Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Mar 1965, p. 9

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School Area Chairman Reports *BROUGHAM -- D. C. Gibson, chairman of the Pickering Township School Area No. 1 has issued a statement to the rate- payers of the school area re- porting on the organization and work of the board since its formation. The report states: "On Jan, 1, 1965, the 16 school sections and area in the north and east sections of Pickering Township ceased to exist. The 16 separate administrations op- erated 18 schools with 45 teach- ers and 1,300 pupils. Replacing the former trustees was the new five-emember board elected in December. The new board of trustees consists of Mrs. Elean- or McKean, Charles McTaggart, Donald Gibson, Gordon Pearce and Ronald Simons. CAPABLE ADMINISTRATOR "During its first three months of operation the new board has completed the initial phases of the transition from 16 former boards to one central admini- stration. It was recognized quickly that the five board members could not begin to) cope with the problems handled) so well in the past by the 52) trustees and 16 secretary trea- surers. Thus, one of the first acts of the board was to ad-| vertise for a business admini-| strator. After studying the nu- merous applications to the board, Lloyd Johnston was em- ployed. Mr. Johnston brought to the position an expert know- ledge of municipal affairs and an outstanding record of service to his township after 33 years in the township office. "The board was most fortun-| ate to have, among its existing} assets, the old Green wood| School, The north half of the! school was soon converted to) the area headquarters and now| houses the office of the busi- Club Plans Ice Revue BROOKLIN -- Residents of| the Brooklin area are looking forward with much anticipation to the presentation this Friday} 3 night, at the Brooklin Arena, by the Brooklin and Area Figure] 3 Skating Club, of its first Ice Revue. More than 140 children, rang-| # ing in age from three to 18) § years, will take part. The revue will demonstrate the develop- ment program being carried on by the club from the youngest to the oldest member. The club is now in its second year of operation. It started when artificial ice was install-| fe ed in the arena. Arthur Petre, of Oshawa, is director of skat- ing and Mfrs: Gloria Taylor, of Toronto, is the club professional. Guest artists appearing during the evening will be Forder and Stephens, of Port Perry, who took part in the junior pairs competition at the Canadian Figure Skating Championships in Calgary, and Ann Marie Tay- lor, a member of the Toronto Cricket, Club. Curling and Skating OLDEST LIFE Fossils of living creatures have been found in rocks 2,000,- 000,000 years old, in iron de- posits in the Canadian Shield. LISTEN HERE: Bill Stephenson | Ee eee for your baby To Ratepayers ness administrator and the meeting room for the board. Here, on the second Monday in each month, the board meets to conduct the business of the area. Of course, if has been im- possible to investigate and re- solve all questions facing the new board in its one regular monthly meeting. Thus, the lights in the old Greenwood School have burned late many nights during the past three months. "Shortly after assuming of- fice, the board elected, Donald Gibson to the position of chair- man and Mrs. Eleanor Mc- Kean, vice-chairman. The new board then toured the entire area and visited every school, where the problems of each were discussed with the former trustees and secretaries. Since then, the board has met with the principals for the purpose of establishing policies and pro- cedures for school operation and instruction. On Feb, 11 ne- gotiations were completed with the teachers' salary committee and the first salary schedule was established. rate of 15 has been set for this year. It is anticipated that $158,- 000 will be required from mu- nicipal taxes. This compares with $156,000 im 1963 and $135,- 000 in 1964. The 1964 reduction was attributable mainly to the liquidiation in former section surplusses which had been built up over previous years. Many sections either reduced their levy or levied no tax at