28 TH COHAWA TIMBS, Thuredey, Apr ip, 1900 "Spring Cleaning -- Make Cash By Selling Your Don't Needs Here' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 - |8--Articles for Sale 12--Articles Wan | | SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT -- "7 |SLEEPER TRAILER equipped with leo|WANTED TO RENT c one tent camp box and Coleman stove and electric out-|ing trailer, id-July to mid-August, | N ESS S Ee RV CE D | R EC ; | CORY » |] You'ee in Valley Creek Furni- |i. any saeco TA ts 91 Ne AG ture where they pay the most, 7 -"e Toes ier 6 pm wer/APARTMENT SIZE refrigerator and } CIAL -- 40 1 ! y cAYY Jf : sell the cheapest. When sell- [sicuetuce all-channei antenna item : a vor H is: size ing or buying used furniture |$50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, 361,27 Bowmanville, Ee iamnnae and appliances phone 728- lar raueeen TRANG beste ze Propane {tirigerator sult x tres, 900 x 20, and tubes.|?%/@ for cottage Musi in good work- = ~ pt A DEER ( pes Sou we to the store 'Nearly new, cheap! Telephone 725-747), ey Order. Telephone 728-7464 after 6 Gardening and Supplies ;Money To Loan Pr 1 Apout lean eee! | AQUA LUNG for saie, 71 cubic feel with on -- . | teeta a Ye "Year Suny OF Food ond 6 oe iain $iha ee CAP aR, Sa, Gaga Be 'and BURROWS, Chartered|JOSEPH P MANGAN, hoy fA ; WALLY : requiator. Pickering 942-1116. old cartridges, Telephone ac pips m4 King Street East, Osh- Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street eens, ate: Rye ern Gorthacte / Eilers Freezer of your choice only |TELEVISION, RCA Victor, 1960 model, MARVELZER blender, magazine rack, awa; Roald ison, CA; G.|East, Oshawa, 726-8232. i : \purpose providing you are steadily em- 21-inch, new picture tube, $55. Telephone! large foot stool. Must be in good condi- Samond 'Surrews: CA, TATE. and BASTEDO, Barristers, [ployed and have good credit. Telephone} . $11.95/PER WEEK io WAVY OUT ee jtion. Telephone 728-3687. YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO.., | Solicitors Clients' funds available, 4631, ig saw, model No. 1 Arti I fi R t 3 ed Trustees toages National Trust Building, 32 ' 3100, complete with steel stand, like new. 3-- icles for Ken' Crees Dace e ha Biraet Kest,|Suricoe' street Somth, T28-73%6/, Charice C, SUPPLIES" Special Lease Program |Sehup tora. tryout, Recomabin® an: $$$ 728-7371. |McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. Whitby 668-5827 | phone Ajax 942-4006. a : |TAPE RECORDER, $65. For infarmation| MORTGAGE " me -- |felephone 723-4431. eam aeh RENTALS i, For . . . Evergreens, Shade |E ARGER and dark room equipment, 4 pee Trees, flowering shrubs, fer- HR ag Mh OF ALL KINDS LOANS Ce pe -. wera rire Bdead your local PIANO, upright, $180, With' stool, "Good Mor - Perkin, C j WHAT an on rden : condition, Telephone Whitby 668-5930, + massaging belts," rowing ma= Bene ecat iewcestle, 907-4240) WN wp | we 4 |J. A. Janssen and Soms Ltd. |*f**_* a chines, bike exercises -- all Chal B.C A. ge SPRING SPECIAL So-Grasn 21-727 H ; adi DOES THE SUM "B43 KING ST. W. 728-9429 SMALL TRAILER (home made), $315. $6 per month, iamapar at . ann © y, * q ¢ Lite Sal . . is e.ophon of la er in GGPRING, "GEADLS "AND CO Cher" 10% Discount Crabgrass Preventer | Central Ontario D pupusa pitt wood "GARDEN CENTRE & He egies ie om PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe ing, 187 King Street. East, Oshawa, On- On All Orders Milorganite NE LONGES( _ DROPPED LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS" 7¥2 CUBIC FOOT McCLARY refrigeraio | cleaning rods, pipe vise trie : TAR INfo 'WE CRATER i |Special, deluxe, $50. Good conditions} pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cuts AND RUNS LIKE Accountants | Barristers tered| QC, Solicitor. |} WILL loan you up $5,000 at a r Mortgages | Sete f hats MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS and Co.|JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bar- | Cnrlats "Aesortenis. Tas Tei; Oehawe|cieter and Sollciior and Nelery Punt, CL. 10-6-4 | Shoppii tre, Suite 215€, Ajax, The Commercial Building, 286 King West, 9420890 whitby 668-4131 ;Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking avall- C.I.L. Evergreen able. 725-4716 or 725-4717. { HALL, PERKIN AND CO., Chartered | C.|.L. Golfgreen Aceountents, 36% King Stree! East, Cs Building Trades So-Green Garden So-Green a) ARY . tario, 725-3509; $. T. Hopkins, CA; H. E | HI "E. STASSEN, \ ea A. i | . STASSEN, onc EY fen | rear . i CaOMie Taunus eevoKtciarenw) P'0CEd before April 15th | satis Trust felyies wee sm |Aioe lharng Geert Hoteles 8 she" Snain ler" mane") ters, pipe threading' des, OOKS, C | OVERNOR oF MINNESOT + } | Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop: Remodelling, carpentry, tiling, | oe ; ee pe FORMERLY A PALO NO. "ao. "and 2" dresses timer topper na| 4" ELECTRIC RANGE. Good condition,| lle! auger. a ae ol na painting, plumbing, _ electri 10-10-10 & Savings Corporation | CAR CONDU OR. PECRIFIED at | steel pipes, radiators, insulation, asbes- S°0- Telerhone 655-4479. seecre PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- BOB CLANCY'S = Accou Service| cal work, roofing, eaves- 4-12-10 | ' Fhe i ONE YEAR. tos siding, ale. wiring. "erent bio. 1955 CHRYSLER Fire power engine, 331, stepladders, aluminum exten- one last t T : Foor Srettowsn, ae 1h, Weeks then remeron, Plywood panelling, everything half price.