Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Apr 1965, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 6, 1968 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale ey eR NT ON CL LOCO OE A ML CLES HAT 20--Real Estate for Sale |24--Stores, Offices, Storage|26--Apartments for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE WHITBY 668-5853 IS QUALITY IMPORTANT TO YOU? Then this is what you've been looking for, 4 good sized bedrooms, space-saver kitchen thot saved plenty of space to dine in, large L-shaped liv- ing room with thermo pane window, extra 2 pc. wash- room, carport. Only $4,000 down to one mortgage. To in- spect this home call and ask for Audrey Moore 668-4088. VERY CHARMING Custom built tri-level home with mony elegant features, spacious entrance hall, 16 x 24 living room, with stone fireplace, cheerful built-in kitchen with range and oven, panelled rec. room with bar, 3 good sized bedrooms, extra 2 pc. woshroom. Double pav- beautifully land- scaped lot with sunken gard- en, stone patio, fish pond and waterfall. Owner has been transferred. Coll Audrey Moore for appointment 668- 4088. THE TAJ MAHAL Does not offer any more than this exquisite split-level home, PAUL RISTOW ETD: Realtor BETTER THAN NEW And cheaper too! Five pleos- antly decorated rooms, a pav- ed drive, T.V. tower and a 150 foot lot. Yes, a comfort- able home ready to move inte and priced at only $14,900. Call Vern Morton at 728- 9474 or 655-3482 evenings. SPLIT ENTRANCE Pride of ownership is reflect- ed in this immaculate 3 year old six room bungalow. Pro- fessional landscaping, tasteful decorating ond an attractive Hollywood style kitchen sets this house opart. Down pay- ment as low as $2,500. Ar- range your appointment now by calling Tom Huzor ot 728- 9474 or 728-5422 evenings. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE A happy, growing community is the setting for this three bedroom bungalow, the ideal . home for a young family. Five years old, many extras, in- cluding 4 garage and carries for $95.00 a month principal, interest ond taxes at 6%. Make your appointment to inspect by calling Vern Mor- ton at 728-9474 or 655-3482 evenings. IT'S SPRING ! The setting suburbic. Yes, the time and place for o perfect stort in a charming six room bungalow _-- radiating with chorm and waiting to have Jones AND Dougan REALTORS WHITBY CENTRAL $14,500.00, Three bedroom brick bungalow located in a very desirable location. Fine large kitchen and living room. This home is about six years old and fully equipped. We recommend this buy, call Mr. Jones. OSHAWA ATHOL STREET $13,000.00. Five roomed 12 storey home in beautiful con- dition, good lot all landscap- ed, a fine garage 16' x 22' and a tool house. Hot water heating, storms ond screens, T.V. tower. This home is ready for you to enjoy. Call Mr. Rae Jones. BROOKLIN $13,500.00. Only 10 minutes from Oshawa and yet you enjoy the atmosphere of vil- lage living. Five rooms all in good condition, fine large liv- ing room, three dandy be- rooms, and a family kitchen. Good basement and recrea- tion room. Call Mr. Jones TO- NIGHT. "' WANT TO SELL TO MAKE THE PRICES TALK", Says Builder. $999 DOWN FOR NEW DETACHED 4 BEDROOM 2 BATHROOM SIDE SPLIT LEVEL With Hollywood Kitchen and Old-Fashioned Pantry. In- cludes built-in range and oven, storms and screens, walk out patio side sliding glass doors. Beautiful in every way and located on select home sites in desirable sub- urban west community, with public, separate and high schools close by. . Modern shopping within walking dis- tance, OTHER 3 BEDROOM HOMES On 1 N.H.A. Mortgage carry- ing for $98 monthly includ- ing Interest, Principal and Taxes. DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $679 You phone me, the builder, now and let me tell you about the finest home values in the Oshawa oreo. THESE HOMES WITHOUT DELAY AND I'M WILLING gg Fon gig oe Fg aed 100 A 1, lights included, ample parking Fel 728-7680. FOR SALE OFFICE SPACE TWO-BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished,| townline eae BEEF FARM (with lots. of room) 200 acres choice clay ' loam, nearly all under culti- vation, omple woter supply on pressure throughout. Large brick home with all conven- iences, large barns, silo, etc. IIness forces sale. Full price asking $35,000. half down. See this one now for spring possession, 100 acres vacant land, Some bush with spring. Full price asking $4,000. half down. 4 room house, furnace, bath- room, hydro on nice lot, Full price $3,000., terms. Brick school house, well, large treed lot. terms. 