Se teen ne OE Yee BR Rudi Maeder of the Ontarie Tuberculosis and Health Asso- ciation. Mr. Maeder urged all parents to make use of all meth- ods of detection available -- which are free -- for them- selves and their families. Mr. Maeder emphasized the. fact that tuberculosis affects ten per cent of the Canadian public, and was still a national health prob- lem. Annual reports were available at this meeting, and it was an- nounced that the subject for the May meeting would be the New Mathematics. GLECOFF'S Supermarket "BIG" Easter SAVING! TURKEYS 5 to 10 Ibs. me 1' Genuine Louisiana u. 19 YAMS "PLAYERS" Filter Tips, lerge or small carton CIGARETTES Juvenile Delinquency Defined At Duke Of Edinburgh H & $ "A juvenile delinquent is any child who violates any part of the criminal code"; this was part of the opening statement made by Sergeant John Powell of the Oshawa police force at the April meeting of the Duke of Edinburgh Home and School Association. Sergeant Powell spoke on "the Delinquent Child in the Home, in the School, and in the Community". With twenty years' experience as a law en- forcement officer, Sergeant Powell was able to illustrate his talk with many true incidents of children in trouble with author- ity. He gave a most convincing talk on the increasing problem of youth at odds with the law, 'Chapter Celebrates: 15th Anniversary Prince Philip Chapter, IODE, celebrated its 15th anniversary with a dinner and social even- ing at Oshawa Golf Club on Tuesday night. | Mrs. J, A. Mitchell, regent,' presiding, introduced guests at) the head table, Mrs. J, A. vi-| vash, and Mrs. L, V. Walker,| regent and vice-regent of the| Golden Jubilee Chapter, and A. Aldwinckle. Others! ; Z won introduced were Mrs. Wallace | Butler, Mrs. K. R. Wagg, past jregent; Mrs. C. G, Luke andi |Mrs. R. B. Smith, a past-regent. j 'ees ; | Several members introduced 4 their guests and the regent in- | 4 jvited Mrs. §. C. Larmer, an p £ LODE member of jong .standing ' ii i § f jand co-convener with Mrs, Leo - Ng of the dinner-party, to : sh, % {blow out the 15 candles on the 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 15, 1965 é Bee WE F ' |birthday cake. Mrs. Larmer also ee il jcreated the dainty souvenirs at jeach place setting. | Showers, Parties, Tea Honor i ae ; winckle spoke briefly and} B id El ct Mi '@) Coo Tt ; j jcourt whist followed. Winners] Tl e- e 1SS + pe iy " jof prizes for high scores, low Miss Joy Elizabeth Cooper,|castle, held a shower in honor 3 s § y one whose marriage takes place tojof her niece, the bride-to-be. Smith, Mrs. A. §. Whattam,| friends called at the Down/tributed piano solos and Carol,|/Mr, William Dale Stringer, Don| Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Mrs. H. W. Sheridan, Mrs. Eric| home to offer congratulations|Margaret and Lois Down play-|Mills, in Harmony United Jack Kimball, another aunt, Shortt, Mrs. Leo Giovak. Mra with guests attending fromied a piano trio. |Church Saturday afternoon, has;and Miss Carol Gordon, Port L. V. Walker, Mos, spre, Delhi, Woodstock, St. Thomas,, The "Bob-O-Links" barber-jbeen widely entertained ai|Hope, a bridesmaid and her) Mrs. R. L. Shupe, Willowdale: | London, Port Perry, Toronto|shop qiartet, composed of Mr.|showers and parties. mother, Mrs. Howard Gordon. Mrs. L. F. McLaughlin Mrs. | and Gamebridge. |Murray Osborne, Mr. Robert) Mrs. Frederick Thompson, an Those giv seabed ged bes Fr. . Tayo" Meno "| Messages were received frome) Tole, eat i. _ aunt of the prospective bride- sitet Miss Cooper's mother's His Excellency, Governor Gen-|Mr. Donald Fleming, dedicated) ro9m, held a miscellaneous vs eral George Vanier; the Prime/two selections, "In Your Dress! shower at her home on Old Mill) A crystal. shower was held at Minister, the Honorable Lester/of Blue" and "Sincere" to the|qrive, Toronto, where she was the home of Mrs, Lyle Garland B. Pearson; the Right Honor-| honored couple. assisted by her daughters, Miss of Greenland: road, Don Mills. and also answered many ques- tions from the floor. According to Sergeant Powell, the best de- fence to this growing problem is, a Christian home with firm and loving parents, united in their desire to proyide a con- genial environment for their children. Also at the meeting was Mr. f on the right, and the proud parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Down, in the centre, There are 36 grandchildren and two great-grand- | children. | --Courtesy Canadian | Statesman | Muriel, Mrs. Alvin Met- calfe; Mr. Elmer Down and Mr. Bruce Down, Seated in front are: Marjorie, Mrs. Harry Worden, on the left; Wilma, Mrs. Stanley Lovell, Standing behind from the left