Se NR EAE ENS OTA BN AIRES ROO NI REE AORN ONTO 8 NMR HT @ THE COHAWA Tuas, Wednesday, April 7, 1965 - COUNCIL BRIEFS A bylaw setting the 1965 Osh- awa mill rate was approved by council. The residential rate is 41.10 mills and the commercial and industrial rate is 45 mills. The city's budget is $13,779,000 and the taxation levy will be $11,020,000. A motion approving the Board of Education's re- quest to levy for the board's purposes was also approved. Planning board will consider an application from Fridel Lim- ited to rezone property on the north side of Beatrice street. There is a proposed plan for x stores and apartments to be) £ : Bini constructed on the property. d y, ~ : 'The Boy Scouts of Canada " : ; thanked council for granting) iggy? ; oa Join the P ' ct fire protection to Camp| # ie 1 4 j to K. mart napa ; where Quality Council decided to ask the f . ; sf and Savings Oshawa Legion to name a re-| F 4 iy We: vs go hand presentative to the Oshawa b gn! / ey in hand. Housing Company Ltd., follow-| % ; jee ing the resignation of Legion representative Ben Jacklin, Auto Workers Credit Union limited invited members of council to attend the dedication ceremonies and open house at the official opening of its new building on May 8. Three tenders were accepted by council. McLaughlin Coal and Supplies was awarded a $2,492.- 6) tender for 2,000 bags of cement; Dominion Tire Store was awarded a $6,488.02 tender for the supply of tires, tubes, repairs and service; and Brook- , Pe, lin Concrete Products Ltd., was| #3 Sy ci a awarded a $6,600 tender for re- ¢ ea inforced precast catchbasins, In ; { 1. Girls' Cotton and Terylene om each case, tenders accepted ; ; B LO U S ES were the lowest submitted. Assorted Shirtwaist with roll- aay * Bis, e a The Public Utilities Commis-| # Face eile ai a 1 87 } Satisfaction e sion will be asked to extend) @ i sleeves. Various colours and printed materials with as- street lighting (two pole loca-| ™ teas cf ihe' witvance to the ; all sorted trims. Sizes 7 to 14, j | BY, Guaranteed Civie Auditorium. y ee ; ey 2. INFANTS' 3 PC, wore, Sib Two readings were given to pl, JODPHUR SETS a 4 / ey or each of four bylaws authoriz-| ih ogee § Double breasted jackets with ae wed ee j ing: the construction of asphalt ; 3 heltnat oF poll baniiet iets. 5.77 4 : Money Refunded Pavement, granular base and) i? ticks : Sizes 12 to 24 months. concrete curb and gutter as} fag: Ys local improvements at an esti-| 4 ef ; 3. TODDLERS' 3 PC, mated cost of $333,216.66; the! ¢ ; 4 ; i ; F 7] " onstruction of storm sewers at : ; j JODPHUR SETS he : } Charge It" with your an estimated cost of $47,807.55; Y j at ; Kosha lined jackets and : 4 gee the construction of cement con-| $y as 28 a )P ee. ey by | ok | - Kemah. Seolit. Gieest erete sidewalks as local im-| § Bae / BPs : eor flops, sites 2 to 3X. e : f provements on petition at an es-| #7 ise : She: ' timated cost of $30,149.80; and| jae : the construction of cement con- Girls SLIM SETS crete sidewalks as local im- é i y pg lc front fastening and Tar- provements at an estimated . SIZES : cost of $46,980.08. Because « : 790 16. sccecsencsesiaes Me money has to be debentured, ae SIZES only two readings could be Wie 970 6K os sss Sead ckeuses 3.66 ven to the bylaws at one sit- 74 5. GIRLS' "A" LIN ng. Motions approving the| i i E work were previously passed , Z SKIRTS by council, é Skirts with imitation pockets P . # ge ee Lies! down centre j i ront, A bylaw approving the re- sien eee colours, sides 7 to TL io 2.83 zoning of land between Park P ¥ ey pti Pleated skirts avail- 4 road south and Burk street, se : south of King street, from resi- dential to commercial to pro- vide for the construction of a shopping plaza, was' passed by council. Another bylaw approved the rezoning from R-2B to R-3 and R-4 of property at the south-west corner of Grenfell street, and Frontenac avenue. A bylaw to close part of Dieppe avenue, was also given three readings. s Rabbits Have . Spring Fever pee /\ - : nated "f0UNA 10 a ie Fs : { V os 2 " myt CHILDREN'S A. Young Girls' Lemi ye sprin ' A few days ago Sim Chee and é : : SPRING