tPatatatabatal Tn gy RAP WOMEN'S FLATS MAMSELLE ORIGINALS. One strap flat with large gilt buckle closing. New slightly higher shaped heel. White, Black Pating colours. Sizes 4 to 10. CHILD'S AND MISSES' OXFORDS %, 4 eyelet oxford with medalion on side and one piece molded sole. Black colors. Sizes 8Y% to 3. iit --DAYS REAT 3-DAY SALES EVENT MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS MEDALLION SHOES. "V" Toe light front oxford with 3 eyelet closing and cuban heel. Black Only. Sizes 62 to 12. K-MART. SPECIAL $ 4 | 16 Seals PUMPS GIRLS' PATINA STRAPS JAKE KAYE for Chil- dren. Swivel Strap Shoes with cut outs on vamp. White ond MAMSELLE ORIGINALS The newest in Fashion Finish "Baby Ganges Pat- ina"' Illusion Heel Pumps block patina colors. Sizes 84, to 3. Beige, Lgiht Blue and Patina, Sizes 4 to 10. INFANTS' OXFORDS JAY KAYE for Children. Moccasin toe oxfords with stitch on vamp and flex- ible long wearing "Vinalon" Sole.. Black and Anitiqued brown. Sizes 4 to 8 POLIDENT New effervescent Formula. Cleans dentures best. Stops denture breath. Economical to use. Use it every day. i og rvatat eneet on 0 i VITALIS HAIR DRESSING bh norewe oxvorn POLIDENT B new attoreancott i) Ei tocmmle : The new greaseless way to keep hair neat all day. 12 ounce $4.18 LENTHERIC TWEED COLOGNE Famous exotic fragrance in light and lovely cologne form . 'Sf 79 9.11 CONFIDETS One woman tells another. . You've never known such comfort, 12's GIRLS' OXFORDS JAY KAYE for Children. Woven 7 $ 4 ® B Topline oxford with 3 month Guaranteed Sole. Sturdy and POLYCOLOR HAIR COLORING pretty shoe for girls. Black, anti- qued red and antiqued tan colors. The hair coloring sensation of Europe now brought to Canada by Richard Hudnut. En- Sizes 8% to 4. hances your natural hair coloring a com- pletely new continental way. 16 CHOICE OF 14 SHADES nisae 4 2 oz, tube $ 2.49 PARDEC LIQUID A palatable Vitamin supplement for Infants and Children $7.59 CURAD PLASTIC BANDAGES Save on this Household Pak of 62's. Easy to re- eR ARITMEN move. Waterproof and Operated By Washable. G. Tamblyn Ltd. Let Us Fill Your Prescriptions ... While You Shop PHONE 728-5651 COLGATE For cleaner and brighter teeth. EXTRA VALUE ! v0-5 HAIR SPRAY THE OSHAWA TIMES, ° Wednesday, March 24,1968 23 Ottawa Aid In Welfare Suggested OTTAWA (CP)--The federal government should establish a children's bureau to assist pro- vincial child welfare services, the executive director of the Canadian Welfare Council, Reuben C. Baetz of Ottawa, said Tuesday. He told the annual of the Ottawa Children's Society that he made the sug- gestion in full recognition that welfare now is, and will con- tinue to be, under provin legislation, But a federal children's bur- eau could act as a clearing house of statistical and other scientific information and data. "It could serve as @ common meeting place of the provincial authorities in welfare, health, and perhaps even education; it could, at their behest, conduct surveys -- research projects ~-- into a whole variety of ques- tions, the findings of which would prove of inestimable value to the provinces." He said that because, under the British North America Act, welfare was a provincial respon- sibility, Canada had virtually nothing in the way of child wel- fare services at the federal level. "Even though the federal government pays out some $550,000,000 a year in family allowances, it takes little or no part in the advancement and development of the service ele- ment in the family and child welfare field. "We have, in Canada, noth- ing comparable to the chil- dren's bureau within the United States federal government, and of course we have no f department or agency in the education field." MLA COMPUTES HOUSE QUERIES TORONTO (CP)--Vernon Singer has not only been asking questions--he's been counting them too. The Liberal oppo sition member who represents Downsview in the Ontario legislature said Tuesday he CURL COMBS Durable Plastic. An ex- ceptional buy at this low, low price! Crystal Clear, contains mo lacquer holds hoirdo firmly, but naturally. YOU GET 7 OZ. $1.00 WITH 15 OZ. TIN... BOTH FOR LOCATED ON NO. 2HIGHWAY BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY has asked 101 questions of Attorney - General Arthur Wishart since January. Then he asked No. 102: "When are the other 101 questions going to be an- swered?" Mr. Wishart promised to start answering soon in small doses so as not to overwhelm Mr. Singer. Mae Murray, Silent Film Star Dies HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Mae Murray, a symbol of the gay and glittering era of the silent movies, died Tuesday. She was 75, She died at the Motion Pic- » She entered the hospital 7, 1964, and suffered a shortly thereafter. The hospital said her came after prolonged due to the stroke. Miss Murray was mhuch- married, lived glamo ly, made millions 'of dollars\ and spent it all. Although her a - jeareer didn't survive the talkies she always considered herself a "star." "You don't have to keep making movies to remain @ star," she said. "Once you be- -- a star, you are always a star." She attracted the attention of Florenz Ziegfeld, who featured her in his follies of 1908, 1900 and 1015. Her vivacity attracted film offers. GOOD FOOD ~ BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 Neon to 2 P.M. DINNER 5:30 te 8 F.M. BULLY LICENSED DINING| ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER hawe 27 King St. W., City-Wide Delive MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 Open Evenings Till 9 P.M.