Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Apr 1965, p. 12

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eases a - satiate Biagiti rsa ; : i aig DN th ean gegen ee an Oe HER i on te . ip aera nasty oe 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurddey, April 15, 1965 sieth |< Selee: High Low emerge 1 iame in ME High i Editor Stresses D angers Animal Shelter Indians Go | Maar watianr wil bulla the tects - eae ete Ang U Dev 1500 72 72 72 --1 | N Myh a pee village, perform tribal. 1000 9 9) MARKET [2 7224 |G 2) ia Plans Vetoed | Bowler Hat [vz," "es" Cal Ed 2 oo Nisto 000 10 «10 sO + ; carvings. ee: 1 rime- epo Ing ur, Chief Howard Skye will talk; WORONES Tt AM. STOCKS Sie Sdlae ie te we Ore Seca ei. 8 Norlex ty Cc. Ex Gas 'erento Stock Exchange--April 15 try-wide animal shelter the ; F a | | North Exp 100 p Ontario Sumane fara. Six Nations Reserve will set up|of the Six Nations Indians. '6 N Coldstrm 510 Newspaper Editors said Wed-|tee, headed by Alfred Friendly, Inland Gas 110 $10 10% 10% idol 300 93 c I : 5 | int Nickel" 50 $95% 95 eo fail city & 8 Qbaska oo impractical and. possibly dan-'porting frequently furthers the! [a township pound be built, close the group will set up an Indianjhas agreed unanimously to 45 415 41 _ is Sas ae ig + i Are eee py $00 139 139 139 aldcoyl a a a a Warren commission proposal|press rededicate itself to the 'County Warden Gibson felt) 300 495 pecs | et be ways sas | Perro aren FO) ea Mi ia rs ii 4 %|Sional code of conduct intended|affairs "with restraint," good|20c. per capita (Mr. Hughes, of ve ea a ek Miwon ST eats the aves Ore Pe 6 ~1'\to assure accused persons ajtaste, and scrupulous regard] the Humane Society, had re-| GOOD FRIDAY SERVI $209 30% J Calvert 1 33 Nord im mm ; Norgola Pickering Township has te-- BRANTFORD,' Ont. (CP)--lon ancient Indian medicine and' Husky 350 '$100 19 1986 $Y) "Can Sup Ol 820% 20% 20% + V4 (Quotations in cents uniess marked $.; - 150 $244 24% 241 | ors house in Blackpool, Lancashire, Co seis re tes ing wie, rte fo BP eleier 30 370 ee ae nesday rigid official curbs on|managing editor of the Wash-' A resolution was passed by rahe. pee NORSE CORPS IN IRAN Stock Sales Hien Low am chee. int. Util 1250 $32.32 a Ce ee O'Brien Bg oe lean lends of justice. 0 a well, in the township gravel village to display crafts and cul-|spend 600,000 kroner to send 20 Paramaq 140 140 140 } 2000 10 10 10 he Sic 990 " nn \fair trial, Their report' said a\for the rights of defendants,"| vealed that the maintenance of) Camerina 400 320 Nore "ta thas | 6 % "%' -- i - . . Norpax 7500 | WASHINGTON (AP)--Direct-| The report of ASNE's special jected the proposal for a coun-\Nine Indians from the nearby'the social and religious history Imp oll 839 $565 S62 56% + Ye Cont Del 945 | 935 W. Bory: 2900 4 "lors of the American Society of|'free press-fair trial" commit- : 2t--Odd 'ol, xd--Ex-dividend, | imp Tob 392 $14%. 14% 14% C West Pr 165 INDUSTRIALS | -foptis 1G dae ie toe | Or Pisins 8 Sine 3 Norsp A w 2100 62 6! 61 --2 |crime news reporting would be'ington Post, said pretrial re-\Council on Monday night that)" ° spokesman said Wednesday, The Norwegian Parliament . 1 1 D y M Opemiska 40 --s erous. : i Abi, i $34 13 ry ons is i a) oe 2 siti Nal rene The ASNE. directors rejected) The report urged that the mt 'ture during a Canadian way of!volunteers to work in Iran. Alta \ a 1M 1 1 7 \ - - faite oe 1 ee en ros + Sie Wim 1% Okalta Bh ibs t al Satine 4 90 915 +5 |that the press adopt a profes-|principle of reporting criminal|that if we were going to spend cert. gona ih ee seaa Jie & Ve EP pwie Seg we gh Sf a Maer ay (Oshowa Ministerial Association aha Bede tence, El phar Rear? Ba A" (PATA ot sion th atc tei ec gies a a on te pinta 2 isa ani "ton t : ; 1 154 ig» lety's a convention apen-| The tndings wer accepted McPherson. Westmount United Church. 