postage stamps not without an integral): , in St. Patrick's Cathedral was} When Constable Kenneth) acceptable.) Building Editor,| with 'op ___|drainboard, be sure it is really Luci B.'s Escort Ready, ; But Dancing NORFOLK, Va .(AP)--Put on} your dancing shoes, Luci, your escort is ready to dance. J. D. S. (Dave) Harries, cadet wing commander at the Royal) Military College in Kingston,| Ont., admits he's been too busy at school to learn the latest steps "But I'm willing to try any dance she wants to put forth." Dancing seemed the major concern for Harries and 30 fel- low cadets who will escort 2 Appointed To 'Garter' LONDON (AP) -- The Queen Thursday night appointed two new Knights of the Garter: Vis- count Brookenborough, -for 20 years prime minister of North- ern Ireland, and Lord Bridges, former head of the British civil service. The new knights replace two! members of the order who died: Sir Winston Churchill and Viscount Alexander of Hillsbor- ough. Appointment to "'the most noble order of the garter" is the Queen's personal gift. The order was instituted in the mid- die of the 14th century. U.S. Attacks "Must Desist' TORONTO (CP) -- Pauline Jewett, Liberal Member of Par- liament for Northumberland, said Thursday night it must be obvious to that it must Viet Nam. 'You can't have peace talks while fighting goes on," Miss Jewett told about 75 persons at the annual meeting of the World Federalists of Canada here. stop fighting in Car Mileage Rate Is Up Car mileage rates for Public Utilities Commission employees was bumped last night from 10 to 13 cents per mile Commissioners voted to bring employees up to par with City of Oshawa employees, who re- ceived an increase from 10 to 13 cents per mile last Decem- ber. The Commission made the new rates retroactive to Jan. 1 of this year Last year nine Commission employees drove their own cars 40,000 miles en PUC business. the United States| importance, the sink sent to Bellevue Hospital for) Brooks chased the woman. her 50 cents, It also is included in|o¢ j ts 75) ; ; should be chosen with discrim- Oshawa Times. jlarge enough for convenient ine he 4 any | sychiatric observa t pay' * a ®Yltwo 'poodles bit him twice on |food preparation and for the cleaning up operation, Ideally, lyou should have a large double- 1 bowl sink that is set into albelief." Langdon Skill Rust \ceramic tile or plastic-type ub ; begrenre praia. Ranben| ruled her actions could havel inet top. Sinks are available in|evy sal e hurling 0 e) a RAS ' y | 4 iron or|bomb at the altar of the Roman| (een caused by hysteria i 2 durable porcelain on achat Bird House Packet No, Phage aig ag oe pee inating care. Size is a primary or many other novel types--a"' consideration, Whether you buy ja single or double-bow! sink, by a judge who calied the at- j tack "shocking almost beyond|the leg, he testified. | Magistrate K. M. | 1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 24,1965 15 Midway End This MIDWAY ISLAND ( AP )-- Since 1958, a U.S. naval squad- ron of Superconstellations has remained airborne 24 hours a day, sevén days a week, patrol- ling the 1,500 miles between Midway Island and Alaska. April 30, the last of these patrols will be launched from this lonely north Pacific island, 1,100 miles northwest of Hono- lulu. Then, the Distant Early Warning Line extension will be ended, The 71-ton "'Connies" will, for the most part, be placed in the inactive reserve. The defence department or- dered an end to the patrol be- cause of the 'declining nature of a manned bomber threat." There has been no announce- ment as to what, if anything, will replace it. In 1958, the decision was made to close the gap through which the West Coast of North America was vulnerable to pos- sible attack by manned, super- clear payloads, LINE LENGTHENED What happened was that the Distant Early Warning Line stretching across the Canadian Arctic was lengthened, : Radar picket ships patrolled the north Pacific. Their job was much the same as the aircraft. sonic enemy bombers with nu-| Patrols Month The planes and ships all were part of the Airborne Early Warning Barrier, Pacific, whose nerve centre was Barber's Point naval air base near Hono- lulu. 