14 THe OSHAWA TIM, eee), Ann 5, 1965 Pageantry Marks Crerar's Rites (CP)--Henry Dun- can Graham Crerar, the quiet but forceful general who led the Ist Canadian Army through Northwest Europe in the Sec- ond World War, was buried Saturday in a spectacle of mil-| ita ageantry sword Flags ead 6 been at half-staffjbanded khakj field cap he wore| Horse Artillery, throughout the capital since his|in battle Nepean Point death of a heart ailment Thurs-|VANIER ATTENDS Ottawa River. day. He would have been 77| Dignitaries from every walk April 28. ' lof life attended the funeral.|the streets More than 500 troops. tookjThey were headed by part in the solemn funeraljernor General Vanier march from Christ Church Ang-/Mme. Vanier lican Cathedral to the Supreme} Mrs. Pearson, accompaniedjerans of Gen. Court Building. The general'sjby Mrs. Charles M. Drury, wife|medals pinned flag - draped oak coffin waslof the minister of industry, rep-|coats mounted atop a 25-pound how-jresented Prime M nister Pear Gen. Crerar itzer son who was at a conferencejin quiet retirement A black stallion, empty blackjwith President Johnson at!Rockeliffe since cavalry boots reversed in the|Camp David, Md army command in 34 Persons Die On Weekend In Accidents In Canada SUNDAY killed in fires Kenneth Fountain Guelph, ix roadjwhen the car he was driving} stirrups, pranced behind the; The funeral procession was rolling gun carriage. Three paced by drummers of the army . colonels carried Gen lc ubatan. « Guards. band from Crerar's glistening insignia and|~* r medals on velvet cushions in,Camp Petawawa, Ont., their outstretched arms slow 17-gun salute was On top of the coffin lay his gold braid and the red-|Regiment, OTTAWA Royal mounted overlooking in sunny, andithe downtown area he left 1946 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Quebec had five traffic deaths Thirty-four persons died. injand two persons accidents. across Canada during} Alberta reported a weekend that saw only Prince|fatalities and one person killed) collided with two other vehicles.| Edward Island and Saskatch-|by electrocution, while British SATURDAY ewan go fatality-free Columbia had four traffic John -Hicks. 45, and his son A. survey by The Canadianideaths and one person burned John. 18. both of Mono Road Press from 6 p.m. Friday tojto death. Manitoba followed with! station, in a head-on collision midnight Sunday local timesjthree persons. killed on the/near Toronto showed that traffic mishapsjroad Kana Chong, two months killed 26 persons, four persons! The Atlantic province a two-car collision in Toronto died in fires, three deaths were|norted a total of four deaths Irene St. John, 28, Wheatley attributed to miscellaneous|Newfoundland had man, when her car crashed into a hy causes and one person drowned. Killed by a storm person!dro pole Ontario led the © provinceS|was killed in traffic in Nova! Ronald Crrleton, 18, Port Bol with seven road deaths and one) scotia while in New Brunswick. |ster, Ont., when the car in fire fatality. one peyson drowned and a child) which he was riding was struck ---- died after falling between Alby a freight train Prince Has mis tee. tute sander ae asi: High Praise For Crown British Expert known suicides or slayings said did not stop The Ontario dee By DOUG MARSHALL LONDON. (Reuters)--A LONDON (CP) Prince ish guided weapons expert told Philip told a radio audience|police the Russians paid him _.Sunday that one os the Crown's £5,000. ($15,000) for information unifying effects is the "folk/he passed on to.them on such memory of Commonwealth weapons, a court here was told people." today "They appreeiate chieftain Prosecutor E. J. P. Cusson re- ship in a weird sort of way."|ported the payoff at the open- he told four teen-agers wholing of the trial of Frank Clifton interviewed him in a 30-minute, Bossard charged with tak unrehearsed radio program,|jing information from secret broadcast by the BBC. files at the aviation ministry "Tt (the Crown) has an emo-|March 15 tional appeal which an elected) Possard has been described| head, in a sense, doesn't. And/as a £2,500-a-year government} I think in a lot of the Common-/official working for the aviation wealth countries they are prob-| ministry ably even closer to this idea of} chieftainship than we are 99 In one One doe Taylor, 5 or car police ad Lighter Licence 'Law Changed LISBON (AP) -- In the old days if you used a cigarette in Portugal and got without a licence for it | Russians Paid Brit ht ugnt them a lesson had their lighters confiscated 52 But all this jpassed a law who do not fine (about $10) may \for 24 hours, but no longer jthe past, refusal to pay or fail- ure to produce identity papers} The charge said he obtained,jled to a complicated system of} in| collected and recorded extracts|arrest, charges and imprison- this country. from four files at a London|ment instead of the fine "Therefore it is easier forjhotel which might be useful to! "A licence costs $1.70 them to. accept the Crown as an enemy The licensing came about for eta you a kind of head and symbol of) -- DuBanr a with two an organization like the Com- new shades! by which people pay a 280-escudos monwealth."' Prince Philip said he didn't think his frequent visits. abroad} directly helped to "strengthen ties" between Britain and other countries IS REMINDER "I don't know what a 'tie' I would say the effect is to re- mind people about Great Brit ain. I think it makes people aware of each other. It makes them realize we're both living tn the same world.' Asked whether there is any- where he's particularly like to visit, Prince Philip said . he would like to go to China and Russia and mentioned that he hadn't yet seen Japan He said he couldn't just get up and go to any of these coun- tries because "'it would attract a certain amount of political attention and people would say it meant one thing or another.' 