|cubic inch. Best offer. Telephone 668-4553 j troughing, plastering, cemen No. 1 Fine Grass Mix a oats a Nis 5 | Salesman on job from Monday to Satur-|afier 6 p.m sion ladders, ladder jacks, work of all kinds. Aluminum and PRIME SECONDS day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. steel scaffolding compressors, MORTGAGES and ; : i WE BUY, sell and exchange used turni-/900d condition, $10. up. Telephone 728-| SPFOY guns, wallpaper steam- peas rh Mix AGREEMENTS Purchased [Surveyors 5--Trailers ture or anything you have. The City) 6956 ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, Au T eat Moss ~ Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street'BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture Propane torches. tant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, YOU ' LOANS ON MORTGAGES H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land COOK'S South, 723-1671 nd appliances One locetion only. Pretty ' Ontario, Telephone 723-1221. NELLIS' HOME | « Fencing 2 Surveyors, '13 Elgin Street Fast, 7 hone SPORTSMEN -- We have the walch made Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 7233271." UILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- ACCOUNTING SERVICE -- Bookkeep- IMPROVEMENTS Hedge Shears Immediate Service eri TRAILER SALES 'ivst for you. Easy credit terms. Lowest QuaNTITY of Girls' coats, dresses ang) Cement mixers, finishing tro- ing, specializing in small _ businesses. Tank S From Our Head Office DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Prices. We have the largest: selection/nais, sizes 5, 6 and 6x. Very reasonable, Wels, wheel barrows, electrie Pick-up and ivery. Phone 725-0829. | Oshawa -- 728-2061 | ank sprayers ; Land Surveyor Commercial blue prints, NEW LOCATION of special purpose watches in Oshawa. 725-1097. bi " ------------ = Paterborough 2° 745.2184 | Bug Killers |.19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa | 11 Ontario Street, 725-5622. jWatch World, 24 Prince Street. 723-6922 ck TRE GE Cite GE ha rotor, air compressor, jack Barristers fe ad hasta : SIMCOE ST. NORTH [JOHNSON Seahorse 5% full gear shift, ruck, ready to. roll, $20. Telephone) ommers, hand trowels, water Rana eee cosa fi ; : -5221 . ee EREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and) HARLEIGH Complete Garden Supplies Phone 723-5 TV--Radio Repairs Oshawa -- 723-9534 _ |875. Telephone 725-9802, 74 Warren Avenu | gog.5381, Pumps, portable heaters, steel VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, SINCE 1909 " GIRL'S SPRING COAT, size 7; blue-beige ;ELEVISIONS and sewing machines We| 8COffolding, electric generator, Street Suet Dahewas, 25 344s) coed MFG. CO TV TOWERS auras bie pine CR Ng Pog Ae get rent av reasonable rates. Honest Cal's,| ramset, power rollers, electric re yi a, +3446; T. K.! ' | @ GLEN e GLE 5 +2096, 4° Kino Wes 728-9191 hammers, mason build- "Beil ee Han . 2nd MORTGAGES Seater leat evn Creighton QC or resi eens: 8 Bee] "House remodelling. Kitchen Coo er Smith Co n @ CITATION @ CANADIAN (WALNUT BED, spring and spring-filied |LARGE-SIZED crib and matiress, white:| ing jacks, mortar. mixers 4768; J. C Victor, 985-711. Mortgages; Nd bathroom planning. Wall . | ECONOMY. AND @ EMPEROR TEN TRAILERS mattress; walnut dresser with mirror;inew stroller, tan; chrome high-chairs| mortar by '. hoi { ale bought and sold,| tiling. Modernfold doors, etc. UP TO 80% OF APPRAISED | | kitchen fable Clean condition, Very rea-itight blue; baby rocker, all articles in fF Doxer, chain. hoist, Free Estimates, Call anytime 16 Celina St PROPERTY VALUE DELUXE See trailer parts and service | sonable, 725-0217 : new condition, Telephone 723-2587 any-| miter saw, electric plane, tor- -- ee ee 7 erg ES shay : ' ' . M - | ere 100 PER CENT NYLON RUG, 9 x 12, time. paulins, sand blast a YCHYN, and HILL. Q 1 re - e + 4 J pie si Aa yi aster, power MAN, Barristers Solicitors, 36% King 723-7589 | TERMS UP TO 10 YEARS Priced to suit your budget | 400 POUND ed, Ole pitch, 'Suitable for dark beige, with pad, $75; McClary Easy WALNUT diningroom five-ieat extension! post hole auger, oscillatin Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys, ----___""""° ~~" 723-1139 Lakes m TERMS ARRANGED Prone T2278. Ter' $65. full Price. electric range, $75; bath like new. Tele-|table, 820; also thresdrawer oretenr ove bl 9 QC; G. $. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, NO HIDDEN CHARGES hone 728-5275. ? : phone Hampton 263-2729, mirror, $12, M. L. Clemens, Hampton,| SOnders, disc sanders, belt LLB: J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Oltice: WELDING NO BONUSES COLLAPSIBLE 8' x 12 camping trailer, $288. FOR THREE ROOMS of 1965 furni- | 263-2026. ______| «sanders, floor sanders, acety- ss 5 ggg gg Rta Iz NO BROKERAGE:FEES OS AW plywood, covered in Sleeeininn, ain new ture. Here's quality at sensational sav-/ PRINTING equipment, 10" x 15" Hiedei-| lene welding outfits, 200 ; : si 1 , ure. 2 " " rst mortgage funds available. Acetylene @ Arce Heleare _| Instruction vou Ca BER oh - 670_x 1S tires and tubes. Call 723-1825. ings! 33, weekly. Wilson's Furniture, 20 berg and 10% x 15" Gordon and many) amp, electric welders GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici also @ Torch Cutting [-- TUTORING - Hae ee ee SUPPLY LIMITED 6--Marine Equipment FLOOR COVERING BARGAINS! Thou- TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL! ~a07.| STA N' S tors, etc., ing Nr g i | os ~~ <== | ands of yards, many pretty colors, and ti includii HHech: 1 f % 723-2271. Residence Phones: J. M. 'Greer | 283 DEAN AVE. ; WITHOUT NOTICE OR | 361 GIBBONS ST. We Carry patterns, Clearing from 27c. per ff. Wil-|installed, guarantced te epee QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, Classes now in. session. at PENALTY, | oa son's Furniture, 20 Church St. ars' experience, $50. Trio Television; Sharpening & Rentals Ltd | . ye pe ee elevisio Pp g f 728-8832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, 723-6601 Aéod Tutoring. Coll | Crastl cLasdledd lr eecanee) 468-3095. : : annie: EROEONE | PUtOTiNG. eae. THE REALTY DIVISION OF 728-8180 | @ Owens @ Crestliner |sUYiNe OR SELLING furniture or Cr pees EIS aR Nee Fe King St. W., Oshawa The | All ages, grades, subjects FAS | @ Grew @ Evinrude pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or | EXQUISITE wedding gown, vell, 12-14, Ce Reading, Moth, English, Es ' a 63-2695, Pee As new, upholstered arm chair, Beds, Classified Rates | R. H. CABINET CO. Sciante etc, From student's S U p F R | O R TV TOWERS See them ot. .. FURNITURE -- 3 roofs, new quality |bureaux, wardrobe trunk, antique Victor-| PHONE 723-3224 _ | MANN, Chartered Accoun- Parklawn Fine Gross a USED VACUUM cleaners and polishers, | esnand Trustee, 17 Bond Street doors and windows, siding. | Fanonene. 72.48%). 20 skilled men ready to serve | : f ' table, 1 chine. Telephone! yee 182 THICKSON RD, N, own textbooks, private or AERIALS @ ROTORS @ REPAIRS OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN re Ee Mood includes | complete TB-268." sewing machine. Telephone Toning, Wasinge vacinded 728-0232 group } CREDIT CORPORATION LTD. / Harbour Road BF oy eee eekly, Unbeatable value!' BOAT, motor and trailer; also Farmall, tape recorders, record play- | 723-1901 Barons Home Furrilshings, 424 Simcoe ing tractor or would 'take smaller ers, projectors, M.C, work, | | ACADEMIC | 725-6541 | wi __. South ens tractor as trade. Phone 728-6708. [RA 'ystems, Manta x | . ien PACE SHIP, 12-foot, 25 Johnson with con- VAG al y ,|LAWN ROLLER, steel" 9 se Hendy : secutive insertons of 24 words $4.32 TUTORING COLLEGE 17 Simcoe St. N. aa Wan eres trols and trailer, $300, Cedarstrip, 14-foot, Metis sheug as pity 'aciverns oanenin peabadedgerridor Medal tices: Mat broadcasting background : . Pecks pacts ! : a upholstered seats, lights, windshield,|Fieming Vacuum Service, Main Street, 3473. music, dances, Hi-Fi Equip- edditional words 18¢ each. CALL 723-6701 27 Superior Offices in Ontario 723 752] hardware, etc., $250. Mark 'S5 Mercury, Pickering. : i pee watt bola sisal cha ment. Free delivery. eevee { - poet og Egil ais Shin' boone. | Quality Carpentry fe VAUGHAN _ ~-- electric with controls, battery, tank, $350. . ' -- HUMIDIFIER Electrohome, walnut; | | | WORD ADS Cash--1 insertion of 24 words $1.08 additional words 442¢ each; 3 con- : secutive insertions of 24 words $2.88 Kitchen cabinets. Vanities. caine worms 126 pact) © con Custom built cabinets, r ADDING machines. ypewrlters, cashiers, NUM" yorne, walnut) Telephone 725-7581 easy chair; new carpet sweeper; minia GUDGEON ASSOCIATES hod ne than 24 ; duplicators, chequewriters, files, desks, |t hit les. Garde esline cs aA: wonder een and General Repairs treet Poodles. Apply 778 HortoP OUND EQUIPMENT--2723-S121 DRIVING SCHOOL MORTGAGE RON BRIGHTLING 9 A.M.-9 P.M, UNUSUAL CLASSIC 26-foot racing run-|chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service and Street, word, initial, figure er abbreviation about Sea Gold Cup bags ry trade with budget terms. New and used.|---- _ a , p ' oak bnae niles pe r, three spare Liberty E12/Low, | s. Bill H ; | i ; ( counts @8 one word; phone number We do everything, large. or Fully licensed ond insured, | LOANS HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED ralles s tree "es 4 erty El2/Low, low prices. Bi amilton Ragian./9___ Market Basket | Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- eounts two words. small, Use our low rate pay- Courteous professional TV TOWERS 519). 