Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Mar 1965, p. 12

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Dear Ann Landers: I am 17 and: pregnant, I am not mar- ried. The man I am in love with is 30 years old and married. I live in the same block with the man and his wife. She does not know that the baby I am expecting is her husband's, To her I am just a kid. I've told everyone the bo responsible| for my condition is in the navy and that he would come home and marry me if I wanted him to, but I don't love him. Even my folks believe this. Last week my sweetheart's wife had a confidential talk with me. She sobbed out her story--she can't have any chil- dren and voth she and her hus- band want to adopt my baby. I was stunned, I told her I would think it over, Now I am confused and ter- ribly hurt He wants the baby, but he doesn't want me enough to divorce his wife so we can be married | | I need your advice because 1} lkeep changing my mind every) fifteen mitutes. Please tell me| Legitimate Channels Safest For Adoption Noses In Air CAMPBELL RIVER, B.C. (CP) -- Most women. wrinkle their noses at odors from a pulp mill but a group of housewives here do it in the name of sci- entific research. Pulp mills emit smells like the Levis and left her with the rotten' eggs. Pulp companies purifies chemical! m ited. Every large pulp company and the B.C. Research Council are working on the problem, "We have made considerable progress over the years," says a spokesman for MacMillan, Bloedel and Power River Lim- "The problem still re- mains and is particularly bad when batches are being changed and the gas is released. car and the flat tire to figure spend millions of dollars an- gases with water and) "The council and the kraft|and economically feasible solu- ls before they leave the/mill operators in B.C, are oot gy as anyone, When they find lanxious to find a satisfactorylit, we'll install it." Cres aA SnuUe Two toxi drivers got out to inspect the damage at the busy intersection when their cabs collided: "What'cha doin'?" said the first driver. "Ya blind or things out for herself. nually trying to eliminate the It makes me mad the way women today want to drive a owe 5 hee cars, buses, trucks and taxis , | As part of its odor-control fly airplaues, be lawyers and) ogram, Crown Zellerbach othe Und tats, bat they ated Pe, hae, clited don't want to do any of the side ate eg i . oe work that may be connected munity, codes wt ind wy sped rato are a car if he isn't willing to vag got nal ge ' to sniff the air and phone in change a iire. I work in a post office that ng hg the company. Pro- has put on several women in vided with this information the the last few years. Th es ejcompany hopes to extend con- women get the same pay as|ttol of and eventually to elimi- men but they don' go near the nate the stomach - turning ¥ smells. 80-pound 'sacks because a 1aW|' To date Crown Zellerbach has says they don't have to pick up spent $750,000 for odor control anything heavier than 40\ccuinment at its mill here, in- pounds. Is this fair? How about airing it in your column?--Fed- cluding et gaeara they call a} aplentywithem gas stack scrubber," now be-| ing tested. A company spokes-| Dear Fed: Kwitcherbelly- achin. 'The law: you are c6t- man said the device washes or! ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! More Houses Are Sold Daily Through mi) MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICS Consult o member of the OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD sumthin'?"' "What" ya mean, blind?" said the second driver, "I hit ya, didn't 1?" INQUIRE ABOUT OUR BOX 2 CLEMWIT SERVICE®" 725-3555 plaining avout doesn't exist. HEARTBURN According to the U.S. post of- fice in Chicago, people are hired to do a job for which they are qualified and the sex of the applicant is not a considera- Athons Hair Styling NOW RE-OPENING MISS EASTER SEAL CHATS WITH COACH A football coach talks with a little Miss Easter Seal who will represent all the crippled children in her community who are going to be assisted as a result of this annual campaign con- ducted by the Ontario So- ciety for Crippled Children in association with service clubs. This young girl and thousands like her will bene- fit by a camping holiday or treatment at a special cen- THE STARS SAY (Opportunities Under Automation "sia stat woud int yu By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Strive to further plans set in motion last week. A shipshape performance can be yours now. Just one admonition: a.m. hours will require extreme tact and patience with family and- or co-workers. Persons born un- der some signs may be some- what on the "edgy" side. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that this new year in your life will be one of somewhat "mixed blessings." From some angles, Will Be Greater For Women "verso tansers: 1 cexd | By ROBERTA ROESCH nities now women? open us often. that mation and creative and to develop fully. tre or the provision of new equipment so that they all , ' ti las {what to bie peers it\tiom_ The female carriers lug 80 Dear Nanette: 1 be raced i pound sacks every day and they| would be a tragic mistake to|work just as hard as the men.