Steel Strike Set F Mediator Hopes To Avert It PITTSBURGH (AP) -- The|May 1 to back a demand for a chief federal mediator says he/|17.9-cent-an-hour increase in alings have been scheduled. The believes a steel strike May 1/new labor agreement. can be averted. William E. Simkin, director ofjno intention at present of invok- He said the government has day. the mediation and conciliation|ing the Taft-Hartley Act to halt/posed a three-month contract revall) [ te service, followed up his state-|the threatened strike with an/extension under which steel- poker ae Mga imine go oe Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie ment by summoning negotiators) 80-day injunction. workers would feceive a A ght and Saturday, Some/Windsor; Sunny Saturday be- for the United Steelworkers Un-| After the wage-policy com-)per-cent contract boost, about pee jon and the basic steel industry| mittee action, USW. president|14 cents an hour, plus a cost- Low honey age or Feat hale Saud ig 4 to separate meetings today. David' J. McDonald said there|of-living increase worth about Windsor ..sccceses 38 60 auskoka ........ 25 48 Simkin spoke to reporters;would be no extension of the|four cents an hour, ' St. Thomas 35 55 North Bay. 25 48 Thursday after the union's|present contract or an agree-| Steelworkers now average) London ... » 2 55 Sudbury oe 25 48 wage - policy committee ap-|ment on a new pact unless the $4.40 an hour in waves and ben- Kitchenér ..... 32 55 |Fariton ee 30 48 proved a countrywide strikeiunion demands are fully met. efits, Mount Vorest...3,. 84 55. |Sault aa iale. 30 50 saetialis Wingham 32 55 |Kapuskasing ..... 20 45 Hamilton ....s0065 38 48 |White River....... 15 52 HERE and I HERE tevenson St. Catharines.... 35 48 |Moosonee....e... 10 40 TOFOMtO «...ese0ee (38 52 | Timmins 20 45 Peterborough .... 32 55 |Kingston ....+0.0. 35 55 Miss Roma Glanville of Station st., Orono, has been named safe driver. of the week by Oshawa Jaycees and will receive a free tank of gasoline. She was ob- served by a member of the club's safe driving commit- tee yesterday at the Oshawa Shopping Centre as she brought her vehicle to a stop in front of a large. puddle, waited for the oncoming traffic to pass, then pulled out around the puddle so as not to splash those standing at the curb waiting for a bus. Bowmanville will be hon- ored by the Canadian High- way Safety Council for an outstanding safety record during 1964, it was an- nounced yesterday. Bow- manville is among 98 Cana- dian cities to be recognized by the council for their safe- ty records. Bob Fairey was chosen as Kinsman of the Year at a recent meeting of the Bow- manville Kinsmen Club. The award was presented to Past President Bert Snow- den. Arrangements have been completed by the Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville to "adopt" a Korean child. Ald. Christine Thomas will return home today after three weeks in Toronto Gen- eral Hospital where she underwent major surgery. Her husband, T. D. Thomas said today she will recuper- ate at home before resuming her political duties. The United Council of Vet- erans Associations will again present a trophy to the best war veterans march- ing group in Oshawa's sec- ond annual Folk Festival parade, The Folk Festival will be held on Dominion Day. This competition is open to all servicemen's organizations throughout the city and district. The Polish War Veterans will sponsor another one of their Spring Dances at the Civic Auditorium. The Canadian Corps Associ- ation announce its upcom- ing Provincial Dart tourna- ment and dance will be held April 24. On its annual pil- grimage to Niagara Falls, the Association will take part in the huge parade which annually marches across the border into the U.S.A. ; On the evening of April 30, the Oshawa Naval Vet- erans will hold a smoker in their clubrooms on Viola st. this event will be followed by their annual banquet and dance on May 1. The church parade to honor their de- parted shipmates, will be held on "Batile of Atlantic Society. The campaign. will be conducted by the Cana- dian Order of Foresters and Sunshine Group, assisted by the women of Court Ven- ture, Hon. Maurice Sauve, fed- eral minister of Forestry, will be the speaker at the meeting of the Canadian Club of West Durham in Bowmanville next Tuesday. W. Richardson of Ponty- pool has been named a di- | rector of the Christmas Tree Growers' Association | of Ontario, A highlight of the year for Oshawa Chamber of Commerce members turns up Apr. 30 when the an- nual Ladies' Night is held. Arrangements have been made for busloads of C of C members, and their ladies, to leave Oshawa by bus and take in a theatre show and dinner in Toronto. A series of special meet- ings featuring Lt. Col. Lyell Rader, will be held in the Salvation Army Citadel from April 28 to May 3, Lt.