7. une ele finest quality wild mink. | - ---- | es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee ey z . arge, full, luxurious fur. Original cost, } if id me Hh, BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- mnenit: Pind Wit: yaars to pay. ere Moneys for first mortgages | FT. FACTORY built fibreglass hull, $1,000. Selling now privately. Only $275.1 JANSSEN'S COUNTRY Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal BEAL NOC om as cman | Call: 725.8576 Phone 723-2696 | Oper, Mortoage ARE THE BEST ! indie, &° richer oosbere'e [em ORIVEAN'FRUIT MARKET | Weer, Men's Forma, White et tal Sc Acton cs SCAR eta | < nterest at coy 5 vo INAL oi! paintings -- landscapes, ox Furs, Mink Stoles, ditional charge H not paid with-in So oeiie, concrete foo fal ae or 725-1501 [oN Bone | WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! _ FT CRUISER, ying "bridge "pene, POMUER -- also" custom picture tram Fresh fruit ond vegetables ; : ; 5 Nan teas Pidlinculoeiic Sy h-FT. ; fiyin @ head, | in lark Studi 7 j ! IN MEMORIAMS Lanse cot ceil ibe ake Weotica| WHITBY No charge for valuations | fu r curtains, 60 HP Marcury and trailer; aves vie week-énds "Coeds 325 Brock ~ ite sae sold by the SARGEANT Ss RENTALS $2.00 for the first 35 words ond Se | and Construction, RR 3, 726.503, Mortgages and Agreements Pe oe as lft. Shepherd Ski-Bee runabout, 65 HP North; Whitby ushel, Host of imported pro- 463 Ritson Rd, S, 725-3338 tlie geo A ae glen deel add Oak ervey nme tee ; "i | DRIVING SCHOOL purchased coer. One. ucee ae. TA aoe AND GELL © GoM Ga tc Oe | WHEEL CHAIRS hospin bot oes Bing ghhoes a ree RS ee ball BAe cocmirad: gue Nhioge |) Now usd, conttollad Gare Moneys for second mortgages _| TELEVISION Pantie do sch and appliances. Gold's Furniture, 215] g§43 KING W 728-9429... |reducing machines, "tice poets' yop, : stalled; roofs repaired. Free estimates. Fast service Corner Bond & Division HYDROPLANE Class "B" step hydro/Dundas East, Whitby, 668-5481, f . _|Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. CARDS OF THANKS 723-2997. Personal courteous. service. , . with modified KH7 Mercury Quicky unit IT-INCH television floor model. 335, Also l SuTERTAINING ci Phoee tater AOR sech theater ith 23 adaionel HOME IMPROVEMENT" rutin, ana] Fully licensed and insured. | Ay pe 728-5143 H's, Ah Mele oer, Tenement wih new "nciore aes tw] 'MCINTOSH APPLES. | ENTERTAINING Fly Tan pug haree if-not paid within 7 days. eavestroughing, carpentry work, painting Dial 668-417 : ; SWA RTZ ~ 723-6942. $1.50 per, bu. quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries charg P YE. Jana-gesetel resus A Wore ciation ia - 6 | bY K St E | 1 16 FT. FIBERGLAS boat with 45. HP Mer-| pay -Canpiaon, **Thisile,"" grey, cove Facilities, bar, kitchen, parking, Rea: Tower inde (ala Jay) $1.50 for the |: Nellis, 336 Bruce Street, 728-2061 . J, A, OSTERHOUT, Owner 2 King St. East j GEORGE S TV Fat ee auth: Taleban FIL auEs tears, Vert lb CAebaN" Oiig Yepr Bik. Gt. te SPY APPLES {sonable rates, 728-6315, 5 i o A ' ' t th. Telephone 7: ro 5 oD ix anaes NEE ASF GRR first 20 words and Se. each there: et et ane eemeaning:. fer ae cl LEA Oshawa, Ontario Tower and Radio Supply Sto7 pn. pela phone 728-2270 ! $2.50 per. bu, | CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church mates and rates. Call Claire 723-5428. Also . i. zs i ; i jaisle runners. Cleve Fox Ri Is, 41 ofter. hgh tela Ril crater teal | RN TO DRIVE 723-4697 | 17 FT. CEOARSTRIP boat with Yier- GUITAR, solid electric, $228; amplifier' ALGOMA ORCHARDS _ isle, ruaners yCleve Fox, Rentals, 41 (werd Ads. XPERIENC | at the Complet stallation if de glas bottom and steering; 40 Gale with With Karlson enclosure, $200; six-string OO AUCTION SALES EXPERIENCE Is our standard. Painters| ' omplete installation HE [cided eet abactesg iy bass guitar, $150; bass amplifier with Thickson Rd. North 1956 MERCURY outboard, Mark 25, 20 $2.10 per ineh per insertion and decorators, Free estimates. Lowest Oshawa Driving Schoo! M M sired. 12 years experience. \ Sais ie : 12-inch Goodman loud speaker, $150 Whitby, Ont HP, electric, complete with controls and rates, 725-8602 : | reasonable rates, standard ortgage oney OUTBOARD motor, 1963 5H.P. Gale, Telephone Whitby 668-5306. , ------ five-galion tank, $175.whitby 668-5242. DEADLINES ROOFING, painting, iathing, insulating.| and automatic cars Available aNew. location: 378 King Woy | LC ee REMINGTON shotgun, 12 gauge, model nee» bes Frere bert |14--Business Opportuniti Specializing in re-roofing, floors and| ' sh ' , raised rib skeet barrel, fired one box Sides Hinds Fronts Side Pork | iness ortunities WORD ADs : |ceiling tile and ali kinds of repairs. J. C,| Professional instructors | Low Interest Oshawa 723-9525 7--Swap and Barter of shells, $150, or best offer. Telephone yee Ib 53¢ Ib. 39¢ rs "37 Be = 3 3 p.m. day previous Dingler, 723-6603. : ot 728-0091 : TV SERVICE FOUR-PIECE bath, sinks, cabinets, show-| 728-0776. ates : : : LOST AND FOUND KITCHEN CUPBOARDS buill end re- OSHAWA ond WHITBY Member Oritario ers, pumps, pressure systems, fittings,|BEDROOM SUITE. ideal for summer, GOvernment inspected 100% GROCERY AND 9 a.m. day of publication modelled. All kinds of cabinet work by/---------_- > SN UNTNN ET Mortgage Brokers 'Auase lnc | DAY OR EVENING hid boats, eee rly H. Chinn, | cottage or child's room. Boy's bicycle, guaronteed, Cut and wrap- VARIETY STORE BIRTHS AND DEATHS experienced cabinel_maker. Call 723-1260.