Cn MGS, Thuredey, April 5 £ 2 Mrs, McPherson qui s 8 s . siderable amount of time," sald EXERCISE PLANNED si oe 4 ee Bos Signal Lights Zoning Law the provision that a 750¥square Munici Buildin Councillor Hubert Wank. "I| oprawa (CP) -- Planes of 1 foot house be permitted for a know we are waiting to seejthe North American Air De- what the Goldenberg report is\fence Command will take part s - fw s : caretaker and his family. Even : Pickerin To License Are Deferred traffic Amended though the provision requires t A ed going to preseribe. 1 think welin a joint training exercise with ee engineeri department of the removal of the building e n ure pprov must allow him (the architect)\the U.S. Strategic Air Com- ; uae A has advised|, PROUGHAM -- A number of/when the pit is worked out, the |to carry on with some of thelmand over some Canada-US. j 1 Pickering Township Coun cil|2mendments to the zoning reg-ideputy reeve thought it discrim-/ BROUGHAM -- Opposing alif soil tests had been taken at|plan work, border areas, the defence de- Carta e e 1C es that traffic control signals a ulations in the Highway 2 arealinating when other residences|bylaw to provide for the issuing|the proposed site, and presumed) "We do owe him some money|Partment announced Wednes- ' Highway 2 and Sheppard ave- were made by Pickering Town-|were required to be larger, and|of a $225,000 debenture, part of|that the building would be de-| tor fees," he continued, "wheth-\94¥- The exercise, with super- H "4 which were requested ship Council this week. Thelthat this could add to the schoollthe cost of a proposed new mu-|signed to fit this site plan. He) Y if sonic bombers flying over some | BROUGHAM -- A bylaw to li-jloads, he (Mr, Affleck) instruct-\nue, dct ani Chieek be tae amended bylaw will be sub-|probiem, nicipal building, were Deputy|proposed a resolution that soil|*t we carry on or not. border areas of Ontario and the teence and regulate cartage ve- ed the OPP not to stop any ve- Seg ae i _ mitted to the Ontario Municipal] 'The board felt that any oper-|Reeye Mrs. Jean McPherson,|tests be taken immediately, and| Mr. Wank referred to the|Maritime provinces, is to be 'hicles was passed at this week'sjhicles for carrying full loads. 'The lates Haled that: the Board for approval. ation such as a gravel pitiCouncillors Bill Newman andlit was carried. | $225,000 to be debentured as part|staged in the early morning 'meeting of the Pickering Town- Mr, Affleck contended that it oliime of traffic was below the The new bylaw contains re-|should have the right to have|Harvey Spang, at a Pickering) Councillor Newman chose not! or the cost, but the balance ofNours of Friday. "ship Council. Any vehicle forjwas embarrassing for a police ataauia capacity, but the cor- strictions on the parking of|someone resident on the prop-|Township Council meeting Mon-|to discuss the matter further, lis SOUR AO nak Was Gadde a thire, working in the alge rennet J a apd psn leak warranted reconstruction|vehicles, including trailers onlerty to protect the equipment," day night. "Everybody knows how wel aa ip COSENS & MARTIN 'carrying yo --e verge ~ 4 --a 8 were permitte for safety reasons, and when private property. No more than said Mr. Faulkner. "I am yoting~dgainst the by- feel," he said. 0 bese es, tpeople, will " aaron I be con! Engineer Poulsson advised|this was done in 1966, the re- three motor vehicles and one! "In view of it being a com-\j,w pecause 1 think it is pre- STUDY PLANS It has to be completed by a Insurance ; frolied by 'he bylaw the Crown Attorney that the|quest would be reviewed again. gad pragervel Bang may ---- eS bear) mature," said Mrs. McPhersea, Council