Ask Russ, U.K. To Act LONDON (Reuters)--The In- ternational Control Commission UNPRECEDENTED "MONETARY PACKAGE" UAW, Chrysler Setile pate regular: UAW benefits won at|lished today called on Britain General Motors of Canada,|and the Soviet Union to con- h Ford of Canada 'and Massey-|sider taking measures to stem|don Lonsdale, the Russian Ferguson as to wage increases, |"'the deteriorating situation" in| master spy exchanged last year pensions, supplementary un-|Viet Nam. jin a Soviet-British "spy swap," employment benefit, vacation| The commission, composed of|poured out top-secret informa-| and shift premiums. Canada, India and Poland, also|tion from Britain to the Soviet Weekly sickness and acci-jasked the iwo co-chairmen of Union, according to "his own dent benefits were increased to|the 1954 tndochina conference|story' in a British Sunday $55 for 52 weeks, up from $50\to conside: issuing an imme- | newspaper. for 26 weeks, and life insurance|diate appeal aimed at reducing) In the first of a series of for paid-up pensioners was in-|tension and preserving peace in|copyright articles to be printed) creased to $1,500, among other/Viei Nam. by The People, Lonsdale said gains, Canada, in a special minor-|the information he fed to Soviet The union also won six extrajity statement, said the cessa-jauthorities 'included classified minutes in relief time--24 min-|tion of hostilities by Commu-jinformation about the Holy) utes at the Walker Products|nist North Viet Nam is a pre-|Loch nuclear submarine base, subsidiary -- as wel! as im-|requisite to the restoration of|the atomic submarine Dread- provements in production stan-|peace in Viet Nam, nought, the Decca Aircraft dards, seniority, transfer) J. Blair Seaboin, the Cana-j|tracking system, a nuclear re- rights, skilled trades and other|dian representative on the com-|search station near Sevenoaks sections in the contract, mission while in full agree-|(south England) and the U.S. IS A FIRST _|ment that the report be made/missile base at 3 Lakenheath Among the economic extras to the co-chairmen Britain and/ (eastern England) : 2 XTAS/ Russia, dissented from the) « », 'aes gained was a new prescription), f' th fartly veer aii remembered how compat drug care system -- Green eres Ss e majority report atively simple it had been to ; . signed by M. A, Rahman, Of| pic ; Shield instead of Blue Cross-- Teal y acdokt ot P pick up. al' that information-- which was obtained for the |!" ia and R. B, Stawicki of Po-|thanks to careless talkers, over- first time in UAW negotiations| 204 -- in Canada and covers a wide} Seaborn gave his views in & GOOD FOOD rahe. of prescription services| *Pecial statement added to the BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH Dief Raps Pearson For Speech In , N.Y. critic "oot cae Chrveier|{ull report published here as a) n| "but, when such announcements tribution of Canadian troops|workers and their dependents,| " he report si b i: d/dmount to major policy declar-|and equipment, Canadians will/but to present and future teas ae tale couieclamoases| FULLY LICENSED DINING ROOM involving possible seri-|wan' fo know the degree of |tirees." lsaid: "The international com-| for Cana-|commitment envisaged by the)-- | sniasion "Tequesta the cochalt| 27 King St. W., Oshawe 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, March 8, 1965 Spy Bares His Secrets seven cents an hour for the - LONDON (Reuters) Gor- second year, and seven and nine cents an"hour respectively in the last year covered by the contract. The present basic wage for an assembler at Chrysler is $2.40 an hour with an additional 15 cents. cost of: living bonus, totalling $2.55 an hour. This rate will be increased in the first year by 11 cents an hour to $2.66. Irving Bluestone, administra- tive assistant to UAW Presi- |dent Walter Reuther, said the settlement was the "'largest single monetary package in the history of. industrial unionism in Canada and the U.S." The package included all the The agreement was ratified by union members hours later. Maintenance workers began to return to work Sunday in preparation for full work sched- ules this morning. The new contract calls for an average pay inereae for prod- uction workers at Walker Me- tal Products Ltd. of 60 cents an hour in the first two years, with skilled trades gaining an tal|increase of $1 an hour in the Products Ltd., and 162 office| same. period. workers. After a marathon bargaining | INCLUDES INCREASES session, lasting more than 20| The general pay increases) hours in the final stretch of ne-| won at the Chrysler plants for gotiations, union and manage- unskilled and skilled worker ment representatives reached | amounted to il and 19 cents an agreement at dawn Sunday.