| Will automation spoil oportu-|to work at today's most usual suit to averagelpours. That's a question readers ask The facts, atcording to ex- perts on the subject, point up ; ] the encouraging and challenging)man relations in a job situation viewpoint that there are defi- because there will be less indi- nitely plus values under auto-|vidual under the|conflict between low-status and|American market with her regime of machines people will/high have every opportunity to be/friction between employers and|but she died a spinster in 1904, jturn your baby over to your) ' i llover and his wife. The agony} ne ee teak jof watching the child grow up| C tee sade the gapoort. (TIAY be more than you could ampaign needs the support |}ecr This couple should adopt of every good citizen. __|through legitimate channels i |they want a child. You will might have an opportunity forever with a man who should \that letter. about the husband for women who find it difficult|who was dressed up in his good and wanted his wife to \change the tire because she was da hi lin blue jeans. In addition to this, automation Your answer was terrible. If promises three other factors,/that had been my wife I would according to this panel of ex-|have given her a swift kick in perts. They are: (1) better hu- CARD MAKER In 1850, Esther Howland of less| Worcester, Mass., captured the competition and - status workers; (2) lessihome - made Valentine cards, lemployees because automation) will require a greater capacity ORDER'S WORK So there. | Dear Ann Landers; Yester-| day I attended the funeral of| a veteran. After the services the minister presented the flag (which was draped over the casket) to the mother of the dead man. I looked at. the faces of his children. They were THURSDAY, MARCH 25th unorr NEW MANAGEMENT You Con Make Your Appointments NOW PH. 728-4286 304 Stevenson Rd. N. Beside Lane's Pharmacy very disarpointed and hurt. In my opinion the flag should have been presented to the old- est child. There was a good bit of talk about it later, We'd like your opinion.--Just Ontookers Dear Onlookers: Generally 'the flag from the casket of a vet- eran is presented to the widow. If thers is no widow the flag goes to his mother, or to the oldest chilc, depending on who requested it first. Q. Whot is the cause of heartburn'? A, Heatburn is due to reflux or backward flow of stomach contents into the esophagus, the tube leading from the mouth to the stomach. Rich foods, and especially fatty foods, tend to produce occasional attacks of heartburn because of delay in stomach emptying. This gives rise to belching, KNITTERS ! [ WOOL QUEEN DID YOU KNOW. . . that --Sunplieily-- . . » Offers this Exclusive .. . CHROME WRINGER TOP AND HAND RESTS @ Quality Controlled @ with regurgitotion or backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus FERTILITY DRUGS Q. Are there any drugs which will increase the fertility of women? | am still childless after 4 yeors of marriage. A. There are two experimental drugs which show promise of overcoming infertility in women by making the ovulatory cycle more predictoble, An interesting effect of these drugs is the increased incidence of multiple births. Women taking one of the drugs had a five to ten times higher incid- ence of twins than expected in the general pop- ulation. However, these drugs are not yet avail- oble except for research purposes. Questions directed te » Science Editors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario. We maintain full stocks of pres- cription drugs . . . have the professione! skill te dispense them promptly . . . end the reputation te de se ot reason- able prices, it will be excellent -- notably z jl 2 are ir scab nose ne, Fine gains See aaa a Ns porteuar Sie entre and handling], The ipa eet Oe eee are presaged during the first|.ase are: Dr. Leonard R.lrelying on orders); and (3) lesslraises more than $1,000,000 an- three weeks of May, during the|savies, Professor of Business|job tension and fear because of|nually for education, emergency mid - August - mid - September! 