| g or tge : ciation Park Road South at Hillside, can | Fo A ONS Deby carriage: 70-0590 sfier! 064 tree 993-1959 Oshawa 9 a.m, day of publication FOR ROOFING, chimneys. All types of --------__~ oe = . em. : 17,900 Ciawsibae DOR AY cement work. Frank McCann, RRs, Osh, 7 1g ee 728-5286 8--Articles for Sale TYPEWRITER, standard, $25.; portable BRIDGELAND PACKERS Plus ae guaHtan. Good 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous awa, Brooklin 655-3061 E RI | se ener " ~ electric standard. Adding machine, $25; EASTER SPECIAL--1i . s 2 column er larger -- 10 a.m. day |HOME DECORATING, paintiing, wall CURITIES OSHAWA | Bivtaione Teste nT, SaICUlRIOTE WI TT cogs Stat UBIDSRIna eaten Ae yi el Fart nd hen previous Papering. Home and office janitoria 11.2 Simcoe St. North peddle Intosh les, six- ; -quar' in ihe Abt deed rth-West ELECTR NICS | josh apples, six-quart, 85¢.; four-quart, ; CANCELLATIONS AND |Services. Moderate prices. Insured. Dial Odi Orit 725-3568 \ | | PLASTIC HOSE, 300 feet of Va-inch. Tele-|65c, Tri-County Farmers' Market 1275, area, Good clean equipment CORRECTIONS 668-4843 | OWS e WBNS. s o23 900. - Se : phone 723-6279 i iy Simcoe Street North. This week only,| and stock, well established 9 a.m. day of publication ALL TYPES 'building roofing repairs) JANITOR SERVICE. |private and corporate monies for all PLAY-OFF TIME REGENT SCRAP HARDWOOD one-foot lengths. Thursday 12 to 8 p.m.; Saturday, $03) trade, easy hours, or could be BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- 50c and remodelling, chimneys, new and) pio job too big or too small Mortgages. Mortgages and agreements : Excellent for fireplace. $7.75 single cord, -™. Harv. and Mari. Brooks increased. Owner wishes to While every endeavor will be made | repaired, sidewalk and concrete 're * |of sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan,, 1.W. CHECK-UP TIME [Dial 723-2281 after 4 p.m P.E.I. POTATOES -- 75-lb. bag, $425 dave to forward replies to box numbers to pairs, Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. For clean floors -- Call Murdoch and Victor. (See "Barristers".) | t STAMP. SHOP laaerRbaahar smooth top construction, \"elivered. Call evenings, Brooktin| 'etire and will accept small 's es ce lenin bh tee bls [NEW PLASTERING 'and repairs, stucco, Mac's - Dunbarton FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale| Rs hundreds of coils. Tremendous savings, | 55-4983. sedi _____| bungalow on trade. For more loss or damage alleged to arise (Sidewalks, re modelling, rec rooms. Free 839-5957 agreements purchased and sold. Hennick TT Rel O Agents for | $26.88, Bunk beds, $57. Wilson's Furniture, 16--Fermer's Column information, call 728-5157. " estimates, Cc. is, 728-34: or and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street . ote . 20 Church Street poo um through either failure or delay in | 5541) - 4 9 Stree! a - Laicericaisictinigins tran i MeSisidarteiea forwarding such | replies, however | u: ; woes BETTER CLEANING SERVICES | E2372 eet RINKERS CLEANERS TELEVISION -- 2i-Inch. Good. condition. FIELD" SPRAYER, 22-1. boom, Trail YEAR ROUND couse whether y negligence or Carta e * * i easonably pric elephone 728-1742, type, 200-gallon tank, $150. Wisconsin en- ue to rebar nealing vat on leary ~ ar esha gs vagal ee Optometrist CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, aiso re WE'BUY AND SELL [WANTED + Plano, repair-needy: Best Tommie. cretes, L700 The cant Sak First NA (gore for sole. * moving an storing WS. complete service for F.. RICHARD B * § 4 woe price id. Call Sebasti Hoh ; Be gL RM : gal) $ . 20 days furniture; also cellar and yards cleaned.| Homes and Wnsneael. Street. Nor Cain; ge aR st id pairs. All work guaranteed. 51] Dean COLLECTIONS and shee al ath mapadiian' Hohmannel or water tani. $35 Whitby 668-3647 after! 10 units very finely furnish- Apply 86 William Street West or tele. i phone 723-4191 prewey Jelnenone Janae MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Pp : = $ P.M. =| ed srate 'laud REGULATIONS phone 725-2621 : <-+|@OOLD'S FV tomers Ald Boral SOWIE TYPEWRITERS, adding machines and D . as ed, separate laundry room OHN'S MOVING. St a Gan YOU'V TRIED, THE REST Painting and D ati Free estimates 215 Dundes Stree! East CeraRIER OMCtaR te oe vee: i pent Sanrgwitl Fur Fecee Tyke. and separate office PLUS o J f . Storage and Cartage. ' t css A Uinbaie 4 " i t o . : The Oshawa Times will not be re- |Ressonable rater, tony haus, ate: NOW TRY THE BEST" 3 ~ M9 | whitoy 668-5481 23 ATHOL. ST. WEST reer Heteerget ici Bree ag ASS 18 Telephone Collect. Hampton, 263-2721,| very large bungalow, situated sponsible for errors, in advertise- Call 728-3661 mires i % Licence 389-C-65 See ek catia Otaratia tes iy. bist: Call TEST, : ' 725-8831 PAINTING Well Drillin Diagin é vice 728-7783, Open evenings, " Aa ____| 4 short distance from_ the site net Tor mane. thee ene inset. Cc : eS and yeu ming--eigging = THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No\W4 INTERNATIONAL farm fractor.