|hour in the first year, six and WINDSOR, Ont, (CP) + An--unprecendented.. "monetary package" --obtained after a 39- day strike--was, gained Sunday by Local 444 United Auto Work- ers Union (CLC) in a_ new three-year contract with Chrys- ler Canada Limited. The strike, which began Jan. 28, left idle almost 7,000 hourly- rated UAW members in the Chrysler plants and the firm's subsidiary here, Walker Metal _ friendly folk and greedy people willing to sell their céuntry's secrets. We met them all. And used them ~ Lonsdale said the fact he was sentenced co 25 vears' impris- onment for espionage activities during a six-year stay in Brit- ain "proved to me that my mission had been successful." Lonsdale served only three years of his sentence before he was exchanged for Greville Wynn, a British btsinessman serving an eight-year term in a Seviet prison after being con- victed. in 1963 on espionage charges The People did not reveal Lonsdale's location, but a pho- tograph showed him with a reporter for the paper "at. a secret meeting place behind: the Iron Curtain." OTTAWA (CP) -- Oppositio! Leader Diefenbaker criticized) Prime Minister Pearson Satur-/atious, } day for making major policy|ous commitments declarations outside - the Cana-| dians then they \dian Parliament. jmade the debated '3 The criticism was contained|ment. moe de aie Gere lates armies in| men to consider the desirabil-| ih" FRE & catia ity of issuing' an 'mmediate ap-| Vie. Nam with massive re-| peal to all concerned with a} in a statement issued by the} Mr Pearson suggested an in- [inforeements. under such cons) lview to reducing tension and) | opposition leader in reaction to; iternational force to seal off the/ditions, the task of policing} s fle Base aa ; : i ; 7 "eo oT ae eae |preserving peace in Viet Nam) --_ cs _lfrontiers used for guerrilla in- might require a force consider- H t At U S | y ' i : | # ja plan for solving the South Itiltration, He proposed a force ably larger than any yet put 1 S a -- het hag oges Magen lin the field under peace - keep-| by WCREAATY Or then | | LONDON (AP)--Leaders of the deteriorating situation. Pees Asian arr gee i aap ph with effective policing to allow)! a und | Pearson outline saNna-|ine states of Southeast Asia to|ing operations. , p dieciorating shana | s 'ty is prepar vi ritain' 5 ly with} Our party is prepared to the left wing of Britain's Labor woh Tank 8, WH the UES dian Society in New York City) yor out their own affairs Avith- lia rere ty {eine with TREC jsupport a ipartisan foreign| party jolnec wv e Lommuricarried out retaliatory air |Friday night. Gut interference froya-- heigh-| sup 3 {Das nea Poeietdgah fe US "One can understand the/pors "or any out policy, This can only be legit-| nists today in assailing the US. | cirikes on North Viet Nam fol- PLANNINGA... © BANQUET A KISS President Johnson is kiss- ed on the cheek -- at his own request -- by 2%-year- old Kimmie Fry as he dropped by for coffee at the church hall following religi- |prime minister's desire to avail) lhimself of the larger audience |by producing his plans outside ous services at the National City Christian Church in Washington. Kimmie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Elgin Fry of Carrolton, Md. | | Mrs. J. Schuerman, of AP Wirephoto i ( irephoto) the Oshawa and District Place Blame On North Viet OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada to-, day placed the major blame for the 'dangerously unstable' sit- uation in Viet Nam on _ in- creased Communist subverion. In a minority report of the Canada-India-Poland truce sup- ervisory commission in Viet Nam, this country said: "It should be the chief obli- gation of this commission to fo- cus all possible attention on the continuing fact that (Commun- ist) North Viet Nam has in- creased its effort to incite, en- courage and