will meet in commit-|°eTt#ih date to receive its for-] gy King Se, £,, Oshawa : . : : ' | ntil the i 5s yes | Reeve C. W, Laycox gee jpermits he issued his drivers Bays Age 3g oA ag = Provision for a Chinchilla|Councillor Hubert Wank. BE Pies eigen ag I am stijj|tee of the whole next week, pos- ieee caper aaa: Alt tine of 728-7515 'that the fee ne small, _ oe nd Ver -- dents at this corner last year,|Ranch was contained, and in {t|think we are splitting hairs." | voting against the location sibly with department heads gram. nt we havel] Insurance 7as-74i3 'suggested that ve aie faa. Ak ok ee B, sewer emergen- and that Reeve. Campbeil of|¥@5 added further restrictions (Highway 2 and Brock road). I/present, to finalize the ria delayed long enough. ie Orr ment was made to thisel-| 'It would be: ridiculous to|Scarborough supported him in|'0r Keeping animals in agricul PLEDGE AID am dissatisfied since water is)Plans in the new | muneipa amendment was mi tural and gravel pit zones, one] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Thelgoing east, We are going to|Duilding for each department, 'fect, but lost. damage some roads when going|appealing for the lights. at them tntde the sronibitael NG' - : sae ak wis " rs ze "I think this goes beyond a 8 P NS|'Aid India" club of 10 indus-jhave surface water to drink. 1) Craig, r af z, A ; ied jo en oe Attlee Ths is ag 5 a pally said Councillor of swill-fed hogs in either zone.ltria} nations, including the|think we'll be in hot waterjarchitects for the project, or NG Oo Lils a 7 t tryin to make money|method for truck drivers not to|John Campbell, 'Trucks park Gravel pit regulations were also/United States, Canada and thelagain with a water and sewer|some time have been awaiting) tout of it ee be caught. Untold damage {slalong the road, and it's anjimcluded in the bylaw. World Bank, pledged $1,000,-| problem." verification of the areas re-| ; ovThe bylaw will be enforced by|done by 'trucks, and not tolextremely dangerous corner." 000,000 Wednesday to India for} 'Some of these mistakes that|quired for each department, be-) \Bylaw "Enforcement Officer, |prosecute private trucks apalls| 'I suggest the bylaw commit-|said that there are "No Park-lits economic development pro-jwe make," she added, "can|fore they can proceed with the| Harry Ashton, who will havejme," tee delegate someone to go injing" signs there, but they were|gram. Canada contributed §41,-/never be rectified." plans, | 7 authority to stop trucks for] 'I don't know by what author-jand talk to the metro traffic|not being enforced, 000,000 of the total. Councillor Campbell inquired] "I think we've delayed a con- ading and other infrac-jity Mr. Affleck acted," said|department," said Councillor ES aes a oe ' Councillor Newman. "He is an|Newman, "and explain it to 'o f as more|¢mployee of the Provincial gov-|them. The Scarborough police FD seep il phy to saidjernment. I would like to see aland reeve will give supporting MAPLE LEAF LANDSCAPI NG & GARDEN SE RVICE : OMP the Reeve, referring to discus-|Copy of both these letters (Mr.|letters. Trucks park on both} os | Keel sion of the matter last week.|Affleck's and the Engineer's) go|sides of the road, and it's im- | * ' ' to Minister of Health, Dr.