are: Mr. Wesley Down; Jean. Mrs. Murray Osborne; Mr. Allan Down; Mr. Carl Down; Ella, Mrs. Bruce Gormley; Mr. Lloyd Down; TO HAVE a large family like this is a rarity today and to have. them all to- gether for their parents' 50th wedding anniversary is even less likely to happen. |Mrs, J. Y) Plus Tox GLECOFF'S Supermarket 174 RITSON RD. S. MARRIED FIFTY YEARS Guests From All Over Ontario Honor Well Known Oshawa Pair »| When Mr. and Mrs. Norman/a Tulip" and "Halls of Ivy, Down celebrated their golden|accompanied by Miss Louise} wedding anniversary last week,|Osborne. Miss Linda Lovell and| it was an occasion when all|Miss Diana Lovell played a) their eleven children were home'piano duet, s did Bruce} at the same time. With the Osborne and Larry Down. | family, many relatives and/Arthur and Diana Lovell con- PLAN MAY WEDDING ter of Mrs. Albert Keay, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Keay. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kemp, Osh- The engagement has been announced of Miss Alison Keay and Mr. David Kemp, whose marriage is to take Slocombe, Mrs. R. E.| Cramp, Mrs. Morley Canning, | Mrs. Uriah Jones, Mrs, Harry Wallace, Mrs. J. A. Aldwinckle, | able John Diefenbaker; the} Mrs, Glenn Pickell read the) Honorable Michael Starr; the address from a 'Golden Anni- Prime Minister of Ontario, the|versary Book" prepared by Honorable John Robarts; Mr.|Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Pickell un- Russell Honey, MP for Durham-|veiled a large oil-painting and) Northumberland; Mr. Albert V,.|presented it to Mr. and Mrs. Walker, MLA for Oshawa Rid-)Down from their many friends.| Ing. |Mr. and Mrs. Down thanked Previously the community/everyone who had made the paid their tribute at a recep-jevening such a success. | tion held at the Ebenezer) Brief congratulatory speeches Recreation Centre at Courtice|were made by the Reverend where the hall was filled to|John Romeril, Mr. Clarence) capacity, An interlude of pleas-|Penfound, Mr. Sidney Venton) Ing piano music by Mrs. Wil-land Mr. Heber Down. Mr.| fred Brown formed a back-|Lloyd Down spoke on behalf) ground as the many uests/of the family and thanked their) arrived. |many friends for honoring their The chairman of the presenta-| parents, mer} tions committee, Mr. Wilfred) Mr. and Mrs. Down presided drive north, Oshawa, Vickie Thompson and Miss Joyce Thompson. Mrs. Ralph Stimers, Cam- wood crescent, Don Mills, open- ed her home for a bathroom shower for the members of the future bridegroom's mother's bridge club. Mrs. Bruce Bright, Riverside held a shower assisted by her daugh- ter, Mrs. Mark Thompsor, the matron of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Merkley Hager of Waxwing Place, Don Mills, held a Jack and Jill shower for) the bridal couple, assisted by! Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hager. Mrs. George Kimball, New- Brown, welcomed those assem-|at a beautifully appointed lace ~ bled. Two grandchildren of the|covered table centred with a| honored couple, Miss Janet|large wedding cake on a base,| Down and Mr. Keith Worden,|edged with gold tulle and flank- escorted their grandparents to|ed by six gold tapers. The) seats at the front of the halljwhite satin anniversary book where a yellow rose corsage|was on an adjoining table. Al and a boutonniere were pinned large gold vase, filled with on them. |spring flowers, and a black} Mrs. Lloyd Down, Mrs. Wes- leather-bound Bible, ley Down and Mrs. Murray|nity gifts, also graced Osborne sang "'When You Woreltable. Loneliness Can't Be Cured With Excess Food Or Bribery By IDA JEAN KAIN your age the need for further 'T need help. I have tried|mental stimulation is basic. Nor many types of diets, but can't|should you expect to have at- seem to keep from nibbling atitained self-sufficiency. Recog- night when I'm alone. Can peo-|jnize that eating to assuage ple eat from loneliness?" loneliness does not deal with This query comes from ajthe problem. The solution is to the| young mother who at 21 yearsideal actively with the loneli- of age is 21 pounds overweight, The crux of the problem is that her young husband works every day in the week from 8 a.m. ness. Do this and you can get rid of the symptoms, the urge to evening overeating Your question shows that you End Advocated Of Auxiliaries KITCHENER, Ont. (CP) -- Women's: auxiliaries and sex- segregated organizations. should be abolished, says Vivien Batke, special service officer for the National Employment Service here. "The whole tribe of auxilia- ries should be wiped out. And that includes various wives' as- sociations like the University Wives Association and the