'In that sense I'm not a free agent but I think that given a specific excuse, there's no rea son why one shouldn't go."' Asked how' he thought he would be received, he said "Oh, I think they'd be reason- ably polite." "We try to keep the children out of the public eye largely so that they can grow up as norm- ally as possible,' he said in a reference to his children. PART OF BUSINESS "But you can't have it both ways. If you're really going to have a monarchy you've got to have a family and the family's got to be in the public eye. | think this is part of the bus- iness."" Philip said some of the things that annoy him intensely are "peeping-tom cameramen, key- hole reporters and that sort of thing." He denied that he had éver said: 'I know I'm rude but it's fun." "I try not to be rude, that I'm not rude." Asked whether he felt changed much recently Philip said "T suppose I I'm g ting older all the time. When | was first married, people didn't know what to expect, didn know how to take Now, I suppose, I'm better known He said the things he misse being able to do because he Prince Philip just being able to walk into a cinema o go out to a night club or go to a pub" "But on hand got-a lot of advantages "compensate for it The BBC taped the ogram | a few days ago and pu on Fashionable Glacé Lip Overglaze Plus your choice of new spring shades Regular 2.50 both only 2.00 DuBarry Glacés are pertect with two new shades I hope Love Apple --a coral red Spiced Peach--a warm tawny touch he had Pri nee have get are the other I've whict DRUGS 28 KING ST. EAST PHONE 723-4621 the air Sunday. i! and @ltwo are automatic fired|Brockville. The other two must from artillery pieces of the 4th\pe had been living!dian in suburban chesne the Big Festival Takes Form By THE CANADIAN PRESS With four more regional win- ners named Saturday night, the list of competitors for the Dom- inion Drama Festival in Brock- ville May 24-29, is starting to shape up. | Western Ontario, Newfoundland regions, Manitoba tario, where regional festivals| jhave been cancelled. be heard from are Alberta and Still to There are no entries from two| Saskatchewan and Northwestern On- Of Saturday night's winners,|\won EARLIER starters at judged against other re- Canadian lgional winners to become; on| zone" the} entries At the western Guess 'gional festival in Montreal, re- the More than 1,000 persons lined|best-production award went to coolite Theatre de la Place, which} Gov-|weather as the cortege crossedigperates out of a basement cor- Here and|ner of Montreal's biggest sky- there in the crowd stood vet-|scraper Crerar's army,/The group won the award for to their over- jts production of Les Nouveaux La Place Ville-Marie. Dieux (the new gods) by Cana- playwright Jacques Du- Top production award at the central Ontario festival in Tor- onto went to the Theatre Up- stairs, a Toronto group, for its production of William Saroyan's The Cave Dwellers. In festivals held earlier, following groups won: --In Nova Scotia, the Xaver-| jan Players of St Francis| Xavier University, Antigonish, for the Wakefield Cycle, a series of medieval morality plays; ain eastern re the I ake-! Ontario Winners in these two regions} § automatically compete in the {Dominion finals |CIRCLE PLAYERS WIN |festival at Kelowna has changed. The|from National Assembly rec ently foreigners be held) In} At the Prince Edward Island Festival in Charlottetown, the) Charlottetown Circle Player: {won for their production of Jan| iVan Druten's [ Remember Mama And the British Columbia the Vernon Little Theatre's production of Max -Frish's The Firebug got} the adjudicatot's nod These two winners still elimination in zone competition --a decision on the Brockville entry from among regional win ners in P.E.1., Nova Scotia andj Newfoundland and a final Pai ion on whether the B.C, or Al berta winner goes on to the finals in face} fear of loss of revenue to Portu- gal's match industry, a state monopoly in direct competition with lighters. The licensing law was adopted in 1937 when light- ers first started making their appearance, and there seemed to be danger the state would lose much match revenue, per-| haps more than $600,000 an-| nually | Since then. lighters have you paid a fine on the spot o:|popped up in such numbers that wound up with a jail sentence.|in recent years the government Soldiers and civil servants|estimates it has earned $116,000| used to get double fines to teach\ annually from licences and $15,-| Hardened cases|000 a year from fines persons exempted licence fees are The only the 4 ik ALWAYS THERE WITH READY CASH FOR ANY GOOD REASON for home repairs and refurnishings © to pay overdue bills < car repairs < for unexpected expenses. *90™ to *2,500% OR MORE NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED | 286 KING ST, W side Theatre Productions of, Ottawa for Brendan Behan's: The Hostage; --In New Brunswick, the Uni- versity of New Brunswick for Rashomon, a Japanese play by United States playwrights Fay and Michael Kanin; --In the Quonta Festival, the Gateway Theatre Guild of North Bay for Dylan Thomas' Under Milkwood; j --In eastern Quebec, the Uni- versity of Sherbrooke's La Troupe de l'Echiquier for Beaumarchais' The Barber of Seville. 728-1636 |" aa mar A Division of the $. 5. 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