Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Mar 1965, p. 13

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© King Face Srediman tems OS, Weed vighe rare ~AN' THAT MIGHT LEAD To BEIN' BROKE AN' MIZZUBLE"" OF TIME TO START PROCEEDINGS-- al RP | A COUPLE WAS GUARDING ME! IF WE WURRY, YOU CAN CAPTURE THEM, © King Fesrurce Sradionte, tna, 1965. World righte served. GOOD NEWS! WEVE FOUND MILA MORGAN, oR RATHER Sues FouD & GOODNESS! Y5.,. JUST WALKED WTO OUR OFFICE. EVEN CUTTIN' CROSS COUNTRY AS THE CROW FLIES.....I WON'T RAISE THAT TOWN UNTIL AFTER | eee WHAT HO/ 'THE SUN RISES ON A PILGRIM ABOUT TO BREAK CAMP. MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA [T SURE Do HOPE I HAVE LUCK WITH BETTER WATERMELONS THIS YEAR / MUGGS AND SKEETER 'TAKE A CARD, WENDY! ANY CARD AT ALL... + NOW: PUT IT BACK IN THE DECK... AND ILL... JULIET JONES OF HIS HISTORY OF DEVILIGH (3, AT TORONTO'S TRINITY COLLEGE, TEACHERS ARE ASTOUNDED WHEN WILLIAM OSLER ANNOUNCES stl 5) TIME STAYING AWAKE i, Hie DECIDES FORTUNATELY FOR THE CHURCH, STUDY MEDECINE INSTEAD... BUT HAS A THE LONE RANGER THERE NO ENEMY BRAVES HERE WHY YOU WANT 70 USE TONTO FOR SORRY, FRIEND! HOPE | DIDNT. a, YOU! FLWAH SECRET AGENT X9 Channel 2--Buffale 10:30 Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buffalo Channel 6--Toronte Channel 7--Buffalo Channel &--Rochester Channel %--Toronto Channel 11--Hamiiton ener comvcnemn at TUESUAY Eva. 5:00 P.M. Family Theatre %--Five O'Clock Matines 11:00 Weather 8--Superman | Wrestling $3--Firebali XL--S 2--Lioyd Thaxton 5:20 P.M. S-Leave it To Beaver | é--Music Hop | 3~Aquanauts | 8:00 6:00 P.M. |11--Schnitzel 7--News Central 6--Generation 6:30 4--News, Sports with Chuck Healy 2--Today, 4:30 §-2--Tonight 9:00 N--Family Theatre 7--Disling - Movie Ne, 2 94-3--News; Weather, Sporte a--Movie $-2--Huntley-Brinkley | 9:30 News | 6--Musical | 4--Leave It | ew: J--Maverick 6--Across Canade 1:00 P.M. | 9--The Littlest Hobo 4--News, Weather, Sports 4--Car 54, Where Are You? |. Daday | 63--Schoo! 4--News 3--Candid 'Camera Lethe 2--The Detectives 7:30 P.M. 1--Shindig 9--Let's Sing Out $2--Mr. Novak | MW: 7--Comba? VW--Albert J 6--On The Scene | Dear Ch 4--Many Happy Returns} 8-2--Concent 3--Wendy and Me | | 8-2--What's 6-3--Across £:00 P.M. 4--Andy of 1--Special Movie 9--Petticoat Junction 63--Jack Benny Show | 4--Joey Bishop Show W15 14:30 | 9--Toronto 8:30 P.M | 8-2--Jeopard %--Red Skelton | 7--Price Is 8-2--Hullabaloo 7--McHale's Navy ° 6-3---Danny Kaye Show 4--Red Skelton Hour 9:00 P.M. 1--Tyeoon 9:30 P.M. %--The Virginian | 4--The McC 12:00 6--Elwood 7--Peyton Place 63---Front Page Challenge 4--Petticoat Junctlion 10:00 P.M. N--That Regis Phiibin #2--Bell Telephone Hour Cons: 7--The Fugitive $3--News Magazine +--Doctors and Nurses 4--Speaker 12:30 4--Search f 3--Noon-day TELEVISION LOG 63--Eye Opener 11-9-4-7-6-4-3-2---News 1:15 P.M. %--Metro Final 6--Viewpoint 11:20 P.M. %-4--Late Show | &--Night Metre 11:30 PLM, 9--Pierre Berton | 6International Cinema | 4--Password 3----Man of the World WEDNESDAY | 4--Captain Kangaroo 9--News; Miss Helen 9--Romper Roo Girt Talk | 4--Mikes Carnival |11--Ed Allen , 10:00 A, 1l--Shindig 1l--Super Bingo | #2--Make Room For 1l--Father Knows Best | 7--Trailmaster 4--Presidential Parade 00 A.M, 63--Friendly Giant 19--Superman | &3--Cher Helene 6-3--Butternut Square 8-2--Say When 7--Donna Reed 4--News and Weather 3-Popeye and Pals 12-TW--3 12:15 P.M 9--1 Love Lucy @2--Truth or and Sports equences #-2--Huntley-Brinkley 7--Father Knows Best News P.M, 12:45 P.M. 