4 qministration, Columbia - Uni-jinadequacies in individual pro-|welfare and other community period and during the last half) ,ersity; Dr Ivar Berg, Associ-|duction since, in automation,|services. : | of October. You will also havelate professor of Business Ad-\productivity will depend upon|-- ghances to add to your bank) ministration, also of Columbia|/machines ne balance in November, Decem-ir;. pr Alvin M. Mesnikoff, {spoil opportunities now open to| ber and next February -- but clinical psychiatrist and Chief of| PART OF THE ANSWER average women? only if you have seen to it that|\women's Services, New York! With these expert views on| But the fact still remains that you have cash reserves on hand)ctate Psychiatric Institute, and|future job opportunities, welspecific training and skill will and have not gone overboard in)pr Lawrence Hinkle, Jr., head|Know that least part of the/count in the fully automated spending while gains were aC-|of the Division of Human Ecol-|@™Swer is 'definitely no" when| world of the future as they do in eruing. logy of the Department of Medi-|Teaders ask: Will' automation|jobs today Where employment matters|cine and Psychiatry, New York an _ -- -------- are concerned, results will! Hospital, Cornell Medical Cen- largely depend on yourself. This|ter. Unmatched for clean, clean woshes REMOVED PERMANENTLY Superfluous Hair By Electrolysis and the new- e sf, fastest. New KREE IM- PERIAL De |} Luxe short- wave, reveal- ing your true self, free of worry ond em- barrassment + Over 15 years' experience, TERMS AVAILABLE BEFORE YOU BUY... . « « GIVE STARR A TRY STARR Furniture ond Appliance 723-3343 491 Ritson Rd. $. OPEN EVENINGS 'TILL 9 P.M. ® FREE DELIVERY ® 723-4621 will be a year in which the| A few weeks ago, all four of Arien's natural impatience when|them expressed their views at a/ things go wrong will be accen-|two-day seminar held for the} tuated. There will be at least|purpose of exploring the impact | | MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshowe ot the Genoshe Hotel, Mer. 22, 23, 24. PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these detes. OPEN FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. five periods when, aggravated|of automation. on humans. The stacl dden ch inlseminar, sponsored by Kelly! plans and other annoyances,|Girl Service, Inc., was held at you may want to 'chuck every-|Columbia University's Arden! thing," quit your job and try|House at Harriman, N.Y something else. Don't! This is| Certainly, as far as this col-| mot your year to take chances|umn is concerned, the best point) with employment. lof view to come out of the You may be especially|seminar was that under auto-| tempted in April, late May,/mation there will be greater) mid-July, early September andjopportunities for women. than throughout December. Your cue|there are now. | during difficult periods, is tol wew JOBS CREATED "keep on going," try all the) . 3 | According to Dr. Mesnikoff, harder--with the knowledge that) oho spoke on-this subject, auto- things will run much more} will create new jobs |mation smoothly beginning early in which. in turn, will permit expression | 1966. greater individual Along personal lines, your) 'and freedom, The working day best periods for romance willl as we now know it, will be less occur in July and August. Dis- . : ; igid and more flexible. As aj count what might seem like the result, automation will create "real thing" in June, however. scores of additional ways for July, September, December women to work at hours when) REG. Sle and January should prove stim- it's moat. convenient | c OSHAWA | meg | from @ a gryeiny Of course, this optimistic out-| SPECIAL : pee or Oe be ay Boor eli look needs to be borne out by| September ey hort trip|{te facts. But the implication is propitious month. A short tripi.ggq -- automation is a factor GI ECOFF'S S k i OPEN EVERY ~-- in late December could also that will open up opportunities| | 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH Ni : G td T ALLOWANCE vi FURNITURE DRAW! UNTIL 0 u making it. ------ || @ CHESTS @ DRESSERS @ SIMPLY CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE O'CLOCK + A& child born on this day will| © DESKS BOOKCASES CHEQUE AT THE CENTRE AND ASK FOR WILSON'S FREE ENTRY FORMS _ MARCH 25-26-27 a natural leader. FURNITURE @ DEPOSIT ENTRY FORM INTO BALLOT BOX Watch For The Sales Circular March 24th UP TO SPECIALS DEMPSTER'S 24-0Z. BREAD BACON LOAF bs u 39° 2 39°R * CHOSE HIS DAY George Washington's grand-| daughter, Nelly Custis, chose) her grandfather's birthday--his last, in 1799--as her wedding day. WHAT'S 9 wronc f Lack Confidence .. Outdated Steps ... Can ttead .....0- Can't Follow Need Practice .... eee getic; 20 CHURCH ST. OSHAWA AT FLAG POLE IN THE MALL WITH YOUR DANCING? @ ENTRY SELECTION THIS MONTH WILL BE MADE ON THURSDAY, MARCH 25. GWYN ROBERTS Celebrating 5th Anniversary OFF ALL % COLD WAVES Du ring Month of March THE Mayfair Salon 27 Celina Street 728-0662 We acre offering o speciel introductory donce course for only $15.00. Becouse we want you to see for your- self how quickly and easily you con learn to dance ot the Arthur Murray Studio. Even if you've never danced before, you con go dancing after o lesson or two, and at goy student parties, you'll meet new friends ; . . gain poise and popularity There ore no strangers of Arthur Murray's. Everybody dances ond has fun. This $15.00 dance course is offered to adults only, Oper: daily 1:00 to 10:00 p.m ARTHUR MURRAY STUDIOS W. MARKS, LICENCEE 1114 Simcoe St. S. 728-1681

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