support hostile ac- tivities in South Viet Nam aimed at the overthrow of the South Vietnamee administra- tion. { "phese activities are in di- réct and grave violation of the | Association for Retarded Children, will be a speaker at the meeting of the Lind- say association tonight. Mrs. Schuerman, who is the regional representative, will discuss home care and resi- dential care for retarded children. Cobourg Midget All-Stars defeated Ajax 2 to 1 last week and advanced into the Ontario semi-finals. Ajax was outshot 34 to 29. The Cobourg team won' the round three straight. February events in Viet-Nam jwere "dramatic manifestation of a continuing instability which has, as its most important cause, the deliberate and per- sistent puruit of aggressive but jlavgely covert policies by North |Viet Nam directed against | South Viet Nam," the Cana- | dian report says. j The report, signed by Cana- | dian delegate J. Blair Seaborn, | said South Viet Nam has giyen the commission "mounting evi- peenee to show that the govern- |ment of North Viei Nam has ex- | panded its aggressive activitie | directed against the govern- ment of South Viet Nam and has infiltrated growing numb- ers of armed personnel and in- creasing amounts of military The inter-divisional finals of the Secondary School Public Speaking contest will be held at the meeting of the Oshawa - Ajax section of the Industrial Acci- dent Prevention Association. Schools from Port Arthur, Welland, Gananoque and Ottawa will be represented. The subject of the students' speeches, "A Student Looks at Safety." The contest will be held in the evening of March 10 at a local hotel. }Canada," said Mr. Diefenbaker' that (1954) Geneva agreement and/equipment into South Viet Nam constitute the root cause of gen-|for the purpose of overthrowing eral instability... . the government of South Viet "The cessation of hostile ac-|Nam by force." tivities by North Viet Nam is a| Secret bases had been estab- prerequisite to the restoration| lished in South Viet Nam "with of peace in Viet Nam... ." the support of the. government Attached to the Canadian mi-|0f North Viet Nam and other nority report is a bulky list sup-| Communist countries." plied by the South Vietnamese) Last May, External Affairs government showing the num-| Minister Martin told the NATO ber of Communist infiltration--| ministerial meeting at The 39,000--and types and numbers|Hague that a Communist vic-| | | | | Oshawa district were admitted to Hospital, Peter- borough, early Saturday morning after their car rammed a steel bridge abut- ment on Highway 28 near Fraserville. The driver, Stanley Alger, 18, of RR 1, Blackwateft, has been charged with careless driv- ing. He is in satisfactory condition with face cuts. George Harvey, 19, of Whit- by, has a fractured right ankle. George Mulligan, 18, of Ajax, has head lacera- tions and undetermined in- juries. The 1962 vehicle was a total wreck. Three youths Civie WANT TO KNOW Mr. Diefenbaker "if there is men's, and Walter Dow sec- ond. Mrs. Ada Pilcher won the ladies' consolation -and Tom Martin, the men's con- solation. Lyle Gildart won the door prize. Elwood Bradley, chairman of the program committee of the Woodview Park Neigh- borhood Association reports that teen-age girls meet every Monday night in the club house for an evening of fun and games. Tuesday's is adult games night, Wed- nesday nights euchres and meetings, Thursday nights the Neighborhood Associa- tion Dart League, and Thursday afternoons the Ladies' Bridge Club, Friday afternoon the Senior Citizens meet and at night the Junior and Senior square dance class meet. One Saturday a month a cribbage tourna ment is held. The next membership meeting of the Woodview Park Neighborhood Associa- tion willbe held on Mar. 10, in the evening. The band of the Ontario Regiment will hold the first of its "Pop" concerts Mar. 12, not Mar, 10 as was re- ported in Saturday's edition of The Jshawa Times. The concert will be held in the McLaughlin Collegiate and Vocational Institute audi- torium and will be under the direction of Bandmaster Capt. George W. Quick. Baritone Ross Cotton will be one of the featured solo- ists. The Individual Champion- ships of the Brooklin Dupli- cate Bridge Club were held recently. 'The winners and - high scores were: J. Coles, 139; side power.' / commented to be a con- HERE and THERE imately bipartisan when there) Marine landing in South Viet lowing Communist Viet Cong| lattacks on U.S. bases and per- and deliberate escala- sonnel in South Viet Nam. the) Nam. pro-, The landings amount to "'sys- tematic more|tion' of the war, said Konni| and Zilliacus, leader of a group of House of Commons members | -|who had demanded that Prime} Minister Harold Wilson end his} support of U.S. policy in Viet} Nam. | | is consultation and when fullest information is vided "' | Mr Diefenbaker said details would be helpful "careful scrutiny" needed. 'Did Mafia Get Rivard? MONTREAL | "This is just straight inter-) |national aggression and nothing | else," said Zilliacus. | "Unless the Unite : . government is stopped by oppo- (CP) --. When|\ sition from Britain, added tol ulation is rampant That certainly applied in what) United States, we shall was the week-end Canada's|qragged into another Korean best-selling mystery, entitled) war, or: possibly an interna- \the vanishing act of Lucien Ri-| tional one." | vard ; Montreal's Bordeaux Jail, the; wijson for comment on alleged narcotics kingpin still marine landing at 'Tuesday's was somewhere in the Montreal) poyse session Moan district cela 00s SEMEN EE | Where, no one was sure, But Pp li somewhere. For some, however, this line o11ce Pelted just. didn't held water--or Ri- ; fast, | With Snowballs : ; ce TORONTO (CP)--A_ jeering fag) THEORIES a crowd bombarded morality From this Broup unspect ied, | squad detectives with snowballs junidentified "police spokes-\ carly Sunday as the policemen frooet a RCMP ae raided a University of Toronto ap Lohan ype sion Alvar »| fraternity house, seizing a large e lawyer who said he was of-| quantity of 'beer and taking |fered a bribe in connection with! about 150 names | |the Rivard extradition case, and| two patrol wagons were others in the "those-who-once-| moved in and the crowd was! ni pha re he warned to move off the side-| steady s ins | walks ; ies such as these: = ks and go home or be locked eg geo or about Inspector William Pilkington ° rns edges gee die said the summons department feaed igh w re ne was a*/does not operate during week-| eged by a US. grand jUury/ ends but that charges may be! to have been associated just! jaid today, He said the frater- couldn't afford to have him/nity Zeta Psi, had set up a bar running around loose with all) ror the party ut no. beer-vend: that evidence. in fact, they) ing machine 'wat found probably rigged the whole es- 'About 70 of the party-goers 7 j ares #8 a fee P piprcot ee ree him up" for escaped through windows in the evacd a In Mcnteaat three-storey house while police itself, but he was not too tar oneres sie front door. away, maybe using a disguise! . and wailing for the right time j and wai | Bushfire Hits --He was already gone ial East Australia : } these parts, perhaps in West- | | | | | Prince Plays His Trumpet c d Cc row on : : ee : The 45 leftist Laborites who) Charles F Eng agi Me eiyavidr oh signed the motion of condémna-| Handel, Bach, Benjamin Brit- our days after he escaped from} tion made clear they will press!|ten, Purcell and Herbert Chap- the | | pel. ¢ MONTROSE, Scotland (AP) |Prince Charles played his trumpet Saturday night hurch benefit program that d States| included a jazz cantata. | in a With other boys from Gor- onstoun School, he played in) facts are few, chances ate sPeC-|\the opposition which already|a charity concert at the Mont-| exits in large measure in the | rose town hall to raise money| be| for St. Luke's and St. John's | hurch: From his place in the back the school orchetra, joined in pieces by The final piece on the pro- ___|gram was The Daniel Jazz, which told the story of the Old |Testament prophet in a jazz antata. NEED... FUEL OIL? Call Day or Night 723-3443 Need Mortgage Money? Real Estote McGILL "s..° Day or Night - 728-4285 | HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 | eee") | © CONVENTION © MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff RESERVE YOUR FUNCTION NOW! 723-4641 MONUMENTS Special Offer 10% REDUCTION Off our large selection of modern cemetery memorials. Evening ap- pointments welcome. OSHAWA MONUMENT CO, RR. 4 -- OSHAWA John Martin Oshawa Tel. 728-3111 Evenings call 723-6264 Located % mile east of city limits on Highway 2. IF CROUP ATTACKS YOUR CHILD'S BREATHING P. B. Francis, Phm.B -- J. R. Steffen, B.Sc.,Phm. Croup is one of the symptoms of @ throat problem. Breathing is difficult and there may be @ spasm of the larynx with @ wheezing sound, It may occur in eeute laryngitis, streptococcus sore throot or even diphtheria, It is important to call @ physici While r] stort @ steam vaporizer near your child. Until the vaporizer begins to steam, turn on the hot woter in the bethroom and expose your child to the steem there. For steam usually brings some quick relief. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need @ medicine. Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly without exti cherge. A greet many people entrust us with their prescripti May we d yours? EASTVIEW PHARMACY 573 King Street East _--______] Peter B. Francis, Phm. 8B. - Oshawe PHONE 725-3594 Fast -- Free -- Motorized Delivery John R. Steffen, B.Se, Phm. TUESDAY AND ALL DAY WEDNESDAY SPECIAL lL. Barkell, 129%; Mrs. L. Barkell, 129; J. Patterson, 12814; R. Davis, 12644; Mrs. Wadsworth, 126; Wm. 125; Mrs. W. HH, 125; Mrs, McLeod, Mrs. Walter Beech won top honors for ladies at the Woodview Park Neighbor- hood Association Euchre Cc night. Mrs. Marg Lee was Clarke, second in the ladies' division, Baker, Ernest Lawton firt in the 125. ern Europe or in Mexico. The} SYDNEY, Australia (AP) -- jailbreak was a well-planned/A giant bushfire raged across affair and the planning cer-|eastern Australia Sunday, raz-| tainly didn't stop at the bot-|ing more than 30 homes. One | tom of Bordeaux's grey 25-|man perished. | foot wall. The Mafia narco-| Officials said hundreds of tics ring had been traced to|sheep and cattle were killed, | Europe and Mexico; he's just;and thousands of acres of ranch | lost in the network. land and orchards destroyed. | --He'd never move out of Police and volunteers with Montreal. Why should he? A rifles destroyed injured ani-) man could get lost forever in|mals | the labyrinth of the city's un-| The man who died slipped derworld. while fighting the fire near) One thing, though, other Ri-;Goulbutn, on the southern | vardologists were saying. He'd|tablelands and fe! into flames. have to. get rid of Andre Duro-| In Victoria, 2,000 firefighters, | cher, the armed robbery convict including hundreds of troops,| ow with him. Rivard|fought to control a blaze on a! : Rea = re couldn't chance keeping Duro-|100-mile front in the Gippsland) ot uiiert ame tae Bert cher with him bui he couldn'tjarea_ They were , successfully) Winds light becoming north.|/¢! him off on his own where|controlling the flames on much) be |he might cet caught and spill/of the front, officials said. SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Your Clothes @ Will Look Like New @ Will Feel Like New When Cleaned By "The Best In Town' Phone 725-1191 | ».$].00 25].00 STEAKS PURE PORK LINK SAUSAGE SEASONED UR DRUG NEED 723-224 TV and STEREO WAYNE'S 78 Simcoe N. Telephone 723-1411 Each FREE-CITY JURY AND LOVELL FREEZER SPECIAL HINDQUARTERS ' Ib BEEF "CUT AND WRAPPED FREE" FINAL FUR CLEARANCE ARTEN'S FUR 75 KING ST. E., OSHAWA Wwevywevnwdsywy of Communist Chinese, Russian|tory in South Viet Nam would Czechoslovakian and East Ger-| jeopardize the stability of Thai- man weapons and ammunition|!and and Malaysia and "under- smuggled into South Viet Nam.|mine" the neutrality of Laos The Canadian report doe not|and Cambodia. ' question these figures which}. --S are generally higher than those disclosed in a United States} T - white paper issued Feb. 26. een agers India and Poland wrote a ma-} S d | igity gp Feb. 13 from | urren er | t C i ee mich the Canadian delegation! yaNnERHOOF, B.C. (CP)--| disented. Britain published the|phree downcast 'tee s| document today without the! ja. tharnchele rae nds agreement of the other chair-| G4), ' rep) seid wan? Rusia -- of the 1556 anol posal gunslinging es-| Geneva conference which Ad bes da Af subddeiie siebiunadia uauas tablished the truce commision. | "vhs PY ae eer 7 WEATHER FORECAST The majority report says the)... ye iggy UE egg gga AB ae 'aoe 67. {struggled onto. the Fort St U.S. bombings of -| a aoc | ombings of military in-| 7. Is : , 35 staliation in North Viet "Nam |vames - Vanderhoof road, 350) bd "indicate violations of the Gen- ayer Nie EN SnCaUY EE 1 t how evn 'Avhaonintt." jtheir hands high shouting cls : Don't shoct, don't shoot." whe Canadian report says:| The arrest ended in tame T 'By concentrating on a very)fashion a manhunt by 24 RCMP For u e limited aspect of the situation |officers and 15 armed civilians es a in Mig: hyo U.S. bomb-|who rushed into the area after « ings), the majority report runs'a night of violence in which bul-;) TORONTO (CP) Forece g h -- Forecasis the serious risk of giving the/lets, threats and knives flew|isued by the weather office at members of the Geneva con- freely. 5:30 am.: : ference a distorted picture of The gunmen raided and shot es sis e ' 2 Synopsis: A southward pushjerly 15 tonig < ini the nature of the problem in up a resort cabin, terrorized its of cold air will continue today gah fo agg ER River oo-| Sometiing that would ensnare) In poe agp hie a nega Viet Nam and its underlying occupants, confronted and dis-| and Tuesday. Tonight and Tues-| casional light snow heginning| ere ; ee ee er -- causes. jarmed two RCMP constables, | day will see an unsettled wea-|this afternoon and ending over-| Theories about this dilemna federal government will join sg ec ge pec ng -|pepvered several cars with bul-|ther picture over southern re-/night. Tuesday mostly aunty ee F Pete niger aceuse Canada of distortion in|lets, and took a hostage on al gions with some light snow ex-|and colder. Winds be oming| ee Se See eee ce a a ee an attached statement. high-speed escape ted A bail Ag pealaeen S_ becoming leven know each, other before|50 basis. . _thigl ; ____|_ | pected. building area of high northerly 20 by this evening} Rorg And k < -- | pressure over Northern Ontario and light again Tuesday. i sista 4 re they, were ww | Tuesday will give clearing skies %_ : thel you paula Re sure tiey went ina S uss lbut colder temperatures. ? Forecast Temperatures their separate ways. They were | Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Low tonight, high Tuesday: -- |{wo different types with thelr, Lake Huron, Windsor, London:| Windsor ......... 2 oC mendes end their own hid-| Afr id To Off | U S |Clouding over again tonight/St. Thomas. ing. plac neo a with occasional light snow or|London .. SEKS ADS en aolvs snowflurries late tonight and | Kitchener sean Lacon TAS) wouia IAP ee : Tuesday morning. Not much/ Mount Forest Health Minister Yacoub Sharraf K yA ) -- China has) North Viet Nam, It said nine|change in temperature. Winds Wingham of. Lebano "has "9 th filed a formal protest with the|of them were severely hurt. light. Hamilton .... cchaeat san saereth ateer! Soviet Union against ruthless! The dispatch said Chinese) Niagara, Lake Ontario, Ham-/St, Catharines.. tisin on aweinian ae a ihe suppression by Soviet troops|Ambassado. Pan Tsuli handed /ilton, Toronto: Clouding over Toronto bean decision ofthe #idan and police of ¢ hinese Students / the protest note to Soviet For-|again tonight with occasional Peterborough |government to clanthats suck who demonstrated against the/eign Minister Andrei Gromyko.|light snow or snowflurries on) Trenton | ds TV. H ial ising to: United States in Moscow Thurs-/The message demanded that)Tuesday. Not much change in! Killaloe leased inlas a ee oe day Why, it asked, is the So-|the Soviet government '"'ac-/temperature. Winds light. Muskoka heath ee ere = government 50 afraid of knowledge its error and apol-| 'Georgian Bay, Killaloe, Hali-|North Bz | gr Pe i ON to the students." burton, North Bay, Sudbury: | Sudbury c! ina news| The note said that in viet of|Clouding over early tonight. Oc- Earlton .. aera dee igcceee the inecent\ en ip fae yprink bombing' on|casional light now tonight andj Sault Ste. Marie.» INCOME TAX } est/North Viet' Nam by the U.S, "if Tuesday morning. Turning) Kapuskasing charged that more than 30 Chi-lie entirely legitimate arid just| colder Tuesday. Winds light be White Rivers, RETURNS nese students were injured infor the foreign students study-' coming northerly 15 overnight. Moosonee .. the anti - American demonstra ing in Moscow to stage an anti Algoma, Timagami: Clouding | Timmins Phone 668-8252 tions against U.S. air strikes in| American demonstration." lover this afternoon. Occasional'Kingston ..