Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Apr 1965, p. 8

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ee RE NT Soe a ae @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 21, 1965 Planning Board Actions Adopted By City Council Shopping facilities are needed in the eastern section of Osh- awa, Ald. Clifford Pilkey told council this week. He was replying to Ald. Mar- garet Shaw who asked why planning board turned down a rezoning application by Riznek Construction Ltd., for property at the north-west corner of King st. e., and Townline rd. The builder planned to construct @ neighborhood shopping centre. "But planning board felt the parcel of land (about 1% acres) Easter Music Is Enjoyed SOLINA (TC) -- Despite the fact that Mother Nature pushed the wrong button on her auto- matic weather machine, and de- livered us a_ sparkling-white load of snow instead of the warm, dry sunshine we had ordered, Easter Sunday found Eldad Church filled to over- flowing. : The beautiful Easter music, played by the organist Miss Gladys Yellowlees and pianist, Mrs. E. Cryderman, and sung by our young people's choir, with soloist, Mrs. Robert Parr, singing "Resurrection Morn", added to the joyful Easter serv- ice, making it a bright and "Happy Easter", in spite of the weather. Mr. and Mrs. T. Baker at- tended the Austin - Smith wed- ding, on Saturday, in the United Church at Bobcaygeon. Easter Sunday was little Miss Catherine Baker's third birth- day. Among the guests were Miss Helen Baker, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Smales and was not conducive to a good plaza in the area .,. if more land was acquired the board would look at the proposal again," said Ald, Pilkey, a member of the planning board. Council adopted all six plan- ning board recommendations. Others were: --Rezoning of land between Taunton rd. e., and Nonquon rd., from R-3 to R-4 to permit Eric Hansink to construct two 10-storey, 135 apartment suites; --An 'amendment to the zoning bylaw to permit a dry cleaning plant which is non-offensive and uses non-combustible cleaning solvents added to the permitted uses in C-1 and C-3 districts and provided also that the hours of operation in C-3 districts are controlled by the licencing by- law; --No change in the zoning of 808 Simcoe st. n., property from R-1-A to R-4 to permit a 41-unit apartment building. The appli- cation was made by Albhill In- vestments Ltd.; of Champlain ave., and Thorn- ton rd, s., to serve a proposed| motel, does not violate the in-| tent of the official Plan and) that the Public Utilities Com- mission be so informed. | The board also told council it) was not in a position to take ac-) jtion on a rezoning application) made by Dnipro Hall until such! time as the applicant supplies; drawings and plans as re-| quested. | Four letters to council were) referred to the planning board! for study. They were: --H. M. Cranfield, 284 Simcoe) st. s., applying for rezoning of the properties at 27 Gibb st.,| and 28 Quebec st., from R-3 to C-1 for the construction of a 25-) unit, two-storey motor hotel; | --Active Realty Ltd., applying; for the rezoning of property on| |Rossland-rd. e., from R-1 to R-4) Ito permit a 103-unit apartment; building; --Active Realty Ltd., request- ing council's comments on a de- |velopment plan at the corner f | jcommittee felt More Grants For Education Buildings City council wants the senior levels of government to provide more money for the construc- tion of educational buildings. A City of London resolution to this effect was endorsed by council. At present the federal govern- ment assumes 75 per cent and the provincial government 25 per cent of the cost of technical and vocational schools. The resolution asks that funds be provided for all educational buildings under similar terms "or such other terms as may be desirable'. Council's 'finance committee pretty well with a fixed income recommended endorsation the resolution. A City of Windsor resolution urging the provincial and fed- eral governments to help fi- nance hospital construction and renovation was not endorsed. Ald. ordon Attersley, finance chairman, said grants are al- ready made and that his finance the resolution was too vague. Ald. Clifford Pil- key noted that the city con- tributes to the Oshawa General Hospital on a voluntary basis. DISTRICT NEWS Requested iprovincial government for grants to maintain municipal police forces. A Town of Riverside reso-- PORT PERRY (TC) -- Mrs. lution recommending that mu-|D, Lee and Miss Monahan nicipalities be exempted from|were initiated as members of regulations of the Bankruptcy|the ladies' auxiliary of Branch Act was alse endorsed. \19, Royal Canadian Legion. Three resolutions on municipal! 'phe president, Mrs. Kenneth |taxation relief for certain) yackson, reported on the new |groups of people were not €N-| stove in the Legion hall kitchen dorsed. Council felt the resolu-lang the. new mirrors in the tions had some merit but did not ladies' lounge. Donations of $50 go far enough. 5 jand $20, respectively, were One recommended relief for) made to the Legion Bursary people on fixed incomes and this) Fund and the Girl Guides for prompted an alderman to quiP| new flag standards. that some 'people are, 'fixed Mrs. Garvie of the welfare jcommittee suggested that any raised from rummage should go to the to assist needy of $100,000 a year. 2 New Members Initiated By Port Perry Auxiliary NAMED CHAIRMAN Stanley Mumford, Port Perry, has been elected chairman of the Oshawa Shopping . Centre Merchants' Association. Wel] known for his work with the Port Perry Lions Club, Mr.| Mumford has been manager of! a men's wear store at the! centre since it opened. | CHAMBER OFFICERS | Grant McDermott was re- cently elected president of the Port Perry Chamber of Com- merce, Other officers are: Mrs. Roger Oke, past president; James Bower, first vice-presi- dent; William Harrison, second = <citnacciinnasiiomaien SUED isales, etc., it Off |welfare box arsl y ers re | . UCW MEETING Lat.-Am. Study | Miss M. Harris and Mrs. d ,|Arthur Brock of Unit 5 con- snie Sits hananen ee the devotional period at Monday it will offer a four-year| 'te general meeting of the Unit- honors degree course in Latinjet Church Women, American studies, beginning Mrs. Merlin Dowson of Unit 3 next fall. {announced an opportunity sale | Basic subjects will be Latin) would be held in the church vice-president; Howard Hall, serretary-treasurer; Mrs, Dale |Lowcock, Edward Griffen, Har- old Forder, James Porter, Rac | Wilson, Storey Beare, Stewart | Sweetman and E. Merlin Dow-| |son, directors," | Names to committees were: | Retail Merchants, James| Bower, chairman; Mrs. Roger Oke and Merlin Dowson; tour- ist -- William Harrison, chair- -- James Porter, chairman;| with a birthday gift. The family also presented him with a gift, One of the highlights of the entertainment was a contest in which the men dressed the ladies in the latest styles--fash- joned from newspapers. Mr. and Mrs, R. Forder won first prize with second prize going to Kenneth Wilson and Miss Gale Forder, special events -- Storey Beare, SET DATE chairman; Edward Griffen, ZURICH, Switzerland (AP)-- Grant McDermott, rink board|The finals of the Olympic soc- representatives -- Howard Hall\ce" tournament of the 1968 and William Harrison. games in Mexico City have- [provisionally been set for Sat- STAFF ENTERTAINED jurday afternoon, Oct. 26, the Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Dowson|snid Tuesday ee entertained recently at a staff|- -- dinner for their families and) friends in the Odd Fellows Hall, Maybelle Rebekah Lodge sery- ed a hot turkey dinner. s nagging backache! Mr. Dowson welcomed his guests and recalled some of the highlights of the 16 years he has been in business, He thank- ed the staff for their co-opera- She used to be bothered by back: and tired feeling. When she learn that irritation of the biadder and urinary tract 'can result in backache and tired feeling, she took 4 Pi tion and assistance. Kidney Pills. Smart girl. Dodd's On behalf of the staff, Roger Pickard presented Mr. Dowson COSENS & MARTIN Insurance 67 King St. E., Oshawa ies = SESS Insurance Res, 725-2802 of 725-7413 stimulate the kidneys to help reli the condition causing backache tired feeling. Soon she felt better rested better. If you are bothered by backache, Dodd's Kidney Pills may help you, too. You ean depend on Dodd's, --No change in the zoning of|Rossland rd., and Wilson rd, The property at 1453 Simcoe st. n.|Property comprises 50 acres of from R-2A to R-4 to permit an land on the north-west corner of; apartment building. The request|Rossland rd. e., and Wilson rd. was made by James Holland; |n. Copies of a proposed road --Rezoning of land owned by|layout were submitted; Harsam Investments, west of, --Z. T. Salmers applying on Grandview st., which can be|behalf of Colborne st. e., house- provided with sanitary sewerjholders for rezoning of proper- service, from buffer to R-1B. (ties on Colborne st. e., on the) The board also notified coun-|south 'side and east of ee cil that the extension of thelst., from R-4 to R-5 and C-1 to} water service into the buffer stores zone. at the north-west corner permit parking, and) apartments. |dren aged three to five. Council endorsed a Township} i itera-| basement with Unit 4 serving : : American languages and litera : of Saltfleet resolution asking A aenioe rears and Portu-/tea. Mrs. Cornish reported on | puese--and history and geogra-|/the new drapes. Mrs. Gordon |phy. McDonald announced she had | The university said the course| Wool for distribution, Members > an in-|were asked to turn over used NEW SCHOOL STARTED LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Local ° ee Pi parents here plan to start ajhas been started because an lebih Montessori nursery school next|creasing number of Canadians belay 4 pont a daers fall. The Montessori method is|have shown an interest in Latin| Myers. . s _ i peeps a non-graded school, using