't was from Midway Island however, that the planes flew. The Barrier squadron was the largest in the U.S. Navy with 26 aircraft manned and main- tained by 340 officers and 1,700 men, ; Each Constellation with/Itssix tons of electronic eauipmdnt jearried a crew of about 20, h of these being "scope watch- ers."' These men peered at four radar screens watching for "blips" as their planes flew north. The "blips" could mean enemy attackers. Much of the expanse from Midway Island to the Aleutians is shrouded in fog. The same fog that hid Japanese ships ap- proaching Pearl Harbor and Midway in December, 1941. Canada has not participated in operation of the airborne and seaborne extensions of the DEW Line. The DEW Line, which extends lacross the Arctic from Alaska to eastern Greenland, is still in full operation, The Mid-Canada Warning Line across the 55th These, too, are being with- drawn. AM ww SAFE @ CLEAN With modern electric heating, added housework. This new e controlled from room to room ELES parallel was shut down March \31. WHEN BUYING OR SELLING PROPERTY LOOK TO -- ; SCHOFIELD-AKER @ Residential @ Commercial ®@ Industrial PREE, SAFE, EASY MORTGAGES HOURS et rear of building ot Ist end 2nd, Arrang- AM, ti 9 PLM, 360 King St. West ed end purchosed SAT, Till 5 P.M. WEST END -- Older home in Jim Dandy Shope. New Oil Furnoce, aluminum storms and screens, Taxes only $142.00, Possession 60 days. Give us a call real soon to inspect. Ss '@ REFRESHING there is no dust to give you fficient heating system can be by merely the flick of a switch to give your family heating comfort wherever you wish, Interested! Why not call more heating? information about electric us for 123-9363 OR 723-1863 @ ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS @ RENTAL TANKS ARMSTRONG ELECTRIC 52 Fernhill Blvd. Oshawa INCOME PROPERTY --- Close to downtown. 8 Rooms -- 4 up and 4 down -- 2 kitchens, Oil heated, Taxes only $203-00, list price $12,700., possession 60 days, rennengganneny SPOTLESSLY CLEAN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW 3 bedrooms, living room and good size kitchen. Dandy lot 42 x 122' --= location: Cadillac Ave. South, May be purchased with sizeable down payment (which includes with now monthly payments of $71.00 P.l, & Taxes, or may be refinanced with down of approx. $2,400, ae steel and in lustrous stainless|Catholic edifice on Fifth Avenue} Queen Luci Baines Johnson and) +.) |Thursday night, seriously burn- her princesses of the Azalea "arrangement of the kitchen|ing a woman, was "plainly the Festival : : to save time and. steps, is|product of a twisted mind." Here to have a good time--|o%6 important to the home-| The defendant, David Malone, final exams just ended--the C&-imaker than in any other room|23, a Negro and former Hous-| dets' first question after alight-/i, the house -- simply because|!on, Tex., resident, gazed at the| ing from a RCAF plane was: |ihe majority of her daily tasks|Ceiling during the proceeding. How do you do the Watusisre performed there. Police said he had no pro- and the Frug? The three general kitchen|fessed religion. They quoted Tall, blond and handsome ns -- straight wall or corri-|him as saying he was being Dave Harries, 22-year-old engi-| 49) type, L-shaped, and U-|persecuted by "'people in gen- neering senior, was eager to shaped depend "upon the/eral."" He was not connected, as meet Luci. __.|arrangement of the three major|far as was known, with any mil- Harries has read news stories! jisces of equipment in the room| itant organization. and magazines avidly, trying to|" in range, and refrigerator, Assistant District Attorney learn all he could about the cine, most kitchen activity/Herman Graber told the court president's daughter. And al- centres around the sink. its lo-|that police had information that| though he isn't sure he has ever| ation and design should be|Malone had been confined to jseen an azalea, he's prepared! iven careful _ consideration, mental institutions. on that score too, The best place for a sink is/RAIDER JOBLESS | | He visited his grandfather, alynder a window (for natural, Malone, unemployed after jgardening authority, this week jight and the view), and be-|Working at various menial jobs, /to research the azalea plant. tween the refrigerator and|Was charged with arson, dese- Harries is the son of Lt. range since it will most often,crating a church and felonious j\Col. Maurice D. Harries of}he used in conjunction with assault |Grimsby, Ont these Mrs. Emma Gomez Reyes, 47, JBewne Important, too, is the height|Suffered severe burns when the at which the sink is installed.