all in 1964, "At an open house on Mar. 15 the board met with the teachers in the area, Here, at the new area office, over coffee and sandwiches the board members and the teachers became ac- quainted. Now the board is en- gaged in a study of the staff requirements for next Septem- ber and has already advertised for teachers to fill the known vacancies. "Much has been accomplished during the first difficult weeks. The board deeply appreciates the co-operation it has receiv- ed from the former trustees, teachers 'and secretaries.. How- |ever, much is yet to be accom- | plished. With continued co-oper- COSTS ANALYZED jation and understanding from "A complete analysis of the| both staff and parents I am past, current and anticipated! confident that we can look for- operating costs was carried out}ward to both an efficient area jand the board's 1965 municipal] 1 administration and a high tax levy was submitted to the| standard of academic excellence ©/ treasurer early in March. A mill'in our children." Clarke To Buy Sanding Truck ORONO (TC) -- At a special meeting of the Clarke Town- ship Council, it was decided to extend its services in the road department by the purchase of a truck and sand box. This pro- posal. will be given formal rati- fication at the next regular meeting of council in April. The road superintendent was given authority at the meeting to call for tenders for the new truck. The sand box, similar to those used by the Depart- ment of Highways, will be pur- chased through the county which is now making a number of purchases for itself and other townships within the area. At the present time Clarke Township has only one vehicle for sanding which is not ade- quate to look after all the town- ship roads during periods of icing. Also the method of sand- ing by this truck is not con- sidered to be the best. e e 3 t tl ported at the annua) meeting of the. Duram Farmers' County Co-operative that sales in 1964 had totalled $333,800. $1,300 above 1963 and higher than any of the past five years. derson and John Knox were mendations of the board of dir- member purchases during 1964, A 1 percent dividend was de- clared on the purchase of lay ration feed and broiler feed. Authority was also given to pay off in cash the 1960 patronage loan certificates. op was held in the basement of 200 in atendance. A turkey din- ner was served by the ladies of Increased By ORONO (TC) -- It was re- a 15 Was Gerald Shackleton, Ken Hen- lected as directors. The meeting passed recom- ctors authorizing the issuing of percent dividends on regular The annual meeting of the Co- he Orono United Church, with he UCW. ning was "Country Four" male tette and Neil Allin and his ac- cordion, Mr, Carlos Tamblyn also led the large audience in community singing. CLOTHING FOR SALE Farmers' Co-op Sales $1,300 Entertainment for the eve- presented by the quar- President Wesley Yellowlees chaired the meeting. He stated) a farm clothing line of merch- andise was now being carried by the Co-op. A new roof had been constructed on the ware- house and is proving satisfac- tory. He also pointed out that an agreement has been signed with United Co-op of Ontario whereby by buying Co-op feed only they were able to obtain a much better price. This was nec- essary to remain competitive. At the last annual meeting the directors were asked to in- vestigate the possibility of set- ting up a seed cleaning plant. scheme was investigated but THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 24,1968 @ # found to be too costly. This ser- vice is available in the area. It was questioned whether it would be possible and more practical to give a 3 percent discount at' the time of pur- chase rather than declare it at Salerno goalie put on 2@ police- man's uniform and walked un- as a mained in the dressing rooms Ken iver leary Sa a ee had left. ESCAPES IN UNIFORM SALERNO, Italy (AP)--The ted Sunday out of a sta- the annual meeting and then wait five years to pay it. AUDITOR COMMENTS A member of the auditing firm said that this surplus was often needed during the year for use for financing. Also he said the co-op may not always enjoy its present financial position and it would be unable to pay this