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, 1--Dennis The Menace 9--Decemver Bride 8--Matinee 7--Afternoon Show 6-3--Movie Matinee | 4~Meet The Millers 2--Mike Douglas Show i P.M. | | tm | and Sports | | } 130 P.M. \1l--Mid-Day Matinee 9--Millionaire 4-As The World Turns 2:00 P.M, Show 9--Abracadabra |2--Moment 'Of Truth | 2:30 P.M, %--Four of A Kind AM. 6-2--The Doctors House 7--Day in Court 6--Loretta Young A.M. | 4--House Party 3--Super Bingo A.M. | 3:00 -P.M, m | #--People in Conflict jor Dollars: | g-2--Another World 7--General Hospital }63--Moment of Truth | 4--To Tell The Truth | 3:30 P.M, |ll--Funny Company interlude | 9--its Your Move To Beaver | 8-2--You Don't Say 7--The Young Marrieds 63--Take Thirty 4--Edge of Night A.M, 4:00 P.M. li--Lioyd Thaxton 9--Mickey Mouse Club 8--The Match Game AM, | 7--Flame In The Wind |6-3--As The World Turns Telecaste This Song | 4~Secret Storm | 2--Rocky and Hie Canada Friends 4:30 PLM. 9--Sea Hunt 7--Early Show 63--Razzie Dazzie 4--The 4-Thirty Show . Steed arlotte ration Mayberry ' WEONESDAY EVE. er 5:00 P.M. |11--Family Theatre -- A.M | %--Five O'Clock Movie Today $--Superman y | 63--Forest Rangers Right |2--Lioyd Thaxton 6:30 Pm. oys 6--Leave it To Beaver 63--Music Hop eid 3--National Velvet 6:00 P.M, © Glover 7--News Central y bre 3--Provincial Affairs of the House |o Today, 1945 P.M. 6:30 P.M, 11-9-4-3---News; Weather lor ~fomorrea| 7---Cheyenne Report 6--Across Canada YOUR HEALTH proper amount of weight to gain in pregnancy?--Mrs. J.C. | About 20 pounds is generally regarded as a good average. Less is preferred by some| obstetricians, Staying . within! that amount means a healthier| baby, usually an easier deliv- ery, a more comfortable woman during the months of pregnancy and a much easier job of get- ting one's figure back to nor- mal afterward. When a woman begins to pack on weight which will exceed 20 pounds, by delivery time, she usually (although not always) is one who has been eating more than she needs, and al- ready has a tendency toward plumpness or obesity. It's not always easy to per- suade a woman to control her weight at such a time. She wants to eat, sne isn't as active as she has been in the. past,| and she very frequently - de-| ceives herself (and tries to de-| Guide To Weight During Pregnancy By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD,ceive others) with the argu- Dear Dr. Molner: What is the| ment that she is "eating for jtween that and overeating. for CROSSWORD 2, Having color 8. Mellow 4. Compass point 5, Reliable 6. Cavalry sword: var, 7,Harem ACROSS 1. Intone 6. Turf 9. Hole-boring tool 10. "Fables in Slang" author 11. Large knife room 12, Polite 8. Repudiates 15. Affix 11, Ancient 16. Dare: Fr. story 17. Preposition 13. Macerate 18, Depart 14, Concludes 19. Mumbled 16, Eject 21,Merchant 19, Swab-like instrument vessel 20, Clanged 23, Donkey 24, Likely 22, Goddess of earth vat. ISICTRIAMEES IHL [ELT SHOS4 Miamiml K EMEP IAL IL OlR! lOIRIE MESIETTIA) (PIERIVIAIDIE MH AID) [STAIGIOME | [AIG|O} - (BICMETIAIMIE |G MME [S) FE TLIMES MME [Lhe | 27, Sleeve- less ments of religious belief 29. Nearer 34, Dip quickly into water 38, Particle 40, False hair 30, Kind of 41, Mexican tree Indian 81. lo- . , tribe fame sert 44, Behold! 25. Brewer's Zoe TFA FE t, 4, Gia "La jong tm, | countries, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, March 23,1965 43 _ BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mesters' Iindividuel Championship Play) North dealer North-South vulnerable Opening lead -- two of spades. Let's say you're East and open the bidding with a spade. South bids two hearts, which your partner doubles. Of course, leaving the double in, since your hand is a little under par de- fensively, but let's say you do, having confidence in partner's doubles, West leads the deuce of spades, which you assume is a singleton. You take it with the ace and return the queen. As ex- pected, South plays the king and your partner ruffs, West returns the two of dia- monds. You win it with the ace, cash the jack of spades on which partner . discards the seven of diamonds, and now you are faced with the problem of what to play next, There is quite a bit to think about at this point, Obviously, you