DRESS COATS pest plead a wile out for : : ; ; | whirl on the "back forty" with 2g , "> : j COA S the Skidoo, : it| # te ing eusting than. hk , 9.8 ' I 3% Skidoo roaring and Bunny ; : : pee : : : : - " bouncing, the race was on. y AA. JR. BOYS' LAMINATED é : : : a "POPULAR Laminated fobries and « Cordu- feagh ie soot ete oT ) | _ WINDBREAKERS wih or without ellar, Vero : A ae with or without collar. Various fence, with Brer Rabbit politely : Laminated Jersey with self ce : Pree : item, LOW PRICES trims on pockets ond collars. waiting for his playmates to| | oe ; color and stripped knit ' th . Ry f f, Take your choice. Sizes 7 to 14, Sar up whenever they fell be-| * ' 4 cuffs ond waistband, Sizes e \\ . tab Finally, leading the pursuit B. Girls' Poplin C. Showerproof Poplin RAN tg nag Mig i J Pid \ , Sy. BB. JR. BOYS' nf ee ~~ : : ; : i well and bounded away to tell| } : 1 atten i oe DRESS PANTS y ee a . oir i ALL WEATHER COATS ALL WEATHER COATS his friends about the stran i \ ras esas kod Pee od 7 hg s ge ; 4a " > Ph P as oe Bn nes new animal he met out in Cry-| ist : ade oF porte with pete sar oh ae J ye, derman's field. Meanwhile, back| ' ; B Startle back waist and side e i . : € e e at the ranch, the audience re-!| pockets. Sizes 3 to 6X. ' i : oar pod ~~. cued. . : $ sg Se? : d ' Showerproof, reversible coats Girls' Reversible coats with Show in years. > ; ess . 2 ce - . found or pointed collars and Randy Fraser and Bobby CC. TODDLERS te ate pointed collar ond slosh pock slash pockets. Red/Beige, Blue/ spent the weekend ice-fishing onl i ey oy. i, COTTON GABARDINE is ? : y ets. Beige/Brown and Beige/ Navy, Beige/Navy and Beige/ Rs "somsenere nonh G | Navy colours. Sizes 8 to 14, Brown, Sizes 4 to 6x. Peterborough", and they report! i ; (ie real SUITS the ice still three feet thick. 4 White Cotton Shirt with They brought back a nice catch| | j , LONG ; H short sleeves, long pants 2 57 f ; D. Girls' Leminated E. Jr, Boys' Reverseible e with cuffs and vest with cont) taming ssi | AR pea etait £3 . DRESS GOATS ALL -WEATHER COATS The spring shopping trip, a bus messy 7 bi Plaza F 1] DD. JR. BOYS' é tee sponsore i F ae 8 . ice eee | 7 | CO-ORDINATE SET aT i 'Go\| 857013 6.57 the local ladies and friends who i i : ' ? fg Cotton Sport shirt with : ' went. along. The librarian re- i ie bee ea 2 83 ¥ 3 Laminoted Fabric coats with Showerproof Poplin coats with ' hey. ; - ports that, in addition to the t ta borage Wal Rayon Lining, set-in or Raglan pound collar and slash pockets. fun, 325 nae raised to help with sleeves, pockets and collars with Brown/Beige and Navy/Beige as irary work. vorious trims, Sizes 4 to 6x. colours, Sizes 4 to 6x, ye --_ ~-- age EE. JR. BOYS' TODDLERS' AND : ored-on Sunday to have Mrs. : Ls' sb ; Alma Loveys, soprano soloist Vee SPORT SHIRTS YOUNG GIthe | F. Toddlers' 2 Pe. at Kingsway Lambton United) . ain Cotton h Chureh, Toronto, as guest solo-; "os ; at Solon het dewer ea ke coe R E : mM \1) af WON '. collar, short s!seves and one GIRLS' ist. COAT SETS ASPEN STRETCH Miss Glayds Yellowlees and| ; Arie . 'ies 9 =< wane 1.77 2 to 3X. 4 to 6X. | SLIMS Mrs.-Ralph Davis attended the | Sonar etiad chavehe Orion. : YE N\A Hii A FF. JR. BOYS' 9.83 to m EU 9.83 to 4.66 1 : | 5.77 4.66 last Week. This was a special]: ; Sth? i WANS Fashionable slims with can- por lm Poe pes lead- aH He DRESS SHIRTS Attractive Coat Sets with round vey wel ge ag ers. Oshawa and district com- PARAS aia Striped Cotton shirts with A large selection of Cotton, Arnel and memorating the 50th anniver- : St: i! MV pointed collar, long sleeves 1 87 Nylon: Fabrics 1 x°0«« from. Various * f the CGIT. Sy Y a, : ith cuffs and tie and euff : a ' ss, = 7B links. Sizes 3 to 6X. styles and trims in this grand assort- RUSSIANS LIKE LEWIS ment. Sizes 2 to 3X and 4 to 6X links. Sizes 3 to 6X, A new nine-volume collected 3 as : ty Russian edition of the works of Sears ns LOCATED ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY te sold out its 300,000 cop- coller with lace trim ond motch- Black, browh, navy etc. Sizes ing poke bonnet. Pink and Mint 7-to 14 iy 'Wee Sizes 1 to 3. : "J