_|20--Real Estate for Sale CARL OLSEN REALTOR 20--Real Estate for Sele THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 5, 1965 ]7 _ |20--Reel Estate for Sele 20---Real E Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sole 18--Male Help Wanted SEWAGE TREATMENT _|18--Mole Help Wanted TRANSPORT 20--Real Estate for Sale "| WANT TO SELL 20--Real Estate for Sale the experts listed under the Services vices Directory" fail it for you. The PLANT OPERATOR TOWN OF WHITBY DRIVERS WANTED Usual company benefits. Write in strict contidence giving full. particulars to: P, O. Box 211, OSHAWA, Ont. -- Applications will be received for the position of operator- Sewage Treatment Plont, until 12:00 NOON, APRIL 12th, 1965, This position entoils shift work. Applicants must have Grode 10 education or higher (Ontario standards) and hove demonstrated me- Eesti MDE $25 BI chanical or electrical experi- 19--Male or Female see | Help Wanted Applications in writing are to CLERICAL eee mm") ASSISTANTS $1770 --= $2310 Government Departments OSHAWA, Ontario For full particulors concerning résidence, qualificotion re- quirements and application forms see posters on display at the Post Office and Nation- al Employment Service Office. Apply before APRIL 14th, 1965 to the Civil Service Commission, 25 St.. Clair be addressed to Mr. Frost, Clerk-Treasurer, of Whitby. Information may be obtained from Mr, N. Gartshore, Chief Operator, telephone 668- 3638. SANITATION COMMITTEE W. O. McBride Town Engineer T. Edwards Chairmon YOUNG MAN 17 to 18 Years of Age Avenue : East, Toronto 7, Ontario Quote Competition 65-T-799 CLEANER PRESSER SPOTTER To train as manager in new modern Dry Cleaning plant in Ajax Shopping Centre Who is leaving school and would like to make a coreer in selling. @ Profit sharing plan @ Paid vacation @ Hospitalization @ Best working conditions. Apply AGNEW SURPASS SHOE STORE aes SUPPLEMENTAL | INCOME | | | South Must have initiative Telephone 942-2212 0 t duri | STUDENTS summer employment to Part time employmen ne help take care of established Fuller ter- regular working hours for |ritories while permanent staff on holiday qualified men, desiring to $90. weekly Apply Box 745 supplement income. Excellent Times. Lins for retired person or others /EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER in mod needing additional income ern salon. Top wages. Telephone Whitby 668-3621 Must be able to type, have oe slat Zi 7" ; | to play for ballet classes; part cor, insurance investigating. [tim employment. Will accept piano" | Ident: with at least Grade 8 in Roya! or servatory. Telephone 723-7477 Write Quelifications . to |20--Real Estate for, Sale P.O. Box 603 OSHAWA, ONTARIO TRADE OR SELL clean, newly corated, 6 room brick home with garage. Central, now vacant, Worth $13,500, will take offers. We will take your home as a down payment or will trade. To inspect call Mr. Jack Appleby at 728-5123 or 723-3398 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening Member of O.D.R.E.B RANCH bungalow, northwest. area $15,000 asking price. Very beautiful. five- APPLY Hoe brick (two bedrooms, dining room) al for retired couple or smalier fam 238 KAISER CRESCENT ly, Large landscaped lot, patio and garage. Convenient downpayment and easy terms can be arranged. Call for appointment Arthur Weinberger Real 1 Estele _Sroker. 75) Oshawa No selling. No collecting. Spotlessly de- Quality Control SUPERVISOR Apply in person to: Labour Office: Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. Bowmanville, Ontario RELIABLE DRIVER For fuel oil route over 25 years of age. Married. Mech anically inclined to learn furnace work. Steady employ- ment. Experience preferred. , DON'T DO IT YOURSELF! Let one of "Business OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED. PATTERN 14-244 COZY COMPANION By ALICE BROOKS So warm, good-looking -- en- joy this eb jacket all year) round, Cables form sunburst . Knit jacket in one piece i VERSATILE DRESS: neck down, sleeves: also. Sun-| By ANNE ADAMS burst adds luxury. Use knitting| ;How smartly band 'n' button worsted. Pattern 7128: sizeSidetail is repeated on dress and 32-34; 36-38 incl \sleeves of jacket -- more rea- Thirty-five cents (coins), forjson to enjoy this sun-city cos- each ' pattern (no stamPS.itume every time you wear it please) to Alice Brooks, care of| Printed Pattern 4651 Half) Oshawa Times, Needle-|Sizes 141%, 1614, 18%, 20%, craft Dept.. Oshawa, Ont-/9914, 2414. Size 161% dress 3% tario. Ontario residents add Onelyards 35-inch: jacket. 