Ditch- diggers' Wives Association. It also includes the polite segrega- tion of political parties' organi- zations. Such parties are no places for segregation by sex." Mrs. Batke, wife of the Uni- versity of Waterloo vice-presi- dent Dr, T. Louis Batke, dis- cussed the. changing role of women in the last of a series of lectures at the YWCA. |sal tonight, by the future bride- : 3 by Educated women who stay are on the right course. S0,/nome to keep house haven't pro-| naying pinpointed the Cause, vided much in the way of politi-| you can seek ways to do some-| ,.) leadership, she says. like, and every night I resolve| (ting about it. Recognize, t00,| "This may be because they ' 2 : _|that this isn't something youl,,.. ' avs fi to do better but still find my- oun deal with: (eon: tie. stand: lack the focus that employment self eating. I've bribed myself] int of ill lower yatiet a provides, as well as the contin-} with promises of. clothes, trips.| our easy aad foie oe ae uing contacts, the rubbing of etc. No luck. Can you think of nibblecin the evening minds which keeps oné in the; something I need?" she asks. J mainstream of events. | Yes. What you need are new What can you do to add more! "Growth tends to diminish as interests in life, and some kind|Stimulating interest to yourlone is removed from economic of meaningful activity with|day-to-day routine? A change|participation and concentrates| adults. You feel lonely because/9f Pace can help enormously./on the pleasantly slower pace of you are lonely--and this situa-|' ould you arrange to be away|domestic life. | tion cannot be remedied with from home two. afternoons each) 'The various informal ruling eating week, for a couple of. hours?|devices of the community are Being married and the Although you are busy during\aiso closed to her. There should mother of two little ones, you\the day and happy in your|he women Rotary members. In- probably reason that you ought home life, everyone needs some|stead of a member of the not to be lonely. Pursuing this)utside stimulation and activity)Kiwanis we have the Kiwani attitude, you feel that if your,t0 keep going along happily. {queens . . . not women involved, husband can work long hours| Would it be possible for you\finding a focus of action and to support his little family, youlto enroll in a class or take ajinterest, but women as auxilia- should be able to do your part!course that' will help you to de-jries, brought into the organiza- on the homemaking: end of:velop your natural skills. Also,|tion by reference to a man, her things without turning to. food occasional diversion on an adult|husband." as a balm during the evening|level can have a tonic _effect. js hours. 'Knowing your basic need, and With this line of thinking youjfacing it, you'll find a way.| are on the wrong track. AtiHappy landings! FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shades and Fobrics... soe... Mé& DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 until 9:30 p.m. "ft don't mind being alone, but. that's when I run_ into} temptation. I know what I look! PROFESSIONALS For beginners or low Clayton Cary, Hal Butler, Alvie Thompson, doug Bell Oshawa 74 Celina Street GOLFERS! INTRODUCING THE P.G.A. advice, equipment, instruction P.G.A. Pro in your locality FULLY qualified mien, by P.G.A, standards, to make your golf game complete. ment, Better Service At Competitive Prices Wilson Paterson, Thunderbird Golf Club, 655-4952 Pickering Golf Club, Cherry Downs Golf Club NEE ES SETAE MIT ERE RT RE SARS ES RE RT awa, expects to graduate from the University of 'To- ronto this month in Chem- ical Engineering and has accepted a position in To- ronto, Mrs. William J. Stringer opened her home for a_ get- acquainted tea in honor of her future daughter-in-law. place May 14. The bride- to-be, a graduate of Welles- ley Hospital School of Nurs- Miss Barbara Holmes, Oriole| ing and a member of the Parkway, Toronto, held a "Bun-| nursing staff, is the daugh- ny Party". This was a personal} BGR a es By pol with former rene an No Bride Wants' Stacks of Linens) Mrs. Ernest Bowen, assisted jdaughter, by Mrs. Ernest McDonald, | Bowmanville, held a shower at No longer does the bride-to-|Gary Paul 5 ENGAGEMENT bottle, Whitby, wish to the former's home in Orono, | Mrs. William' Beare, Ferris! road, East York, had a dessert ; and coffee party,. followed by| be hope to get a lifetime's sup- a cup and saucer shower. | ply of sheets and pillow slips in/ford Lyngstead, Fergus Falls, Harmony Christian Education| her trousseau. Just enough to/Minnesota, U.S.A. The Centre, Oshawa, was the set-) ting for a neighborhood kitchen and pantry shower convened by Mrs. Robert Peacock. The bridal party will be en- tertained, following the rehear- Judith Ann, to Mr. Richter, son of Mr, for today because she wants to|urday, May 15, 1965 at be able to pick and choose her p.m. in St. own as time goes on and styles! Roman -- "aF Whitby. 