dium besieged by angered soc- cer fans who had threatened to beat him. Some 30 fans were aroused against the whole 'Sa- lerno team, against the goalie, after Sa- lerno was beaten 2-1 by visiting Caserta in a» minor league game. The club manager re- but particularly dividend. This is only known at the end of the year. It wash poined out that the member loans amounted to $36,150 along with a mortgage of $9,000 outstanding. The net savings for the year before patronage returns were paid amounted to $14,586.00 or 4.3 percent, The total assets of the Co-operative amounts to $196,810. NOT 80 SKINNY A man six feet tall and of Mr. Yellowlees said that such a average build has about 1 square feet of skin. DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH $5.00 PER DAY --_ sautact chance 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553. 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa STRAINED APPLE JUICE AMINE 5 "Refresher courses" Five wonderful freshets of flavour, designed to please | your baby. That's the good word on Gerber Fruit Juices. Mads | "KEEP INFORMED..." It's been called The Wonder- ful World of Sport and Bill son's three-times-a-day at its characters, its © events, heroics and heart- breaks will keep you informed on every facet of it. The popu- larity of Bill's spirited look at sports at 7:55 a.m., 12:40 p.m. and 6:40 p.m., his highly capable handling of the play- by-piay of football games and other mejor sports events, make his shows "must" listen- ing for anyone interested in the --! World. And who isn't... CFRRB 21010 ONTARIO'S FAMILY STATION | solely in the interest of better infant nutrition. All are | from choice, sun-sweetened fruit, they're delightfully mild, delectably good. What's more, all are excellent dietary sources of Vitamin C ... needed for sound gums and body tissues. All are carefully strained for easy feeding from bottle or cup. Your choice of Orange Juice, Apple Juice and 3 flavour-crossed combinations: Orange-Apple, Orange-Banana and Orange-Pineapple, Gerber Juices, like all Gerber Baby Foods, are prepared under the watchful eyes of specialists who work quality-controlled according to the strict standards which have made Gerber famous. Bables are our business ---Our Only business! ¢~= Gerber Baby Foods WIAGARA FALLS, CANADA First of the Season TENDER MILK of Legs of Veal ..sx'm LAST WEEK Shopping Sprees... STEINBERG + 19 TASTY TREAT TENDER MILK FED Veal::::: ees in the Basket & Stewing Veal 49 i rif To Win.Cash, Stamps, INSTANT C ASH TAPE GAME. Do Come in. CHOICE QUALITY phe AGED ED BRAND |BLADE iu ROASTS T, Throw No No 30 duemaas Ice Ca Cream So Beverages Sn 4 SAME CN LOW PRICE Bottle CONVENIENCE @NO STORAGE PROBLEMS @NO LUGGING BACK TO STORE @uust DRINK AND THROW BOTTLE Root Beer =Cola = Orange Orange = Lemon- Lime' "away Deposit Return oz. Bil. BLADE BONE REMOVED Sho Roasts nding Grocer J E Ice Castle HALF GALLON CONTAINER TENDER POT ROASTS (8. Quality-Cor itrolle dd iN TOMATO SAUCE Beans « Pork ==™ BANANAS FLAVOURS 30¢ OFF Nescafe Instant Coffee 10 OZ. JAR '] 39 da=Club Seda le--Tom Collins ORIE/FLAVOURS Inger Ale DELICIOUS IN SANDWICHES! Prem Luncheon Meat 12 OZ TIN 2-86: Cabanita Lunchbox Favourites! 12" fF id Dutch i". Apple Pie DELICIOUS WITH CRACKERS Aylmer Tomato Soup = -- 10 OZ, TIN 10: FRESH, GREEN, IMPORTED Broccoli] 'ese suncx 29 | SWEET, JUICY-lsrae] LARGE EXTRA LARGE SPECIAL QUART BOTTLE OF Pepsi-Cola PLUS DEPOSIT 2-25: Jafta Oranges 595.698 IMPORTED, FRESH FLORIDA TENDER CS SHOPPING PLAZA---AJAX @ BEEF @ CHICKEN @ LOIN OF PORK @ SIRLOIN STEAK @Swiss STEAK @ TURKEY Swanson T.V. Dinners » FROZEN fT! OZ. PKG. ilaininens We Reserve the right to limit quantities! No declers please! All prices effective March 2440 27/65 DUNDAS ST.--WHITBY CLIP & REDEEM BONUS PINKY STAMPS ISLAND ROAD--ROUGE HILL SB RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 24, 25, 26 and 27 3 Green Beans 'LB, 2x | Put @ touch of Spring in your home this week with|KING ALFRED Daffodilis Sasi 39 } © DECORATED © COLA TUMBLERS 70Z 12-1 OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TO 9 P. M. Ajex Store Only, Open Wednesdey, Thursday & Friday to

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