1% yds cent sales tax: Print plainly) FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, |\coins (no stamps, please) for ADDRESS jeach pattern. Ontario residents GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. J23-\t2t 1. Four bedroom home located just outside the city limits on Gorrard Rd. N. A large lot close to shopping and schools, lovely roomy bedrooms. An ideol place for the larger family. e in demond are these homes built by. Roth Construction in the narth west orta of the city. Strictly o classic home in a good neighborhood, which will show the difference by comparison. Enhanced with the beauty of good architecture, this home hos a kitchen especially de- signed for modern' conven- ience. Coll us to see this place settine home in a good residential district. Hl. Close to schools in a neighborhood that is cherish- ed by every member of the fomily. This 3-bedroom bun- galow is outstanding and in immaculate condition, There is a large kitchen and better than average size bedrooms. Nice fenced in yard makes it safe for the children to piay. The price is $14,900. Call us tonight. Il. Popular e IV. COMFORTABLE LIVING at a economic price is being offered on this immaculate 3 bedroom home on Hortop. An older type home having a large kitchen with modern cupboards. Living room and separate dining. room, modern- ized shining 4 pc. bathroom with. built in) vanity. Hard- wood floors all in beautiful condition throughout. Separ- ote gorage. and private drive. Close to churches and schools mokes this on ideal family home. Vv. A community of vibrance, warmth and friendliness, this 3 bedroom one floor semi bungalow con be yours with only $2400.00 down Balance on | mortgage of $95.00 per month including the toxes, Hurry on this one and call us to inspect. VI. Here is your chance to purchase a well designed centre hall plan home located in one of Oshawa's finer subdivisions. 1} year old. This home has been decorated throughout arid features holly- wood kitchen, built in. stove, fan and hood, colored fixtures in the bathroom, finished room in the basement with remaining basement area di- vided for proposed recreation room. Why not call us today. This could be the home you ore looking for, * Vil. If 2 bedrooms are suffi- cient for your needs and 'if yOu Oppreciate @ garoge, a separate dining room and oil hecting, and if you want to stay under $12,000. with a 6% mortgage that carries for only $60.00 per month then don't pass up the chance to inspect this: 144 storey gem in the north eost area of the city. e Vii! That place just outside the city other lovely homes have been built, this residence offers you many extras of good taste. High- lights, wall to wall raised hearth, fireplace in living room, sliding doors to dining are, a kitchen that combines utility and beauty. 4 pc, tiled bathroom with ceramic tile Make the first move and be he proud owner o this won- derful ploce. Call us for par- ticulors, where many IX. Full asking price for this 3 bedroom brick bungalow in South Oshawa. A large family kitchen and wolk out base- ment mokes this Mother's fovourite, Economic oil heat- ing, close to schools and down payment is only $2000 Call us, this one won't last. X. Down town 6 room bun- galow on the Corner of. Rich- mond and Ontario Sts. Don't pass up this opportunity. The Owner says Sell, so why not call us to inspect this erty with you and give us an offer prop X!. Excellent business op portunity located on Ritson Rd. S. Grocery and Voriety store with attached 7 room living quarters. 