2nd Floor King St. E. at Ontario 500 sq. ft. suitable for agency business, Immediately avail- oble. For porticulors and viewing. Call Mr. R. J, Dunn. GIRL = ko four-room, gaat' § chu ( tment, willing to oy oy Bi geen rus oO. apar' i, wi wi Property Management Div. a me, To 1901 wae TWO-SEDROOM aparimeni, a aeeeorite MARY STREET, 531 -- Completely fur- ished apa! ed, Private ator. "agen lights and re- ii partment, *tlevaors, hydro, $1,400. We have lovely cottages with ond without water frontage. Priced $3,600. up. Butcher shop ond slaughter house, completely equipped. Going concern for price and terms, Call Margaret Ballard REALTOR SUNDERLAND, ONT. available. Tele ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 p.m, FURNISHED three rooms and | OFFICE SPACE--fifteen hunared square broadioom throughout. Apply Apartment 4, at 319 Adelaide West, Osh- vate entrance Close to hospital and bus stop, Two adults only. 725-4583, feet on each of second and lower levels; three hundred and fifty saviore, feet on OFFICE SPACE S'S AVAILABLE SMEELEScRE TS spobclcinineenon third floor, swimming noel In Times Building el ag Elgin Street East or caine PHONE 303 Eile * 688 Hortop. Self-contained, iv $125; three children allow: 728. CONTACT MODER RN aparimenis d7 20a--Summer Properties Small shopping centre. Call 723 geo erai Motors South Plant. Cai be bath. Pri- -- 3,3. WISON en : 27----Rooms for Rent At the Times nena femmes Fre int | 82 PARK RD.N, or Sale or Rent on Pesgerr 7 hae ae 25--Houses for Rent | 728-867 | stated two. bedreane, "petee" \Wving| THREE-BEDROOM modérn brick bunge-|FURNISHED rooms, for gentlemen, will- room, kitchen three-piece bahtroom, tots|!ow, 129 monthly. Don Stradeski, Real- jing to share, single bed, accommodation, |of cupboard space; workshop and garage; |tor. 728-8425. ee close to south GM. After 5.15 telephone |lot 120 by approx. 110 deep. Must be seen! eiyve.ROOM bune bungal monthly, |725°8645. \to be appreciated. End of paved road.) must supply reference. 'Telephone 728: 5496 TWO unfurnished rooms, now Automatic heating. newly decorated close to south GM, 5 7 ring 12. 26- --Apartments -- for Rent friends Reasonable rent. THE CAVALIER lenty. Inspection invited. 728- 3014, The Most Modern LAKE FRONTAGE. Lake Scugog, over 2,500 feet. Partly developed. Over 100 | acres. 5,700 ft, road frontage, Reasonable | terms, » Contact Box NW, Station K, K, +» Toronto |LAKE $CUGOG, F Ball Point, ¢ three-béd- |room cottage, four-piece bath. Large lot. |Ful iy furnished $7,900, $1000 down. Cail |WHITBY: One furnished | Phone 668-2466. lone ~ furnished room, for gentleman. | Apply 132 Church Street. |Two ~ furnished rooms. Will suit two single with all con. water, Telephone 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Qust East of Wilson Road) 723.4494 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS Res. 725-5574 1956 FORD two-door 6 cylinder, standard, radio, new battery, three new tires, phone 725-8581 after 4 Pm, i 1957 FORD, two-door, 6 cylinder stan- dard, Exceilent condition, For best offer Call Whitby 668-5126. KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. win Si pack Mntarler Faureeed 728-7806. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-589) Cars bought and sold with 'sion. "Telephone 726-7006. 1864 CORVAIR Monza, deluxe yellow Monte, deluxe yellow. i lack 140 HP automatic, four- oor, man Pavan gh 4) after 5. 1962 MORRIS 650, very $395, G4 Sell. will 31--Compeact gama Paco 1964 ee ee lag a Skidu, ; very good condition, finance. Whitby, a ee 1964 CORVAIR Monze Saag Herts 1 el nite, in yg hy Please Ms new telephene : Alax_ 942 942-3132 a ing CORVAIR convertible, 'arog, ane Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality Tele-|. Private sale, 1958 PONTIAC, four-door 6-cylinder stan- dard, two-tone imitation hardtop, M|900d Condition, Whitby 668-5126, 964% radio, rear speaker, remote contro! mir- rors, 723-5596. 1961 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville, light bive, 36,000 miles, one-owner car, fully equip- ped with extras. Telephone 725-8132, 1958 PONTIAC Laurentian, hardtop, metallic green, radio, four new whitewalls. See this one! Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728- 7375. 11962 PONTIAC | automatic jand brakes, | Call 723-4898 after five. 1957 CHEVROLET station wagon, in good condition, Private, 1965 PONTIAC Strato Chief sedan, automatic, radio, low mileage. Whitby 668-8061, Vacant, | 1962 CHEVROLET Impala Supersport 327, vit sour geeees Call between 9 a.m. - § Garage if de- 728-5357 Sentiemen | i935 BENTLEY convertible, car, new top, windows, room, | cover |$4,500, Ted Duff, | 743-5760 1964 PONTIAC Custom Sport, fully ped, 327 motor, 17,000 miles. 725-1347, very Must be sold. Private BARRACUDA, V-8 automatic,| cable. Dodge one ton GMC Dial Hampton 263-1 725-986" 1963 FORD Econoline, heavy duty, 16000""" miles, immaculate. Best offer. a. Alax § 942-2924 1952 FOR RD, hajt-ton, ick-up, I sition, $29 3200, pick-up, in fair « com all 32--Trucks for Sale TWo TRUCKS typ two-ton engine, four new ft man operation ee rengine. Price ce $895. ._ Telephone Brooklin 47 CW CHEVROLET. tow truck, winch 300 ft See at 13) Park Road 8,400 miles, Best offer. Private. Fa prvemn Wanted four-door V-8 automatic,| Parisienne. transmission, convertible, power steering custom radio, low mileage. $675 or good offer accepted.!® Dial Whitby 668-8545 | V-4, Must sell. wrecking. Telephone 725- CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 * rs, 1175 Nelson Street, ree want cars AKE,HORE AUTO Wi ars for wrecking. p.m. magnificent parts for sale 89 balay al Cars Bi PO se Telephone | tron and Bloor Street East, 725-2311. 728-4549. Robert N = Highest ices , 2 Wentworth Eat, Wes tia rien ma 4 SHAW Auto Wrecking Co. en bought, metals bought. $1,600 overhaul. $6,000 | RR 3, Waterloo (519) equip- 34--Automobile Repair TRANSMISSION specialists, sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe North, Phone 728-7339, Tranamis- Ford, new... All aye One Me * oree vane teu OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto V Wreck: . for < oe ; features 3 large bedrooms, den, rec. room big friendly fireplace, separate dining area; on a 50 x 137' lot, lavished with grand trees. Clase to schools and shopping. Cell now for further informa- tion and ask for Pauline Hobbs. ACT NOW Aportment sites going quickly, land avoilable for 41 suites, centrally located in Whitby, for further information on this land call Audrey Moore 668-4088. CORNER LOCATION 10 Acres on No. 2 Highway. Call Audrey Moore 668-4088. HIGHWAY Oe asin | AND RESIDENTIAL Property-extra large 6 room brick bungalow, with partly finished basement, built on a OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex- ex- : pert carburetor and auto electric service, eh 222 King Street West, 728-0817. automatic, 35--Lest and Found LOST in the vicinity of Harmony Chureh-. on Friday, a light brown cat, children's pet, Call 726-6364, 36--Legal i, MARKO DRAGICEVIC, ? Elizabeth. - Street, Pickering, will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, April 3, 1965, without my written consent. Marke. Dragicevie, 38--Coming ing Events Reed's Florists. ANNUAL Spring Flower Show Medium Rental Apartments in Oshawa |gentlemen. Near South General Motors.|1964 CHEVROLET Super Sport convert- | Apply 268 Malaga Road. jible, 327 with four-speed, Fully equipped. $10 SHARED MOTEL accommodation: Frag alg ng nasouecniie $14 single units; restaurant. Open | hours. Nightly rates, $4 and $6, Telephone! 1961 PONTIAC Laurentian 668-2067. Howard Forder, Brooklin. 655-3853, W. |Frank Real Estate Limited, Bowman- ville. 623-3393. LAKE SCUGOG: Seasonal "rent or | Three bedroom cottage, waterfront, its large garden groomed for another season. Located just out of town and offered at a full price of $13,500 with terms. For further particulars call Vern Morton at 728- 9474 or evenings 655-3482. | | PAUL RISTOW LTD. | Realtor PHONE sale. ate } power steering, De Luxe radio, clean and 0 d J NES = 839-3461 Denes Sovemencags loons Del Boe. orld FEATURING in excellent condition, Private 728-8410. DOUGAN | water, Write Box 250 Oshawa Times. : lea finshed Ganica ar aT ! \}00 FT. LAKESHORE | es Gentleman only. Shift workers welcome.|1960 PONTIAC, four-door, Sivete Chief, OF 364-3] 15 hed ae Saale Hebel: tea" with Exclusive. aecorating a | Apply 574 rere Avenue, Oshawa utomatic. Exceriional condition, $1100. REALTORS ri. Fonte * , ' Electric heating with fin- 725-2577. [LARGE singie room in quiet home,| \clepnone_725-6480. eS gertip control, in each gentleman only Apply | 135 Celina Street. |1959 CHEVROLET two-door six-siandard,| -- room at no extra cost. WHITBY PROFESSIONAL | BUILDING [TRENT RIVERSIDE "lot, as: ft; trailer lone COMPLETELY furnished house radio and power brakes, good condition, Convenient to shopping | between Noon and 9 p.m. please. JOSEPH BOSCO. REALTOR 728-7377 | 833 Simcoe St. South braemor $1,000 DOWN |terms. |home, boathouse, all conveniences. Mrs. keeping room. Sulfeble for Sentleman, | elephone_ 723-4740. |Giles, _Telephone Meyersburg, 