8 ae | Arion *0 i x sae a ti ne a B ° |Nicholas: Katvenbact, "aie ail note gion ye AI Chief Justice Earl Warren Bond St. West at Rosehill Bivd. Aunor 100 So i 7 7 +1 jaddress the ASNE Friday, is tion - eve meeting. \criticized the press for its con-| Guest Preacher: REV. WINNIFRED BRIDGES , 2 * : Banktield 10 45 15 +1 jexpected to announce some new The issue has agitated the/duct after the assassination of oeb M 4 M MB and PR 1255 $38 7 . j i Maree rd : Barnat 1000 1m a . ; bal as oA | ;curbs on what federal law en- legal and journalistic profes- | President Kennedy and | Guest Soloist: Mr. Donald Allman Met Stores -- 200 i \forcement officers may tell re-|sions particularly since the!slaying of Lee Harvey Oswald, tat tetas © 8 n 2 | Belleterre 2000 3 +1 | Sil Miller en 202 ut % : y recident commission headed pps Sd aticenia, ¥ MGF 200 Bethim 4 Siscoe 300 7% ---3 |porters. pr a. 88 aaa Black Bay 7500 1 Stanrek joo 112 12 --3 Brunswk 790 780 785 +8 | ' Buff RL 500 7 U oS Bunker H 3 +3 190 (178 +5 | ad Cadamet A 1 i 125 5 25 | Sim 2%. + Ve) Morse A Camflo 335 325 j 244 24% | Moison A Morse B 200 ¢ Tung 108 108 U_ Asbestos --s Sm 53% + Ve Nat Contain 250 Cc Austral a Un Buffad 20100 +2 95\2 95Ve | Nat Cont w 240 286 € Dyno 7 ; UCL Mine 1000 24a 24% | Nat Drug 635 C Lencourt 'In Keno 945 945 945 +18 ves 185 Nat Trust 100 Cantri 2000 Un Fort 234 Bie 2314 + ta 99% 99% Captain Vauze 3200 78 74 7h 33 Cassiar Violam - 1000 6% y Cayzor . W Mines 1300 565 565 565 "7 Chester 5 Zenmac 5500 394 WA WA 9% Chib-Kay pags 1% Chio M 50% 8 2 Sales to 11 a.m Comb M Rt 4323 im an 50 $16 6 Conigo 'i 3; 4 ADD Toron'o 11 a, dave ae : 5°) Con-Key Were FOREIGN TRADING 125% Price Bros 00 $43 , Mei & Giilinan : "\ Sheet 225 $1R 1h oR 2% 23% as . 1 20 3 0 ° QN Gas 63 w 120 x ¢ Neath 52 S 55C cheng will pod is AH Bi $66%-- 66% Revelstoke 100 "4 y C. Morrison 3 3 Cc Marb 1000, 200 4 200 | 9 $14 14% V Rob 2 pr 730 $222 Langis $00 $2 1 p Cc Nichol 13 3 9 ig lg 4 Rommen 20 ee 3 Northid 3 Quemont 100 $11% ive 11" + 146 $162 16% Royal Bk 335 $79% Cop Fields 3 3 | Sherritt 700 750. 750 750 +8 $19%4 19% Russel H 100 $16 tig . Iscoe 200 30320 30 * Cheme 175 $37% 37% StL Corp 73 $21% 2) 1 South g ; Clairtone 100 $7% ™M% Sayvette 200 345 Srsia . } Con Bidg p 1000 $i 8% Scot YK 145 $144 14% -- Ya Stata Fe } ti- ox unt; Con M ? 1560 $46 445% | Seven Arts 200 $14% 14% 14% Dein! , ! : Con Paper 1105 $454 45% | Shell Can 279 18 (18 ie ac Con Gas 975 $13% 13% Shell | pr 425 le % % | Now Anti-Fox Coronation 100 495 4S 495 Shell | w 210 640 640 & Crush int 200 $15% 15% 15%-- Ve Shop City 1800 410 410 | i Cygnus A 455 455 455 +5 | Simpsons 50 h LONDON (AP) -- A former Cygnus B 160 $6 6 6 Slat Steel 5600 1 0 : : leader of Britain's anti - fox $41% AN 41% Slat A w 950 985 a 3 $24 2 29% Somviile pr 25 11 yee hunters said Wednesday he 828% 28% 28% + Ve 50 2 3a 3d'4 Granarey" ; 3 y, had been wrong. 4 6 it ie a i a Granduc "I now believe that until ' $26% 24% Thd CG Inv 300 er f something better comes along $23% 230 ee Had M Hollinger 2 fox hunting is the best way aM v Bin A a us : = Hus Bey 7 : of controlling foxes," he said. Trans-Mt 125 tron Bay 0 Not only did Norman Red- Trans PPL 250 y ion Exp : man, 20, renounce the League 1 Turnbull 200 ¥ --Y¥ ° na i >) ppseng A bah bo =. = fom _ sor me Solan a. 2 j Against Cruel Sports, he Fam Play 225 $24 24% 24% Un Carbide 55. $295 Joliet P added insult to injury by go- Un Gas Jonsmith Or Ford Cda 0 $142 162 162 ue as Kerr Add z ing fox hunting Tuesday. ' reimen an ae ed Verabhona : K Anacon 60 ' : ' Dressed in cavalry twill ' 200 ta sd 23% Versatile $79%4 79% 79 Eb. Purses su is trousers, a hacking jacket «0 a 3 . : ; GMC 255 811604 11604 1ole Webb Knp 3% 30. 