50 year old building in excellent condi- tion. Good investment. and very good prospects. -You waited for Spring, Do It Now. X11. May we show you an ex- ceptional well maintained home in one .of the preferred locations. 3 better than aver- age sized bedrooms. Extra large living room, divided bosement and fully fenced yard, makes this immaculate home a must for your ins- pection. Oil heated for econ- GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 XIV. A 2 storey home thot es with economical financing. rooms, 2 washrooms, living trically. heated it yours. Call for inspection, its in the north west end of the city. e XV. This one is located on Wilson Rd. A 5 room 12 storey home close to schools with bus service at the door. Well decorated: and has a very good sized lot with many mature trees ond shrubs, Ex- cellent financing available to One open mortgage RENTAL CASA MANANA COURT Offers You Sophisticated Adult Living in a Quiet Atmosphere 1-2-and 3 bedroom suites featuring modern equipped kitchens, vanities large mirrors in bath- rooms, private balconies The modern 7 storey build- ing with on elegant entrance lobby, broadloomed corridors, twin elevator ser inter- com system and built - in sleeves for your air-condition- er. Close to shopping For Call Rental 6361. Model by Wilson's Furniture Spocious with vice Immediate occupancy Office ot 723- Suite furnished Open for your inspection from 2 to 9 p.m. daily. If you want to sell your home, we need o 3 or 4 bedroom brick bungalow, in the north west section of Oshawa Call 723-1121 for full par- ticulars --- Open daily from 9 am. 'to 9 p.m. After hours call: Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff Leon Manitius Ethel Love Ernest Mueller Steve Englert Jean Peacock Walter Mittler George Nyméyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young 728-0768 725-3454 668-2402 728-0208 728-0208 728-5581 725-4330 728-7083 728-4241 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 If you: find it hard to meet poyments on a First and Second Mortgage combine them in one with easy terms. We'll 'be glad to help you with your confidential. mort- goge arrangements. It's all port of your. compre- hensive Real. Estate at Guide Realty Service, Limited We - list Excl M.L.S usive Members of O.D.R.E.B GUIDE REALTY REALTORS OVER $500,000 SOLD IN MARCH '65 The Best Place To SELL Your Property is Where MOST Property is SOLD Call CTIV REALTY LTD. 48 Simcoe St. South 728-5157 Quality Built ARMSTRONG HOMES from $14,800 Southwood Park, Ajax Open Daily H. GRIFFIN Real Estate Broker 942-3310 LIMITED, combines all the latest featur- Family kitchen, 3 large bed- room and dining room, Elec- throughout, and $2500.00 down mokes dnd Photo GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE 218 Dundas St. E., Whitby -- Dial 668-8826 Clare Shank -- Nick Van Den Broek Ike Perry -- Ruth Snudden Robert Harmon "WATCH FOR THE SIGNS THAT SELL" OSHAWA DUPLEX OPPORTUNITY 2 self. contained 3 room and bath apartments plus 2 extra rooms on third floor. This sturdy brick dwelling Has been con- verted into a possible money moker for a wise investor or a small family that would like the rental income to pay the taxes, heat ond interest on your mortgage. This clean well decorated property on popular Division: street can be bought for a low down payment and the price is right at $16,200. TAXES ARE LOWER IN BROOKLIN and trees grow there too. Just a few minutes drive to Oshawa and Whitby with clean Village shopping, this three bedroom brick bungalow on a. 75' frontage lot is a must for you to see. Cool aluminum awnings provide extra shade for mother on those hot days of summer while the children have ample ploy crea in the cosy recreation room on those not so good days. Price only $13,900 with down payment considered and 6% interest. LIVE AND EARN with a modern 4 year old Triplex in central Whitby location. You can watch your investment grow here if you live in one unit and let two well rented apartments pay your taxes, heating and in- terest. Avoid the pitfalls of the stock morket