|home-made bomb exploded at Many an aching feminine back|6:30 p.m. as she knelt at the| has developed while _ leaning|@ltar rail. About 100 others were) over a sink installed at the|unharmed. | wrong height. "Something came hurtling; from the side and burst into) flames at my feet," she said. Trailer Crashes | Light Standard Forced off the road by a fast |moving car which failed to stop, LEVELS CHECKED ja massive tri-axle trailer de- At physical maturity, the Mort Sullivan, 27, of Mont-i, molished a traffic light stand--average woman is about fivejclair, N.J., grabbed her coat, jard at the corner of Olive-ave.|feet, four inches tall. Based on wrapped it around her and jand Ritson rd. s, yesterday|this average, most kitchen sinks)rolled her on the floor fo ex- jmorning. are installed 36 inches off the/tinguish the flames } Driver of the truck was Albert!floor -- which is just fine for; Police said another witness,| Henry Govier, 999 Olive ave. He|women who stand five-four, But unidentified, followed Malone told police that he was turning how about the ladies that are/from the church and saw him jinto Olive ave. when a fast moy-;much taller, or much shorter? toss his denim jacket into a jing car forced him to pull over,!Should they just grin and bear/trash barrel. Police said the! The rear of the truck ran overiit for a back-breaking life- witness then called authorities/ ithe' sidewalk doing $350 damage|time? Why should they? The|who, from papers in the jacket, Institute states that a kitchen'traced Malone. : oe \ ofA EME At Look @ Aluminum screening is rust- proof @ New fingertip knob door latch @ Vinyl weather-strippi @ Built-in concealed hi | | } | } | | i | Bagong le haeitjel wl. GREEN CHARCOAL \ OWE FLAY fae 0k Fess beoowune on sano bee += YELLOW BROWN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. ! 655-3311 These | Outs Now at MILLWORK ... The New Look in ALUMINUM DOORS Pre-hung self storing aluminum doors manuf KAISER ALUMINUM, guarantee of the finest work- mansh NOW ONLY @ Full 1% control ng nges THE HEAVIEST AND MOST DURABLE SELF-STORING DOOR ON THE MARKET ASK ABOUT OUR 6 MONTH DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN & Building Supplies Ltd. 279 Simcoe North Open Daily 7 A.M. 'til 6 P. . a full 1Y%4" thick with double diamond glass tanding Features ! @ Oilite bearing aluminum hinges @ Finest guaranteed hardware @ 2 sizes to choose from 2'8" x 68" -- 2'10" x 6110" choice of left or right hand. actured in Canada from your ip and materials. q .99 COMPLETE " thick 728-6291 M, -- Fri, to 9 P.M. MARY STREET -- NEAR 0.C;,V.!. Older 2 storey, 6 room brick home, recently painted outside with new eaves ond oll freshly decorated inside. A nice clean home -- low taxes -- gorage and paved drive: Call right away on this one, VERY SPACIOUS -- extremely well built home. Located in @ very desirable area. Walking distance to General Motors North Plant. Presently used as 4 bedroom home. Living room featur- ing almost new broadioom, is over 20' long, 2 full bathrooms. Paved drive to 2 car garage. Must be seen ta be appreciated. Will sell fast -- give us a cell and ask about terms: BEAU VALLEY -- Completely decorated. Large 7 room brick home with aluminum siding at top, Irreplaceable value is yours when you buy this 4 bedroom -- 2 bathroom home built by one of Oshawa's leading builders, H. Kossinger Construc- tion, Immediate possession is obtainable. We will accept trades, So if you want to move up, give as a call and we will help you move in. AT YOUR SERVICE CHARLES CHAYTOR .. 723-2265 MARG. HALL ALLAN THOMPSON .. 728-2870 Lang ah aR IRWIN CRUIKSHANKS 728-5205 NEIL CAMPBELL : BILL JOHNSTON . 728-1066 IRENE BROWN ED. DRUMM seas 725-9343 STEVE MACKO MARGARET LEE . 723-2894 "Over a Quarter Century of Service' DO IT NOW! List your home with us and get TOP DOLLAR © We have SPOT CASH and Term Buyers e FREE APPRAISAL: SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 360 KING WEST 723-2265 . 723-1358 (See additional -- Advertised wt in Classified Section) f

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