-Col. Rader, an_ outstanding preacher, teacher and scien- tist, will use a half ton of scientific equipment. during the meeting. They will be held each evening except Saturday, starting at 8 p.m. The Senior Citizens at Hillsdale Manor were enter- tained by the Kinsmen club and members of the old Country Club recent- ly. Entertainment included, songs, dances and sketches. Dr. G, Moller will speak at the Unitarian Fellowship meeting this Sunday in the ORC at 11 a.m. His topic will be Greece From Minos to Never on Sunday. On of the tops on the best sellers lists -- Terror in the Name of God -- by Simma Holt, is now available at the McLaughlin Public Library. Other new books placed on the library lists inelude: Hotel, by Arthur Hailey; Scarlet and_ Stetson, by Vv. A. §S. Kemp, Peace, Order and Good Govern- Canadian Money 'and Bank- ing, by O'Brien, J. W.; The Western Front--1914-18, a collection of essays edited by John Terraine; The mak- ing of the Prime Minister, by Anthony Howard and Richard West. Paved streets and gutters and landscaping will be the main topics of discussion at the next meeting of the Lake Vista ~ Ratepayers' Association April 25 at p.m, in St. Phillip's Church, Oxford st. Alderman Cecil Bint, chairman of the Pub- lic Works Committee, will be guest speaker and John Sunday" May 2. The Ontario Regiment Association will hold their Spring dance on April 24 in the Knights of Columbus Hall. The next meeting of the UCVA will be held in the Canadian Corps clubrooms on May 8, at 2 p.m. A door to door canvass will be held next Monday night in Bowmanville and Newcastle to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Lloyd will present a talk on landscaping illustrated with slides. All residents of the Lake Vista Subdivision are invited to attend + CELEBRATION PUT OFF MOSCOW _(AP)--The itional Red Square display Soviet weapons on May May 1 will be a civilian show. ¢ or May 1, |was satisfied the governmentihe had already spent three days|from the machine. training Thursday night, killing | & tl |would take action at "'the veryjin custody awaiting trial he was) one of the pilots while the other | u Ke ar jbase of the problem and I will|free to go. Driving while his licence was landed safely. : | ; jbe sending my children back to! In explanation for thé charge suspended cost Edward Eric| The air force identified the Ke YR | aN N | KITCHENER (CP) -- Canada/school Monday." Dixon said that he had been|Robinson, 592 Crerar ave., a|dead pilot as ist Lieut. Robert . : does not have standards for} He said he would talk to the/drinking that night. $50 fine with costs or 30 'ays in|P. Cowgill, 25, of Travis Air BRANVIN commercial pet foods, andj other parents on returning to| Why he had done it, he didjjail. The court was told that)Force Base. The survivor was some manufacturers admit their| Saskatoon later Thursday night|not know. Robinson lost his licence, for|Capt. Gerald G. Bjerke, 32, of products would not meet hu-'and could see no "obstacles" to three months in January this| Fairfield, Calif. | Sherry {mane society standards if they A breakin at the Rundle year on an impaired driving) a lconvention, said cats would die/ given in the English language. | lexclusively on one particular) brand of food canned in the, KINGSTON, Ont. (CP ith i didae NGS§ N, )-- | ROOM, 33 Holl Street, Osh- United States. The society, he Hos hak, an | Eight-year-old Josephine Bed-i] awe, on THURSDAY, APRIL |said, was unable to find a gov- MONTREAL (CP) -- Trans-|ford of Franktown, about 35/) 29TH, 1965, et 7:30 o'clock ment, by P. J. T. O'Hearn; tradi- of Day will be postponed until the May 9 VE-Day celebrations of the end of war in Europe, an in- formed source said, The parade HOME OWNERS CAN NOW REDUCE PAYMENTS We hove discovered thot there are mony home owners who are eligible for low cost loons, but instead----ore paying unnecessary high finonce charges ond Gre making high monthly poyments. You os a home owner, ore eligible for a low cost first, second or third mortgage loon from $1,500 to $20,000 ond take up to fifteen years to repoy. Find out how a low cost home owner loan can pay all your bills, give you additional cash -- if required ond at the same time reduce your monthly poyments by os much as holf, For com plete information, mai! this coupon, telephone, or come