and have your own Mutual. fund where you can see it grow. Down payment about $7,000 here or let's trode your present home on this money moker ACREAGE FOR A HOME OR PROFIT 30 atres just north of Whitby may be what you are looking for. Just the price of 3 city postage stamp lots at $15,000. Build a home ond woit for development. We have other acreage too. UNBELIEVEABLE BUT TRUE $4200 Cash buys a small 3 room home only a few blocks from main business section of Whitby. Insul brick with limited services but sewer and water connected. Needless to say heating and taxes are low. A bachelor might fall in love with this NEAR .ANDERSON ST. SCHOOL WHITBY On quiet street with taxes only $250.00 and monthly payment only $65. on mortgage. This is a clean home with sharp decora- tion away from a typéd subdivision on 65' lot by 166' with 18' by 27' gorage. Low heating cost for a three bedroom home, Cosy recreation room for the young set COUNTRY HOME, PICKERING DISTRICT, $1,000 Down poyment with monthly payments like rent will buy this two bedroom home on large lot. Spacious kitchen, four piece both, full basement. Tastefully decorated, Taxes ore lower here and you ore close to Toronto, Oshawa or Whitby. We have others where you con breathe country fresh air too. 634 ACRES, TOWN LINE AT NASH ROAD On edge of Oshawa. This property has possibilities for future development or would make good market garden land to 'retire on. Build your home here ond wait for the City to grow. Full price $9.600 AJAX, 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW With additional office or bedroom space in basement, Former doctors home and office on Roosevelt St. would be just right for the large family wishing to have that additional space in a reasonable priced home plus an additional 2 piece bathroom. Clean decoration, stove, refrigerator, all for $14,500. Make offer for $3,000 down or cash. Call now. Don't wish you had, HOPKINS ST. BUILDING -- INDUSTRIAL Area of Whitby with lot size 70' x 537'. Large office, 5 room apartment all contained in brick and block, 3 yeor old building with stone front. Full price $18,500 with good terms to reliable buyer. : TRADE PRESTIGE HOME ON ADELAIDE ST. Oshawa could be yours if you have your heart set for o quality home with reasonable taxes. This electric heated 3. bedroom cloy brick beauty has a friendly open fireplace, walkout base- ment, extra two piece washroom, spacious attached gorage and many other outstanding features. The rich stone ond brick front and extravagant landscaping make for an outstanding oppeor- ance on a clean street close to modern new Public School. You will be delighted with the expert workmanship and quality material in this immaculate fully decorated home. Full price 21,900, with good terms. Will trade for house in Whitby. LOOK, WHITBY 3 hedroom-brick bungalow in close-in location with extra lorge bedrooms, kitchen and spacious living room. This better built home will appeal to you and the down payment is only $3,000 Full price $13,600. Monthly poyment $95.00. BROOKLIN, $9,000 Three bedroom older type stucco home with large family kitchen, dining room, living room, 3 piece bath. This economy home has low taxes and low heating cost. Situated in commercial area for. someone wishing to have a small business location and home. Inspect ond moke offer ONLY $1,000 DOWN -- LOOK at this 3 bedroom semi-detached bungalow with low taxes and payments like rent every month. The property is in just foir condition with some decoration needed. Low heating costs. Private drive here too. Full price $11,500. COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOT -- $5,500 On Brock St. North in Whitby near busy corner, Build your home and business here or a fine site for cleaning plant, printing busi- ness or small machine shop. This will not last long in growing Whitby. Not many like this. $500 PER ACRE NEAR WHITBY AND OSHAWA We have several 10 acre parcels of land near Whitby ot a price you can afford to pay. Why be crowded on a postage stamp city lot when you can