'oday's bride is as style con- jet cm scious in choosing her sheets FORTHCOMING and pillowslips as she is choosing her own wardrobe. No wonder, because they come in a myriad of gay colors and de-| signs, polka dots and stripes, [80% of Mr. and Mrs, a | But gaily printed sheets and Quinton, Whitby. The wedding | pillowslips are not the only new] Will take Place on Saturday, |thing in the bedding field,| May 8, 1965 at 7.00 p.m, in the |There's also the four season's|Chapel of King Street United blanket. This blanket, which is|°urch, Oshawa. jdesigned on the~ principle of/FORTHCOMING | thermal insulation, is a 100 per} Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E jcent cotton woyen with thou-|Scott, Oshawa, announce the jsands of tiny air pockets. Plac-|forthcoming marriage of their ed under a light top cover, such|daughter, Marilyn Alice, to Mr as a sheet, it captures and/Robert Ross Richards, son of holds body temperature to keep|Mr. and Mrs. Ross KE. Richards }you cool in summer, warm in|Bowmanville. The ceremony jwinter. The four seasons' blan-!will take place on Saturday, ket looks like a hand-crocheted|May 15, 1965, at 3.00 p.m. in |throw, washes "'like, a fag"|King Street United Church, i} (even in the hottest water), is|Oshawa. 4 SSSEWING MACHINE SALE John the Evangelist Catholic Church, groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William J, Stringer, at the Spruce Villa Hotel, Whitby. ter of Mrs. MARRIAGE {little storage space. A far cry \from the old moth balls and cedar chest routine, is all we }can say! New 'utomatic Comnlete 89.50 Blind | COTTON FOR A QUEEN Among the treasured gifts . |which Columbus took to Queen BRIDE-ELECT ae | Isabella after his discovery of ; America was a skein of cotton Miss Marilyn Alice Scott, |thread produced by the In- above, will become the jdians in the Bahamas bride of Mr. Robert Ross Richards on May 15, accord- ing to an' announcement made today by Miss Scott's Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Scott, Oshawa. The prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. Richards, Bowmanville. Button orative Stitches Your Elna Dealer OSHAWA SEWING CENTRE 329 Simcoe St. South 728-2391 Hole Hems, Dec- RELIABLE FURNITURE - INTERIORS John. Ovens. 0.0. OPTOMETRIST $8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA PH. 723-4811 CUSTOM DRAPERIES FINE FURNITURE BROADLOOM IN YOUR AREA handicaps Need Get it from the These are the only Better equip- 942-2450 Golf Club 723-9542 Whitevale Golf Club 649-2543 Personal Home Decorating Service OPEN THURS. & FRI, TILL 9 P.M. NINETY-SIX KING ST, EAST Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Har- an- nounce the engagement of their Herbert Richter and Mrs. Clif- cere- get her started, is all she asks\mony will take place on Sat- MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage is announced of Jean Betty, daugh- Helen M. Glennie, | Oshawa, to Thomas C, Holmes,} Thomas} Mrs. J. W. Girard, Mrs. C, §. Larmer, Mrs. W. V. Peacock, | Mrs. L, §. Palmer, Mrs. J. A. Vivash, Miss Adeline Goheen, Mrs. John Reid and Mrs, Har- _}old Coppin. NO SIMON. LEGREE The South's great pioneer in large scale textile manufactur- ing was William Gregg who built a mill at Graniteville, South Carolina, in 1846. A cru- | Sader for industrial expansion) jand social betterment of the South, Gregg built complete mill jvillages for his workers. He jalso prohibited child labor,! 12,30] made school attendance com-| jpulsory, provided free tex | | books for workers' children and refused to employ slave labor In 'the southern United States of that era, his actions were, \little short of revolutionary.| They seem to. have paid off, | however, for the mill is operat-) jing today under tts original charter. PAQ Easy-to-Use Interior Latex Flat © For walls ond coflings © One coot covers © Dries in on hoor * Apply with brush or rolles 7 -- AT -- EDGAR'S cam (The Do-It-Yourself Store) i 34 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA PHONE 723-7351 Benjamin ° 95 Moore4te GAL, | GOBLET A HALLM OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE A TRADITIONAL CUTTING ALWAYS POPULAR. THIS HAND CUT FIN# TABLEWARE IS NOW AVAILABLE AT PRICES EVERYONE CAN AFFORD, DESSERT OR SHERBET DISH freweaL -- OLD FASHIONED ARK Or QUALITY DOWNTOWN 1 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH