Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Mar 1965, p. 7

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CANADIANS BOW! Can- ada's Bob Forhan falls over Frantisek Tikal of Ccecho- slovakia after the Czech de- flected his attack in yester- day's World Ice Hockey championships at Tampere, Finland, Czech goalie Viado Spotlighting . . . . THE GENERALS Firing starts tonight in series 'A' of the OHA Junior A semi-finals. The Oshawa Generals travel to Niagara Falls for game one knowing they must win all their home games and at least one on Niagara ice, if they are to upset the league pennant win- ners, Second game in the series goes here in Oshawa at the Civic Auditorium. on Tuesday night at 8,00 p.m. Tickets for that game go on sale tomorrow morning at the Auditorium box-office and downtown at Bishops' Sport- ing Goods and Bolahood's Sportshayen. The series re- sumes with games three and four next weekend, Friday in the Falls and Saturday back here. The. Generals enter to- night's game with everyone available except Bob Kilger. Armand Giroux is still a bit shaky following the coward- ly attack he was subjected to by Sandy Fitzpatrick last Sunday in Kitchener. defenseless by a linesman who had him pinned down and as a result was unable to defend himself. Fitzpatrick was his final game of Junior and probably felt neither the OHA nor the Oshawa players could do him Generals are bdiding time until they meet up with Mr. Fitzpatrick again. Most players who graduate from Junior "A" are assigned to the Central pro circuit. This will likely. happen to Fitz- patrick but will also be the same for many of the Gen- erals who graduate so their paths will cross again, and many of the boys on the Gen- erals have stated what good memories they have! Enough said? Generals' Jottings Congratulations are in order for Bobby Orr and Ron Buchanan who made the first and second. all-star teams. Orr would have been an unanimous choice but for the fact that Danny Lewicki, Hamilton's coach, did not vote for him. . . . Orr estab- lished a new goal-scoring rec- ord for defencemen again this year notching 34, a truly great feat. . . . Buchanan notched 50 goals, two less than he scored last year. However, he missed seven- games because of injuries and still managed to get 103 points... . Billy Little suffered a painful eight- stitch cut in his finger in Sun- day's final game in Kitchen- er. He had to have part of the finger nai] removed to have it stitched, He'll be ready for tonight's game, but will wear a protective steel shield. . . . Billy White re- turns to action tonight after missing the final five games of the schedule with a sprain- ed ankle. Chris Hayes picked up a goal in his first game back following a broken hand. . . « Trainers Stan Waylett and Gordie Myles hope the coming series will produce few injuries for the Generals. The boys in white are just about done in from the heavy rash of sick and ailing they have had on their hands this season. . . . Many people have asked how many play- ers the Generals lose to over- BY WREN BLAIR Manager of Oshawa Generals age ranks this season. The answer is four, in the persons of Dennis Gibson, Bob Kilger, Ron Buchanan and Billy Bannerman. Niagara Falls also lose four, goaltend- ers Bernie Parent and Doug Favell, and forwards Brian Bradley and Bill Goldsworthy. Former 'General' Alex Delvecchio is playing tremendous hockey for the Detroit Red Wings. He's one of the main reasons for the Wings surge to first place in the NHL race. The Gener- als had many fine players go through their ranks a few years back, but in our opin- ion few of them were better Juniors than "Fats." Fewer still have performed so great- ily in the NHL. . . . Votes for the Auto Workers Credit Union trophy for the Most Valuable Player on the Gen- erals this season are still be- ing counted, The announce- ment and presentation to the winners will be made at the Generals playoff game here a week tomorrow _ night, March 20... . Arena Manager Bill Kurelo has his hands full these days trying to satisfy everyone with ticket demands both for the Generals playoffs and the Skating Carnival. One word in his defence. He'll try everything possible to accommodate people in our rink, but he can't pos- sibly help out in Niagara Falls. No one can, and he should not be subjected to un- necessary abuse resulting from this, As a matter of fact, fair-minded reasonable people will be very popular during these hetcic days. We all try to do our best for all con- cerned, but any way you add it up there are just so many ROMIB 6 s-9 At that there' will be loads of good standing room. . . . Sympathy of the local sports fans goes out to Ted and Tommy O'Connor and their families, whose fa- their passed away this week. Ted and Tommy both played for the Generals and the Whitby Dunlops in past years, 'Black Hawks 'Even Series | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Montreal Junior Canadiens |couldn't beat Toronto Marlboros by getting away quickly and they' couldn't do it with a late rush, Tuesday night,' Montreal got Dzurila watches puck go safely past at left. Czecho- slovakia won, 8-0 for their fifth straight victory. It was By ROD CURRIE TAMPERE, Finland (CP)-- "They are better than we are." That's the only reason Can- ada took an 8-0 drubbing from Czechoslovakia Thursday, Rev. David Bauer, a special consult- ant to the Canadian team, told reporters after the game. It was the worst defeat ever inflicted on Canada in interna- tional championship competi- tion. "There's no use making ex- cuses,' Father Bauer said. "We played well, but it just wasn't good enough. We made two mistakes and the Czechs scored two goals on them. Father Bauer, coach of Can- WORLD TOURNEY TAMPERE, Finland (CP)-- Standings in the world hockey tournament after Thursday's games: GROUP A WLT F APt 5 10 11 10 8 C'slovakia Russia Canada Czechs Are Too Fast Says Rev. David Bauer Canada's first defeat in five games, --(AP Wirephoto) ada's 1964 Olympic team, sub- stituted for coach Gord Simpson at the customary post-game press conference. Simpson just wanted to stay with the team and 'et the priest do the talk- ing for him. "They are feeling pretty bad." Father Bauer said. Ke «914 "the main thing that defeated us was that we just aren't fast enough to skate with the Czechs. "There has to be a renewed emphasis on speed in hockey in Canada." European reporters ques- tioned him and Gordon Juckes, secretary - manager of the Canadian Amateur Hockey As- sociation, who also attended the press conference, closely on Canada's future hockey plans. BIG SETBACK Juckes said he hopes Canada will continue to build "on the national team we have here" but, the fact that Canada did not get the 1967 world cham- ionships would undoubtedly prove to be a big setback to amateur hockey there. Juckes had said earlier it N Sweden Finland E. Germany 1 Uniipd: tates, @ Thursday's Results 5 5 4 3 1 Gumawnunsco Swedén 10 Norway 0 Russia 9 United States 2 7\was possible Canada might not! 3|be represented in next year's 2|tournament in Ljubljana, Yugo- Olsiavia. This possibility was Ol!ater discounted by some offi- ation but Thursday night Father Bauer éuggested they should not be so sure of Cana- Czechoslovakia 8 Canada 0 Today's Schedule East Germany vs. Norway Finland vs. United States GROUP B Poland W. Germany Switzerland Hungary " Austria Yugoslavia Britain Thursday's Results West Germany 3 Poland 3 Switzerland 7 Britain 4 Hungary 5 Austria 3 - Today's Schedule Poland vs. Yugoslavia West Germany vs. Switzerland Hungary vs. Britain CONN Os Gerry Meehan scored the others. | Serge Savard, Rene Drolet and Carol Vadnais scored for Montreal. The Canadiens had a good chance to pick up a tie in the last minute when _ they pulled goalie Fern Rivard and attacked Toronto, who had a man in the penalty box. How- ever, Christian Bordeleau and Jacques Lemaire both missed good chances. Brian McDonald paced the Black Hawks with three goals. Mickey Cherevaty, Bob Sicinski Ken Hodge, Ted Reid, Ken Laidlaw, Wayne Maki and Doug Reid all scored goals. Andre Lacroix with two and Dan Sharpe were the Peterborough scorers, dian participation, "If we do not take part, how- ever, it will not be because of this game we have lost so badly to Czechoslovakia. We would send a team even if we thought we would be beaten 8-0 ty Russia, Czechoslovakia and Sweden. "Tt's just that we cannot ask our student players to take much time off for hockey and run ihe risk of flunking their uhiversity year. What we might do is prepare a team for the Olympics only, even if it is not a team of high calibre. "We will always come to the Olymnics,"' INCOME TAX RETURNS Completed T. 1. Short Form STILL 2.00 U.A.W. HALL Bond East PUBLIC WELCOME Hours: 10 .m, to 5 p.m. & 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Mon, to Fri, away to a 5-1 lead but the Marl- boros came back to gain a 5-5 tie in the first game of the best- of-seven Ontario Hockey Assoc- iation Junior A quarter - final series. In Montreal Thursday, the Canadiens spotted Toronto a 4-1 lead, then tried to storm back for the win. They didn't quite make it and dropped a 4-3 decision The win gives Toronto a 1-0 series lead with one game tied. WALLOP PETES In Thursday's, other quarter- final game, St. Catharines Black Hawks walloped Peter- borough Petes 10-3 to square that series at 1-1. | Brit Selby picked up two goals and an assist in the Tor- onto win. Mike Corrigan and "728-1601 HAVE GUN MINOR AND MAJOR REPAIRS 728-1601 WILL GREASE ALL MAKES AND MODELS JOHN T. MARKOVICH, Proprietor Oshawa Esso Service Centre -- & KING ST. WEST at PARK RD. e! 5 Yeor Guorontee mode Be WORST DEFEAT EVER Canadian Nationals Lose To Czechs 8-0 They won, in fact, because;shots, while Czech goalie Viad- than we are",|imir Dzurila blocked 22 in gain- at the usualling his first shutout. By ROD CURRIE TAMPERE, Finland (CP) -- Russia and Czechoslovakia are the undefeated giants of the world hockey championships here as the tournament heads into the last three days of ac- tion. Both won their fifth straight games easily Thursday and will fake it easy today while the ac-|*h tion in the eight-country cham- pionship pool is confined to the bottom four teams. Czechoslovakia extended its string by trouncing Canada 8-0, ending the Canadians' unbeaten; record in their fifth game. The Russians, reigning Olym- pic and world champions, beat the winless United States 9-2 and are preparing to face Czechoslovakia Saturday in what may be the decisive game of the tournament. - In today's schedule East Ger- many vs. Norway and Finland vs. United States. The drubbing Canada ab- sorbed from the Czechs was the worst it has ever taken in in- ternational championship play and virtually ended any hope that this will be the year the world title returns to Canada for the first time since 1961, The immediate reaction in the Canadian camp was one of quiet gloom. The only comment came from Rev. David Bauer, 1964 Olympic coach and a special consultant to this year's na- tional team, who said the "they are better he told reporters ee press conference. | Althoi not turn it into a rout until the home five goals. They scored) once in the first period, twice in ap Np EE a aE a Czechoslovakia shut out the ugh the Czechs were in|United States 12-0 earlier in the command of the game, they didjtournament but veteran Vladi- mir Nadrchal was in the nets third period, when they rappedjon that occasion. The Czechs' other victories were 5-1 over East Germany, Thursday's the championship pool. ie serond. Sweden, definitely out of con- tention, whipped Norway 10-0 in ae Mgeod action in Frantisek Sevcik was the top Czech scorer against Canada, lscoring his team's last two goals in the closing minutes of the game on passing plays with Jaroslav Jirik. 9-2 over Norway and 5-2 over Finland. Previously, Canada's worst defeat had been a 7-2 loss to Rushsia in te 1954 tournament. The Russians, making their debut in world play, won the ti- tle that year. Canada's repre- -- were Toronto East York. and Russia Sunday. The Czech - Canadian game concluded a day of lopsided, lacklustre hockey here. Jirik opened the scoring with - only goal of the first pe- Other Czech marksmen were Jiri Holik, Vaclav Nedomnasky, Frantisek Tika, Josef Capla and Josef Golonka. HAD BEST RECORD Before the Canadian debacle, goalie Ken Broderick of the University of British Columbia had the best record in the tour- nament. He has two shutouts, over Norway and Finland, and he had allowed only three goals in four games. Czechs have quite a good team. Billiard Tables All Sizes Genuine Slate Tops CHAPMAN BILLIARD SUPPLY 1186 Queen St. W., Toronto LE 3-3102 Broderick had to handle 39 Sg ag agi ag ete AE EB gs Tm "=? THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, March 12, 1965 7 . $125,000 San Juan Han: Canadian Horse |tsnscu. Wins Handicap ARCADIA, Calif. (AP)-- Santa Anita race track closed its books on a theme of good|J. will between the United States and Canada Thursday. Canada was overjoyed be- 'cause George Royal won the Junior "A" Playoff Hockey 8:00 P.M. NIAGARA FALLS FLYERS -- a TUESDAY, MAR, 16 JIM WHITTAKER OSHAWA GENERALS ATTENTION: Tickets for this geome go on sele at 10:00 o.m. Scturdey, March 13th ot the Civic Auditorium Box Office, Bolehood Sportshaven and Bishop Sporting Goods, NOTE: Season ticket holders must pick up thelr tickets for this geome later then 9:00 p.m. Mondey, March 15th et Civic Auditorium Office only. BAD BOY perinitety SELLS FOR LESS! FREEZERS - 21 CU. FT. by Beatty. Free food plan, Free delivery, PRICED FROM $ 1 Bio R.C.A. VICTOR : 3-WAY HOME FM/AM. Radio, 4 Changer, 23" TV all in one Cabinet. Free Home Service, VALUE Speed Automatic 300% Walnut' $479.00 Swin-out : chassis, Convectoire 23" BIG SCREEN TV Hand wired circuit, full power trans- former. Up-front tuning, AGC circuit. Fidelity tone audio system, With trede Cooling, 198 728-465 INCLUDING 4 WEDNESDAY TIL §:30 P.M. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE Everybody Knows the Place--Bad Boy--King St. E. EVERY NIGHT 84659 Now-get the best used car buys on wheels-- CARS AND TRUCKS Ok: Used Cars at your Chevrolet-Oldsmobile dealer's. His new car sales have really taken. off--so you'll be choosing from the pick of the trade-ins!._Go see your Chev-Olds dealer now---get top values, greatest, ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. | choice ever in OK.Used Cars! AUTHORIZED OK USED. CAR DEALERS IN OSHAWA -- WHITBY: 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE 725-6501 300 HARRY DONALD LIMITED DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO PHONE 668-3304, 668-3305, 668-3306 Be Sure to see Bonanza over Channel 6 at 9 o'clock Sunday Night Mss eAcaeates

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