have.clean fresh air and plenty of land for your children's activities. Build here and watch your home investment grow, One parcel of 13 acres at $750 per acre. Act quickly here and profit in pocket and better health. BETTER BUILT BUNGALOW -- $15,900 In Whithy with many excellent features, situated on neat 50' lot on Bowman Ave, in East Whitby near No. 2 Highway ond Separate School. You will stop looking after seeing this immacu- late home ina prestige area of new homes. There are 3 hed- rooms, living room, dining room and attractive kitchen The land scaping is tops here too. Full price $15,900 with good terms. 7 ACRES, 4 ROOM 12 Highway near Whitby with low taxes, 260' Inspect and make offer. Less for House on No. highway frontage, good well. cash COMMERCIAL ZONING WITH HOME on Dundas St. E. Whitby with 70' x 165' lot. Have your busi- ness here and live in a luxurious 3 bedroom brick bungalow with many extras for comfortable living. Real sharp decoration and solid construction, Vital area for service business. BUILDING LOTS In Whitby and Brooklin. One Whitby lot 50 x 209' and fine res idential lot in Brooklin-with 76' frontage and 183' depth. Close to beautiful homes, churches and schools. Country living at its best here 34 ACRES AND HOME -- WHITBY This valuable. property 723-1133 DISTINCTIVE SPLIT LEVEL Beoutifully decorated home in choice eost end, features large living room, large mo- dern kitchen equipped with built-in stove and oven, 3 good size bedrooms, finished rec room, lovely bathroom in mouve tile with vanity, double aluminum doors open- ing on patio, walkout base- ment. Priced at $19,400 with reasonable terms. EXCELLENT TWO STOREY Located on Rossland Rd. close to Simcoe, and handy to all schools and transpor- tation. Contains large kitch- en, full dining room and 20 ft. living room on moin floor, ond three good size bedrooms on second floor, Also both a 4 piece bath ond | piece washroom, Listed at only $14,900. with terms arrang- ed. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW An extra good six room brick on large treed ond hedged lot 90 x 165. Features a 24 ft living room, 16 ft master bedroom with its own 2 piece bath, also a full 4 piece bath. This is a desirable property priced at only $17,900. for quick sale, Shown by oppoint- ment only. WHITBY TRIPLEX Lodking for income? Here is your opportunity to have a good home ond income as well. Contains 3 apartments.' One 5 room and two 3 room, All nicely decorated and in excellent repair, Priced at only $18,900. with reason- oble down payment. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE Last chance to qualify for the $500. Winter Works Bonus only six of these lovely Kos singer Built Homes left, Act fast, give us a call, After hours call -- Steve Rosnick 728-0992 Henry Stinson 725-0243 Jack Kerr 723-2926 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 METCALF Real Estate Ltd. 40 KING ST. E. 728-4678 CLOSE TO G.M. 5 room. brick bungalow with dining room. Can be easily converted to a third bed- room, Close to. separate and public schools. Asking only $13,950 with $2,550 down and payments are only $100. a month, which includes prin- cipol and interest and taxes. Phone now for appointment to inspect. SACRIFICE At only $1,200,. down for this delightful ranch bunga- low with double attached gar- oge, radiant heating, brood- loom in living room, 3 bed- rooms ond located in Osh- awa's most .exclusive area. TRADE YOUR HOME Shown by appointment only. We will take your present home in TRADE for one of these new electrically heated homes. Bungalows, split levels, etc. all with attached gorages in. exclusive loca- tion, CALL NOW ! GRIERSON STREET Immaculate 6 room in choice residential area. 3: bedrooms, dining room, paved drive, goroge. Asking $15,400, OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 DIAL 728-4678 Dick Barriage, Joe Maga, Ken Hann, Jack Osborne, Bob Johnston Member of O.D.R'E.B SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd. 299 Simcoe St. S. 728-7576 INCOME HOME 6 room brick bungalow with 3 room basement apartment good orea and close to shop- ping, down payment $4,000. TRI-LEVEL 4 bedroom stone and brick, one year old home with lots of extras including built-in stove. and oven, and separate' dining owner tronsferred, $19,900.00 oreo, asking For personalized service call 728-7576 or 725-4366 725-5701 725-4362 Tony Zakarow Nick Siblock Anthony Siblock FOR FAST "ACTION" large kitchen , | THESE HOMES WITHOUT DELAY AND I'M WILLING Ones AND Dougan OSHAWA One floor brick and stone RANCH with WALK-OUT BASEMENT to velvet like lawns from a completely fin- ished recreation room with bor, Locoted in North East Oshawa on a RAVINE lot. OSHAWA See this fine front to back split level 3 bedroom home on Annopolis. Spotless condi- tion and $16,900.00 is the Price. OSHAWA Athol Street East, Storey and half home on large lot with oversized garage. The full price is just $13,200.00. WHITBY Owners storey and half home on. Henry Street. Let us show you the fine qualities of this two or three bedroom home Large treed, well landscaped lot. The price is only $16,- 900.00. WHITBY Located on Euclid Street, 6 rooms with 3 bedrooms and finished Recreation room with extra 2 piece washroom EASY WALKING DISTANCE TQ TWO SHOPPING PLAZAS 10 ACRES Five miles North of Whitby on LYNBROOK PARK ROAD. STAKE YOUR CLAIM on this scenic building site NOW. $4,500.00 with $1,000.00 Down, We have many more good buys. Let us know what you want. CALL ANYTIME. JONES AND DOUGAN REALTORS WHITBY PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 668-8841 KEITH PEC Re REALTOR -- 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST FAIRLAWN Here is o home worth see- ing, cloy brick ronch bun- gelow on large lot 59 x 129. This location is in great de mand becéause of schools and transportation, home is spot- less, new wall to woll. broad- loom, new. corlon in kitchen, rec room finished in knotty pine. Asking $16,500. HURON STREET 2 bedroom clay brick bunga- Jaw, ideal for the economy conscious couple ready to re- tire, central location, asking $13,200 carries for $75.00 monthly, principal and inter- est, toxes $192.00. HIGHLAND AVENUE 3 bedroom brick bungalow, gorage, rec room, one ond a half baths, venetion blinds and some awnings, shower doors, a home worth looking into, be one of the first, PRINCE STREET. Bowmanville --=- Excellent residential area, brick bun- galow with all the work done, nice landscoping, T.V. aerial, storms and. screens, asking $15,750. Try an offer. BOWMANVILLE LIBERTY GARDENS Have your dream home built in this prepaid serviced sub- division. If you have a plan let us quote o price on it. Prices ore still on the rise. N.H.A. loans available Only. a few choice lots left. Call today 728-7328. Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M 2 Acre Artist's Retreat Features--sun deck, roof top barbecue, grill, built-in oven, counter top ronge, Hi-Fi speakers throughout, 2nd floor balcony, dutch fireplaces in living and family om broadloom in bedrooms and hallways, built of brick, Cal- ifornia redwood, electric heat, two cor garage with electric. eye door, The two acres are landscaped, have TO MAKE THE PRICES TALK", Says Builder, $999 DOWN FOR NEW DETACHED 4 BEDROOM 2 BATHROOM SIDE SPLIT LEVEL With Hollywood Kitchen ond Old-Fashioned Pantry, In- cludes built-in ronge and oven, storms ond screens, walk out patio side sliding glass doors, Beoutiful in every way ond located on select home. sites in desirable sub- urban west community, with public, separate ond high schools close by. Modern shopping within walking dis- tance, OTHER 3 BEDROOM HOMES on 1 N.H.A. Mortgage carrye ing for $98 monthly inelud- Interest Principal and Toxes, ing DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $679 You phone me, the builder, now and let me tell you about the finest home values in the Oshawa area. PHONE 839-3461 or 364-3115 between Noon and 9 p.m. please. braemor gardens Stevenson Rd, N. at Annapolis St. Beautiful three and four bedroom homes for immediate pos- session, Open Daily for your Inspection 2 p.m. to 5:00 p.m, H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd. 9 Bagot St. 728-1679 OVER 100 HOMES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY THROUGH MLS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE e CONSULT A MEMBER OF THE OSHAWA and DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD _ SAVE $500. 7 Bungalows Immediate Possession Attractive three © bedroom home, completely interior de- corated. Expensively chosen light fixtures throughout. Modern kitchen with pre- finished . wooden cabinets. Different in design. Reason- ably priced from $15,695. f Less $500 Winter Works Bonus Contec Bill Millor 725-1186 or 725-2557 W.T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. RANCH BUNGALOW dining room, Ya Taunton Rd. at Zion, middle of April, 3 bedrooms acre lot Possession Private Hampton 263-2474 Zoned for light industry at Port Whitby. with 4 bedrooms, insul brick home and barn isin neat condi- tion with' good decoration. Speculators may be attracted to this property for future industrial purposes but you con live here and woit for the opportunity of a lifetime. The taxes are low here too. Full price $17,900. Make an offer. ' DUNDAS ST. £. -- THREE BEDROOM style home neor Dundas St. School with forced air oil clean decoration. Listed at $12,000. Inspect You may be sur- A1965 NEEDLEC RAFT CAT- ladd two cents sales tax. Print ALOG -- 200 designs, 3 free ©{plainly. SIZE NAME, AD- patterns! Newest knit, crochet|DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. fashions, embroidery, 25 cents. | Send order to ANNE ADAMS Now! Send for elegant, newicare of The Oshawa 'Times, "Decorate with Needlecraft!"'|Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. § beautiful: room settings, 25) COMPLETE FASHION RE- complete patterns for decor-/PORT in our new Spring-Sum- ative accessories in one hook! Imer Pattern Catalog plus cou- Pillows, wall hangings. cur-|pon for ONE FREE PATTERN!| tains, appliques, more! 60 cents.;Everything you need 'for the Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --'\life you lead 350 = design 16 complete patterns. 60 cents.jideas! Send 50 cents now. LIST WITH "ACTIVE" REALTY LTD. Heoted with clean gas THREE-BEDROOM, detached brick bun-| galow, completely equipped, paved drive e jway, fenced, landscaped. After 7 p.m telephone Bay Ridges 839-1065 |NORTH General Motors. Builder's er |private bungalow six: large rooms, Pri vate rose garden, rockery, hedge, paved | drive and garage. Be sure to. see this one! Don Stradeski Realtor, 728-8423 BAY RIDGES, three-bedroom semi detached brick storey baths carport, full basement, 21 years left on ineyment. Dunbarten Ee | "WATCH FOR THE SIGNS THAT SELL" ipayment. dependable spring fed strear con- $900 DOWN five-room crete dam, trout three bedrooms, one acre landscaped land, all of which is in the and, two-car garage and workanone 2e lo- 2 sub- *|ated on Hancock Road. Only $7900. village and could be. sub main any fie Ca Be pe divided, and is beautifully |728- 5123 or 723-3398 Bolahood _ Brothers 728-: 9157. | Private. Only 27,500. 00. | Limited |NEW four bedroom bungalow with at-| Call Larry Doble | PRIVATE "Available in' April Aprils w weil built built | n i jal " ltached garage being offered at _last| fo In Fe as sil athe' convetiae year's prices. Call S. D. Hyman Real 4 Uxbridge 852-3787 FRED COOK REAL ESTATE LTD | hools and all other conveniences Estate Limited 728 293-7922 omy ond comfort and easily bungalow with carried on | N.H.A. mort- goge small is- XIII. Now is the time to secure o lot for $1100.00 for your home within easy commuting distance from Oshawa on Lake Seugog near Birch Island. You may still buy at lost years prices Don't wait. summer older heating ond make offer with $2,000 down poyment prised with this pockoge |next to sc low taxe |Telephone 725-2087, PRIVATE -- 5 x-room solid brick bungalow, cl to south plant. 6'2 per cent CMHC mortgage. Available July 1 Call Mr. Marshalls Brooklin, 655-4827, | |20--Real Estate for Sale (Continued on Page 18) two