spe-|American affairs and the exist-|! e Ontario ospital at Smiths cial play materials. The school/ence of 200,000,000 people in the| Falls. will be non-profit and non-sec-|Americas who speak Spanish; Unit One had charge of the tarian, accommodating 40 chil-|and Portuguese is important Wipes. Mrs. John Hardy in- Canada, troduced the film on Trinidad. children, David, Martha and Cameron of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cowling, Row-, manville. | The Solina School Club meet- ing will be held April 28 at 8.15, p.m. The guest speaker will be) Constable Cornell of the OPP,} Bowmanville. Ballet dancing will be presented by Miss San- dra Scott and Miss Noreen Arnold. The Explorers met April 12, with Chief Explorer Kathy Vice presiding for the opening cere- monies, and Nancy Knox, the Keeper of the Log, read the minutes of the previous meet- ing. The leaders, Mrs. G. Knox and Mrs. R. Cryderman, pre- sented a program on Brazil and the girls learned a Brazilian song. Roll call for the next meeting, on April 26, will be ."What I enjoyed most in- the Easter Holidays'. The girls were reminded that the candy for the concert Friday night is to be at Mrs. Harry Knox's by April 22. GERMANS LIVE LONGER West Germany reports only 248 men per thousand lived to 65 a century ago. The figure now is 669. MANY BROADCAST Of Canada's 320 radio and television stations, 60 are owned by the publicly-owned Canadian Breadcasting Corporation. CLOTH OWNED AT HOME Alone of major Canadian manufacturing industries, the textile industry is almost wholly Canadian-owned. LISTEN HERE: Jack Dennett ee "KEEP INFORMED..." Jack's many years in the news broadcasting business and his Intelligent, analytical afd calm look at the day's events have earned him the largest audience of any newscaster in Canada. His ten-minute newscasts at 8:00 am. and 6:30 p.m. capsulize and crystalize the sometimes confusing events of the day on the international, national and local scene. People who like to be well informed on what's happening in the world, are always found listen- Ing to Jack Dennett. ee CFRB | ©1010 ONTARIO'S FAMILY STATION Early Bird HOUSE PAINT | PAINT ROLLER KIT TERPOL Household Thinner. This is a necessity to have around when painting. 26 OZ. SIZ 1 GAL. SIZE PLASTIC PAINT PAIL This is an ideal item if you have to starid up on a ladder while painting. Size 6" high, top diam, 842" and 7" bottom. SPECIAL 5 . DOWNTOWN OSHAWA © PAINT SPECIAL THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY FINE QUALITY PAINT j White. Interior Latex and Exterior House Paint. Buy now at this low, low price. 2.99 3.99 Interior Latex Paint SPECIAL GAL. Exterior. Exterior House Paint SPECIAL GAL. ......- 72" ALL PURPOSE New ond efficient metal tray. Roller hos easy grip plastic handle ond soft synthetic Verei material, SPECIAL 9g. wet Clean your brushes in seconds, Also spots off the floor of your hands. | 69° | 16 fl ox, c 40 fl. oz. SPECIAL .... 35 SPECIAL . MASKING TAPE Size 44 & 30. Foe kevin 39° Cleaner and Paint 29° Sine 14 136 fc 69° DUKE PAINT BRUSHES Vo"" size. ; 1 GEE eas 14" size ... 2 $40 -. 5. 2" size KRESCO PAINT BRUSHES 84c TOU oa, 1A size 4.66. tee 2 Sige. 56445. tae zve size ....0. Qaae a ave, 2.79 se eens OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE man and Rae Wilson; industrial |J_ ARESGE'S Holland Grown Grade 1 RED VARIETIES Crimson Glory--Deep Velvety Crimson Karl Herbst--Deep Carmine Red, Suffused Scarlet Opera--Light Scarlet with Copper Yellow shodes Ena Harness--Bright Red Mojave--Double Apricot Orange Margaret McCredy--Unfading Orange Scarlet Josephine Bruce--Velvet Red color, double blossoms WHITE VARIETIES Mme. Jules Bouche---White center shaded primrose White Swan----Pure White Virgo--Pure White CORREO ROR ATARI AARNE ATMS SRR PINK VARIETIES POLYANTHA (Floribunda) Helen Traubel-- VARIETIES Salmon Apricot pink Anne Lets-- Fashion--Coral Peach Nymph--Coral Salmon Rose pink, reverse silvery Queen Elizabeth-- Mascerade--Multi-colored clusters of yellow red, pink and maroon, Delightful pink Fonel--Unfading Orange Margaret--Bright pink, reverse silvery pink Frensham--~Scarlet Crimson Dr, Debat -- __ Bright pink, tinted corel YELLOW VARIETIES Marcelle Gret--- Saffron Yellow Beaute--Yellow suffused salmon Folies Bergere--Suffused carmine on top of petals McCredy's Sunset -- Orange yellow. TWO-TONE VARIETIES Peace--Golden yellow with pink Talismon--Red with golden yellow Tanger--Carmine red with yellow & intemps--Double flower, pink with yellow Coprice--Flame pink with yellow. Sultone--Clear red with golden yellow CLIMBERS Paul's Scarlet--Vivid Scorlet Bonn--Orange Scorlet Crimson Rambler--Carmine Golden Climber--Yellow * New Dawn--Blush Pink PINOCCHIO ROSE COLLECTION Yellow Pinocchio--Apricot Yellow Pinecchio--Pink with Salmon Red Pinocchio--Carmine Red TWO STORES 1U oERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN) and OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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