in. No obligation of course, PROMPT INVESTMENT CORP. LTD. , 62 RICHMOND 87. w,, TORONTO, 1, ONT., EM. 6-9586 ---- EVENINGS BE. 9-4913. Gentlemen, without obligation, about home, owner loans: | would like more information WEATHER FORECAST Sunny And Mild Today, Saturday TORONTO (CP) Official forecasts issued by the weather office at 5:30 a.m. j Synopsis: Generally fair and| cool weather will prevail! » inint companyainion meet _ cloudiness associated with a de- veloping storm over the south- western United States will reach the western portions of the district late Saturday, last session was held Wednes- The union said it had pro- 'Hints Shift | In Outlook NEW YORK (AP) -- Adlai Stevenson, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, suggested 'Aid The Injured, -- But Leave Limbs' SILENT U.S. BOMBER FELLED IN VIET NAM Viet LOS ANGELES (AP)--You're;vessel and nerve surgery--now Thursday night a shift in Amer- Interfoto MTI, a Com- shows the wreckage of an rovince in North oo promalie peney. gg a munist Hungarian -picture | American bomber cia down inh No date is given, driving along and you pass thelis "obligated at least to try to eee f i Sait mine ould be agency, says this photo in a raid against Hatinh --AP Wirephoto scene of an accident, -- jrestore severed or crushed ex- 5 ~ ad n occasion A man is lying beside the) tremities." that the mistakes have been highway, Nearby is an arm. Robert Orona, 64, was run ours What do you do? over by a spike-studded earth tamper Aug. 24, 1961. His arm The ambassador said U.S, ex- "Save the man first--but don't Boycotting BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE | 'perience in diplomacy has been | i j " i -ept | pel plomacy go off without his arm," says|WaS virtually severed except) lbrief, and characterized it as bd It icallf thi i i on h Aedueelhia tenet Dr. J. Vernon Luck, medical|for a thin strip of skin and two "monument we seem OF Schools | 3 Days Im Jail, shes: sneieic"togt mre sremnes sy . U jtal, '"There's a good chance the) Through bone, blood vessel) Nees ee 4 larm can be restored to use." |and nerve grafting, the arm| oo val ie aye ae the Called Otf Dr, Luck told a press confer-|was restored to almost full use.) ' old some) or eanuts jence Wednesday that he be-|Orona held a chair over his) lieves the medical profession--|jhead, demonstrating the grasp 11,400 newspaper executives at-| |tending the annual dinner of the REGINA (CP)--A school boy- |bureau of advertising of the|cott started by 15 French-speak-| The theft of peanuts, chew-jled William James Potter, of {American Newspaper Publish- ing parents who withdrew 45'ing gum and stockings from a307 College ave., before the | Associat \ chi q . 3 rag ' > >» hadicour s ers Association. }children from separate schools garage at Colborne st, e. had/court. mh y Su ersonic and | | in his left hand, and told re-| porters he could feed and dress! himself and drive a car. | : Sa ceeEEEEEEEnieeaann 1 because of advances in blood He explained the "middlejin Saskatoon two days before|a sequel at Oshawa Magis-| Potter pleaded guilty term" as one of "patience, ofithe Easter recess appeared to|trate's Court today. charge of break, enter co-operation, of genuine sharing|/be over Thursday after a meet-| Before the court was Davidjtheft. He was sentenced to! in ps oe ogy and execu-/ing was held between a parents|Dixon, 27, of Drew st. who three months jail. | J t tion of policies... ." group and the provincial edu-|pleaded guilty to break, enter) Crown Attorney Bruce} 4 e S ras. > » »gc nar pase ge EC ~}cation department jand theft of under $50 |Affleck said that the Club} the golden goodness Ernest Bourgault, spokesman| He was sentenced to three|House was broken into and a| TRAVIS, Calif. (AP) -- Two} for the parents, said at a press|days in jail by Magistrate|pop cooler smashed open. A\supersonic F-102 fighter-inter- conference after the meeting he|Frank Ebbs, He added that as|quantity of silver was taken|ceptors collided during night Pet-Foods them allowing their children to were set, Tom Hughes, general) return to school. Park Club House on April 21/charge. CHILL IF DESIRED SALE OF UNCLAIMED GOODS Mr. Hughes, at the opening) 60 - year - old law which states| | coming clondy by evening. Winds light. Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake Ontario, London, Hamilton, Toronto: Saturday sunny and a liftle- warmer. Winds light. Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe, Algoma, Timagami, North Bay, Sudbury, White River, Cochrane: Satur sunny and continuing Winds light. Western James Bay: POLAROID Color Pack CAMERA for only We've got to be kidding Same fast loading. 