|possible to see your way." - M e j ee 5 eee eas Dymond, and ral Mr. A. Walker. Councillor Donald Waring] offers qa complete aintenance LOW ' truck because it needs cleaning| His job is to prosecute a Court, | leas of the provisions of the by-|not tell the 1 hala ° hg " | A G d S ° " | 8 understoo at Mr./ ; gine Newman said that| Affleck withdrew his instruc F. R. BLACKo D | an ar en ervice he was 'not clear on it yet'. tons upon Mr. Poulsson's ex- OPTOMETRIST | Yes, @ very complete garden service. We offer you the benefit of Andy Kloos' many 1A 4 lanation, but Councillor Wank wed. "However," he said, "it could)? i 136 Simeoe St. North years of experience plus the most modern equipment. > : SINGLE VISION felt that it was important to PHONE 723-4191 ah, INGI | BIFOCAI easily come up for revision In find out if this instruction is still Now that the ing season is upon us and you find thet your time is being F Wey six months time. in effect. dominated by everything but gardening, let us care for your yard on weekly ; oka HALF-LOADS = ee ; or monthly basis. We'll gladly drop by your home and give you ao free estimate. ¥ } NOT PROSECUTED Our work is not limited only to mai work though, we also have complete When Crown Attorney Bruce| BAND of the Ontario Regiment | lines of nursery stock all of which are... I ed that township Engineer Paul Poulsson had PRESENTS COMPLETELY GUARANTEED FOR i ' COMPLETE WITH FRAME, LENSES AND CASE con fh ungg ltt ily ONE WHOLE GROWING SEASON! mes /} 65 Styles, Shapes and Colors to Choose From ruck drivers, under a legiti- : | Eo". F , | mie . em ) A "POP" CONCERT | FOR A LUSH GREEN LAWN = 1M Xe A) eon Wet FOR WOMEN. FOR CORN Council Appoves Friday, April 23, 8:00 P.M. =| Rect 1/7 gi U ores Gum ines emencion oante Renee! Deventure he | Our Services Also Include. . . eee LY gO Uy. Mra rans neaaen on teacn ws rou vA BROUGHAM -- Pickering H ' } ae fr % | we eas Sat ana & sili ye Township Council this. weeky ~ McLaughlin Collegiate @ SEEDING end SODDING © SPRAYING FOR WEEDS ond = "Alb AY pg SS a yaaa ae on gave two readings to a bylaw Auditorium © PLANTING ef ANY TREES INSECT CONTROL to issue debentures in the | NO. 1 NURSE amount of $345,000 for a 12-room | Stevenson Rd. . pene --"s tmentane sae PATIOS and ~ the west si f} Ey lg Mia Tae Be Assisting Artists: MRS. JAN DRYGALA © FERTILIZING ROCKERIES will be known as "Frenchman's| Accompanied by: MISS JUDY DAVIDSON } As 7. Aaah [ft AR . ( a Bay Public School," | Metropolitan's Conductor; MR. E, ROBBINS ' = eae b - 7 ae llor } d | Host: MR, M, HOOD | 7 a ee Landscaping and ay asa se tat |, om tha e e t , could be confusing, because the Toronto Metropolitan Silver | Garden Service | wnat 9a. tok kas So denge tein Ramen rap and Ontario Regiment Bands Closed All Dey Wed. Frenchman's Bay. Tickets obtainable ot Henderson's Book Store or FOR SPRING CLEAN-UP CALL US NOw! Oshawa, Ont. Phone: 728-1261 solar i ANDY KLOOS & SONS R.R. 1, HAMPTON 263-2214 the school board of Area 2, recommending a change in the name. WARNING TO ALL CITIZENS! Monday Evening, April 26th is (7..:.. Leave | Your | Porch : Lights On!! | pean -for the- CANADIAN CANCER SOCIET In the rural Areas of Ontario County, your neighbour will call will be holding a house to house canvass (Blitz Night) on Mon- on you during the month of April, for a donation to the Can- day, April 26th from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Please be as gener- adian Cancer Fund, and in the City of Oshawa, Brooklin ous as possible! . . . remember your donation is urgently need- and Bowmanville the Oshawa Kiwanis Clubs, Members of ed to HELP FIGHT CANCER. the PIYAH Chapter of Hadassah and other organizations A letter will be forwarded to| Children under 14 admitted free if accompanied by parents This appeal is sponsored by the following public spirited businesses . . . Alberto-Culver Ontario W. B. Bennett National -Genosha , of Canada Motor Hotel Paving 3 Stud Limited Sales Sere ae Limited Farm 845 Farewell Avenue 140 BOND ST. W. Oshawa 1290 Somerville R.R. No. 1 Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa