REACTION TO PEARSON'S VISIT ON VIET NAM LBJ Seen Cool To Pause Plan By ARCH MacKENZIE WASHINGTON (CP) -- Pres- ident Johnson gave a cool re- ception to Prime Minister Pearson's proposals for paus- ing in air attacks on Commu- nist North Viet Nam "at the right time," some leading United States newspapers seem to agree. The word "cool" is a recur- ring one in Sunday's front-page reports of the Pearson pro- posal made Friday night at Philadelphia and tied in with his luncheon call Saturday on President Johnson, Viet Nam Talk Vague - Johnson OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- ter Pearson arrived back in the capital early Saturday evening after spending what he called) "a pleasant couple of hours" with President Johnson at the American 'eader's Camp David retreat in the Catoctin Moun- tain of Maryland. Mr. Pearson got a surprise in- vitation to 'visit the president after arriving at Philadelphia Friday to receive a university peace award. Ina speech that night he suggested a pause in |U.S, air strikes on North Viet Nam 50 that the North Vietnam- ese could be given an opportu- nity to negotiate for peace with- out the appearance of backing down under U.S. military 8 Children Die In Fire LOCKPORT, Ill. (AP)--Eight children were killed late Sunday night in a fire authorities said was started by a four-year-old girl playing with matches. Will County sheriff's deputies! children. said the girl, Robin Townsend,| vicums, round huddled to- dropped a lighted match in ajgether in a back bedroom, were waste basket, setting refuse and| burned beyond recognition. nearby plastic curtains afire.| They were identified as Mrs. Within seconds, police said,|Hollins' daughter, Adrian, and flames spread throughout the Mrs. Harris, children, Kenneth nine-room, tar - paper co d iad Paper covered' 12, Deborah, 14, Gloria, %, Cyn- Asleep in other rooms were 'hia, 5, Robin Townsend, 4, and Robin's mother, Mrs. Irene Har-|two - year - old twins, Lisa and ris, 35, her six other children,| Lor®Barfield. and one-month-old Adrian Hol- RELAX Police said that as the flames spread, James Harris, 16, and his mother were awakened and attempted without success to rescue Robin and the phia audience and that it was)which is roughly the same size not discussed long with John-|as the Columbia River basin in son. |coneas and the United States. bse si Canada's contribution to the LBJ UNCOMFORTABLE? |project was the aerial survey. All reports tend to emphasize| an impression that. the pres-|/- REFLECT POLITENESS ident was uncomfortable about; Reports of the Pearson- questions hinging on Pearson's|Johnson meeting generally re- air-pause idea and there is/flect polite words from senior speculation that the president/officials on Pearson's speech felt he had been put on the|but no flaming enthusiasm. spot, | The Washington Post, for ex- Almost ignored by newspa-|ample, in its analysis of the pers such as The Philadelphia) Pearson "pause - for - talks" Inquirer, New York Times, idea, says "official sources Washington Star and Washing-|leaped on the fact that Pear- \lins, daughter of Mrs. Kay Hol- lins, 18. Mrs. Hollins lived in the Harris home, but was away at the time. Both mothers were) receiving aid to dependant chil-| Another line attributed to ton Post was another main} son twice had said the air at-| might. g witha nightcap U.S. sources is that Pearson|point in the Pearson speech. tacks should be suspended 'at! It is believed Mr. Joh dren relief. a himself did not feel he hadj This took up a statement|the right time.' gave the prime minister a com- plete rundown on American pol- icy in Viet Nam during their two-hour conference at Camp David. made March 25 by President} "As far as the U.S. is con- Johnson about increasing aid|gerned, administration sources for Asia if peace could be ob-|made it plain, this is not the tained. Pearson urged a Start|'right time'," says the news- by the United Nations on the/paper, | The president, however, dis- spectacular Mekong River de-| "American officials empha-| couraged any questions on Viet velopment. sized that there is no present|Nam at a joint press confer- Fiery Cross On Negro's Lawn CINCINNATI 'AP)--A__fiery| aK YRDAN fawn at the home of « Nesro Ml MTT VT PN made a_ significant suggestion toward altering the course of events in Southeast Asia. This line has appeared before in the various proposals directed at Washington from abroad concerning the war in : 'THE SHEPHERD'S BENEDICTION IN ROME The hands of Pope Paul VI procession outside the the child and the Pope ex- |Viet Nam. _ This project has had help intention to alter the course ofjence after the meeting. reach out to caress the Church of Our Lady of Gua- press the happiness of the | The Washington Star "says from 21 countries, including} U.S. policy or strategy in Viet! «pis (Mr. Pearson's) visit/family living in a previously all- cheeks of a child held up to -- dalupe in Rome today. Joy- _-- occasion. jthe Pearson proposal--that the|Canada, and still is beingiNam." lhas nothing to do with Viet|white neighborhood in suburban| Sh ay him as he walks in a Lenten ous faces of those around --(AP Wirephoto) | U.S. pause in air attacks at the)pushed ahead although it re-| Thus, it is indicated, Pear-\Nam or anything else you could|Oakley. i Sherry right time to perhaps give|mains the only agency onjson is getting the same polite|piow up and make big or dra- aie. Peganoes . North Viet Nam a chance to|which South Viet Nam, Laos,/but firm rejection that has|matic." the president told re- Neighbors said they were} raise the question of talks--"re-|Cambodia and Thailand. have gone out earlier to President) norters stunned at the appearance of} CHILL IF DESIRED symbol of the Ku! Mr. Pearson said the situation the~ cross, ceived a quick burial."' It and|any four-way contact. de Gaulle of France, Secretary- |Klux Klan, other newspapers quoted un-| The p roject is a multi-/General U Thant of the UN,\was talked about only in gen- | named senior officials as say-|purpose one. It calls for con-| Japan and assorted other coun-|era) terms. . Very Rev. HERE and THERE i sRE S two count ing that Pearson himself re-'struction of dams for flood) tries including just last week a) "We talked about Viet Nam| lected Fogel flend Big aro eg Gane ]. H. Arnup |garded the air attacks pausejcontrol, drainage and _ hydro-|group of 17 non-aligned nations and the view that I expressed ang gt aad Club during re- withk a total acreage of jas rather an academic sugges-jelectric power. About 20,000,000/including Yugoslavia and In-)jast night," said the Canadian ' St Oy Dew D phe eb He olde the 1.748 acres. One forest of e | ton to an academic Phil del-! persons live in the river basin,|dia. leader. "I don't want to say any 4 yx Th bd yt) ost for 1965. Other mem- -- 1,399 acres is in Uxbridge D At 84 ERR as AIRES 3 5 RN aE more except to reiterate that in i be 3 of the executive are Township. The oler of 349 1es | i ° rat etal a me Taye ge YOu CAN ONLY as follows: A. E, Wilson, acres is in Mara Town- 3 t te Ss to understand the position of the \ first vice-president; J. R. ship. TORONTO (CP)--Very Rev.| u 1 a Oo 1ée oun United States in Viet Nam and HAVE ONE BODY | Walker, second vice-presi- Jesse H. Arnup of Toronto, a support that position." j f dent; G. E. Gillette, past Robert N. Springstein, 62 |former Moderator of the United] ; ° e _Did Mr. Pearson see any ob- Just like on oyster in its shell, you have to live { president; G. A. Slocombe, Church Hill, Oshawa, was Church of Canada, died Sunday| In Sout east 1C ] an stacles in continuing Canadian in your body the rest of your life. Why not teke et . secretary - manager; E. J. among 1,900 winners of |night in Wellesley Hospital here! jsupport? : least ot much core of it as you do your out le? Reed, treasurer; Go. Bh Province of Ontario Gradu- /@fter an_ illness of several No, I would just say we want omobi' } Coulter, W. A. Dixon, ate Fellowships for the 1965- | weeks. He was 84. WATERVLIET, Mich. (AP)--ja small grove of scotch pinc|wore was stripped from: one i gy rae supporting US. jel Hos your physicion checked your body lately? Com- i 'D'Arcy Bell, and A. C. 66 academic year. His name | Mr. Arnup was elected Mod-/The mutilated bodies of a little|trees at the edge of an applelleg. i 4 ria ring peace to Viet plete happiness is impossible if recurring pains ond i Keeler. was not included in the list jerator of the church in Septem-)gir) and two women were foundjorchard owned by Henry Baier.| Mrs. Boyer's body was nude|\2™)~ he replied. aches plagie.seu, Reams aiabhe the Mone ten AMEE i published on Friday. ber, 1944. jin an orchard area of this} The grisly discovery was|except for hose when found, in Mr. Johnson "wen asked (08 medicines: we stock, let. yo " hysicion choose th ) | eS : ' | ard ond | $1} ; f » IN-\,, , , i i- ' ur sicion ¢ e the } Edward A. Dunlop, re ' a gh -- \ nao nd On |southeast Michigan community) made by three young boys wholvestigators said. She had been a on the Canadian post one hha bollavas wilt help Bes hg ha tabi Provincial Member of the William Boddy, a retired [ie ea rete teuentute ee ay: |were bicycling along a dirt|slashed. . "It's not for me to expound ; : Ontario Me ange we 'ye employee of Robson-Lang find: the nivacaite 'ot fait ote The victims were seven-year-|road. . | The Jones woman had beenjjudgment on what other coun- e ue he eyelet th Leathers Lid., Oshawa, was |r win Gute 3 1909, he|21@ Diane Carter, Mrs. Amelia) The victims were in various|decapitated. What was believed|tries might do," he said jews P caged + anges of gmong 50 Optarig men whe Sosa a reaty ot ar Boyer, 60, and Mary Esther stages of mutilation, Investiga-|to be her head was found this|-- telah Abbett cates ge Oa oe ee CAN PHONE US view vee need monthly dinner vere honored today in a PC. sec y 48Y-| ones, 37. All liv ithin 10 fe : as wii nini 4 1d. «@ medicine. Pick up your prescription if sho were honore y ones, 37. All lived within 10}tors said the little girl, daugh |morning in an abandoned build nearby, or we will deliver promptly without resin the City of Oshawa Progres- sive Association this Wed- nesday at the Genosha. Mr. special ceremony during the Annual Safety Conference sponsored by the Industrial men's Missionary Movement of)}, the Methodist Church, a post hi }held until 1912. locks of each other in Benton 'Harbor and neighboring Benton| Township some 10 miles west of| miles from her home. parently had been strangled by} ter of Mrs, Verbina Carter, ap-|ing in Benton Harbor, about 1% The Carter girl and the ones KIDNEYS PASS HELP cherge. A great many people entrust us with their prescriptions. Mey we compound yours? Dunlop was awarded the Accident Prevention Asso- | Between 1913 and 1925 he wasinere la stocking twisted about her| George Medal for his activi- TaHOns:. The sentations [assistant secretary of foreign) pp, fi is | j ds sheen. Were, Negroes. - Mrs. EASTVIEW P ties during the Second World 2 a ae ests aa eo he in cihe: Bethodlet The bodies were discovered in'ineck. A pair of leotards she) Boyer was white, War. On military exercises y Church. At the time of the} -- -- 3 LBS A DA ' 2 573 King Street East dent I!arold W. Mogg in re- with his regiment in Scot- cognition of vork done to |Church union in 1925, he became : § land he lost his sight when improve . wanhna t secretary of the foreign mission| Moat people pase shout three pints of h iipreng. balely recnnos, 20 board of the United Church, F RM: GOOD FOOD i aes od 5 if peg ioe he Oshawa PHONE 725-3594 he picked up a live gren- ade which exploded as he tried to toss it clear of his Canadian Welfare Council, Canadian Hearing Society, manufacturing industries. all have more than 80 per | VISITS MISSIONS Africa, India and Korea. Mr. Arnup was a past pres-; 'CLASSIFIED' IN SPOTLIGHT of advertising--the classified ad--is spotlighted by Inter- BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 'Noon to 2 P.M. DINNER 5:30 to 8 P.M. sale and renting of proper- ty have been found as post- 27 King St. W., Oshawa der discomfort may follow, The result sluggish, urinary irritation and blad- ean be backache and restless nights. This is when Dodd's Kidney Pills can Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills, at any drug counter. Used successfully by | Fost---Free--Motorized Delivery Sy ; " i vice visi the church's men. Mr. Dunlop has held Honor students at King | He twice visited tl 0 ey Pi ot positions on the Ontario Street Public School were |mission fields in China and Ja- FULLY LICENSED of ed ekg ees oN ay P i Rehabilitation Foundation, announced. following recent |pan, the last time in 1938 and) This week. the oMiee for ee | DINING ROOM | tated condition that causes the back- P.B. Francis, Phm.6.--J, R. Stetfen, B.Sc, Phm.B, examinations. The pupils |also visited mission stations in| S$ wee e oldest form Ads dealing both with the { ache. Take Dodd's and' see if you don't ; } HOTEL LANCASTER feel better, rest better, Don't wait. mm swf +i 4B vi ve ti | cil C d cent or more and are list- is , ETS Oe u : ag ln ge is 4 aga ed as follows: Robert Broad- |ident of the International Mis- national Want Ad Week. ers or billboards on the millions for over 70 years. the Board of Broadcast Goy- bent, Nancy Brookham, |sionary Council, the Foreign _The term "classified , of -- walls of Pompeii. In medie- Se : a ernors Robert Brown, Harold Bry- |Missions Conference of North) COUrse, refers to the fact val times the town crier | } ? ant, Darrel Burns, Laurie |America and the Canadian| that ads similar in content served as a "want ad" me- :. Congratulations are ex- Elford, William . Gerrow, |Council of Churches. | are placed, or "classified, dium. In the late 17th Cen- , i " Greg Gilbert, David He was the author of numer-| U"der specific headings or tury the "news letter' in i tended to Timmy Shelter of sFegary sepia ae ; F | classifications England, the forer f ' 159 Guelph street, who cele- Goch, Karen Gulenchyn, jous articles and had writte a) Tm ' ng. " ingland, the forerunner of | i brates his birthday toda Archer Guy, Richard Ham- |book. A New Church Faces Aj e term "'want ad, ' used the modern newspaper, ; y y. lay Ralph. Holes Sandra |New World. ; | interchangeably with "clas- contained notices which of- i Terry Stoliker, Quinte | Hosking, Cheryl Inch and | He is survived by his wife pie --and properly so-- 'fered lodgings to rent, an- 4 Secondary Scool, Belle- Margaret Jamieson, Bar- |Ella, sons John, a Toronto law- pyri to the fact that the nouncements of' ship sail- : ok 4 ville, won the prepared bara Kells, Linda Kemp, |yer; Grey, a member of. the) 2¢S, ulfill a particular need --_ings, sale of lands and other é speech section of the Zone: Richard Kroeker, Andrew |staff of the department of agri-| pa Pikes Heagecligsh g _ ee rig hig wk aie. | 8 public speaking finals for Kroontje, Olive Lazdins, |culture in Ottawa; William, a) : y, seu, , he ew or Sun in e | i secondary school pupils at Beverley MacMaster, Rob- doctor at Lindsay, Ont., and) por gad and seek employ- 1830 as the first Paper | THE OSHAWA i Peterborough last week. ert McKelvie, John Mercer, |Harold, treasurer at te Mates) Typical Rane Wann antes nA patjer mgt josoesiyd | Barbara McIntosh of Brigh- Barry Mills, Donna Raw- |Church; and daughters, Ss. ane 9 ba tone s. y 8 'the | ton won the impromptu lins, Susan Sleeman, Kathy |John Fry of Aylmer, Ont., and| ree ee ee mgr ads together for the conven- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE oe 4 6peech section. Philip Daw- Stewart, William. Stuart, |Mrs. Robbin Matheson of Has-) ok a sear i Ma anc ience of the readers son of Bowmanville was a Michael Thorndyke, Ken- |tigns-on-Hudson, N.Y. | gs : he a ynasty. _And now, more than 100 ; contestant in the prepared neth Walker, Linda Waller Funeral arrangements have! | Uabaeg vm pi Sa want hay Brae gad ag va , ry Wigga | . , de. | dence P US y ye s--freq y calle - x p seoech sestion, and Larry Wiggans. not. yet -been ma Pie ------}| ads" for many puhposes re- the 'marketplace of mil- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE | peatedly appear in a variety lions'--are pulling better | WEATHER FORECAST | Dr. kL F. Roots of forms: than ever before. es MEMBER 1965 'To Get Medal -- ak LONDON (CP)--The Queen, unny ues ay patron of the Royal Peipeyiade™ TU ESD Y | ical Society, has approve » ' award of the Patron's Medal to A The Chamber of Commerce, r. E. F. Roots of Canada for Rain In Evening [polar expioration 'and research, AND ALL DAY In Your Interest, - it was announced today. aia Is Worki th The presentation is schedule TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts|Sudbury: Clouding over toward oy fare 14 and a. society WEDN ESDAY F il : ig P - §:30 a.m.: : evening. Variable cloudiness|cpokesman said it is hoped ollowin Synopsis: Fair weather is ex-|Tuesday. Little change in tem-'Roots, co-ordinator of the Ca- g ey rojects 16-8 pected to continue today with perature. Light winds. nadian Continental Shelf Proj- the mercury reaching the 40s) Algoma: Becoming cloudy|ect, will be able to come here e Improvement of Oshawa and a raising of again in most localities. Some|this afternoon. Variable cloud-|for the award. it tondard cloudiness will spread intojiness tonight and Tuesday.| Roots, of the Canadian depart- its standards, western and northern regions./Little change in temperature./ment of mines and technical e Pp '< ef _ The vast area of wet unsettled|Light winds, surveys, has worked in both the romotion of interest in rural and urban weather which has plagued the! White River: Mainly cloudy|Arctic and the Antarctic. relations western lakes and centralitoday. Variable cloudiness ne ~---- eae : states for the last few days will/Tuesday. A little colder. Light SHOULDER @ Bringing New Industry To The City slide a little farther eastward) winds, oo Tuesday to affect southwestern) Cochrane: Variable cloudi- PORK @ Local, Provincial and Federal Affairs Ontario. Overcast hy a" ness today. Sunny with a few STEAKS lbs M dB rain are the forecast for that|cloudy periods Tuesday. A little ' #e e ore and Better Parki iliti ™ ve elecwhare partly colder. Light winds. rking Facilities oudy conditions will prevail.| e . ¥ : nel arerecaal 'Nem peratathe LEAN Making Oshawa A Better Place To Live Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,| Southern Lake Huron, Wind-|w tonight, high Tuesday: BLADE ae NATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEEK sor, London: Sunny with a few/Windsor ..... 21,00 cloudy periods. Mainly cloudy|St. Thomas, se ee 42 | tonight. Tuesday cloudy with|London ..:.....6. 28 42 STEAKS rain beginning in the morning.|Kitchener ........ 28 42 APRIL 4th to 10th Little change in temperature.|Mount Forest. 22 38 Light winds today southeast cbt 2840 MEATY LEAN " " teas Hamilton corns 3H | | "Progress. Through J: eh, Niagara, Western Lake a Nabe , a [ PLANNING A... RIB 4 ibs ] 00 : LAMWO. tame, Toronto, Hamilton: °°2s° ; D '| ? Sunny today. "Sunny Tuesday Peterborough .... 22 42 | @ BANQUET STEW . | During the week of April 4th to 10th the Chamber of becoming cloudy: in the: after- Kingston 22 2 Commerce has chosen this theme, 'Progress Through noon with rain by evening. - 42 © CONVENTION FRESH | Teamwork" and is offering a formal welcome to all local § retail and industrial b n to b a b little change in temperature. Light winds. Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali- burton, Killaloe: Sunny today. Sunny with a few cloudy peri- ods Tuesday. Little change. in temperature. Winds light | @ MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced. Staff Country Style SAUSAGE of the Team. ihn NEE Northern Lake Huron North Phsie Bay, Georgian Bay. Timagami, Fe a RESERVE YOUR NEED... | FUNCTION NOW! FUEL OIL ? FREE-CITY.WIDE-DELIVERY 723-4641 Colt j ' Qe" i HOTEL PERRY Me /gcreode ct taper he Dey or Night 723-3443 || cm oO | 12 KING ST. EAST -- 723-3633 |