must return a spade or @ diamond, but the question is: Which one? If your partner has the _ of diamonds, you cannot affo to return a spade, because, while this might possibly give West a cheap trump trick, nothing would be gained--since dummy would discard a diamond in the process, But if declarer has the king of diamonds, a spade return be- comes practically mandatory, since declarer cannot possibly gain by this return, while at the same time partner may make an extra trump trick by virtue of the spade play. The choice of plays revolves entirely about settling the ques- tion of who has the king of dia- monds, and in this hand the de- cision is vital, There is an easy way to solve the problem, if you think of it. Assuming that West is a good defensive player, he cannot have the king of diamonds because he would have led it at trick three in order to avoid giving you a choice of plays at this point. You therefore lead a spade and South must then go down one. If he ruffs with the jack, West simply discards and later makes two trump tricks. WINS BOWLING TITLE DETROIT (AP) -- Bob Strampe of Detroit won the Professional Bowlers Associa- tion's $35,000 Continental Open by one pin over another De- troiter, Billy Golembiewski, in a dramatic finals match Satur- day. Strampe, winning first- prize money of $5,000, rolled 190 to Golembiewski's 189 in the final one-game battle, MBEDAL-WINNER With the Oscar awards still to be decided, the movie Dr. Strangelove has won a total of 5¢ awards from Italy, Sweden, Britain, and other SALLY'S SALLIES "The Doctor's explosive exe periment was a great succesa until it reached its fifth stage." | 3 14 Y, two." She is, of course, eating for two. But there's a difference be- two. The developing baby natur- ally must have _ considerable nourishment -- plenty of cal- cium, adequate protein as a building food, plus the various minerals and vitamins which, happily, are not difficult to pro- 16 39. Celestial being 41, Fashion 42. Patriotic sp' 45. Related COLBORNE GROCETERIA Colborne St. et Church St. 728-6341 p------ OPEN ------, DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days oe Week @ Fresh Fruits © Meets © Groceries v, re] e to Rds. 46. Style of type Y DOWN 1, Frankness Y 5-23 vide. A normal, well-balanced/her own natural weight besides diet, with perhaps a modest|the normal gain of pregnancy, supplement 'of vitamins to be|She isn't doing herself or the on the safe side, will do this. |baby any good. She is simply DOESN'T NEED FAT storing excess calories (virtu- The baby does not need tojally always from too much su- store up excessive fat. It should)gar, starch and fat in the diet) not, in fact, because a big baby|in the form of fat in her own often means a' more difficult) body. delivery. (A big baby -- over} In short, the proper diet is nine pounds--also is often alone which provides the things danger sign indicating that the|the baby needs, but does not mother has a predisposition to-| ward diabetes.) (except for a rather narrow So, if the expectant. mother|margin) add anything to the eats so much that she adds to/mother's own body structure. When a woman is substan- tially overweight to begin with, it is possible (and preferable) for her to limit her gain to something less than 20 pounds. The difference is (or should be) that she eat foods that will pro- vide for the baby's needs, at the same time using up some of her stored fat, which repre- sent. her overweight. Excessive overweight in preg- nancy also contributes to foot troubles, varicose veins, sag- ging of abdominal muscles and other things you'd rather: avoid. FREE DELIVERY ERNIE CAY'S HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN 6 TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY FREE DELIVERY "It it's LUMBER, call our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST.

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