723-4621 OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M, 9.95 But we're not. Polaroid has just introduced an economy mode! of the famous Color Pack Cartera. It's called the Mode! 104. Same great film. Same electric eye. Same big color prints in 60 seconds (black and whites are ready in just 10), Yet Polaroid hos figur- ed out a way to bring it to you for only about half the price of the original model. zene in and make us prove t. 28 KING STREET EAST day cool, Sunny and cold with light winds. manager of the Ontario Humane' The boycott started when the} - Haskett For | Girl, 8, Killed Society said Thursday. parents protested the province's In Car Smash session of the society's annual|classroom instruction must be} A sale of unclaimed bicycles and other articles will be held ot STIRTEVANT'S AUCTION Denies | Tough Tests from vitamin deficiency if fed) Ta |port Minister Irwin Haskett of| miles southwest of Ottawa, died Kenya Clai enya BU oniario said Thursday driving'in hospital here early today MOSCOW (AP) -- Tass pub-|tests should be tough. from injuries she received lished Thursday denials of a! Mr. Haskett, speaking at the) /u"sday night when struck by HERBERT W, FLINTOFF, Chief Constable. ernment department that could or would do anything about the) situation. | He also charged that some companies add chemicals to ; enn a itheir food to which cats become mete , ee " 42nd 'annual congress of the|" °a" 1" Franktown. | addicted so the inimals will re-|'@C!al discrimination against!/o 044. saroty League, said: porertrnerabersen Africans studying in the city of| . Baku. "the way some people are so The student, Nicholas Nian-;casual about day-to-day driving gira, described 'racial incidents|is frightening." in Baku in an interview with) .. : Kg s 'The Associated Press after his| ! have heard it said that ou return from the Soviet Union! testing system is tough because with 28 other students. more than one-third of the ap- Tass quoted Parabai Kamara, |plicants fail on their first at- a civil engineering student tempt," 'he said. from Sierra Leone, as saying | Niangira's charges are "com- plete lies." fuse all other types of good, | Mr. Hughes said if standards lwere set, some manufacturers would admit only their better brands for the society's ap- | proval stamp, LEARN TO DRIVE 725-6553 RUTHERFORD 'S School Of Safe Driving 14 Albert St. -- Oshawa i Fire Destroys Small Cottage Fire destroyed a small col- tage on the Eighth Concession "T make no apology for this In the interests of traffic safety . - ~'for all our citizens, the test for) OPTIONED TO LEAFS | |Road, Columbus, yesterday. a driver's licence should be ° i | i lOshawa Fire Department was! BOSTON (AP) -- Southpaw tough," Government Licenced --~ Personalized Service KING ST. WwW called. pitcher Ed Connolly of Pitts-| | | The Department also dealtifield, Mass:, has been optioned) . | lwith two grass fires and a false|by Boston Red Sox to Toronto) « : Enterta lalarm yesterday. City ambu-|Maple Leafs, vice - president} lance. answered seven: routine|Mike Higgins announced Thurs- house. calls. 'day night. ~Remember when | Bonded Stock Whisky , came in that plain old bottle? \ May | Co-operate in planning your Insurance protection @ AUTOMOBILE @ URBAN FIRE @ FAMILY LIABILITY © LIFE e ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS NEEDS AND OTHER INSURANCE JOHN McPHERSON 110 Cabot St. Phone 728-7207 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE and CO-OPERATORS LIFE BUEHLER! Fender EAT'N AT. TRUE-TRIMBEEF (5 <<. 12 KING E, -- 723-3633 Friday Night and Saturday Specials BLADE & Grade A Small SHORT RIB EGGS ROAST -- a9: | 3:99 : Well it doesn't anymore. That fine old bottle has launched its last sip. We've designed a new container for Gooderham's Bonded Stock, Tall and refined with classic lines, (Our whisky's now in the best shape ever), «\nd we age Bonded Stock longer now as well. To make every drop just a little more mellow, One thing though, Bonded Stock's smooth lightness we don't change. Our blenders know a good thing when they taste it. a Gooderhams Bonded Stock Canadian e FREEZER SPECIAL ¢ Judging from the number of people who HINDQUARTERS buy Bonded Stock Whisky, 80 does the rest of the country. o BEEF «.53- CUT AND WRAPPED FREE | ALLAN MACMIL ., OSHAWA inment Nightly at 9 P.M. ANDY BLUMAUER AND HIS ALPINE SHOW BAND @ Entertainment Nightly at 9 P.M. @ LAN--Manager GOLD RUSH LOUNGE and DINING LOUNGE Central Hotel Aina TRN sist oh te ate os