| Motel. Widow says 'SELL', tion of any advertisement, nor be- | ~Orpentry ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco- c WELL DIGGING by machine specializing) Shop rebuilt. Like mew dryers 'down payment, $15 mon at Honest/Phone Bowmanville 623-5756, Call 728-5157 for more in- yond the price charge for a single |WaNT your kilchen cupboard' ~remod.\Nomical ceiling, wall 'cleaning done by DECORATING in 30-inch tile, W Ward, 204 Chestnut) $60 up, Some coin metered, |Cal's, 424 King West. 728-9191, MASSEY FERGUSON 35 diesel tractor) formation insertion of the advertisement in (4); r perhaps 2 roo i modern machine. Free estimates. Work ' ' Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809 | '--s -|with rear mounted fork lift attach tt, which error occurs. inside? pM Work? Raper ese tek guaranteed, 728-7736, INTERIOR and EXTERIOR -- eee Wringer washers $29 up. |MONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appli , 0! I men sah: : | . ances. Name brands at biggest discounts| This equipment is in new condition, Only The Oshawa Times reserves the right available. Telephone 723-5989, 728-7981 Shuts dimeay x -- | FREE ESTIMATES |1--Women's Column eatielbeles wet sal anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever- 57 working hours. Apply Lloyd Clysdole to classify advertising according to : ae and general cieaning.| 3 - sud-savers up, 9 months |iy mattress furniture lines. Your author-/ Garage, Newtonville, Ont. us its proper classification Dentistry ath lax 942-5603, for all your windows DODD & SOUTER OSHAWA FUR AND | guarantee on all parts and lized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's at WANTED -- a reasonably priced three- Pp and floors. Free estimates. 4 ! in the cose of display advertisements . ; |424 King Street West, 728-9191 point hitch, Ford or Ferguson tractor P' BIALEK, DR. C. B., Dental Surgeon, ~ --_--_--_------ 668-5862 COLD STORAGE service. Delivered. If you act ss or without implements. Will pa' Tie Tide will Hot be held respon |r) cimtoe' Sireel. North nae tee bac A ' lcuRNITURE th oe wit cist abd Gp . GE A G a o} nstallation included on |F t -- three rooms, new qual-|--, i i sible for more space than in which | spoointment, 726.5842 or Res, 7-441, Money To Loan Gal Boer es free ae: Feed da F ity furniture, only $299, includes com-|¢ce"inig elepnone any time, Brooklin REALTY LTD the actual error occupies. The pub- _----'- - slg yf bibckihi hs wine cel 1 @ REPAIRS @ CLEANING |. all washers an ryers, FOF | plete bedroom, living room, kitchen en- ' | { lishers. endeavor to reproduce all . son hadi hl oe g in e I Ch Ap- |sembles, P ly $3. weekl beat-|HAY for sale. H H ton. | advertiaing. matter: correctly, but as- | Dressmaking ? : @ SHINERIZING @ STORAGE keane el A pile So MERINT Yaluul Baronet: Howe" HAE Uh adel Telephone 708983, ee Taunton, REALTORS Plumbing and Heating REFRIGERATED VAULTS yaaa Checar. |a@4_Simcve Souty. ALLIS-CHALMERS DIS tractor, used only 48 Simcoe St. 5. sume no liability of advertisement if SPECIALIZING IN ae ¥ t" it f r le wh ot t gesor- Wixbehre each are mea aa REAR SAF HAY SEE ened heen e) e ALL PLUMBING and eating supplies ae : beagle St yest in | TYPEWRITERS, adding machines and|500 hours, Telephons725-6088, | fe ADE A s elephone /. .-3521, Harold H. Stark Ltd €q;- SO! time ciocks, new and rebuilt. One year! -------- reat Any advertisement cancelled before CUSTOM-MADE DR PES Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 225 DIAL 723-3012 Oshawa) guarantee. Outstanding good buys. Jen-| ] 1----Pets and Livestock | publication will be charged one day's 5 ; ¢ ss Simcoe Stree South ~ PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair- kins Business Machines. Sales and serv- x eer iii . insertion Bedspreads, slipcovers, acces- | RENT WHAT YOU ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, 9T@58n9, 396 Pine Avenve. Telephone EASTER VALUES ice, 728-7783. Open evenings. GOLDEN-EYED white kittens; domestic, | REAL ESTATE BROKE ire Cae TO PCAC A sories. Also alterations on -| NEED BY PHONE! |new and used materials. Reasonable | 725-5363. : Finest selection of Easter CHESTERFIELD 'suite; drapes: lamps;| tron nel't, $10, to $25. Free delivery. E R TIMES ACTION: WANT AD clothing. Reasonable rates, rates. Estimates free, 723-1191, J. Foley.. SPENCER Foundation' Garments, _in- We [sandwich grill; men's clothing, 38; boy's! Aaah cand | 118 King St. East, /hitby { Simply call Crescent now. as : dividuatly designed. Also Spirella, Reg.