3 Cengis Na | and a riding hat, Redman 250 $134 13% 13% Weldwood $12% 1214 124 -- Vs eitc Ns was booed and jeered by his Goodyear Macassa | 390 $029 "yee 286 -- 4 West 'Ind os" ns" in" Marchant | former friends, members of 150 $187% 18% 18% : 00 360 360 340 Matach 5 the West Sussex hunt sabo- 160 $12% 12% 12+ % $17% 17% 17% ets ial J teurs. ™ " 74 W Pacifl 110 $16% 16% 14% _ 4 x $3996 3700 sme. We! Weston A 4256 821% 21% 21% McKen 1 On his horse, Tammy, Red- 25 --" 1% 2) McWat : 5 86% se 64 + Ma) Weston B 410 $22% 229 et : | man said: "They should re- ts as wae ea " ,| Metal Mine 26 | tire and stop making fools of be FoR 100 $17%% 17% 17% Zenith 200 365 365 365 +15 ae themselves." 750 $21% 21% 21% -- ¥ OILS , ; 200 523% 284 gee "| Acme Gas: 100182 152 152-2 | Nat Expl A year ago Redman was ® 4200 3 All. Rox S75 182 18% Itt + | Nealon 31610 +% arrested and fined £25 ($75) 20 320 320 100 $432 43'2 ie Ve, Alminex 725 455 450 450 N Hosco 2000 3 iv j 375 $13%4 134 1344+ Vel Am Larder 1800 17 16\% 16% 4 N Kelore 2700 1 12% ~--*|- for actively sabotaging a fox 300 S184 184 184 | "Am Ledue 12500 15 4% 15 +2 | Newlund 3000 9 1 } hunt in Sussex. BOYS! GIRLS! You Can Earn Money and Gain Valuable Business Experience as a TIMES CARRIE Sturdy are the shoulders of the newspaper boy for on them rests the responsibility of bridging the gap between newspaper and the reader. The newspaper they deliver represents the combined labour of thousands of people both here and abroad, plus production costs that run into the thousands of dollars. It is therefore a job that cannot be taken lightly, the success or failure of the route depends entirely on a keen sense of detail and strong inter- est in business. Both strong prerequisites in today's world of business. But few people have such an inbred instinct and the carrier's job affords an excellent opportunity for a young boy or girl to learn these skills. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Make Your Application Now! 9 4 It's not surprising that Acadian is in a class by itself. Especially when you consider how OSHAWA TIME I § not surprising in y Pp y when 5 5 CARRIED AETRIEA TIN Don t MISS your much you get for Acadian's low, low price. To start, Acadian is built by General ° 4 Motors. That says a lot for the car right there. And there's a choice of seven models, Oc oa ese Oe. Acadian dealer S And five engines. And three transmissions, And Body by Fisher. And Magic-Mirror finish. Acadian certainly heaps a lot of value on its easy-handling 110-inch wheelbase. i or ee ae Success No wonder it sets the standard for family economy cars. EE a Car Sal : * echt cons Celebration Acadian INVADER Mail or Bring Your Application to the Times in Oshawa or Whitby See your local Acadian-Pontiac-Buick dealer ' Oshawa Sines THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED H. DICK PONTIAC-BUICK LTD. 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA, ONT, 103 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT. .. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT PHONE: 723-4364 PHONE 668-5846 Be sure te watch 'Telescope' on CBLT, Fridays at 9:30 p.m. and The Rogues" on CBLT, Thursday et 10:00 p.m.

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