705-653-1578 | sap ha lapply 202 Albert Street, 1965 CHEVROLET impala, two-door hard: . wae - ' automatic ransmission, radio, ; FURNISHED apartment, bed - sitting i evacteraton 4,000 miles, extra wheels Plenty of free parking |room and kitchen. Available now. On bUS| sng snows, dark turquoise. $3,175. Tele- Professional full time man- Hline, parking facilities. Telephone 725-3206) phone 728-8609. agement, that cares for [Arno bright, furnished room,|195§ METEOR with near pital, suit girls willing to share, t i Aski Rb alge Single beds. Telephone 723-5722 pee ransmission. sking $225. crappie oto pees Begg ng le furnished bedroom 1941 PONTIAC four-door Laurentian Val \ ry = centr: UIT automatic Push button radio. Padded MODEL SUITE FURNISHED gentleman. Apply 102 Elgin Street East, lan, Backup lights, wheel discs and! by Reliable Furniture Open from 2 p.m. till 9 p.m. daily At 400 Grenfell Street at end of Marland Ave. Financial Trade "ios 187 87 King: St. LAKE SIMCOE -- Lakeshore lot, cleared| and ready to build on; 60 miles from Osh-| awa, $3,200, Telephone 728 "4849. FOR RENT -- On Balsam L. @, two ) cot-| tages, furnished, conveniences, Sie clean shore. Large cottage sleeps 10; smaller Jone sleeps 6 Boat avaliable. Write Box! [N No. 310, Oshawa Times. FOR RENT -- Port Loring Modern take- |front cottages, housekeeping, or American |Plan. Safe. beach, fishing. A. Wright,| Whitby 668-8967. | ACTIV REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 CHECK OUR VALUE PACKED "58 motor and auto-| Dial! features, FURNISHED room, gentleman preferred. |washers. Six wheels and fires. Dial No excessive drinking allowed; light} |Brooklin 655-3181, _ |housekeeping privileges. Apply 490 Drew| 196 BUICK, two-door hardtop, V-8 auto |Street. |matic, new plates, good tires. $350 or) |WHITBY nice clean furnished bedroom, | best offer. 728-0332, | |Suitable for gentleman, Free parking. | 1964 PONTIAC Laurentian, V-8, radio, | Telephone Whitby 668-3008, washers, Me | SINGLE rooms and board. Apply 25 Divi- |600 miles. be 250. _Phone 723-1247. jsion. Street. 1964 MERCURY automatic, _ Courtice Area 4 room | frame bungalow on a large lot. Carries for $80 monthly. 22--Lots for cig. Interest ond principal. Taxes $82. yearly. Act fast on this home. Easter Review PALM SUNDAY THIRTY FIVE ACRES two-door large lot, phone for parti- culors. RESIDENCE PHONE Pauline Hobbs 728-5886 Audrey Moore 668-4088 Phyllis MeRobbie 623-7159 Mr. Heitzner 668-8733 ~ METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED AO King St. E. 728-4678 JULIANA DRIVE 4 bedrooms, attached garage, large finished rec. room with notural stone fireplace, bor with sink, extra 3 pc. wash- room, walkout basement plus mony, many more extras, All this for $26,000.00 with reasonable down payment. BROOKSIDE AVENUE Choice, well appointed 6 room ronch, double garage, finish- ed rec. room, fireplace, broadioom, almost 1600 sq. ft. of living area, built-in stove and oven, grounds pro- fessionally landscaped. Truly e lovely home and warrants your inspection, Asking $35,- 000.00. Shown by appoint- ment only MELROSE STREET $2,996.00 down for this new 3 bedroom electrically heated and decorated home. We have others with garages and car- ports at slightly higher down payment. Call now and in- spect. NORTH WEST Close to St. Mary of the People Church and Separate Public and High Schools Large 6 room with attached garage, extra bathroom, fin ished rec. room, large lot. All this for $17,500.00 FOR RENT Two ideally located stores or ground floor offices. Imme- diate occupancy OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Dial 728-4678 Joe Mago Ken Hann Jack Osborne Bob Johnston Dick Borriage MEMBER O.D.R E.B 1] SUITE APARTMENTS $15,000 DOWN 6% FIRST MORTGAGE Location off Park Rd. North, fully leased. For more formation-call Bill Millar 725- 1186 of 725-2557. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. in- RANCH BUNGALOW 3 bedrooms, dining room, 4 acre lot. Taunton Rd. at Zion. Possession middie of April. Private. Hampton 263-2474 PRIVATE § $13,000. Six-room Solid brick jone mortgage per | payment Near south plant, 64 | | | | LISTINGS "COUNTRY LIVING" $10,500. Close to Townline East, Love- ly 2 bedroom frame home on 4 acre lot. Air condition- er to go with home. Tool shed. Taxes only $110.00 yearly, Make your offer now, Die! 728-5157. DOWN $4,000, DOWN Will move you into a grand 4 bedroom home in Oshawa's leading District. Extra 2 piece bathroom in basement. 15' x 24' rec room with naturel fireplace. Must be seen to be appreciated. Dial 728-5157 for inspection. This Home SOLD sorry 11th Line, R.R. 3 Bowmanville "WINONA AVE." DOWN $3,000. DOWN 3 bedroom brick, large mo- dern kitchen with dining area. Some broadioom. Access to patio through sliding glass doors, Phone 728-5157 for more details "NEW"" Exceptionally beautiful 3 and 4 bedroom. homes. Sliding doors off dining room, Fully finished rec rooms with nat- ural fireplace. Extra 2 piece bathroom in laundry room. Breezeway and attached gor age. Don't delay, give us a call today, 728-5157 MORTGAGES ARRANGED ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South BBY'S Real Estate Ltd. 299 Simcoe St. S. 728-7576 HOME and STORE 5 room, 2 storey brick home and good size store, store rented, home vacant, to see this 'income property give us a call right now C2 COMMERCIAL 6 room brick home plus store with kitchen and bathroom and large cement block gor- oge, large lot, full price only $15,900 Listings needed now, buyers waiting call 728-7576 or 725-4366 725-5701 725-4362 Tony Zakarow Nick -Siblock Anthony Siblock three-bedroom two storey, 14 BAY RIDGES, detached brick, Dunbarton 839-2975. | | | semi- baths, | jcarport, full basement, 21 years left on| $13,900. Reasonable down! gardens: Stevenson Rd, N, at Annapolis St. Beo.iiiul three on. tur bedroom homes for im- mediate possession. Open daily for your inspection 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. H. MILLEN Real Estate Limited 9 Bagot St. 728-1679 W. FRANK REAL. ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church Street, Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 98 acres --- Oshawa 6 miles. Scenic rolling property with two streams. 2 Storey brick home with 2 bathrooms. Just listed ot only $35,000 - $5,000 down 100 acres with brick house, ""L" shaped barn 36' x 50', 30' x 50', stream, near Black- stock. Only $16,000 - $7,- 000 down. lots near Taunton road, $5,500 - 10 acre on paved $1,000 down 10 acre parcel with stream near Hampton. Good pond site. $5,000 - $1,000 down 100 acres near Tyrone with 15 acres qood hardwood bush, 30,000 Xmas trees, balance workable land. Terrific view, $10,900 - $2,000 down 35 acres at Newcastle on No. 2. $16,000 - terms. Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m 655-3853 723-5787 623-5055 - 623-3077 623-3393 623-3818 Howard Forder . . Joe Barnoski Ken Hocklin .. Pat Yeo Herb Cooper Jack Whiteman MONEY MAKERS FOUR APARTMENTS $360 Monthly Income $6,000 down--Ful! $22,000 Private Sale--Save $1,000 CALL 728-7680 ~~ OPEN HOUSE Daily 2 - 5 p.m., or by ap- pointment. Homes with $500. winter works bonus. Follow | | | | 5 YEAR OLD DUPLEX Each have 2 bed- bedrooms. Large living and dining rooms with kitchen. Close to church, schools and shopping. Owner being trans- ferred. Convenient terms. Call us today, for all parti- culars 2-Suite NORTHEND 6 room 'brick bungalow on quiet treed street. Rossland and Simcoe area. Low asking price with good terms, Avail- able for appointment to in- spect this home. Call us to- day. 723-2102 723-1021 723-9750 723-4270 725-6297 Robert Young Joe Crawford ... Jim Gibbens'.... Murroy Boyle ... Sally Wallace 'DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED: REALTOR 333 King Street West 723-1168 NORTH WEST AREA LOW DOWN PAYMENT considered on this 1% storey brick home. Large kitchen separate dining room. 3 nice bedrooms and 4 pc. bath with stool in basement. Broadioom in living room, T.V. Aerial included FOUR YEAR OLD brick and stone split level with attached garage. Home is:nicely decorated with hard wood floors throughout. 1% bathrooms. Hollywood kitchen and pierson windows. Owner anxious to sell, and excel- lent financing may be arrang- ed NEAR SOUTH G.M. THREE BEDROOM brick bungalow South G.M. Plant. $2,000.00 down, payment $75.00 per month including taxes Close to Phone for appointments to inspect the properties John C. Howson Bob Hobbs Member of O.D.R.E.B two-bedroom $6,800, COZY GM. A nice area in east 728-5103, W. O. Martin Realtor. end. PRIVATE. Available in April, well built home in good residential section in city. hext to schools and all other conveniences | Telephone 725-2987. home, garage, zoned light industrial W. McAuley Realtor, large lot, fruit Only $3,000 | 723-2512 or 668-5765. |ONLY $1000 down buys this home locat ed within minutes of the Oshawa Shop- one mortaage for the hal-| €s-| ping Centre, ance: Phone §. D. Hyman faté Limited al 728-6286 Real Smart Business People Sing the Fraises bungalow, siluated close to schools and north plant Call 2% Prince Street, | |OSHAWA speculation property! Six-room| trees: i} | | | WITH TROUT STREAM North end of Oshawa. Very scenic property. Plenty | of privacy. Priced at $635 per acre. Contact Bill Millar 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. (off Park Rd. S.) 725-9934 - 728-4283 LOOKING FOR AN APARTMENT "Real \* |28---Room and Board ROOM and board in a Christian home in north end of city, five or six days a week. Abstainer please, Phone 728-6980. ROOM or room and board, v jroom, single beds, chesterfield and TV.) Suitable three men or women. Packed, 728-0049. WHITBY -- Central, two gentleman will- ing to share, single beds, lunches packed, | parking, Dial 668-4928. ROOM and board availiable, preferred. Day shift onl »_Dial 668-8158. |29--Wanted to Rent | ployed gentieman. 728-6697 Preferred. Phone 728-3690. Check our ads under Estate For Sale". GUIDE REALTY LTD. Realtors LUSANNE VILLA SPANISH PROVINCIAL DECOR Electric Heating, Controlled Entrances, Laundry on each floor, Broadloom Corridors, Elevator Service, Dinette and Dining Room, Ceramic Tile Bath, Vanity, Well. maintain- 330 GIBB ST. GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite ADULTS. ONLY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION TELEPHONE 723-1-712 -- 728-2811 For Appointment PARK LANE APTS. Future Vacancies CONTACT DON HOWE REAL ESTATE 725-7732 MODERN two-bedroom apartments, elec-| trically heated; refirgerators and stoves; | close to bus. All services paid by owner. |Rent $125 monthly, Adults only. Call | 725-9886. [APARTMENTS for rent, | tion, One, two and three bedrooms. Start- ing at $115 per month. Reserve now for June possession, Call 728-9466 for full in- formation, Steve Zurba Realtor, 25 Bond --| Street West. | |DREW STREET, 74; two bedrooms and| Listings. urgently requir- kitchen furnished, central, adults or working couple or three individuals; ab-| ed. All cash and term buyers waitin for fast stainers, no children. Le ns se Bo THREE-ROOM, third floor, apartment, =| service and valued ex- |furnished, private bathroom, laundry, parking facilities, on bus line. Available, perience call Howard Mc- |May 1. Adults only, Apply 822 King Street ast, Cabe at S. D. Hyman | Real Estate Limited. 728-6286 | NEED OLDER TYPE HOME NOW ! For Cash Buyer Call BILL JOHNSTON Schofield-Aker Ltd. . 728-1066 WE WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR HOUSE. CALL JOHN F. DeWITH| REALTOR LOT, corner of Juliana and Bernhard Crescent, Downsview subdivision, 50 ft by 110 ft. Telephone 728-9842 after 5 p.m. DENSELY wooded building lo! 60' x 250'| located in the north end. Call Les. Hall at Ss. D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd. 728-6286.) 23--Real | Estate Wanted phone 723-5521 anytime. |THREE-BEDROOM house, apartment for May and June. 725-2584 after 4 p.m. References. 'cottage ¢ DO IT NOW! List your home with us and get TOP DOLLAR. We have SPOT CASH and Term Buyers. x FREE APPRAISAL * NO OBLIGATION Call 723-2265 SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE inclusive. Sleep six adults. nice lawn or beach. Write Box 246 Osh- awa Times FAMILY, no small children require "three bedroom house in Whitby or vicinity by! July 1. Willing to do repairs. Refer- ances noons. WANTED furnished bachelor apartment | or one room apartment, private. |Baldwin, Kingsway Motel. Teleohon| | 728-518). URGENTLY NEEDED: Two- bedroom house, In Oshawa. 728-2395 or. three: | 1963 1960 1960 S.W. 1960 1959 Pontiac, AT $1850 Cresta $ 495 Vauxhall $ Anglia $ Olds. V-8 $ 1959 Ford, S.W. $ 1959 Meteor, AT $ 1958 Chev. $ 1957 Pontiac, AT $ 1957 Pontiac $ 1957: Chey. HiT. $ 1956 Ford 1956 Chey. 1955 Chev. 1955 Chev. BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 495 450 950 995 895 795 650 625 495 160 135 395 95 northend loca- FURNISHED light housekeeping | Suilable for young girl. Preferably sale | abstainer. Telephone 728-0984. TWO-BEDROOM apartment in para | building. Stove and refrigerator, senior | a] » adults Immediate possession. | Telephone 725-7272 or 7: Gi | WHITBY large one-bedroom natural fireplace, three-piece bath. Avail able May | Adults only. Whitby 668-4864 MODERN APARTMENTS, refrigerator, stove, heat, water, drapes included; ele- vator service. controlled doors. Adults| preferred, Sel pee ena 321 Mar-| land Avenue, FOUR-ROOM aj coast "Unfurnished, "on main floor. Available for ia months ont $ $ $ $ 668-5871 -72 SPOT CASH Paid for. Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens poid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 $ "ALL CASH --$ For clean cars, or trucks we deal up or down. Liens poid. NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 only. 723-5168, | BACHELOR two-room apartment with all|- furniture, completely private, one adult! only. Heat, hydro, laundry facilities in- cluded, No parking, Immediate Posses-| sion. $50 monthly. 78- 1203. PRIVATE: Two - bedroom apariment.| Completely remodelied. Only suitable for clean reliable couple. See to appreciate. $95 month, Telephone 723-6329, | HREE-ROOM apartment for rent. Stove lee refrigerator, private entrance and bath. Suitable for young couple or two jairis._ 723-6833 after 6 p.m. Bowmanville 623-3950 _|TWO-BEDROOM apartment | bedroom apartment, basement of new THINKING OF building; central; immediate possession; SELLING? |broadioom, drapes, elec! All services| . jincluded. Telephone 648-8031. -- CALL -- | THREE-ROOM apartment, in aduli home, 1 |unturnishet (refrigerator and stove sup- SIBBY S plied), street level, private entrance, cen- Real Estate Ltd. : |smoking), Available May 1. Telephone | i94) OLDSMOBILE LE 98, four-door | hardtop, | 00. listed. We have buyers for three- and|/ments, new building, all modern con-|Call original owner, 725-2911 or see at ltrally located. Adults .only, preferably re- 725-5676. fully 1,8 four-bedroom homes, All cash arranged.|veniences. Telephone | Whitby 6 668-8560. | 852 Florell Drive = | and one-| |tired lady "Abstainers. (no drinking or WE CAN'T SELL Hor HOMES that are not| WHITBY -- One and two-bedroom apart-| 1963 Sunbeam 'Aine, low mileage, $1,800. W. 0. Martin Realtor, 728-5103. Lunches ps | SINGLE furnished room for steadily em-|hardtop, One block north of | Only 10,000 miles, North GM, Parking. $8 weekly. Telephone Ajax | 942-6444, and power equipment. Like new, Must sell! radio 1964 RAMBLER convertible, e | auromalle, | |1959 OLDSMOBILE, FURNISHED room within walking dis-|"@dlo, optional big engine, 4,000 miles. tance of Oshawa Shopping Centre. Woman |After 5 or weekend telephone 728-8609. | Gere | four-door hardtop, | CLEAN, furnished housekeeping room, in|Oynamic 88 series. Power steering and) __ quiet home. Suit gentieman, Call 723-9225. | reg" brakes, two-tone fawn and beige. | Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 728-7375. | |1960 OLDSMOBILE Super 88, , black.| wer equipped. Excellent condition. $1495, Telephone 728-8136. 11962 FORD Galaxie 500, two-door hard- top V8, |discs, very Jarge| wipers. 723-9655. 1963 ACADIAN, | jatching interior, over 25 miles per gal- jlon, Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 728-7375. 1959 CHEVROLET ardtop, V- "i | power steering, custom radio, Black with gentleman red trim. Motors Ltd., 725-6568. 1961 CHEVROLET four-door, radio, heat- er, 6 cylinder, standard shift. Reasonably MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE desires three-|Priced. Phone 725- to five-room apartment or house in Osh-|1964 CHEVROLET 8 cylinder, , automatic, awa or vicinity. April 15 possession. Tele-| fully low mi atier 4 p.m. or 72-1297 !driven. 6 725-1740. | automatic, whitewalis, wheel padded dash, electric washers and "two - door, turquoise, | "Impala four-door automatic, power brakes, . Low down payment. Gus Brown equipped leage. Owner months warranty. Telephone} or | 1960 CORVAIR, green with matching in- Phone | terior, automatic. Has to be driven to ind | appreciated COTTAGE with boat, July 31 to Aug, 14|725-6568. oe Good fishing,| 1962 PONTIAC Strato Chief, four - door| sedan, Gus Brown Motors Ltd., six cylinder, standard transmis-- sion, custom radio. Satin silver with red |trim Excellent running --_ automobile. | Terms available. Gus Brown Motors Ltd:, 725-6568. Telephone Whitby 668-3784 after 1965 IMPALA, |matic, power steering and brakes, aie | v- , two-door hardtop, |radio, rear seat speaker, padded das' s, |Plus many more extras, Low mileage. | Call 728-2784 11961 PONTIAC, standard, 2138. $1,100, Phone | Hampton '263- Telephone 1963 VOLKSWAGEN, medium bi |cellent one-owner car. --|terior. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7: |1982 PONTIAC Parisienne conver {azure aqua with matching trim, piled |matic transmission, |local lady owner since new. Very low | mileage. |quest, Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568. |MOTORS, trans, all car parts, Courtice Auto Wreckers. nights 725-4404, 1963 CORVAIR convertible, Excellent condition. Telephone 723-4974 1959 -CHEVROLET | hardtop,. V-8, automatic, new V-€ engine, custom Motors Ltd., 725-6568. USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make |trailers, also used tires. | East after 4, 723-2281. |1960 PONTIAC four-door sedan, econom- jical 6 cylinder transportation. has been kept in perfect condition by |previous owner. Another nice family car! Gus Brown Motors | Ltd., 728-7375, i955 CHEVROLET Bel Air, automatic, new plates, East. Mornings or after four. |1957 METEOR standard, V-8. New paint, |seat covers $395. Apply 509 Bloor East, | mornings or after four, va Very clean in- April 11th REED'S GREENHOUSES ° BLOOR WEST All Doy . : Free Admission" BINGO TUES., APRIL 6 7:30 P.M. 20 regular games $8 and $10 Share the Wealth $150 Jackpot 53 Nos, $20 Consolation FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL - Corner Bloor Street and Edith OSHAWA LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 incash prizes Jockpot Nos. 58 and 58 JUBILEE PAVILION 50¢ ADMISSION Entitles you to 1 Free Card, plus a chance on a TV to be | drawn April 28th. custom radio. One Previous owner's name on re- Telephone 723-5541 or four-speed. Extras. Best offer. impaia, two-door radio. Spotless! Gus Brown BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Early Bird Game FREE ADMISSION $1,250 in Prizes Jackpots 56 and 50 Children under 16 not allowed - Special 7:30 bus from 4 Corners Bloor Street This car 6 cylinder, $175. 509 Bloor 1960 PONTIAC four-door sedan, econom- ical 6 cylinder transportation. This car has been kept in perfect condition by | previaoa owner. Another vg family cart Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. [1959 ¢ CHEVROLET Bei Air four-door hard |top, brand new six cylinder engine, cus- tom radio. This car is as a new car. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568. PEUGEOT and VOLVO SALES and SERVICE I . Can finance. . Also! 1250 Dundas St. E., 1» Whitby | $i _Coas pact Cars for Sale JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa -- 728-0921 ZOLTAN - NICK & DAN'S Your authorized DATSUN DEALER Volkswagen Service 160 Simcoe South _Oshawa 728-0051 _ SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. VOLKSWAGEN | Sales and Service * New and Used Cars High scores -- Mrs. S. Sheridan, 138; Mrs. G. Rundle, Dr. Mr. Mrs. R. Hunter, Mrs. den, 111%; Mrs. M. R. Clarke, G. -| Anderson, 62; Dr, Culp, 59; Mrs. E. Henry, Mrs, E. Bastedo, 5314. ' | Phillips, \Mrs. Jackson Duplicate Bridge GM Duplicate Biidge Club: R. S. Kandel, 117%; Coles, Mr. Coles, 112; Patterson, 10944, East and West -- R. Morris, D. McCuaig, Barrand, 1324 Pilkey, _ | Davis, Mrs, Next game is the annual open pairs tournament at 7.30, April 8, 13744; Mrs. Mrs,' J, Mr. L.. Barkell; 118; Mrs. E. H. Cruwys, 10114. Morris, A. R. MacLean, Mr, 120; Mr. and Mrs. R. Stewart, SOCIAL BINGO St. Gectons Hall (cor ; ner of Albert and ) Monday March 29, 8 o'clock. Lunch and prizes: RUMMAGE saie CRA Gibb Street, Wed: nesday, April 7, 1.30 p.m. St, 's WA, ' RUMMAGE seie St. John's | Hath (corner Bloor and aineae streets). Wed- nesday, April 7, 1.30 p.m K. Mar- « Oshawa Golf Club Duplicate Forshty, 63; R. Garrett, and West pi Dr. R. Bayne, Armstrong, Mrs. East Mrs. A. wa Bridge: High Scores--North and South --.Mrs. E. Stewart, Miss E: id Mrs. E. Brooklin iia Sn | MANCHESTER twe- storey seven-room $1,060 DOWN, vacant ranch style home |home Ncre10i Nicely {andscaped Fi eM aattnd oestion "cotves|S12M@. Cal! Mowers Forder, Bronk for $140 including taxes. Call Bob John-| 6553859. W, Frank Real Estate Limited ston 725-945 Lioyé Metcal Reel Estate, | 623-2992, te Jub 1 «Call ---- cent. Available July Oshawa THREE-ROOM aparimeni, available im-|1958 PONTIAC Parisienne two-door hard-| Times Clossitied | Ads Park Rd. S. to Phillip Murray of Ave 49%; Mr. and Mrs. Pp. 481%; Mr... and Mrs, |E, F. Armstrong, 47; Mrs. K. Open Evenings 4 , ; . sii" VALIANT, ebad shops, "Vigor sna, |Braithwaite, Mrs, R. Graham, 700, Telephone 728-7207, 145, ' 334 Ritson, Rd. S. 123-3461 | CLIENT for three-bedroom home in Whit-| mediately. Apply back door at 33 Colborne|top, V-8 automatic, custom radio, waite | Mills, by, vider "yre Fé. Bolahsod! Street Eas! atter 3p. wails, whe, discs Finsh.d |hubb, 1 Brothers, Mr Yeo, 728-' 5123, "ager | metallic. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 108- 7315 | ud pal FURNISHED one - room apariment. | LARGE BRICK HOME or duplex, new Middle-aged people only Abstainers.|1962 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, "standard, A-1| condition. Send all details to Box 737;/Apply 200 King Street West or telephone aon Owner must sell, Call before Oshawe T! 773-5004, ines, 6 p.m, Telephone 723-6055, JOSEPH BOSCO Realtor 728-7377

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