| ©995, gifts and cards. We |ciothes, 3; lady's formal, 14; small desk; LABRADORS -- Registered, hous® irain:| Wh 668-8468 for apt. P 9 9 | , ; wns B I | Tell us how much money you |Rug-Upholstery Service Corsetier, Mrs J Hendershot, 324. Ad- corry meats, groceries, jug j|pint jars; tricycle, wagon, etc, 723-3291. jed; also Toy sand Border Collie puppies | owmanvilie __ miral Road, Oshawa milk, pat. medicine etc. [HUNTERS "-- shooters!" Saval "Savel| Pree 'aellvery, velechone vPeey mann 623-3230 lFre j OSHAWA 2--P jSave! 500 rds. 22 long rifle ammo.-' ops 964s. --Personal | only $7.50 at Art's Gun Repair, 18 a nee Customaie have canted wore CLEANERS - - ooo - RITSON CENTRE Bond Street West, sm, GERMAN SHEPHERD pups. Ideal East- RESTAURANT poy Removal of superfluous hair 438 RITSON S. CHINA MINK jacket, brand new, size|' 9! $5. Telephone 723-9696. 115 Highway. Seats 37. Ex. INDEX TO POEs) THINK TRRIRT YE Alferations, from Crescent in only ten | Rug and Upholstery Clea eo soa uae mending and style changing. Reasonable i fast iB "|. Marie Murduff will) be in (next 14; china mink stole, suits and dresses, BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for bce ; ' to coin laundry) i" " cellent business. Separate live rates. For appointement, telephone minutes. Every day thousands | ing. At our plant o- our if hig f sizes 12 to 14. like new. 725-2900. training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T.| CLASSIFICAT IONS 728-1823 j rtd | 9 P ey | Oshawa May 3, 4, ond 5th. i iy Call Classified Direct your home DRESSMAKING, alterations. Children's wear, drapes. Reasonable rates. Tele Office and pick it up. phone 723-6475 Want. Then come to our' _ --- |Broad, 114 Elgin East. | ing quarters. Quick posses- i RUBE ARNEs See of people rent the money home fi n- BABY CARRIAGE. and stroller, high ie : ; ic Wana (Conan DRESSMAKING -- "All kinds of ladies') they need from Crescent hone Genosha Hotel an these Open rope and every Su chair, A-1 condition, Reasonable. Phone|POODLE -- Black, miniature, female,| sion. Owner ill. $30,000, with wear. High quality .work. Call Agnes ' ' | CALL 725-9961 dotes for appointment, | day 'ti } 725-9661, feight weeks old, registered, Nice Easter| terms. a baie ool Dressmaking, 668-8463, Whitby ' just like they rent tools or a 94 BRUCE STREET " oo ek ; - gift! Telephone 723-9742 | 3--Sportsman's Column vate Hat rath ' 9 RUCE STREE | C TRAIN, "Lionel" and train table, ping ss ere a "PHONE S--Trailers DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses,, '9wnmower. So call Crescent ELECTROLYSIS | PIANO ATTACHMENT pong table, 400 used 16-inch bricks, Tele- BREEDING stock of budgies and' equip- 623-3230 : : H H i : M " 6--Marine Equipment alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting @ now and solve your money Pidth ileal di er sok ae 723-464] | The Hohmann Harpsicord phone 723-2965 ment. Reasqnable. Apply 607 Athol Street, kaa tenllog geabed SROCIANY.. Ress Tord: Waltby, 6602872. problems in minutes |for recovering. Dalton Uphoistering, 75 il ee The prototype demonstrated |REFRIGERATOR FOR SALE.» Inter- Sr aviaine lelephone 668-8286 afternoons | ---------- ; A | Charles Street, 723-7212 | | $ ster, . iti i | | 3 t Ro Hotel, Whit- national Harvester, good condition. Also) ---------- 9--Market Basket Gardening and Supplies | EXAMPLE AMOUNTS ' - F SIGH EY SE ROYG! ete US ater Waller Weal Ge tise COZ¥-J-RANCH Kennels, horses, goats. | 10--Former's Column Peatiiisthacai Baudeshtdtas cb amen hl RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts, Estab- LEN PULLAN by, by talented 'Art Jones", tn Be - Kids, registered German' Shepherds. pup- lie-Pots and Livestock } | Monthly lished 17 years Complete range of mate This' edditionol.. device. for BEST OFFER! GE heavy duty 40-inch ples, Stud' services boarding. Ashburn 12--Articles Wantea SPRING CLEAN-UP. | Amount Term Payments | tials. Workmanship guaranteed five years. Bholish Teiler jelectric range; 9 cubic foot refrigerator. 55-4667, evenings, : | é 13--Articles for Rent | (months) Free estimates. Credit terms Mattresses | RAYS" wid your. piano can be purchased | Both Nn good condition. 211 Mary Street..." id be . S 5 14--Business Opportunities Prunir Fertilizing, Rolling, ; ' re-built, Furniture re-finished, Oshawa| from Sebastian Hohmann, in- . |between 4 and 7 p.m PONY -- Welsh Hackney, gentle, well|Seryj tation, restaurant, 1$--Employment Wanted Coriplate andicnne. cary Hg $105.75 12 $10.00 ring Company, 287 Dean Avenue, CUSTOM TAILORING si y rained; also saddle, cart and harness. oe i aie t vento! nufacturer, Phone ELECTRIC MOTOR, 15 $5 Itsy | yi 16--Agefits Wanted 395.42 20 24.00 : Suit and Dress Alterations | venter, manufactur Rise css ae REM balibeaniaga, Will sell separate, 725-3613. jand six room apartment for boat & tn rae Wovise HARDSAND 710.65 24 36.00 CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re- Invisible. Mending is $120, Dial 263-2567 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, five months/sale. a, ta le oa } covee: like ne ef th st f 5! 19-Mole or Female Help. Wonted LANDSCAPING 1,014.07 30 42.00 Modern Upholsterers, '1 Simese 'Sivest' 10 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 ¢ Gravel @ Sand @ Stone WASHING MACHINE, "automatic ene old. Reasonable Bunnies for Easter. i oe iad ac 2 1 Estate for Sol | e Si 72 5 : - = VA i ric range, + lady's bicycle, cos 95, -- _ nine i er Cc c " - 20---Real Esta ip fot Sole 725-1721 2,016.00 36 77.00 uth. Call 728-6451. Free estimates. _ CONFIDENTIAL > Are vou interested e ny arlie Pat ctl selling $20, Telephone 723-7703, GERMAN SHEPHERD ee hound for east ory Oshawa for informas Jaf for Sale ie & * n buying or renting accommodations in : . sale. Also four pups, all German Shep-) 21--Farms for So SPRING CLEAN UP. Everoreen and; LO°ger amounts up to $3,000 |Sales and Service planned multi-purpose, Subterranean Fall Pies O4:hn Buiner: Genice BANTAM mobile crane with 50 foot at herds, Apply Mr. Pete Pietrzek, RR 1,| tion. . 0 'J agian. 23--Real Estate Wanted Del ad ites Heep or more) also available [GUARANTEED 'repairs to all wringer oul Snelter' Whitby's Only Local King Bei ent Sean Teleoh 2 Stores, Offices and Storage Laks Pip ded Blot whde tad andscape designin washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call - TOY FOX TERRIER puppies, also Bor- [e) 5--Houses for Rent veek nain 1c Tel 728-1742. URG .» Jobn rchie Rose, formerly ' re J 4 "\der Collie puppies, Parents good heelers sai, orem rnance. Teper eeaaiat a Nivene oneal] Coll 668-3524 ~ jhanerwitdn inet 'Sey "am aigoks 26--Apartments for Rent a ; a at rie of Pembroke, or anyone knowing his a ne { "|and watchdogs. Ideal Easter gift! Phone 27--Rooms for Rent TREE TO TRIM?- Call Slim. Or Ili. cut CANADA'S MOST CONSIDERATE Canplte Service. Free estimates, mii wnereabouts, please contact. Mrs. A. SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED |5a, "en" $8. Telephone "Hampton 26% 795-459 728-072] B--Room and Board them down. Free estimates. 725-5118 or FINANCE COMPANY j 4 : Hunt, 336 Murray | Street, Pembroke. 944 Brock $t. South | EBB GU | | rock St. Sout! |NEW AND USED TV'S and appliances, 12----Articles Wanted 29--Wanted to Rent 728-0610. lloilo 1993 anytime. | Telephone 735-6866, Pembroke. mi sro a | 30--Automobiles for Sole fe Wines" "Nisldeniial onal J. E. JARRELL, Manager | ; WANTED: Someone to share ride in car, HAIR DRYER, professional "Rayette'|General Electric and Phillips. Wayne's, ,|RESTAURANT, diningroom, gif shop, }--Compact Cars tor Sole aiirisl tanta metaies ST apie | 10 Simcoe St. South |Sept c Service ericreas Cote Teter re Laie [on castors, One: year old, 960) "emadium) 73 Simone Norin: Telephone 72¥i41], | WANSED: 50: BUN. snail Wane. "Goodin aa ial, oy Ram fron Osh '2----Trucks for Sole 723-5377, | Paine 72° 7311 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service | Saskatchewan border, Telephone 728-8113.|size Hudson Seal coat, full length, $25.|CHROME SET" our chairs, grey and condition. Reasonable, Telephone 725-7683. |. Steady year around business. Oucner 33---Automobiles Wanted OFFER YOUN SERVICE tesuictw iw the vone z on cat's, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street wave 500 and $200 left, Loblaws, Telephone 728-6525 white, $20; crib (large), posturpadic mat- WANTED TO BUY Used' trailer suitable!will trade. Call Harry 0. Perry, McGill EE roe acaie Mapesoag den . 9 fa, ThA MAVIARIITS: VRS GND i) ; West, Whitby 668-256. igh, W Pp. wih ow other LESLIE 40 watt organ speaker, 22H. All tress, edjustable, £2..° Wry ny for ah ft, boat Will pay cash. Telephone <eal Estaie Broker, 728-4285 L n business 4 -marketplac n you have 27950 'Cornwafl, Ontario. e , to nish, $550. riage, $10, Telephone 728-5840 Ninitoy 668-60 BEAUTY SALON = Five arverar wi = 36----Lego! t jassifies t /23-3497 9000 credit i'll send you up to $5,000 to YOU'LI. COME BACK for more once you y i a ' AU -- Five dryers, air con- 37---Auctiona ions feo will neigicul Payments in halt or (ess. foF. consoll-|get a taste, of the easy, proplen: ceiving, RIDE WANTED to Toronto, vicinity or |Walerioo Ontario: (519) 743-5760, GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired BOX TRAILER Cash for small used box'ditioned. Excellent location in Plaga, 38--Coming Events now and @ friendly ad-writer will help dation of any worthwhile purposes. Tele-\Action Want Ads Give you, Dial' 723-3492) University Avenue, arriving at 8:30 a.m./PIANO, upright, good condition. Apply/at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street. West, |trailer. Prefer light homemade variety. Established clientele, 723-5117 and 942. 39--Notices lyeu. . |phone Toronte 481-5289, today. Telephone 725-6664 after 4 p.m. '246 Wilson Road South (back door), 1728-9731, Will pay up to $40 for best offer, 728-4978, '0620,